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Table of Contents

Table of contents
1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Context .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Project Topics ................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Statistical Tests for Random and Pseudo-random Number Generators ..................... 2
1.2.2 Statistical Functions ................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Project Goals ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 Motivation .................................................................................................................. 4
1.3.2 Objectives ................................................................................................................... 4
1.3.3 Project Description ..................................................................................................... 5
2 Bibliographical Review ............................................................................................................ 1
3 Theoretical Foundations ........................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Statistical Tests for Random and Pseudo-random Number Generators ............................ 8
3.1.1 NIST Statistical Test Suite ......................................................................................... 8 NIST Test 1 Frequency (Monobit) Test ........................................................... 9 NIST Test 2 Frequency Test within a Block .................................................. 10 NIST Test 3 Runs Test ................................................................................... 12 NIST Test 4 Test for the Longest Run of Ones in a Block ............................ 14 NIST Test 7 Non-overlapping Template Matching Test ............................... 17 NIST Test 8 Overlapping Template Matching Test ....................................... 19 NIST Test 9 Maurers Universal Statistical Test ....................................... 22 NIST Test 9 Maurers Universal Statistical Test (Corons variant) ........... 26
3.1.2 CryptoRand Statistical Test Suite ............................................................................ 28 The Histogram Test Hl Test ........................................................................... 28
3.2 Statistical Functions ........................................................................................................ 32
3.2.1 IBETA Statistical Function ...................................................................................... 32
3.2.2 IGAM and IGAMC Statistical Functions ................................................................ 33
3.2.3 The Chi-square Distribution ..................................................................................... 34
3.2.4 The Poison Distribution ........................................................................................... 36
3.3 OpenMP .......................................................................................................................... 38
4 Requirements Specifications and System Architecture ......................................................... 41
4.1 Block Diagram of the System ......................................................................................... 41
4.1.1 SeqTestRand ............................................................................................................ 41
4.1.2 ParTestRand ............................................................................................................. 42
4.1.3 SFC ........................................................................................................................... 43
4.2 Functional Requirements ................................................................................................ 43
4.3 Non-functional Requirements ......................................................................................... 44
4.4 Constraints ...................................................................................................................... 45
4.5 General System Architecture .......................................................................................... 46
5 Design Detail .......................................................................................................................... 48
5.1 Design Policies ................................................................................................................ 48
5.2 Use Cases ........................................................................................................................ 52
5.2.1 SeqTestRand ............................................................................................................ 52
5.2.2 ParTestRand ............................................................................................................. 55
5.2.3 SFC ........................................................................................................................... 55
5.3 Program Structure ........................................................................................................... 60
5.3.1 SeqTestRand ............................................................................................................ 60 SeqNIST ............................................................................................................ 60
Table of Contents SeqHistograms .................................................................................................. 68
5.3.2 ParTestRand ............................................................................................................. 72 ParNIST ............................................................................................................ 72 ParNIST_blocks ................................................................................................ 74
5.3.3 SFC ........................................................................................................................... 74
5.4 User interface .................................................................................................................. 76
5.4.1 SeqTestRand ............................................................................................................ 76
5.4.2 ParTestRand ............................................................................................................. 80
5.4.3 SFC ........................................................................................................................... 81
6 System Usage ......................................................................................................................... 84
6.1 SeqTestRand ................................................................................................................... 84
6.2 ParTestRand .................................................................................................................... 89
6.3 SFC .................................................................................................................................. 90
7 Deployment and experimental results .................................................................................... 94
7.1 Used Technology ............................................................................................................ 94
7.2 Running the Applications ................................................................................................ 94
7.2.1 Hardware requirements ............................................................................................ 94
7.2.2 Software requirements ............................................................................................. 95
7.3 Encountered Issues and Solutions Found ........................................................................ 95
7.4 Experimental Results ...................................................................................................... 96
7.4.1 NIST Battery ............................................................................................................ 96 NIST Test 1 Frequency (Monobit) Test ......................................................... 97 NIST Test 2 Frequency Test within a Block .................................................. 98 NIST Test 3 Runs Test ................................................................................... 99 NIST Test 4 Test for the Longest Run of Ones in a Block .......................... 100 NIST Test 7 Non-overlapping Template Matching Test ............................. 101 NIST Test 8 Overlapping Template Matching Test ..................................... 102 NIST Test 9 Maurers Universal Statistical Test ...................................... 103
8 Conclusions .......................................................................................................................... 104
8.1 Results ........................................................................................................................... 104
8.2 Comparison with Similar Systems ................................................................................ 105
8.3 Future Development ...................................................................................................... 106
9 References ............................................................................................................................ 107
10 Annexes .............................................................................................................................. 109
10.1 Experimental Results Tables ....................................................................................... 109
10.1.1 NIST Battery ........................................................................................................ 109
10.1.2 CryptoRand Battery ............................................................................................. 111
10.2 Papers .......................................................................................................................... 113
1 Introduction
1 Introduction
1.1 Context
The concept of randomness appeared a long time ago and was defined by Aristotle as
the situation when a choice is to be made which has no logical component by which to
determine or make the choice. [1] Over the years many scientific fields became concerned
with randomness, fields like cryptography, game theory, information theory, algorithmic
probability, pattern recognition, statistics, probability theory, quantum mechanics, and so on.
The many applications of randomness have led to many different methods for
generating random data. These methods may vary as to how unpredictable or statistically
random they are, and how quickly they can generate random numbers. [2]
There are two basic types of generators used to produce random sequences: true
random number generators (TRNGs) and pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs). The
difference between them is that the first one uses a nondeterministic source (the entropy
source) and a processing function (the entropy distillation process) to produce randomness,
while the second one uses one or more seeds to generate pseudo-random numbers. For
cryptographic applications, both of these generator types produce a sequence of zeroes and
The simplest random number generator could be an unbiased fair coin that is labeled
with a 0 on one side and with a 1 on the other side. The bit sequence generated would be
represented by the results of flipping the coin more times, with the condition that the flips are
independent of each other. This means that the result of a previous coin flip does not affect
the result of the next coin flips.
The condition from the previous example is in fact one of the properties of random
and pseudo-random number generators: unpredictability. This property states that the value of
the next element generated in the sequence cannot be predicted, regardless of how many
elements have already been produced. For pseudo-random number generators the
unpredictability is also applied for the seed, i.e. there should be no correlation between the
generated output sequence and the seed.
As any other application, the random number generators cannot be used if they are not
tested. Various statistical tests were developed over the years in order to test the reliability of
random number generators and to offer the possibility of comparing them. These tests are
divided in two categories: the ones that test sequences of bits and the ones that test random
numbers located in the interval [0, 1].
Given that randomness is a probabilistic property, we can say that the properties of a
random sequence can be described in terms of probability. That is why the outcome of
statistical tests applied to a truly random sequence, can be described in probabilistic terms and
is known a priori.
There are an infinite number of statistical tests, each of them testing a certain property
of truly random sequences. Because of the high number of tests, they are organized in
batteries, but none of these batteries can be called a complete set of tests for random number
generators. Caution must be taken not only when choosing the battery or batteries of tests to
use, but also when interpreting the results of the statistical tests.
The statistical tests must not only certify that a generator produces random sequences
or look for certain properties in a generator, but they must also be fast and efficient and must
be able to test sequences of various lengths. This way the same statistical tests can be used by
a vast pool of generators.
1 Introduction
1.2 Project Topics
1.2.1 Statistical Tests for Random and Pseudo-random Number Generators
A numeric sequence is said to be statistically random when it contains no recognizable
patterns or regularities. [3] It can be globally random or locally random. The global
randomness is based on the idea that a sequence can be random as a whole and not random on
some subsequence. Local randomness refers to the idea that there are minimum sequence
lengths for which random distributions are approximated.
As defined in [4], statistical tests provide a mechanism for making quantitative
decisions about a process, by determining whether there is enough evidence to reject a
conjecture or hypothesis about that process. The conjecture is also called the null hypothesis,
which in the case of random and pseudo-random number generators testing, represents the
belief that the generator produces random sequences.
Statistical tests cannot state that a sequence is 100% random, because even if the null
hypothesis is accepted, it doesn't mean that it is true. It only means that we do not have
enough evidence to believe that the hypothesis is false. However, statistical tests can reject
those sequences that are not random, based on some statistical properties of a truly random
Statistical tests have in fact two hypotheses: the null hypothesis (H
) and the
alternative hypothesis (H
). Obviously, the alternative hypothesis used in the testing of
random and pseudo-random number generators is represented by the belief that the sequence
produced is not random. Besides the two hypotheses, a statistical test also contains a test
statistic that is based on the specific property tested, and the significance level (). The
significance level defines the sensitivity of the test or the risk of rejecting the null hypothesis.
It can be chosen arbitrary, even though in practice values of 0.01, 0.1 and 0.5 are usually
The P-value is the probability of obtaining a result at least as extreme as the one that
was actually observed when assuming that the null hypothesis is true. [5] The probability of
rejecting a null hypothesis is strongly related to the P-value: the lower the P-value, the higher
the probability. However, the P-value should not be confused with the probability of the null
hypothesis to be true or with the probability of falsely rejecting the null hypothesis. The P-
value cannot give an answer without a significance level set, because the null hypothesis can
be rejected only if the P-value is lower than the significance level.
The power of the statistical tests is represented by the probability of rejecting a null
hypothesis when it is actually false. The values of the test statistic that lead to the rejection of
the null hypothesis form the critical region, which is defined based on a cut-off value that is
computed based on the test distribution and the significance level.
The steps of any statistical test, as they are described in [6] are:
1. Formulate the hypothesis.
2. Calculate a statistic as a function of the data used as input.
3. Choose a critical region.
4. Chose a significance level, representing the size of the critical region.
5. Analyze the position of the test statistic relatively to the critical region. If the
test statistic value exceeds the critical region, then the null hypothesis for
randomness is rejected.
There are two types of errors that can appear in the context of statistical tests. The type
I error appears when the data is random, but the null hypothesis is rejected. The other type of
error (type II error) appears when the data is not random, but the null hypothesis is accepted.
The probability of a type I error is represented by the significance level (), and the
probability of a type II error is denoted by . Unlike , is not fixed because it can take many
1 Introduction
different values, depending on the type of non-randomness of the input sequence. However,
and are related to each other and to the size of the input sequence, meaning that if two of
them are known, the third one can be calculated.
The first statistical tests for random numbers were published by M.G. Kendal and
Bernard Babington Smith in [7] in 1938. Over the years, a great number of statistical tests
were developed for testing random and pseudo-random number generators. Some of the
batteries most known today are:
NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) [8]
TestU01 [10]
ENT [11]
The NIST Statistical Test Suite tests bit sequences generated by both random and
pseudo-random number generators. The ENT battery also uses bit sequences as input, but
tests pseudo-random number generators. The Diehard battery tests real numbers in the
interval [0, 1] and the TestU01 is based on NIST and Diehard, but also contains a great
number of original tests. Therefore TestU01 uses as input both bit sequences and real number
The battery of tests chosen and the tests performed from that battery depend on the
type of generator tested and on the properties we want to seek in it. The results of the
statistical tests do not give only an answer to the question Is this sequence random or not?,
but also provide means to analyze the results, in order to understand what properties must be
improved for a certain generator and how far away is that generator from producing a random
1.2.2 Statistical Functions
Statistical functions are mathematical functions used to statistically analyze data. In
the context of statistical test, statistical functions are used to compute the P-value, being
therefore an important part of random number testing.
One of the most known libraries that contain such statistical functions is the Cephes
library. This library provides special functions of mathematical physics and related items in
the C language for scientists and engineers. It not only contains some of the most widely used
statistical functions, but also elementary mathematical functions and other functions that
come in hand when developing any statistical application.
Some of the statistical functions most widely used are:
The GAMMA function
LGAMMA the logarithmic gamma function
IGAM the incomplete gamma function (regularized)
IGAMC the complemented incomplete gamma function (regularized)
ERF the error function
ERFC the complemented error function
IBETA incomplete beta function
The POISSON distribution
The CHY SQUARE distribution
These functions take as parameters some statistical variables computed from the initial
input data, and compute the random distribution over the input sequence. They have a great
importance in the development of statistical tests for random and pseudo random number
generators, because they are used when a decision is made regarding the acceptance or
rejection of the null hypothesis. The type of statistical function used by each test depends on
the test's distribution and property verified.
1 Introduction
1.3 Project Goals
The current project is a part of the CryptoRand research project and aims at
developing a more efficient implementation of the NIST Statistical Test Suite and also a
battery of original tests developed as part of this project.
The main objective of the CryptoRand project, as stated in [12], is the study and
development of high performance systems for generation and testing of random number
sequences for cryptographic applications.
1.3.1 Motivation
The belief that a random number generator does truly produce random sequences can
be certified only by statistical tests designed to test such sequences. Given the importance of
random numbers in cryptography, and not only, this kind of statistical tests can become
crucial. Although the NIST Statistical Test Suite is one of the most known batteries of tests, it
is limited in the maximum size of the sequence to be tested and may take a considerate
amount of time to complete the chosen tests.
Given this facts, the motivation of the current project is the need of a more efficient
implementation of the NIST Statistical Test Suite and the constant need of development of
new statistical tests that reveal new properties of random sequences. The more tests a
sequence passes, the more motivated is the belief that that sequence is random.
The NIST Statistical Test Suite can be optimized not only for the classical sequential
architecture, but they can also be improved for parallel multi-core architectures. The new
statistical tests developed in this project also need to be implemented in an efficient manner
for both the sequential and parallel architectures.
In order to design new statistical tests, one has to have a deep understanding of the
statistical functions used. With this in mind, the current project also proposes a statistical
functions calculator, containing the functions most used when developing statistical tests for
random and pseudo-random sequences. This application is designed to ease the
comprehension of the behavior, domain and co-domain of each of these statistical functions.
1.3.2 Objectives
The main objectives of this project are:
Obtaining a more efficient sequential implementation of the NIST Statistical Test
Developing a parallel implementation of the NIST Statistical Test Suite.
Analyzing and implementing in an efficient manner a sequential version of the
original statistical tests developed in the CryptoRand project.
Implementing a parallel version of the CryptoRand battery of tests.
Defining the testing modes of the statistical tests.
Analyzing statistical functions and choosing a suite of the most used ones in
statistical tests.
Designing a calculator to ease the comprehension of statistical functions.
Offering the possibility to tabulate statistical functions for a certain given interval.
Offering the possibility to run the tests on a batch of files or on a single file.
Displaying the results in a textual manner and in a graphical manner.
1 Introduction
1.3.3 Project Description
The current project is a team project and is composed of a number of applications that
can be used as stand alone projects or combined in a certain manner, being closely related to
each other. The applications can be grouped in more categories, depending on the criterion of
classification. A first classification can be done by dividing the applications into the ones that
are concerned with statistical tests and the one that is concerned with statistical functions. A
second classification can be done for the first group by separating them in sequential
implementations and parallel implementations. Both the sequential and the parallel
implementations are composed of two batteries of tests: NIST and CryptoRand. These
batteries come in two shapes: grouped in a single project that has a graphical user interface,
and stand alone applications that be run independently from the command line prompt.
The project consists of the following applications that were implemented by a team of
two people:
SFC - Statistical Functions Calculator
SeqTestRand incorporates the sequential versions of the tests from the two
batteries and provides a graphical user interface.
SeqNIST command line application containing the sequential version of the
NIST battery.
SeqHistograms command line application containing the sequential version of
the Histogram tests.
SeqGenBlockFreqTest this application was entirely developed by my colleague
and will be therefore presented by her.
ParTestRand incorporates the parallel versions of the tests from two batteries and
provides a graphical user interface.
ParNIST command line application containing the parallel version of the NIST
battery (each test was parallelized).
ParHistograms this application was entirely developed by my colleague and will
be therefore presented by her.
ParNIST_blocks command line application containing the sequential version of
the tests from the NIST battery and the parallelization of the
blocks on which the tests are run.
ParHistograms_blocks command line application containing the sequential
version of the Histogram tests and the parallelization of
the blocks on which the tests are run.
ParGenBlockFreqTest this application was entirely developed by my colleague
and will be therefore presented by her.
The first step done in the development of this project was to analyze the
documentation offered by NIST and find possible optimizations to each of the 14 tests
offered. (Actually the documentation describes 16 statistical tests, but 2 of them were
disregarded by NIST, because of some problems found.) The tests were divided equally
between the members of the team. I also studied another version of one of the NIST tests,
proposed by J. S. Coron in two of his articles.
After the optimizations for each of the tests were analyzed, some decisions were taken
regarding the maximum size of the sequence to be tested and the testing modes. The tests
were implemented first in a version that allowed files with a size greater than 1GB, by reading
200000 bytes from the input sequence at once and processing them. Because of the time
required to process sequences greater than 1 GB, it was decided that this version has to be
integrated in another project that uses the great computational power of a grid.
1 Introduction
For the second version of the tests the maximum size of the sequence to be tested was
chosen to be 1 GB and the four testing modes that were selected are:
Mode 1 running the tests on the whole sequence.
Mode 2 running the tests on a given number of blocks of a given equal size.
Mode 3 running the tests on a given number of blocks which increase in size
with a given step.
Mode 4 running the tests on a given number of blocks which decrease in size
with a given step.
After the sequential version of the tests was implemented, the next step was to find the
statistical tests that could be parallelized. Out of the 14 tests implemented in the sequential
version, only 9 were candidates for parallelization, out of which 6 were implemented by me
and 3 by my colleague.
By this phase of the project, two tests were developed for the CryptoRand battery: the
Histogram Test and the General Block Frequency Test. The Histogram Tests is actually
composed of 8 sub-tests, because of the bit-length used (from 1 bit to 8 bits). The sequential
version of these tests was implemented and they were analyzed further more in order to see if
they could be parallelized. Only 2 of the Histogram Tests and the General Block Frequency
Test were parallelized (by my colleague).
For the NIST tests and the Histogram tests, two more parallel applications were
developed in order to parallelize the testing modes 2, 3 and 4, by using the sequential versions
of the tests. The one for the NIST battery was developed by me and the one for the Histogram
tests was developed by my colleague.
The sequential and the two parallel versions of these tests were incorporated in two
separate applications that have a graphical user interface. For these two applications there are
two possibilities two run the tests: on a single file that contains the input sequence and on
multiple files in a batch mode. Also there are two possible ways to represent the result: in a
textual manner or in a graphical manner. My part in the implementation of these two
applications was to design the graphical user interface and to implement the graphical
representation mode, whereas my colleague handled the incorporation of the applications
developed so far.
The applications were tested in order to check their results and to make a comparison
between the NIST implementation and our implementation and between the sequential and
parallel versions in terms of execution time and maximum file size accepted. The experiments
were performed on a computer with two quad core processors and on files of various sizes.
In the process of analyzing the statistical tests, the importance of statistical functions
was underlined. Therefore, a new application was developed that calculates the values of
some statistical functions, which are most used in statistical tests. The application also offers
the possibility to tabulate the values of the functions for some given intervals. The functions
were divided in 8 categories, out of which four were analyzed and implemented by me.
In the end, the project can be discussed by talking about three applications: the
sequential version of the statistical tests for random number sequences (SeqTestRand), the
parallel version of the statistical tests for random number sequences (ParTestRand) and the
statistical functions calculator (SFC).
2 Bibliographical Review
2 Bibliographical Review
The bibliographic study has done at the Technical University of Cluj Napoca, the
Computer Science section. The study was mainly concerned with randomness, statistical tests
for random and pseudo-random number generators, statistical functions and parallelization
In order to understand the concepts of randomness, random and pseudo-random
number generators and statistical tests, some studies were done, starting with the basic
information provided on Wikipedia ([1], [2], [3] and [5]) and continuing with a series of
books. The NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods [4] describes in detail
what is a statistical test and how it should be used, while the steps of a statistical test and
many other details are also described in the book A 100 Statistical Tests, by Kopal K. Kanji
[6]. When talking about random numbers we cannot skip the study of Knuths book The Art
of Computer Programming - Seminumerical Algorithms.
The implementation of the NIST statistical test suite for random and pseudo-random
number generators is based on the documentation offered by NIST on the institutes web page
[8]. This paper does not only contain the description of all the tests, including the algorithm
used and the technical descriptions of each test, but it also gives a brief introduction to
randomness, random number generators and random sequences. The algorithms described in
the documentation were modified in order to become more efficient, but the purpose of the
tests remained the same. For the 9
test of the NIST statistical test suite, namely Maurers
Universal Statistical Test, two articles written by J. S. Coron were studied ([15] and [17]) in
order to implement another version of the test using Corons improved formulas.
The second battery of test implemented, CryptoRand, is based on the article written by
professor Ioan Rasa [18]. Some other statistical tests suite were also studied briefly in order to
better understand the concept of statistical test and to get an overview of the existing batteries.
These suites were: TestU01, Diehard and ENT and for each of them code and documentation
is provided on their corresponding web pages [9], [10], [11].
The statistical functions implemented were studied from different web sites that
provide description of various mathematical and statistical functions. Some of these web sites
are Wikipedia, the Math World Wolfram Web Resource web site and Alglib.NET, where
the last one also provided some implementations in .NET. Mathematical formulas of the
statistical function were also provided in the Handbook of Mathematical Functions, by
Abramowitz and Stegun [20].
The tests were parallelized with the help of OpenMP directives for C. For this purpose
the OpenMP tutorial from [37] was studied, together with some other OpenMP articles like
the one written by Kang Su Gatlin and Pete Isensee, about OpenMP and C/C++.
3 Theoretical Foundations
3 Theoretical Foundations
3.1 Statistical Tests for Random and Pseudo-random Number
As Knuth said in [13], if we were to give some man a pencil and paper and ask him to
write down 100 random decimal digits, chances are very slim that he will give a satisfactory
result, because people tend to avoid things that seem non-random. Thats why the most
analyzed problem in the domain of random numbers is: when can we say that a number
random and how can this fact be determined?
Over the years, the theory of statistics began to provide some measures of randomness
for sequences produced by various generators, with the development of various statistical
tests. Each of these tests searched for one or more properties of a truly random number in the
input sequence. Because the number of statistical tests is very vast, they were grouped into
batteries of tests, out of each two will be presented next. The first one is NIST, which is one
of the most know statistical test suite, and the second one is a new developed battery, being
part of the CryptoRand project.
The statistical tests presented here measure quantitative properties of the tested
sequences. This is the most used method, but there are other methods to detect non-
randomness in a sequence, like the one mentioned in [14]: looking at random bits plotted in a
plane. The pictures obtained have revealed spatial correlations not clearly detected in the
quantitative tests [14]. These tests could not be used as stand alone batteries, but rather to be
used as a complement of the quantitative ones.
3.1.1 NIST Statistical Test Suite
The NIST Statistical Test Suite is a battery of tests for random and pseudo-random
number generators that may be used for many purposes including cryptographic, modeling
and simulation applications. It contains a total of 16 tests, out of which NIST disregarded 2
because of some problems that were found. The two tests that are taken out of the battery are
the Discrete Fourier Transform (Spectral) Test (test 6) and the Lempel-Ziv Compression Test
(test 10). The 14 tests are designed for generators that produce a sequence of bits, being
therefore focused on cryptographic applications. Their algorithms are described in the official
NIST documentation [8].
The significance level used by these tests is 0.01 and the null hypothesis is represented
by the belief that the sequence is random. Therefore if the P-value computed for each test is
less than 0.01 the null hypothesis is rejected, otherwise it is accepted.
Even if the order in which the tests are applied is arbitrary, it is recommended that the
first test, the Frequency (Monobit) Test, be applied first because it looks for the most basic
evidence that the test is not random, namely non-uniformity. If this test fails, the likelihood of
the other tests to fail as well is high.
The reference distributions mainly used by these tests are the Standard Normal
distribution and the Chi-square (
) distribution.[8] The first one (also called bell-shape curve)
is used to compare the test statistic obtained for the random number generator with the
expected value of the statistic under the assumption of randomness. The test statistic for the
standard normal distribution has the form
(x - )

, where x is the sample test statistic

value, is the expected value and
is variance of the test statistic. The Chi-square
distribution (
) is used to compare the goodness-of-fit of the observed frequencies of a
sample measure to the corresponding expected frequencies of the hypothesis distribution, and
3 Theoretical Foundations
has the form
( )
i i 2
o - e
| `

. ,

, where o
are the observed frequencies of occurrence of the
measure and e
are the expected frequencies.[8]
In the next sub-sections I will present the algorithms and the theoretical aspects for
each of the tests implemented by me. NIST Test 1 Frequency (Monobit) Test
1. Purpose
The purpose of this test, as stated in [8], is to determine whether the number of ones
and zeroes in a sequence are approximately the same as would be expected for a truly random
sequence. The appearance of a zero or a one in the global input sequence should be equally
likely, so the defect detected by this test is that the sequence contains too many zeroes or
2. Used notations
n = the length of the input sequence in bits.
= the sequence of bits being tested.

i i
X = 2 -1= 1
= the absolute value of the sum of X

in the sequence, divided by the
square root of the length of the sequence.
= the difference between the number of ones and the number of zeroes.
3. Test statistic and reference distribution
The test statistic is s
and the reference distribution is a half-normal distribution. For
a random sequence the test statistic should tend to zero, because only this way the number of
zeroes and the number of ones can be approximately the same.
4. Input size recommendations
n 100 bits
5. Test description
For this test, the null hypothesis is that in a sequence of independent identically
distributed Bernoulli random variables, the probability of ones is 1/2. The test makes use of
the following approximation in order to asses the closeness of the number of ones to half of
the sequences length: the distribution of the binomial sum, normalized by
, is closely
approximated by a standard normal distribution. The algorithm is derived from the Central
Limit Theorem for the random walk and is described in the following steps.
Step 1
Convert to 1 the bits in the sequence following the formula:
2 1
i i
Compute the following sum, representing the difference between the number of
ones and the number of zeroes in the sequence:
1 2
n n
S X X X + + +
Step 2
Compute the test statistic:
| |

3 Theoretical Foundations
Step 3
P value erfc
| `

. ,
, where erfc is the complementary error function
and has the form
2 2
( )
erfc z e du

Step 4
If ( 0.01 P value < ) then the sequence is non-random, else the sequence is random.
6. Example trace
In order to better understand the algorithm described above, an example will be
presented next.
Input: = 1011010101, n = 10.
Step 1
1, 1,1,1, 1,1, 1,1, 1,1 X
1 ( 1) 1 1 ( 1) 1 ( 1) 1 ( 1) 1 2
S + + + + + + + + +
Step 2
| 2 |
Step 3
P value erfc
| `

. ,
Step 4
0.527089 0.01 P value > , therefore the sequence is random.
7. Conclusions
The sequence would have been rejected by the test if
were to be large,
causing the P-value to decrease below 0.01. Large positive values of S
indicate that the
sequence contains too many ones, and large negative values of S
indicate too many zeroes in
the sequence. NIST Test 2 Frequency Test within a Block
1. Purpose
The purpose of this test, as stated in [8], is to determine whether frequency of ones in
an M-bit block is approximately M/2, as would be expected under an assumption of
randomness. If M = 1 the test becomes the Frequency (Monobit) Test. The appearance of a
zero or a one in one of the blocks should be equally likely, so the defect detected by this test
is that at least one of the blocks contains too many zeroes or ones.
2. Used notations
n = the length of the input sequence in bits.
M = the length of each block in bits.
= the sequence of bits being tested.

N = the number of non-overlapping blocks.
3 Theoretical Foundations

= the proportion of ones in block i.

(obs) = a measure of how well the observed proportion of ones within a
given M-bit block match the expected proportion .
3. Test statistic and reference distribution
The test statistic is
(obs) and the reference distribution is a Chi-square (
4. Input size recommendations
n 100 bits
n M N
M 20 bits
M 0.01 n
N < 100
5. Test description
The test decomposes the input sequence into a number of non-overlapping
subsequences, trying to detect localized deviations from the ideal 1/2 proportion of ones. It
actually applies the chi-square test for a homogeneous match of empirical frequencies to the
ideal 1/2. For each disjoint block sequence the proportion of ones is computed and a Chi-
square statistic, with N (number of blocks) degrees of freedom, compares these proportions to
the ideal one. The following steps describe how the algorithm works.
Step 1
Partition the input sequence into

non-overlapping blocks.
Discard any unused bits.
Step 2
Determine the proportion
of ones in each M-bit block:
( 1)
i M j

, for each i
in the interval [1, N].
Step 3
Compute the
(obs) statistic:
( ) 4
obs M

| `

. ,

Step 4
( )
2 2
N obs
P value igamc
| `

. ,
, where igamc is the complementary
(regularized) incomplete gamma function and has the following form:
( , )
( , ) 1 ( , )
( )

t a
a x
Q a x P a x e t dt
Step 5
If ( 0.01 P value < ) then the sequence is non-random, else the sequence is random.
3 Theoretical Foundations
6. Example trace
For a better understanding of the tests algorithm an example will be traced next.
Input: = 0110011010, n = 10, M = 3.
Step 1
N = 3
The blocks are: 011, 001 and 101.
The final 0 bit is discarded.
Step 2

Step 3
2 2 2
2 1 1 1 2 1
( ) 4 3 1
3 2 3 2 3 2
| `
| ` | ` | `
+ +

. , . , . ,
. ,
Step 4
3 1
, 0.801252
2 2
P value igamc
| `

. ,
Step 5
0.801252 0.01 P value > , therefore the sequence is random.
7. Conclusions
A small P-value would indicate a large deviation from the equal proportion of ones
and zeroes in at least one of the blocks. NIST Test 3 Runs Test
1. Purpose
The purpose of this test, as stated in [8], is to determine whether the number of runs of
ones and zeroes of various lengths is as expected for a random sequence. A run is an
uninterrupted sequence of identical bits. A run of length k consists of exactly k identical bits
bounded before and after with a bit of the opposite value. Practically, this test determines if
the oscillation between the runs of ones and zeroes in the sequence is too slow or too fast.
2. Used notations
n = the length of the input sequence in bits.
= the sequence of bits being tested.



= the proportion of ones in the input sequence.
(obs) = the total number of runs (i.e., the total number of zero runs + the
total number of one runs) across all the n bits.
3. Test statistic and reference distribution
The test statistic is V
(obs) and the reference distribution is a Chi-square (
4. Input size recommendations
n 100 bits
3 Theoretical Foundations
5. Test description
The test is based on the distribution of the total number of runs and has as a
prerequisite the Frequency (Monobit) Test. The following steps describe the algorithm used
for this test.
Step 1
Compute the pre-test proportion of ones in the input sequence:

Step 2
Determine if the prerequisite Frequency test is passed by computing

making the following comparison:


, then the Runs test does not need to be performed and the P-value is set
to 0.
The following steps are performed only if the prerequisite test performed in steps 1
and 2 is passed.
Step 3
Compute the test statistic:
( ) ( ) 1
V obs r k

, where r(k) = 0 if

, otherwise
r(k) = 1.
Step 4
( ) 2 (1 )
2 2 (1 )
V obs n
P value erfc

| `

. ,
, where erfc is the complementary
error function and has the form
2 2
( )
erfc z e du

Step 5
If ( 0.01 P value < ) then the sequence is non-random, else the sequence is random.
6. Example trace
The following example is shown in order to better illustrate the algorithm.
Input: = 1001101011, n = 10.
Step 1
6 3
10 5

Step 2

1 3 1
2 5 2
, therefore the test is run.
3 Theoretical Foundations
Step 3
, so
( ) (1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0) 1 7 V obs + + + + + + + + +
Step 4
3 3
7 2 10 1
5 5
3 3
2 2 10 1
5 5
P value erfc
| `
| `
| `

. ,
. ,

| `

. ,
. ,
Step 5
0.147232 0.01 P value > , therefore the sequence is random.
7. Conclusions
A large value for V
(obs) would indicate an oscillation in the sequence that is to fast,
while a small value would indicate that the oscillation is too slow. The conclusion is that for a
sequence to be random it mustnt have a lot of changes inside, but it must have a considerate
number of changes. NIST Test 4 Test for the Longest Run of Ones in a Block
1. Purpose
The purpose of this test, as stated in [8], is to determine whether length of the longest
run of ones within the tested sequence is consistent with the length of the longest run of ones
that would be expected in a random sequence. An irregularity in the expected length of the
longest run of ones implies that there is also an irregularity in the expected length of the
longest run of zeroes. Thats why only the test for the longest run of ones needs to be
computed. The test focuses on the longest run of ones within M-bit blocks and determines if
the oscillation between the runs of ones and zeroes in the sequence is too slow or too fast.
2. Used notations
n = the length of the input sequence in bits.
= the sequence of bits being tested.

M = the length of each block in bits.
N = the number of non-overlapping blocks.

(obs) = a measure of how well the observed longest run length within M-bit
blocks matches the expected longest length of a run of ones within M-bit blocks.

= the frequencies of the longest runs of ones in each block.

= theoretical probabilities.
3. Test statistic and reference distribution
The test statistic is
(obs) and the reference distribution is a Chi-square (
4. Input size recommendations
n 128 bits, if M = 8
n 6272 bits, if M = 128
n 750 000 bits , if M = 10
3 Theoretical Foundations
5. Test description
This test computes the longest run of ones
within the j
subsequence and chooses
K+1 classes depending on the value of M (the length of the subsequence). For these
substrings the frequencies of the longest runs of ones are computed, where the computed
values of the longest run of ones in each block belongs to any of the K+1 classes chosen. The
following steps illustrate the algorithm of this test.
Step 1
Divide the sequence into M-bit blocks.
Step 2
Tabulate the frequencies v
of the longest runs of ones in each block, where each cell
contains the number of runs of 1s of a given length, as shown in Table 3-1.
Table 3-1.The manner in which frequencies of the longest run of ones in each block are
tabulated depending on the size of the block chosen
M=8 M=128 M=10
1 4 10
2 5 11
3 6 12
4 7 13
8 14
9 15
Step 3
( )
( )
i i
v N

, where K is determined in accordance with

Table 3-2.
Table 3-2.The manner in which K is chosen depending on the size of the block chosen
8 3
values used in the above formula are computed in the following way:
( )
j 0
M r 1 M j(m 1)
P( m| r) 1
M j M r

+ + | `| `

| `
. ,. ,

. ,

where r represents the number of ones in the m-bit block, M r represents the
number of zeroes in the block,

represents the longest run of ones in the block and

U min M r 1,
m 1
| `

] . ,
The values obtained for
K {3, 5, 6}
are the following ones:
K = 3, M = 8:
= 0.2148,
= 0.3672,
= 0.2305,
= 0.1875.
K = 5, M = 128:
= 0.1174,
= 0.2430,
= 0.2493,
= 0.1752,
= 0.1027,
3 Theoretical Foundations

= 0.1124.
K = 6, M = 10
= 0.0882,
= 0.2092,
= 0.2483,
= 0.1933,
= 0.1208,

= 0.0675,
= 0.0727.
Step 4
( )
2 2
K obs
P value igamc
| `

. ,
, where igamc is the complementary
(regularized) incomplete gamma function and has the following form:
( , )
( , ) 1 ( , )
( )

t a
a x
Q a x P a x e t dt
Step 5
If ( 0.01 P value < ) then the sequence is non-random, else the sequence is random.
6. Example trace
The following example has the purpose of underlining the algorithm of the current
Input: = 11001100 00010101 01101100 01001100 11100000 00000010 01001101
01010001 00010011 11010110 10000000 11010111 11001100 11100110
11011000 10110010, n = 128, M = 8.
Step 1
Table 3-3.The sequence divided in blocks of 8 bits and the longest run of ones for each block
Block no. Block bits Max-run Block no. Block bits Max-run
1 11001100 2 9 00010011 2
2 00010101 1 10 11010110 2
3 01101100 2 11 10000000 1
4 01001100 2 12 11010111 3
5 11100000 3 13 11001100 2
6 00000010 1 14 11100110 3
7 01001101 2 15 11011000 2
8 01010001 1 16 10110010 2
Step 2
= 4, v
= 9, v
= 3, v
= 0.
Step 3
K = 3, N = 16

= 0.2148,
= 0.3672,
= 0.2305,
= 0.1875
2 2 2 2
(4 16 0.2148) (9 16 0.3672) (3 16 0.2305) (0 16 0.1875)
( )
16 0.2148 16 0.3672 16 0.2305 16 0.1875

+ + +

Step 4
3 4.882605
, 0.180598
2 2
P value igamc
| `

. ,
Step 5
0.180598 0.01 P value > , therefore the sequence is random.
7. Conclusions
Large values of
(obs) indicate that the sequence has clusters of ones.
3 Theoretical Foundations NIST Test 7 Non-overlapping Template Matching Test
1. Purpose
The purpose of this test, as stated in [8], is to detect generators that produce too many
occurrences of a given non-periodic pattern. An m-bit window is used to search for a specific
m-bit pattern. If the pattern is found, the window slides to the bit after the found pattern, else
the window slides one bit position. The property that this test is searching in the input
sequence is periodic dependence and the defect found is irregular occurrences of a pre-
specified template.
2. Used notations
n = the length of the input sequence in bits.
= the sequence of bits being tested.

m = the length of the pattern in bits.
B = the m-bit template to be matched.
M = the length of the substring of to be tested in bits.
N = number of independent blocks.

(obs) = a measure of how well the observed number of template hits
matches the expected number of template hits.
(j=1, , N) = the number of times that B occurs within the block j.
= theoretical mean.

= the variance.
3. Test statistic and reference distribution
The test statistic is
(obs) and the reference distribution is a Chi-square (
4. Input size recommendations
m = 2, 3, , or 10; it is recommended that m = 9 or m = 10.
N 100
M > 0.01 n
5. Test description
The test rejects input sequences that have too many or to few occurrences of a given
aperiodic pattern. An aperiodic pattern B cannot have the form CCCC , where C is a prefix
of C. The following steps describe the algorithm used by this test.
Step 1
Divide the sequence into N non-overlapping blocks of length M.
Step 2
Compute the number of times that the template occurs within the block j (W
), by
creating an m-bit window on the sequence and comparing the bits within the window
against the template.
If there is no match, the window slides over one bit.
If there is a match the window slides over m bits.
3 Theoretical Foundations
Step 3
M m

+ | `

. ,
1 2 1
2 2
m m
| `

. ,
Step 4
( )
( )

Step 5
( )
2 2
N obs
P value igamc
| `

. ,
, where igamc is the complementary
(regularized) incomplete gamma function and has the following form:
( , )
( , ) 1 ( , )
( )

t a
a x
Q a x P a x e t dt
Step 6
If ( 0.01 P value < ) then the sequence is non-random, else the sequence is random.
6. Example trace
In order to better understand the algorithm used by this test an example trace is
Input: = 10100100101110010110, n = 20, M = 10, m = 3, B = 001.
Step 1
N = 2
The blocks are: 1010010010 and 1110010110.
Step 2
Table 3-4.The number of appearances of the template in each block (W
Block 1 Block 2
Bits W1 Bits W2
1-3 101 0 111 0
2-4 010 0 110 0
3-5 100 0 100 0
4-6 001 (hit) Increment to 1 001 (hit) Increment to 1
5-7 Not examined 1 Not examined 1
6-8 Not examined 1 Not examined 1
7-9 001 (hit) Increment to 2 011 1
8-10 Not examined 2 110 1
Step 3
10 3 1

+ | `

. ,
3 2 3
1 2 3 1
10 0.46875
2 2

| `

. ,
Step 4
2 2
(2 1) (1 1) 1 0
( ) 2.133333
0.46875 0.46875
+ +

3 Theoretical Foundations
Step 5
2 2.133333
, 0.344154
2 2
P value igamc
| `

. ,
Step 6
0.344154 0.01 P value > , therefore the sequence is random.
7. Conclusions
If the P-value is very small, then the sequence has irregular occurrences of the
templates provided as input and therefore is not random. NIST Test 8 Overlapping Template Matching Test
1. Purpose
The focus of this test, as stated in [8], is the number of occurrences of pre-specified
target strings. As the 7
test, it uses an m-bit window to search for a specific m-bit pattern.
Whether the pattern is found or not, the window slides only one bit position. The property that
this test is searching in the input sequence is periodic dependence and the defect found is
irregular occurrences of a pre-specified template.
2. Used notations
n = the length of the input sequence in bits.
= the sequence of bits being tested.

m = the length of the pattern in bits (the pattern is a run of ones).
B = the m-bit template to be matched (it is a run of ones).
K = the number of degrees of freedom.
M = the length of the substring of to be tested in bits.
N = the number of independent blocks.

(obs) = a measure of how well the observed number of template hits
matches the expected number of template hits.

= theoretical probabilities.
= the number of times that the template appeared i times in a block.
3. Test statistic and reference distribution
The test statistic is
(obs) and the reference distribution is a Chi-square (
4. Input size recommendations
n 10
Various values of m may be used, but NIST recommends m=9 or m=10.
n M N
N (min
) > 5

M- m+1
| `

. ,
m log
values need to be recalculated for values of K other than 5.
3 Theoretical Foundations
5. Test description
The test rejects input sequences which contain too many or too few occurrences of m-
bit run of ones, but can be modified to detect irregular occurrences of any periodic pattern.
The following steps describe the algorithm used by this test.
Step 1
Divide the sequence into N non-overlapping blocks of length M.
Step 2
Compute the number of occurrences of B in each block:
a. Create an m-bit window on the sequence.
b. Compare the bits within that window against B.
c. Increment a counter when there is a match.
d. Slide the window over one bit and go to step b.
Record the number of occurrences of B in each block by incrementing an array v
where i=0, , 5, such that: v
is incremented when there are no occurrences of B in
the block, v
is incremented when there is one occurrence of B in the block, and so
on, and lastly v
is incremented when there are 5 or more occurrences of B in the
Step 3
M m

| `

. ,

, used to compute the theoretical probabilities

corresponding to the classes of v
Step 4
( )
( )
i i
v N

, where the probabilities used are

, being calculated with the following formula:
l 2 u
u u
l 1
u 1
e e
P(U u) (u 1, 2, )
l 1 2 l! 2

| `

. ,

Step 5
5 ( )
2 2
P value igamc
| `

. ,
, where igamc is the complementary
(regularized) incomplete gamma function and has the following form:
( , )
( , ) 1 ( , )
( )

t a
a x
Q a x P a x e t dt
Step 6
If ( 0.01 P value < ) then the sequence is non-random, else the sequence is random.
6. Example trace
The following example will underline the description of this tests algorithm.
Input: = 10111011110010110100011100101110111110000101101001, n = 50, m = 2,
B = 11, K = 2, M = 10.
Step 1
3 Theoretical Foundations
N = 5
The blocks are: 1011101111, 0010110100, 0111001011, 1011111000 and 0101101001.
Step 2
The examination of the first block is illustrated in Table 3-5.
Table 3-5.Illustration of the examination of the first block
Bit Positions Bits No. of occurrences of B=11
1-2 10 0
2-3 01 0
3-4 11(hit) Increment to 1
4-5 11(hit) Increment to 2
5-6 10 2
6-7 01 2
7-8 11(hit) Increment to 3
8-9 11(hit) Increment to 4
9-10 11(hit) Increment to 5
After examining the first block the frequencies are: v
= 0, v
= 0, v
= 0, v
= 0, v
= 0,
= 1.
The same process is applied to block 2, 3, 4 and 5. In the end the frequencies obtained
are: v
= 0, v
= 2, v
= 0, v
= 1, v
= 1, v
= 1.
Step 3
10 2 1

| `

. ,

Step 4
For this example the values of the theoretical probabilities had to be recomputed,
because the example doesnt fit the tests input requirements. The recomputed probabilities
2 2 2
2 2 2
(0 5 0.324652) (2 5 0.182617) (0 5 0.142670)
( )
5 0.324652 5 0.182617 5 0.142670
(1 5 0.106645) (1 5 0.077147) (1 5 0.166269)
5 0.106645 5 0.077147 5 0.166269

+ + +

+ +

Step 5
5 4.051458
, 0.542031
2 2
P value igamc
| `

. ,
Step 6
0.542031 0.01 P value > , therefore the sequence is random.
7. Conclusions
For the example provided, if the template would have been searched in the entire
sequence there would have been to many occurrences. Therefore v
would have been large
and the test statistic as well, which makes the P-value very small and the sequence non-
3 Theoretical Foundations NIST Test 9 Maurers Universal Statistical Test
1. Purpose
The purpose of this test, as stated in [8], is to detect whether or not the sequence can
be significantly compressed without loss of information. A sequence is considered non-
random if it is significantly compressible. The test focuses on the number of bits between
matching patterns, the measure being related to the length of the compressed sequence.
2. Used notations
n = the length of the input sequence in bits.
= the sequence of bits being tested.

L = the length of each block in bits.
Q = the number of blocks in the initialization sequence.
K = the number of the test blocks, without the initialization sequence blocks.
= the logarithmic sum of the number of digits in the distance between L-bit
templates divided by the length of the test segment
= a table holding the block number of the last occurrence of each L-bit
block, where j is the decimal representation of the contents of the current block.
sum = accumulative log
sum of all the differences detected in the K blocks.
= the theoretical standard deviation.
c = the heuristic approximation.
3. Test statistic and reference distribution
The test statistic is f
, the sum of the log
distances between matching L-bit templates
and the reference distribution is half-normal distribution.
4. Input size recommendations
n (Q + K) L
6 L 16
Q = 10 2

1000 2

The values of L, Q and n should be chosen in accordance with Table 3-6.
3 Theoretical Foundations
Table 3-6.The correspondence between the length of the sequence, the length of the block and
the number of blocks in the initialization segment
n L Q=102
387.840 6 640
904.960 7 1.280
2.068.480 8 2.560
4.654.080 9 5.120
1.342.400 10 10.240
22.753.280 11 20.480
49.643.520 12 40.960
107.560.960 13 81.920
231.669.760 14 163.840
496.435.200 15 327.680 16 655.360
5. Test description
The test measures the actual cryptographic significance of a defect and uses a test
statistic that is closely related to the per-bit entropy of the sequence. It is designed for large
sequences, but for small values of L, because the initialization segment takes time exponential
in L. The test compares the standardized statistic to an acceptable range based on a standard
normal Gaussian density, making use of the test statistics mean. The following steps describe
in detail the algorithm adopted by this test.
Step 1
Partition the input sequence into two segments:
- An initialization segment consisting of Q L-bit non-overlapping blocks.
- A test segment consisting of K L-bit non-overlapping blocks, where

Discard the bits at the end of the sequence that dont form a complete L-bit block.
Step 2
Create a table for the initialization segment, which will have as indexes the L-bit
values of each block, transformed to base 10, and will contain the block number of
the last occurrence of each block.
The table will have the following form: T
=i, where i takes values between 1 and Q,
and j is the decimal representation of the contents of the i
L-bit block.
Step 3
For each of the K blocks in the test segment determine the number of blocks since
the last occurrence of the same L-bit block (i-T
Replace the corresponding value in table T
with the current location of the block
Add the distance between re-occurrences of the same L-bit block to the cumulative
sum of all the distances of this kind found in the K blocks:
( )
sum sum i T +
Step 4
Compute the test statistic:
log ( )
n j
i Q
f i T

3 Theoretical Foundations
Step 5
exp ( )
f ectedValue L
P value erfc

| `

. ,
, where erfc is the
complementary error function and has the form
2 2
( )
erfc z e du

The value of the expectedValue(L) are taken from Table 3-7.

var iance(L)
, where the variance is taken from Table 3-7 and
0.8 32 K
c 0.7 4
L L 15

| `
+ +

. ,
Table 3-7.The relation between L, the expected value and the variance
L Expected value Variance
6 5.2177052 2.954
7 601962507 3.125
8 7.1836656 3.238
9 8.1764248 3.311
10 9.1723243 3.356
11 10.170032 3.384
12 11.168765 3.401
13 12.168070 3.410
14 13.167693 3.416
15 14.167488 3.419
16 15.167379 3.421
Step 6
If ( 0.01 P value < ) then the sequence is non-random, else the sequence is random.
6. Example trace
An example will be presented next for a better understanding of the steps taken in the
execution of this test.
Input: = 01011010011101010111, n = 20, L = 2.
Step 1
Q = 2
= 4
K 4

The initialization segment is: 01011010
The test segment is: 011101010111.
The L-bit blocks are shown in Table 3-8.
3 Theoretical Foundations
Table 3-8.The L-bit blocks of the initialization and test segments
Block No. Type Contents
2 01
3 10
4 10
Test Segment
6 11
7 01
8 01
9 01
10 11
Step 2
The T
table is shown in Table 3-9.
Table 3-9.Table containing the last occurrence of each block in the initialization segment
Possible L-bit Value
(saved in T
(saved in T
(saved in T
(saved in T
Initialization 0 2 4 0
Step 3
The distances and the sum computed are the following:
For block 5: T
=5, sum = log
(5-2) = 1.584962501.
For block 6: T
=6, sum = 1.584962501 + log
(6-0) = 4.169925002.
For block 7: T
=7, sum = 4.169925002 + log
(7-5) = 5.169925002.
For block 8: T
=8, sum = 5.169925002 + log
(8-7) = 5.169925002.
For block 9: T
=9, sum = 5.169925002 + log
(9-8) = 5.169925002.
For block 10: T
=10, sum = 5.169925002 + log
(10-6) = 7.169925002.
The final state of the T
table is shown in Table 3-10.
Table 3-10.The final state of the table T
, after all the blocks were examined
Possible L-bit Value
(saved in T
(saved in T
(saved in T
(saved in T
Final State 0 9 4 10
Step 4
Step 5
3/ 2
0.8 32 6
0.7 4 0.7 0.4 0.09072184 0.39072184
2 2 15

| `
+ + +

. ,
Variance(2) = 52.586224 and expectedValue(2) = 1.5374383.
0.39072184 1.156719

1.1949875 1.5374383
2 1.156719
P value erfc
| `

. ,
3 Theoretical Foundations
Step 6
0.767189 0.01 P value > , therefore the sequence is random.
7. Conclusions
The sequence is considered non-random when the logarithmic sum of all the distances
between re-occurrences of an L-bit block detected in the sequence is significantly different
than the theoretical expected value for the chosen L (thats when the sequence is significantly
compressible). NIST Test 9 Maurers Universal Statistical Test (Corons variant)
Maurers Universal Statistical Test is based on the computation of a function which
is asymptotically related to the sources entropy. In cryptographic applications this function
measures the effective key-size of block ciphers keyed by the sources output.
In paper [15], J.S. Coron describes a variant of the Maurers Universal Statistical
Test for which the test function is exactly equal to the sources entropy. This variant of the
test would therefore detect the defects in the sequence in a better way.
As stated in [16], this test is based on the stationary ergodic source with finite memory
statistical model. This model allows the computation of the sources entropy, which measures
the bits of unpredictability. If this fails in a cryptographic system for example, there could
appear serious problems concerning the security of that system, because an attacker could use
the reduction in entropy to speed-up exhaustive search on the encryption algorithm.
In paper [15], the blocks of L-bit size are denoted ( )
1 ( 1) 1
, ,...,
i L i L i L i
b s s s s
+ +
g g g
where s
represents the sequence, and s
is the bit from the position Li in the sequence. The
test function is denoted ( ) ( )
T n
n Q
f s A s

, where ( )
A s
represents the
minimum distance between the n
block and any similar precedent block.
The first step that Coron takes in order to improve Maurers test function is to
generalize the test parameter to any function of the minimum distance between two similar
blocks. He does this by replacing the logarithm of the base two of the minimum distance
between re-occurrences of the same block with a function
: g
, yielding
( ) ( ) ( )
g N N
T n
n Q
f s g A s

Coron calculates the mean of the test statistic for a sequence
U of random binary
variables outputted by a stationary ergodic source S in the following manner:
( ) ( ) ( )
g N N
T S n S
E f U A U i g i

] ]

] ]

where ( ) [ ]
1 1
Pr Pr , ,..., ,
n S n n n i n i
A U i b b b b b b b b


and b is a block of L bits.
If the L-bit blocks are considered to be statistically independent, then the above
probability can be resumed to:
( ) [ ] [ ] ( )
1 2
Pr[ ] Pr 1 Pr
n S
A U i b b

and the mean calculated above becomes:
( ) ( ) Pr[ ] Pr[ ]
T S g
E f U b b


, where ( ) ( ) ( )
x x x g i

This shows that the mean value of the generalized test may be interpreted as the
expectation of a random variable W=W(X) that has a probability of Pr[b] to hit the value
3 Theoretical Foundations
( ) Pr[ ]
. If the entropy of the L-bit blocks is expressed in the following way:
Pr[ ] log Pr[ ]
K b b

, then the entropy can be viewed as the expectation of a random

variable W
(X) that has a probability of Pr[b] to hit the value log
From what was said until now only one equation was left to be solved:
( ) ( )
x x
By making the substitution 1 t x we obtain:
( ) ( )
( )
1 1
1 log (1 )
log 2
i i
t t g i t

and g(1) = 0,
( 1) ( )
g i g i
Therefore the modified version of the function used in the Maurers Universal
Statistical Test is
( ) ( ) ( )
T n
n Q
f s g A s

, with
1 1
( )
g i

With this new formula computed, the mean value of this new function, taking as input
a sequence generated by an ergodic stationary source is equal to the entropy of L-bit blocks of
the source. The values of the theoretical standard deviation and the variance must also be
modified in order to be in concordance with the new function computed.
Maurer introduces a heuristic approximation c(L,K), that is used as a corrective factor
which reduces the standard deviation compared to what it would have been if the A
were independent. The new heuristic approximation proposed by Coron in [15] and [17] has
the following form:
( ) 2
( , ) ( )
e L
c L K d L

+ .
Table 3-11 shows the values for d(L) and e(L) for each possible L and the recomputed
values of the variance used for the new function formula ([15]).
Table 3-11.The recomputed values of d(L), e(L) and the variance used for the Corons
L Variance d(L) e(L)
3 2.5769918 0.3313257 0.4381809
4 2.9191004 0.3516506 0.4050170
5 3.1291382 0.3660832 0.3856668
6 3.2547450 0.3758725 0.3743782
7 3.3282150 0.3822459 0.3678269
8 3.3704039 0.3862500 0.3640569
9 3.3942629 0.3886906 0.3619091
10 3.4075860 0.3901408 0.3606982
11 3.4149476 0.3909846 0.3600222
12 3.4189794 0.3914671 0.3596484
13 3.4211711 0.3917390 0.3594433
14 3.4223549 0.3918905 0.3593316
15 3.4229908 0.3919740 0.3592712
16 3.4233308 0.3920198 0.3592384
3.4237147 0.3920729 0.3592016
3 Theoretical Foundations
To improve efficiency the coefficients computed by g(i) are approximated for large
values of i by using the following formula:
2 4
1 1 1 1
2 12
n O
i n n n

| `
+ + +

. ,

, where
log 0.577216
e xdx

; is Eulers constant.
When computing the new function formula, Coron assumed that the L-bit blocks are
statistically independent, that is that the probability of appearance of a block does not depend
on the preceding ones. This assumption is valid only if the source is a binary source that emits
ones with probability p, and zeroes with probability 1 p. Therefore, for a source with finite
memory the test statistic is not equal to the entropy of L-bit blocks of the source. However, if
the statistics of the tested source differ from the statistics of a truly random source, the tested
source will be rejected with high probability.
3.1.2 CryptoRand Statistical Test Suite
The CryptoRand Statistical Test Suite contains two original tests that were created as
part of the CryptoRand project. The tests contained in this suite are the Histogram Test and
the General Block Frequency Test. The Histogram Test is divided in 8 sub-tests, numbered
from 1 to 8, representing the number of bits used for the templates in each test. I implemented
only half of the Histogram sub-tests (from 5 to 8) so I will present a theoretical description
only for the Histogram Test in the next sub-section. My team colleague will describe the
General Block Frequency Test that she implemented.
The significance level recommended for these tests is 0.01, but can be changed at any
time if another value is desired. The Histogram Test H
1. Purpose
The purpose of this test, as results from [18], is to determine if the number of
occurrences of all the patterns of length l, where l belongs to the interval [1, 8], are
approximately the same as would be expected under an assumption of randomness. If l = 1,
the patterns searched are 0 and 1, so the test resumes to the NIST Frequency (Monobit) Test.
2. Used notations
n = the length of the tested sequence in bits.
l = the length of the templates (l determines the number of the Histogram Test
from a total of 8 tests).
A = 2
each number i in the interval {0, 1, , A-1} can be represented on l
N = the number of non-overlapping blocks divided by A.
= the frequency of block i (N
+ N
+ + N
= N A).
X = a random variable with A-1 degrees of freedom and a Chi-square (
distribution (the expected value).
= the observed value of N
x = the observed value of the test statistic.
= Histogram Test i(bits).
3. Test statistic and reference distribution
The test statistic is x and the reference distribution is a Chi-square (
) distribution.
3 Theoretical Foundations
4. Input size recommendations
n l A
l > 0
5. Test description
The following steps describe the general algorithm used by the Histogram Test, while
the algorithms used for each sub-test are described in the implementation details. The test
partitions the input sequence in blocks of length l and computes the frequencies of occurrence
of all the blocks. The variable l gives the name of the sub-test, taking values between 1 and 8.
Step 1
A l

Partition the input sequence into A N blocks of size l.
Discard any bits that are left.
Step 2
Compute the frequency n
of each l-bit block in the entire sequence.
Under an assumption of randomness the expected value of these frequencies is N.
Step 3
Compute the observed value:
( )
n N

The expected value under an assumption of randomness is
( )

Step 4
For l 6, compute
( )
2 2
A x
P X x igamc

| `

. ,
, where igamc is the complementary
(regularized) incomplete gamma function and has the following form:
( , )
( , ) 1 ( , )
( )

t a
a x
Q a x P a x e t dt
For l > 6, compute
( )
( )
1 3
2 2 3 2 2 3
2 2
P X x P X A x A erfc x A
| `
> >

. ,
, where
erfc is the complementary error function and has the form
2 2
( )
erfc z e du

P(X > x) represents the P-value.
Step 5
If ( 0.01 P value < ) then the sequence is non-random, else the sequence is random.
6. Examples
In the following a series of examples taken from [18] will be presented, in order to
illustrate the power of the Histogram Test and the properties of its sub-tests.
3 Theoretical Foundations
Example 1
For this example l = 2, therefore A = 4 and n = 8 N, where N is a fixed value. The
possible values of l-bit length are 00, 01, 10 and 11, and the frequencies with which these
values appear in the input sequence are denoted n
, n
, n
, and respectively n
The Histogram Test states that N
+ N
++ N
= A N, therefore n
+ n
+ n
+ n
4 N.
The test statistic for the Histogram Test on 2 bits is denoted here x
and is computed in
the following way:
( ) ( )
2 2
0 3
n N ... n N
+ +

In order to compare this test with the Histogram Test on 1 bit, which is equivalent
with the Frequency (Monobit) NIST Test, the test statistic is also computed for this sub-test
and is denoted x
. When l = 1 the possible values of l-bit length are only 0 and 1, and the
frequencies with which these values appear in the input sequence are equal to 2n
+ n
+ n
respectively n1

+ n
+ 2n
. Taking into consideration that for l = 1 the theoretical frequency is
4N, x
has the following formula:
( ) ( )
2 2
0 1 2 1 2 3
2n n n 4N n n 2n 4N
+ + + + +

Because (n
N) + (n
N) + (n
N) + (n
N) = 0, x
can be reduced to
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
2 2 2
0 3 3 0 0 3
n N n N n N n N n N n N
4N 2N

Taking into consideration the formula obtained for x
and the equation (n
N) + (n

N) + (n
N) + (n
N) = 0, we deduct that
( ) ( ) ( )
0 3
n N n N is maximum when
n N
n N
, n
= N and n
= N. Therefore
1 2
Nx 1
x 2 x
2N 2
| `

. ,
Example 2
Input: the input sequence is 00 01 00 00 10 00 01 10 00 00 10 00 01 00 10 01, n = 32,
l = 2, A = 4
Step 1
n 32
N 4
A l 8

Step 2
The l-bit templates searched in a non-overlapping manner are 00, 01, 10 and 11.
The corresponding frequencies of these templates in each block are:
00 01 00 00 10 00 01 10 00 00 10 00 01 00 10 01 => n
= 8
00 01 00 00 10 00 01 10 00 00 10 00 01 00 10 01 => n
= 4
00 01 00 00 10 00 01 10 00 00 10 00 01 00 10 01 => n
= 4
00 01 00 00 10 00 01 10 00 00 10 00 01 00 10 01 => n
= 0
Step 3
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
2 2 2 2
8 4 4 4 4 4 0 4
x 8
+ + +

In order to make a comparison with the Histogram Test with l = 1, x
is also computed:
3 Theoretical Foundations
( )
0 3
n n
x 8
2N 8

For this case x
= x
Step 4
For l = 2,
3 8
P value igamc , 0.046011
2 2
| `

. ,
For l = 1,
1 8
P value igamc , 0.004677
2 2
| `

. ,
Step 5
For l = 2, P value 0.01 > , therefore the sequence is random.
For l = 1, P value 0.01 < , therefore the sequence is non-random.
Example 3
The following example is in fact a comparison between the Histogram sub-tests 1, 2, 4
and 8.
The sequence has the length n = 8 256 N.
Case 1: l = 8:
The frequencies of the 256 blocks of 8 bits length are:
00000000 2N
00000001 N

11111110 N
11111111 0
The theoretical frequency is in this case N.
2 2
x 2N
, with 255 degrees of freedom.
Case 2: l = 4:
The frequencies of the 16 blocks of 4 bits length are:
0000 32N + 2N
0001 32N

1110 32N
1111 32N - 2N
The theoretical frequency is in this case 32N.
( ) ( )
2 2
2N 2N
32N 4

, with 15 degrees of freedom.
Case 3: l = 2:
The frequencies of the 4 blocks of 2 bits length are:
00 256N + 4N
01 256N
10 256N
11 256N - 4N
The theoretical frequency is in this case 256N.
( ) ( )
2 2
4N 4N
246N 8

, with 3 degrees of freedom.
Case 4: l = 1:
The frequencies of the 2 blocks of 1 bit length are:
3 Theoretical Foundations
0 4256N + 8N
1 4256N 8N
The theoretical frequency is in this case 4256N.
( ) ( )
2 2
8N 8N
4 246N 8

, with 1 degree of freedom.

As a conclusion, for the given sequence the following comparison can be made:
= 8 x
= 16 x
= 16 x
7. Conclusions
As shown in the second example, even if the test statistic was equal for the Histogram
1(bit) Test and for the Histogram 2(bits) Test, the P-values were not equal. In fact the test
rejected the input sequence for the first one and accepted it for the second one. This is the
reason for which the Histogram Test was divided in 8 sub-tests.
3.2 Statistical Functions
Statistical functions have an important role in the computation of statistical tests,
because their values are used in the final process of deciding whether the sequence is random
or not. In the following subsections a series of statistical function will be presented. These
functions are the ones most used in statistical testing and represent only half of the functions
that were taken into consideration in developing a statistical functions calculator, while the
other half will be presented by my team colleague.
3.2.1 IBETA Statistical Function
The Incomplete Beta Statistical function, or IBETA for short, has the following
mathematical formula:
a 1 b 1
B(x; a, b) t (1 t) dt

This function has three input parameters: x, a and b, and returns a value in the interval
[0, 1]. The last two parameters must be real numbers greater that 0 and the first one, which
specifies the upper limit of the integration, must be a real number in the interval [0, 1]. The
function is incomplete because the integration interval doesnt necessarily span across the
whole interval used by the Beta function for integration.
The Beta function is also called the Euler integral of the first kind and has the
following formula:
( )
y 1
x 1
B(x, y) t 1 t dt

, for x, y > 0 [19].

Because the difference between the Incomplete Beta function and the Beta function is
only the chosen integration limit, the same properties that apply to the last one, also apply to
the first one. Actually the Incomplete Beta function is a generalization of the Beta function,
because for x = 1 the two functions are identical.
The Beta function is symmetrical, meaning that
B(x, y) B(y, x)
B(x; a, b) B(x; b, a)
, and has many other forms beside the base formula presented above.
One of the interesting formulas used to represent the Beta function is the one that makes use
of another statistical function, namely Gamma:
(x) (y)
B(x, y)
(x y)

Other formulas defined in [20] are:
3 Theoretical Foundations
a 1
2a 1 2b 1
a b
0 0
B(a, b) dt 2 (sin t) (cos t) dt
(1 t)



The derivative of the Incomplete Beta function is:
b 1 a 1
dB(x; a, b)
(1 x) x

and its indefinite integral is:
B(x; a, b)dz xB(x; a, b) B(x; a 1, b) +

The Beta function was the first known scattering amplitude in string theory and was
also used in the theory of the preferential attachment process, which is a type of stochastic urn
process. The ratio between IBETA and BETA represents the Regularized Incomplete Beta
Function, which can be used to evaluate the cumulative density function of a random variable
X from a binomial distribution. As stated in [22], the Incomplete Beta function is used in
statistics in order to compute the cumulative distribution functions of the binomial
distribution, F-distribution and Student's distribution.
The Beta distribution is a family of continuous probability distributions defined on the
interval [0, 1] and parameterized by two positive shape parameters, a and b. The probability
density function and the cumulative density function that characterize the Beta Distribution
are computed with the help of the Incomplete Beta function. As described in [23], the
probability density function has the formula:
b 1 a 1
a 1 b 1
dB(x; a, b) (1 x) x
f (x; a, b)
B(1; a, b)
t (1 t) dt

and the cumulative density function is described by:
B(x; a, b)
F(x; a, b)
B(1; a, b)

The Beta distribution is a special case of the Dirichlet distribution with only two
parameters, and when it takes both of its shape parameters as 1 is identical to the uniform
distribution. This distribution is used as a prior distribution for binomial proportions in
Bayesian analysis.
3.2.2 IGAM and IGAMC Statistical Functions
The Incomplete Gamma statistical function is defined as an integral function with the
same integrand as the Gamma function, but with different integral intervals. There are two
formulas provided in [24], one for the upper part of the integration and one for the lower part:
s 1 t
(s, x) t e

s 1 t
(s, x) t e dt

The relation between the two parts of the Incomplete Gamma function can be expressed in the
following way:
(s, x) (s, x) (s) +
, where
is the Gamma function.
(s, x)
is also
called the complement of the Incomplete Gamma function.
Even if in mathematics the Incomplete Gamma function has the formula defined
above, the Cephes mathematical library uses in fact another one, namely the formula of the
lower Regularized Gamma function:
t a 1
(a, x) 1
P(a, x) e t dt
(a) (a)

Practically, the lower Regularized Gamma function represents the regularization of the lower
Incomplete Gamma function,
(a, x)
, by the complete Gamma function,
. This is the
reason why the Incomplete Gamma function is also known under this definition, which is also
the formula used for IGAM in the statistical functions calculator implemented in this project.
3 Theoretical Foundations
The Complemented Incomplete Gamma statistical function, or IGAMC for short, is
one of the functions most used in statistical tests for random and pseudo-random number
generators and is closely related to the Incomplete Gamma function. In mathematics it is
represented by the upper Regularized Gamma function, but the Cephes library uses the same
convention as in the case of the Incomplete Gamma function stated above, and uses the
following formula to define it:
t a 1
(a, x) 1
Q(a, x) 1 P(a, x) e t dt
(a) (a)

(a, x)
represents the upper Incomplete Gamma function as defined in mathematics,
is the complete Gamma function. Both parameters of the Incomplete Gamma
function and its complement (as defined in Cephes) must be positive real numbers.
The relation between the two Regularized Gamma functions is the same as the one
between the lower and upper part of the Incomplete Gamma Function:
P(a, x) Q(a, x) 1 +
The derivatives of the two functions as well as their indefinite integrals are defined in
[25] as:
x a 1
dP(a, x) e x
dx (a)

x a 1
dQ(a, x) e x
dx (a)

x (a) x (a, x) (a 1, x)
P(a, x)dx
+ +

x (a, x) (a 1, x)
Q(a, x)dx

The following formulas represent some of the basic properties of the functions
presented above:
(a) (a, 0)
P(a, 0) 0
P(a, ) 1
Q(a, 0) 1
Q(a, ) 0
a x
(a 1, x) a (a, x) x e

+ ,
a x
x e
P(a 1, x) P(a, x)
(a 1)

As stated in [26], the Incomplete Gamma function could be used in the computation of
cumulative distribution functions of the Gamma distribution, the Inverse Gamma distribution,
the Poison distribution and the Chi-square distribution, by using the following formulas:
( )
( )
k, x
F(x; k, ) P k, x

( )
( )
, x
F(x; , ) Q , x
( )

(k 1, ) Q(k 1, ) (k 1)
F (x)
k! k!

+ + +
( )
( )
( )
k 2, x 2
F(x) P k 2, x 2
k 2

3.2.3 The Chi-square Distribution
The Chi-square distribution is one of the most widely used theoretical distributions in
inferential statistics, because, under reasonable assumptions, easily calculated quantities can
be proven to have distributions that approximate to the Chi-square distribution if the null
hypotheses is true. [31] The Chi-square distribution is used in statistical tests, in order to
compute the goodness of fit of an observed distribution to a theoretical one. Usually the test
statistic has the following form:
( )
observed expected

3 Theoretical Foundations
If the computed test statistic is large, then the observed and expected values are not close and
the model is a poor fit to the data.
The definition given in [31], says that the random variable
i 1

is distributed
according to the Chi-square distribution with k degrees of freedom, if X
are k independent,
normally distributed random variables with mean 0 and variance 1. This is denoted
Q : .
Practically the degree of freedom is equal to the standard normal deviated variable being
summed up. The Chi-square distribution is a special case of the Gamma distribution (
( ) X k 2, 2 :
) and is characterized by two density functions: the probability density
function and the cumulative density function. The probability density function of the Chi-
square distribution has the following formula:

( )
( ) k 2 1 x 2
k 2
x e
2 k 2

, for x > 0
0, for x 0
The cumulative density function of the Chi-square distribution is:
( )
( )
( )
k 2, x 2
F(x; k) P k 2, x 2
k 2

For both of the functions presented above, the x parameter must be a positive real number and
the k parameter must be an integer number greater than 0, because it represents the degrees of
freedom for the Chi-square distribution.
The characteristic function of the Chi-square distribution is
k 2
(t; x) (1 2it)

. For
the random variable X that is distributed according to the Chi-square distribution with k
degrees of freedom (
X : ), the mean is given by = k, and the variance by
= 2k. The
information entropy is given by ( ) H f (x; k) ln f (x; k) dx

Figures 3-1 and 3-2 show the plots of the probability density function and the
cumulative density function for some fixed degrees of freedom and are taken from [31].
Figure 3-1.Probability density function for the Chi-square distribution
f (x; k)
3 Theoretical Foundations
Figure 3-2.Cumulative density function for the Chi-square distribution
3.2.4 The Poison Distribution
The Poisson distribution is a discrete probability distribution that expresses the
probability of a number of events occurring in a fixed period of time, if these events occur
with a known average rate and independently of the time passed since the last event. [33] The
distribution can also be used to count the number of events that appeared in other intervals,
like distance, volume or area. It was discovered by Simon-Denis Poisson, who gave it the
name, and has the following form, defined in [34]:
T n
e ( T)
P (n, T)

where n is the number of discrete events, T is the time interval length, and is the number of
events per unit time.
The probability mass function for the Poisson distribution is given by the following
f (k; )

where k is a positive integer number representing the number of occurrences of an event, and
is a positive real number equal to the expected number of occurrence that occur in a given
interval. The above function represents the probability that there are exactly k occurrences of
some events, whose expected number of occurrences in a certain time interval, of a given
length, is .
The Poisson distribution can be derived as a limiting case of the binomial distribution
as the number of trial goes to infinity and the expected number of successes remains fixed. It
can also be approximated by the normal distribution with mean and variance , if has
sufficient large values. The expected value and the variance of the Poisson distribution are
equal to .
The cumulative distribution function for the Poisson distribution has the following
( )
k 1 ,
F(k; )
k !
+ ]

i k
i 0
F(k; ) e

. [33]
3 Theoretical Foundations
The probability mass function of the Poisson distribution is shown in Figure 3-3. The
horizontal axis is represented by k and the connecting lines are only guides for the eye,
because the function only defines integer values of k. [33]
Figure 3-3.The probability mass function for the Poisson distribution
Figure 3-4 shows the cumulative density function for the Poisson distribution. As it
can be seen in the plot, the function is discontinuous where k is an integer and flat everywhere
Figure 3-4.The cumulative density function of the Poisson distribution
The Poisson distribution is normalized so that the sum of probabilities equals 1:
n 0 n 0
P (n) e e e 1

. [35]
This distribution can be applied to systems with a large number of possible evens,
each of which is rare. Some classical examples are the nuclear decay of atoms, the number of
cars which pass through a road section in a given period of time, the number of stars in a
given area of the sky, the number of errors in a text of a given length, the number of phone
calls in a call-center, the number of web-requests in a given period of time and so on.
3 Theoretical Foundations
3.3 OpenMP
OpenMP comes from Open Multi-Processing and is an Application Program Interface
(API) that supports multi-platform shared-memory parallel programming in C/C++ and
Fortran on all architectures, including UNIX and Windows NT platforms. [36] OpenMP is a
portable, scalable model that offers a simple and flexible interface for developing parallel
applications. It contains the three primary API components: compiler directives, runtime
library routines, and environment variables.
OpenMP is an implementation of multithreading, having a master thread that forks a
number of slave threads. A certain task can be divided among the threads generated, which
will then run concurrently, being allocated to different processors by the runtime
environment. Each thread has an id, which can be obtained in C by calling the function
omp_get_thread_num(), and is formed before the parallel code section is executed. When the
task is finished, all of the threads join back into the master thread that continues to run the rest
of the program. The process presented above is shown in Figure 3-5, taken from [37].
Figure 3-5.OpenMP fork-join model of parallelization
The parallelized code is marked by a preprocessor directive, whose form depends on
the directive used. OpenMP offers the possibility to both set or get the current number of
threads, by means of user level runtime routines or environment variables (for example
omp_set_num_threads() and omp_get_num_threads() functions can be called in C). For a
better performance, the number of threads used should be equal to the number of processors
The core elements of OpenMP described in [38] are:
The constructs for thread creation
Work load distribution
Data environment management
Thread synchronization
User level runtime routines
Environment variables
OpenMP provides both task parallelization and data parallelization: normally, each
thread executes the parallelized code section independently, but work-sharing constructs are
provided in order to divide the execution of the enclosed code region among the members of
the team that encounter it. The threads used in the parallelization are not required to maintain
exact consistency with the real memory all of the time, because they can cache their data. In
the situations where all the threads must see the same identical value of a shared variable, the
programmer has to ensure that all threads flush the variable as needed.
As stated in [37], OpenMP contains a simple and limited set of directives, which can
be used to obtain significant parallelization. The format of an OpenMP directive is the
following one: #pragma omp <directive name> [clause, ...] newline. Each directive applies
3 Theoretical Foundations
only to the succeeding statement, which must be a structured block. The directive scoping can
be static, orphaned or dynamic. In the first case the directive applies to the code between the
beginning and the end of the block structure following it, in the second case the orphaned
directive appears independently from another orphaned directive, while in the third case the
extend of the directive includes both its static extend and the extends of its orphaned
The fundamental OpenMP parallel construct is the parallel region directive. When a
thread reaches this directive, it forks a team of threads and becomes the master of the team.
Each of the threads in the team created will execute the code enclosed in the parallel region
and will join with the other threads at the end of this region. If one of the threads terminates
within the parallel region, all other threads in the team will terminate and the work done until
that point will be undefined.
The work-sharing constructs are used to specify how independent work should be
assigned to one or all of the threads. These constructs are: omp for or omp do, which are used
to split up loop iterations between threads, sections, which assign consecutive, but
independent blocks of code to different threads, single, used to specify a block of code that is
executed by only one thread, and master, which is similar to single but in this case the thread
executing the thread is the master thread. A work-sharing construct must be enclosed
dynamically within a parallel region in order for the directive to execute in parallel. [37]
Some of the synchronization directives offered by OpenMP are
critical, used to specify a region of code that must be executed by only one thread
at a time
atomic, specifies that a specific memory location must be updated atomically
ordered, specifies that iterations of the enclosed loop will be executed in the same
order as if they were executed on a serial processor
barrier, synchronizes all threads in the team
master, used to specify that a block should be executed only by the master thread
taskwait, specifies a wait on the completion of child tasks generated since the
beginning of the current task
flush, used to write thread-visible variables back to memory, in order for the
implementation to provide a consistent view of memory
Another directive provided by OpenMP is threadprivate, which is used to make global
file scope variables local and persistent to a thread through the execution of multiple parallel
The clauses that appear in the omp directive statement can be:
Data sharing attribute clauses: shared, private, default used to specify if the data
in the parallel region is shared or private; a default data scoping can also be
Synchronization clauses: no wait used to specify that threads do not synchronize
at the end of the parallel loop.
Schedule clauses: schedule(type, chunk), where type can be static, dynamic,
guided, runtime, or auto used in for-loops to define the schedule method by
which the iterations are divided among the threads.
The IF control used to condition the parallelized execution of a block.
Initialization: firstprivate, lastprivate used to define how private data is initialized
and how it is written back to the original variable object.
Data copying: copyin, copyprivate similar with the initialization clauses, but this
time it defines the way in which data is copied between global variables and
private variables.
3 Theoretical Foundations
Reduction: reduction(operator | intrinsic:list) used to summarize the local copies
of each thread of some variables into global shared variables
Other: num_threads, collapse are used to specify the number of threads to be
used (num_threads), and to specify how many loops in a nested loop should be
collapsed into one large iteration space and divided according to the schedule
clause (collapse).
A new construct that came with OpenMP 3.0 is the task directive which defines an
explicit task that may be executed by the thread that encountered it or deferred for execution
by any other thread in the team. The data environment of the task is determined by the data
sharing attribute clauses and the task execution is subject to task scheduling. [37]
OpenMP is useful because it is simple, it provides incremental parallelism and unified
code for both parallel and serial applications, and the directives offered, automatically handle
data layout and decomposition. However it only runs efficiently on the shared-memory
multiprocessor platforms and it requires a compiler that supports OpenMP.
Even though the expected speed up when using OpenMP is N, where N is the number
of processors used, this is not actually the real case, because OpenMP could have problems
like load balancing and synchronization overhead. Other reasons might be that not the whole
program could be parallelized, or that the memory bandwidth does not usually scale up N
OpenMP was written primarily to relieve the programmer from the details of
threading, enabling a focus on the more important issues. It was developed for use by the
high-performance computing community and it works best in programming styles that have
loop-heavy code working on shared arrays of data. [39]
4 Requirements Specifications and System Architecture
4 Requirements Specifications and System Architecture
The current paper describes three main applications incorporated in a greater system
designed for testing random and pseudo-random number generators. These sub-systems are
called SeqTestRand, ParTestRand and SFC. SeqTestRand and ParTestRand are two systems
that incorporate a series of statistical test implemented in a sequential manner, and
respectively in a parallel manner. SFC is a statistical functions calculator that can be helpful
in the development of new statistical tests. In the following sub-sections the system
architecture and the requirements specifications will be presented for each of these three sub-
systems. Because this is a team project, the implementation of the system was divided
between the two members of the team.
4.1 Block Diagram of the System
4.1.1 SeqTestRand
Figure 4-1.Block diagram of the SeqTestRand application
The SeqTestRand application can be used to test a random bit sequence stored in a
file. As it can be seen in the block diagram of the system (Figure 4-1), it incorporates the
sequential implementation of two batteries of tests, NIST and CryptoRand. While the NIST
battery consists of only one application (SeqNIST), the CryptoRand battery consists of two
applications: SeqHistograms and SeqGenBlockFreq. All the functionality offered by these
applications can be accessed through an intuitive, user friendly graphical user interface.
The SeqNIST application is a byte-oriented efficient implementation of the NIST
statistical test suite and can be run from the command line. It was developed by me and
incorporates a total of 15 statistical tests, out of which 8 were implemented by me and the
other 7 by my colleague.
The SeqHistograms application is an efficient implementation of the Histogram Tests
and can be run from the command line. It was developed by my team colleague and
incorporates a total of 8 histogram tests, out of which 4 were implemented by me and the
other 4 by my colleague.
The SeqGenBlockFreq application was developed entirely by the other team member.
NIST battery
CryptoRand battery
4 Requirements Specifications and System Architecture
4.1.2 ParTestRand

Figure 4-2.Block diagram of the ParTestRand application
The ParTestRand application is similar with the SeqTestRand application, with the
difference that in this case the statistical tests batteries are parallelized for a multicore
architecture, using OpenMP. Another difference is that the NIST battery now contains two
applications: ParNIST and ParNIST_blocks, and the CryptoRand battery now contains three
applications: ParHistograms, ParHistograms_blocks and ParGenBlockFreq.
The ParNIST application is similar with the SeqNIST application, but now the
algorithms used for each test are parallelized. It was developed by me and incorporates a total
of 9 tests, out of which 6 were implemented by me and 3 by the other team member.
The ParNIST_blocks application is similar with the SeqNIST application, because it
contains the same sequential version of the tests (except for NIST test 5), with the only
difference that in the testing modes 2, 3 and 4 the block sequences are run in parallel. The
application was developed by me, while the implementation of the tests was divided among
the team members in the same manner as for SeqNIST.
The ParHistograms_blocks application is similar with the SeqHistograms
application, because it contains the same sequential implementation of the tests, with the only
difference that in the testing modes 2, 3 and 4 the block sequences are run in parallel. The
application was developed by my team colleague, while the implementation of the tests was
divided among the team members in the same manner as for SeqHistograms.
The ParHistograms and the ParGenBlockFreq applications were developed entirely by
the other team member.
NIST battery
CryptoRand battery
4 Requirements Specifications and System Architecture
4.1.3 SFC
Figure 4-3.Block diagram of the SFC application
The SFC (Statistical Functions Calculator) application can be used to compute
certain statistical functions that are necessary in the testing process of random sequences. The
application can be used either to compute the value of a function in a certain point, or to
generate a table with values of a function for a certain given interval. All the functionality
offered by this application can be accessed through an intuitive, user friendly graphical user
interface. Both the user interface design and the functions implementations were divided
between the members of the team.
4.2 Functional Requirements
The functional requirements for the SeqTestRand application are the following ones:
The possibility to select one of the two statistical tests batteries proposed for
implementation (NIST and CryptoRand).
Testing with the chosen battery the random or pseudo-random bit sequence stored
in a file, which is given as input.
The possibility to select any number of tests from one of the batteries.
Running the selected tests for one chosen file.
Running the selected tests for each file in a chosen directory that may contain other
The possibility to select one of the four testing modes:
- Testing the whole sequence.
- Testing a specified number of equal non-overlapping blocks of a given
size from a specified offset.
- Testing a specified number of overlapping blocks of increasing size with
a given step, from a specified offset (the left limit of the blocks is fixed
and they are growing in size to the right)
- Testing a specified number of overlapping blocks of decreasing size with
a given step, from a specified offset (the right limit of the blocks is fixed
and they are decreasing in size to the right)
The possibility to choose the significance level for the statistical tests selected.
Displaying the textual results of each test.
The possibility to visualize the results in a graphical manner, by plotting the P-
values obtained.
Computing and displaying the execution time for each test and for the whole
Function Class
4 Requirements Specifications and System Architecture
Providing help for the values of each parameter.
Providing general help, for all the tests and for all the inputs required by the
The possibility to cancel the running tests at any moment.
The functional requirements for the ParTestRand application are the ones specified
for the SeqTestRand application, plus the following ones:
In modes 2, 3 or 4, there should exist the possibility to choose between
- Running the parallelized version of each test, while the block sequences
are run in a sequential manner (internal parallelization of each test).
- Running the sequential version of each test, while the block sequences
are run in parallel (block sequences parallelization).
The possibility to choose the number of threads used for the parallel execution.
The functional requirements for the SFC application are the following ones:
The possibility to select a statistical function and to calculate its corresponding
value for the parameters given by the user.
The possibility to generate a table that contains the values of the statistical function
chosen, for parameters located in some intervals given by the user (here the user
will also have to give the step with which the parameters will increase every time)
The possibility to save the obtained table in a file chosen by the user. The default
extension for this file should be .csv, in order to be able to visualize the results in
Microsoft Office Excel or in any other tabular program.
4.3 Non-functional Requirements
The non-functional requirements of the SeqTestRand application are the following
- The application will have an intuitive, user friendly interface.
- Each battery of tests and each statistical test in these batteries will be
described on short in the help provided by the application, in order to
facilitate the usability of the application. This way the user will
understand what the purpose of each test is, when to use it and how to
choose its parameters.
- The size of the file introduced by the user will be displayed, in order to
know the size of the tested sequence. The size of the sequence can be
helpful when dividing the tested sequence into sub-sequences for modes
2, 3 and 4.
- The user will be alerted every time an action he performed is not a correct
- Because the statistical tests batteries are independent, the application can
be easily extend by adding other statistical tests batteries.
- Because of the same reason stated above, any modification done on one
of the batteries does not affect the other test suites.
4 Requirements Specifications and System Architecture
- The execution times obtained depend on the size of the tested sequence,
being directly proportional with it, but will be much smaller that those
obtained for the current available implementations.
- In order to reduce the time needed to read the tested sequence from the
input file, the file will be read a single time and then used by all the
selected tests from one of the batteries.
The non-functional requirements of the ParTestRand application are the same as the
ones for the SeqTestRand application, the only difference being that this time the execution
times obtained must not only be much more smaller that those obtained for the current
available implementations, but also smaller than the execution times obtained for the
SeqTestRand application. This is necessary in order to justify the parallel implementation of
the statistical test suites.
For the SFC application the non-functional requirements are the following ones:
- The application will have an intuitive, user friendly interface.
- For every input parameter of every function, the valid domain will be
displayed, in order for the user to acknowledge the accepted values of
each parameter.
- For each of the functions integrated in this calculator, the corresponding
mathematical formula and a short description of what the function
computes will be displayed, for a better use of this application.
- The application can be easily extended by adding other statistical
functions, because the functions don not depend on each other.
- Because the functions are independent, the modifications done on one
function, do not affect the other functions integrated in the calculator.
4.4 Constraints
In order for the three applications described to be implemented and to be run properly,
the minimum system constraints that need to be fulfilled are a Windows XP with Service
Pack 2 or a higher version of the Windows operating system and the installation of a .NET 3.0
framework or higher.
For the ParTestRand application it is recommended to run it on a multi-core
architecture, because it is designed to obtain a better execution time by using the power of
parallel processing.
For the SeqTestRand and ParTestRand applications the input file should have a length
of at most 1 GB. This size was chosen as a result of a series of experiments made. For the first
version of the NIST statistical test suite implemented, the maximum input file size was of 2
GB. In this first version the file was not entirely read into memory from the start. Instead
chunks of 200000 bytes were read and processed in a sequential manner. Because for files
greater that 1GB, the application needed more time to run, it was decided that this first
version of the tests should be integrated in another project which should use the
computational power of the grid.
The sequence tested by SeqTestRand and ParTestRand is in fact the bit representation
of the input file, so the bits of the sequence should not be written in the file one by one.
4 Requirements Specifications and System Architecture
4.5 General System Architecture
The current described project is part of a greater research project concerned with
generation and testing of random and pseudo-random number generators. This project is
named CryptoRand and has the system architecture shown in Figure 4-4.
The TestRand system integrated in the CryptoRand project is concerned with testing
random and pseudo-random number sequences, while the rest of the systems integrated are
handling the generation of random sequences. The TestRand system integrates another four
applications, as presented in Figure 4-5. Three of the sub-systems integrated in the TestRand
project represent the project described in this paper.
The SeqTestRand and ParTestRand applications have a stratified, low coupling
architecture. The components of the architecture are the functional module, and a graphical
user interface, which interact with each other. The functional module of the SeqTestRand
application contains an executable for the NIST battery and two for the CryptoRand battery.
The one for the ParTestRand application contains two executables for the NIST battery and
three for the CryptoRand battery. Both functional models have a high cohesion architecture.
The tow architectures described are presented in Figure 4-6.

Figure 4-4.The general architecture of the CryptoRand project
GUI Integration Module
4 Requirements Specifications and System Architecture
Figure 4-5.The general architecture of the TestRand project
Figure 4-5.The SeqTestRand and ParTestRand architectures
The architecture of the SFC application consists of a graphical user interface and a
class that contains the implementation of some statistical functions. Because each statistical
function is represented by a method in the Function class, adding new statistical functions
means adding new methods to this class. The architecture of the SFC application is shown in
Figure 4-7.
Figure 4-6.The SFC application architecture
Function Class
5 Design Detail
5 Design Detail
5.1 Design Policies
The design policies used for the SeqTestRand application and the reasoning made are
shown below:
1) The NIST battery will be implemented as a single executable file, SeqNIST:
In order to obtain a unitary, independent application.
Can be run from the command line prompt.
Can also be integrated in the SeqTestRand application with a graphical
user interface.
2) The CryptoRand battery will be divided in two parts: the Histogram Tests and the
General Block Frequency Test, obtaining two executables. These applications
were developed by the other team member so the design policies concerning them
will be detailed by her. My contribution was implementing half of the Histogram
3) Each test from a battery corresponds to a function that can be called from the main
section of the application:
In order to generate a single executable for related tests (a various
number of tests can be run using this executable).
Each function will have as parameters a pointer to the beginning of the
tested sequence and the length of the sequence. By adopting this
convention, the same function can be used to test the whole sequence or
only a part of it, just by modifying the parameter values.
Each test can be implemented independently.
4) The maximum size of the file is 1 GB:
In order to be able to read the entire sequence at once.
A Win32 application has 2 GB of memory allocated, which are divided
between the heap, the stack and so on.
The experiments made have proven that the maximum size that can be
allocated dynamically is around 1600 MB.
600 MB of memory were left for the allocation of the used variables.
For files greater than 1GB the testing takes too much time. Another
version of the tests exists that are part of another research project
designed to be adapted for the grid.
5) The entire sequence will be read from the input file at once:
The execution time will be reduced, because the sequence will be used by
each test (the file must not be read by each test).
All the related tests can be incorporated in a single executable.
In order to facilitate the parallelization of the tests.
6) The buffer keeping the tested sequence will be allocated dynamically:
If static allocation would be used, 1GB will be allocated all the time, even
if the tested sequence has a much smaller length
7) For numbers that exceed the 32 bit representation the double type is used
whenever possible:
The processing time obtained when using the double type is less than the
one obtained when using the long long type.
5 Design Detail
Numbers that exceed the 32 bit representation appear when the tested
sequence is big and the total number of bits is required.
The int type is processor dependent and still has a length of 32 bits on
most of the existing 64 bit processors.
8) Different testing modes offered:
In order to analyze in more detail the tested sequence, the application
offers four testing modes. Using the offered testing modes a detailed
report can be obtained about the degree of randomness of the whole
sequence or of different parts of it (global randomness and local
9) The command line arguments used for the SeqNIST application will be presented
next. The ones chosen for the two executables of the CryptoRand battery will be
detailed by the other team member.
SeqNIST.exe <file_name> <mode> <start> <step> <count> <alpha>
<file_name> represents the path and the name of the file which contains
the tested sequence.
<mode> can be:
- 1 the whole sequence is tested.
- 2 a number of <count> non-overlapping blocks of size <step>
starting from offset <start> in the input sequence, are tested.
- 3 a number of <count> overlapping blocks of increasing size with
step <step> starting from offset <start> in the input sequence, are
- 4 a number of <count> overlapping blocks of decreasing size with
step <step> starting from offset <start> in the input sequence, are
The modes have been chosen in such a way that more different sub-
sequences from the input sequence could be tested.
<start> specifies the position from the file from which the testing
sequence can be tested (for mode 1 the value given for this argument is
not taken into consideration, because <start> is always 0).
<step> specifies the length of a block in mode 2 and the step with which
the tested sequence increases or decreases in modes 3 and respectively 4
(for mode 1 the value given for this argument is not taken into
consideration, because it is not needed).
<count> specifies the number of blocks tested from the input sequence
(for mode 1 the value given for this argument is not taken into
consideration, because it is not needed).
Using <start>, <step> and <count> the tested sub-sequence can be
chosen to be as long as needed, and can be located in any part of the
<alpha> specifies the significance level to be used by the statistical tests
<tests_list_with_parameters> represents a list of tests, where each test
has the following format: <tx> <p1> <p2><pn>. x is the number of
the test and <pn> is the n
parameter of the test.
10) The following execution times will be displayed:
The processing time for each test.
5 Design Detail
The processing time for each block, if the testing mode is 2, 3 or 4.
The total processing time of all the tests run.
The I/O time needed to read the sequence from the input file.
The total execution time.
11) There will exist two running modes:
Single file: the user will choose a file to be tested.
Multiple files: the user will choose a directory to be tested, in case he
wants to run more files in batch mode.
12) For each test the results consists of the P-value(s) obtained and a statement
confirming the rejection or acceptance of the sequence. The user will also have the
option to view the results in a graphical manner:
The user is interested in knowing if the sequence passed the tests or not,
but the P-value(s) obtained for each test are also important because it can
specify the degree of randomness, or non-randomness.
The graphical representation of the results could be useful if many tests
are selected and especially in the situation when many files are run at
once, because the user can see more clearly how many P-values obtained
are lower than the significance level.
13) Every tab in the interface corresponds to a statistical tests battery:
This way the user can make a clear distinction between the existent
New batteries can be added at any time in the same manner, without
affecting the existing batteries and confusing the user.
The design policies used for the ParTestRand application are similar to the ones
presented for the SeqTestRand application with some differences presented below:
1) The NIST battery will have two executables: ParNIST and ParNIST_blocks:
In the ParNIST application the algorithm used for each test is
The ParNIST_blocks application only runs for modes 2, 3 and 4 and
contains the sequential version of each test (except for NIST test 5), while
the parallelization is applied for the block sub-sequences into which the
tested sequence is divided.
The two executables will be integrated in the same battery, but the user
will have the possibility to choose what he wants to be parallelized.
2) The CryptoRand battery will have three executables: ParHistograms,
ParHistograms_blocks and ParGenBlockFreq. These applications were developed
by the other team member so the design policies concerning them will be detailed
by her. My only contribution was in the ParHistograms_blocks application, for
which I provided half of the sequential tests implementations.
3) The number of threads used for the parallelization can be chosen by the user:
Normally, the user will want to use a number of threads equal to the
number of processors used in the multi-core architecture.
The chunk for each thread will be calculated as a function of the number
of threads given as input.
By using various numbers of threads, some comparisons can be made.
4) The command line arguments used for the ParNIST and ParNIST_blocks
applications will be presented next. The ones chosen for the three executables of
the CryptoRand battery will be detailed by the other team member.
5 Design Detail
ParNIST[_blocks].exe <file_name> <mode> <start> <step> <count> <alpha>
<number_threads> <tests_list_with_parameters>
The only difference brought from the SeqNIST application is the
argument <no_threads>, which is used to specify the number of threads
to be used for the parallelization.
For the ParNIST_blocks application <mode> can be only 2, 3 or 4, so
<start>, <step> and <count> are mandatory.
5) OpenMP was chosen for parallelization:
OpenMP provides both task parallelization and data parallelization.
OpenMP supports multi-platform shared-memory parallel programming
in C/C++.
The OpenMP directives automatically handle data layout and
It can be used in both Unix or various Windows platforms.
The SFC application has the following desing policies:
1) Every tab in the interface corresponds to a statistical function:
This way the functions are organized and can be intuitively and easily
accessed by the user.
2) Specifying the valid domain for each parameter of each function:
In order to reduce the risk of introducing some parameter values that are
out of the domain of the function.
This way the user will not have to guess the accepted value, and will be
spared from warning messages.
3) A short description of the returned value and the mathematical formula of each
function will be specified:
Through the mathematical formula of the function the user will
understand the concrete mathematical implementation of each function
and will have no doubts about the results of the function.
In order to understand the correspondence between the introduced
parameter values and the actual parameters used in the mathematical
4) For the implementation of each function the Cephes library was used:
The Cephes library is a well known scientific mathematical library,
containing over 400 mathematical and statistical functions.
The Cephes library is also used by NIST in their implementation.
5) The value of a function can be computed in one point or for a series of points,
displayed in a tabular form:
By displaying the results in a tabular form, for some intervals given, the
results can be easily checked for correctness by comparing them to
existing tabular representations of the mathematical function.
The obtained tables can lead to a detailed analyze of the statistical
functions implemented.
The tables can be used to generate charts.
The value of the function in one point is also useful when only a certain
value of the function is needed.
5 Design Detail
5.2 Use Cases
5.2.1 SeqTestRand
The use cases for the SeqTestRand application are shown in the use case diagram from
Figure 5-1.
Run selected tests
for a single file
Choose a battery
Introduce an input
Choose the testing
Introduce the necessary
parameters for the selected
Choose a
significance level
Select the wanted tests
and introduce their
View graphical
Run batch job
(multiple files)
Choose a directory
Cancel tests
Figure 5-6.Use case diagram for the SeqTestRand application
5 Design Detail
The main use cases presented in the diagram shown above are: running the selected
tests for a single file, running batch job and viewing graphical results. The rest of the
activities that the user can perform, except for canceling tests, are used by the first or the
second main use cases stated before.
The next Use Case will represent the actions performed by the user when he wants to
run the selected tests for a single input sequence.
1. Basic Flow
Use Case Start
The use case starts when the actor wants to test a single file, whose binary
representation is a bit sequence, with the help of statistical tests.
1.1 The actor chooses the statistical tests battery that he wants to use for testing.
1.2 The actor introduces the input file.
1.3 The system displays the size of the input file in bytes.
1.4 The actor chooses the running mode 1 and introduces a value for the significance
1.5 The actor selects the wanted tests and introduces values for the parameters where
1.6 The actor asks for the tests to be run for the chosen file.
1.7 The system validates the information introduced by the user and displays the
results of the tests.
Use Case End
The actor visualizes the results displayed.
2. Alternative Flows
2.1. The input file is not specified
Alternative Flow Starts
This flow can occur in step 1.3 as a result of not specifying a file in step 1.2.
2.1.1 The system does not display the size of the input file.
Alternative Flow Ends
The flow continues with step 1.4 from the basic flow.
2.2 The actor chooses one of the testing modes 2, 3 or 4
Alternative Flow Starts
This flow can occur in step 1.4 as a result of choosing one of the testing modes 2, 3
or 4.
2.2.1 The actor chooses one of the testing modes 2, 3 or 4 and introduces values for
start, step, count, and alpha.
Alternative Flow Ends
The flow continues with step 1.5 from the basic flow.
5 Design Detail
2.3 Incomplete information
Alternative Flow Starts
This flow can occur in step 1.7 as a result of not specifying the input data in one of
the steps: 1.2, 1.4, and 1.5 from the basic flow or in step 2.2.1 from the alternative
flow 2.2.
2.3.1 The system shows a warning message through which it alerts the actor that he
didnt provide all the information required.
2.3.2 The actor provides the necessary information.
Alternative Flow Ends
The flow continues with step 1.6 from the basic flow.
2.4 Incorrect information
Alternative Flow Starts
This flow can occur in step 1.7 as a result of specifying incorrect information in one
of the steps: 1.2, 1.4, and 1.5 from the basic flow or in step 2.2.1 from the alternative
flow 2.2.
2.4.1 The system shows a warning message through which it alerts the actor that the
information he provided is not correct.
2.4.2 The actor corrects the information where necessary.
Alternative Flow Ends
The flow continues with step 1.6 from the basic flow.
2.5 The actor cancels the tests
Alternative Flow Starts
This flow can occur in step 1.7 as a result of canceling the tests.
2.5.1 The system shows a warning message through which it alerts the actor that the
tests have been canceled and cancels the execution of the tests.
Alternative Flow Ends
This flow ends.
2.6 The system fails
Alternative Flow Starts
This flow can occur in any step. When the system fails the data is not saved.
2.6.1 The actor restarts the system.
Alternative Flow Ends
This flow continues from step 1.1 from the basic flow.
The Use Case for the operation of running the tests for multiple files placed in a
directory (running batch job) is similar with the one presented above. The only difference is
that steps 1.2 and 1.3 from the basic flow are missing and there is another step introduced
after step 1.5 from the basic flow, where the actor chooses the directory that contains the files
that need to be tested. Because of these changes the alternative flow 2.1 does not exist
anymore, but two other alternative flows are introduced for the last step in the following
situations: the actor does not choose any directory or the actor chooses an empty directory.
5 Design Detail
The alternative flows will consist of the system showing warning messages, through which it
alerts the actor that the tests were not performed because of one of the problems stated.
The Use Cases for the cancel tests and view graphical results operations are too simple
to be described. They consist of only one step performed by the actor, asking the system to
cancel the tests or to view the graphical results, and the response from the system, which
cancels the tests or displays the graphical results. The rest of the Use Cases are part of the first
Use Case presented above.
5.2.2 ParTestRand
The use cases for the ParTestRand application are shown in the use case diagram from
Figure 5-2. The main use cases presented in Figure 5-2 are: running the selected tests for a
single file, running a batch job and viewing graphical results. The rest of the activities that the
user can perform, except for canceling tests, are used by the first or the second main use cases
stated before.
The Use Case for the ParTestRand application will not be detailed here, because it is
similar with the SeqTestRand Use Case. The only difference is that in step 1.4 from the basic
flow and in step 2.2.1 from the alternative flow 2.2, the actor also introduces the number of
threads wanted. In step 2.2.1 from the alternative flow 2.2, the actor also chooses what he
wants to be parallelized, the tests or the block sub-sequences.
5.2.3 SFC
The use cases for the SFC application are shown in the use case diagram presented in
Figure 5-3. The main use cases presented in Figure 5-3 are: computing function and generate
table. The rest of the use cases, except for clear data and view about, are part of the two main
use cases stated before.
Two Use Cases will be presented next: one for computing the value of a function and
one for generating a table for the function.
Use Case 1: Computing the value of a function
Precondition: The actor has selected one of the functions from the calculator.
1. Basic Flow
Use Case Start
The use case starts when the actor wants to compute the value of a statistical
1.1 The actor inserts the parameters needed to compute the selected function.
1.2 The actor asks for the function to be computed.
1.3 The system validates the parameters and displays the result of the function.
Use Case End
The actor visualizes the results.
2. Alternative Flows
2.1 Incomplete information
Alternative flow begins
This flow can occur in step 1.3 as a result of not specifying the input data in step
2.1.1 The system shows a warning message through which it alerts the actor that he
didnt provide the parameters for the function.
5 Design Detail
2.1.2 The actor provides the parameters for the function.
Alternative Flow Ends
The flow continues with step 1.2 from the basic flow.
2.2 Incorrect information
Alternative Flow Starts
This flow can occur in step 1.3 as a result of specifying incorrect information in step
2.2.1 The system shows a warning message through which it alerts the actor that the
parameters he provided are incorrect.
2.4.2 The actor corrects the values of the parameters.
Alternative Flow Ends
The flow continues with step 1.2 from the basic flow.
2.3 The system fails
Alternative Flow Starts
This flow can occur in any step. When the system fails the data is not saved.
2.3.1 The actor restarts the system.
Alternative Flow Ends
This flow continues from step 1.1 from the basic flow.
Use Case 1: Generating a table for the function.
Precondition: The actor has selected one of the functions from the calculator and has
entered the table generation mode.
1. Basic Flow
Use Case Start
The use case starts when the actor wants to generate a table with the values of the
selected function for specified intervals of parameters.
1.1 The actor inserts the fist and the last values of the interval, and the step with
which to increase the parameters from this interval every time.
1.2 The actor introduces the path and the name of the file where the table will be
1.3 The actor asks for the generation of the table.
1.4 The system validates the parameters, generates the table and announces the actor
that the operation was successful.
Use Case End
The system goes back to the standard form of the calculator.
2. Alternative Flows
2.1 Incomplete information
Alternative flow begins
This flow can occur in step 1.4 as a result of not specifying the input data in one of
the steps 1.1 and 1.2.
5 Design Detail
2.1.1 The system shows a warning message through which it alerts the actor that he
didnt provide all the required information.
2.1.2 The actor provides the required information.
Alternative Flow Ends
The flow continues with step 1.3 from the basic flow.
2.2 Incorrect parameters
Alternative flow begins
This flow can occur in step 1.4 as a result of introducing wrong values for the
function parameters in step 1.1
2.2.1 The system shows a warning message through which it alerts the actor that the
values he provided are incorrect.
2.2.2 The actor corrects the values.
Alternative Flow Ends
The flow continues with step 1.3 from the basic flow.
2.3 Incorrect file
Alternative flow begins
This flow can occur in step 1.4 as a result of introducing an inexistent path or a
wrong file name in step 1.1.
2.3.1 The system does not generate the table and shows a warning message through
which it alerts the actor that the operation could not be performed.
Alternative Flow Ends
The system goes back to the standard form of the calculator.
2.4 The system fails
Alternative Flow Starts
This flow can occur in any step. When the system fails the data is not saved.
2.4.1 The actor restarts the system.
Alternative Flow Ends
This flow continues from step 1.1 from the basic flow.
5 Design Detail
Run selected tests
for a single file
Choose a battery
Introduce an input
Choose the testing
Introduce the necessary
parameters for the selected
Choose what to
Select the wanted tests
and introduce their
View graphical
Run batch job
(multiple files)
Choose a directory
Cancel tests
Choose the number of
threads and the significance
Figure 5-7.Use Case diagram for the ParTestRand application
5 Design Detail
Select a function
Insert function
Compute function
Enter tabular mode
Insert an interval and
a step for each parameter
Choose the file into
which to save the table
Generate table
View about
Clear data
Figure 5-8.Use Case Diagram for the SFC application
5 Design Detail
5.3 Program Structure
5.3.1 SeqTestRand
SeqTestRand is a WPF application that integrates the sequential implementation of
two statistical tests batteries: NIST and CryptoRand. The NIST battery is implemented as a
single application, SeqNIST, while the CryptoRand battery is implemented as two
applications, because the tests contained in the CryptoRand battery can be divided in two
categories: the Histogram tests (SeqHistograms) and the General Block Frequency test
(SeqGenBlockFreq). The SeqNIST application is a byte-oriented more efficient
implementation of the NIST Statistical Test Suite. The two applications that implement the
CryptoRand battery represent an efficient implementation of some tests developed as part of
the CryptoRand project. To sum up, the SeqTestRand application integrates three applications
(SeqNIST, SeqHistograms and SeqGenBlockFreq) and provides a graphical user interface for
them. The structure of each of these applications and the optimizations brought to each test
will be presented next. The only application that will not be presented is SeqGenBlockFreq,
because it was developed entirely by my team colleague and it will be described by her.
SeqTestRand was developed in C# and XAML and the applications are incorporated as
separate processes. SeqNIST
The SeqNIST application was developed by me and integrates 14 statistical tests taken
from the NIST documentation [8] plus another version of the Maurers Universal Statistical
Test (NIST test 9). Seven of these tests were implemented by the other team member and the
other 8 by me. The NIST documentation describes 16 statistical tests, but 2 of these were
disregarded by NIST because of some problems found. The SeqNIST application is a Win32
console application and was developed in C.
The input file is read into a buffer for which space is allocated dynamically with the
size of the file. The whole sequence is loaded into memory from the start, in an array of type
unsigned char, in order to hold one byte from the input sequence in one position of the array.
This will allow us to work on bytes, instead of working on bits.
The application implements the four running modes presented in the design policies
section for SeqTestRand and contains 14 functions for each of the NIST tests implemented.
The functions take as parameters the size of the sequence to be tested and a pointer to the
beginning of the sequence, in order to be able to test the whole sequence or only a part of it by
using the same function. For the tests that have parameters, the values received for each test
are also transmitted through the function parameters. Each of these functions will be then
called from the main section of the application.
The application also computes the processing time for each test and for each block
sub-sequence if the testing mode is 2, 3 or 4, the total processing time, the time needed to read
the input file, and the total execution time. The time is computed using the clock() function
from the time.h library, in order to compute the time in the same manner as in the NIST
implementation and to be able to compare the results. The statistical functions used to
compute the P-value, igamc and erfc, are implemented according to the Cephes library.
The main increase in performance is due to shifting the paradigm from a bit sequence
to a byte sequence, as shown in Figure 5-4. Each algorithm was adapted in order to be able to
work on bytes, by using different look-up tables or other efficient computations. In the next
sections I will present the optimizations brought to each of the tests implemented by me. The
other 7 test will be described by my team colleague.
5 Design Detail
Figure 5-4.Shifting the paradigm from a bit sequence to a byte sequence
1. NIST Test 1 The Frequency (Monobit) Test
The test needs to compute the difference between the number of ones and the number
of zeroes in the sequence. Instead of transforming each 0 bit into a -1 and then summing up
all the bits in the sequence like in the NIST implementation, I am computing just the number
of ones, since the number of zeroes is complementary. In order to compute the number of
ones, I am using a look-up table of 256 entries that holds the number of ones in each possible
byte value. Each byte from the input sequence is matched with one of the indices of the look-
up table and then the corresponding value is added to the total number of ones, like shown in
Figure 5-5.
Figure 5-5. Optimization for the Frequency (Monobit) Test
This test has no parameters and can be called from the command line with the
following argument: t1. An example of this new version of the Frequency Test will be
presented next, in order to show the new form of the algorithm. The steps presented
correspond to the steps used in the test description from the Theoretical Foundations sub-
Input: = 10110101 0110110 10101110 11001100. n = 32 bits (4 bytes).
The buffer holds the unsigned chars with the following ASCII codes: 181, 54, 174, 204.
Step 1
In the following, noOfOnes is the lookup table holding the number of ones for each
byte and noOnes represents the total number of ones in the sequence.
noOnes = 0.
noOnes = noOnes + noOfOnes[181] = 0 + 5 = 5.
noOnes = noOnes + noOfOnes[54] = 5 + 4 = 9.
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
The bits buffer used by NIST to hold the sequence (n entries)
The bytes buffer used by SeqNIST to hold the sequence (n/8 entries)
4 3 255
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112131415 n-1
Bytes buffer used in SeqNIST
4 3 255
0 1 1 2 1 8
0 1 2 3 4 255
Look-up table with number of ones in each byte
5 Design Detail
noOnes = noOnes + noOfOnes[174] = 9 + 5 = 14.
noOnes = noOnes + noOfOnes[204] = 14 + 4 = 18.
The number of zeroes is equal to n 18 = 32 18 = 14.
Now the difference between the number of ones and the number of zeroes is 4, which
corresponds to the variable denoted S
in the description of the test from section The
rest of the steps that are performed are also described in section As it can be seen in
the example only 4 additions and a subtraction need to be performed in this new version of
the algorithm in order to compute the number of ones in the sequence. In the NIST
implementation this step was performed by using 14 transformations from 0 to -1 and 32
2. NIST Test 2 Frequency Test within a Block
This test is similar with the first test, but this time the sequence is divided into blocks
and the difference between the number of ones and the number of zeroes is computed for each
block. The same optimization is applied for this test as for the first one, but this time the
number of ones in each block is computed. Therefore, the look-up table from the first test can
also be used here, but now only the values for the bytes in a block are summed up, like shown
in Figure 5-6.
Figure 5-6. Optimization for the Frequency Test within a Block
In order to be able to work on bytes, the size of the block given by the user must be
given in bytes. Because the length of the block in bytes is stored using the long type, this
implementation permits greater block lengths that in the NIST implementation which uses the
int type to store the length of the block in bits. Even if the int type is processor dependent, for
most of the existent 64 bit processors, it still has 32 bits. Therefore the maximum block size
allowed in the NIST implementation is 2
bits, while for my implementation it is 8 times
This test can be called from the command line with the following arguments: t2
<block_length>. An example of this new version of the Frequency Test within a Block will
be presented next, in order to show the new form of the algorithm. The steps presented
correspond to the steps used in the test description from the Theoretical Foundations sub-
Input: = 10110101 0110110 10101110 11001100, n = 31 bits (4 bytes), M = 2 bytes.
The buffer holds the unsigned chars with the following ASCII codes: 181, 54, 174, 204.
Step 1
N = 2, and the blocks are: 10110101 0110110 and 10101110 11001100.
4 3 255
0 1 1 2 1 8
0 1 2 3 4 255
Look-up table holding the number of ones in each byte

0 1

M-1 0


The bytes buffer used in SeqNIST

5 Design Detail
Step 2
In the following, noOfOnes is the lookup table holding the number of ones for each
byte. The number of ones in the first block is computed by adding noOfOnes[181] +
noOfOnes[54], while the number of ones in the second block is computed by adding
noOfOnes[174] + noOfOnes[204]. Now the proportions of ones are:
1 2
5 4 9
16 16

The rest of the steps that are performed are the ones described in section
3. NIST Test 3 Runs Test
This test has as prerequisite the Frequency test, meaning that if the condition imposed
by the first test is passed, then the Runs test is performed, otherwise the P-value returned by
this test is 0. For this step, the number of ones is computed in the same manner as for the
Frequency test.
The test also computes the number of runs in the input sequence. The algorithm
proposed by NIST in the documentation traverses the input sequence bit by bit, compares
every two adjacent bits, and increments the total number of runs whenever the two bits are
different. In my implementation, in order to compute the number of runs, two look-up tables
are used. The first one has 256 entries and contains the number of runs in each possible byte
value. The second one is a matrix with 2 lines and 256 columns and contains the first and the
last bit for each possible byte value. Each byte in the input sequence is matched with an index
of the first look-up table and then the corresponding value is added to the total number of
runs. For every two adjacent bytes processed, the second look-up table is used in order to
compare the last bit of the first byte with the first bit of the second byte. This comparison is
performed in order to determine if two adjacent bytes share the same run. If this is the case
then a 1 is subtracted from the total number of runs every time the comparison is made, in
order to obtain the correct number of runs. The way this two lookup tables are used is shown
in Figure 5-7.
Figure 5-7. Optimization for the Runs Test
This test can be called from the command line with the following argument: t3. An
example of this new version of the Runs Test will be presented next, in order to show the new
form of the algorithm. The steps presented correspond to the steps used in the test description
from the Theoretical Foundations sub-section
The bytes buffer used in SeqNIST
4 3 255
1 2 3 2 3 1
0 1 2 3 4 255
Look-up table holding the number of runs in
each byte

0 0 0 0 0 1
0 1 2 3 4 255

0 1 0 1 0 1

0 3
Look-up table holding the first and the last
bits for each byte
5 Design Detail
Input: = 10110101 0110110 10101110 00111100, n = 32 bits (4 bytes).
The buffer holds the unsigned chars with the following ASCII codes: 181, 54, 174, 60.
Step 1
The proportion of ones in the sequence is
18 9
32 16
Step 2
2 2


1 9 1
2 16 2
, therefore the test is run.
Step 3
The number of runs (V
) is computed using the nrOfRuns look-up table, holding the
number of runs in each possible byte value and the FaLB (First and Last Bit) matrix, which
has on the first row the first bit of each possible byte and on the second row the last bit of the
same byte.
= nrOfRuns[181] + nrOfRuns[54] = 7 + 5 = 12.
FaLB [1][181] FaLB [0][54].
= V
+ nrOfRuns[174] = 12 + 6 = 18.
FaLB [1][54] FaLB [0][174].
= V
+ nrOfRuns[60] = 18 + 3 = 21.
FaLB [1][174] = FaLB [0][60] => V
= V
1 = 20.
The rest of the steps that are performed are the ones described in section
4. NIST Test 4 Test for the Longest Run of Ones in a Block
This test divides the input sequence into blocks of length M and searches for the
maximum run on ones in each block bit by bit. After this the frequencies of the longest run of
ones are tabulated into categories. In order to be able to work on bytes, my implementation
uses a block length of 8 bits (1 byte) and a look-up table of 256 entries containing the
maximum run of ones in each possible byte value. Now the longest run of ones in each block
is easy to be found because it is represented by the value from the look-up table whose index
is equal to the value of the current byte (block). In order to compute the frequencies of the
longest runs of ones we just take the value from the look-up table, find the category it is in
and increment the frequency of that category, like shown in Figure 5-8.
Figure 5-8. Optimization for the Longest Run of Ones in a Block
The bytes buffer used in SeqNIST
4 3 255
0 1 1 2 1 8
0 1 2 3 4 255
Look-up table holding the maximum run
of ones in each byte

Frequencies of the
longest runs of ones
in each block
5 Design Detail
This test can be called from the command line with the following argument: t4. An
example of this new version of the Test for the Longest Run of Ones in a Block will be
presented next, in order to present the new form of the algorithm. The steps presented
correspond to the steps used in the test description from the Theoretical Foundations sub-
Input: = 11001100 00010101 01111100 01011100 11100000, n = 40 bits (5 bytes),
M = 8 bits (1 byte).
The buffer holds the unsigned chars with the following ASCII codes: 204, 21, 124, 92,
Step 1
N = 5, and the blocks with the maximum run of ones computed with the help of the
maxRunOfOnes lookup table are the following ones:
11001100 maxRunOfOnes[204] = 2
00010101 maxRunOfOnes[21] = 1
01111100 maxRunOfOnes[124] = 5
01011100 maxRunOfOnes[92] = 3
11100000 maxRunOfOnes[224] = 3
The rest of the steps that are performed are the ones described in section
5. NIST Test 7 Non-overlapping Template Matching Test
This test uses an m-bit window to search for a specific pattern in the input sequence. If
the pattern is found the window slides right m bits positions, else it only slides one bit
position. In order to be able to work on bytes, the length of the pattern is taken to be 8 bits (1
byte). For searching the template in the input sequence, the first two bytes are put into an
unsigned short int variable. The template is compared with the first byte of this variable, by
performing logical operations. If they are equal, then the variable is shifted left 8 bits and
another byte from the input sequence is added to it by using logical operators. If the template
and the first byte are different, then the unsigned short int variable is shifted left only one bit.
Whenever there are 8 bits free in the variable, another byte from the input sequences is added
to it. This process is repeated until there are no more bytes left into the input sequence. The
algorithm presented is also shown in Figure 5-9.
Figure 5-9. Optimization for the Non-overlapping Template Matching Test
The test divides the sequence into blocks and then computes the number of
appearances of the pattern in each block. Unlike in the NIST implementation, my version of
the test takes as parameters the length of the block and a file containing the wanted templates.
The bytes buffer used in SeqNIST
4 3 255

4 3
<<8 bits 3 9
<<1 bit 8 6
Repeat until
no bytes are
5 Design Detail
In the NIST implementation the length of the block is hardcoded, but the length of the
template can be chosen. However the documentation states that any block length can be used
if some conditions hold (my implementation checks for these conditions).
This test can be called from the command line with the following arguments: t7
<block_size> <templates_file>. An example of this new version of the Non-overlapping
Template Matching Test will be presented next, in order to present the new form of the
algorithm. The steps presented correspond to the steps used in the test description from the
Theoretical Foundations sub-section
Input: = 11001100 00010101 01111100 01011100 11100000, n = 40 bits (5 bytes),
M = 3 bytes, B = 11000001.
Step 1
N = 1
The single block is: 11001100 00010101 01111100.
Step 2
The unsigned short int variable will be denoted temp because it is a temporary
variable. The number of occurrences of the template in each block (in this case in the only
block) is computed in the following way:
temp = 11001100 00010101
11001100 11000001 => temp << 1 = 10011000 00101010
10011000 11000001 => temp << 1 = 00110000 01010100
00110000 11000001 => temp << 1 = 01100000 10101000
01100000 11000001 => temp << 1 = 11000001 01010000
11000001 = 11000001 => in order to shift left 8 bits, temp will be cleared, the byte
previously taken from the input sequence and the current byte are placed in it, temp =
00010101 01111100 and the variable is shifted left with the total number of bits it has
been shifted until now (4) => temp = 01010111 11000000
The search is performed again and the short int variable is shifted left 1 bit at each
step. The template is not found anymore and the search stops when there are less than 8
original bits left in the variable. So for this example W1

= 1.
The rest of the steps that are performed are the ones described in section
6. NIST Test 8 Overlapping Template Matching Test
This test is similar with the 7
test because it uses the same m-bit window to search for
a pattern in the input sequence. This time however, the pattern is a run of ones and the
window slides right one bit position whether or not the pattern is found. The length of the
template used in my implementation is of 9 bits, as the one recommended by NIST. Instead of
working on bits, the same optimization is applied as for test 7, using the short int variable to
hold two bytes from the input sequence at a time. In order to compare the run of ones with the
first 9 bits from the unsigned short int variable, the later is compared with the value 65408
(FF8000 H) which has ones on the first nine positions. If the variable is greater than this value
then the pattern is found, else not. At each step the variable is shifted left 1 bit and whenever
there is enough space another byte from the input sequence is added to it. The process
described is shown in Figure 5-10.
As the Non-overlapping Template Matching Test does, this test also divides the
sequence into sub-sequences and counts the number of appearances of the pattern in each
block. The length of the block is hardcoded this time and is of 129 bytes.
This test can be called from the command line with the following arguments: t8. An
example of this new version of the Overlapping Template Matching Test will be shown next,
5 Design Detail
in order to present the new form of the algorithm. The steps presented correspond to the steps
used in the test description from the Theoretical Foundations sub-section
Figure 5-10. Optimization for the Overlapping Template Matching Test
Input: = 11001100 00010101 01111100 01011100 11100000, n = 40 bits (5 bytes),
B = 111111111, K = 5, M = 3 bytes (for the purpose of this example M is chosen
to be 3; in the implementation M is hardcoded to 129).
Step 1
N = 1
The single block is: 11001100 00010101 01111100.
Step 2
The unsigned short int variable will be denoted temp because it is a temporary
variable. The number of occurrences of the template in each block (in this case in the only
block) is computed in the following way.
temp = 11001100 00010101
At each step temp is compared with the value 11111111 10000000. If temp is greater
than this value then a counter is incremented, otherwise temp is shifted left one bit. After the
eighth shift the temp will look like this: temp = 00010101 00000000. Now a new byte from
the input sequence can be placed at the end of the variable becoming
temp = 00010101 01111100. The search goes on until there are less than 8 original bits left in
temp. For this example the count will be 0. The rest of the steps that are performed are the
ones described in section
7. NIST Test 9 Maurers Universal Statistical Test
This test computes a table holding the last appearances of each possible L-bit value in
the input sequence. Because the indexes of this table are base 10 numbers, the L-bit value
taken from the input sequence needs to be transformed from base 2 to base 10, by using
multiplications and additions. One of the optimizations brought to this test is that in my
implementation the transformation from base 2 to base 10 doesnt need to be made because L
was chosen to be 8 and the transformation to base 10 is already made by storing each byte
from the sequence as an unsigned char value. Now the last occurrence of each possible L-bit
value is computed by using an array of 256 entries, where each entry corresponds to a byte
value. For each byte taken from the input sequence the corresponding value in the table is
incremented. The process described is shown in Figure 5-11.
4 3 255

4 3

<<1 bit 8 6
Repeat 8
3 9
Go back to 1
The bytes buffer used in SeqNIST
5 Design Detail
Figure 5-11. Optimization for Maurers Universal Statistical Test
For this version of the test the formulas presented in the NIST documentation are used
in order to compute the expected value and the variance. This test can be called from the
command line with the following arguments: t9m. No example will be presented for this test
because only the initialization sequence must have Q = 2
= 2
= 256 bits (32 bytes), therefore
taking to much time to exemplify the algorithm for each block.
8. NIST Test 9 Maurers Universal Statistical Test Corons Version
This test uses the same algorithm as the version presented before, and therefore the
same optimizations. However Coron does not use the minimum distance between two
successive reoccurrences of the same block, but generalizes the tests parameter to any
function of the minimum distance between similar blocks. Therefore in this implementation
another function is used. If i < 23 the function used is computed using the following formula:
1 1
( )
g i

If i takes values greater than 23, it is considered to be to large and the sum is approximated
using the following formula:
( )
log( 1) log(2) log(2)
( ) 0.8327462
log(2) 2 3
12 1

g i
The values used for the heuristic approximation and the variance are also changed
accordingly to Corons formulas. SeqHistograms
This application was developed by the other team member, while I provided only the
sequential implementation for 4 Histogram tests (H
, H
, H
, and H
). Because of this reason, I
will present only the efficient implementation of the four Histogram tests while the rest will
be presented by my colleague. Each test corresponds to a function from the program, which
takes as parameters the size of the sequence to be tested and a pointer to the beginning of the
sequence, in order to be able to test the whole sequence or only a part of it by using the same
1. Histogram Test 5(bits)
This Histogram test computes the frequencies of appearance of all the possible values
of 5-bits length in the input sequence. In order to work on bytes, an unsigned long variable is
used that will be initialized with the first 4 bytes from the input sequence. The variable is then
divided into non-overlapping blocks of 5 bits length. The values of these blocks will be
0 1 255
k n/8-2
0 1 255
Table holding the last position on which
each byte appeared in the sequence

0 1 k n/8-1
0 1
The bytes buffer used in SeqNIST
5 Design Detail
obtained by applying some masks to the variable (each mask contains 5 ones), and performing
some logical operations. Six of the masks are applied for the first 30 bits in the unsigned long
variable, after which the variable is shifted left 8 bits and another byte from the input
sequence is added. For the 10 bits that remain unchecked, 2 more masks are applied. The
whole process is repeated from the start until all the bytes from the input sequence are
processed. The frequencies are computed by incrementing the array of frequencies for the
current 5-bit value after applying each mask. The algorithm presented is shown in Figure 5-12
on an example.
Figure 5-12. Algorithm of the Histogram Test 5(bits)
2. Histogram Test 6(bits)
This Histogram test computes the frequencies of appearance of all the possible values
of 6-bits length in the input sequence. In order to work on bytes, an unsigned long variable is
used which will contain on the last 3 position 3 bytes from the input sequence. The variable is
divided into non-overlapping blocks of 6 bits length. The values of these blocks will be
obtained by applying some masks to the variable (each mask contains 6 ones), and performing
The bytes buffer
4 3 255

4 3
Repeat until
no bytes are
9 8 1
9 8
00000100 00000011 00001001 00001000
11111000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1
mask applied
>> 27 => frequency[0]++
00000111 11000000 00000000 00000000 2
mask applied
>> 22 => frequency[16]++
00000000 00111110 00000000 00000000 3
mask applied
>> 17 => frequency[1]++
00000000 00000001 11110000 00000000 4
mask applied
>> 12 => frequency[16]++
00000000 00000000 00000000 01111100 6
mask applied
00000000 00000000 00001111 10000000 5
mask applied
>> 7 => frequency[18]++
>> 2 => frequency[2]++
4 3 9 8
<< 8
3 9 8 1
00000011 00001001 00001000 00001000
00000000 00000000 00000011 11100000 7
mask applied
>> 5 => frequency[0]++
00000000 00000000 00000000 00011111 8
mask applied
5 Design Detail
some logical operations. There are 4 masks used that are applied on the last 24 bits in the
unsigned long variable. The variable will be filled with three bytes from the input sequence at
a time, until no more are left. The frequencies are computed by incrementing the array of
frequencies for the current 6-bit value after applying each mask. The algorithm presented is
shown in Figure 5-13 on an example.
Figure 5-13. Algorithm of the Histogram Test 6(bits)
3. Histogram Test 7(bits)
This Histogram test computes the frequencies of appearance of all the possible values
of 7-bits length in the input sequence. In order to work on bytes, an unsigned long variable is
used that will be initialized with the first 4 bytes from the input sequence. The variable is then
divided into non-overlapping blocks of 7 bits length. The values of these blocks will be
obtained by applying some masks to the variable (each mask contains 7 ones), and performing
some logical operations. Four of the masks are applied for the first 28 bits in the unsigned
long variable, after which the variable is shifted left 24 bits and another 3 bytes from the input
sequence are added. For the 28 bits that remain unchecked, 4 more masks are applied. The
whole process is repeated from the start until all the bytes from the input sequence are
processed. The frequencies are computed by incrementing the array of frequencies for the
current 7-bit value after applying each mask. The algorithm presented is shown in Figure 5-14
on an example.
The bytes buffer
4 3 255

4 3
Repeat until
no bytes are
00000000 00000100 00000011 00001001
00000000 11111100 00000000 00000000 1
mask applied
>> 18 => frequency[1]++
00000000 00000011 11110000 00000000 2
mask applied
>> 12 => frequency[0]++
00000000 00000000 00001111 11000000 3
mask applied
>> 6 => frequency[12]++
00000000 00000000 00000000 00111111 4
mask applied
5 Design Detail
Figure 5-14. Algorithm of the Histogram Test 7(bits)
4. Histogram Test 8(bits)
This Histogram test computes the frequencies of appearance of all the possible values
of 8-bits length in the input sequence. Because the size of the template is equal to one byte the
frequencies of each 8-bit value can be computed directly by incrementing the frequency table
for the position of the current byte taken from the input sequence. The algorithm used is
shown in Figure 5-15 on an example.
The bytes buffer
4 3 255

4 3
Repeat until
no bytes are
9 8 1
9 8
00000100 00000011 00001001 00001000
11111110 00000000 00000000 00000000 1
mask applied
>> 25 => frequency[2]++
00000001 11111100 00000000 00000000 2
mask applied
>> 18 => frequency[0]++
00000000 00000011 11111000 00000000 3
mask applied
>> 11 => frequency[97]++
00000000 00000000 00000111 11110000 4
mask applied
>> 4 => frequency[16]++
4 3 9 8
<< 24
8 1 3 5
00001000 00000001 00000011 00000101
00001111 11100000 00000000 00000000 5
mask applied
>> 21 => frequency[64]++
00000000 00011111 11000000 00000000 6
mask applied
3 5
>>14 => frequency[4]++
00000000 00000000 00111111 10000000 7
mask applied
>>7 => frequency[6]++
00000000 00000000 00000000 01111111 8
mask applied
5 Design Detail
Figure 5-15. Algorithm of the Histogram Test 8(bits)
5.3.2 ParTestRand
ParTestRand is a WPF application, similar with the SeqTestRand application, but
which incorporates the parallel version of the two statistical batteries, NIST and CryptoRand.
There are two parallel versions of the NIST battery which are implemented as two
applications: ParNIST and ParNIST_blocks. In one of these applications the tests are
parallelized internally, meaning that each algorithm is parallelized, while in the other
application, the sequential version of the algorithm is used and the parallelization is applied to
the block sub-sequences created in the testing modes 2, 3 and 4. The CryptoRand battery is
implemented as three applications, two parallel versions for the Histogram tests
(SeqHistograms and SeqHistograms_blocks), from the same reasons stated for NIST, and a
parallel version for the General Block Frequency test (ParGenBlockFreq). ParTestRand was
developed in C# and XAML and the applications are incorporated as separate processes.
The ParNIST application represents the parallelization of the SeqNIST application,
being therefore a byte-oriented more efficient implementation of the NIST Statistical Test
Suite which also takes advantage of the processing power offered by multi-core architectures.
The ParNIST_blocks application offers another parallel version of SeqNIST, which can be
used when the sequence is divided in many sub-blocks in one of the testing modes 2, 3 or 4.
The three applications that implement the parallel version of the CryptoRand battery represent
an efficient parallel implementation of some tests developed as part of the CryptoRand
project. To sum up, the ParTestRand application integrates 5 applications and provides a
graphical user interface for them.
Each of these applications was parallelized using OpenMP directives. The structure of
the ParNIST and ParNIST_blocks applications will be presented next, as well as the
parallelization techniques used for 6 of the NIST test. The applications representing the
CryptoRand battery were developed by the other team member, as well as the parallelization
of 3 NIST test. The sequential versions of the tests used in the ParNIST_blocks and
ParHistograms_blocks applications were divided in the same manner as for SeqNIST and
SeqHistograms (as described in sections and respectively Therefore my only
contribution to the parallel version of the CryptoRand battery was the sequential
implementation of the Histogram tests from 5 to 8 used in the application
ParHistograms_blocks. ParNIST
The ParNIST application was developed by me and integrates the parallel version of 9
statistical tests taken from the NIST documentation [8]. From the 14 tests implemented in the
sequential version of this application only 9 could be parallelized, out of which 6 were
implemented by me and 3 by the other team member. ParNIST is a Win32 console application
and was developed in C.
The bytes buffer
4 3 255

frequency[4]++ frequency[9]++ frequency[3]++ ... frequency[255]++
5 Design Detail
The structure of this application is similar with the SeqNIST application, with the
difference that now the number of threads is taken into consideration and the algorithm
comprised in each function (each test) is parallelized. The parameters used for each function
are the same, but their number is incremented by one, because now the number of threads
given by the user is also a parameter. The same bytes buffer is used and the same
optimizations are applied by shifting the paradigm from a bit sequence to a byte sequence.
The processing times computed in the SeqNIST application are also computed here in the
same manner in order to be able to make a comparison with the NIST implementation. The
optimizations described in section for each test also apply here. In the next sections I
will present the parallelization techniques applied to each of the tests implemented by me.
The other 3 test will be described by my team colleague.
1. NIST Test 1 The Frequency (Monobit) Test
The test computes the difference between the number of ones and the number of
zeroes in the sequence. The same lookup table is used in order to compute the number of ones
as in the SeqNIST implementation. In order to parallelize the algorithm used here, the tested
sequence is divided into equal chunks, each of which is assigned to a thread from the team.
Each thread computes the number of ones for the corresponding chunk and reduction is
applied to the variable holding the total number of ones. The OpenMP directive used is
parallel for.
2. NIST Test 2 Frequency Test within a Block
This test divides the tested sequence into blocks and computes the proportion of ones
in each block. In order to compute the number of ones in each block the same lookup table is
used as in the SeqNIST implementation. In the parallel version of the algorithm an equal
number of blocks are assigned to each thread, meaning that the chunk used will be obtained
by dividing the number of blocks to the given number of threads. Each thread will then
compute the proportion of ones and a sum for the blocks assigned to it. The sum depends on
the proportion of ones computed for each block and is obtained by applying reduction for it.
The OpenMP directive used is parallel for.
3. NIST Test 3 Runs Test
The Runs Test computes the number of runs in the sequence. The same lookup tables
as in the SeqNIST implementation are used in order to compute the total number of runs. For
the prerequisite test that computes the total number of ones in the sequence, the sequence is
divided into equal chunks according to the number of threads given by the user. Each thread
will then compute the number of ones in the corresponding chunk and reduction will be
applied for the variable holding the total number of ones in the sequence.
In order to parallelize the process of computing the number of runs, the sequence will
be divided in the same manner as before, into equal chunks. Each chunk will be assigned to a
thread that will compute the number of runs in it. For the variable holding the total number of
runs reduction is applied. The OpenMP directive used is parallel for.
4. NIST Test 4 Test for the Longest Run of Ones in a Block
This test divides the tested sequence into blocks, looks for the longest run of ones in a
block and then tabulates it in the corresponding frequency category. Because in our
implementation the blocks size used is 8, each byte will be a block and the longest run of ones
can be computed by using the same lookup table as in the SeqNIST implementation. In the
parallel implementation the sequence is divided into equal chunks, which have a length equal
to the ratio between the sequence length and the number of threads given as input. Each
5 Design Detail
thread computes the frequencies of the longest run of ones for the corresponding chunk. In
order to obtain a reliable result, reduction is applied for all the frequency categories. The
OpenMP directive used is parallel for.
5. NIST Test 7 Non-overlapping Template Matching Test
This test divides the sequence into blocks and then uses an m-bit window to search for
a specific m-bit aperiodic pattern in these blocks. The test is actually run for all the aperiodic
patterns of length m, where in our case m = 8. The total number of templates currently used is
75. The templates used are split between the number of threads, and each thread will then run
the test for the corresponding patterns. Because each run of the test returns another P-value,
no reduction needs to be applied. The OpenMP directive used is parallel for.
6. NIST Test 8 Overlapping Template Matching Test
This test partitions the tested sequence into blocks of 129 bytes and then uses an m-bit
window to search for a run of ones of m bits in these blocks. In this implementation m was
taken to be 9. Each tread is assigned an equal number of blocks in which it will look for the
pattern of ones. The number of occurrences of the template in each block is computed by the
designated thread. The test also tabulates the frequencies of appearance of this pattern in each
block, based on some categories. These frequencies are accurately obtained because reduction
is used for each of them. The OpenMP directive used is parallel for. ParNIST_blocks
The ParNIST_blocks application was developed by me and integrates the sequential
version of the 14 statistical tests that are also incorporated in the SeqNIST application. The
parallelization applied in this application consists of running the tests in parallel for the sub-
sequence blocks specified in the testing modes 2, 3 and 4. Therefore this application does not
run in mode 1, because it cant be parallelized this way for this testing mode. ParNIST_blocks
is a Win32 console application and was developed in C.
The structure of the main program is similar with the one of the ParNIST application,
but now each loop that runs a test for each sub-sequence block is parallelized. The chunk used
is represented by the ratio between the total number of blocks (given by the user through the
argument <count>) and the number of threads (also given by the user). Each thread will run
the test for a number of blocks equal to the chunk designated to it. The OpenMP directive
used is parallel for. The sequential version of the test was taken from SeqNIST, where 8 were
implemented by me and 6 by the other team member (NIST test 5 could not be included here).
5.3.3 SFC
The Statistical Functions Calculator is an application designed to come in use when
working with statistical tests and implicitly with statistical functions. The application contains
a class whose functionality is incorporated in an interface. The class is named Function
because it contains the statistical tests that can be used in this calculator. The functions are
implemented as static methods of this class and are taken from the Cephes mathematical
library. This calculator offers a total of 13 statistical functions, out of which 7 were
implemented by me and 6 by the other team member. Because SFC is a WPF application
developed in C# and XAML, the functions from the Cephes library needed to be translated
from C to C# and adapted accordingly. The formulas used for the functions implemented by
me and a short description will be presented next.
5 Design Detail
IGAM is the Incomplete Gamma function as described in the Cephes library. In
mathematics the formula used by this function actually represents the Lower Regularized
Gamma Function, which is the ratio between the Lower Incomplete Gamma function and the
Complete Gamma function. The formula used in this implementation is the one described by
t a 1
(a, x) 1
P(a, x) e t dt
(a) (a)

The function has two parameters that must be positive real numbers.
IGAMC is the Complemented Incomplete Gamma function as described in the Cephes
library. In mathematics the formula used by this function actually represents the Upper
Regularized Gamma function, which is the ration between the Upper Incomplete Gamma
function and the Complete Gamma function. The formula used in this implementation is the
one described by Cephes:
t a 1
(a, x) 1
Q(a, x) 1 P(a, x) e t dt
(a) (a)

The function has two parameters that must be positive real numbers.
IBETA is the Incomplete Beta Function, and has the same formula defined both in
mathematics and in the Cephes library:
a 1 b 1
B(x; a, b) t (1 t) dt

The function has three parameters, out of which the first one must be a real number in the
interval [0, 1] and the last two must be real numbers greater than 0.
4. CHI-SQUARE (Left)
The CHI-SQUARE (Left) statistical function computes the area under the left hand tail
(from 0 to x) of the Chi-square distributions probability density function with k degrees of
freedom. The formula used for the probability density function is the following one:

( )
( ) k 2 1 x 2
k 2
x e
2 k 2

, for x > 0
0, for x 0
The function has two parameters, out of which the first one must be a positive real number
and the second one, representing the degrees of freedom, must be an integer greater than 0.
5. CHI-SQUARE (Right)
The CHI-SQUARE (Right) statistical function computes the area under the right hand
tail (from x to ) of the Chi-square distributions probability density function with k degrees
of freedom. The formula used for the probability density function and the parameters used are
the same as for CHI-SQUARE (Left).
6. POISSON (Left)
POISSON (Left) represents the sum of the first k terms of the Poisson distributions
cumulative density function. The formula used to compute this sum is the following one:
f (x; k)
5 Design Detail
i k
i 0
F(k; ) e

The function has two parameters, out of which the first one must be a natural number and the
second one, representing the degrees of freedom, must be an integer greater than 0.
7. POISSON (Right)
POISSON (Right) represents the sum of the terms k+1 to infinity of the Poisson
distributions cumulative density function. The formula used to compute this sum is the
following one:
i k 1
F(k; ) e

The parameters are the same ones used for POISSON (Right).
5.4 User interface
5.4.1 SeqTestRand
The interface provided by the SeqTestRand application is an intuitive user friendly
interface that can be divided in two parts: the design part, implemented in XAML, and the
code behind the interface that handles various events and the integration of some processes
used, using C#. The interface was designed by me, i.e. I implemented the XAML files, while
the code behind in C# was implemented afterwards by my team colleague. In the following I
will present only the design details of the interface, leaving the operationally to be explained
by my colleague. However there is an exception, because the visualization of graphical results
was implemented entirely by me, design and functionality.
The interface is composed of four windows: the main window, the graphical results
window, the help window and the processing window. The main window contains two tabs:
one for the NIST battery, shown in Figure 5-16, and one for the CryptoRand battery, shown in
Figure 5-17. The separation on tabs is very useful if the application needs to be extended,
because a number of batteries can be added without affecting the ones already implemented.
Also this separation makes the batteries independent.
The main window was design to guide the user through the steps he has to make in
order to run the tests. First a file containing the input sequence must be chosen, either by
using the Browse button or by typing it in the text box situated after the File label. The system
will display the length of the sequence in bytes in a label. Next the user has to choose a testing
mode from the combo box preceded by the label Mode and introduce some parameters in the
text boxes offered if the testing modes are 2, 3 or 4. These parameters are: the offset from
where the sequence will be testes, denoted by the label Start, the step used to specify the
length of a block or the value with which the block will be increased/decrease every time,
denoted by the label Step, and the number of blocks to be used, denoted by the label Count.
The significance level, denoted by the label Alpha can also be changed by typing another
value in the corresponding text box. For each of these text boxes and for the values of the
combo box there are tool tips attached in order to inform the user about their meaning.
Each test can be chosen by checking the corresponding check box and introducing the
necessary parameters if it has any. The parameters are placed below the name of the test and
each of them is followed by a small button containing a question mark. This button was
designed to help the user, by showing him what the conditions that the current parameter
needs to meet are. For the NIST test 7 another Browse button is used for specifying the
second parameter, because it must be a file. The RUN button was designed to be used when a
single file will be used for each test, while the RUN BATCH JOB button was designed to be
5 Design Detail
used when the tests need to be run for multiple input files. The results are displayed in a text
box preceded by the Text results label, while the SHOW GRAPHICAL RESULTS button was
designed to open the graphical results window. The help window can be opened by using the
Help button.
Figure 5-16. The main window of the SeqTestRand application NIST battery tab
The graphical results window is shown in Figure 5-18, where the p-values obtained for
a file of 1MB and for all the tests of the NIST battery, in testing mode 1, are displayed. This
window displays a plot where the OY axis takes values from 0 to 1 with a logarithmic scale
and the OX axis is divided in equal portions depending on the number of P-values displayed.
Each P-value is represented by a point on the plot, but it is actually implemented as a small
ellipse. The P-value points are united by a polyline.
The OY axis is divided in four intervals: [0, 0.001], [0.001, 0.01], [0.01, 0.1] and [0.1,
1], because the significance level cant have a value lower than 0.0001. The red line
represents the significance level chosen by the user, which in Figure 5-17 is 0.01. If all the
points in the plot are situated above the red line then the sequence is random, and if there are
points situated below the red line, then their number represents the number of P-values that
failed the sequence. In Figure 5-18 only one P-value is below the significance level and two
are on the limit, meaning that only one test failed the sequence. The visualization of graphical
results can be useful when there are many tests run and many P-values obtained. In this
situation the user can tell more quickly if the sequence is random or not just by viewing the
plot. When the tests are run in the testing modes 2, 3 or 4, the results can be come hard to read
because of their number. Thats a situation when the graphical result could be very helpful, as
5 Design Detail
shown in Figure 5-19, where a 100 MB file is run for the first test, in testing mode 3, starting
from the offset 0, increasing with a step of 20000 bytes and for a number of 10000 blocks.
Figure 5-17. The main window of the SeqTestRand application CryptoRand battery tab
Figure 5-18. The graphical results window of the SeqTestRand application
5 Design Detail
Figure 5-19. The graphical results window of the SeqTestRand application an example
when this window is indispensable
The help window is shown in Figure 5-20 and it contains just a read only text box,
where all the information is loaded, and an OK button.
Figure 5-20. The help window of the SeqTestRand application
5 Design Detail
The processing window appears when the tests are run and is shown in Figure 5-21. It
is actually formed of 10 ellipses that are animated in order to form a rotating circle. It was
designed to keep the user informed that the application is still running normally (it hasnt
crash) but it is just tacking some time. As it can be seen in Figure 5-21, the Cancel button also
becomes available when the processing window goes into action. In fact, the Cancel button is
the only control that the user should be allowed to use until the tests finish running. This
button was designed to be used when the user wants to cancel the running tests.
For each of the buttons used in this interface I used some customized templates, which
are located in the App.xaml file.
Figure 5-21. The processing window of the SeqTestRand application
5.4.2 ParTestRand
The interface provided by the ParTestRand application is similar with the one
provided by SeqTestRand. The difference is that it provides means for the user to choose the
number of threads used for the parallelization. The number of threads can be entered in the
text box following the Number Threads label. Another difference is that: NIST test 5 is not
used here anymore, because it couldnt be parallelized in neither of the two methods used.
Because there are two methods used for parallelization, the user also has the possibility to
choose between running the parallelized tests and running the blocks in parallel, but only in
the testing modes 2, 3 and 4. The parallel version of each test is used by default, and if he
wants to run the blocks in parallel he has the check the check box next to the testing modes
combo box.
5 Design Detail
The main window for the NIST tab is presented in Figure 5-22, while the processing
window, the help window and the graphical results window are the same as the ones
presented for the SeqTestRand application. The modifications done to the CryptoRand tab are
the same as the ones done for the NIST battery, so they wont be presented anymore. The
parts of the applications were divided between the members of the team in the same manner
as it was described for the SeqTestRand application.
As it can be seen in Figure 5-22, the option to run the blocks in parallel is not available
at first. It will become available when one of the modes 2, 3 and 4 are selected. Because not
all the tests could be parallelized, the tests that are disabled in Figure 5-22 are the ones that
can be used only when the blocks are run in parallel. Therefore they will become enabled
when the checkbox run blocks in parallel is checked.
Figure 5-22. The main window of the SeqTestRand application NIST battery
5.4.3 SFC
The interface provided by the Statistical Functions Calculator is an intuitive user
friendly interface that can be divided in two parts: the design part, implemented in XAML,
and the code behind the interface that handles various events, using C#. The design part can
be divided again in: the design of the main window, the design of the tabulate window and the
design of the about window. I designed the tabulate window and the about window, while the
other team member designed the main window. The code behind the interface handles a series
of events generated for each statistical function. Therefore each event handler was
implemented by the member of the team who also implemented the corresponding function.
The main window, designed by my colleague, contains a tab for each statistical
function, which makes the functions independent. I only used the design implemented by my
5 Design Detail
colleague in order to add the tabs corresponding to the statistical functions implemented by
me. The main window of one of the tabs added by me is shown in Figure 5-23.
The tabulate window was designed by me and was used by my team colleague in order
to add the necessary tabulate windows for the functions implemented by her. The design of
this window is shown in Figure 5-24, for the IBETA function. In contains three text boxes for
each parameter of the function, labeled with the corresponding name, representing the value
from which the parameter should start, the value where the parameter should stop, and the
value with which to increase the parameter at every step. The file where the results will be
saved can be chosen by clicking the Save button or can be typed in the text box preceded by
the label Save results to file. The Calculate button was designed for generating the table for
the intervals provided by the user. There will be one tabulate window for each function
implemented; therefore the name of the current function must also be specified in this
Figure 5-23. The main window of the SFC application IGAMC tab
Figure 5-24. The tabulate window for the IBETA statistical function in the SFC application
5 Design Detail
The about window is shown in Figure 5-25 and contains information about the
authors, the project and the function library used. For each of the buttons used in this interface
I used some customized templates, which are located in the App.xaml file.
As I stated before I also implemented the code behind the main window and behind
the tabulate windows for the functions implemented by me. This code handles a series of
events generated by the interface. For the main window the events handled for each function
1. Calculate button click
This event handler contains the computation of the selected function for the
parameters given. Any mistakes, like not entering all the parameters or entering invalid
parameters, are handled, as well as any exception that the selected statistical function can
throw. There will be one event handler for each function.
2. Clear button click
This button clears the contents of all the text boxes.
3. Tabulate button click
This button opens the tabulate window corresponding to the selected function.
4. About button click
This button opens the about window corresponding to the selected function.
For each of the tabulate windows the events handled are:
1. Calculate button click
This event handler generates the table with the results of the function for the given
intervals and saves it in the specified file. Any mistakes, like not entering all the parameters,
entering invalid parameters, not entering a file or entering an invalid path, are handled, as well
as any exception that the selected statistical function can throw. If the data cannot be saved in
the specified file, the user is alerted that the operation was unsuccessful.
2. Save button click
When this button is clicked a save dialog box is opened, where the user can choose the
path and the name of the file in which he wants to save the table. The default extension of the
file is csv, in order to be able to visualize the results in Microsoft Excel, but the extension can
also be changed by the user if wanted.
Figure 5-25. The about window of the SFC application
6 System Usage
6 System Usage
6.1 SeqTestRand
The SeqTestRand application can be used to test random bit sequences with two
batteries of statistical tests: NIST and CryptoRand. There are two running modes available
and two modes two visualize the results. The running modes are on a single file or on multiple
files, and the visualization modes are textually or graphically. Each of the functionalities
offered by this system will be presented next.
Running the tests on a single file is one of the main functionalities that this system
offers. It incorporates other functionalities, like choosing the testing mode, selecting the
wanted tests, introducing an input file and so on. The steps required to run the tests
implemented by me on a single file are the following ones:
1. Choose a battery of tests by selecting one of the tabs: NIST or CryptoRand.
2. Introduce an input file either by typing the full path in the text box preceded by the
File label, or by clicking the Browse button and searching the file through the
existent file system. In the second case, the full path to the file will be automatically
filled in the text box. In both cases, the length of the file in bytes will be displayed
in the label following the label Length. The minimum sequence length in bytes for
each test can be found in the Help window.
3. Choose a running mode by selecting one of the values 1, 2, 3 or 4 from the combo
box following the Mode label.
4. Introduce the necessary parameters for the selected mode. If the testing mode
selected is 1, then no parameters need to be filled (the corresponding text boxes will
be disabled). If the testing mode selected is 2, 3 or 4, then the following parameters
need to be filled:
The text box following the Start label should be filled with the position from
where the sequence will be tested.
The text box following the Step label should be filled with the length of a block,
if the testing mode is 2, with the value with which the block will be increased at
every step, if the testing mode is 3, or with the value with which the block will
be decreased at every step, if the testing mode is 4.
The text box following the Count label should be filled with the number of
blocks to be used.
Start + Step Count should not exceed the length of the sequence.
5. Choose the significance level. The default significance level is 0.01, but it can be
changed by the user to any value between 0.0001 and 1.
6. Select the wanted tests and introduce their parameters. Each test can be selected
by checking the corresponding check box. The parameters of each test are placed
below the name of the test. In the NIST battery there are only 3 tests that have
parameters: NIST test 2, NIST test 7 and NIST test 11. The second NIST test takes
as a parameter the length of the block, which must be greater than 3 bytes, greater or
equal to the size of the sequence divided by 100 and less or equal to the size of the
sequence. NIST test 7 has 2 parameters: the length of the block, which must be
greater or equal to the size of the sequence divided by 100 and less or equal to the
size of the sequence, and the templates file. The default template file chosen is the
one used by NIST, but it can be changed to any other templates file containing
integer numbers between 0 and 255. Another template file can be chosen either by
typing the full path in the text box proceeded by the Templates file label, or by
6 System Usage
clicking the Browse button and searching the file through the existent file system.
NIST test 11 was implemented by my colleague. The four Histogram tests
implemented by me, from the CryptoRand battery, do not have parameters. In order
to view the conditions imposed for each parameter the question mark (?) button,
following each test parameter, can be clicked.
7. Click the RUN button in order to run the selected tests on the chosen sequence.
8. Wait for the tests to finish running. During this time the processing window will
appear. The user can cancel the tests during this time by clicking the Cancel button.
If the user cancels the tests, a yes/no/cancel message box will appear that will ask
him if he really wants to cancel the running tests. If he chooses yes he will be
informed that this might take a while., but the tests will be canceled.
9. View the results in the text box below the label Text results.
Figure 6-1 shows an example for performing the steps 1 7 presented above in the
NIST battery (it the same for the CryptoRand battery) In this example the chosen file is
m100.txt, having 100 MB length (104857600 bytes), and the testing mode chosen is 2. The
sequence will be tested starting from the 100000 byte and will be divided in blocks of length
20000000 bytes. The first 4 blocks will be tested, because Count is 4. The significance level
used is the default one and the selected tests are the ones I implemented. The figure also
shows the message box that would appear if the user clicks the question mark button
following the Block size parameter of test 7.
Figure 6-2 shows the application is step 8 and Figure 6-3 shows the application in step
9, when the user can view the results.
Running the tests on multiple files is another of the main functionalities that this
system offers. It also incorporates other functionalities, similar with the ones used in running
the tests on a single file. The steps required to run the tests implemented by me on multiple
files are the following ones:
1. Choose a battery of tests as described before.
2. Choose a running mode as described before.
3. Introduce the necessary parameters for the selected mode as described before.
4. Choose the significance level as described before.
5. Select the wanted tests and introduce their parameters as described before
6. Click the RUN BATCH JOB button. A folder browse dialog will be opened.
7. Choose a directory from the folder browse dialog.
8. Wait for the tests to finish running as described before.
9. View the results as described before.
Figure 6-4 shows how steps 1 7 presented above for running the tests on multiple
files are performed in the CryptoRand battery (it the same for the NIST battery). In this
example the testing mode chosen is 1, so Start, Step and Count need not be specified. The
significance level used is the default one and the selected tests are the ones I implemented.
Steps 8 9 are not shown anymore because are similar to the ones presented in Figure 6-2 and
respectively in Figure 6-3.
The results obtained after the tests are run on a single file or on multiple file can also
be visualized in a graphical manner by clicking the VIEW GRAPHICAL RESULTS button. For
the example shown when running the tests on a single file, the graphical results window is
shown in Figure 6-5. The help window can be opened by clicking the Help button.
6 System Usage
Figure 6-9.Example for using the SeqTestRand application by running the tests on a single
file in the NIST battery(steps 1-7)
6 System Usage
Figure 6-10.Example for using the SeqTestRand application processing the tests
Figure 6-11 Example for using the SeqTestRand application final results
6 System Usage
Figure 6-12.Example for using the SeqTestRand application by running the tests on multiple
files in the CryptoRand battery(steps 1-7)
Figure 6-13.The plot obtained for the example shown for running the tests for a single file
(graphical window)
6 System Usage
6.2 ParTestRand
The ParTestRand application can be used for the same purpose as the SeqTestRand
application is used, but this time the batteries are parallelized. The running modes and the
visualization modes described for SeqTestRand also apply here, with some minor changes in
the steps taken.
In order to run the tests on a single file the following steps need to be made:
1. Choose a battery of tests as described for SeqTestRand.
2. Introduce an input file as described for SeqTestRand.
3. Choose a running mode as described for SeqTestRand.
4. Choose the parallelization mode: run parallelized test algorithm or run blocks in
parallel. The default option is running the parallelized test algorithm. In order to
switch to the option of running the blocks in parallel, the run blocks in parallel
check box must be checked. If this check box is unchecked, the default option is
enabled again. At first only the tests whose algorithm could be parallelized are
enabled, while the other tests will be enabled if the option run blocks in parallel is
5. Introduce the necessary parameters for the selected mode as described for
6. Choose the significance level as described for SeqTestRand.
7. Introduce the number of threads wanted by typing a number greater than 0 in the
text box following the Number Threads label.
8. Select the wanted tests and introduce their parameters as described for
9. Click the RUN button as described for SeqTestRand.
10. Wait for the tests to finish running as described for SeqTestRand.
11. View the results as described for SeqTestRand.
Figure 6-6 shows an example for performing the steps 1 9 presented above in the
NIST battery (it is similar for CryptoRand). In this example the chosen file is m1.txt, having 1
MB length (1048576 bytes), and the testing mode chosen is 3. The run blocks in parallel
check box is not checked, so the parallelized algorithm for each test will be run. The sequence
will be tested starting from the first byte, the blocks will initially have a size of 200000 bytes,
and then they will increase with 200000 at every step. The first 4 blocks will be tested,
because Count is 4. The significance level used is the default one and the number of threads is
2. The selected tests are the ones I implemented, except the two variants of test 9 which can
only be run when run blocks in parallel is checked. The browse file dialog box, the selection
from the combo box and the message box shown when a question mark button is clicked will
not be shown here anymore, because they are identical to the ones presented for SeqTestRand.
The same applies for the processing window and the final result, which are similar with the
ones presented for SeqTestRand.
6 System Usage
Figure 6-14.Example for using the ParTestRand application by running the tests on a single
file (steps 1-9)
In order to run the tests on multiple files the following steps need to be made:
1. Choose a battery of tests as described before.
2. Choose a running mode as described before.
3. Choose the parallelization mode as described before.
4. Introduce the necessary parameters for the selected mode as described before.
5. Choose the significance level as described before.
6. Introduce the number of threads as described before.
7. Select the wanted tests and introduce their parameters as described before.
8. Click the RUN BATCH JOB button as described before.
9. Choose a directory as described before.
10. Wait for the tests to finish running as described before.
11. View the results as described before.
These steps are similar to the ones described for running the tests on multiple files in
SeqTestRand, with the difference that the number of threads and the parallelization mode can
now be chosen. The graphical results can be visualized in the same manner as for
SeqTestRand. The help window can be opened by clicking the Help button.
6.3 SFC
The Statistical Function calculator can be used to compute the values of a series of
statistical functions. The values of the function can be computed in two ways: for a particular
point or for multiple points, in which case a table of values is generated.
Computing the value of the function in one point is one of the main functionalities
that this system offers. It incorporates other functionalities, like choosing the function, and
6 System Usage
introducing the functions parameters. The steps required to compute the value of a function
in a single point are the following ones:
1. Select a function by selecting one of the tabs.
2. Introduce the parameters of the function by typing the values in the text boxes
located in the Input parameters group.
3. Click the Calculate button in order to compute the value of the function.
4. View the results in the read only text box preceded by the name of the function.
An example is shown in Figure 6-7, where the value of the function igamc(0.1, 0.5) is
Figure 6-15.Example of using the SFC application by calculating the value of the function in
a point
Generating a table with the values of a function is another of the main
functionalities that this system offers. It incorporates other functionalities, like choosing the
function, introducing an interval and a step for each parameter, and choosing the file into
which to save the table. The steps required to compute the value of a function in multiple
points are the following ones:
1. Select a function as described before.
2. Click the Tabulate button.
3. Introduce an interval and a step for each parameter in the text boxes located in
the Parameters group. The first value of the interval must be typed in the text box
following the label from, the last value of the interval must be typed in the text box
following the label to, and the step with which the parameters are increased every
time must be typed in the text box following the label step.
4. Choose the file into which to save the table either by typing the full path and the
name of the file in the text box preceded by the Save results to file label, or by
clicking the Save button and searching the location of the file through the existent
file system.
5. Click the Calculate button in order to generate the table.
6. A message box will appear informing the user that the table was saved in the
specified file. The user can visualize now the results in the specified file.
6 System Usage
An example is shown in Figure 6-8 for the IBETA function. The x parameter will take
the values {0.1, 0.2, 0.3}, the a parameter will take the values {1, 2, 3} and the b parameter
will take the values {5, 6, 7, 8}. The table will be saved in the file table.csv.
Figure 6-16.Example of using the SFC application by generating a table with the values of the
function in multiple points
The table obtained is shown in Figure 6-9. The text boxes from the main window can
be cleared by clicking the Clear button, while the about window can be opened by clicking
the About button.
6 System Usage
Figure 6-17.The table obtained for the example presented above
7 Deployment and experimental results
7 Deployment and experimental results
7.1 Used Technology
The command line applications SeqNIST, ParNIST, ParNIST_blocks, as well as the
tests integrated in SeqHistograms and ParHistograms_blocks were written in C. The C
language was chosen because of the efficiency of programs written is this language and
because the algorithms used for the statistical tests implemented are not suited for object
oriented programming. Using the C language also facilitates a comparison with other systems,
because they are also using it to implement statistical tests batteries.
The command line applications were compiled in the release configuration, using
Maximize Speed (/O2) as a project optimization property in order to optimize the compiled
code. The Multi-threaded DLL (/MD) was used as a runtime library, in order to be able to run
the application on computers that do not have the .NET runtime library for C installed.
For the SeqTestRand, ParTestRand and SFC application the .NET technology was
used, more specifically the .NET framework 3.5. WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation)
was used to implement the interfaces of these applications. SeqTestRand and ParTestRand
use C# in order to handle various events and to integrate various applications. C# is also used
in SFC in order to implement the Function class and to make the connection between the
interface and the Function class.
All the applications were compiled and run using Visual Studio 2008 and its integrated
compilers for C and C#.
7.2 Running the Applications
The three applications presented before need not be installed on the computer in order
to run them. Only a copy of the necessary executables needs to be presented on the computer
on which they will be run. For the SeqTestRand application the necessary executables are:
SeqTestRand, SeqNIST, SeqHistograms and SeqGenBlockFreq. For the ParTestRand
application the necessary executables are: ParTestRand, ParNIST, ParNIST_blocks,
ParHistograms, ParHistograms_blocks and ParGenBlockFreq. The SFC application only
needs one executable with the same name. Except SeqTestRand, ParTestRand, and SFC all
the other executables can also be executed independently, but only from the command line.
In order to be able to run the three main applications presented some software and
hardware requirements need to be met. These requirements will be presented next.
7.2.1 Hardware requirements
For the SeqTestRand application the minimum hardware requirements that need to be
met are: 1GB of RAM and a mono-core processor of 1GHz. It is recommended to run the
ParTestRand application on a multi-core processor because it was designed to take advantage
of the processing power of multi-core architectures. Therefore the minimum hardware
requirements for ParTestRand are: 1GB of RAM and a dual-core processor of at least 1GHz
each. These applications could be run on lower configurations, but the processing time could
become too high. These minimum hardware requirements presented above also apply in the
case the command line applications integrated in SeqTestRand and ParTestRand are run
The minimum hardware requirements for the SFC application are the ones of the .NET
framework 3.5 presented in [40]. The recommended requirements for the .NET framework
are: 256 MB of RAM and 1 GHz mono-core processor.
7 Deployment and experimental results
7.2.2 Software requirements
The software requirements needed in order to be able to run the three applications
presented above are:
Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or a higher version of the Windows operating
.NET framework 3.5.
7.3 Encountered Issues and Solutions Found
The first optimized version of the NIST statistical tests read and processed only
200000 bytes from the input sequence at a time. Because the tested sequence was not entirely
stored in memory, the input file needed to be read for each of the tests run. For large files the
time needed to handle the file took too much time. The solution to this problem was to limit
the size of the input file to 1GB and to allocate the whole tested sequence dynamically in
memory. This way the file is read only one time and each test can use it when it is run. The
limited size of the sequence also solves the problem that occurs for very large files: the
processing time takes too much time to be run on a local computer. For large files the tests
could be adapted and run on a grid.
The first version of the tests tested the entire sequence as a whole, searching therefore
for randomness globally. The problem appeared when only a part of the sequence needed to
be tested or when the sequence needed to be tested locally, by dividing it into blocks and
testing each of them in part. The solution to this problem was to introduce more testing
modes, in order to be able to test the sequence as a whole, or different parts of it. The 4
running modes chosen offer the user the possibility to partition the sequence in a variety of
Another problem that appeared was that while the tests were run, the interface of the
SeqTestRand and ParTestRand applications was blocked. Whenever the user clicked
somewhere in the interface, the application appeared not to be responding. The solution to this
problem was to introduce a processing window that ran on another thread until the tests
finished running. My part in this solution was to design the processing window.
In the first version of the NIST statistical tests, each test was implemented as a
separate application, so the interface had to run a number of processes equal to the number of
selected tests. This problem was solved by using a single executable that incorporates all the
statistical tests of a battery. The tests were implemented as separate functions that take as
parameters a pointer to the beginning of the sequence tested and the length oh the sequence.
This way, the same function can be used to test the whole sequence or only a part of it.
Another problem that arose was that if the user wanted to run the tests for more files,
he had to enter them one by one in the interface and run the tests for each of them, or he could
make a batch file using the command line executables for each battery. The solution offered
for this problem, was to implement another running mode in the interface, trough which the
user can choose a directory for which the tests are run. This way the path to the directory is
entered only once and the tests are run for all the files at once.
In the situation when there are many tests run and there are many sequences tested, the
textual results can take a lot of time to be read. The solution to this problem was to implement
a graphical mode of displaying the results that took less time to be analyzed. In the graphical
mode the plot consists of P-value points united by lines. The significance level is also
displayed in order to visualize the number of P-values that are greater that the significance
level and those that are smaller than it.
7 Deployment and experimental results
7.4 Experimental Results
7.4.1 NIST Battery
In order to prove that the byte-oriented implementation of the NIST statistical test
suite is indeed more efficient that the original bit-oriented version, a comparison needed to be
made between the two systems. A comparison also needed to be made with the results
obtained by the parallel version of the tests. A series of experiments were performed in order
to be able to compare the execution times of the three applications. They were performed on a
computer with 2 Intel Xeon E5405 at 2 GHz CPUs and 4 GB of RAM, running Windows
2008 Server on 64 bits.
The execution times were computed in the same manner as in the NIST
implementation in order to obtain an accurate comparison. The three applications compared
were SeqNIST, by using SeqTestRand, ParNIST, by using ParTestRand, and NIST version
1.8. For each of them the time needed to process the sequence was taken into consideration,
without taking into account the time needed for reading the input sequence. Each test from the
suite was run for 10 input files of different sizes, and for each file the test was run 5 times in
order to obtain an average execution time and therefore a more accurate results. The files
chosen have lengths of up to 200 MB, because each of the tests from the NIST
implementation has a specific file length limitation which is less than 200 MB.
In the following sub-sections the charts and the average speed-ups obtained for each of
the tests implemented by me will be presented. Two charts will be presented for each of the
tests excepting the two variants of NIST test 9, which have only one chart. One of the charts
will contain the comparison of execution time for NIST version 1.8 and SeqNIST, and the
other one will contain the comparison of execution time for SeqNIST and ParNIST. For NIST
test 9, Maurers variant, only the chart containing SeqNIST and NIST will be displayed,
because the test could not be parallelized. The Corons variant of NIST test 9 does not have a
chart, because there isnt another implementation with which to be compared. The first chart
shows the improvement obtained by applying sequential optimizations, while the second one
shows the improvements obtained by the parallelization.
7 Deployment and experimental results NIST Test 1 Frequency (Monobit) Test
The average speed-up obtained is 9.82 for SeqNIST and 49.64 for ParNIST. The
maximum file size for which the NIST implementation gave a result was 198 MB. The
comparison between SeqNIST and NIST is shown in Figure 7-1 and the comparison between
SeqNIST and ParNIST is shown in Figure 7-2.
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 198
File size (MB)

Figure 7-18.Comparison of execution times between NIST and SeqNIST for the Frequency
(Monobit) Test
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 198
File Size (MB)

Figure 7-19.Comparison of execution times between ParNIST and SeqNIST for the
Frequency (Monobit) Test
7 Deployment and experimental results NIST Test 2 Frequency Test within a Block
The average speed-up obtained is 9.63 for SeqNIST and 53.74 for ParNIST. The
maximum file size for which the NIST implementation gave a result was 198 MB. The
comparison between SeqNIST and NIST is shown in Figure 7-3 and the comparison between
SeqNIST and ParNIST is shown in Figure 7-4. The block lengths used are shown in the
corresponding table from the first annex.
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 198
File size (MB)

Figure 7-20.Comparison of execution times between NIST and SeqNIST for the Frequency
Test within a Block
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
File size (MB)

Figure 7-21.Comparison of execution times between ParNIST and SeqNIST for the
Frequency Test within a Block
7 Deployment and experimental results NIST Test 3 Runs Test
The average speed-up obtained is 5.84 for SeqNIST and 35.22 for ParNIST. The
maximum file size for which the NIST implementation gave a result was 43 MB. The
comparison between SeqNIST and NIST is shown in Figure 7-5 and the comparison between
SeqNIST and ParNIST is shown in Figure 7-6.
5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 43
File size (MB)

Figure 7-22.Comparison of execution times between NIST and SeqNIST for the Runs Test
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
File size (MB)

Figure 7-23.Comparison of execution times between ParNIST and SeqNIST for the Runs Test
7 Deployment and experimental results NIST Test 4 Test for the Longest Run of Ones in a Block
The average speed-up obtained is 6.51 for SeqNIST and 51.01 for ParNIST. The
maximum file size for which the NIST implementation gave a result was 199 MB. The
comparison between SeqNIST and NIST is shown in Figure 7-7 and the comparison between
SeqNIST and ParNIST is shown in Figure 7-8.
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 199
File size (MB)

Figure 7-24.Comparison of execution times between NIST and SeqNIST for the Test
for the Longest Run of Ones in a Block
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
File size (MB)

Figure 7-25.Comparison of execution times between ParNIST and SeqNIST for the Test for
the Longest Run of Ones in a Block
7 Deployment and experimental results NIST Test 7 Non-overlapping Template Matching Test
The average speed-up obtained is 3.13 for SeqNIST and 18.56 for ParNIST. The
maximum file size for which the NIST implementation gave a result was 198 MB. The
comparison between SeqNIST and NIST is shown in Figure 7-9 and the comparison between
SeqNIST and ParNIST is shown in Figure 7-10. The templates file used is the one used by
NIST, containing all the aperiodic patterns having a length of 8 bits. The block lengths used
are shown in the corresponding table from the first annex.
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 198
File size (MB)

Figure 7-26.Comparison of execution times between NIST and SeqNIST for the Non-
overlapping Template Matching Test
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
File size (MB)

Figure 7-27.Comparison of execution times between ParNIST and SeqNIST for the Non-
overlapping Template Matching Test
7 Deployment and experimental results NIST Test 8 Overlapping Template Matching Test
The average speed-up obtained is 15.15 for SeqNIST and 103.59 for ParNIST. The
maximum file size for which the NIST implementation gave a result was 198 MB. The
comparison between SeqNIST and NIST is shown in Figure 7-11 and the comparison
between SeqNIST and ParNIST is shown in Figure 7-12.
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 198
File size (MB)

Figure 7-28.Comparison of execution times between NIST and SeqNIST for the Overlapping
Template Matching Test
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
File size (MB)

Figure 7-29.Comparison of execution times between ParNIST and SeqNIST for the
Overlapping Template Matching Test
7 Deployment and experimental results NIST Test 9 Maurers Universal Statistical Test
The average speed-up obtained is 12.8 for SeqNIST. The experiments were performed on
small files because those are the ones for which the NIST implementation allows L to be 8.
The experimental results are shown in Figure 7-13.
File Size (B)

Figure 7-30.Comparison of execution times between NIST and SeqNIST for Maurers
Universal Statistical Test
8 Conclusions
8 Conclusions
8.1 Results
The developed applications presented in this paper lead to a series of realizations that
are a response to the objectives established in the initial phase of the project. The first
objective was to obtain a more efficient implementation of the NIST statistical test suite. The
experimental results presented before show that shifting the paradigm from a bit sequence to a
byte sequence does indeed increase the performance of the system. All of the 14 test regarded
by NIST and a new version of the Maurers Universal Statistical Test, were implemented in
a new optimized version of the battery.
Only for 9 of these tests the algorithm could be parallelized, but for these 9 tests and
for 5 more, there is another parallelization mode available in one of the testing modes 2, 3 and
4: running the blocks in parallel. The performance obtained by the parallel version of the test
is even more increased than the one offered by the sequential version.
The SeqTestRand and ParTestRand application bring a lot of improvements in the
domain of statistical tests for random and pseudo-random number generators. Not only is their
execution time improved, but they also offer other facilities like multiple running modes, the
possibility to run the test on a directory of files, graphical results visualization, the possibility
to choose the significance level and so on. The running modes implemented offer the
possibility to test the whole sequence or various portions of it. The graphical display of results
has proved to be very useful in situations when the textual results become to hard to follow
because of the high number of P-values obtained.
These applications also bring into light a new developed battery of tests, named
CryptoRand, like the project from which they are a part of. These tests were also implemented
in an efficient manner, using the byte sequence paradigm used for the NIST battery.
Unfortunately, only the algorithm of 3 of the tests comprised in this battery could be
parallelized, but for all the Histogram tests there exists the possibility to run the blocks used
in modes 2, 3 and 4, in parallel.
SeqTestRand and ParTestRand do not only offer two statistical batteries incorporated
in a single application, but are also intuitive and easy to use. They also support their users by
providing general information for each of the tests, like the purpose, the maximum allowed
size of the input sequence, the allowed values for each parameter, if it has any, and the
property and defect detected.
The Statistical Function Calculator developed as part of this project is an useful
application in the domain of statistical tests, because every statistical test uses a statistical
function in order to make a decision regarding the randomness of the tested sequence. The
most used statistical functions and distributions were studied and incorporated in this
calculator. The calculator can be useful in situations when a statistical function needs to be
studied, because it provides general information about it and means by which a table of values
for the function can be generated. This table of values can then be used to generate the plot of
the function on a certain interval.
The system described in this paper, comprising three main applications, can be used to
test random and pseudo-random number generators, which produce bit sequences of at most 1
GB, and to develop new statistical tests for random numbers. The implemented tests are not
only some of the most know statistical test, but are also efficient and integrated in a user
friendly environment.
8 Conclusions
8.2 Comparison with Similar Systems
The implementation of the NIST statistical battery incorporated in the project
described in this paper can be compared with the original implementation provided by NIST.
Actually the comparison is done with version 1.8 of the NIST implementation, which is the
last but one version of the original implementation. Version 2.0 of the NIST implementation
could not be used, because the execution times are not computed and it does not offer a
graphical user interface. However, the modifications made to version 2.0 are actually minor,
because no noticeable improvement seems to be done in the algorithm of the implemented
The original NIST implementation uses a bits buffer to store the input sequence,
meaning that each bit is actually stored in a byte, while in the SeqNIST implementation, the
sequence is stored in a bytes buffer, meaning that no space is wasted. Because the sequence is
stored in a byes buffer, the SeqNIST implementation does all the processing at the byte level,
unlike the original NIST implementation which does all the processing at the bit level. The
experimental results shown in section 7.4.1 prove that shifting the paradigm from a bit
sequence to a byte sequence, does lead to a noticeable increase in the execution time. The
average speed-up obtained by SeqNIST ranges between 3.13 and 15.15. The ParNIST
implementation goes one step further and parallelizes the efficient implementation of the
NIST statistical test suite, obtaining even a higher increase in performance (average speed-up
obtained ranges between 18.56 and 103.59).
The maximum allowed size for the input sequence in the NIST implementation is of
256 MB, because it uses the int type to store the size of the sequence in bits. The int type is
processor dependent and still has a length of 32 bits on most of the existent 64 bit
architectures. SeqNIST and ParNIST use the double type to store the size of the sequence in
bits, allowing therefore sequences greater that 256 MB. The maximum length of the input file
in these implementations is actually limited by the amount of space that can be allocated
dynamically in a process. Because of this limitation the maximum allowed input sequence
size in SeqNIST and ParNIST is of 1GB.
The original NIST implementation asks the user to introduce the length of the
sequence desired to be tested and the number of streams. In our implementation the length of
the input file is computed automatically and 4 testing modes are available. The first two are
similar with the ones offered by NIST: on the whole sequence or on more blocks taken from
the current sequence. In the second case the novelty brought by our implementation is that the
consecutive blocks can start from any offset within the input sequence, unlike in the NIST
implementation where the blocks start by default from the beginning of the sequence. The last
two modes are also a novelty brought by our implementation, because the blocks are not equal
this time, but are incremented or decremented with a certain step. In steps 2, 3 and 4, ParNIST
offers the possibility to run the blocks in parallel.
Our implementation also offers the possibility to choose the significance level wanted,
unlike in the NIST implementation where it is hardcoded to 0.01. ParTestRand also offers the
possibility to choose the number of threads used.
For some of the tests implemented by me the parameters required or their allowed
ranges differ between my implementation and the original implementation. For the second
test the length of the sequence can take greater values in our implementation, because the long
type is used to store the length of the block in bytes, while in the NIST implementation the int
type is used to store the length of the sequence in bits. Another difference here is that the
length of the block for our implementation is always taken in bytes. In the NIST
implementation the 4
test can be run for a block length of 8, 128 or 10
bits, depending on
the value chosen when compiled. In our implementation the size of the block is hardcoded to
8 Conclusions
8 in order be able to work on bytes. The 7
NIST test takes in the original implementation as
one of the parameter the length of the searched pattern, while the length of the block is
hardcoded. In our implementation the length of the pattern is hardcoded to 8, in order to be
able to work on bytes and the length of the block in bytes is taken as a parameter. The NIST
documentation states that the size of the block can be changed if some conditions are met. For
NIST test 8, the original implementation takes as parameter the length of the run of ones
searched, while in our implementation it is hardcoded to 9, which is one of the two values
recommended by NIST in their documentation. For NIST test 9, the original implementation
takes as parameter the length of a block and the length of the initialization sequence, while in
our implementation the length of the block is hardcoded to 8, in order to be able to work on
bytes, and the size of the initialization sequence is computed automatically according to a
formula provided in the NIST documentation.
Another novelty that our implementation brings is running the tests on multiple files,
as a batch job, which makes it much easier to test a directory of files. In the NIST
implementation, each of the files needs to be introduced separately, while in our
implementation only the name of the directory is required.
Our implementation displays the textual results directly in the interface and offers the
possibility to visualize them graphically, while in the NIST implementation the interface
closes every time a test is run and saves the results in a separate file for each test, which
makes it harder to be visualized. Also our interface is not blocked when the tests are run,
because a processing window is displayed to alert the user that the application is still running.
As a conclusion, our implementation of the NIST statistical test suite is not only
efficient, but also offers some useful functionality, which are not present in the original
8.3 Future Development
The SeqTestRand and ParTestRand applications can be extended by adding an
unlimited number of statistical batteries. This is possible because the implementation and
integration of each battery makes them independent. If other batteries are added, the existent
ones are not affected, and if one of the batteries is modified, it does not affect the other
batteries. The SFC application can also be extended by adding a number of statistical tests,
because they are also implemented in an independent way.
The first version of the tests that read only 200000 bytes from the input sequence at a
time can be adapted and run on a grid, on files greater than 1 GB. Using the processing power
of a grid, the execution time might decrease for large files.
The applications described in this project will be integrated in the TestRand system,
which will be integrated as well in the CryptoRand research project.
9 References
9 References
[1] Randomness Wikipedia,
[2] Random number generation Wikipedia,
[3] Statistical randomness Wikipedia,
[4] NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods,
[5] P-value Wikipedia,
[6] Kopal K. Kanji, 100 Statistical Tests, Third Edition, SAGE Publications, September
[7] M. G. Kendal, B. Babington Smith, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 101, 1938,
[8] Andrew Rukhin, Juan Soto, James Nechvatal, Miles Smid, Elaine Barker, Stefan
Leigh, Mark Levenson, Mark Vangel, David Banks, Alan Heckert, James Dray, San Vo,
A Statistical Test Suite for Random and Pseudorandom Number Generators for
Cryptographic Applications, NIST Special Publication 800-22,
[9] George Marsaglia, DIEHARD Statistical Tests,
[10] Pierre LEcuyer, Richard Simard, TestU01: A C Library for Empirical Testing of
Random Number Generators, Dpartement dInformatique et de Recherche Oprationnelle
Universit de Montral,
[11] John Walker, ENT, A Pseudorandom Number Sequence Test Program,
[12] CryptoRand random numbers project,
[13] Donald E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming - Seminumerical Algorithms, Vol.
2, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1981
[14] I. Vattulainen, K. Kankaala, J. Saarinen, T. Ala-Nissila, A Comparative Study of
Some Pseudorandom Number Generators, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Tampere University of Technology, 10 August 1993
[15] Jean Sbastien Coron, On the Security Of Random Sources, Published in H. Imai and
Y. Zheng Eds., Public-Key Cryptography, vol. 1560 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pp. 2942, Springer-Verlag, 1999.
[16] Security requirements for cryptographic modules, Federal Information Processing
Standards Publication 140-1, U.S. Department of Commerce / N.I.S.T., National Technical
Information Service, Springfield, Virginia, 1994.
[17] Jean Sbastien Coron, David Naccache, An accurate evaluation of Maurers Universal
Statistical Test
[18] Ioan Rasa, Subsitemul TestRand, unpublished article
[19] Beta function Wikipedia,
[20] Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions,
[21] Eric W. Weisstein, Incomplete Beta Function, From MathWorld A Wolfram Web
[22] Sergey Bochkanov, Vladimir Bystritsky, Incomplete beta function, ALGLIB.NET,
Special Functions,
[23] Beta distribution-Wikipedia,
[24] Incomplete gamma function Wikipedia,
9 References
[25] Eric W. Weisstein, Regularized Gamma Function, From MathWorld A Wolfram Web
[26] Sergey Bochkanov, Vladimir Bystritsky, Incomplete gamma function, ALGLIB.NET,
Special Functions,
[27] Gamma distribution Wikipedia,
[28] Inverse-gamma distribution Wikipedia,
[29] Sergey Bochkanov, Vladimir Bystritsky, Poisson distribution, ALGLIB.NET, Special
[30] Sergey Bochkanov, Vladimir Bystritsky, Chi-square distribution, ALGLIB.NET,
Special Functions,
[31] Chi-square distribution Wikipedia,
[32] Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test,
[33] Poisson distribution Wikipedia,
[34] Poisson distribution Qwiki,
[35] Eric W. Weisstein, Poisson Distribution, From MathWorld A Wolfram Web
[36] The OpenMP API specification for parallel programming,
[37] Blaise Barney, OpenMP, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
[38] OpenMP Wikipedia,
[39] Kang Su Gatlin, Pete Isensee, OpenMP and C++. Reap the Benefits of Multithreading
without All the Work,
[40] System Requirements for Version 3.5,
10 Annexes
10 Annexes
10.1 Experimental Results Tables
10.1.1 NIST Battery
Table 10-12.Execution times obtained for the Frequency (Monobit) Test
File Size
20 312.6 31 10.08 14.2 22.01 2.18
40 625 63 9.92 15.8 39.56 3.99
60 937 96.4 9.72 15.4 60.84 6.26
80 1253 125 10.02 28 44.75 4.46
100 1565.2 159.2 9.83 27.8 56.30 5.73
120 1868.6 187.8 9.95 34.2 54.64 5.49
140 2187.2 231.2 9.46 40.6 53.87 5.69
160 2503.2 256.2 9.77 47 53.26 5.45
180 2815.4 294 9.58 53 53.12 5.55
198 3100.2 315.2 9.84 53.4 58.06 5.90
Table 10-13.Execution times obtained for the Frequency Test within a Block
20 300000 312.20 34.2 9.13 14.4 21.68 2.38
40 500000 618.80 69.4 8.92 15 41.25 4.63
60 700000 928.00 93.4 9.94 15.4 60.26 6.06
80 900000 1253.20 125 10.03 32.2 38.92 3.88
100 1100000 1565.60 157.4 9.95 34.2 45.78 4.60
120 1300000 1865.40 193.8 9.63 27 69.09 7.18
140 1500000 2177.80 228.6 9.53 37.4 58.23 6.11
160 1700000 2496.80 259.6 9.62 31 80.54 8.37
180 1900000 2812.40 289 9.73 49.8 56.47 5.80
198 2100000 3075.00 312.2 9.85 47.2 65.15 6.61
10 Annexes
Table 10-14.Execution times obtained for the Runs Test
File Size
5 296.6 49.8 5.96 15.2 19.51 3.28
9 521.8 87.4 5.97 16 32.61 5.46
13 756.4 125 6.05 25.2 30.02 4.96
17 987.6 172 5.74 28 35.27 6.14
21 1218.8 209.6 5.81 31.4 38.82 6.68
25 1443.8 250 5.78 41 35.21 6.10
29 1684.6 290.8 5.79 47 35.84 6.19
33 1903 328.2 5.80 50 38.06 6.56
37 2140.4 369 5.80 50 42.81 7.38
43 2494 434.8 5.74 56.6 44.06 7.68
Table 10-15.Execution times obtained for the Test for the Longest Run of Ones in a Block
File Size
20 1612.6 250 6.45 31 52.02 8.06
40 3234.2 494 6.55 66.2 48.85 7.46
60 4840 747 6.48 93.6 51.71 7.98
80 6456.2 984.8 6.56 131.2 49.21 7.51
100 8074.6 1237.2 6.53 156 51.76 7.93
120 9684.2 1484.8 6.52 187.6 51.62 7.91
140 11297 1734.4 6.51 222 50.89 7.81
160 12903.2 1984.4 6.50 250 51.61 7.94
180 14515.8 2234.2 6.50 284.2 51.08 7.86
199 16053 2462.6 6.52 312.4 51.39 7.88
Table 10-16.Execution times obtained for the Non-overlapping Template Matching Test
File Size
NIST SeqNIST Speed-up
ParNIST Speed-up
10 Annexes
20 2621440 133868.80 42678.4 3.14 7212.6 18.56 5.92
40 5242880 267681.20 85429 3.13 14428.6 18.55 5.92
60 7864320 401700.20 128041 3.14 21637.4 18.57 5.92
80 10485760 535350.00 170800 3.13 28856 18.55 5.92
100 13107200 669190.80 213384.4 3.14 36068.4 18.55 5.92
120 15728640 803062.60 257709.2 3.12 43275.2 18.56 5.96
140 18350080 936743.60 298836.8 3.13 50494 18.55 5.92
160 20971520 1070737.20 341469.6 3.14 57714.8 18.55 5.92
180 23592960 1205012.80 384162.6 3.14 64926.6 18.56 5.92
198 25952256 1325268.40 422634.2 3.14 71403.4 18.56 5.92
Table 10-17.Execution times obtained for the Overlapping Template Matching Test
20 10918 722.2 15.12 106 103.00 6.81
40 21819 1438 15.17 212.8 102.53 6.76
60 32750 2162.4 15.15 312.4 104.83 6.92
80 43665 2884.4 15.14 418.8 104.26 6.89
100 54599 3599.6 15.17 518.4 105.32 6.94
120 65475 4321.8 15.15 637.2 102.75 6.78
140 76419 5037.6 15.17 743.6 102.77 6.77
160 87322 5759.6 15.16 844 103.46 6.82
180 98200 6481.4 15.15 946.6 103.74 6.85
198 108022 7134.6 15.14 1046.8 103.19 6.82
Table 10-18.Execution times obtained for Maurers Universal Statistical Test
File Size (B) NIST SeqNIST Speed-up SeqNIST/NIST
258560 227.8 18.8 12.12
295000 256.2 20 12.81
330000 287.6 22.6 12.73
365000 318.6 25 12.74
400000 359.4 27.2 13.21
435000 378 29.2 12.95
470000 412.4 32 12.89
505000 437.4 34.4 12.72
540000 469 36.2 12.96
580000 503.2 39.2 12.84
10.1.2 CryptoRand Battery
Table 10-19.Execution time obtained for Histogram Test 5(bits)
Histogram Test 5(bits)
File Size (MB) SeqHistograms
100 393.6
10 Annexes
200 788.6
300 1179.8
400 1577.2
500 1971
600 2365.6
700 2760.4
800 3154.6
900 3549
1024 4047.4
Table 10-9.Execution time obtained for Histogram Test 6(bits)
Histogram Test 6(bits)
File Size (MB) SeqHistograms
100 352.2
200 703
300 1058.2
400 1411.2
500 1768.8
600 2114.8
700 2475.8
800 2811.2
900 3183.4
1024 3609.4
Table 10-10.Execution time obtained for Histogram Test 7(bits)
Histogram Test 7(bits)
File Size (MB) SeqHistograms
100 337.8
200 643
300 960.8
400 1213.4
500 1512
600 1814
700 2130.8
800 2411.6
900 3052.2
1024 3462.6
Table 10-11.Execution time obtained for Histogram Test 8(bits)
Histogram Test 8(bits)
File Size (MB) SeqHistograms
100 166
200 333
300 498.6
400 665.6
10 Annexes
500 831.4
600 994.4
700 1169
800 1330.8
900 1497.4
1024 1703.2
10.2 Papers
This section incorporates three articles of which I am a co-author and which are
connected to the project described in this paper. The first one participated at The Twelth
International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. The second one
participated at the Automation and Computer Science Students Conference. Both papers were
puplished. The third one was sent to the Eighth International Conference on Parallel
Processing and Applied Mathematics.

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