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Imaji bermain dengan nalar menanggalkan logika serta intuisi

Imaji hadir bersanding apik dengan Hasrat


Imagination plays with reason, leaving logic and intuition behind

Imagination comes along nicely with the fact on fire

Imagination comes along ratio always play in feeling and thinking in bound

Imagination makes come true if we trying it the strong desire

Creativity by science will be got if the material of thinking is existed

Creativity by intuition will be formed by expert in intellectual spectrum

Creativity by motivation will be made in experiences will be seen exited

Creativity by imagination will be seen eccentric in innovation of artist forum

Phenomenon in imagination like being present like religion or philosophy to mankind

Phenomenon in creativity involving attitude is a must in creating a work

Phenomenon of philosophers in their objects and sense make this life become colourful, pungent to
the humankind

Phenomenon of artists in their objects and sense make this life become fact and the see as it as work

Imagination and creativity marry and pair nicely with the logic of removing the existing idealism

Imagination and creativity will not be divorced as long as philosophers and artists, both writers,
humanists and artists from newly famous or already famous ones, always put forward phenomena
and noumena about the facts of life as an idealism

July 20th, 2022. 02:06 PM

Phenomena and noumena of marriage give birth to idealistic imagination and creativity © Ayatullah

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