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A m a z i n g S tories f r o m A r o u n d the Globe



B efore yo u read

Answer these questions.

1. W hat is a legend?
2. W hat fam o u s legends do you know ?
3. W hat a re som e m ovies w h ich are based on legends? W hv are they
p o p u lar?

__ _
W hat Is the Legend o f King Arthur?

1 The legend of King A rthur and the Knights of the Round Table makes
us think of an age of heroism and rom ance. For a thousand years, stories
about them have been passed down from generation to generation,
across Europe and the rest of the world. We even encounter them today
in books, on television, and in the movies. In all these stories, King
A rthur and his knights fight bravely for justice and truth. Of course, they
always win.
2 The legendary King A rthur was known as the greatest king that ever
lived. His m agnificent castle was called Camelot, and his wife, Guinevere,
was the m ost beautiful w om an in history. A rthur had the greatest knights
at his court. They were all equal and sat at a round table to show that no
one had a higher rank than the other. The m ost fam ous knights were Sir
Gawain and Sir Lancelot. The knights did m any good deeds and went on
adventures. They saved young wom en in trouble and searched for a
precious cup called the Holy Grail. They were all heroes, although they
had faults like all people do.
3 In the legend, A rthur is the perfect king. He has a wizard by the nam e
of Merlin w ho helps him defeat his enemies. He also has flashing swords
and wears a fine suit of shining armor. A rthur has two magic swords. At
the beginning of his reign, he pulls one from a block of stone, proving
that he is the true king. The other sword appears in the middle of a lake
and has powers that m ake A rthur im m ortal. At the end of his reign,
A rthur returns to the lake and disappears into the mist.
4 Are these stories true? Did King A rthur really exist? Was his wife,
Guinevere, real? Did Camelot exist? How true to fact are some of these
stories? H istorians don’t know. For the last few hundred years, people
thought that the legend about A rthur had been invented. However,
historians have realized recently that A rthur really may have existed.
Most historians believe th at he probably did. They think that he was a
king or a great leader som ew here in Great Britain. Most believe that
A rthur lived around the end of the fifth and beginning of the sixth
century. They also believe that he led an arm y against the Saxons who
invaded Britain a veiy long tim e ago, that he won this great battle, and
that he was the ch aracter who inspired hundreds of stories.

2 U N IT 1
5 The stories about A rthur may have some truths in them, but they also
have a lot of exaggerations. It seems difficult to separate fact from fiction.
Some people question how a m an could win so many battles and sword
fights w ithout getting wounded or killed. And some of the things that
A rthurs adviser Merlin says and does are too fantastic to be real. For
example, he made predictions of strange and am azing things that would
happen in the future, and m any stories claim that he could change himself
into different objects and animals. He could change into a boy or a deer,
for example, and he could change the appearance of others and even make
them invisible. However, there are other parts of the stories we accept more
easily, such as the magnificent castle of Camelot with its many towers.
6 There have been various theories about where Camelot was located
and w hether it even existed. In the late 1960s, historians dug at a site in
southeastern England (Cadbury Castle) where Camelot could have been
located, but they found nothing. Some historians say that big stone castles
didn’t exist in the tim e of Arthur. Castles during his time were m ade of dirt
and stone, and they were nothing like the castle described in the stories.
7 Still, the idea of Camelot as a wonderful, perfect place continues. In
the 1960s, there was a popular musical show called Camelot that said that
life was perfect in A rthurs castle. Today in the English language, the
word Camelot has com e to m ean an ideal place. It is often associated with
President John F. Kennedy’s W hite House years, because his presidency
started a new "golden age” of prosperity in the United States.
8 Most of the stories about King A rthur were w ritten in the ninth
century and later. The stories tell us about the people and values of these
times. Most of them talk about a code of honor, or chivalry. King A rthur
and his knights were all chivalrous. They respected others. A chivalrous
person did not kill his enem y after the enem y surrendered. A rthur and
his knights were expected to show respect for the church and pity for the
poor, as well as bravery and courtesy.
9 The m ost fam ous version of King A rthur’s legend, a book called Morte
d'Arthur (Death o f Arthur), was w ritten by Sir Thom as Malory in the
fifteenth century. In his work, Malory creates a story of extraordinary
bravery and em phasizes the trium ph of good over evil. This work
inspired kings all over Europe. King Henry v m of England saw himself
as the new A rthur reuniting the country after civil war, and even nam ing
his eldest son Arthur.

W hat Is the Legend of King Arthur? 3

10 King A rthurs popularity is ongoing. In 1986, it was estim ated that
13,500 books, articles, and reviews had been w ritten about him. The
success of recent movies and books shows th at the popularity of the
legend of King A rthur is still strong today. Why is this? The story of
A rthur is an adventure story. There are sword fights and wars that make
the story exciting. There is also rom ance, and the setting is far away and
exotic. The them es in the stories are universal: the fight between good
and evil, the conflict between love and duty. Another them e in the stories
shows that although A rthur is a king, he m akes mistakes and, like all
people, he is not perfect. He is, in fact, like us in m any ways. Maybe it is
this combination of greatness and hum anness that has m ade King
A rthur a popular figure around the world and throughout history.

V ocabulary

Circle the letter of the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word.

1. A rth u r re tu rn s to th e lake a n d d isap p e ars in to the m ist.

a. rain
b. fog
c. w ater
d. sto rm

2. In th e late 1960s, h isto rian s dug at a site in so u th e a ste rn E ngland.

a. co u n try
b. place
c. cave
d. city

3. The settin g is far aw ay a n d exotic.

a. fam iliar an d like hom e
b. sim ila r to th e w ay th ings alw ays are
c. h ard to u n d e rsta n d
d. d ifferen t from th e usual

4 UN IT 1
4. T here have been vario u s th eo ries ab o u t w here C am elot w as located.
a. facts
b. q u estio n s
c. sto ries
d. ideas

5. We even e n c o u n te r th em today in books, on television, an d in the movies.

a. discuss
b. see
c. carry
d. like

6. He w as the c h a ra c te r w ho in sp ired h u n d red s of stories.

a. w as the force b eh in d
b. cau sed not to h ap p en
c. took aw ay from
d. helped to w rite

7. They saved young w om en in tro u b le an d search ed for a precious cup.

a. having g reat value
b. being very b eau tifu l
c. c o n ta in in g lots o f d eco ratio n s
d. lacking im p o rtan ce

8. O ne of th e th em es in th e sto ries is th e conflict betw een love an d duty.

a. ag reem en t
b. u n d ersta n d in g
c. struggle
d. change

9. His p residency sta rte d a new "golden age” of p ro sp erity .

a. peace
b. h ap p in ess
c. pleasu re
d. w ealth

W hat Is the Legend of King Arthur? 5

10. The th em es in th e sto n e s are u n iv ersal.
a. d ifferent in every co u n try
b. co m m o n to a few areas
c. th e sam e everyw here
d. unlike an y th in g else


A. Find words in the reading that go together with the words below to make phrases.

1. ________________ p red ictio n s

2. c o m b in a tio n ________________
3. k n o w n ________________
4. ________________ h isto ry
5. ________________ deeds
6. p a s s e d _________________ from
7. ________________ tro u b le

B. Complete the sentences with the phrases from Part A.

1. If you knew so m eo n e w h o _______________________, she could tell you

w h at is going to h ap p en in the future.
2. Im p o rta n t item s an d stories th a t are given by elders to the children in a
fam ily a r e _______________________ one g en eratio n to another.
3. If you take tw o o r m o re things a n d p u t them together, you have a
th o se things.
4. If so m eth in g i s _______________________ having a certain quality o r being
a certain way, it m ean s th at m any people are aw are of th a t fact o r
ch aracteristic.
5. W hen so m eth in g is a c ertain w ay over many, m any years, it is th a t way

6. If you are having a serio us problem o r difficulty, you are

7. To d o ______________________ m ean s to do th in g s th a t help others.

c. Now use the phrases in your own sentences.

Example: She was known as a very good doctor.

6 U N IT 1
« U S E

Work with a partner to answer the questions. Use complete sentences.

1. W hat are tw o th ings th a t are precious to you?

2. W hat are som e co m m o n good deeds th a t people can do for others?
3. W hen w as the last tim e you w ere in trouble? D escribe w hat happened.
4. W hat is a fam o u s h istorical site in y o u r country?
5. W hat is so m eth in g th a t has been passed dow n from one gen eratio n to
a n o th e r in y o u r fam ily?
6. W hat are som e signs of prosperity ?
7. W here is it co m m o n to see m is t?
8. W hat exotic place w ould you like to visit?

C o m p r e h e n sio n


Some of the following statements are main ideas, and some are supporting statements.
Some of them are stated directly in the reading. Find the statements. Write M for each
main idea. Write s for each supporting statement.

1. The knights saved people in tro u b le an d search ed for the Holy

2. The sto ries a b o u t King A rth u r co n tain both tru th an d fiction.
3. People have different o p in io n s a b o u t w h e th e r C am elot existed and
w here it m ig h t have been located.
4. M any h isto rian s believe th a t A rthur led an arm y ag ain st the
Saxons w ho invaded B ritain.
5. In th e E nglish language, th e w ord Camelot has com e to m ean an
ideal place.
6. People from m any d ifferent tim es an d places have been fascinated
by th e legends of K ing Arthur.

W hat Is the Legend of King Arthur? 7


Reread the passage and answer the questions. Write complete sentences.

1. W hat is th e m o st fam ous version of King A rth u r’s legend?

2. W hat are th ree things th a t w ere expected of a chivalrous knight?

3. W hat d id m any legends claim a b o u t M erlin?

4. W hy did th e knig h ts sit at a ro u n d table?

5. W hat do h isto rian s believe th at castles w ere m ade from d u rin g the tim e of
K ing A rthur?

6. W hat is p ro b ab ly o n e of th e reasons w hy King A rth u r has alw ays been such

a p o p u la r figure?

7. W here did A rth u r get his second m agic sw ord?

8. D uring w h at tim e do m o st h isto rian s believe th a t A rthur lived?


The answers to these questions can be inferred, or guessed, from the reading. Cữcle
the letter of the best answer.

1. The read in g im plies t h a t __________

a. M erlin m ost likely d id exist
b. M erlin's actio n s a re b ased in fact
c. M erlin is n o t a believable c h a ra c te r
d. M erlin did not live in C am elot

8 UN IT 1
2. It can be inferred from th e read in g th a t people m any cen tu ries ago

a. liked sto ries ab o u t love an d ad v en tu re

b. d id n ’t believe th e ir h ero es sh o u ld have any faults
c. w ere tired o f sto ries a b o u t knights an d kings
d. d id n ’t have m u ch im ag in atio n

3. From the reading, it can be co ncluded th a t A rth u r w as probably

a. a p erso n w ho never really existed in history

b. a m ilitary lead er w hose real life becam e exaggerated
c. several d ifferent people w ho becam e one c h a ra c te r
d. one o f the m ost fam ous knights in all of B ritish history

4. The read in g im plies th at th e legends of King A r th u r _____

a. could onlv be u n d e rsto o d by th e royalty of th e ir day
b. cau sed a civil w a r d u rin g th e tim e of King H enry VIII
c. show ed only th e good side of the king a n d his knights
d. to u ch ed everyone, from kings to o rd in a ry people

D isc u ssio n

Discuss the answers to these questions with your classmates.

1. W hat legends are asso ciated w ith certain countries?

2. W hy do you th in k people like stories a b o u t g reat heroes? W hy are the
m ost p o p u la r heroes th o se w ho have h u m an faults?
3. Many people say t h a t "chivalry is dead” today. Do you agree? w h y or why not?
4. W hat is y o u r idea of a p erfect place like C am elot?

W riting
On separate paper, write a paragraph or an essay about one of the following topics:

1. W rite the sto ry o f a legend you know.

2. D escribe a perfect place to live.
3. Tell ab o u t a ro m a n tic o r ad v en tu re m ovie you have seen.

W hat Is the Legend of King Arthur? 9


1. A singular subject takes a singular verb, and a plural subject takes a

plural verb.
Arthur has two magic swords.
Of course, they always win.

Two subjects joined by and take a plural verb.

King Arthur and his knights fight for justice and truth.

2. Words between the subject and the verb do not change subject-verb
The story o f King Arthur and the Knights o f the Round Table makes us
think of an age o f romance. (The subject is the story, not King Arthur and
the Knights of the Round Table.)

Phrases like together with, as well as, and accompanied by do not

change the subject-verb agreement.
King Arthur, together with his knights, sits at the Round Table.

3. When a sentence starts with there, the verb must agree with the
subject that follows.
There is also romance.
There are sword fights.

Underline the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1. T here (is / are) p a rts of th e sto ries th a t (is / are) easier to accept.
2. The m agnificent castle of Cam elot with its m any tow ers (is / are) believable.
3. King Arthur, w ith his b eautiful wife, G uinevere, (live / lives) in Cam elot.
4. S ir L ancelot a n d S ir G aw ain (is / are) the m ost fam ous knights.
5. King Arthur, to g e th e r w ith his knights, alw ays (win / w ins) the battle.
6. The sto ries a b o u t A rth u r (has / have) som e tru th s.
7. T here (has / have) been m any th eo ries ab o u t w here C am elot w as located.
8. T he m ost fam o u s version of the sto ries ab o u t King A rth u r (w as / w ere)
w ritten by S ir T h o m as Malory.
9. King Arthur, like all people, (is / are) not perfect.
10. The c o m b in atio n o f g reatn ess a n d h u m an n ess (m ake / m akes) King
A rth u r popular.

\0 13N Y T \
B efore YOU READ
Answer these questions.
1. W ho w ere th e earliest people to settle in y o u r country? W hat do you
know a b o u t th em ?
2. How long ago do you th in k th e Incas lived?
3. In w h at p a rt of th e w orld do you th in k th e Incas lived?
w h y Did the Inca Em pire Disappear?

1 The land of the Incas included w hat is now Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador,
and part of Argentina and Chile. In the center of the Inca Em pire was its
capital, Cuzco, the “Sacred City of the Sun.” From every part of the
em pire, grain, gold and silver, cloth, and food poured into the capital.
2 The Incas began as a small tribe living in the Peruvian Andes in
the 1100s. In the 1300s, their strong leader, Mayta Qapaq, began to
conquer neighboring lands. By the 1400s, the Incas’ huge em pire becam e
the largest em pire known in the Americas. Although there were only
40,000 Incas, they ruled a population of about 12 million, which included
100 different peoples. The Incas were clever governors and did not always
force their own ideas on other groups. The people they conquered had to
accept the Inca gods, but they were allowed to w orship in their own way
and keep their own custom s.
3 Each new ruler of the em pire was called the Sapa Inca, and each
Sapa Inca claimed to be the child of the sun and was treated as a god.
W hen a Sapa Inca died, his body was kept and taken care of by the
people, and he continued to “live" in his palace. The dead Inca sat on a
golden stool, and a w om an w atched him day and night, whisking the flies
away from his face. The dead rulers were served food each day, and on
special occasions they were carried out of their palaces to feast together.
Each new ruler had to build a new palace. Bv 1500, Cuzco was full of
palaces of dead Incas.
4 Each Sapa Inca had a queen, or Coya. She was alm ost always the
ruler’s own sister. Like him, she was thought to be a child of the sun.
The Sapa Inca m arried his sister to make sure their children only had the
pure blood of the sun. One of their sons would be the next Sapa Inca.
However, each Sapa Inca had many unofficial wives and dozens of
children who would becom e the Inca nobility.
5 The Incas ruled over one of the best organized em pires in history.
They controlled the lives of everyone through a system of officials. This
system was like a triangle o r pyram id. At the bottom were m illions of
ordinary farm ers. Above the fanners were officials and higher officials,
and above these officials were the four governors of the quarters of the
empire. At the very top of the pyram id was the Sapa Inca.

12 UNI T 2
6 O rdinary people had to spend part of each year working for the
state—mining, buildings roads, or serving in the army. They could not
leave their villages w ithout official perm ission. They had no choice but to
work on the land and send one-third of their produce to the governm ent
stores. The em pire had huge storehouses where food was kept. The Incas
m ade sure no one starved. In return, everyone was expected to work.
7 Even m arriage of the ordinary people was controlled. Although nobles
often had several wives, an ordinary m an could only have one. The state
controlled whom and when each ordinary person could marry. Each year
the local chiefs assem bled all the eligible young men over twenty-four
and wom en over eighteen. They were grouped into two lines and then
paired together. For the first year of m arriage, the couple did not have to
pay taxes on either goods or labor. However, they would have to work hard
for the rest of their lives, w h en they were elderly and became too frail or
sick to take care of themselves, they received free food and clothes from
the state storehouse, and their family group would care for them.
8 The Incas had no horses o r wheels to help them with transportation,
but they had a sophisticated road system. Their network of roads ran
the length of the em pire, from today’s Peru to Chile. One road, called the
Royal Road, was 3,250 miles (5,200 km) long. It was built through the
Andes M ountains. Even today, with m odem tools, it would be difficult to
build that road. The Incas also m ade extraordinary suspension bridges of
ropes; these hung 300 feet (91 m eters) above deep rivers. Since most
people were not allowed to travel, the roads were used by soldiers and
chasquis, who were governm ent m essengers. They were highly trained
runners who were stationed at intervals of about two miles (3.2 km)
along the roads and carried messages to and from Cuzco, the capital.
Relay team s could run up to 200 miles (322 km) a day and bring fish
from the sea to the capital in two days. But the m ain reason for the roads
was for the soldiers who kept the em pire under control.
9 Although they had no system of writing, the Incas sent messages in
quipus, which were colored strings with knots in them. The color of the
string represented w hat was being counted. For example, a yellow string
stood for gold and a red string for soldiers. The knots stood for num bers.
10 The Incas were expert builders, although they only had basic tools.
Instead of building walls with cement, they used stones that fit together
perfectly. Many of the Inca walls remain in place to this day. In 1950,

Why Did the Inca Em pire Disappear? 13

two-thirds of Cuzco was destroyed in an earthquake, but none of the
old walls collapsed. Today the well-preserved town of Machu Picchu
shows the remarkable skills of the Inca builders. This town, which was
abandoned by the Incas for unknown reasons, was only discovered in
1 1 The Inca Em pire fell very quickly after the death of their great ruler
H uavna Capac in 1525. Two of his sons, Atahualpa and Huascar,
quarreled over who should be the next Sapa Inca. They fought against
each other in a w ar and finally, in 1532, Atahualpa won. During the war,
news cam e that strange people had arrived on the coast. These visitors,
the Spaniards, were dressed in m etal suits, rode unknow n anim als
(horses), and had hair growing down their chins. After his victory,
A tahualpa w anted to see these strange people and invited them to visit
him. There were only 180 Spaniards, so Atahualpa was not afraid.
However, the Spaniards attacked the Inca arm y with guns and fired their
cannons. They took Atahualpa prisoner and prom ised to give him his
freedom in exchange for a room full of gold and two room s full of silver.
The Incas gave the Spaniards the gold and silver. However, the Spaniards
didn’t free Atahualpa; they killed him instead. With no leader, the Inca
soldiers were weak, and the Spaniards soon defeated them . The
Spaniards gave the Incas orders, and the Incas obeyed them because they
were used to obeying all their lives. The Spaniards were only interested
in the Inca gold and silver, so they m ade the people work in the mines
and neglect the farming. Many Incas died from overwork and hunger.
The great Inca Em pire was soon destroyed.
12 Though the Inca civilization disappeared, traces of its culture and
people survive. As a m atter of fact, today the Incas’ descendants form the
majority of the population in the Andes of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.

V ocabulary

Circle the letter of the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word.

1. The Incas had a so p h isticated ro ad system .

a. n ot well developed
b. plain an d sim ple
c. advanced an d com p licated
d. roughly put to g eth er
14 UNIT 2
2. Each S apa Inca claim ed to be th e child of th e sun.
a. stated as a fact
b. show ed to be u n tru e
c. questioned the tru th of
d. d em an d ed to know

3. They w ere allow ed to w o rsh ip in th e ir ow n way.

a. forced
b. forbidden
c. told how
d. given perm issio n

4. They m ade th e people w ork in th e m ines an d n e glect the farm ing.

a. not care for
b. take care of
c. do m ore of
d. w atch over

5. M achu Picchu w as a b a n d o n e d by the Incas.

a. torn dow n
b. left em pty o r alone
c. m ade m ore b eautiful
d. built up

6. The Incas m ade su re th at no one starv ed .

a. had food
b. w ent w ith o u t food
c. was forced to buy food
d. stored food

7. W hen they becam e too frail o r sick to take care of them selves, they
received free food an d clothes.
a. com pletely u n h ap p y
b. lonely an d afraid
c. poor an d hungry
d. thin an d w eak

Why Did the Inca Em pire Disappear?

8. N one o f th e old In ca w alls co llap sed .
a. h ad large cracks
b. fell dow n
c. w ere dam aged
d. show ed signs of aging

9. E ach y ear th e local chiefs assem bled all the eligible young men.
a. very intelligent
b. physically stro n g
c. su itab le to be chosen
d. belonging to a c erta in class

10. The Incas sent m essages in quipus, w hich w ere colored strings with knots I
in them .
a. pieces tied to g eth er
b. long, sep a rate pieces
c. tiny, loose pieces
d. pieces han g in g from som ething


A. Find words in the reading that go together with the words below to make phrases.

1. ________________ intervals
2. m a jo r ity ________________
3. o n _________________ occasions
4. ________________ exchange for
5. s t o o d ________________
6. ________________ in th e arm y
7. ________________ co n tro l

B. Complete the sentences with the phrases from Part A.

1. W hen you give so m eth in g in o rd e r to get som ething else in return, then
you give o n e _______________________ the other.
2. _______________________ , su ch as b irth d ay s a n d w eddings, we celebrate
im p o rta n t events in o u r lives.
3. People w h o a r e ______________________ of som eone act according to
ce rta in ru les an d laws.

4. T h e _______________________th e people is m ost of the people.
5. You a r e _______________________ w hen you becom e a m em b er of an d
sp en d tim e w orking in th a t p a rt of a country's military.
6. T hings th a t a r e ______________________ are spaced certain d istan ces
a p a rt from each other.
7. If certain letters o r objects rep resen ted so m eth in g else, th en they
_______________________ th a t thing.

c. Now use the phrases in your own sentences.

Example: The traffic lights changed at intervals o f two minutes.

Work with a partner to answer the questions. Use complete sentences.

1. W hat place w as abandoned by early people w ho once lived there?

2. W here have you seen an object, g ro u p of letters, o r a sign th a t stood for
so m eth in g else? W hat d id it rep resent?
3. W hat are som e o f th e c h a rac teristics of a sophisticated person?
4. In y o u r country, w h at are th e req u irem en ts to be eligible for m arriage?
5. W hat do you w ear on special occasions in y o u r country? Talk a b o u t two
different occasions.
6. W hat are tw o th ings th a t you are allowed to do w hen you reach a certain
age in y o u r fam ily o r in y o u r country?
7. W hat a re som e th ings th a t o c c u r at intervals of e ith e r tim e o r space?
8. W hy sh o u ld n ’t you neglect y o u r w ork o r obligations?

C o m pr eh en sio n
Cừcle the letter of the best answer.
1. The m ain idea o f p a ra g ra p h 2 is t h a t ___________
a. th e Incas allow ed co n q u ered people to keep th e ir custom s
b. th e first Incas lived in th e P eruvian Andes in the 1100s
c. M ayta Q apaq w as a stro n g In ca leader
d. a sm all trib e o f Incas grew to a huge em pire

Why Did the Inca Em pire Disappear? 17

2. The m ain idea o f p a ra g ra p h 5 is t h a t ___________
a. the In ca g o v ern m en t had m any officials
b. th e S apa Inca w as at the top of the pyram id
c. Inca rule w as very organized an d con tro lled
d. th e farm ers h ad m any people telling them w h at to do

3. The m a in idea o f p a ra g ra p h 8 is t h a t ___________

a. th e Inca ro a d s w ould be h a rd to b u ild today, even w ith modern tools
b. the In ca ro ad system w as used m ainly by soldiers
c. m ost people w ere not allow ed to travel in Inca society
d. the In cas b u ilt a very ad vanced and com plex system of roads

4. P arag rap h 11 is m ainly ab o u t h o w ___________

a. the d eath of H u av n a C apac led to w ar betw een his two sons
b. the g reat In ca E m p ire w as destroyed by the S p an iard s
c. the S p an iard s w ere only in terested in In ca gold and silver
d. A tahualpa w as not afraid of th e S p an iard s

Reread the passage and fill in the blanks.

1. O ne In ca road, called t h e ___________________ w as 3,250 miles

(5,200 km ) long.
2. F o r th e ir first y ear of m arriage, a couple did n o t have to pay

3. In quipus, a yellow strin g stood for a red string

stood for a n d the k nots stood for

4. F arm e rs h ad to send to governm ent stores.

5. The S p an iard s p ro m ised A tahualpa his freedom in exchange for

6 . The S ap a In ca claim ed to be _
7. The job of the chasquis w as to to and from Cuzco.
8 . The In cas h ad am azin g su sp en sio n bridges m ade from

The answers to these questions are not dữectly stated in the article. Write complete

1. W hat can you co n clu d e a b o u t th e Inca ru lers from the sta te m e n t th at

grain, gold, silver, cloth, a n d food p o u red in to the capital from every p art
of th e em pire?

2. W hat did th e Incas p ro b ab ly believe ab o u t th e ir dead rulers?

3. W hat can be inferred a b o u t th e Incas' a ttitu d e to w ard the elderly?

4. W hat can you co n clu d e a b o u t the lives of the o rd in a ry people in the Inca
E m pire?

5. W hy do you su p p o se th e In ca governors did n o t force th e ir ideas on o th er


6. W hat can you in fer from th e fact th a t nobles could have several wives but
an o rd in a ry m an could only have one?

7. W hat do the In ca roads, buildings, a n d w alls tell us ab o u t the Inca people?

8. W hat terrib le m istake did A tahualpa m ake?

D iscussion
Discuss the answers to these questions with your classmates.

1. W hy did th e S p an iard s so easily defeat th e Incas? Do you think th ere was

any possibility th a t th e Incas could have w on?
2. W hy do you th in k the In cas a b a n d o n ed M achu Picchu?
Why Did the Inca Em pire Disappear? 19
3. W hat are som e o f th e good p oints ab o u t th e Inca system of governm ent?
W hat are som e of th e b ad points?
4. W ere the S p an ia rd s w ise leaders like the Incas w ere w hen they conquered
people? E xplain y o u r answ er.

W riting
On separate paper, write a paragraph or an essay about one of the following topics:

1. W hat are tw o advantages a n d tw o disadvantages of living in an organized

an d co n tro lled society su ch as the society of the Incas?
2. E ach co u n try is d ifferent an d has its ow n way of doing things. W rite
a b o u t tw o o r th re e th in g s th a t are d one differently in a n o th e r country.
3. W ho sh o u ld take care o f the elderly? W rite th e advantages an d / o r
d isad v an tag es o f the g o v ern m en t’s taking care of th e elderly.

G r a m m a r a n d pu n c t u a t io n


We use transitional expressions to act as a bridge between one sentence
and another, and between parts of a sentence. Transitional expressions
can be used at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a sentence.
We set them off with commas.
For the first year, the couple did not pay taxes. However, they would have to
work hard for the rest o f their lives.
For the first year, the couple did not pay taxes. They would have to work hard,
however, for the rest o f their lives.

A. Add commas to the following sentences where necessary.

1. The Incas co n q u ered m any different peoples in S outh A m erica. How ever
thev allow ed th em to keep th e ir ow n custom s.
2. T here w ere huge sto reh o u ses all over th e country. T herefore no one
3. The ro ad s w ere used by governm ent m essengers. The m ain reaso n for the
ro ad s how ever w as for th e soldiers to keep th e em p ire u n d e r control.

20 UNI T 2
4. The Royal R oad is a g reat achievem ent. As a m a tte r of fact it w ould be
difficult to b u ild even today.
5. The colors on th e q u ip u s rep resen ted w h at w as being counted. Yellow for
exam ple stood for gold.

B. Connect the two sentences with a transitional expression.

1. The S p an iard s w ere only in terested in th e gold an d silver of the Incas. They
m ade th e people w ork in m in es a n d neglected the farm ing.

2. O rd in ary people h ad no freedom to go w here they liked. They could not

leave th e ir village w ith o u t p erm ission.

w h y Did the Inca Em pire Disappear? 21

How Do


Answer these questions.
1 W h a t is y o u r favorite holiday? W hy? . 0
2. W hat special th in g s do you do to celebrate the o 1 ay?
3 H ow long do th e celeb ratio n s last?
H ow Do H indus Celebrate
the D iw ali Festival?

1 Diwali is the Hindu festival of light. The Hindus in India celebrate their
favorite festival on the dark and cold nights of late October or early
November. Diwali, which is short for dipawali, means "row of lights.”
There are lights everywhere during this festival, which is as im portant to
H indus as Christm as is to Christians. Houses have lights in front of their
doors and windows, the streets are decorated with lights, and the temples
have tiny rows of lights all over. Diwali, which lasts for five days, is one of
the longest festivals for Hindus. In India, it's a time when everything stops.
Families get together, eat together, and exchange gifts, usually of candies.
They go shopping and buy things, from new clothes to new homes.
2 As with other Indian festivals, Diwali has different significance for
people in various parts of India, depending upon which gods the people
w orship at this time. However, the basic reason for this festival is the
sam e all over India: Diwali is a time for new beginnings. It is a time when
light triumphs over darkness and good trium phs over evil.
3 Before celebrating Diwali, Hindus prepare and decorate their homes.
People make sure that their houses are spotless. Every house is repainted
and thoroughly cleaned. They decorate the floors and sidewalks outside
their homes with special rangoli patterns to welcome guests. Rangoli
means "a mixture of colors.” The patterns are created from a paste made
from rice flour. The paste is usually colored red or yellow. The Hindus
believe red and yellow make the evil spirits go away. One traditional Hindu
pattern is the lotus flower, which is the symbol of one of their gods,
4 Lights play an im portant part in the Diwali festival. Weeks before the
festival, potters make clay lam ps called diwas. On the first day of Diwali,
every family buys a new lamp, which symbolizes new beginnings. There
are lights everywhere in the streets. Even in parts of India where there is
no electricity, thousands of these clay lam ps can be seen. The lamps
welcome travelers and help visitors find the houses they are going to visit.
They are also there so the gods that people are rem em bering will see the
lights and pay them a visit. In addition to light, there is noise—the noise
of firecrackers. Families spend a lot of money on firecrackers and light
them for four or five hours at night in their backyards and gardens. At the
end of Diwali, there are also big fireworks displays that light up the sky.

How Do Hindus Celebrate the Diwali Festival?

5 H indus start every day of Diwali by taking a bath. After their baths,
family m em bers will rub scented oils into each other’s hair. Then they get
dressed in new clothes for the festival. Women will w ear lots of jewelry
and may draw special patterns on their hands and feet with henna. Then
they pray at the family shrine. Every H indu hom e has a shrine with
pictures and statues of different gods. The shrine is usually in the living
room of the house, where it is easy to get together every day and pray.
After they pray at the shrine, they go out and visit family, friends, and
business colleagues. They take gifts with them of candies and dry fruits.
They believe if you give sweet things, people will think sweet things about
you. Some people may go to the m arket where there are stalls selling
sweets, flowers, and jewelry. There's also village dancing, and everyone
can join in. At the end of the day, they all go hom e to eat and light
ft Diwali is a tim e when people look forward to good luck and wealth
in the year to come. The Hindu goddess of wealth, Lakshmi, is honored
during the festival. People hope that a visit from this goddess will bring
them good luck. To help Lakshmi enter their homes, they leave all the
windows and doors open and make sure there are lights shining at every
door and window so that she can find her way in easily. Businesspeople
put out all their account books for Lakshmi to inspect. H indus pay their
bills and leave money and jewelry on the shrine to her in their house.
7 In w estern India, Diwali starts the new business year. There is a
cerem ony of closing the account books and showing them to Lakshmi.
Businesspeople who take part in the cerem ony have red m arks on their
foreheads. During Diwali, people always visit their coworkers and send
"Happy Diwali” cards and exchange gifts.
8 H indus in other parts of the world also celebrate Diwali. Outside
India, the tem ple is m ore im portant in the festivities than the home is.
This is because Diwali is not a long public holiday in other countries, and
H indus have to go to work as usual. The tem ple is a good place for them
to m eet for the festivities. Outside India, Hindus usually spend their
whole dav in the temple, w hereas in India they would go there to pray to
the gods and then go home. In the tem ple during Diwali, the priests dress
the figures of the gods in brightly colored silk clothes to receive their
visitors. W hen visitors come, thev ring the tem ple bell to let the gods
know that they have arrived, and they bring gifts of sweets and flowers.
The tem ple is usually covered with offerings of sweets, flowers, fruit, and
cakes. People bring food not only for the gods but also for themselves.

Everybody eats and listens to traditional music. There are no formal
religious services, but every visitor says a private prayer to the gods and
asks for good fortune.
9 Diwali is a tim e to be happy and enjoy family and friends. It's a time
w hen people exchange sweets, w ear their new clothes, buy jewelry, and
have a festive time. However, for the Hindus, Diwali is m ore than eating
and shopping. Its burning lam p is a m essage of peace and harmony to
the world.

V ocabulary

Circle the letter of the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word.
1. They th o ro u g h ly clean th e ir houses.
a. partly
b. m ostly
c. com pletely
d. generally

2. T here are no form al religious services.

a. not like any o th e r
b. official
c. taking a long tim e
d. taking place every day

3. In various p a rts o f India, different gods are h o n o re d .

a. show ed p raise an d respect
b. asked a favor of
c. given special nam es
d. talked a b o u t by everyone

4. The b u rn in g lam p is a m essage of peace and h arm o n y .

a. acting acco rd in g to reaso n
b. having a great love for o th e r people
c. being quiet a n d restful
d. being in ag reem en t w ith o th ers

How Do H indus Celebrate the Diwali Festival?

5. They pray at the fam ily s h rin e .
a. a kind of cerem o n y
b. a place for w o rsh ip
c. an a re a for e n te rta in m e n t
d. an im p o rta n t m eal

6. They m ake su re th e ir h ouses are spọUẹ.S£-

a. alm o st em pty
b. very b rig h t
c. like new
d. com pletely clean

7. It is a tim e w h en light triu m p h s over darkness.

a. tries to co n tro l
b. w ins a victory
c. h as a stro n g feeling against
d. m akes b e tte r

8. They visit b u sin ess colleagues.

a. people w h o w ork to g eth er
b. people w ho play o n th e sam e sp o rts team
c. people w ho are w ealthy
d. fam ily m em b ers

9 Diwali has d ifferen t significance for people in various

a. h isto ry an d cu sto m s
b. type of cerem ony
c. im p o rtan ce an d m eaning
d. tim e an d place

10 T here are firew orks displays th a t light u p the sky.

a. show s th a t people see
b. songs th a t people sing
c. noises th a t people h e a r
d. cerem o n ies th a t people take p a rt in

26 UNI T 3

A. Find words in the reading that go together with the words below to make phrases.

1. . . know
2. __________________. . . a visit
3. take p a r t ________________
4. r o w s ________________
5. _________________ su re th a t
6. d e p e n d in g ________________
7. s h o r t ________________

B. Complete the sentences with the phrases from Part A.

1. W hen you h a v e _______________________ things, they are arran g ed side by

side in a line.
2. When y o u _______________________ p e o p le _______________________ , you
go to see them a n d sp en d tim e w ith them .
3. If one thing m ay ch an g e b ecau se o f so m eth in g else, it is
______________________ so m eth in g else.
4. If y o u _______________________ a p e r s o n ________________________ ab o u t
som ething, you tell th em a b o u t it.
5. W hen you use p a rt o f a w ord in stead of th e w hole w ord, then th e sm aller
word i s _______________________ th e larg er one.
6. When y o u _______________________ som ething happens, you do everything
you can to be ce rtain th a t it does happen.
7. When you do so m eth in g w ith o th e r people, y o u ______________________
that activity.

c. Now use the phrases in your own sentences.

Example: I let m y friend know about the free concert tickets.

Work with a partner to answer the questions. Use complete sentences.

1. What is the n am e o f a fam ous sh rin e? W here is it? w h y is it fam ous?

2. What is th e significance o f a w hite d ress in y o u r culture?
3. Where can you find rows o f chairs?
4. Which people are honored in y o u r cou n try ? W hy are they honored?

How Do H indus Celebrate the Diwali Festival? 27

5. If you could pay so m eo n e fam ous a visit, w ho w ould you choose to see?
6. In y o u r cu ltu re, w h at type of clothing is fo rm a l?
7. W hat h ap p en s w hen people d o n ’t live in h a rm o n y?
8. W hat are som e w ords th a t you use every day th a t are short for other
w ords?

C o m pr e h e n sio n

Some of the following statements are main ideas, and some are supporting statements.
Some of them are stated directly in the reading. Find the statements. Write M for each
main idea. Write s for each supporting statement.

1. Diwali, w h ich lasts for five days, is one of the longest festivals for
H indus.
2. Lights play an im p o rta n t p art in th e Diwali festival.
3. Diwali is a tim e w hen people look forw ard to good luck and
w ealth in the y ear to com e.
4. B usinesspeople w ho take p a ri in the cerem ony have red marks on
th e ir foreheads.
5. H in d u s in o th e r p a rts of the w orld also celebrate Diwali.

Reread the passage and answer the questions. Write complete sentences.

1. H ow do H in d u s start every day of Diwali?

2. W hat does rangoli m ean?

3. D uring Diwali, w h at d eco rates the w indow s an d doors of houses?

4. W hat do fam ily m em b ers do a fte r they p ray at th e shrine?

5. In the tem ple, how do the priests dress the figures of the gods?

28 UNI T 3
6. What colors do the Hindus believe make the evil spirits go away?

7. D uring Diwali, w h at does a new lam p sym bolize?

8. L a ksh m i is th e goddess of w hat?


The answers to these questions can be inferred, or guessed, from the reading. Circle
the letter of the best answer.

1. The read in g im plies th a t the Diwali fe s tiv a l___________

a. is celeb rated in the sam e w ay by all H indus
b. is a tim e for fam ily an d friends to get to g eth er
c. m akes m any people w ealthy
d. is a good tim e for praying alone an d having quiet th o u g h ts

2. It can be inferred from the read in g th a t the festival is celebrated w ith

a. a belief in the im p o rtan ce o f th e past

b. a sense o f SOITOW for one’s m istakes
c. a sp irit o f hope for th e fu tu re
d. a joy in show ing off o n e ’s w ealth

3. F rom the reading, it can be co n clu ded th a t H in d u s ___________

a. w ork h ard to p rep are for th e festival
b. d o n ’t believe in praying for good luck
c. celeb rate Diwali m ostly in th e ir hom es
d. d ress very plainly d u rin g th e festival

4. The read in g im plies th a t Diwali is a tim e f o r ___________

a. w orking h a rd at y o u r jo b
b. going to bed early an d g etting lots of rest
c. staying hom e an d praying
d. doing good th ings for o th ers

How Do H indus Celebrate the Diwali Festival? 29

D isc u ssio n

Discuss the answers to these questions with your classmates.

1. W hy are holidays an d festivals im p o rta n t to societies?

2. M any colors have special m eanings o r create certain feelings w hen we
look at them . N am e th ree colors a n d w h at they sym bolize. W hat is y our
favorite color? W hy?
3. All co u n tries have th e ir ow n custom s. W hat is one custom th a t you like?
W hat is one th a t you d o n ’t like? E xplain y o u r reasons.
4. Food is an im p o rta n t p a rt of m any festivals. W hy do you th in k it is?

W r it in g

On separate paper, write a paragraph or an essay about one of the following topics:

1. W rite a b o u t y o u r favorite holiday an d how it is celebrated in yo u r country.

2. W rite a b o u t tw o o r th ree cu sto m s th a t you like. Give reasons why you
like them .
3. S om etim es a festival you know is celebrated differently in a n o th e r
country. C om pare a n d /o r c o n tra st the sim ilarities an d differences of a
festival celeb rated in a n o th e r country.

We use quotation marks for direct speech (a person’s exact words). We
use quotation marks at the beginning and at the end of each part of a
direct quotation. We put punctuation inside the second pair of quotation
marks. We do not use quotation marks for reported, or indirect, speech.
The woman said, “ We must keep the tradition alive outside India.”
(direct speech)
“ We must,” the woman said, “ keep the tradition alive outside India."
(direct speech)
The woman said that they had to keep the tradition alive outside India.
(indirect speech)

30 UNI T 3
Write c for correct sentences. Rewrite the incorrect sentences with correct

1. The w o m an said th a t “th e re w ere statu es of different gods in the


2. He told us th a t H in d u s usually end th e ir m eal w ith lassi.

3. T he w o m an said, “G uests w ho visit betw een m ealtim es receive

special snacks."

4. "The sym bol o f L akshm i, she said, is a lotus flower.”

5. He said th a t today they are p u ttin g m etal lam ps on th eir shrines.

6. Spices she said are th e essence of In d ian cuisine.

7. ‘‘Lots of foods, in cluding special sw eets, are eaten to g eth er on a

special plate called a thali, she said.

How Do H indus Celebrate the Diwali Festival? 31


B efore yo u read

Answer these questions.

1. W hat kinds o f sto ries do you like? A dventure? M ystery? R om ance?
2. W hat are som e fam o u s sto ries o r folktales?
3. W hich sto ries a re p o p u la r in y o u r country?
What Is the Story B ehind
The 1,001 Arabian Nights?
1 The 1,001 Arabian Nights, also known as The Book o f One Thousand
and One Nights, is one of the m ost fam ous pieces of Arabic literature. It
includes m any well-known stories, such as “All Baba and the Forty
Thieves,” “Sinbad the Sailor," and "Aladdin’s Lam p.” In all, the collection
of stories contains about 200 folk tales from Arabia, India, Persia
(m odem day Iran), and even China. Many people in these countries
shared a religion, Islam, and the Arabic language of the Koran.
2 These stories are very ancient and are believed to first have been told
by an Arab storyteller in the ninth century. There are various types of
stories: love stories, historical tales, comedies, tragedies, poems, and
religious legends. The stories depict w hat life was like at the time and
include good and bad rulers, m agicians, and lots of adventure. The
stories have been told and retold for generations. Later on, in the Middle
Ages, a "fram e” to all these stories was added. The fram e for the large
group of stories is the story of Sherezade. In her tale, she tells many of
The 1,001 Arabian Nights stories.
3 The story of Sherezade begins with the tale of a king nam ed Shahrvar
who rules an unnam ed island "between India and China.” Shahryar had
a wife whom he loved m ore than anything in the world. He was devoted
to her and would do anything for her. However, after several years, he
discovered completely by accident that she had been unfaithful to him.
Betrayed, the King carried out the law of the land and ordered his chief
m inister to put her to death. Then the heartbroken king went out of his
mind and declared that all w om en were unfaithful like his wife. The
fewer there were of them, he thought, the better the world would be. So
every evening he m arried a new wife and com m anded that she be
executed the following m orning.
4 It was job of the chief m inister to provide the king with these
unfortunate brides. The chief m inister did his duty with great reluctance,
for it was hard for him to see a wom an m anned one day and then killed
the next. The people of the town lived in sadness and fear. Fathers and
m others cried about the fate of their daughters. The chief m inister himself
had two daughters: Sherezade and Dinarzade. Sherezade was older; she

was a clever and brave girl. Her father had given her the best education,
and she was one of the m ost beautiful girls in the kingdom.

W hat Is the Story Behind The 1,001 Arabian Nights? 33

5 One day, Sherezade asked her father a favor. H er father loved her very
m uch, and he would not refuse her anything that was reasonable.
Sherezade then told him that she was determ ined to end the cruel
practice of the king. She had a plan to save the wom en of the kingdom
from their terrible fate. Since her father had to provide the king with a
new wife every day, she implored him to choose her. Her father was
shocked by her request and thought she had lost her senses. But
Sherezade explained that if her plan succeeded, she would do a great
service for her country. After she begged and begged him, her father
finally agreed to Sherezade’s wish. He went to the palace to tell the king
that the following evening he would bring him Sherezade to be the new
queen. The astonished king asked him why he would sacrifice his own
daughter. The chief m inister replied that it was her wish. The king then
told the m inister to bring his daughter to the palace.
6 When her father returned to tell her, Sherezade was happy and
thanked her father for agreeing to her wish. She then went to prepare
herself for the m arriage. But, first, she w anted to speak with her sister,
Dinarzade. Sherezade told her sister that she had a plan and needed her
help. She said her father was going to take her to the palace to celebrate
her m arriage with the king. As a final wish, she would ask the king to let
her sister sleep in their bedroom during the last night that she was alive.
If the king granted her wish, which she hoped he would, then Dinarzade
should wake her up an h our before daybreak and say these words to her,
"My sister, if you are not asleep, please tell me one of your charming
stories.” Then Sherezade would begin to tell a tale, and she hoped by this
to save the people from their terrible fate. Dinarzade said she would do
w hat her sister asked of her.
7 When the time for the m arriage came, the chief m inister took
Sherezade to the palace and left her alone with the king. The king told her
to raise her veil and was am azed at her beauty. But Sherezade had tears
in her eyes. When the king asked what was the matter, Sherezade said that
she had a sister whom she loved very much, and she asked the king if he
would allow her sister to spend the night in the same room since it would
be the last tim e they would be together. The king agreed to her wish.
8 An hour before daybreak, Dinarzade woke up and asked Sherezade,
"My sister, if you are not asleep, please tell me one of your charming
stories before the sun rises. It is the last tim e I’ll have the pleasure of

hearing you." Sherezade asked the king if he would let her do as her
sister requested. "Of course,” answ ered the king. So Sherezade began to
tell the king a story. But when she reached the m ost exciting part of it,
she stopped. She said that if he w anted to hear the end he would have to
let her live an o th er day. Each night she would tell him a story, ending at
daybreak with a "cliff hanger”—leaving off at an exciting part.
9 The enchanted king always w anted to hear the rest of the story, and
so he put off her death night after night. He was dazzled by her thrilling
stories, and soon he fell in love with her. Sherezade was able to spin a
new tale for 1,001 nights. By this time, she had given birth to three sons,
and the king becam e convinced of her faithfulness. Sherezade’s plan was
successful, and all the people rejoiced because the women in the
kingdom were saved.

V ocabulary

Circle the letter of the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word.

1. The ch ief m in iste r did his d u ty w ith g reat re lu c ta n c e .

a. fear
b. unw illingness
c. eagerness
d. carelessness

2. S h erezad e im plored h e r fa th er to choose her.

a. begged
b. helped
c. scream ed at
d. refused

3. The people rejoiced because th e w om en w ere saved.

a. celeb rated
b. relaxed
c. co m p lain ed
d. laughed

W hat Is the Story Behind The 1,001 Arabian N ights? 35

4. T he sto ries d ep ict w h at life w as like at th e tim e.
a. create
b. copy
c. show
d. q u estio n

5. The king's w ife w as u n fa ith fu l.

a. jealo u s o f him
b. u n tru e to him
c. co n fu sed by him
d. ho n est w ith him

6. The king w as d azzled by Sherezade's stories.

a. tired
b. angered
c. confused
d. am azed

7. The king c o m m an d ed th a t every new wife be executed in the m orning.

a. p u n ish ed
b. beaten
c. killed
d. sent aw ay

8. The asto n ish ed king asked Sherezade's fa th e r w hy he w ould sacrifice his

a. angry
b. w orried
c. su rp rised
d. eag er

9. The king g ran ted S h erezad e’s w ish.

a. refused
b. allow ed
c. u n d ersto o d
d. retu rn ed

36 UNI T 4
10. The king w as b etray ed by his wife.
a. w arn ed
b. co n tro lled
c. tre ated d ish o n estly
d. not taken care of


A. Find words in the reading that go together with the words below to make phrases.

1. w ent o u t of h i s ________________
2. _________________ a s e rv ic e _________________
3. c a r r i e d ________________
4. spin a ________________
5. _________________ h e r senses
6. d e v o te d ________________
7. ________________ off

B. Complete the sentences with the phrases from Part A.

1. A p erso n w ho m akes u p stories know s how t o _______________________

2. W hen so m eth in g is acco m p lish ed o r a rule is followed, it is

3. If a m an w as so u p set th a t he acted unreasonably, you m ight say th at he

4. W hen y o u _______________________ som ething, you delay it o r m ake it

w ait until a later tim e.
5. If you a r e ______________________ som eone o r som ething, it m eans th at
you love an d give g reat im p o rtan ce to th a t person o r thing.
6. W hen you help people, y o u _______________________ them .
7. If a w o m an did so m eth in g crazy and u n u su al, h er friends m ight think
th a t she h a d _______________________

c. Now use the phrases in your own sentences.

Example: The manager watched his workers to make sure they carried out
his requests.

W hat Is the Story Behind The 1,001 Arabian Nights? 37

Work with a partner to answer the questions. Use complete sentences.

Besides folktales, w hat else m ight depict w h at life w as like in the past?
H as an y o n e ever granted a w ish for you? W hat w as your wish?
W hat are tw o h isto rical events th a t astonished you?
W hat c a ree r w ould be good for som eone w ho can spin a tale?
H ave you experienced a situ atio n w here people rejoiced? W hat were some
o f th e th ings they d id to celebrate?
W ho is a fam ous p erso n in history w ho w as betrayed?
W here m ight you be dazzled bv w h at you see o r hear?
W ould you like to do a sennce for y o u r country? W hat type of service?

C o m p r e h e n sio n


Circle the letter of the best answer.

1. The m ain idea of p a rag rap h 2 is t h a t __________

a. th e fram e for m any of the tales is the story of Sherezade
b. th e sto ries w ere told in the n in th cen tu ry
c. th e book is m ade up o f m any an cien t stories
d. th e tales tell us a b o u t the past

2. The m ain idea of p ara g rap h 5 is t h a t ___________

a. S h erezad e’s fath er loved h e r very m uch
b. S h erezad e w an ted to m arry the king in o rd e r to help her country
c. bo th th e king an d S h erezad e’s fa th e r w ere shocked by her wish
to m arry
d. S h erezad e h ad to beg h e r fa th e r to let h e r m arry the king

3. P arag rap h 6 is m ainly a b o u t S h erezad e’s ___________

a. h ap p in ess over h e r fa th e r’s decision
b. w ish to have h e r sister w ith h er
c. m arriag e to th e king
d. p lan to save th e w om en

38 UNI T 4
4. The m ain idea o f p a ra g ra p h 8 is t h a t ___________
a. S h erezad e used sto ries to keep the king from executing h er
b. D inarzade helped to save S h erezad es life
c. S h erezad e en d ed h e r story every night
d. th e king w as kind to S herezade a n d h er sister, D inarzade


Reread the passage and fill in the blanks.

1. The stories in The 1,001 Arabian Nights are from m any countries, including
---------------------------------------------------- } Ì
_____________________________, a n d __________________________________
2. The vario us kinds o f sto ries in th e book a r e _________________________ _

a n d _________________________________
3. The king believed th at all w o m en w e r e ____________________
4. It w as th e jo b of the ch ief m in iste r to provide the king w ith

5. W hen th e king raised S h erezad e’s veil, he w as am azed by

6. As S h erezad e’s last w ish, she asked the king t o ____________

7. In th e m orning, D in arzad e asked S herezade t o ____________
8. The king p u t off S h ere za d es d e ath night after night because


Some of the following statements are facts from the reading. Other statements can be
inferred, or guessed. Write F for each factual statement. Write / for each inference.

1. The 1,001 Arabian Nights is one of the m ost fam ous books of
A rabic literatu re.
2. The sto ries have been passed dow n th ro u g h m any generations.
3. The people of early tim es loved ad v en tu re stories ju st as people
do today.
4. A fter th e king learned o f his wife's unfaithfulness, he w as afraid to
ever love a n o th e r w om an.
5. The tow nspeople cried because their daughters w ere being executed.
W hat Is the Story Behind The 1,001 Arabian Nights? 39
6. It w as a g reat act of co urage for S h erezade to m arry the king.
7. S h erezad e’s fa th e r w ould not refuse any reaso n ab le w ish of hers.
8. D inarzade w as a loving a n d faithful sister.
9. S h erezad e w as intelligent a n d u n d ersto o d h u m a n nature.
10. The people w ere overjoyed w hen the king fell in love w ith
S herezade.

D isc ussio n
Discuss the answers to these questions with your classmates.

1. People have been telling stories th ro u g h o u t history. W hy has storytelling

alw ays been im p o rta n t to people an d societies? H ow w ere stories passed
dow n in a n c ie n t tim es? How are they told today?
2. W hat are the qualities of a hero? W hat qualities did S herezade possess?
3. The king believed th at because his wife w as unfaithful, all w om en
w ere un faith fu l. This is called a generalization. Give exam ples of o th er
g en eralizatio n s th a t o c cu r in the w orld todav. H ow can they create
problem s?
4. S o m etim es friends o r cow orkers can betray each other, too. D escribe this
type of betrayal. W hat problem s can it cause?

W riting
On separate paper, write a paragraph or an essay about one of the following topics:

1. D escribe a fam ous folktale o r story th a t you know.

2. W ho do you th in k has the qualities of a hero? The p erso n can be
living o r dead. Give reasons.
3. W rite ab o u t th re e m arriag e cu sto m s in y o u r country. Give details
for each.

40 UNI T 4
G r a m m a r a n d p u n c t u a t io n

Participial adjectives are formed from the present and past participles of
verbs. We use participles of verbs as adjectives: charming / charmed;
thrilling / thrilled; astonishing / astonished.
1. The present participle acts as an adjective with an active meaning.
These adjectives end in -ing and describe someone or something that
causes a feeling or reaction.
Please tell me one of your charming stones before the sun rises.

2. The past participle acts as an adjective with a passive meaning.

These adjectives end in -e d and describe someone or something that
experiences a feeling or reaction.
Dinarzade was charmed by the stories.

Complete the sentences. Use participial adjectives formed by adding -mg or -ed to the
verbs in parentheses. Be careful! Sometimes there are spelling changes to the verb
when we form participial adjectives.

1. The king looked forw ard to h e r _________________ stories, (thrill)

2. T h e _________________ king w an ted to h e a r the end of th e story, (dazzle)
3. S h erazad e sto p p ed at th e m o s t _________________ p a rt of the story.
4. The d au g h te rs in the tow n w ere _________ (frighten)
5. S h e ra za d e’s fath e r w a s ________ to h e a r th e new s th at his
d a u g h te r w an ted to m arrv th e king, (shock)
6. The king w a s _____ th a t his m in iste r w ould sacrifice his ow n
daughter, (surprise)
7. There are m any sto ries in The 1,001 Arabian Nights.
(am use)
8. The story o f S inbad the S ailo r is _____________ (enchant)
9. King S h a h ry a r w a s ____________ to his wife, (devote)
10. The king th o u g h t S h e ra z a d e ’s b eau ty w as . (am aze)

W hat Is the Story Behind The 1,001 Arabian Nights? 41

Who Were the

B efore yo u read

Answer these questions.

1. W hat do you know ab o u t the sam u rai?
2. H ave you ever seen a m ovie a b o u t the sam u rai? If so, did you like it?
W hy o r w hy not?
3. W hat people, p ast o r p resent, w ere fam ous for th eir fighting skills in your
co u n try ? H ow did they live? W hat acco m p lish m en ts m ade th em fam ous?
w h o Were the Samurai?
1 The sam urai were w arriors, or fearless soldiers, who became
powerful in Japan around the 1200s. The sam urai, which m eans "those
who serve,” were hired by lords to fight their wars and protect their land.
The sam urai were expert fighters; they were skilled with the sword and
the bow and arrow, and they were superior horsem en. They were athletic
and strong, and they developed their fighting skills into w hat is the basis
of m odem m artial arts.
2 The sam urai had a code of ethics called Bushido, which m eant "way
of the warrior." The sam urai had to have unquestionable loyalty to the
em peror and their lord (the daimyo). They were trustworthy, honest, and
kind and generous to the poor. They led frugal lives and had no interest
in wealth or material things. They were only interested in honor and
pride. Additionally, they had to be m en of noble spirit who were not
afraid to die, because death in battle only m eant honor to their lord and
family. If sam urai lost a battle o r a fight, they would have to com m it
suicide rath er than face dishonor.
3 The sam urai developed a special way of dressing. They wore their hair
tied back in a top-knot, and their brow and crown were shaved. Samurai
wore simple clothes when they were not fighting. However, when they were
fighting they wore a suit of arm or that was made from leather or iron strips
so it was completely flexible.Their most im portant weapon and sign of
their class was a pair of m atching swords. Only sam urai had the right to
carry swords. They believed that swords had special powers. The people
who made swords were m aster craftsmen, and to this day people can tell
who created the sword of a sam urai by the way the blade was made.
4 The wives of the sam urai followed the same code of ethics as the men
did. Since the privileges and rights of the sam urai were passed down from
father to son, it was im portant for a wife to have a male child. Sometimes
a sam urai took another wife if the first wife did not give birth to a son.
Sam urai women were trained fighters like their husbands. They kept a
short knife in a piece of silk m aterial they wrapped around their waist.
They also were trained to use long, curved swords. In times of war, they
fought to defend their homes and sometimes joined the men in battle.
5 In the beginning, sam urai w om en were very independent. However,
after the 1600s, they had to follow the religious beliefs of that time. These
beliefs included the teachings of the “Three Obediences." This stated that

Who Were the Sam urai? 43

a w om an had no independence through life. When she was young, she
obeyed her father; when she m arried, she obeyed her husband; when she
was widowed, she obeyed her son. Sam urai women are rem em bered
as being courageous, no m atter what they suffered. Today, a play is still
perform ed in Japan about two brave sam urai sisters who fought to
avenge their fathers death.
6 Until the 1600s, the sam urai belonged to a special class of people that
fought and farm ed the land they lived on. However, during the Edo
period (1600s-1867), their status and way of life changed. Japan had
become a peaceful country, and its rulers didn’t want the sam urai to fight
anym ore. They m ade the sam urai live perm anently in castles, paid them
with rice, and gave them many special rights. Though som e sam urai
worked for the governm ent, m any others lived the relaxed life of the
upper class. During this time, some sam urai helped create the form s of
art that we consider to be typically Japanese. These include haiku poetry,
the No style of dram a, the tea ceremony, and flower arranging.
7 Around 1867, the leadership and government changed in Japan. The
em peror once again becam e the ruler of the country. The lords were
ordered to give their land to the emperor, and in return they received
money from the state. In 1871, the sam urai class was abolished. The
sam urai had lost their land and status; some did not know how to survive.
8 In 1877, some of the unhappy samurai formed a group to fight the
emperor. Even though loyalty to the em peror was the highest of samurai
values, these warriors felt that they had to fight in order to protect
their culture and the future of all sam urai people. A samurai called Saigo
Takamori led twenty thousand samurai rebels against sixty thousand
government soldiers. The government had a m odem army with modem
weapons. The sam urai were brave fighters, but their weapons were
inferior. They lost battle after battle, and finally Saigo and his remaining
group went into the hills. They knew they had no chance; nevertheless, they
fought to the end. Saigo was wounded and com mitted suicide in the
sam urai tradition. Later, Saigo Takamori, now known as “the last sam urai,”
became a hero for the Japanese. Today, the descendants of the samurai have
high esteem am ong the Japanese, although they have no official status.
9 Although the Japanese governm ent and society have gone through
manv changes since the time of the sam urai, Bushido values have
continued in different forms. After World War II, Japan no longer had an
army. It becam e a m odern, industrialized country with huge companies.

These com panies were like families, and loyalty to one’s com pany and
com pany nam e was im portant. Even today, workers for these com panies
have great respect for their bosses. They do not w ant to do anything
wrong that would bring sham e to their company, themselves, or their
family. Such loyalty and respect for country, leaders, and family is one
example of the continuing influence of the great sam urai w arriors on
Jap an ese society. Though th e sam u rai cu ltu re has disappeared,
im portant parts of it live on in this way.

V ocabulary

Circle the letter of the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word.

1. The privileges an d rig h ts o f th e sam u rai w ere passed dow n from fath er
to son.
a. im p o rta n t d u ties c. special favors
b. valuable item s d. certain abilities

2. The sam u rai h ad to have u n q u estio n ab le loyalty to the em peror.

a. faithfulness c. ad m ira tio n
b. hon esty d. respect

3. Saigo Takam ori led tw enty th o u sa n d sam u rai rebels.

a. people w ho o ppose a u th o rity c. people who w ant to control others
b. people w ho are u n k in d d. people w ho are faithful

4. The sa m u ra i led fru gal lives.

a. co m fo rtab le c. expensive
b. req u irin g little d. h idden

5. Today, the d escen d an ts of th e sa m u rai have high esteem am ong the

a. w ealth c. respect
b. titles d. pow er

Who Were the Sam urai? 45

6. T h eir brow a n d crow n w ere shaved.
a. side o f th e head c. back of the head
b. fro n t o f th e head d. to p of th e head

7. T h eir w eap o n s w ere in fe rio r to those of the governm ent soldiers.

a. n o t as m any as c. not as new as
b. not as large as d. not as good as

8. D uring th e E do period (160ƠS-1867), th e ir statu s an d way of life changed.

a. place to live c. rights as a citizen
b. resp o n sib ilities to o th ers d. position in society

9. In 1871, the sa m u ra i class w as ab olished.

a. b ro u g h t to an en d c. given special advantages
b. given high h o n o rs d. created again

10. Ja p an b ecam e a m odern, in d u strialized country.

a. having a lot of farm s c. having m any cars an d roads
b. having m any factories a n d d. having a large system of
b usinesses governm ent


A. Find words in the reading that go together with the words below to make phrases.

1. ________________ again
2. n o b l e ________________
3. _________________ things
4. in flu e n c e ________________
5. _________________ of ethics
6. m a r ti a l ________________
7. b a s i s ________________

B. Complete the sentences with the phrases from Part A.

1. The tra d itio n a l form s o f E ast Asian self-defense o r fighting are know n as
t h e _______________________
2. If you rep eat a n actio n , you do i t _______________________
3. T h e ______________________ so m eth in g is th a t from w hich it is made,
started , o r built.
4. Possessions an d objects a r e _______________________ ; m any people believe
the m ind a n d sp irit are m o re im p o rtan t.
5. S om eone w ith dignity, bravery, a n d virtue is th o u g h t to have a

6. T h e _______________________ so m eone o r so m eth in g is its effect on others.

7. A _______________________ is a system of m oral behavior th at people live by.

c. Now use the phrases in your own sentences.

Example: The boy's varents were worried about the influence of computer games on
his scnoolwork.


Work with a partner to answer the questions. Use complete sentences.

1. W ho is a fam ous person, p ast o r present, w ho has a noble spirit?

2. W hat m aterial things are im p o rtan t to you?
3. Should fam ous o r im portant people have special privileges? Whv o r why not?
4. W ho is o r w as fam ous fo r his o r h e r skill in m artial arts?
5. If you had the p ow er to ch an g e things, w h at w ould you like abolished?
6. W hat kind o f people are held in high esteem in y o u r co u n try o r culture?
7. W hat is so m eth in g th at you w ould like to do an d so m eth in g th at you
w ould not like to do once again?
8. W hat are the n am es o f tw o g ro u p s of people th a t have a high status in
y our country?

C o m p r e h e n sio n

Some of the following statements are main ideas, and some are supporting statements.
Some of them are stated directly in the reading. Find the statements in the reading.
Write M for each main idea. Write s for each supporting statement.

1. The sam u rai had a code o f ethics called Bushido, w hich m eant
"wav o f th e w arrior."
2. D uring the E do p erio d (160ŨS-1867), th e statu s an d w ay of life of
the sa m u ra i changed.

Who Were the Sam urai? 47

3. The m ost im p o rta n t w eapon a n d sign of the sam u rai class w as a
p a ir o f m atch in g sw ords.
4. Saigo Takam ori, now know n as "the last sam u rai," becam e a hero
for th e Japanese.
5. A lthough th e Jap an ese governm ent an d society have gone through
m any changes since th e tim e of the sam u rai, B ushido values have
co n tin u ed in d ifferent form s.
6. The Japanese w orkers do not w ant to do anything w rong th at would
bring sham e to their company, themselves, or their family.

Reread the passage and circle the letter of the best answer.

1. In the late 1800s, w hen the em p e ro r again becam e the ruler, the sam urai
class w a s ___________
a. ab o lish ed c. given special rights
b. o rd ered to give land to d. m oved to castles
th e e m p e ro r

2. The code o f eth ics called B ushido m e a n t ___________

a. "those w ho serve" c. "loyalty to country"
b. “T hree O bediences” d. "way of the w a rrio r”

3. A fter W orld W ar II, Jap an no longer h a d ___________

a. a sa m u ra i class c. large co m p an ies
b. a n arm y d. lan d ow ners

4. A play is p erfo rm ed in Jap an ab o u t tw o brave sa m u ra i sisters w ho fought

a. for th e ir in d ep en d en ce c. ag ain st the e m p ero r

b. to avenge th e ir fath er’s d eath d. to preserve th e sam u rai way of

5. The sam u rai b ecam e very pow erful in Jap an a r o u n d ____

a. th e 1200s c. the E do period
b. the early 1600s d. 1867

6. The sam u rai lost th e ir b attle w ith th e e m p e ro r because t h e y __________
a. w ere no longer brave fighters c. d idn't have m o d ern w eapons
b. had to hide in th e hills d. lost th e ir leader, Saigo
T akam ori

7. W hen sam u rai w ere not fighting, they w o r e ___________

a. cloth in g m ade from lea th e r strip s c. a suit of a rm o r
b. a piece o f silk a ro u n d th e ir w aist d. sim ple clothes

8. -----------------is NOT p a rt o f th e sa m u ra i code o f ethics.

a. Loyalty to the e m p e ro r o r lord c. Trust in m aterial w ealth
b. G enerosity to the p o o r d. K indness to o th ers


The answers to these questions are not directly stated in the article. Write complete

1. W hat kind of living a rea o r hom e w ould a sam u rai likely have?

2. How do you th in k people reacted w hen they saw o r m et a sam u rai?

3. W hat can we in fer a b o u t th e rig h ts of Ja p an ese w om en betw een the

1600s an d m o d ern tim es?

4. W hat co n clu sio n s can you d raw from the fact th a t the sam u rai helped to
create several Jap an e se form s of art?

5. Why do you th in k the em p e ro r ab olished the sam u rai class?

6. Why c o u ld n ’t som e sam u rai survive after th e ir statu s an d privileges w ere

taken aw ay?

W ho Were the Sam urai? 49

7. W hy did th e sa m u ra i rebels co n tin u e to fight even w hen they knew they
had no c h an ce o f w inning?

8. W hat will p ro b ab ly h ap p en to B ushido values in Jap an ?

D isc u ssio n

Discuss the answers to these questions with your classmates.

1. Do y o u th in k th e sam u rai code of ethics is a good set of values to live by?

Do you th in k th ere is a place for such a code in today's m o d em world?
whv o r w hy not?
2. W hat do y o u th in k of sam u rai w om en? Do you think w om en should
carry w eap o n s an d know how to fight? Do you th in k w om en should fight
on the battlefield w ith m en?
3. W ould you like to have been a sam u rai w arrio r? W hy o r w hy not?
4. If the e m p e ro r h ad not defeated the sam u rai, do you th in k they would
still exist today? W hy o r w hy not?

W riting
On separate paper, write a paragraph or an essay about one of the following topics:

1. W rite a rg u m e n ts for a n d / o r ag ain st w om en becom ing p a rt of the armed

forces o f a country.
2. W hat are tw o o r th re e values o r principles th a t you follow? (F or example:
being honest, w orking hard, respecting o ld er people)
3. W hich is m o re im p o rta n t for you, m aterial things o r h o n o r and pride?
Choose o n e an d give reasons.

50 UNI T 5
1. When there is no coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, so, yet)
between independent clauses in a sentence and the relationship is
clear, we use a semicolon (;) to separate them.
They wore their hair tied back in a top-knot; their brow and crown were
2. If the relationship between the independent clauses is not clear with a
semicolon alone, we can use a transitional expression as well.
They knew they had no chance; nevertheless, they fought to the end.

Add semicolons to the following sentences where necessary.

1. W hen a sam u rai used a bow a n d arrow , he w as an expert w hen he used

a sw ord, he w as a m aster.
2. In the beginning, sa m u ra i w o m en w ere very in d ep en d en t after the
1600s, they had to follow th e religious beliefs of th a t tim e.
3. M aterial th ings w ere not im p o rta n t for the sam u rai instead, h o n o r and
pride w ere im p o rtan t.
4. In th e Edo period, Jap a n b ecam e a peaceful co u n try its ru lers d id n ’t
w an t th e sa m u ra i to fight an y m ore.
5. D uring th is period, th e sa m u ra i h ad a good life they lived in castles,
w ere paid w ith rice, a n d h ad special rights.
6. Big co m p an ies in Jap an are like fam ilies therefore, loyalty to one
com p an y is im p o rtan t.
7. The sa m u ra i don't exist in m o d ern Ja p a n th e ir values live on, though.
8. Jap an no longer has an arm y however, it has m any huge com panies.
9. The S am u rai code w as called B ushido this w ord m eans "way of the
w arrior."
10. The S am u rai w ere in tere sted in h o n o r additionally, they had to be m en
of noble spirit.

w h o Were the Sam urai? 51

4 What Does
Hair Tell Us

B efore yo u read

Answer these questions.

1. Do you like y o u r c u rre n t hairstyle? W hv o r w hy not?
2. W hat does a hairstvle say a b o u t a person?
3. If you could have any hairstyle, w hat w ould it be?
What D oes Hair Tell Us About People?
1 Throughout history, hair has always been used to make a fashion
statement. It also tells us a lot about culture. In alm ost all societies,
people have cut o r styled their hair for practical or decorative reasons.
For example, the ancient Greeks liked blond hair, so both men and
women lightened their hair. On the other hand, the Rom ans preferred
dark hair, and Saxon men are seen in paintings to have hair and beards
of blue, green, bright red, and orange. The Assyrian culture m ade an art
of hairstyling. People curled, oiled, and perfum ed their hair; they also cut
their hair and beards in layers to look like pyram ids. Assyrian soldiers
needed to have their hair properly curled before they went to war. The
Assyrian people used hairstyles to show their position and employment.
Assyrian women of high rank, as well as women in Egypt, put on fake
beards at meetings to show authority.
2 Hair is often a sign of superiority. Primitive men put bones, feathers,
and other objects in their hair to im press and intimidate their enemies.
Later, the Rom ans m ade the people they conquered cut off their hair to
show subm ission. In seventeenth century China, M anchu men shaved the
front of the hair and com bed the hair in the back into a braided tail. They
also made those they conquered w ear this style.
3 Some cultures consider hair to be a sensuous object. For some
people, not having hair or not showing it to others is a sign of religious
devotion. Christian and Buddhist m onks often shave their heads to show
holiness and retirem ent from the world. Many Christian nuns cover their
hair. Some Muslim women cover their hair when they are in public, and
men in certain countries wear a turban or head cloth for religious reasons.
4 In ancient and m odern times, hair has been used to reveal a persons
em otions, marital status, or age. For example, ancient Egyptian men
and wom en usually shaved their hair. However, when they were in
mourning, they grew it long. H indu women, on the other hand, cut off
their long hair as a sign of m ourning. In medieval Europe, unm arried
women showed their long hair in public, whereas m arried women
covered theirs. Today, brides in the Maasai tribe in Africa have their
heads shaved as part of their m arriage ceremony, and m others in the
tribe shave their sons’ hair when the boys becom e adolescents. Today,
teenagers all over the world demonstrate their youth and individuality
through haircuts o r hair colors. Even in countries like China and Japan,

W hat Does H air Tell Us About People?

where dyed hair is considered untraditional, up to 68 percent of women
and 20 percent of m en—most of them young—now use hair color to
reflect their individual personalities.
5 Wigs have always been popular as fashion statem ents and as signs of
wealth or status. Ancient Egyptians shaved their heads for cleanliness and
then covered their heads with wigs. The higher the status of a person, the
bigger his o r her wig was. Cleopatra wore different styles and colors of wigs,
and another Egyptian queen wore such a heavy wig on im portant occasions
that attendants had to help her walk. Queen Elizabeth I of England wore a
red wig because her own red hair was falling out, so all the rich men and
women copied her and either dyed their hair red or wore red wigs. In
France, King Louis xrv, who was also going bald, started the fashion of
elaborate wigs. Naturally, everyone wanted to look like him, so they all
started to wear wigs, too. At one time, forty wig makers were employed full­
tim e ju st to make wigs for the people in the palace of Versailles!
6 These elaborate wig fashions went over to England, which always
copied the French for style. Wigs becam e com m on for the middle and
upper classes in England and France. They were powdered white because
people thought this flattered the face and m ade their eyes look brighter.
The fashion spread to divisions of the law, the army, and the navy, each
of which had its own style of wig. However, bv the end of the 1700s,
hairstyles for wom en becam e extravagant to the point of ridicule. Rich
wom en would spend hours with hairdressers who built tall wire cages on
the w om ens heads. They covered the cages with hair and wigs and then
greased the hair with fat so the white powder would stick to it. Finally,
they decorated the hair with jewels, feathers, ornam ents, and even
flowers with w ater containers to keep them fresh. The women would
w ear their hair this way for two or three weeks. Obviously, they had to
sleep in a sitting position at night and they could not wash their hair, but
once a week they had to “open the hair” to get rid of the insects living
in it. Fortunately, the French revolution in 1789 put an end to such
extravagance, and hairstyles becam e simple again.
7 In the tw entieth century, wom en in w estern cultures used their hair
to show their growing independence. They often sim plified their
hairstyles to fit their busy lifestyles. For example, in the 1920s and 1930s,
women cut their hair as a symbol of liberation. In the 1950s and 1960s,
m any wom en in the United States used wigs to save time. Instead of
styling their hair every m orning, they would w ear a pre-styled wig. Some

54 UNI T 6
women alternated between several wigs so that they could choose a style
o r color to m atch their clothes o r even their mood!
8 Due to such changes, fashionable hairstyles no longer became
limited to the rich—they were for everyone. And as the popularity of
movies and television grew, w om en started to copy the hairstyles of
famous stars, such as the short cut of Greta Garbo or the platinum blond
hair color of Jean Harlow. More recently, thousands of American women
imitated Jennifer Aniston’s “Rachel" haircut seen on the popular TV
show Friends. Men and boys also copy the hairstyles of movie or sports
stars. In England, for example, boys often have their hair cut like the
British soccer player David Beckham.
9 Todays hairstyles have becom e m ore relaxed and individual, so both
men and w om en can choose a style that fits their life and expresses their
personality, w h e th e r they are rich or poor, people can choose the color
o r style of their hair—or even of a wig—to suit their own taste.

V ocabulary

Cừcle the letter of the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word.

1. A ssyrians cu t th e ir h a ir in layers to look like pyram ids.

a. u n u su al shapes
b. d ifferent levels
c. special cerem o n ies
d. sh o rt styles

2. Today, teenagers d e m o n stra te th eir youth and individuality th ro u g h

haircu ts o r h a ir colors.
a. celeb rate
b. hide
c. behave like
d. show

3. W om en im itated th e h aircu t seen on a p o p u la r TV show.

a. laughed at
b. did the o p p o site of
c. took p arts of
d. did the sam e as
W hat Does H air Tell Us About People? 55
W om en in Egypt p u t on fake beards.
a. not real
b. colorful
c. new ly m ade
d. n a tu ra l

H airstyles for w o m en becam e extravagant to the p o in t of ridicule.

a. being m ade fun of
b. g etting resp ect for
c. being fam o u s for
d. receiving p raise for

B oth w om en an d m en now use h a ir color to reflect th e ir personalities.

a. try to hide
b. give a sign of
c. try to change
d. m ake b e tte r

Som e c u ltu re s c o n sid e r h a ir to be a sen su o u s object.

a. having a c e rta in style
b. pleasing to th e senses
c. looking very u n u su al
d. m ak in g a lot o f tro u b le

Wigs w ere pow dered w hite because people th o u g h t this flattered the face
a. m ad e it sm aller
b. m ade it m o re pale
c. m ade it m ore attractiv e
d. m ade it look you n g er

Prim itive m en p u t objects in th e ir h a ir to in tim id ate th e ir enem ies.

a. kill
b. h arm
c. defeat
a. frighten

10. H air has been u sed to reveal a person's em otions, m arital statu s, o r age.
a. try to cover
b. show respect for
c. m ake know n
d. laugh at


A. Find words in the reading that go together with the words below to make phrases.

1. lim ite d ________________

2. ________________ public
3. -------------------------s y m b o l_________________
4. ________________ m o u rn in g
5. m a r it a l ________________
6. ________________ a __________________ sta te m e n t
7. ________________ tim e

B. Complete the sentences with the phrases from Part A.

1. W hen you a r e _______________________, you feel very sad because

som eone special to you has died.
2. To do so m eth in g m o re quickly is t o _______________________
3. To be in an area am o n g o th e r people is to b e _______________________
4. W hen so m eth in g i s ______________________ one gro u p o r a place, it
hap p en s only in th at g ro u p o r area.
5. The state of being m a n ie d o r u n m a rrie d is a p e rso n ’s

6. A sign o r object th a t rep resen ts a person, thing, o r idea is

----------------------------------- it.
7. If you d ress in a certain w ay in o rd e r to say so m eth in g a b o u t yourself,
y o u -----------------------------------

c. Now use the phrases in your own sentences.

Example: I look a plane instead o f driving because I wanted to save time.

W hat Does H air Tel] Us About People? 57

Work with a partner to answer the questions. Use complete sentences.

1. W hat are th ree an n o y in g things th a t som e people do in p u b lic?

2. H ow do people in y o u r c u ltu re show th a t they are in m o u rn in g ?
3. W hat is an object o r fashion th a t is a sym bol o f so m eth in g else? Explain
w h at it m eans.
4. W hat are tw o th in g s th a t people w ear th at are often fake?
5. H ow do people use th e ir clothing to reveal th e ir em otions? D escribe
tw o ways.
6. Do you like to m ake a fashion statem ent w ith y o u r clothing o r hair?
7. H ave you ever im itated a fam ous p e rso n s hairstyle o r clothing? Describe
w h at you did.
8. W hat m o d ern fashions dem onstrate the feelings o r beliefs of todays

C o m p r e h e n sio n


Look at the reading to find the answers to the following questions.

1. W hat is th e m ain idea of p a ra g ra p h 1?

2. W hich sen ten ce co n tain s the m ain idea of p ara g ra p h 4?

3. W hich sen ten ce states the m ain idea of p a ra g ra p h 7?

4. W hat place have wigs had in the history of hair?

5. W hat p art did th e p o p u larity of m ovies a n d television play in the history

of hair?

58 UNI T 6
Reread the passage and fill in the blanks.

1. In E ng lan d a n d F rance, wigs w ere p o w dered w hite because

2. In Africa, b rid es in th e M aasai trib e have th e ir heads shaved as p a rt of

t h e i r __________________________________________
3. A recent p o p u lar hairstyle w a s _______________________________________
w hich an actress h ad on the TV show Friends.
4. D uring th e reign of Q ueen E lizab eth I, th e rich m en a n d w om en of
E ng lan d dyed th e ir h a i r _________________________________________
5. Before Assyrian soldiers w ent to war, t h e y __________________________
6. In th e 1920s an d 1930s, w om en cu t th e ir h a ir as a sym bol of

7. C hristian an d B u d d h ist m onks often shave th e ir h eads to show

8. In th e late 1700s, w om en h ad to “open th e h a ir” of th e ir elaborate

hairstyles in o rd e r t o __________________________________________

The answers to these questions can be inferred, or guessed, from the reading. Circle
the letter of the best answer.

1. The read in g im plies th a t in the p a s t __________

a. w ealth h ad little to do w ith how people w ore th e ir h a ir
b. th e w ealthy usually h ad m o re sim ple hairstyles th an the com m on
people '
c. royalty often sta rte d new fashions in h a ir
d. people w ith w ealth an d sta tu s did n o t co n sid e r hairstyles im p o rtan t

2. It can be in ferred from th e read in g t h a t ___________

a. th e only p u rp o se o f h a ir styling has been to m ake people m ore
b. h a ir styling has only been p o p u la r in m o d e m tim es
c. only advanced cu ltu re s have been in terested in styling th e ir h air
d. people have alw ays styled th e ir h a ir for m o re reasons th a n beauty

W hat Does H air Tell Us About People? 59

3. F rom th e reading, it can be co ncluded t h a t ___________
a. ideas a b o u t style an d beau ty have n o t changed m u ch over tim e
b. we can learn a lot ab o u t a cu ltu re from the hairstyles of its people
c. h a ir styling is not as im p o rta n t today as it w as in th e past
d. h airstyles tell us very little ab o u t society in general

4. T he read in g im plies th a t in th e 1700s, h a ir s ty le s ___________

a. w ere n o t im p o rta n t
b. w ere only fo r w om en
c. w ere ridicu lo u sly elab o rate
d. h ad n o th in g to do w ith beauty

5. It can be in ferred from the read in g th a t in an cien t tim es, hairstyles

a. w ere a sym bol of p o w er

b. w ere th e sam e in m o st cu ltu res
c. w ere u sed only for p ractical reasons
d. w ere very sim ple

D isc ussio n
Discuss the answers to these questions with your classmates.

1. H ow have hairstyles ch anged for m en a n d w om en in y o u r co u n try over

th e last h u n d re d years?
2. D escribe th e c u rre n t hairstyles in y o u r co u n try for m en, w om en,
ch ild ren , a n d o ld er ad ults. W hat do these hairstyles say ab o u t your
3. W hy do vou th in k every new g en eratio n likes to w ear a different hairstyle
from w h at th e ir p aren ts wore?
4. W hat are som e co m m o n influences o n p eo p le’s choices of clothes and
hairsty les today? W hat are som e of th e things th a t influence you?

60 U N IT 6
W riting
On separate paper, write a paragraph or an essay about one of the following topics:

1. W hat are the tw o factors that can influence young people's choice of
hairstyle o r clothes?
2. W hat hairstyles o r clothes are o r have been extrem e to the point of
ridicule? Explain.
3. W hat styles are o r have reflected econom ic o r social changes?


We usually use a comma to set off introductory words or phrases at the

beginning of a sentence. The comma shows that we pause after we say
these words. Remember that a phrase does not have a subject and a verb.
Throughout history, hair has always made a fashion statement.
In alm ost all societies, people have cut or styled their hair.
Finally, they decorated the hair with jewels, feathers, and ornaments.

Add commas to the following sentences where necessary.

1. As th e p o p u larity of m ovies grew m en a n d w om en copied the hairstyles

of m ovie stars.
2. A few years ago young w om en copied the hairstyle of Jen n ifer Aniston,
w ho ap p eared in the TV show Friends.
3. T odays hairstyles express p eo p le s personalities.
4. In an cie n t Egypt w om en shaved th e ir heads for cleanliness.
5. In som e p a rts of the w orld h a ir can reveal m arital statu s, age, o r even
em otion.
6. At one tim e all th e m iddle- a n d upper-class m en an d w om en in England
w ore wigs.
7. W om en o f high ran k in a n c ien t Egypt w ore fake beards.
8. Bv cu ttin g th eir h a ir sh o rt w om en show ed th e ir liberation.
9. He colored his h a ir to look younger.
10. In tim e wigs th at w ere very elab o rate w ent o u t of fashion.

W hat Does H air Tell Us About People? 61


B efore yo u read

Answer these questions.

1. In w hich co u n tries do people use chopsticks?
2. H ow long have people used chopsticks?
3. Do you ever eat w ith chopsticks?

H ow Did C hopstick Originate?

1 In the beginning, people used just their fingers to eat. Then came the
finger-and-knife com bination. Around 5,000 years ago, while the rest of
the world was still using fingers and a knife, the Chinese began using
chopsticks. Today m any people eat with a com bination of knives, spoons,
and forks, but chopsticks are still as im portant and popular as they were
centuries ago.
2 No one knows exactly w hen the Chinese began to use chopsticks.
A ccording to one Chinese legend, the use of chopsticks began when two
poor farm ers were th row n ou t of their village. The fanners went from
village to village, but were not welcome anywhere. The two m en grew
tired and hungry, so they stole a piece of m eat from a storeroom in a
small village. Then they ran from the village and into a forest, where they
quickly m ade a fire to cook their meat. The smell of the roasting meat
was so good that the two m en could not wait any longer. Using some
sticks from the forest floor, they took the pieces of m eat from the fire and
put them into their m ouths. And so began the popularity of chopsticks.
O ther people did the same, and in a short tim e people all over China were
eating with chopsticks.
3 There are other ideas about why the Chinese started using chopsticks.
Some people believe that the philosopher Confucius influenced how the
Chinese thought about many things, including how they ate. Confucius, a
vegetarian, said it was wrong to have knives at the table because knives
were used for killing. Another idea is that there was not enough fu el in
China. There was only a small am ount of fuel available for the cooking of
food. But the Chinese fou n d th e solution ! They cut up the food into
small pieces before cooking, so it would cook as quickly as possible and
only use a very small am ount of fuel. The small pieces of food were well
suited for chopsticks. It is not certain which cam e first: chopsticks or the
un iq u e style of Chinese cooking. But it is certain that chopsticks did have
a great influence on the developm ent of Chinese cooking.
4 Chopsticks spread from China to Vietnam and Korea and even tually
reached Japan by the year 500. Over 3,000 years and between different
cultures, several variation s of chopsticks developed. Chinese chopsticks
are nine to ten inches long and round or square at the top end. The
Vietnamese did not change the Chinese chopsticks, but the Koreans
made their chopsticks a little thinner and then started to make them from

How Did Chopsticks Originate?

metal. Korea is the only country todav that uses metal chopsticks. The
Japanese m ade their chopsticks rounded and pointed. They are also
shorter—seven inches long for females and eight inches long for males.
5 Every kind of m aterial is used to make chopsticks. The vast majority of
chopsticks are made from bamboo. Bamboo is cheap, heat resistant, and
has no taste or odor. The wealthy have had chopsticks made from gold,
jade, ivory, and silver. Some people had strong feelings about some of these
materials. In fact, people once believed silver chopsticks would turn black
if thev touched anv poison. An em peror who was afraid of being poisoned
made his servants test each of the dishes with silver chopsticks before he
ate. The em peror himself would not use silver chopsticks to eat; he
thought the metal in his m outh was unpleasant. Todav we know that silver
doesn't react to poisons, but if bad eggs, onions, or garlic are used, the
chemicals might change the color of silver chopsticks.
6 The Japanese m ade chopsticks from every kind of tree. They even
started to put lacquer, a kind of shiny paint, on chopsticks about 400
vears ago. The lacquered chopsticks of m odem Japan have designs and
are beautiful to look at. They are given as special gifts because they are
not only beautiful, but durable. The layers of lacquer make them last
forever. The Wajima Nuri area in Japan is fam ous for making chopsticks
with between 75 and 120 separate layers of lacquer. These chopsticks are
harder than metal and can cost up to $125 a pair.
7 In 1878, the Japanese were also the first to make d isp o sa b le
wooden chopsticks. The disposable chopstick started when a Japanese
schoolteacher nam ed Tadao Shim am oto had packed his lunch and
brought it to school with him but had left b eh in d his pair of chopsticks.
Fortunately, his school was in an area of Japan fam ous for its wood. He
explained his problem to one of the local men. The m an gave him a piece
of wood from which Tadao m ade a pair of chopsticks. Anyone who has
eaten in a Japanese o r Chinese restaurant knows w hat these look like.
People liked his chopsticks so much that soon the local area started to
produce large num bers of disposable chopsticks called wari-bashi. We do
not know if Tadao m ade any money from wari-bashi, but certainly his
nam e is rem em bered. Each year representatives from disposable
chopstick m anufacturers go to Tadao's h o m eto w n and perform a
cerem ony in h on or o f the father of wari-bashi.

U N IT 7
8 About one-half of disposable chopsticks are produced in Japan; the rest
come from China, Indonesia, Korea, and the Philippines. Japan uses about
24 billion pairs of disposable chopsticks a year, which is a lot of wood. In
fact, it is enough to build over 10,000 homes. Japan now is trying to
eliminate them for environm ental reasons. Today, increasing num bers of
Japanese are trying to help the environment. They carry their own personal
chopsticks to restaurants instead of using disposable ones. But no m atter
what kind of chopsticks people use, chopsticks are here to stay.

V ocabulary

Circle the letter of the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word.

1. C hopsticks eventually reach ed Ja p a n by the y ear 500.

a. in th e co u rse o f tim e c. at an e arlier tim e
b. in a sh o rt tim e d. a t th e rig h t tim e

2. In 1878, the Japanese w ere the first to m ake disposable w ooden chopsticks.
a. m ade to be used m any tim es c. m ade to be used in a re sta u ra n t
b. m ade to be folded a n d p u t aw ay d. m ad e to be used once and
th ro w n aw ay

3. Jap an now is trying to elim in ate d isposable chopsticks for environm ental
a. in crease th e n u m b e r o f c. lim it the use of
b. get rid o f d. m ake copies of

4. It is not ce rta in w hich cam e first: chopsticks o r the u n iq u e style of

Chinese cooking.
a. like m any o th ers c. unlike any o th e r
b. very old a n d tra d itio n a l d. n o t as good as others

5. Lacquered chopsticks are given as special gifts b ecause they are not only
beautiful, b u t also d u ra b le .
a. heavy c. delicate
b. lasting d. elegant

How Did Chopsticks Originate? 65

6. T here w as n o t en o u g h fuel in China.
a. eq u ip m en t th a t is u sed d u rin g c. m aterial that is burned to produce
th e cooking process heat o r pow er
b. tools th a t are used to eat m eals d. w ood th a t is used to carve bowls
a n d spoons

7. B am boo has no taste o r o d o r.

a. sm ell c. color
b. shape d. stren g th

8. R epresentatives go to T adao’s ho m eto w n an d p erfo rm a cerem ony.

a. place w here he grew up c. place w h ere he died
b. place w here he w orked d. place w here he w ent to school

9. The layers of lacq u er m ake them last forever.

a. for a sh o rt w hile c. for one tim e
b. for a long w hile d. for all tim e

10. Several v ariatio n s o f chop sticks developed.

a. p arts c. uses
b. im itatio n s d. different types


A. Find words in the reading that go together with the words below to make phrases.

1. l e f t ________________
2. react ________________
3. throw n
4, _______ honor
5. __________ resista n t
6. acco rd in g
7. __________ th e so lu tion

B. Complete the sentences with the phrases from Part A.

1. W hen so m eo n e i s ______ of a place, he is forced to leave

b ecau se of b ad behavior.
2. _____________________ m ean s "as said by so m eo n e” o r “as show n by
som ething."

U N IT 7
3. To so m eth in g m ean s to experience a change
w hen com ing in co n tac t w ith it.
4. If y o u _________ , you figured o u t the an sw er to a problem .
5. If s o m e o n e ____ som ething, they forgot to bring it.
6. To do so m eth in g ___________ som eone is to show respect for
th a t person.
7. If so m eth in g is , it will not get hot, even w hen it
gets n e a r a fire o r o th e r so u rce of heat,

c. Now use the phrases in your own sentences.

Example: According to the weather service, it's going to rain tomorrow.

Work with a partner to answer the questions. Use complete sentences.

1. W hat kind of food has a stro n g odor?

2. W hat kind of fu el is used to cook in y o u r hom e?
3. W hat are tw o variations in how y o u r favorite food is cooked?
4. W hat are tw o types of m ateria ls th a t are very durable'?
5. W here is y o u r hometown'? D escribe it.
6. W hat do you use th a t is disposable?
7. W hat experience have you h ad th a t you w ish w ould last forever?
8. W here are som e places th a t so m eone m ight be throw n o u t of for bad

C o m pr e h e n sio n


Look at the reading to find the answers to the following questions.

1. W hich sen ten ce c o n tain s th e m ain idea of p a ra g ra p h 2?

2. W hich sentence states th e m ain idea of p a ra g ra p h 4?

How Did Chopsticks Originate? 67

3. W hat is the m ain idea of paragraph 7?

4. H ow did chop stick s solve a problem in C hina?

5. W hy have disp o sab le ch o p sticks becom e a problem in Jap an ?


Reread the passage and circle the letter of the best answer.

1. Jap a n e se chopsticks a r e ___________

a. n in e to ten inches long c. th e sam e as C hinese chopsticks
b. th in a n d m ad e o f m etal d. ro u n d ed an d poin ted

2. D isposable cho p stick s w ere first m ade b y ___________

a. a Ja p a n e se sch o o ltea ch er c. C onfucius
b. tw o p o o r C hinese farm ers d. th e K oreans

3. C hopsticks are NOT m ad e f r o m ___________

a. m etal c. b am b o o
b. p a p e r d .ja d e

4. The C hinese b eg an u sin g c h o p s tic k s ----------------

a. in th e y ear 500 c. a ro u n d 5,000 years ago
b. a b o u t 3,000 vears ago d. in 1878

5. The em p e ro r w ould n ot use silver chopsticks b ecause h e __________

a. th o u g h t they w ould poison c. only w an ted chopsticks m ade
his food from gold
b. th o u g h t they w ould tu rn his d. d idn't like the m etal taste
ton g u e black
6. The Jap an ese give as gifts b eau tiful chopsticks m ade w ith m any layers of

a. b am b o o c. m etal
b. lacq u er d. ivory

7. In the C hinese style o f cooking, food i s ___________ before it is cooked.

a. cu t into sm all pieces c. placed on an open fire
b. tested for poison d. m ixed w ith o n io n s an d garlic

8. C onfucius w as a C h in e s e ___________
a. sch o o ltea ch er c. e m p ero r
b. cook d. p h ilo so p h er

Some of the following statements are facts from the reading. Other statements can be
inferred, or guessed. Write F for each factual statement. Write I for each inference.

1. W hen tw o p o o r farm ers used sticks to pick up hot m eat, they had
no idea th a t they w ere startin g a new m ethod of eating in China.
2. C onfucius w as a v egetarian, an d he said it w as w rong to have
knives at th e table because knives w ere used for killing.
3. C hopsticks are n o t su itab le for eating all types of food.
4. C hopsticks are m ad e from m any different types of m aterials.
5. People believed th a t silver chopsticks w ould tu rn black if they
touched poison, b u t today w e know th a t isn ’t true.
6. The m ost fam ous a rea in Ja p a n for m aking lacquered chopsticks
is W ajim a N uri.
7. Tadao S h im am o to w asn ’t trying to create a new p ro d u ct for sale
w hen he m ade his first p a ir of disposable chopsticks.
8. D isposable cho p stick s are very useful to people b u t are not so
good for the w orld in w hich we live.
9. C hopsticks d on't w ork very well for cu ttin g o r picking up large
pieces o f food.
10. In Jap an , m en a n d w om en use different lengths of chopsticks.

How Did Chopsticks Originate? 69

D isc u ssio n

Discuss the answers to these questions with your classmates.

1. Todav, we use a lot o f d isposable things th a t are bad for the environm ent.
S hould we sto p usin g som e d isposable item s? W hich ones?
2. W hat are som e dos a n d d o n ’ts for eatin g at the table in y o u r country?
3. W hat are th e ad v an tag es a n d / o r disad v an tag es of these th ree ways of
eating: w ith fingers; w ith fork, knife, an d spoon; w ith chopsticks? Which
do you prefer? Why?
4. W hat steps can we take to p ro tect o u r en v iro n m en t?

W r it in g

On separate paper, write a paragraph or an essay about one of the following topics:

1. W hat a re the ad v an tag es a n d / o r disadvantages of using disposable

p ro d u cts?
2. D escribe how you usually serve a n d eat food in yo u r country.
3. W hat are th e ad v an tag es a n d / o r disad v an tag es of eatin g fast foods?


We use a hyphen (-) to form compound words (words made by combining
two or more words) and to join prefixes and suffixes to root words.
(Note: The use of the hyphen in compound words changes over time. As a
compound word becomes more common, we stop hyphenating it. It is
always a good idea to check in a dictionary if you are not sure.)
We usually use a hyphen:
• for fractions and compound numbers from twenty-one to ninety-nine
one -h alf o f the chopsticks seventy-five layers of lacquer
• with the prefixes all-, ex-, and self-
all-powerful ex-president self-service
• with all prefixes before a proper noun or a proper adjective
post-W orld War II pro-Japanese

70 U N IT 7
• to connect certain compound nouns
stir-fry good-bye
• to connect compound adjectives that come before a noun
a heat-resistant wood an old-fashioned restaurant

A. Correct the errors in hyphen use. Add hyphens where necessary.

1. one th ird o f grow n u p s

2. o n e-h u n d red a n d tw enty five m illion

3. a left h an d ed -p erso n

4. bite sized pieces

5. hand polished chopsticks

6. anti d isp o sab le ch o p stick cam p aign

B. Find and correct the errors in hyphen use. Then compare answers with a partner.

Koreans love short grain sticky rice. There is always some rice that sticks
to the bottom of the cooking pot. W hen Koreans serve dinner, they add
enough w ater to cover the stuck on rice (about three fourths of a cup).
They leave this to cook through the dinner. After dinner, the rice w ater tea
is drunk in the sam e way as the W estern after dinner coffee.

How Did Chopsticks Originate? 71

Where Did

B efore YOU READ

Answer these questions.

1. Do you like to a tte n d w eddings? W hy o r w hy not?

2. W hat are som e w edding cu sto m s in yo u r country?
3 Do you p refer a tra d itio n a l o r m o d e m w edding? w h y ?
W here Did Certain W edding
C ustom s Come From?

1 Everywhere around the world, weddings are celebrated with some

kind of ceremony. These cerem onies differ between cultures, but many of
the custom s a sso c ia te d w ith wedding cerem onies—such as the wedding
ring, the wedding dress, the wedding cake, and throw ing confetti—come
from com m on beliefs and sim ilar ancient traditions.
2 The idea of the wedding ring started with the ancient Hindus. It was
not considered to be a symbol of love in the beginning. It was, in fact, a
sign that a d ow n paym en t had been given for the w om an and that she
was no longer available. In some tribes in Africa, w om en are still bought.
In 1964, a chief of the M aasai tribe offered 150 cows, 20 goats, and $750
cash to buy American actress Carroll Baker. This was a lot, c o n sid erin g
the best Maasai fighter then paid $200 and 12 cows for a wife!
3 The ancient Greeks and Rom ans took the idea of wedding rings from
the Hindus, and they also kept the ring as a sign that a young lady was
"sold.” Christian societies ad o p ted the ring around the year 1000 as a
sign of fid elity. The ring, a circle with no beginning and no end, also was
a symbol of etern ity. The Scandinavians did not adopt the custom of
w edding rings until the late 1600s. Before then, thev preferred to break a
gold o r silver coin and have each p artner keep one-half.
4 There are also various beliefs about which hand and finger to put the
ring on. The ancient Greeks and Rom ans wore the ring on the fourth
finger of the left hand because they believed that a v ein ran directly to
the heart from that finger. However, wedding rings are not worn on the
left hand in every country. In Chile and Germany, couples exchange rings
when they get engaged, w ear their rings on their left hand until they are
m arried, and then sw itch them to their right hands. In Russia, there is
no special finger for a wedding ring. However, people there usually wear
a ring on the right hand to in d ica te they have a partner. In some
countries, like Brazil, couples w ear rings on the left hand and have their
nam es inscribed inside the ring: the bride has the groom s nam e in her
ring and vice versa. In Sweden, w om en w ear three rings: one for
engagem ent, one for m arriage, and one for m otherhood.
5 Todav m any brides m arry in a white dress, which symbolizes purity.
This tradition started in the 1500s. Before that time, brides wore their

W here Did Certain W edding Custom s Come From?

best dress, and the color did not matter. Today, in the United States and
Britain, brides w ear white dresses and follow the tradition of wearing,
"som ething old, som ething new, som ething borrowed, som ething blue.”
Each "som ething” has a special m eaning. “Som ething old” is a symbol of
past happiness and symbolizes the transfer of these feelings to the bride’s
m arriage. "Som ething new" symbolizes the hoped-for success of the
m arriage, and it often takes the form of a new dress. “Som ething
borrow ed” represents the hope that the loyalty of friends will continue
through the m arriage, and "som ething blue” stands for fidelity, since blue
is the color that symbolizes this value. In Japan, white was always the
color for a bride even before it becam e popular in Western cultures. A
Japanese bride may som etim es change her dress two or three times on her
wedding day. She may start with a traditional kimono and end with a
Westem-style white dress. In Finland, brides w ear white dresses and
golden crowns. After the wedding ceremony, guests cover the bride’s eyes,
and the unm arried wom en dance around her as she puts the crown on one
of their heads. Whoever she crowns, it is believed, will be the next bride.
6 W hite is not the color worn by brides everywhere. In China and
Pakistan, brides w ear red, which symbolizes happiness. In Samoa, brides
w ear a dress m ade of m aterial from the bark of a tree, along with fresh
flowers and a crow n of m other of pearl. In the past, it was common
practice in m any cultures for the bride and the bridesm aids to w ear the
sam e color as a way of confusing evil spirits that might hurt the bride.
Today, this tradition is still present in the Philippines.
7 The idea of the wedding cake is com m on throughout the world.
Originally, the wedding cake was not eaten by the bride. It was throw n at
her! People thought th at throw ing cake at a bride would bring her
fertility. It originally started with throw ing wheat, which later took the
form of little cakes. Later, the cakes were p iled on top of each other, and
a higher pile m eant m ore prosperity for the couple. Finally, a French chef
thought of the multi-layered cake that is com m on in W estern cultures
today. Many countries have their own traditional cakes: the Irish have a
fruitcake, in the Ukraine it is a wedding bread, in Denm ark it is an
alm ond cake with beautifully decorated sugar work, and in France they
have caram el-coated cream puffs.
8 Throwing things at the couple to wish them fertility or prosperity is
also com m on throughout different cultures. People in the United States
traditionally threw rice at couples as they left the place where they got
m arried. When people learned that the rice was making birds sick, they
began throw ing birdseed. Unfortunately, the seeds injured some brides
and grooms. Therefore, Americans today often blow bubbles or throw
confetti, which is a mix of small pieces of colored paper, often in the
form of hearts, horseshoes, and slippers. (The word confetti com es from
an Italian word m eaning "sweetmeats," which are mixed nuts, dried
fruit, and honeyed alm onds.)
9 Of course, there are variations to this tradition: Italians throw
sugared alm onds to symbolize the sweet (sugar) and bitter parts of life;
in the Czech Republic, people throw peas; in Rom ania, it’s sweets and
nuts. Throwing shoes once was preferred over throw ing wheat, rice, or
birdseed, because in the old days people believed shoes were a symbol of
fertility. The Inuit of N orth America still have this tradition. It is also
com m on today in the United States and Britain to tie shoes to the back
of the newlyweds’ car.
10 Even in o u r m odern traditions, we still use ancient symbols to show
our wishes for m arriage unions to be happy and fruitful. Most of these
wedding custom s from around the world have things in common and
com e from shared hum an values. Though m any custom s are based on
ancient traditions and superstitions that we may not be aware of today,
they have the sam e purpose: They all celebrate m arriage and wish the
new couple well.

V ocabulary
Circle the letter of the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word.

1. People th o u g h t th a t th ro w in g cake a t a b rid e w ould bring h er fertility.

a. th e talen t to m ake m oney c. the ability to have babies
b. th e good h ealth to live a long life d. the faithfulness to have a good
m arriag e

2. C hristian societies a d o p ted th e ring aro u n d th e y ear 1000.

a. began to use o r have c. refused to accept
b. p u t aside d. changed according to their wishes

W here Did C ertain W edding C ustom s Come From ? 75

3. A ncient G reeks a n d R o m ans w ore the rin g on th e fo u rth finger of the left
h an d b ecau se they believed th a t a vein ra n directly to the h eart from that
a. a nerve th a t sends signals c. a m uscle th a t m akes m ovem ent
b. a tu b e th a t ca rries blood d. an o rg an th a t b eats quickly

4. Later, th e cakes w ere piled on top of each other.

a. p u t side by side c. placed one on the o th e r
b. covered by so m eth in g d. sep arated in to groups

5. This w as a lot, co n sid erin g th e best M aasai fighter paid $200 a n d 12 cows
for a wife.
a. co m p arin g c. forgetting a b o u t
b. w o n d erin g a b o u t d. keeping in m ind

6. People in R ussia usually w ear a ring on th e rig h t h an d to indicate they

have a partner.
a. design c. show
b. d escrib e d. rem in d

7. It w as a sign th a t th e w o m an w as no longer av ailab le.

a. free to begin a ro m a n ce c. young eno u g h for m arriage
b. attra ctiv e to o th e r m en d. valuable to ow n

8. C h ristian societies ad o p ted th e ring as a sign of fidelity.

a. faith fu ln ess c. friendship
b. love d. good fo rtu n e

9. The ring w as also w as a sym bol of e te rn ity .

a. a n u m b e r o f years c. tim e w ith o u t end
b. th e p resen t tim e d. a m o m en t

10. After they are m arried , they sw itch th e ir rings to th e ir rig h t hands.
a. take off c. tu rn over
b. ch an g e d. hold

A. Find words in the reading that go together with the words below to make phrases.

1. ________________ p ractice
2. _________________ p ay m en t
3. ________________ versa
4. a s s o c ia te d ________________
5. aw are
6. ________________ co m m o n
7. ________________ m a tte r

B. Complete the sentences with the phrases from Part A.

1. W hen people o r things sh are so m ething, su ch as a quality o r interest,

they are th o u g h t to have i t _______________________
2. _______________________ m ean s "in the opposite way."
3. W hen s o m e th in g , it w as n o t im p o rtan t.
4. S om ething th a t is d o n e often by m any people i s ____________________
5. Things th at a re related, o r co n n ected, a r e _______________________ each
6. W hen you pay p a rt o f th e price for so m eth in g in o rd e r to hold it as your
future possession, vou are giving a _______________________ for th at
7. T o _______________________ so m eth in g is to have know ledge o r
u n d erstan d in g of it.

c. Now use the p h rases in your own sentences.

Example: It is com m on practice in m y company to reward good workers.

Work with a p a rtn e r to answ er th e questions. Use com plete sentences.

1. W hat are tw o kinds o f p u rc h ase s th a t often req u ire a dow n p a ym en t?

2. W hat does fidelity betw een tw o people m ean?
3. W hat are tw o item s th a t are m ade of things piled on each other?
4. W hat is a holiday cu sto m th a t is co m m o n practice in y o u r culture?
5. W hat fam ous p erso n w ould you like to sw itch lives w ith?

W here Did Certain Wedding Custom s Come From? 77

6. H ow can so m eo n e w ith a p a rtn e r o r spouse show th a t he o r she is no
longer available?
7. W hat kinds o f celeb ratio n s do m ost societies have in c o m m o n ?
8. W hat is a cu sto m th a t y o u r cu ltu re has adopted from a n o th e r culture?

C o m pr eh en sio n
Some of the following statements are main ideas, and some are supporting statemen
Some of them are stated directly in the reading. Find the statements. Write M for each
main idea. Write s for each supporting statement.

1. In Sw eden, w om en w ear th re e rings: one for engagem ent, one for

m arriag e, an d one for m o th erh o o d .
2. Today m any b rid es m arry in a w hite dress, w hich sym bolizes
3. T he idea o f th e w edding cake is co m m o n th ro u g h o u t the world.
4. "S om ething borrow ed" rep resen ts th e hope th a t the loyalty of
friends will co n tin u e th ro u g h the m arriage.
5. T here are also various beliefs ab o u t w hich h an d an d finger to put
th e ring on.
6. It is also co m m o n today in the U nited S tates an d B ritain to tie
shoes to the back of the new lyw eds' car.

Reread the passage and circle the letter of the best answer.

1. The m ulti-layered cake th a t is co m m o n in W estern cu ltu res today was

first created b y ________
a. an A m erican b rid e c. a F rench chef
b. a m an in th e U kraine d. a b ak er in D enm ark

2. In th e old days, people believed shoes w ere a sym bol of

a. p ro sp erity c. hap p in ess
b. faithfulness d. fertility

78 U N IT 8
3. The idea o f th e w edding ring sta rte d w ith the a n c i e n t __________
a. G reeks c. A frican tribes
b. R om ans d. H indus

4. The Jap an ese b rid e m ay sta rt h er w edding day by w earing a __________

a. tra d itio n al k im o n o c. w hite dress a n d golden crow n
b. W estem -style w hite d ress d. red dress

5. In m any cu ltu re s in th e past, th e b ride an d b rid esm aid s w ore the sam e
colors in o rd e r t o ___________
a. play tricks on th e groom c. bring the bride fertility
b. confuse evil sp irits d. show th e faithfulness of friends

6. In Brazil, engaged couples w ear r i n g s ___________

a. in scrib ed w ith each o th e rs n am es c. on no special finger
b. on th e ir rig h t h an d s d. in g ro u p s of th ree

7. In the Czech R epublic, people t h r o w ___________ a t the new couple.

a. sug ared alm o n d s c. peas
b. sw eets an d n u ts d. rice

8. In the U kraine, the tra d itio n al w edding cake i s ___________

a. an alm o n d cake c. a m ulti-layered cake
b. caram el-co ated cream puffs d. a bread


Some of the following statements can be inferred, or guessed, from the reading and
others cannot. Circle the number of each statement that can be inferred.

1. Although th e w earin g o f the w edding rin g differs am o n g cultures, the

m eaning o f the ring is sim ilar.
2. The use of th e w edding ring is a fairly m o d ern custom .
3. It has alw ays been co n sid ered w rong am o n g m ost c u ltu re s to think of a
bride as property.
4. Most w edding cerem o n ies co m b in e tra d itio n al an d m o d ern custom s.
5. The color of a bride's d ress is not im p o rta n t in m ost cultures.
6. Many w edding cu sto m s are related to the desire for a new couple to have

W here Did C ertain W edding Custom s Come From? 79

7. The w edding cake can take m any form s.
8. The idea o f th ro w in g things at a couple is n o t very p o p u lar today.

D isc u ssio n

Discuss the answers to these questions with your classmates.

1. Som e people get m arried , but do n o t have a w edding celebration. Which

w ay do you prefer? W hy?
2. Besides a ring, w h at are som e o th e r sym bols of love in to d ay s world?
3. W hy are w edding cerem onies a n d cu sto m s im p o rta n t to a couple? What
p u rp o se do they serve?
4. If you w ere g etting m arried , w hat kind of w edding w ould you like to

W r it in g

On separate paper, write a paragraph or an essay about one of the following topics:

1. D escribe th e th ree o r four steps before a w edding takes place in your

2. D escribe in th re e o r fo u r steps the w edding cerem ony in y o u r country.
3. D escribe the tra d itio n al w edding dress, ring, an d cake in y o u r country.

Interrupters are expressions that create a pause in the flow of the sentence.
We separate interrupters from the rest of the sentence by putting commas
before and / or after them. These are some common interrupters:
after all by the way I believe indeed
as we all know for example I think naturally
as far as we know however in fact of course
In fact, the wedding ring was a sign that a down payment had been given for
the bride.
Whoever she crowns, it is believed, will be the next bride.
There are variations to this tradition, of course.

80 U N IT 8
Add commas to the following sentences where necessary.

1. M ost b rid es in W estern cu ltu res, as w e all know w ear w hite.

2. W hite how ever is n o t th e co lo r w o rn by brides everyw here.
3. As far as we know th e idea of a w edding rin g sta rte d w ith th e an cien t
H indus.
4. In Chile for exam ple, couples w ear w edding rings on th e ir rig h t hands.
5. S w edish w o m en w e ar th re e rin g s by th e way.
6. The girl w ho catch es th e b rid al b o u q u et it is believed will be the next
7. N aturally w h en people th re w rice at th e couple, som e brides a n d groom s
got injured.
8. S hoes are still u sed as a sym bol of fertility by the In u it of N orth A m erica
for exam ple.
9. In d eed m any of o u r w edding cu sto m s are b ased on a n cien t tra d itio n s
an d su p erstitio n s.
10. The p u rp o se of all these cu sto m s after all is to w ish th e new couple well.

W here Did C ertain W edding Custom s Come From? 81

Units 1-8

A. S entence co m pletion
Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The sto ries o f King A r t h u r _____ an age of hero ism an d romance.

a. m ake th in k of c. m akes us th in k of
b. m akes w e th in k of d. m ake us th in k of

2. In c a ru le w a s -------------------
a. o rg an ized a n d co n trolled c. o rganize an d control
b. org an ized an d co n trol d. org an ized an d controls

3. Diwali lasts for five days a n d is one o f --------------- festivals for Hindus.
a. th e lo n g er c. longest
b. th e longest d. the m o st longest

4. _____________ sto ries o f The 1,001 Arabian N ights is th e story of

S herezade.
a. T he fram e fo r c. F ram e fo r the
b. The fram e for th e d. The fram es for the

5. T he sa m u ra i w arrio rs by lords to fight th e ir w ars and

p ro te ct th eir lands.
a. w ere h ired c. w as hired
b. w ere hirin g d. w ere to hire

6. T h ro u g h o u t history, _ told us a lot a b o u t people a n d culture.

a. h a ir alw ays c. h airs have alw ays
b. h a ir have alw ays d. h a ir has alw ays

7. Every kin d o f _______ to m ake chopsticks.

a. m ateria ls is used c. m aterials used
b. m ateria ls are u sed d. m aterial is used

82 Self-Test 1
8. w ith som e kind of cerem ony.
a. W eddings are celeb rated c. W eddings celebrated
b. W eddings are celeb rate d. W eddings celebrate

B. V ocabulary

Complete the sentences. Cừcle the letter of the correct answer.

1. King A rth u r w as a c h a ra c te r w h o h u n d re d s of stories.

a. b etray ed c. allow ed
b. in sp ired d. p assed dow n

2. The In cas h ad a(n) system of roads.

a. in fe rio r c. ind u strialized
b. so p h isticated d. piled

3. In India, Diwali is a tim e w hen l i g h t ___________ over darkness.

a. im plores c. triu m p h s
b. h o n o rs d. rejoices

4. The 1,001 Arabian Nights w h at life w as like in those tim es.

a. d epicts c. en co u n ters
b. im itates d. in tim id ates

5. The fighting skills of th e sa m u ra i are t h e ____________ m artial a rts today.

a. row s o f c. basis of
b. sym bol o f d. co m b in atio n of

6. At one tim e, hairstyles b ecam e ex travagant to th e p o in t of

a. sta tu s c. ridicule
b. privileges d. p ro sp erity

7. Today, Jap a n is trying to th e use of disposable chopsticks

for en v iro n m en ta l reasons.
a. neglect c. elim in ate
b. d e m o n strate d. sw itch

Self-Test 1 83
8. C h ristian s used th e w edding rin g as a sign o f _____
a. fidelity c. significance
b. a ttitu d e d. relu ctan ce

Cừcle the letter of the sentence or sentences with the correct grammar and punctuation.

1. a. King Arthur, tog eth er w ith his knights, w ere brave and fought for justice.
b. K ing Arthur, to g eth er w ith his knights, w as brave an d fought for justice.
c. K ing A rth u r a n d his knights w as brave a n d fought for justice.
d. The knights of K ing A rth u r w as brave an d fought for justice.

2. a. The Incas h ad huge sto reh o u ses all over th e country. T herefore no one
b. The Incas h ad huge sto reh o u ses all over th e country. No one, therefore
c. T he Incas h ad huge sto reh o u ses all over th e country. T herefore, no one
d. T he Incas h ad huge sto reh o u ses all over th e country. No one starved

3. a. Diwali she said is a tim e to be hap p y a n d enjoy fam ily a n d friends.

b. "Divvali," she said, "is a tim e to be hap p y an d enjoy fam ily an d
c. Diwali she said "is a tim e to be happy an d enjoy fam ily an d friends.”
d. "Diwali she said is a tim e to be happy an d enjoy fam ily an d friends.”

4. a. W hile th e dazzled king listened, S herezade sto p p ed at the m ost

exciting p a rt of th e story.
b. W hile th e dazzling king listened, S h erezad e sto p p ed at the m ost
exciting p a rt o f th e story.
c. W hile th e dazzled king listened, S herezade sto p p ed a t the m ost excited
p a rt o f th e story.
d. W hile th e dazzling king listened, S herezade sto p p in g a t th e m ost
excited p a rt o f th e story.

84 Self-Test 1
5. a. In m o d ern Jap an , th ere are no m ore sam u rai, however, th e ir values
live on.
b. In m o d ern Ja p a n , th ere are no m ore sam u rai; B ut th e ir values live on.
c. In m o d ern Jap an , th ere are no m ore sam u rai; however, th e ir values
live on.
d. In m o d ern Jap an , th ere are no m ore sam u rai; th e ir values live on.

6. a. In an c ien t Egypt, m en an d w om en shaved th e ir heads for cleanliness.

b. In an cien t Egypt m en a n d w om en shaved th e ir heads for cleanliness.
c. In an cien t Egvpt m en an d w om en, shaved th e ir heads for cleanliness.
d. In an cien t Egvpt m en a n d w om en shaved th e ir heads, for cleanliness.

7. a. In m any Asian co u n trie s, food is cut in to bite-size pieces and stir-fried.

b. In m any Asian co u n tries, food is cu t into bitesize pieces a n d stir-fried.
c. In m an y Asian co u n tries, food is cu t in to bite size pieces an d stirfried.
d. In m any Asian co u n tries, food is cu t in to bite-size pieces an d stir fried.

8. a. M ost w edding cu sto m s in fact are based on a n cien t tra d itio n s and
b. M ost w edding cu sto m s, in fact are based on an cien t tra d itio n s and
su p erstitio n s.
c. M ost w edding cu sto m s, in fact, are based on an cien t tra d itio n s and
su p erstitio n s.
d. In fact m ost w edding cu sto m s are b ased on an cien t tra d itio n s and
su p erstitio n s.

Self-Test 1 85
B efore yo u read

Answer these questions.

1. Do you like w orking on a co m p u ter? W hy o r why not?

2. W hat are som e p ro b lem s you have w hen you use a co m p u ter?
3. W hat are som e types o f c o m p u te r crim es?
Who Are the CyberAngels?
1 You are on the Internet checking your e-mail. There is a file
attached to one of the messages, so you open it. After that, you start
having problem s with your com puter. It starts very slowly, or it w on’t
start at all. The nam es of your com puter files start changing. Then you
start getting calls from your friends—they are receiving e-mails from you
that you never sent. Your com puter probably received a virus through the
e-mail attachm ent. Viruses are unsafe program s that sneak into and
som etim es ru in co m p u ters. Som e viruses can even find private
inform ation on your com puter and deliver it to dishonest people. Now
there is an organization th at protects people from viruses and other types
of Internet crime: It is called CyberAngels.
2 CyberAngels is part of G uardian Angels, a volunteer organization
that makes the world safer for us to live in. But G uardian Angels didn’t
originally protect people from Internet crimes. It began before most
people even had com puters. The organization started in 1979 with Curtis
Sliwa. At the time, Sliwa was the night m anager at a M cDonalds in
a dangerous part of New York City. With his workers, he started the
“Rock Brigade.” The Brigade started to improve the deteriorated
neighborhood by planting trees, cleaning up vacant lots, sweeping the
sidewalks, and in general m aking the area more beautiful. The Rock
Brigade got aw ards from the com m unity and governm ent groups.
3 The neighborhood was cleaned up, but the streets were not safer. At
that tim e in New York, crim e had increased, but the city had no money
to hire police to control the crime, o ld e r people would com e to
M cDonalds because Sliwa would walk them hom e safely. One day, a
retired transit w orker begged him to do som ething about the street
muggers. At this point, Sliwa decided to expand his clean-up program to
include patrolling the subway. From his workers, he put together a
m ultiracial group of volunteers. In the beginning, there were twelve
volunteers, and together w ith Sliwa they were known as the “Magnificent
Thirteen." W ithout weapons, they would walk the streets and ride the
subway in the m ost dangerous areas to find the gang m em bers who had
been robbing people. Then they would hold these crim inals until the
police cam e to arrest them. They gradually took back the neighborhood;
it was no longer infested with crime.

W ho Are the CyberAngels? 87

4 Since then, Guardian Angels have patrolled areas such as subways,
shopping mall parking lots, concerts, public parks, and streets that are
dangerous. As the streets are getting safer, the Guardian Angels are
spending more time on safety education and program s for children in poor
areas. They also have program s to help and esco rt senior citizens and
people with disabilities so these people can participate in activities without
fear. They have speakers who go out to schools and other organizations
to talk about self-defense. Today, the Guardian Angels even include
professional teachers and counselors for young people after school.
5 The G uardian Angels have becom e fam ous for m aking people feel
safe in their neighborhoods. Nearly twenty years after this organization
began, a w om an asked Curtis Sliwa how he planned to make people feel
safe online. Sliwa thought about that question, and he decided to start
another program for a new problem: Internet crime. CyberAngels, Sliwa's
program for online safetv, started in 1995 and is the oldest and largest
cyber-safety program . It’s an inform ation and help line for those who
com e across trouble through the Internet, or those who w ant to make
sure they never do. It com bats Internet crim e like viruses, fraud, and
online behavior that threatens people or hurts children. By working with
law enforcement agencies, the group has been instrum ental in catching
crim inals associated w ith the Internet. CyberAngels also provide classes
on Internet issues for parents, teachers, librarians, and the general public
so they can take advantage of the vast resources of the Internet in safety.
6 Anyone, male or female, can become a CyberAngel or G uardian
Angel, but these organizations have other special requirem ents for their
volunteers. CyberAngels m ust be at least eighteen years old, and they
m ust pass a background check. The group especially needs the services
of skilled w orkers such as law enforcem ent workers, teachers, com puter
experts, and people in the legal field. Not everyone who w ants to be a
C yberA ngel is accepted. G uardian Angels also have high expectations of
their volunteers. They m ust be at least sixteen years old, have no serious
crim inal record, and be going to school, working, or able to prove how
they support themselves otherwise. After the organization looks at an
applicant’s background, he or she m ust com plete a training program that
lasts ten hours a week for three m onths. There is training in self-defense,
first aid, the legal code, how to make a citizens arrest, and how to patrol.
It is not necessary to be a m artial arts expert to becom e a Guardian
Angel. Attitude and dedication are m ore im portant than anything else.

U N IT 9
However, it helps if you know how to defend yourself. Once they are
trained, m em bers have to make two patrols a week, which totals about
eight hours. The G uardian Angels do not carry weapons. Before they go
out on patrol, each m em ber is searched for weapons and drugs just to
make sure. If they are found to have any of these, they are im m ediately
7 As nonprofit organizations, G uardian Angels and CyberAngels do
not receive money from the governm ent or big corporations. Angels do
not get a salary; they are all voluntary workers. The organization gets
some money from individual contributions to help in com m unities
that need them . Todav, the organization has 5,000 m em bers in 67 cities
in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Popular support of G uardian
Angels has grown in other parts of the world, too, and over twenty
chapters or groups have been created around the world. The first
G uardian Angel chapter outside the United States was started in London,
and now there are additional E uropean chapters in Nottingham ,
England, and Milan, Italy. In South America, there are G uardian Angels
in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and we can also find them in several cities in
8 The G uardian Angels and CyberAngels spread the idea of taking
responsibility and becom ing a pow er for good. Their actions have
improved the lives of the people they serve—especially young people—as
well as those of the volunteers themselves. For over twenty-five years,
their idea has inspired young people. Now, it continues to do so as it
spreads around the world.

V ocabulary
Cứcle the letter of the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word.

1. A m an begged him to do so m eth in g a b o u t th e street m u g gers.

a. ro b b ers
b. w orkers
c. fighters
d. beggars

Who Are the CyberAngels?

Sliwa's p ro g ram co m b ats In te rn e t crim e like viruses, fra u d , a n d online
beh av io r th a t th re a te n s people.
a. foolish actio n s
b. violent actio n s
c. d ish o n est actio n s
d. ru d e actio n s

T he Rock B rigade sta rte d to im prove th e d eterio rated neighborhood.

a. not clean
b. u n p o p u la r
c. in b ad co n d itio n
d. crow ded w ith b u ildings

If th e volu n teers are fo u nd to have w eapons o r drugs, they are

im m ediately d ism issed .
a. rep o rted
b. sen t aw ay
c. p u t in jail
d. criticized

The CyberAngels provide classes on In te rn e t issues so people can take

ad v an tag e o f th e vast reso u rces of th e In tern et.
a. m eth o d s of doing th in gs
b. places to visit
c. w ays to get tra in in g
d. so u rces of in fo rm atio n o r su p p o rt

A retired tra n sit w o rk er begged him to do som ething.

a. related to m oving people from one place to a n o th e r
b. related to ch an g in g sp eech from one language to a n o th e r
c. related to p assin g from one object to a n o th e r
d. related to sen d in g signals from one th in g to a n o th e r

A ttitude a n d d ed icatio n are m o re im p o rta n t th a n any th in g else.

a. a w ay of fighting o r d efending oneself
b. a w ay o f speaking
c. a w ay o f listen in g to o th ers
d. a w ay of feeling o r th inking

U N IT 9
8. They also have p ro g ram s to help a n d esco rt sen io r citizens.
a. talk w ith som eone
b. care for som eone
c. go w ith som eone
d. e n te rta in so m eo n e

9. T he city h ad no m oney to hire police.

a. teach so m eo n e a skill
b. pay so m eo n e for w orking
c. organize people into g ro u p s
d. im prove living co n d itio n s fo r people

10. A w o m an asked Sliw a how he p lan n ed to m ake people feel safe o n lin e.
a. co n n ected to th e In te rn e t
b. on th e telephone
c. on th e street
d. in th e ir hom es


A. Find words in the reading that go together with the words below to make phrases.

1. v o lu n te e r ___________________
2. a t ___________________________
3. _________________ th e subw ay
4. sn eak _______________________
5. ________________ en fo rcem en t
6. in f e s te d _____________________
7. _________________ y o u r e-m ail

B. Complete the sentences with the phrases from Part A.

1. If y o u _______________________ som eplace, you e n te r it secretly w ithout

anyone seeing you.
2. W hen a g ro u p o f people get to g e th er and offer th e ir services an d help to
o th ers w ith o u t paym ent, they are a _______________________
3. If a b u ild in g o r a rea i s _______________________ som ething, it m eans th at
th ere is too m u ch o f so m eth in g b ad w hich is causing trouble.

W ho Are the CyberAngels? 91

4. T o _______________________ is to get on a railro ad system th a t has trains
ru n n in g u n d e r th e gro und.
5. If you a r e _______________________ , you are co n n ectin g to th e In te rn et to
see w h e th e r you have any electronic m essages.
6. _______________________ m ean s “in any way."
7. _______________________ groups, su ch as police, m ake people obey the law
by using force o r th e th re a t of force.

c. Now use the phrases in your own sentences.

Example: M an\ people in m y office ride the subway to work every morning.

Work with a partner to answer the questions. Use complete sentences.

1. W hat is th e n am e o f a volunteer organization th a t exists in yo u r

co m m u n ity o r country?
2. W hen w as th e last tim e you had to escort som eone to a place o r event?
3. W hich city do you th in k has a lot of m uggers?
4. W hat does a deteriorated n eig h b o rh o o d look like?
5. If you w ere going to hire a worker, w h at kind of qualities w ould you
expect th a t p erso n to have?
6. Have you ever been so m ew here th a t w asn ’t safe at all? E xplain the place
o r situ atio n .
7. W hat kind of attitude helps a p erso n to be successful?

C o m p r e h e n sio n


Circle the letter of the best answer.

1. The m ain idea o f p ara g ra p h 3 is th at

a. alth o u g h crim e h ad in creased in New York, the city h ad no m oney to
hire the police needed to co n tro l crim e
b. th e G u ard ian Angels w ould find m uggers an d then hold th em until the
police cam e to a rre st them

92 U NIT 9
c. th e G u ard ian Angels began w ith th irte e n volunteers, including Sliwa,
an d w ere know n as the “M agnificent T h irte e n ”
d. th e G u ard ian Angels ex p an d ed th e ir p ro g ram from cleaning up the
n eig h b o rh o o d to m aking it safer

2. The m ain idea of p a ra g ra p h 4 is t h a t ___________

a. th e G u ard ian Angels patro l such areas as subw ays, sho p p in g m all
p ark in g lots, concerts, public parks, an d d an g ero u s streets
b. th e G u ard ia n Angels include p rofessional teach ers an d counselors for
y oung people afte r school
c. now th e G u ard ian Angels sp en d less tim e on th e street an d m ore tim e
on ed u catio n , safety, an d co m m u n ity p ro g ram s
d. th e G u ard ian Angels have speakers w ho go o u t to schools an d o th er
o rg an izatio n s to talk ab o u t self-defense

3. The m ain idea o f p a ra g ra p h 5 is t h a t ___________

a. in 1995, Sliw a sta rte d th e CyberAngels to co m b at In te rn e t crim e
b. nearly tw enty years a fte r th e fo unding of the G u ard ian Angels, a
w om an asked Sliw a how he p lan n ed to m ake people feel safe online
c. CyberAngels is an in fo rm atio n and help line for those w ho com e
acro ss tro u b le on th e In te rn e t
d. the Cyber Angels provide classes on In te rn e t issues for parents,
teach ers, lib rarian s, an d the general public

4. The m ain idea o f p a ra g ra p h 6 is t h a t ___________

a. if you are a v o lu n teer for the CyberAngels o r th e G u ard ian Angels, you
sh o u ld know how to defend yo u rself
b. v olunteers for th e CyberAngels o r the G u ard ian Angels m u st m eet
special re q u irem en ts an d receive tra in in g
c. n ot everyone w ho w an ts to be a CyberAngel is accepted
d. all G u ard ian Angel v olunteers are search ed for w eapons a n d drugs
before they go o u t on p atro l

W ho Are the CyberAngels? 93

Reread the passage and fill in the blanks.

1. T he first G u ard ian Angel c h a p te r o u tsid e th e U nited S tates w as started in

2. T he Rock B rigade im proved th e n eig h b o rh o o d by


3. O ne G u ard ian Angel co m m u n ity p ro g ram helps to escort

_______________________ a n d ________________________
4. The CvberAngels need the services of skilled w orkers su ch as

5. Your c o m p u te r can receive a virus th ro u g h a n __________
6. A tra n sit w o rk er begged Sliw a to do so m eth in g ab o u t the

7. To be a G u ard ian Angel, you do n o t have to be an expert in the

8. The G u ard ian Angels have becom e fam ous for in

th e ir neigh b o rh o o d s.

Some of the following statements can be inferred, or guessed, from the reading and
others cannot. Circle the number of each statement that can be inferred.

1. You d o n 't know w hen y o u r co m p u te r is receiving a virus.

2. Curtis Sliwa started the Rock Brigade because he w anted to be a police
3. C urtis Sliw a an d his twelve volunteers helped the police m ake the streets
4. T here are crim in als o n line ju st as th ere are crim in als in th e streets.
5. The G u ard ian Angels have alw ays helped the p o o r an d sen io r citizens.
6. It is easy for an y o n e to becom e a m em b er of th e G u ard ian Angels.
7. The G u ard ian Angels p lan to sta rt ch ap ters in every co u n try in the world.
8. The G u ard ian Angels o rg an izatio n does n o t have the p o p u larity that it
had tw enty-five years ago.

U N IT 9
D isc u ssio n

Discuss the answers to these questions with your classmates.

1. Are th ere any v o lu n teer o rg an izatio n s th at help people in yo u r

co m m u n ity ? W ho are they? W hat do they do?
2. W hy are v o lu n teer o rg an izatio n s im p o rta n t to society? Will there still be
a need for them in the future? W hy o r w hy not?
3. W ould v o u r city be a good place for th e G u ard ian Angels to go? W hy or
w hy not?
4. W ould vou like to be a G u ard ian Angel o r CyberAngel? W hy o r why not?

W r it in g
On separate paper, write a paragraph or an essay about one of the following topics:

1. W rite a b o u t tw o ad v an tag es o r disadvantages of the In tern et.

2. W hat can the com m unity o r com m unity services (police, social services) do
to im prove y our neighborhood? State tw o o r three possible im provem ents.
3. Do you agree o r disagree w ith using volunteers o r a volunteer organization
to help sto p o r prevent crim e in d an g ero u s areas? Give reasons.



Articles give information about a noun. We use a I an when the noun is not
known to the reader or listener. We use the after we know what noun we
are talking about. Therefore, we use a / an for the first reference and the
for the next and other references. (Note: We use an before a vowel sound.)
CyberAngels is an organization. (We use a / an because this is the first time
we mention organization.)
The organization protects us from crime on the Internet. (We use the because
organization has been mentioned before.)

We use the or no article for plural nouns. We don’t use an article when we
refer to a group in general.
Did you see the muggers the police arrested? (specific)
Muggers are a problem in some neighborhoods, (group in general)

Who Are the CyberAngels? 95

Fill in the blanks with the, a or an, or X for no article.

1. G u ard ian Angels i s _________________ v o lu n teer organ izatio n .

_________________ o rg an izatio n p ro tects people f r o m ________
n eig h b o rh o o d crim es.
2. You can go o n ________________ In te rn e t f r o m _________________
com puter.
3. T here a r e _________________ viruses an d o th e r types of crim e on
________________ In tern et.
4. T here m ay b e ________________ virus in one o f ________________
m essages you receive in y o u r e-m ail.
5. CyberAngels i s ________________ o rg an izatio n th a t p ro tects
________________ citizens from In te rn e t crim e.
6. CyberAngels also g iv e s ________________ classes t o _____________
general p u blic on how to u s e ________________ In tern et.
7. Cyber Angels w orks w i t h law en fo rcem en t agencies to
c a t c h ________________ crim inals.
8. To b e ________________ Cyber Angel, you m u st p a s s _________________
b ack g ro u n d check.
9. m ales o r ________________ fem ales are accepted to
b e c o m e _________________ CyberAngels.
10. p erso n w ho com m its In te rn e t crim e m ay go to
_________________ prison.

U N IT 9

B efore yo u read

Answer these questions.

1. W here is M ount Everest?

2. W ho w ere the first m en to successfully clim b M ount Everest?
3. W hy do people do d an g ero u s things, su ch as clim bing m o u n tain s?

Why Do P eop le Want to
Climb M ount Everest?

1 W hen asked why he w anted to clim b M ount Everest, the famous

words of the British clim ber George Mallory were, “Because it is there.”
Unfortunately, to this day we do not know if George Mallory and his
partner Andrew Irvine m ade it to the top when they tried to climb Everest
in 1924 They died in the attem p t, and it was only recently—in 1999
that Mallory's body was found on the m ountain. People were sad about
Mallory and Irvine’s disappearance, and that is when the fa scin a tio n
w ith Everest began. There are m any reasons why people clim b
m ountains, such as personal satisfaction, p restige, power, the difficulty,
and the risk, but they may also do it to understand their in n er strength.
The first m an known to have clim bed a m ountain for no reason other
than it was there was F renchm an Antoine de Ville. In 1492, he climbed a
m ountain in France (M ont Aiguille) and liked the view so m uch that he
stayed there for six days.
2 M ount Everest, the highest m ountain in the world, was nam ed after
S ir George Everest, a British surveyor in India who recorded the
m o u n ta in s location in 1841. M ount Everest is in the H im alaya
M ountains in Nepal. Its official height, which was determ ined using a
Global Positioning System satellite in 1999, is 29,035 feet (8,850 meters).
Until then every tim e surveyors m easured the m ountain there was a
difference of several feet. It was later found that the changing depth of
ice at the su m m it, and not a m istake of the surveyors, was altering the
m ou n tain s height.
3 Many people had tried to clim b Everest, but none were successful
until 1953, w hen Edm und Hillary (later Sir Edm und Hillary) and
Tenzing Norgay reached its sum m it. Edm und Hillary was from New
Zealand, and Tenzing Norgay was a native Sherpa from Nepal. The
Sherpas are skilled m ountain climbers, and many of them are todays
guides and porters in the expeditions to Everest.
' 4 Since 1953 m any Everest records have been set by clim bers who
have tried the u n p reced en ted . Ed Viesturs reached the sum m it without
using extra oxygen. Junko Tabei was the first w om an to reach the
sum m it, and Lydia Bradley was the first w om an to reach it w ithout using
extra oxygen. People with disabilities also have reached the m ountaintop,

98 U N IT 10
such as a blind m an, a m an with one arm , and a m an with one leg. In
2003, a seventy-year-old m an becam e the oldest person to reach the
sum m it. People have skied and snow boarded from the sum m it, three
brothers reached it on the sam e day, and one person climbed Everest to
sleep there. He slept for 21 hours! Speed records also have been set. The
m ost recent one was 10 hours 56 minutes.
5 Needless to say, with all these attem pts there have been many
accidents and deaths on Everest. A blizzard in Mav 1996 killed eight
clim bers in one day. These clim bers were in the best p h ysical co n d itio n
and had laptop com puters, satellite phones, and o th er advanced
equipm ent to help them clim b the m ountain. We know that sixty people
died in the 1990s alone. In fact, one of every thirty clim bers attem pting
to reach the sum m it has died, and yet clim bers continue to risk their
6 Today Everest has lost some of its old m ystiq u e and a p p eal because
so many people are reaching its top. Thousands of m ountaineers pass
through base cam p every year, but don't go as far as the sum m it. Close to
2,000 clim bers have reached the sum m it, com ing from every possible
route. On May 16, 2002, fiftv-four clim bers reached the top successfully
on the sam e day! These days, clim bing M ount Everest has become a
novelty for those who are in good physical condition and can afford to
pay as much as $65,000 for clim bing guides and fees. There are only a
few m onths in the vear that w eather conditions make it practical to climb
the m ountain. These are April, May, October, December, and January. As
a result, people usually have to make plans in advan ce to clim b Everest.
At one point, there was a twelve-year wait! It looks like the highest
m ountain in the world is becom ing quite crowded. On the m ountain,
there is usually a line of people w a itin g th eir turn to get to the top. Even
Sir Edm und Hillary is not p le a sed w ith the crowds. He said that if he
were younger, he would not w ant to be in an expedition with so many
people around.
7 Com m unication has always been a problem in such a rem ote area as
Nepal. The nearest telephones from base cam p, which is at 17,000 feet
(5,182 meters), are a four-dav walk away. These days, most trekkers
(people who go on long and difficult walks) use satellite phones to run
Web sites to contact their friends and family at home. Recently, someone
had a better idea. A Sherpa, the grandson of a man from Nepal who was
in the first expedition fifty years ago, plans to make an Internet café at

Why Do People Want to Climb M ount Everest? 99

the base cam p of Everest. This will be the highest Internet café in the
world! He is w aiting for perm ission from the governm ent to go ah ead
w ith the project. The money from the café will go to a project to clean
up the tons of garbage left behind by the tens of thousands of tourists
that come to Nepal every year.
8 Each of these tourists has his or her own reasons for climbing
Everest. For many, the m ore c h a llen g in g the m ountain, the m ore they
like it. These people know they risk their lives, but they don’t mind.
However, for many extrem e clim bers today, reaching the top of M ount
Everest is not the challenge it once was, because too m any people have
done it. Many clim bers w ant to go where no one has dared. Though it
may be true that M ount Everest has lost som e of its m ystique, it is still
the highest m ountain on Earth. For this reason, it will probably always
attract m any of the w orlds best climbers.

V ocabulary

Circle the letter of the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word.

1. It w as la te r found th at the ch an g in g d ep th of ice at the su m m it w as

alterin g th e m o u n ta in ’s height.
a. b o tto m
b. top
c. m iddle
d. end

2. Today, E verest has lost som e of its old m y stiq u e.

a. quality th a t m akes so m eth in g special
b. quality th a t m akes so m eth in g dan g ero u s
c. quality th a t m akes so m eth in g p o p u lar
d. quality th a t m akes so m eth in g beautiful

3. F or many, th e m o re challenging the m o u n tain , the m o re they like it.

a. difficult
b. d ista n t
c. m y sterio u s
d. large
100 U N IT 10
4. T here are m any reaso n s w hy people clim b m o u n tain s, su ch as p restig e,
power, an d th e difficulty.
a. h ap p in ess
b. satisfactio n
c. fam e
d. health

5. Since 1953, m any E verest reco rd s have been set by clim bers w ho have
tried the u n p re c e d e n te d .
a. actio n s th a t are very d a n g ero u s
b. actio n s th a t req u ire stre n g th to do
c. actio n s th a t have never been done before
d. actio n s th a t o th e r people have done in the past

6. Today, Everest has lost som e of its old a p p e a l.

a. b eauty
b. difficulty
c. d an g er
d. in terest

7. M any clim b ers w ant to go w h ere no one has d a re d .

a. been scared to go
b. been brave en o u g h to go
c. w an ted to go
d. h ad the d esire to go

8. T here are m any reaso n s w hy people clim b m o u n tain s, such as the power,
difficulty, an d risk .
a. enjoym ent
b. d an g er
c. rew ard
d. excitem ent

9. These days, clim bing M ount E verest has becom e a novelty.

a. so m eth in g b eau tifu l a n d ch arm in g
b. so m eth in g difficult an d d an g ero u s
c. so m eth in g big a n d costly
d. so m eth in g new an d u n u su al

Why Do People Want to clim b M ount Everest? 101

10. M allory an d Irvine died in th e a tte m p t.
a. experience
b. em o tio n
c. effort
d. clim b


A. Find words in the reading that go together with the words below to make phrases.

1. ________________ th e ir tu rn
2. ________________ a h e a d _________________
3. f a s c in a tio n -------------------------
4. p h y s ic a l________________
5. _____________ stren g th
6. pleased
7. _______ advance

B. Complete the sentences with the phrases from Part A.

1. To have a __ so m eth in g is to have a pow erful

in terest in it.
2. To b e ______ so m eth in g is to be satisfied an d happy
w ith it.
___________, they c a n ’t do som ething
3. W hen people a r e ___________________
because th ere are people in front of th em w ho have to do it first.
4. The h ealth an d stren g th of y o u r body, w h e th e r good o r bad, is your

5. To a c t ____________________ is to p rep are for so m eth in g before it

h appens.
6. W hen y o u ------------------------ som ething, you begin o r co n tin u e it.
7. Your bravery, courage, an d m ental ability to overcom e pain an d fear are
all p a rt o f y o u r -----------------------------------

c. Now use the phrases in your own sentences.

Example: People who eat healthy foods and exercise every day are usually in good
physical condition.

102 UNIT 10
Work with a partner to answer the questions. Use complete sentences.

1. W hat are tw o th in g s th a t you u sually need to do in advance w hen you go

on a trip?
2. W hat are tw o types o f acco m p lish m en ts th a t brin g people prestige?
3. W here can you often see people w aiting their turn?
4. W hat is a place th a t h as m ystique for m any people?
5. W here w ould you likely see people in excellent physical co n d itio n ?
6. W hat a re tw o sp o rts th a t involve som e risk?
7. W hat activity is physically challenging?
8. W hat fam ous place has an appeal to you?

C o m p r e h e n sio n


Cừcle the letter of the best answer.

1. P arag rap h 4 is m ainly a b o u t h o w ___________

a. a seventy-year-old m an b ecam e the oldest p erso n to reach the su m m it
of Everest
b. people have skied an d sn o w b o ard ed from the su m m it
c. clim bers have set m any d ifferent reco rd s on M ount Everest
d. people w ith d isabilities have reach ed th e su m m it

2. The m ain idea of p ara g ra p h 5 i s ___________

a. over the years, th ere have been m any accid en ts an d d eath s on Everest
b. in 1996, eight clim bers w ere killed in one day, even th o u g h they had
c o m p u te rs an d p h o n es w ith th em
c. sixty people died on E verest in th e 1990s alone
d. one in every th irty clim b ers a ttem p tin g to reach th e su m m it of M ount
Everest has died

W hy Do People Want to Climb M ount Everest? 103

3. T he m ain idea of p a ra g ra p h 6 is t h a t ___________
a. clim bing M ount E verest has becom e a novelty for those w ho are in
good physical co n d itio n an d can afford to pay for guides an d fees
b. th ere are only a few m o n th s in the year th a t w eath er co n d itio n s make
it p ractical to clim b M ount E verest
c. clim bing M ount E verest has becom e so p o p u la r th a t the crow ded
m o u n ta in is losing som e of its appeal
d. S ir E d m u n d H illary is not pleased w ith the crow ds on M ount Everest

4. T he m ain idea of p a ra g ra p h 7 i s ___________

a. th e n earest p h o n es from the base cam p are a four-day w alk away
b. m any trek k ers use satellite ph o n es to co n tact th eir friends an d family
c. th e m oney from an In te rn e t café w ould go to a project to clean up tons
of garbage left b eh in d by clim bers on M ount Everest
d. a S h erp a plans to solve th e co m m u n icatio n problem on E verest by
opening an In te rn e t café

Reread the passage and fill in the blanks.

1. The m o n th s in w hich w eath er co n d itio n s allow people to clim b Everest

a r e ------------------------------ , -------------------------------- , -------------------------------
____________________ , a n d _____________________
2. T he first m an know n to clim b a m o u n ta in for no reason w as
_____________________, in th e y e a r _____________________
3. The first w o m an to reach the su m m it of M ount E verest w as

4. The official h eight of E verest i s _____________________; it w as determ ined

u sin g a _____________________ in 1999.
5. M ount E verest is located i n _____________________ in the country of

6. The n u m b e r o f clim b ers w ho have reach ed th e su m m it of Everest is

7. The base cam p of M ount Everest is located a t a height of

8. E d m u n d H illary w as a clim b er f r o m , w hile Tenzing
N orgay w as a _____________________ from

• U N IT 10
The answers to these questions can be inferred, or guessed, from the reading. Circle
the letter of the best answer.

1. The read in g im plies th a t M allory an d I r v in e ___________

a. co u ld n ’t have m ade it to the top of E verest
b. d id n 't try to m ake it to th e su m m it of E verest
c. m ay possibly have m ad e it to th e to p of E verest
d. tried to clim b E verest for scientific reasons

2. It can be inferred from th e read in g t h a t ___________

a. m o st clim b ers can m ake it to th e su m m it of E verest w ith o u t the help
of guides
b. m ost clim b ers need ex tra oxygen to m ake it to th e su m m it of Everest
c. m ost clim b ers can clim b to th e su m m it w ith o u t extra oxygen
d. only young people in top physical co n d itio n can m ake it to the sum m it

3. F rom th e reading, it can be co n clu d ed t h a t ___________

a. even w ith th e help of m o d ern technology, clim bing Everest is still
d an g ero u s
b. because of m odern technology, clim bing E verest is no longer dangerous
c. few er people are killed o r h u rt on E verest now th a n in the 1950s
d. the w e a th e r isn ’t a cau se in th e accid en ts an d d eath s on Everest

4. The read in g im plies t h a t ___________

a. m ost people w ho clim b E verest have been clim bing m o u n tain s all their
b. even inexperienced clim b ers can reach th e su m m it of E verest
c. m ost people are not w illing to w ait years to clim b Everest
d. th o u g h m any people try to clim b E verest, few m ake it to the su m m it

5. It can be in ferred from th e read in g t h a t ___________

a. clim b ers on E verest have no w ay to co n tact people at hom e
b. an In te rn e t café on E verest will p ro b ab ly never be used
c. clim b ers on E verest a re n ’t in tere sted in w h at S ir E d m u n d H illary did
in 1953
d. the n u m b e r o f clim b ers on E verest is causing som e p ro b lem s w ith the
en v iro n m e n t
Why Do People W ant to Climb M ount Everest? 105
D isc u ssio n

Discuss the answers to these questions with your classmates.

1. W ould you like to clim b M ount Everest? W hy o r w hy not?

2. W hat are som e places in y o u r co u n try w here people go to challenge
them selves?
3. W hy are m o re people doing d an g ero u s activities now th an ever before?
4. Do you th in k th a t b uilding an In te rn e t café on E verest is a good idea?
W hy o r w hy not?

W r it in g

On separate paper, write a paragraph or an essay about one of the following topics:

1. W hat is th e g reatest challenge in y o u r life. W hy is it a challenge? W hat

w ould you do once you faced o r overcam e the challenge?
2. W hat acco m p lish m en ts have you had o r w ould you like to have? Explain.
3. W hat is y o u r favorite spo rt? Give tw o o r th re e reasons.



1. We use the definite article (the) with:

• groups of geographical features, such as mountain ranges, lakes, and
islands, but not with the names of most single features. We ds use the
with names of single rivers and oceans.

the Himalayas, the Great Lakes but Mount Everest, Lake Superior
the Ganges River, the Pacific Ocean

• plural names of countries, but not singular names of countries.

the United States, the Philippines but Japan, Canada

2. For directions on the compass, we say:

the north of India bui northern India

106 U N IT 10
We also say the Middle East and the Far East, but we use directions without
the in names of some countries and regions:
North America South Africa

(Note: In most maps, the is not included in names.)

Rewrite the incorrect sentences. Write the where necessary.

1. Africa's h ighest m o u n ta in is the M ount K ilim anjaro.

2. K ilim an jaro is in th e e astern Africa.

3. H im alayas are in n o rth of India.

4. The A ndros Island is the largest in the B aham as.

5. Nile River flows from Lake V ictoria in the U ganda into M editerranean
Sea in Egypt.

6. The M ount B lanc is th e highest m o u n tain in Alps.

7. The Rockies is th e n am e of th e m o u n tain range in the w est of the N orth

Am erica.

8. H ebrides Islands are in A tlantic O cean along the w estern S cotland.

9. The Andes M o u n tain s an d A m azon River are b o th found in the S outh

A m erica.

10. Philippines is in F a r E ast.

Why Do People W ant to Climb M ount Everest? 107

B efore YOU READ
Answer these questions.
1. W ho are som e g reat a rtists in y o u r c o u n try ’s past o r p resen t?
2. W ho are som e fam ous w riters?
3. W ho are som e fam o u s scientists?
w h y Is the R enaissance Im portant?

1 During the period of the Middle Ages (from about 500 C.E. to the
m id-1400s) there were no great changes in the w ay o f life in Europe.
People did w hat their fathers did before them, and there were few new
inventions o r discoveries. Most people believed in w hat they were told
and did not care about anything outside their lives. One reason for this
may be because only a few people received an education, and books were
scarce. Then, a change began. People becam e better educated, trade and
industry developed, the arts flou rish ed , and explorers discovered new
lands. We call this great change the Renaissance, which in French m eans
“rebirth." The Renaissance, which took place in Europe between the
thirteenth and sixteenth centuries, was a new sta g e in the history of the
2 Some people think that the Renaissance got started when the Turks
took over the Greek city C onstantinople (now Istanbul) in 1453. Greek
scholars left Constantinople and settled in other parts of Europe. In these
new locations, they taught Greek and shared their precious books. The
study of classical Greek and Rom an writers and thinkers began again,
and a new desire for learning spread throughout Europe.
3 People began to inquire into everything, and some began to question
their beliefs and ways of thinking. In Germany, M artin Luther started a
revolt against the c o n v e n tio n s of the Rom an Catholic Church. Soon,
other Christians agreed that the Church needed to change, and several
new Christian religions were established.
4 O ther people began to think about new types of governm ent that
were based on the dem ocratic values of ancient Greece. Italy, the
birthplace of the Renaissance, was organized into city-states that
governed themselves. Though wealthy families and the Church held
m uch of the pow er in these areas, the city-states were moving a step in
th e d irectio n o f governm ent by the people. The most fam ous political
thinker of the Renaissance was Niccolo Machiavelli. In his book on
governm ent entitled The Prince, he stated that a good leader could do bad
and dishonest things in order to p reserve his pow er and protect his
governm ent. Though people in his own time thought that Machiavelli
was evil for saving these things, his book is now fam ous and m odem
political thinkers respect some of his ideas.

Why Is the Renaissance Im portant?

5 The "new learning” taught people to think in new ways, and it also
en co u ra g ed gifted people to paint pictures, m ake statues and buildings,
and write great literature. In fact, some of the best artists of the day did
all of these things. As a result, when a person today is skilled in many
areas, he o r she is often called a "Renaissance m an” or a “Renaissance
wom an."
The artistic developm ents of the Renaissance first happened in the
Italian city of Florence, and then they spread to other Italian cities. As a
resu lt o f trade and banking, cities like Florence, Venice, and Milan
becam e very wealthy, and their rich citizens had both the time and
money to enjoy music, art, and poetry. These cities produced great
painters and sculptors, like Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and
Raphael. These artists created some of history’s finest w ork s o f art. For
example, M ichelangelo spent four years painting thousands of feet of
curved ceiling in the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel. To do this, he had to learn
a whole new style of painting. He also had to paint lying on his back
beneath the ceiling as paint dripped down onto his face. Despite these
o b sta cles, he created one of art's greatest m asterpieces.
7 A new kind of architecture also began in the Renaissance. It blen d ed
the old, classical styles with new ideas. Again, it started in Florence. A
cathedral there had been started in 1296, but it rem ained unfinished for
over 100 years because no one could figure out how to build the curved
roof that it needed. Then architect Filippo Brunelleschi invented a new
type of dom e that was higher and grander than any from the classical
era. The dom e m arks the beginning of Renaissance architecture.
8 From Italy, interest in the arts and new ways of thinking spread to
o th er countries. The N etherlands becam e fam ous for great painters;
England produced m any writers, including William Shakespeare; and
Spain had the literature of Cervantes. The new p a ssio n for learning also
led to am azing discoveries in science by Galileo, Kepler, and Newton.
Some of these findings went against the most basic beliefs of the time.
For example, Galileo's discovery that the sun, not the Earth, was the
center of the solar system got him into serious trouble with many religious
people. They forced him to say that he had been wrong about his
discovery, even though he knew he was right.
9 The developm ent of the printing press in Germ any by a m an named
Johannes G utenberg helped more than anything to spread the new ideas

110 U NIT II
of the Renaissance. Before that time, books were scarce and very
expensive because they were w ritten by hand. G utenberg discovered how
to use a moveable metal type, and his first book was published in 1455.
Printing was a very im portant invention. With it, books were m ade more
cheaply and quickly than ever. In addition, most books had been w ritten
in Latin before, as this was thought to be the language of study. However,
w ith the Renaissance, the middle classes could now afford books, and
they w anted books in their own languages. They also w anted a greater
variety of things to read, such as books on travel, poetry, and romance.
Printing helped make the works of the best w riters and all kinds of
knowledge available to all.
10 About the tim e printing was discovered, sailors were settin g out on
voyages of discovery. Now that the Turks were m asters of the eastern
M editerranean, it was no longer possible to trade with India by the old
land route. A new way had to be found, perhaps bv sailing around the
coast of Africa—or perhaps by sailing around the world! There were
many explorers around this time, including Columbus, Vasco de Gama,
Cabot, Magellan, and Drake. Representing countries throughout Europe,
these men sailed new w aters and discovered new lands, including the
Americas. With all this travel, tools for exploration and navigation
improved, and b etter ships were made. As people traveled, they gained
new ideas that helped to change their way of living. For example,
Europeans now w anted goods—such as spices, silk, and gold—from far
away countries.
11 The Renaissance didn’t begin suddenly when Constantinople was
taken over bv the Turks or when the first book was printed in 1455.
Forces that brought it ab ou t had been developing for m any years as
Europeans began to desire and gain new knowledge. From this new
learning cam e the great changes that we call the Renaissance. These
advancem ents—from the discovery of printing to a renewed interest in
art and literature and the discovery of new lands—a ffected alm ost every
area of European life. They also formed the basis for m any parts of our
m odern life and beliefs. This is why som e people think of the
Renaissance as the beginning of m odern history.

Why Is the Renaissance Im portant? 111

V ocabulary

Circle the letter of the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word.

1. M artin L u th er sta rte d a revolt ag ain st th e conventions of the R om an

C atholic C hurch.
a. w ritings
b. leaders
c. speeches
d. cu sto m s

2. D espite th ese o b sta c le s, he created one of a r t’s g reatest m asterpieces.

a. m ethods
b. changes
c. difficulties
d. differences

3. It blended the old, classical styles w ith new ideas.

a. m ixed to g eth er
b. took a p a rt
c. p u t side by side
d. p u t one over th e o th e r

4. The R enaissance w as a new s ta ge in th e history of the w orld.

a. special event
b. long p erio d of tim e
c. step in developm ent
d. type o f belief

5. The dom e m arks th e beginning of R enaissance arch itectu re.

a. m akes a sta te m e n t a b o u t
b. serves as a sign of
c. gives an exam ple of
d. tells a story ab o u t

112 UN IT 11
6. D uring th e R enaissance, th e a rts flo u rish e d .
a. grew a n d im proved
b. w ere alm o st forgotten
c. w ere not accep ted
d. stayed a b o u t th e sam e

7. In his book on governm ent entitled The Prince, Machiavelli stated that a
good leader could do bad an d dishonest things in order to preserve his
a. p u t o u t o f sight o f o th ers
b. keep safe an d u n ch an g ed
c. m ake larg er an d stro n g er
d. take aw ay from

8. B runelleschi invented a new type of dom e th a t w as h igher an d g ran d er

th an any from th e classical e r a .
a. a p a rtic u la r a rea o f th e w orld
b. a set o f years in h istory
c. a ce rtain style o f a rt
d. a c erta in g ro u p o f people

9. These ad v an cem en ts affected alm o st every area of E u ro p ean life.

a. created
b. d efeated
c. b u ilt up
d. changed

10. The "new learning" en co u rag ed gifted people to p a in t pictures.

a. h o n o red by im p o rta n t people
b. o rd ered to change
c. helped to becom e co n fid en t
d. w arn ed a b o u t o th e r people

Why Is the Renaissance Im portant? 113

A. Find words in the reading that go together with the words below to make phrases.

1. _________________ of a rt
2. w ay o f ________________
3. s e tt i n g ________________
4. _____________ a result
5. b r o u g h t. . .
6. p a s s io n ___
7. ___________ th e d irectio n

B. Complete the sentences with the phrases from Part A.

1. W hen you have stro n g an d deep feelings for som ething, you have a
2. W hen so m eth in g h ap p en s b ecause of an actio n o r event, it happens
______________________ it.
3. _______________________ are objects th a t are pro d u ced by painting,
w riting, sculpting, a n d o th e r creative skills.
4. If you are on a course tow ard som ething, you are m o v in g ___________
5. The norm al experiences and activities of a gro u p o r c u ltu re are its

6. If so m eth in g cau sed an event to h appen, then th a t thing

_______________________ the e v e n t ______________________
7. If you are b eg inning a trip, you a r e ____________________ on a journey.

c. Now use the phrases in your own sentences.

Example: As a result of the bad weather, we had to cancel our hiking trip.

<! USE
Work with a partner to answer the questions. Use complete sentences.

1. W hat are tw o o f y o u r favorite w orks o f art?

2. W hen w as th e last tim e you encouraged som eone to do som ething?
3. H ow is the w ay of life in y o u r co u n try different from th a t in another place
y o u ’ve been to?
4. W hat is a historical event th a t greatly affected the people in your coun
5. If you w ere setting o u t on a journey, w h ere w ould you like to be going?

114 U N IT 11
6. W hat p art o f n a tu re w ould you like to preserve for fu tu re generations?
7. W hat is y o u r favorite era in history?
8. W ho is a h istorical figure th a t overcam e m any obstacles in his o r h er life?

C o m p r e h e n sio n


Some of the following statements are main ideas, and some are supporting statements.
Some of them are stated directly in the reading. Find the statements. Write M for each
main idea. Write s for each supporting statement.

1. During the period of the M iddle Ages (from about 500 C.E. to the
m id-1400s) there w ere no great changes in the way of life in Europe.
2 . M ost people believed in w hat they w ere told and did not care for
an y th in g o u tsid e th e ir lives.
3. The R enaissance, w h ich took place in E u ro p e betw een the
th irte e n th an d six teen th cen tu ries, w as a new stage in the history
o f the w orld.
4. The m ost fam ous political th in k e r of th e R enaissance w as Niccolo
M achiavelli.
The a rtistic developm ents of the R enaissance first h appened in the
Italian city o f Florence, an d then they spread to o th e r Italian cities.
6. Forces th at b rought ab o u t the R enaissance had been developing for
m any years as E u ro p ean s began to desire and gain new knowledge.
7. A dvancem ents in the R en aissance also form ed the basis for m any
p a rts of o u r m o d ern life an d beliefs.

Reread the passage and answer the questions. Write complete sentences.

1. W hat did M ichelangelo sp en d fo u r years painting?

2. W ho are th re e R enaissance scien tists w ho m ad e g reat discoveries?

3. W ho developed th e p rin tin g press, an d w h at co u n try w as he from ?

Why Is the Renaissance Im portant? 115

4. Who were five fam ous explorers of the Renaissance?

5. W hat does the word Renaissance m ean, and w hat language is it from?

6. W hat does it m ean w hen a perso n today is called a “R enaissance m an ” or

a "R enaissance w om an"?

7. W hat is th e n am e o f the a rch itect w ho invented a new type of dom e, and

w h ere w as th e cath ed ral for w hich he designed this dom e?

8. In w h at language h ad m ost books been w ritten before the R enaissance?

The answers to these questions can be inferred, or guessed, from the reading. Circle
the letter of the best answer.

1. The read in g im plies th a t before the R e n a is s a n c e ___________

a. people w ere eag er to le a m new things
b. ed u catio n w as lim ited to scholars a n d privileged people
c. people w an ted to change th e ir lives b u t c o u ld n ’t
d. m iddle-class people did a lot of reading

2. It can be in ferred from the reading t h a t ___________

a. Turkish sch o lars sp read th e ir know ledge th ro u g h o u t E urope
b. G erm an p h ilo so p h ers w ere responsible for startin g the Renaissance
c. The G reeks h ad a stro n g influence on R enaissance thinking
d. F ran ce w as th e b irth p lace of the R enaissance

3. F rom the reading, it can be concluded th a t the R e n a is s a n c e _________

a. m ad e people afraid to go ag ain st tra d itio n al beliefs
b. influ en ced people to fight ag ain st each o th e r
c. helped leaders to m a in ta in co n tro l over th e m iddle class
d. cau sed people to m ake ch an g es in th e ir lives

116 U N IT 11
4. T he read in g im plies th a t d u rin g th e R e n a is s a n c e ----------------
a. econom ic p ro sp erity w as im p o rta n t to the developm ent of the a rts
b. people w ere poor, b u t they still a p p reciated th e ir artists
c. there w ere m anv artists, but th eir w orks w ere not enjoyed by m ost people
d. Italy w as th e only co u n try th a t en co u rag ed artists to pro d u ce new
styles o f a rt

5. It can be inferred from the read in g th a t the m ajo r causes of the

R enaissance w e r e ----------------
a. ex p lo ratio n s o f new lands
b. new a rtists an d w riters w ho created g reat w orks
c. read in g an d learning
d. ch an g es in governm ent

D isc u ssio n

Discuss the answers to these questions with your classmates.

1. W hat do you thin k are th e th ree m ost im p o rta n t inventions in the history
of the w orld?
2. W hat do you th in k w as th e g reatest p erio d in the history of y o u r country?
3. Do you think th at a rt an d literatu re are im p o rta n t in m odern society?
Why o r w hy not?
4. Do you agree w ith M achiavelli’s idea th a t a good leader can do bad and
dishonest things in o rd e r to preserve his pow er and protect his
governm ent? W hy o r why not?

W r it in g
On separate paper, write a paragraph or an essay about one of the following topics:

1. W hat is an invention th a t you th in k is im p o rta n t in y o u r life? Give three

reasons w hy it is im p o rta n t.
2. How have m eth o d s of stu d y an d learning ch an g ed in the last ten years?
Are these m eth o d s b e tte r th a n th o se in the p ast o r not?
3. W hat is one ad v an cem en t in th e field of m edicine o r science th a t has
changed p eo p les lives? S tate th ree w ays it has helped people.

Why Is the Renaissance Im portant? 117

1. To show contrast or an unexpected result, we can use although or
though to begin a subordinate (adverb) clause. The subordinate clause
can come before or after the main clause; the meaning is the same.
[Though is less formal than although.)
Although people once thought Machiavelli was evil for saying these
things, his book is now respected by political thinkers.
Machiavelli's book is now respected by political thinkers, though people
once thought he was evil for saying these things.

2. We can also use the prepositions despite and in spite of to express

contrast. They usually are followed by a noun.
Despite these obstacles, Michelangelo created one of art’s greatest
In spite of these obstacles, Michelangelo created one of art's greatest

A. Using the contrast word or phrase in parentheses, write a new sentence similar to
the phrases and sentences below.

1. C hina w as m ore advanced, the R enaissance began in E urope. (although)

2. G alileos belief th a t th e Sun w as th e c e n te r of the universe. He said he

w as w rong. (despite)

3. M ost people th in k El G reco w as S panish. He w as Greek. (though)

4. O u r asso ciatio n o f the R en aissance w ith art. E xplorers an d scientists

w ere also a p a rt of th e R enaissance, (in spite o f )

B. Now write three sentences of your own using a contrast word or phrase.



3. ______
118 UNIT 11
What Is the
Most Popul
n •

Before yo u read

Answer these questions.

1. W hat is th e m ost p o p u lar sp o rt in y o u r country?

2. W hat sp o rts do you like? W hich do you play?
3. W ho are som e fam o u s sp o rts s ta r of the p ast an d present?

w h a t Is the M ost Popular
Sport in the World?
1 Soccer—which is called football in m ost places—is the w orld’s most
popular sport. It is played in parks, fields, schools, and streets all over the
world. It has about 250 million male and female players in m ore than 200
countries, and it has even m ore fans. In fact, an estim ated 33 billion
people around the world w atched the 2004 World Cup tournam ent,
€ making it the w orld’s m ost w atched television sporting event—it even
surpasses the Olympics.
2 The exact origins of m odern soccer are unknown. However, records
show that the Chinese and Japanese played sim ilar games over 2,000
years ago. Later, the ancient Greeks and Rom ans played it. The Rom ans
took the gam e to Britain, which becam e the undisputed birthplace of
m odern soccer.
3 In Britain, the game cam e to be called football, because only the
players' feet could touch the ball. However, when the British played
football, it was m ore like w ar than a game. Towns and villages played
against each other, and som etim es up to 500 people played on each
team. There were even annual contests where large groups ran wildly
from village to village playing the game. One game could last all day.
Naturally, m any people died and were injured. Several kings banned
the game, passing laws against the sport because it was so rough and
because soldiers preferred to play it than to concentrate on m ilitary
training. Even Queen Elizabeth I had players in London put into jail
because they caused so much damage to shops and public property when
they played in the streets. But the game was too popular to be stopped.
4 Football was played in many English schools as early as the 1800s,
but it had no formal rules. Later, two sets of rules were developed. One
set was devised at a school called Rugby, where players could handle and
run with the ball. The gam e of rugby developed from these rules. O ther
schools preferred the "hands-free" game. In 1848, the general rules of the
hands-free game were established at Cam bridge University.
5 The Football Association of England was form ed in 1863. At that
time, university students created slang by adding -er to words they
shortened. The nam e soccer developed from adding -er to the letters s,
o, and c (from the word Association). However, the gam e is still known

120 UNIT 12
as football in m ost parts of the world besides N orth America, where
soccer is m ore com m only used. Football quickly becam e popular
throughout Europe and South America, and in 1900 it becam e one of the
first team sports played in the Olympic Games. In 1904, seven nations—
Belgium, Spain, Sweden, France, the N etherlands, Denm ark, and
Sw itzerland—met in Paris to form FIFA, the Federation Internationale de
Football Association. FIFA has been the governing body of the sport ever
since. Today, it has 204 m em ber countries. Every four years, the w orlds
strongest national football team s com pete to be world cham pions and to
get the World Cup—a golden trophy. The World Cup started in 1930.
Beginning in 1958, it was held alternately in Europe and the Americas,
but since 1996 it has been held in Asian countries as well.
6 Traditionally, football had been a game for male players, but now it has
become popular with female players. Though women played football in
China about 2,000 years ago, this was not heard of again until the game
reappeared in the country's school curriculum for girls in the 1920s.
Appropriately, the first W omens World Cup was held in China in 1991.
7 Throughout history, football was considered "unsuitable for w om en”
in Europe, and they were banned from playing it. However, in the 1970s
women were allowed to play again, and the sport's popularity started to
grow. Certainly, this trend will continue. Since 1996, w om en’s football
has been included in the Olympic Games, and today m ore than 7 million
young girls play in the United States alone. The United States is a
new com er to the w om ens game, but has won the World Cup twice and
has also won two Olympic gold m edals and one silver medal. O ther new
nations for w om en’s football include Brazil, Nigeria, and Japan. The
players of the American team were the first women players to be paid as
full-time professionals, but now other countries are following their lead.
Though salaries are over $ 100,000 a year for the top female professionals,
they are now here near the average of $5 million that their male
counterparts make.
8 Every country thinks it has the best football team, but they all adm it
that Brazil is the world’s greatest football-playing country. The sport was
first introduced to Brazil by a British man nam ed Charles Miller, who
started a team there. In 1899, this team played the country’s first recorded
game of football. Today, football is a way of life in Brazil. The Brazilian
team was the first team to win the World Cup five times, and it has
more professional team s than any other country in the world. Its talented

W hat Is the Most Popular Sport in the World? 121

players, such as Pelé, Garrincha, Zico, and m any others, have made Brazil
famous throughout the world. These players started out very poor and
becam e incredibly wealthy. They becam e true idols. Their influence can
be seen on the young boys in the streets of poor neighborhoods
throughout Brazil. The dream of nearly every young boy growing up in
poverty there is to become a professional football player one day. It seems
to be their only wav of escape from poverty, and thus this sport has a
greater influence on their lives than alm ost anything else.
9 Brazil is not the only country with football stars. Britain's David
Beckham has becom e an idol for many young people. They read
magazines about him and wait for his latest hairstyle to copy. In Tokyo,
a giant three-m eter (nearly ten-foot) statue of Beckham m ade entirely of
chocolate was m ade to promote a new kind of chocolate. Advertisers use
him to sell many things, and of course he makes millions of dollars from
each advertising contract.
10 Football is the one of the oldest sports in the world. It has been
gaining fans across the globe for over 2,000 years, and it doesn't show
any signs of stopping. Will football continue to be the m ost popular sport
in the world? Most people think it will!

V ocabulary

Circle the letter of the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word.

1. O ne set o f rules w as devised at a school called Rugby.

a. m ade up
b. th ro w n o u t
c. agreed to
d. ad d ed to

2. B eginning in 1958, the W orld Cup w as held altern ately in E urope and
A m ericas.
a. at the sam e tim e
b. once only
c. h a p p en in g one a fter th e o th e r
d. every tw o years

122 U N IT 12
3. It even su rp asses th e O lym pics.
a. goes beyond
b. stays a b o u t the sam e as
c. is less th an
d. becom es a p art o f

4. F em ale play ers’ salaries are n o w h ere n e a r th e average of $5 m illion th at

th eir m ale c o u n te rp a rts m ake.
a. th o se in a different p osition
b. those in th e sam e po sitio n
c. th o se in a low er po sitio n
d. th o se in a h ig h er po sitio n ,

5. A giant statu e o f B eckham w as m ade to p ro m o te a new kind of chocolate.

a. stop th e use of
b. create a new use for
c. p rep are th e w ay for
d. help th e success of

6. Certainly, this tre n d will co n tin u e.

a. change o f plan o r actio n
b. general co u rse o r d ire ctio n
c. new a rra n g e m e n t o r idea
d. special place o r situ atio n

7. Several kings b an n ed the gam e.

a. tried to su p p o rt
b. liked to play
c. said to stop
d. believed in

8. A giant sta tu e o f B eckham w as m ade entirely of chocolate.

a. partly
b. carefully
c. evenly
d. com pletely

W hat Is the Most Popular Sport in the World? 123

9. The gam e is still know n as football in m ost p a rts of th e w orld besides
N o rth A m erica.
a. except
b. w ith in
c. especially
d. close to

10. Ap p ro p ria te ly , th e first W om en’s W orld Cup w as held in C hina in 1991.

a. correctly
b. w rongly
c. accidentally
d. happily


A. Find words in the reading that go together with the words below to make phrases.

1. _________________ cu rricu lu m
2. s p o r tin g -------------------------
3. s t a r t e d -------------------------
4. co n ce n trate
5. ___________ sp o rts
6. ever
7. ____ p ro p erty

B. Complete the sentences with the phrases from Part A.

1. G am es played by g roups of people a r e -------------

2. S o m eth in g th a t is ow ned by th e w hole p o p u latio n of a city, state, or
co u n try i s -----------------------------------
3. The co u rses of study offered in a place of ed u catio n is the

4. If y o u -------------------- in a certain m anner, you began in that

5. A single sp o rts co n test am o n g o th ers is a
6. ________________________ is th e tim e betw een a p o in t in the p ast and now.
7. If you som ething, you keep all your attention on it.

124 UN IT 12
c. Now use the phrases in your own sentences.
Example: Som e people would rather play individual sports than team sports.

'' USE
Work with a partner to answer the questions. Use complete sentences.

1. Ever since th e beginning o f th e O lym pics, w hat have ath letes d ream ed of
2. W hat is a place in y o u r city o r tow n th a t is public property?
3. W hat is th e last sporting event th a t you w atched, e ith e r on television o r in
4. In y o u r country, w h at is th e latest fashion trend?
5. W hat are th ree team sports th a t are played in the su m m e r Olym pics?
6. W hat is so m eth in g th a t th e law in y o u r co u n try has banned?
7. W hat th ree areas o f stu d y are in m ost stu d e n ts’ school cu rricu lu m ?
8. W hat are exam ples of these th re e types of objects: one m ad e entirely of
w ood, one o f glass, an d one o f m etal?

C o m p r e h e n sio n


Look at the reading to find the answers to the following questions.

1. W hat is p a ra g ra p h 2 m ainly ab o u t?

2. W hich sen ten ce c o n tain s th e m ain idea of p a ra g ra p h 3?

3. W hich sen ten ce c o n ta in s th e m ain idea of p ara g ra p h 6?

4. W hat im p o rtan ce does B razil have in th e w orld of football?

5. W hat significance does David B eckham have to football fans?

W hat Is the Most Popular S port in the World? 125


Reread the passage and cừcle the letter of the best answer.

1. Football w as in tro d u ce d to Brazil b y ___________

a. Pelé
b. G arrin ch a
c. M iller
d. Zico

2. A g ian t ch o co late statu e of B eckham w as m ade in .

a. L ondon
b. Paris
c. Tokyo
d. A thens

3. In B ritain, several kings b an n ed football because _

a. people w ere having too m uch fun
b. too m any people w ere getting killed a n d injured
c. too m any sh o p s w ere being d am aged
d. it nearly sta rte d a w ar

4. The first W om en’s W orld Cup w as held i n ------------

a. C hina
b. B ritain
c. Brazil
d. Jap an

5. The hands-free gam e rules w ere e s ta b lis h e d ______

a. at C am bridge U niversity
b. at a school called R ugby
c. by th e FIFA in P aris
d. by th e Football A ssociation of E ngland

6. Football is usually NOT played i n ___________

a. fields
b. parks
c. streets
d. co u rts

7. The first w om en football players to be p aid as full-tim e professionals
w e r e ___________
a. F rench
b. A m erican
c. B razilian
d. N igerian

8. In an cien t tim es, t h e ___________ took the gam e o f football to B ritain.

a. C hinese
b. Jap an ese
c. G reeks
d. R om ans

Some of the following statements are facts from the reading. Other statements can be
inferred, or guessed. Write F for each factual statement. Write / for of each inference.

1. At any tim e d u rin g the day o r night, som eone som ew here in the
w orld is pro b ab ly playing football.
2. B ritain is the u n d isp u ted b irth p lace o f m o d ern football.
3. A lthough football w as played in B ritish schools in the 1800s, there
w ere no form al rules to th e gam e.
4. O nce gam e rules w ere estab lished in B ritain, it didn't take long for
football to becom e a favorite sp o rt aro u n d the w orld.
5. In 1904, seven n atio n s got to g eth er in P aris to form an
in te rn a tio n a l football association.
6. W om en played football in C hina as far back as 2,000 years ago.
7. F ootball is a good w ay for th e p o o r in Brazil to im prove th eir
8. A p o p u la r football p layer can m ake as m u ch o r m ore m oney off
the field as on it.
9. F ootball is not th e kind o f sp o rt th a t only ap p eals to a few people.
10. M ost people th in k th a t football will co n tin u e to be the m ost
p o p u la r sp o rt in the w orld.

W hat Is the Most Popular S port in the World? 127

D isc u ssio n

Discuss the answers to these questions with your classmates.

1. W ould you ra th e r w atch football o r play it? Why?

2. Do you th in k th a t it's fair th a t w om en are paid so m u ch less th an m en in
professional sports? W hy o r why not?
3. Do you th in k th a t professional sp o rts players should advertise products?
W hy o r w hy not?
4. Do you th in k professional ath letes have a responsibility to be good role
m odels, o r exam ples, fo r young people? W hy o r w hy not? Do you think
th a t to d ay s ath letes a re good role m odels?

W r it in g

On separate paper, write a paragraph or an essay about one of the following topics:

1. W hat do vou thin k o f th e O lym pic G am es today? Are they good / bad /
fair / im p o rtan t?
2. S hould professional ath letes p a rtic ip a te in the O lym pics?
3. Do you th in k th e salaries of professional sp o rts players are too high? Why
o r w hy not?

1. We can use the definite article the + nationality adjectives to mean “the
people of a country.” This is true for nationality adjectives that end in -ch,
-sh, or -ese and function as nouns.
When the British played football, it was more like war than a game.
The Chinese played football over 2,000 years ago.

(Note: we also use the Swiss to mean the people of Switzerland.)

With other nationalities, the plural noun ends in -s. We do not usually
use the to talk about the people of these countries. However, we do use
the when referring to ancient nationalities ending in -s.
Brazilians love football.
The ancient Greeks and Romans played football.

128 U NIT 12
2. We use the when there is only one of a person, place, or thing. These
are called unique nouns.
Football is the most popular sport in the world. (There is only one world.)

We, therefore, use the in front of superlatives like most and best, and
before first, last, next, only, same, right, and wrong.
Every country thinks it has the best football team.

Fill in the blanks with the or X for no definite article.

1. Football w as one o f first team sp o rts played i n Olympics.

2. S om e people th in k football i s oldest sp o rt in history.
3. B razilians have som e o f FIFA’s m ost talen ted football
4. F rench a n d Sw iss love football.
5. Today, football is n ot J a p a n ’s m ost p o p u la r sport, a lth o u g h ______
Jap a n e se played it a long tim e ago.
6. first full-tim e fem ale professional players w e r e ______
A m ericans.
7. U.S. w o m e n s football team has w on th re e O lym pic m edals.
8. M ost people th in k B razil i s g reatest football-playing co u n try in
w orld.
9. It w a s R om ans w ho in tro d u ced football t o B ritish.
10. Brazil i s only co u n try th a t has w o n W orld C up five tim es,
an d it also has had som e o f m ost fam ous players.

W hat Is the Most Popular Sport in the World? 129

How Did

B efore yo u read

Answer these questions.

1. How m any people do you th in k live in A ustralia today?

2. W hat are som e fam o u s places in A ustralia?
3. W ould you like to visit A ustralia? W hy o r w hy not?
H ow Did Convicts H elp Settle Australia?

1 The British were not the first E uropeans to arrive in Australia. Dutch,
Spanish, and Portuguese explorers had passed through the vast continent
before them w ithout giving it m uch notice. When an Englishm an,
Dampier, did land in w hat is today New South Wales, he condemned the
land as barren and useless. Then the British explorer Captain James
Cook proved his predecessor wrong. He landed at Botany Bay in New
South Wales in 1770, and with his botanist, Joseph Banks, he proved that
the eastern shores were rich and fertile. Although Captain Cook gave an
excellent report on all the land he had seen in Australia, the British
governm ent m ade no effort to form a settlem ent there for several years.
2 For many years it was the policy of the British governm ent to send
men and w om en found guilty of breaking the law to America. There, as
punishm ent, these prisoners were forced to work on big farm s until they
had served out their sentences, and they were then set free. This policy
of sending crim inals abroad was called "transportation.”
3 However, all this changed with the loss of the American colonies. In
1776, the American colonies declared their independence from Britain.
When they becam e the United States of America, no m ore convicts could
be sent there. The British governm ent was in a difficult position. People
were still being sentenced to transportation, but there was nowhere to
send them. Soon, the jails were overcrowded.
4 Joseph Banks, Captain Cook’s botanist, suggested New South Wales
as a good place for a convict settlem ent. “The soil is good there,” he said,
“and soon they will grow all their own food.” Lord Sydney—after whom
the capital of Australia is nam ed—had the task of looking after the
British colonies. He decided to try Banks' plan. He selected Captain
A rthur Phillip, a naval officer, to take charge of the new settlem ent.
5 In May 1787, the First Fleet, consisting of eleven ships, left England

for New South Wales. On board were about 1,400 people, of whom 780
were convicts. The rest were mainly soldiers to guard the convicts and
seam en to work on the ships. About 20 percent of the convicts were
women; the oldest convict was eighty-two, and the youngest one was
about ten years old. The voyage to Australia was very slow. It took eight
months; six of these were spent at sea, and two were spent in ports to get
supplies. The fleet finally arrived in Botany Bay in 1788. Two more

How Did Convicts Help Settle Australia? 131

convict fleets arrived in 1790 and 1791, and ships continued to come to
other ports in Australia for over seventy years.
6 A m ajor problem of the convict system was the severity of its
punishm ents. Among the convicts on the First Fleet was a w om an who
was transported for stealing a coat. The British also transported a m an
who had received a sentence of fourteen years for killing a rabbit on his
m asters property. Others were transported only because they supported
different political opinions. There were m any real crim inals who were
transported as well, but by today’s standards m any of the convicts would
not be considered crim inals.
7 Conditions on the ships were deplorable. Ship owners were paid
"per head," or for each person they transported. To make as m uch money
as possible, the owners overcrowded the ships. The convicts were
chained below deck, where there was no sunlight or fresh air. They
suffered a lot, and many died on the way. Because so m any died on the
ships, later the governm ent paid a bonus to ship ow ners whose a
passengers had arrived safe and sound at the end of the journey.
8 For convicts who made it to Australia, conditions were a little better.
Those who were well behaved were assigned to settlers as workers or
servants, and if they worked for good people, they served out their
sentences under pleasant conditions. O ther convicts worked in groups
for the government. They did various kinds of jobs, such as clearing land,
making roads and bridges, and constructing public buildings. Those
convicts who refused to work or tried to escape were severely punished.
9 Convicts could win their freedom back m ore quickly with good
behavior. They could qualify for a "Ticket of Leave” or a “Certificate of
Freedom .” Convicts who got their freedom were allowed to move around
the country and work in any kind of profession they liked. Soon, many
educated ex-convicts becam e lawyers, teachers, and business owners.
Others bought land and becam e rich settlers.
10 Convicts were not the only settlers in the country; free settlers had
been com ing from B ritain and starting farm s since 1793. In the
beginning, the convicts were a great help to the new settlers. But later,
when the num ber of free settlers grew, they objected to the transportation
of convicts. They thought it was unfair that their new land was filled with
crim inals. By 1840, objection was so strong that no m ore convicts were
transported to the m ainland. Instead, they were sent from there to
Tasmania, an island south of Australia.

132 UN IT 13
11 Convicts had never been sent to w estern Australia, but in the middle
of the nineteenth century, the colony there suddenly asked for them.
There was a shortage of labor in the region, and the colony could only
progress with convict labor. Britain supplied the colony with convicts
starting in 1850 and ending in 1868, and the convicts helped build it up
by constructing roads, bridges, and public buildings.
12 A total of 162,000 men and w om en—transported on 806 ships—
cam e as convicts to Australia. By the tim e the British policy of
transportation ended, the population of Australia had increased to over

a million. W ithout the convicts’ hard work, first as servants and later as
settlers, it w ouldn’t have been possible for the governm ent and the free
settlers to create a nation. The transportation of convicts is an essential
part of Australia’s history. Today, many Australians acknowledge their
convict ancestors and are grateful for their contributions to the country.

V ocabulary

Circle the letter of the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word.

1. No m ore convicts could be sen t to the A m erican colonies.

a. colonists
b. p riso n ers
c. soldiers
d. gov ern m en t officials

2. C onditions on th e ships w ere d ep lo rab le.

a. enjoyable
b. terrib le
c. su rp risin g
d. depressing

3. T here w as a sh o rtag e of lab o r in the region.

a. farm ers
b. settlers
c. w orkers
d. b u sin ess ow ners
How Did Convicts Help Settle Australia? 133
4. M any A ustralians are grateful for the co n trib u tio n s of th e ir convict
a. thankful
b. ash am ed
c. lucky
d. p u n ish ed

5. He co n d em n ed th e land as b a rre n an d useless.

a. described
b. d isap p ro v ed of
c. an n o u n c ed
d. gave a n am e to

6. Today, m any A ustralians acknow ledge th e ir convict ancestors.

a. try to hide th e facts a b o u t
b. rem em b er the d etails of
c. ad m it th e tru th a b o u t
d. tell a story a b o u t

7. It w as the policy o f the B ritish governm ent to send m en an d w om en

found guilty o f break in g the law to A m erica.
a. law
b. problem
c. d em an d
d. idea

8. A m ajo r p roblem o f th e convict system w as the severity of its

p u n ish m en ts.
a. lightness
b. stran g en ess
c. po p u larity
d. serio u sn ess

9. C aptain Jam e s Cook proved his pred ecesso r w rong.

a. som eone w ho cam e before
b. so m eo n e w ho left after
c. som eone w ho arrived at the sam e tim e
d. so m eo n e w ho w ould com e in the fu tu re

10. Lord Sydney h ad th e task of looking a fte r the B ritish colonies.
a. th o u g h t
b. plan
c. job
d. choice


A. Find words in the reading that go together with the words below to make phrases.

1. ________________ b o ard
2. m a d e ________________
3. s e r v e d ________________ t h e i r _________________
4. ________________ an d sou n d
5. a s s ig n e d _____
6. ________________ th e law
7. ________________ free

B. Complete the sentences with the phrases from Part A.

1. Convicts w ho have co m p leted all the tim e of th e ir p u n ish m en ts in jail

h a v e _______________________
2. W hen a person o r thin g i s _______________________ som eone, it is given to
him o r h e r to use.
3. People w ho are rid in g on a bus, train , plane, o r ship are
______________________ th a t form of tra n sp o rta tio n .
4. People w ho a r e _______________________ are allow ed to go o u t and act as
they w ant, an d are no longer u n d e r som eone else’s control.
5. If you a r e _______________________ , you are alive, not in danger, an d in
good health.
6. If you arrive som ew here, you can say th a t you have
______________________ there.
7. If you do so m eth in g th a t is n o t legal, you a r e _______________________

c. Now use the phrases in your own sentences.

Example: The search party looked for the hiker, and after two days, they found him
safe and sound.

How Did Convicts Help Settle Australia? 135

ro USE
Work with a partner to answer the questions. Use complete sentences.

1. W hat is a policy in y o u r school o r w orkplace th at you d o n ’t agree with?

E xplain why.
2. W hat is a task th a t you m u st do a t w ork o r hom e?
3. W hat is a place th a t has deplorable conditions? D escribe it.
4. If you could be on board any form of tra n sp o rta tio n right now, how
w ould you like to be traveling? W here w ould you be going?
5. W hat is so m eth in g th at you are grateful for?
6. W hat are three types of labor that are im portant to your country’s economy?
7. If you w ere su d d en ly set free from y o u r school, job, an d o th e r obligations,
w hat is the first th in g you w ould do?
8. W hat are tw o things th a t people are often afraid to acknow ledge?

C o m p r e h e n sio n


Circle the letter of the best answer.

1. The m ain idea of p a ra g ra p h 1 is t h a t ___________

a. the E nglish ex p lo rer D am pier co n d em n ed New S outh Wales as a
b arren an d useless land
b. the B ritish gov ern m en t form ed a settlem en t m any years after C aptain
Cook arrived in A ustralia
c. explorers from m any co u n trie s visited A ustralia before th e B ritish
finally sta rte d a settlem en t th ere
d. C ap tain Cook an d his b o tan ist, Joseph Banks, proved th a t the eastern
sh o res of New S o u th W ales w ere rich and fertile

2. The m ain idea o f p a ra g ra p h 5 is t h a t ___________

a. on b o ard the F irst Fleet w ere a b o u t 1,400 people, of w hom 780 w ere
b. o f th e eight m o n th s it took the F irst Fleet to get to A ustralia, six w ere
spent at sea an d tw o at p o rt getting supplies

136 UN IT 13
c. a b o u t 20 p ercen t o f th e convicts w ere w om en; the oldest convict was
eighty-tw o, a n d th e youn g est ab o u t ten
d. over seventy years of convict tra n sp o rt began in 1787, w hen the First
Fleet o f convicts, soldiers, an d seam en sailed to A ustralia

3. The m ain idea of p ara g ra p h 10 is t h a t __________

a. the first free settlers cam e in 1793 and started farm s
b. in th e beginning, th e convicts w ere a great help to th e free settlers
c. free settlers finally sto p p ed th e tra n sp o rta tio n of convicts to A ustralia
d. after 1840, convicts w ere tra n sp o rte d to the island of T asm ania

4. The m ain idea o f th e last p a ra g ra p h is t h a t ___________

a. a to tal of 162,000 m en a n d w o m en—tra n sp o rte d on 806 sh ip s—cam e
as convicts to A ustralia
b. today m any A ustralians acknow ledge th e ir convict ancesto rs
c. by th e tim e the B ritish policy o f tra n sp o rta tio n ended, the population
o f A ustralia had grow n to over a m illion
d. th e convicts played an im p o rta n t p a rt in the history of A ustralia

Reread the passage and answer the questions. Write complete sentences.

1. W hy w as one of th e convicts o n th e First Fleet given a sentence of

fo u rteen years?

2. W hy did th e free settlers object to th e tra n sp o rta tio n of convicts?

3. W hen a n d w h ere did C ap tain Jam es Cook arrive in A ustralia?

4. W ho w as th e first B ritish official to decide to send convicts to A ustralia?

5. W hy did m any of th e convicts suffer an d die on the first voyages to

A ustralia?

How Did Convicts Help Settle Australia? 137

6. H ow m any sh ip s w ere in the F irst Fleet?

7. W hat are th re e jo b s th a t the convicts did for the governm ent in Australia?

8. W hen did the last sh ip m e n t of convicts arrive in A ustralia?

Some of the following statements are facts from the reading. Other statements can be
inferred, or guessed. Write F for each factual statement. Write I for each inference.

1. Even th ough Cook told the B ritish governm ent how good th e land
w as, they d id n ’t m ake any effort to settle A ustralia for several
2. F or m any years, it w as th e policy of the B ritish governm ent to
tra n sp o rt crim in als to A m erica.
3. The convict settlem en t of A ustralia p robably w o u ld n ’t have
h ap p en ed if th e A m erican colonies h a d n ’t declared th eir
in dependence.
4. T hough th e voyage w as extrem ely difficult, the convicts w ere
b e tte r off in A ustralia th a n in E n g lan d ’s crow ded jails.
5. In th e eig h teen th an d n in eteen th cen tu ries, the B ritish system of
ju stice w as not very fair o r m erciful.
6. S hip ow n ers w ere paid "per h ead ,” o r for each perso n they
tra n sp o rted .
7. The ship ow ners h ad little caring o r co m p assio n for the convicts.
8. As th e n u m b e r of free settlers grew, they objected to having
convicts in th e ir new land.
9. The convicts had v aluable skills a n d know ledge.
10. In w estern A ustralia, the convicts c o n stru cted roads, bridges, and
p ublic buildings.

138 UNIT 13
D isc u ssio n

Discuss the answers to these questions with your classmates.

1. W hat do you th in k ab o u t th e B ritish sending th eir convicts to A ustralia?

W ould this type of "tran sp o rta tio n system ” w ork today? W hy o r why not?
2. Do vou th in k convicts today sh o u ld do h ard w ork like building roads,
cleaning highw ays, an d so on?
3. Is y o u r co u n try an “o ld” co u n try o r a “new ” country? W hat are the
advantages an d disadvantages o f living in an ancient land? In a new land?
4. W ould you like to explore a new co untry? W hy o r w hy not?

W r it in g

On separate paper, write a paragraph or an essay about one of the following topics:

1. W hat are som e pro b lem s you m ay e n c o u n te r w hen you live in a new
2. D escribe o r explain the fairness of the ju stice system in relation to som e
crim es we h e a r a b o u t in the new s. Are c o u rt decisions generally fair or
3. W hat should th e p u n ish m e n t be for m in o r crim es (such as driving too
fast o r taking so m eth in g from a su p erm ark et w ith o u t paying)?


To form the past perfect, we use had + the past participle of the verb.
Notice the past perfect verb in the second sentence below.
The British were not the first Europeans to arrive in Australia. Dutch, Spanish,
and Portuguese explorers had passed through the vast continent before
them without giving it much notice.

Had passed is the past perfect of the verb pass. The past perfect shows
that something happened before another past event or time. In this case,
first the Dutch, Spanish, and Portuguese passed through the continent.
Then the British arrived in Australia.

How Did Convicts Help Settle Australia? 139

Read the sentences from the reading. Identify the order of events. Write 1 for the first
event and 2 for the second event.

1. A lthough Cook gave an excellent rep o rt on all the land he had seen in
A ustralia, th e B ritish g o vernm ent m ade no effort to form a settlem ent
th ere for several years.
Cook gave an excellent rep o rt.
Cook saw all the land.
2. These convicts w ere forced to w ork on big farm s u n til they h ad served
o u t th e ir sentences, an d they w ere th en set free.
Convicts served th e ir sentences.
Convicts w ere set free.
3. Banks, a colleague o f Cook w ho had been w ith him to A ustralia,
suggested New S o u th W ales as a good place for a convict settlem ent.
B anks suggested New S o u th W ales as a convict settlem ent.
B anks w as in A ustralia w ith Cook.
4. The B ritish also tra n sp o rte d a m an w ho had received a sentence of
fo u rteen years for killing a ra b b it on his m a ste rs property.
T he m an received a sen ten ce of fourteen years.
The B ritish tra n sp o rte d th e m an.
5. B ecause so m any d ied on th e ships, la te r the governm ent paid a b o nus to
ship ow ners w hose p assengers had arrived safe a n d so u n d a t the end of
the journey.
The p assengers arrived safe a n d sound.
The gov ern m en t paid a b o n u s to ship ow ners.
6. By th e tim e th e B ritish policy of tra n sp o rta tio n ended, the p o p u latio n of
A ustralia h ad in creased to over a m illion.
The policy o f tra n sp o rta tio n ended.
The p o p u latio n in creased to over a m illion.

^ I

How Do
Greetings Differ
Around the

B efore yo u read

Answer these questions.

1. How do you greet a friend o r relative?

2. How do you greet a stran g er?
3. W hat g reeting cu sto m s do you know from o th e r countries?

H ow Do G reetings D iffer Around the World?

1 There is a range of different greetings around the world, from a simple

“hello,” a handshake, a kiss, or a bow, to sticking out your tongue in Tibet!
But how you shake someone’s hand in one country may differ from the
custom in another. In some countries you kiss as a greeting, but how many
times do you kiss? Which cheek do you start with? In which countries do you
bow? Here are some examples of greetings from a few parts of the world.
2 A bow o r a light handshake with eyes averted is the usual greeting in
m ost Asian cultures w here people do not like to have body contact when
greeting. In China and Taiwan, shaking hands is customary, but people
often nod theừ heads or give a slight bow as well. The Chinese like to
applaud, and a visitor may be greeted with a group of people clapping
their hands. W hen you are applauded, you m ust return the applause or
say thank you.
3 In Japan, a graceful bow is the traditional greeting. The Japanese have
also adopted the Western handshake, but the handshake is light, with eyes
averted. When being introduced, visitors can make a slight bow to show
respect for Japanese customs. In Korea, as in Japan, the bow is the
traditional form of greeting. For men, a handshake som etim es follows the
bow. Women do not shake hands with men; they usually just nod.
4 People in the Philippines are m uch m ore touch-oriented than those
in other Asian cultures. Here, handshaking is a com m on custom , with
both men and women shaking hands in a friendly fashion. Filipinos may
also greet each other with a quick flick of the eyebrows.
5 In Malaysia, people greet each other saying, "Where are you going?”
But this is not really a question. The polite answ er is, "Just for a walk.”
In India, people greet each other with "Namaste." As they say this, they
bend or nod and put their palms together as though they are praying.
ft European greetings vary from shaking hands to kissing. In Britain,
people do not like physical contact very m uch, so they opt for the
handshake. Between friends they just say, "Hi!" or "How are you?”
However, you are not supposed to say how you really are. Between
close friends and family, kissing is norm al. Germ any follows the same
rules as Britain. In France, however, kissing is the rule. Multiple kisses
are norm al and will vary from region to region. In m ost places, a two-kiss
greeting is polite, but in Paris, the greeting is four kisses, starting with the

left cheek. In Brittany, there is a three-kiss greeting, and in m ost other
parts of France it is a two-kiss greeting. The exception is the south of
France, where som etim es five kisses are not unusual. In the Netherlands,
three kisses are expected, and you always start and finish kissing on the
right cheek. If you’re greeting a very close friend or an older person, four
or five kisses are norm al. In Spain, Austria, and Scandinavia, there is a
two-kiss ritual. In Spain, you always begin with the right cheek. In Belgium,
it’s one kiss for a person about the sam e age as you, but three kisses to
show respect for a person who is more than ten years older than you. Many
may think that Italians would do a lot of kissing as a form of greeting, but
the usual greeting there is a handshake. For friends, handshakes and
hugs are the norm. Kissing is restricted to very close friends and family,
and there are no special rules as to which cheek to kiss first.
7 Americans shake hands, using a firm grip. They are taught to do this
to show honesty. They also look som eone in the eye when they greet
them, to show they are not shy o r weak. Americans also say, "Hi!" or
“How are you doing?” As in Britain, they don’t really expect you to
answ er that question. Hugs are used am ong close friends, though there
are variations depending on where in the United States people live.
8 H andshakes are im portant in the Middle East and can be quite long.
Most Arabs shake hands every tim e they m eet someone and every time
they leave. This applies wherever they m eet—in the street, at home, or in
the office. In Saudi Arabia, they shake hands on meeting, talk for a while,
and then shake hands again. This can happen ten times a day with the
same person. Arabs will kiss and hug friends of the sam e sex as a form of
greeting, and they also look the person in the eye.
9 Greetings in Senegal take the form of handshakes, and they are even
more significant there. In Senegal, a person will stop doing som ething
really im portant to spend ten m inutes greeting a person that he or she has
seen an h our ago. This is to acknowledge the existence of another hum an
being and is seen as a priority in Senegalese culture. Every m em ber of
the com m unity greets every oth er member, regardless of status or wealth.
They m ust greet each other even if one of them is in the middle of a
business transaction or is discussing som ething with someone else. In
the greeting, thev repeat the other p ersons family nam e over and over to
acknowledge that person's entire family, both living and dead. The
Senegalese are offended if you do not greet them first before asking a
simple question. For example, if you ask, "Where did he go?” w ithout

How Do Greetings Differ A round the World? 143

offering a greeting first, you may get a response such as, "He went to
leam how to greet.” This is another way of saying that you are rude.
10 There are m anv variations in South American countries, but the
general rule is a handshake at first meeting and a kiss on the cheek
between close friends. Men often embrace if they know each other well.
Strangers do not address each other by their first nam es when they are
being introduced. Their title (Mr., Mrs.), followed by their first name, is
a com m on greeting, because it indicates friendship and respect. Eye
contact is essential in South America.
11 Some cultures have variations on these com m on greetings. For
example, the Inuit of N orth America traditionally used the kunik in place
of the kiss. The kunik involves placing noses next to each other and
lightly rubbing or sniffing. Most Inuit now use their lips to kiss, but
the kunik is som etim es still used with children. Though most New
Zealanders use a handshake when greeting, the tradition of the native
Maori people is to press noses together to show trust and closeness.
12 In m any Asian countries, people like to exchange business cards
when they first meet, but they have special custom s for doing this. To
show respect for the other person, they use both hands when giving and
taking a card, and they take time to study the other persons card before
putting it away. They also never write on som eone else's card.
13 Of course, these are only a few of the greetings used around the
world. There are even m ore variations in other countries. Learning about
these custom s not only m akes us m ore polite travelers, but also gives us
insight into the differences between people around the world, as well as
an understanding of each country's special values.

V ocabulary

Circle the letter of the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word.

^ 1. The C hinese like to a p p la u d .

a. call o u t loudlv
b. wave th e arm s
c. strik e th e h an d s to g eth er
d. m ove th e head up an d dow n

144 U NIT 14
The S enegalese are offended if you d o n ’t greet them .
a. afraid
b. ru d e
c. confused
d. u p set

It involves placing noses next to each o th e r a n d lightly sniffing.

a. blow ing a ir o u t of th e m o u th
b. blow ing a ir o u t o f the nose
c. b rea th in g a ir into th e nose
d. to u ch in g w ith a light kiss

The u sual greetin g is a light h an d sh ak e w ith eyes av erted .

a. looking stra ig h t ah ead
b. tu rn e d aw ay
c. looking up
d. closed

As they say this, they bend o r nod a n d p u t th e ir palm s together.

a. fingers
b. back of th e han d s
c. fro n t of th e arm s
d. inside o f th e han d s

L earning a b o u t th ese cu sto m s can give us insight into the differences

betw een people aro u n d th e w orld.
a. u n d e rsta n d in g of
b. o p in io n s a b o u t
c. so rro w for
d. love for

How Do Greetings Differ Around the World?

7' Ĩ Í ! re is aurange ° f different greetings, including a sim ple handshake,
kiss, o r a b o w . ’
a. ben d in g forw ard of the body
b. tu rn in g o f th e body
c. kneeling on th e g ro u n d
d. raisin g o f th e arm s

8. M en often em b race if they know each o th e r well.

a. kiss each o th e r on the cheek
b. pat each o th e r on the back
c. hold each o th e rs h an d s a n d shake firm ly
d. p u t th e ir arm s a ro u n d each o th e r

9. This is seen as a p rio rity in Senegalese culture.

a. o f g reat in terest
b. first in im p o rtan ce
c. a cau se o f joy
d. a reaso n to act


A. Find words in Ihe reading lhal go togelher with .he words below to make phrases.
t - _ _ _ _ norm
2. _____
th e ir heads
3. opt
4. _ _ grip
5. b u s in e s s ___
6. _____ of the
7. su p p o sed
8. restricted

146 U NIT 14
B. Complete the sentences with the phrases from Part A.

1. If you m ake a _______________________ , you p erfo rm a trade, purchase,

sale, o r o th e r type of m oney- o r b u sin ess-related activity.
2. If p e o p le -----------------------------------, they b en d th e ir h eads fo rw ard and
dow n as a sign o f greeting o r agreem ent.
3. If you a r e ------------------------------------do som ething, you are expected to do
it because o f duty, law, o r custom .
4. Usual o r expected b eh av io r i s _______________________
5. If y o u _______________________ so m ething, you choose it.
6. A _______________________is a quick m ovem ent u p a n d dow n of th e line
of h a ir above th e eyes.
7. W hen so m eth in g is done only for a certain p u rp o se o r used for only a
p a rtic u la r g roup, it i s _______________________ th at pu rp o se o r group.
8. W hen you have a very tight hold on som ething, you have a
_______________________on it.

c. Now use the phrases in your own sentences.

Example: I was supposed to be at work early, but I slept late.

Work with a partner to answer the questions. Use complete sentences.

1. W hat is a priority in y o u r life now ?

2. In y o u r cu ltu re, w h at does it m ean w hen people nod their heads?
3. W hat is one co m m o n business transaction th a t people m ake?
4. W here can you see people app la u d?
5. W hen w ould you w an t to have a firm grip o n som ething?
6. W hat b eh av io r o r clo th in g is restricted to a certain g ro u p in y o u r culture?
7. In y our cu lture, w h at are you supposed to do if a teach er enters the room?
8. W hat is the norm w hen you get to g eth er w ith friends after w ork o r school?

How Do Greetings Differ Around the World? 147

C o m pr eh e n sio n


Some of the following statements are main ideas, and some are supporting statements.
Some of them are stated directly in the reading. Find the statements. Write M for each
main idea. Write s for each supporting statement.

1. T here is a ran g e of different greetings aro u n d the w orld.

2. E u ro p ea n g reetings vary from shaking h an d s to kissing.
3. In B elgium , it’s one kiss for a person ab o u t th e sam e age as you,
b ut th ree kisses to show respect for a person w ho is m ore th an ten
years older.
4. In m any Asian countries, people like to exchange business cards
w hen they first m eet, b u t they have special cu sto m s for doing this.
5. To show resp ect for the o th e r person, they use b o th h an d s when
giving an d tak in g a card, an d they take tim e to study the o th er
p e rso n s card before p u ttin g it away.

Reread the passage and answer the questions. Write complete sentences.

1. W hy do A m ericans look people in th e eye w hen they greet them ?

2. W hat is the usual greeting in m ost Asian cultures?

3. W hy do the Senegalese rep eat a p e rso n ’s fam ily nam e w hen they are
g reeting him o r her?

4. W hat is the tra d itio n a l greeting in Jap an ?

5. W hat does th e kunik greeting of the In u it people involve?

6. W hen you are ap p lau d ed by a g ro u p of C hinese, w h at m u st you do?

148 U N IT 14
7. When do m ost Arabs shake hands?

8. W hat is the kissing custom in the N etherlands?

Some of the following statements can be inferred, or guessed, from the reading and
others cannot. Circle the number of each statement that can be inferred.

1. A Jap an e se m an w ould n ot be co m fo rtab le if som eone greeted him w ith

an em brace.
2. In India, you d o n 't see people kissing o r em b racin g w hen they m eet.
3. In E u ro p e, people d o n ’t like to shake h an d s very m uch.
4. In som e cu ltu res, people ask q u estio n s w hen they greet because they
w an t to know m o re a b o u t each other.
5. An A m erican w ould p ro b ab ly n o t tru s t som eone w ho gave a w eak
h an d sh ak e w ith eyes averted.
6. If you w ere talking w ith a m an from Senegal, it w ould be n eith e r unusual
n o r im polite for him to in te rru p t y o u r con v ersatio n several tim es.
7. S o u th A m ericans d o n ’t know ab o u t the greeting cu sto m s of E uropeans.
8. If you d o n ’t know th e g reeting cu sto m s of a co u n try in w hich you are
traveling, you m ight do so m eth in g th a t people th in k is very rude.

D isc u ssio n

Discuss the answers to these questions with your classmates.

1. W hat do g reetings tell us a b o u t a culture?

2. W hy is it im p o rta n t for people to learn the cu sto m s a n d values of people
in o th e r co u n tries?
3. In som e cu ltu res, people spend a lot of tim e a n d use "sm all talk” (casual
con v ersatio n a b o u t th e w eather, fam ily m em bers, etc.) w hen greeting
others. In o th e r cu ltu res, tim e is very valuable, an d people elim inate
sm all talk. W hich style do you prefer? W hy?
4. W hen do you use sm all talk in y o u r culture?

How Do Greetings Differ Around the World? 149

W r it in g

On separate paper, write a paragraph or an essay about one of the following topics:

1. W hen a n d how do you greet an d say farew ell in y o u r culture?

2. How an d w hen do you give gifts in y o u r culture?
3. To w hom do you show respect in y o u r cu ltu re? How do you show

We use forms of o th e r as adjectives or pronouns to mean “more things or
people of the same kind.”
• Another means one more in addition to the one we already have talked about.
How you shake someone's hand in one country may differ from a custom
in another. (= one more country)
• Other or others (without the) means several more in addition to the one(s) we
already talked about.
Filipinos are more touch-oriented than oth e r Asian cultures.
Of the Asian peoples, Filipinos are more touch-oriented than others.
• The other or the others means all that is remaining from a specific group.
(Note: the others is often used with all or all of.)
There are two forms of greeting in Asia: one is the bow and the other is a
light handshake.
In Senegal, the custom of greeting is more important than all the others.
• Each other and one another are reciprocal pronouns. Each other usually
refers to two subjects and one another to more than two; however, we use
either of the two forms in informal English.
In India, people greet each other with “Namaste."
In Britain, a group of friends might greet one another with a simple “Hi!"

150 UN IT 14
Complete the sentences with a form of other from the list below. You may use the
words more than once.
another oth er others the other the others each other

1. In S pain, it’s a tw o-kiss greeting. You kiss one cheek and then

2. In som e co u n tries, they kiss; i n _________________ they shake hands.

3. A m ericans l o o k ________________ in the eyes w hen they shake hands.
4. In som e p arts o f F rance, they have a tw o-kiss greeting, in
________________ they m ay have a four-kiss greeting.
5. I kissed m y friend tw ice w hen I saw her, b u t she w as expecting
________________ , as th re e kisses is the cu sto m in th a t p art of the
6. In som e Asian co u n trie s, tw o people bow t o _________________ In
________________ co u n trie s in Asia, they give a light h andshake.
7. F ran ce is the only E u ro p e an co u n try w hich has up to a five-kiss greeting;
a l l ____________________have only a two- o r three-kiss greeting.
8. In K orea, so m etim es m en have tw o form s of greeting, one after
_________________ First, it's a h an d sh ak e an d then a bow.
9. In Senegal, it is disresp ectfu l not to acknow ledge the existence of
________________ h u m a n being.
10. In B ritain, one friend m ay g reet you w ith, "How are you?” and
w ith, "Hi!"

How Do Greetings Differ Around the World? 151

B efore yo u read

Answer these questions.

1. W ho w as a g reat lead er o f y o u r country?

2. W ho are som e fam o u s w orld leaders of th e past?
3. W ho are som e fam o u s w orld leaders of th e present?

w h y Is N apoleon Famous?

1 Many portraits of Napoleon show him with his right hand placed
inside his coat or shirt. In fact, there was nothing wrong with Napoleon's
hand. At the time, portrait painters thought this p o se m ade m en look
m ore d ign ified . Also, they had one less hand to draw and paint. Looking
at his portraits, we can tell that Napoleon was an im portant person. But
who was this man?
2 Napoleon B onaparte was born in 1769 on the French island of
Corsica, not far from the coast of Italy. He was one of fourteen children.
As a boy, Napoleon loved to play soldiers with his brothers. When he was
old enough, his parents sent him to m ilitary school to learn how to
becom e a real soldier. After he com pleted his training at the military
school, Napoleon becam e an officer in the French army.
3 Four years later, in 1789, there was a sudden and violent change in
France. Tired of paying heavy taxes so the king and his nobles could live
in luxury, poor and middle-class people started a revolution. They
executed the king and queen and m any of their royal friends and then
d ecla red France a republic where all people were to pay taxes according
to their wealth.
4 When the rulers of other European countries heard w hat happened

in France, they thought they, too, would lo se co n tro l over their

countries. Austria and Britain w en t to w ar w ith the new republic of
France. Napoleon was a brilliant officer and was only twenty-seven years
old when he was m ade Com m ander-in-Chief of the French arm y in Italy.
He won one victory after another, d e fe a tin g the Austrians in eighteen
battles. Then he moved his arm y to Egypt to stop the British trade route
to India. He w o n a victory over the Egyptians in 1798 at the Battle of the
Pyramids. In 1799, his troops in Egypt discovered the Rosetta stone, an
im portant object which helped people to understand ancient Egyptian
writing for the first time. Napoleon had with him scholars from many
fie ld s who w anted to set up schools in Egypt. One group of scholars
studied the pyram ids and started the science of Egyptology. However, the
British destroyed Napoleon s ships and he lost the Rosetta stone to them.
Then Napoleon decided to return to France.
5 When Napoleon returned to France, he was appointed first consul.
The French needed a strong ru ler at this time, and Napoleon was one. He
becam e consul for life in 1802, and in 1804, Napoleon declared himself

Why Is Napoleon Fam ous? 153

em peror of France. The Pope cam e from Rome to perform th e
cerem ony. Napoleon, richly dressed, listened to the service. Then
Napoleon took the crown before the Pope could take it, and he put it on
his own head. He did this to show that he got the crown because of his
w isd om and m ilitary skill; he was not simply given the honor by the Pope.
6 Soon afterw ard, Napoleon m ade him self m aster of alm ost all of
Europe. He co n q u ered Austria in 1805 and Prussia in 1806. Then he
formed an alliance with Russia, and he made one of his brothers the king
of Spain and an o th er brother king of Holland.
7 In France, he ruled wisely and well, and he restored law and order
after the revolution. He reorganized the French government and the Bank
of France. He built many fine roads and improved the old ones. He turned
Paris into a beautiful city with wide streets, fine bridges, and beautiful
buildings and m onum ents, such as the Arc de Triomphe. More im portant
still, he improved the laws. To this day, his Napoleonic Code is the
fou n d ation of European law, as well as of laws in Central and South
America and Quebec in Canada. Napoleon wrote the Codes original 2,281
articles himself, although he was completely self-taught in legal m atters.
The Code created a legal system in which all citizens were equal. It was so
clearly written that it could be read and understood by ordinary people at
a time when all laws were w ritten in Latin and understood by only a few.
8 Napoleon was a genius as an arm y com m ander. He conquered the
huge Austrian Em pire and ruled Italy, Switzerland, and Germany. He had
the largest em pire seen in Europe since the days of the ancient Romans.
The only country he could not defeat was Britain, losing to the British in
1805 in the Battle of Trafalgar. Then, in 1812, Napoleon m ade his biggest
m istake by invading Russia. He entered Moscow, but he found that
nearly all the people had left. There were fires all over the city, and most
of it was destroyed. With no place to house his soldiers and no food for
them to eat in the b itter Russian winter, Napoleon had no c h o ic e but to
retreat. Napoleon lost half a million men in Russia. When he was finally
defeated, he was sent to the island of Elba in the M editerranean. By 1814,
one million Frenchm en were dead. Napoleon was h u m iliated .
9 After ten m onths in Elba, Napoleon escaped, went back to France,
and declared him self em peror again. He ruled for 100 days. In the
m eantim e, the Europeans gathered their arm ies to end his rule. The
com bined arm ies, led by the British Duke of Wellington, defeated
Napoleon at W aterloo in 1815. After this, he was sent to the island of St.

154 UN IT 15
Helena in the Atlantic Ocean, where he died six years later at age fifty-
two. We do not know w hat Napoleon died of exactly. Some doctors
argued that he died of cancer; others sav he was poisoned.
10 Napoleon was a m ilitary genius and had a brilliant m ind. He fought
m any w ars and thought there would not be peace in Europe until the
continent was under one ruler—himself. Perhaps Napoleon would have
been an even greater ruler had he not been driven by his love of power.

V ocabulary

Circle the letter of the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word.

1. H is N apoleonic code is th e fo u n d atio n of E u ro p ean law.

a. h istory
b. basis
c. ex p lan atio n
d. tru th

2. N apoleon h ad w ith him sch o la rs from m any fields.

a. places of b irth
b. kinds o f schools
c. areas of know ledge
d. types of g o vernm ents

3. T here w as no place to ho u se his soldiers in th e b itte r R ussian winter.

a. long
b. cold
c. d ark
d. em pty

4. He w on o n e victory after another, defeating the A ustrians in eighteen

a. jo in in g
b. tricking
c. d irectin g
d. b eating

Why Is Napoleon Fam ous?

5. M any p o rtra its o f N apoleon show him in a pose w ith his rig h t h an d
placed inside his coat.
a. o u tfit
b. hairstyle
c. po sitio n
d. m ovem ent

6. N apoleon w as h u m iliated w hen he w as defeated.

a. sh am ed
b. p u n ish ed
c. p raised
d. to rtu re d

7. He got th e crow n because of his ow n w isdom an d m ilitary skill.

a. stren g th
b. courage
c. know ledge
d. talent

8. P o rtra it p ain ters th o u g h t th is pose m ad e m en look m ore d ignified.

a. h an d so m e
b. young
c. serious
d. intelligent

9. They declared F rance a republic.

a. officially stated
b. inform ally decided
c. p u t into w ritin g
d. voted into law

10. N apoleon c o n q u ered A ustria in 1805.

a. w ent to live in
b. tried to co n tro l
c. set free
d. took co n tro l o f by force

156 U NIT 15
A. Find words in the reading that go together with the words below to make phrases.

1. ________________ co n tro l
2. ________________ th e cerem ony
3. h a d ________________ c h o ic e _________________ to
4. law a n d ________________
5. ________________ to w a r w ith
6. ________________ a victory
7. d r iv e n ______________

B. Complete the sentences with the phrases from Part A.

1. W hen p e o p le _______________________, they do c e rta in actio n s th a t are the

cu sto m at an im p o rta n t public, social, o r religious occasion.
2. If a c o u n tr y __________________________ a n o th e r country, th e re w ould be
fighting betw een the tw o n atio n s.
3. If you w ere forced to do so m eth in g even though you d id n ’t really w ant to
do it, th e n y o u do th a t u n w an ted action.
4. If you have a forceful q u ality of m in d o r sp irit th a t m akes you get things
do n e o r p erfo rm ce rtain actio n s, th en you a r e ______________________
th at force.
5. W hen y o u of som ething, you no longer have
pow er o r co m m an d over it.
6. To have succeeded in a w ar o r any kind o f struggle is to have

7. W hen th e people are governed an d controlled, th ere is

_______________________ in th a t place.

c. Now use the phrases in your own sentences.

Example: The young wom an was driven by a strong desire to succeed in business.

Work with a partner to answer the questions. Use complete sentences.

1. How do people behave w hen they lose control? N am e tw o things they do.
2. W hat fields o f study in terest you the m ost?

Why Is Napoleon Fam ous? 157

3. W hy is it im p o rta n t to have law and order in a society?
4. W hat are som e c h a ra cte ristics of a dignified person?
5. W hat co n d itio n s m ight exist in a bitter w inter?
6. W hat are tw o co u n trie s th a t w ent to w ar w ith each other?
7. W hat is a typical pose of a fashion m odel? A w orld leader? Arock star?
8. W as th ere ever a tim e w hen you had no choice b u t to do so m eth in g you
really d id n ’t w an t to do? E xplain the situ atio n .

C o m pr e h e n sio n


Look at the reading to find the answers to the following questions.

1. W hat is th e m ain idea of p ara g ra p h 3?

2. W hich sen ten ce co n tain s the m ain idea of p arag rap h 6?

3. H ow did N apoleon rule F rance wisely and well?

4. H ow did the E u ro p ea n s finally defeat N apoleon?

Reread the passage and cừcle the letter of the best answer.

1. In 1804, N apoleon declared h im s e lf __________

a. first consul
b. e m p e ro r of F rance
c. consul for life
d. e m p ero r for life

158 U N IT 15
2. The onlv co u n try th a t N apoleon could n o t defeat w as _
a. Italy
b. B ritain
c. S w itzerland
d. G erm any

3. In 1789, t h e ___________ sta rte d a revolution in France.

a. king an d his nobles
b. F rench arm y led by N apoleon
c. p o o r an d m iddle-class people
d. A ustrian E m p ire

4. The N apoleonic Code is th e fo u n d atio n for laws i n ____

a. E u ro p e
b. th e U nited S tates
c. Asian co u n trie s
d. R ussia

5. N apoleon w as b o m ___________
a. on th e co ast of Italy
b. in Paris
c. on C orsica
d. in A ustria

6. The N apoleonic Code created a legal system in w hich _

a. th e king an d his nobles w ere n o t taxed
b. th e arm y ru led by force
c. the co u n try w as divided in to u p p e r and low er classes
d. all citizens w ere equal

7. At age fifty-two, N apoleon d i e d ___________

a. at W aterloo
b. on th e island o f E lba
c. in th e Battle of Trafalgar
d. on th e island o f St. H elena

Why Is Napoleon Fam ous? 159

8. N apoleon m oved his arm y to Egypt t o ___________
a. sto p th e B ritish tra d e ro u te to India
b. find th e R o setta stone
c. b rin g sch o lars to set u p schools
d. defeat the A ustrians


Some of the following statements can be inferred, or guessed, from the reading and
others cannot. Circle the number of each statement that can be inferred.

1. The R ussians b u rn e d M oscow as p a rt of th e ir strategy to defeat

N apoleon.
2. N apoleon did not like the Pope.
3. N apoleon believed th a t all people should u n d e rsta n d th e ir laws.
4. If N apoleon had not been defeated at W aterloo, he w ould have ruled
F rance for at least a n o th e r tw enty years.
5. N apoleon w as a b rillian t lead er w ho believed in equality and ju stice for
6. N apoleon believed th a t u n d e r his rule, all of E u ro p e w ould be at peace.
7. The sch o lars th at N apoleon b ro u g h t w ith him to Egypt failed to do any
w ork there.
8. W hen N apoleon w as young, he w asn ’t in terested in becom ing a soldier.

D isc u ssio n

Discuss the answers to these questions with your classmates.

1. W hat are the q u alities of a g reat leader?

2. W hat has led to the defeat of g reat leaders an d co u n tries in the past?
3. N am e at least th ree types of governm ents. W hat are the good p oints and
bad p o ints o f each tvpe?
4. If you could be th e lead er of y o u r country, w h at changes w ould you
m ake?

160 UNIT 15
W r it in g
On separate paper, write a paragraph or an essay about one of the following topics:

1. D escribe one o r tw o o f y o u r b est qualities. Give exam ples.

2. W rite a d efin itio n o f love. D escribe tw o types of love, su ch as love of
p o w er o r love o f money.
3. W hat is y o u r goal o r am b itio n in life? H ow are you going to achieve it?

We use conjunctions such as and, but, and or to connect words or
phrases. The words before and after these conjunctions must have the
same grammatical form. This means there is parallel structure.
Napoleon's right hand was placed in his coat or shirt, (nouns)
The revolution was sudden and violent, (adjectives)
He ruled wisely and well, (adverbs)
He entered Moscow, but he found that the people had left, (verbs)

Rewrite the incorrect sentences with correct parallel structure. Use correct
word forms.

1. N apoleon h ad m ilitary skill a n d wise.

2. The p o o r people of F ran ce p aid high taxes a n d starving.

3. They sta rte d a revolution a n d executing the king an d queen.

4. A fter th e revolution, N apoleon resto red law an d orderly.

5. He reo rg an ized th e F ren ch g o v ern m en t a n d build m any roads.

Why Is Napoleon Fam ous? 161

6. N apoleon lost his sh ip p in g a n d the R osetta sto n e to the B ritish.

7. N apoleon took his arm y to Egvpt, b u t he also took m en of learn in g and


8. W hen N apoleon e n te red M oscow it w as a cold an d em p tin ess city.

9. N apoleon w as pow erful an d brilliantly.

10. N apoleon is resp o n sib le for the w ide boulevards, the beautiful buildings,
an d th e m o n u m en tal in P aris today.

UN IT 15
Who Invented
the World
Wide Web?

B efore YOU READ

Answer these questions.

1. Do you use a co m p u ter? If so, w h at do you m ostly use it for?

2. W hat are th e In te rn et an d th e W orld W ide Web used for?
3. H ow im p o rta n t are co m p u ters in society today? W hy?

w h o Invented the World Wide Web?
1 Tim Berners-Lee is not a h o u se h o ld n am e like Bill Gates. He is not
ou trageou sly rich o r famous. He could have been, but he didn’t w ant to
be. Tim Bemers-Lee is a quiet m an who does not like the sp o tlig h t. He
is the m an who invented the World Wide Web and revolutionized the
Internet. Bem ers-Lee’s invention perm its anyone with a com puter to
easily access a vast am ount of inform ation on any subject. This is a great
con trib u tion to the use of com puters and to society. Some people believe
it is as im portant as G utenberg’s printing press.
2 Tim Bemers-Lee was b o m in London, England, in 1955. He grew up
in a family that talked a lot about com puters and m ath, since both of his
parents were com puter scientists who worked on the design of the first
com m ercial computer. As a small child, he m ade com puters out of
cardboard boxes. Later, when he attended Oxford University to study
physics, he m ade his first real computer. He constructed it out of various
parts of a m achine and an old television set. He graduated from Oxford
in 1976, and in the next few years worked for a few high-tech com panies
in England.
3 Around 1980, Bem ers-Lee was hired for a short period of tim e at the
European Particle Physics Laboratory (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland. It
was there that he created a software program called Enquire that lin k ed
docum ents in the laboratory's inform ation system. The purpose of this
system was to store a vast am ount of inform ation that could be accessed
in a very short tim e span. This was the basis for the tool he later created
and nam ed the World Wide Web.
4 Bemers-Lee left CERN to work for another com puter com pany for a
few years. W hen he returned, he found that his Enquire program had
been forgotten. He suggested to his em ployer that Enquire could be
expanded with graphics, text, and video to work on a worldwide basis
using the Internet, which had been invented in 1989. But CERN was not
a com pany that could develop such a project. So Bemers-Lee worked on
his own and created the World Wide Web.
5 Many people think that the World Wide Web and the Internet are the
same thing, but they actu ally are not. The Internet is like a large bridge
that connects millions of com puters around the world and makes it
possible for them to com m unicate with each other. There are different ways
to send and receive information over the Internet. These include e-mail,

164 U N IT 16
instant m essaging, and, of course, the Web. Each of these ways uses a
special set of rules that sends information over the bridge of the Internet.
6 The World Wide Web went on the Internet in 1991. In the beginning,
it only had 600,000 users, mostly people in the educational field. But
after a while, com puter users understood the new m ed iu m . By 2002,
it was estim ated that some 600 million people worldwide were using
the Web.
7 Undoubtedly, Bemers-Lee m ust have tu rn ed d o w n num erous offers
with which he could have m ade a lot of money. But making money is not
his goal. He is an idealist whose m ain pu rsuit is knowledge. In 1994,
B erners-Lee jo ined the L aboratory for C om puter Science at the
M assachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.). He has been working
there quietly since, and his earnings as director are probably no more
than $90,000 a year. He keeps a lo w p rofile and can walk the streets of
his city unrecognized. He can devote tim e to his wife and two children.
8 By 1995, Internet and World Wide Web were fam iliar words.
These inventions m ade a huge im p a ct o n m odern business and
com m unication. The Web has become a way for many businesses to sell
themselves and their products. Companies started to include Web
addresses on their business cards and in their advertising. On com puter
screens today, there are flashing and moving images and advertising of
all kinds.
9 Now, some people think there are things on the Web that are
d istastefu l. They w ant governm ents to keep this kind of m aterial off of
the Web. But Bemers-Lee thinks the Web should not be cen sored . He
said, "You don’t go down the street, after all, picking up every piece of
paper blowing in the breeze. If you find that a search engine gives you
garbage, don't use it. If you don’t like your paper, don’t buy it.”
(Technology Review, 1996 July, pp. 32-40)
10 Bemers-Lee is concerned about security on the Web. He suggests
having an on-screen icon called, "Oh, Yeah?” that can be used by
som eone who is unsure about som ething they see on the Web. For
example, if som eone was shopping online and w anted to make sure that
they could trust the company, he o r she could click on the icon to receive
confirm ation that it was safe.
11 Berners-Lee has received num erous aw ards for his work on the Web,
including a knighthood in 2003 by Queen Elizabeth II for services to the
global developm ent of the Internet. This now makes him “Sir Timothy

Who Invented the World Wide Web? 165

Berners-Lee.” Bem ers-Lee has fought hard to keep the World Wide Web
open with no ownership, so it is free for all of us to use. We do not know
how Bemers-Lee will shape the future of the Web. He hopes the Web will
becom e a tool for social change and w ants to be a part of that
development. The World Wide Web has already revolutionized the way
the world learns; now Bem ers-Lee hopes it can make the world a better
place to live.

V ocabulary

Circle the letter of the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word.

1. The p u rp o se o f th is system w as to store a vast a m o u n t of inform ation.

a. use
b. create
c. p u t to g eth er
d. keep

2. A fter a w hile, c o m p u te r u sers u n d ersto o d the new m e d iu m .

a. m ach in e used to send in fo rm atio n
b. w ay o f co m m u n icatin g
c. subject to study
d. know ledge to com p lete a task

3. B erners-Lee th in k s th e W eb should not be ce n so re d .

a. exam ined for rem oval
b. ad d ed to
c. changed
d. sold

4. B em ers-L ee is a q u iet m a n w ho does n o t like the sp o tlig h t.

a. loud noise
b. crow ded areas
c. a lot o f atten tio n
d. lots o f m oney

166 UNIT 16
5. Som e people th in k th ere are th ings on the Web th a t are d istastefu l.
a. likeable
b. com p licated
c. u n p leasan t
d. in co rrect

6. B em ers-L ee created a softw are p ro g ram called E n q u ire th at linked

d o cu m en ts.
a. sep arated
b. co nnected
c. discovered
d. saved

7. He is an idealist w hose m ain p u rsu it is know ledge.

a. effort
b. problem
c. fear
d. idea

8. He is not o u trag eo u sly rich o r fam ous.

a. o u tw ard ly
b. unkindly
c. u n d e rsta n d ab ly
d. shockingly

9. M any people th in k th at th e W orld W ide Web a n d the In te rn et are the

sam e thing, b u t they actually are not.
a. unbelievably
b. alm o st
c. usually
d. truly

10. He suggests having an on-screen icon called, "Oh, Yeah?”

a. w ord
b. p ictu re
c. p ro g ram
d. key

W ho Invented the World Wide Web?

A. Find words in the reading that go together with the words below to make phrases.

1. i m p a c t ________________
2. ________________ m essaging
3. c o n tr ib u tio n ________________
4. ________________ span
5. t u r n e d ________________
6. _________________ profile
7. ________________ nam e

B. Complete the sentences with the phrases from Part A.

1. If y o u _______________________ som ething, you refused it.

2. ------------------------------------is a very fast w ay to co m m u n icate w ith som eone
over the In tern et.
3. If som eone is fam o u s an d everybody know s a b o u t him o r her, th en he or
she is a _______________________
4. If an object, idea, situ atio n , o r perso n has an effect on others, it has an
______________________ them .
5. A length of tim e over w hich so m eth in g co n tin u es is a

6. If you avoid d raw in g a tte n tio n to yourself an d y o u r actions, you are

keeping a _______________________
7. If you are doing so m eth in g to help o th ers, you are m aking a
______________________ th em o r th e ir cause.

c. Now use the phrases in your own sentences.

Example: I turned down the job offer because it didn't pay enough money.

Work with a partner to answer the questions. Use complete sentences.

1. W hat are th ree im p o rta n t inventions of th e tw en tieth cen tu ry th a t had an

im pact on p eo p les lives?
2. W ho is outrageouslx rich o r fam ous in y o u r country?
3. W hat is censored in y o u r country?
4. W hat kind o f b eh av io r do you find distasteful?
! U N IT 16
5. W hat p erso n has m ad e an im p o rta n t contribution to y o u r happiness?
6. W ho in y o u r co u n try is a household n a m e ?
7. W hat w ould you do if you h ad to keep a low profile?
8. W here in y o u r hom e can you store things?

C o m p r e h e n sio n


Circle the letter of the best answer.

1. P arag rap h 2 is m ostly a b o u t ___________

a. w here B erners-L ee grew up
b. th e influence of B erners-L ee’s p a re n ts on his care e r
c. B erners-L ee’s achiev em en ts at Oxford
d. B erners-Lee's earliest efforts w ith co m p u ters

2. P arag ra p h 5 is m ostly a b o u t how th e I n te r n e t ___________

a. is like a bridge
b. w orks
c. is d ifferent from th e W eb
d. uses special rules

3. The m ain idea of p a ra g ra p h 8 is t h a t ___________

a. th e Internet an d World Wide Web are fam iliar w ords to people
b. businesses use th e W eb to sell them selves a n d th e ir p ro d u cts
c. th e In te rn et a n d the W orld W ide Web have m ade a big im pact on
b u siness an d co m m u n ica tio n
d. co m p an ies have started to in clude Web addresses on th eir business
card s an d advertising

4. P arag rap h 10 is m ainly a b o u t h o w ___________

a. B erners-L ee w an ts to have an on-screen icon called "Oh, Yeah?”
b. B erners-L ee w an ts to im prove security on the Web
c. an o n lin e sh o p p er m ig h t n o t tru st a com pany
d. people c a n ’t sh o p safely on th e Web

W ho Invented the World Wide Web?

Reread the passage and answer the questions. Write complete sentences.

1. How m any u sers did th e W orld W ide W eb have at the beginning, an d

w ho w ere they?

2. W hat kind of w ork did B em ers-L ee’s p a re n ts do?

3. W hat has B erners-Lee fought h ard to do?

4. W hat do som e people w an t governm ents to do on the Web?

5. W hat did th e E n q u ire p ro g ram do?

6. W hat are th re e d ifferent w ays to tra n sp o rt in fo rm atio n over the Internet?

7. W hv did Q ueen E lizab eth II give B erners-L ee a knighthood?

8. W hat does the W orld W ide Web p erm it c o m p u te r users to do?

The answers to these questions can be inferred, or guessed, from the reading. Circle
the letter of the best answer.

1. The read in g im plies t h a t __________

a. B em ers-L ee w ould like m ore people to acknow ledge his g reat
b. the W orld W ide Web is n o t as im p o rta n t as m any people say it is
c. th e W orld W ide W eb can be co m p ared to the g reatest inventions in
histo ry
d. th e W orld W ide W eb h ad only a sm all effect on th e In te rn et
2. F rom th e reading, you can conclude t h a t ___________
a. Berners-Lee's p a re n ts w ere a b ad influence o n him
b. B em ers-L ee grew u p p o o r
c. B em ers-L ee’s ch ild h o o d h ad a lot to do w ith his success
d. B erners-Lee knew n o th in g a b o u t co m p u ters u n til he g rad u ated from
O xford

3. F rom th e reading, you can con clu d e th a t the W orld W ide Web was

a. not an im m ed iate success

b. a big success rig h t after it w as invented
c. a d isap p o in tm e n t to m any people
d. only for people in th e field of c o m p u te r science

4. F rom th e reading, it can be co n clu ded th a t B e m e rs -L e e ___________

a. knew from th e b eg inning th a t his E n q u ire p ro g ram w ould be used
w orldw ide
b. believes that w ork an d family are m ore im p o rtan t th an fam e and fortune
c. w ishes he h ad never invented th e W orld W ide Web
d. th in k s he has n o t received th e m oney he deserves for his invention

5. T he read in g im plies th a t B e m e rs -L e e ___________

a. is n ot in terested in the fu tu re o f th e W orld W ide Web
b. th in k s people sh o u ld co n tin u e u sing the Web even if they don't like it
c. w ould like to see all h arm fu l in fo rm atio n taken off the Web
d. w an ts his invention to be good for society

D isc u ssio n

Discuss the answers to these questions with your classmates.

1. W hat are the positive a n d negative aspects o f the W orld W ide Web?
2. H ow can th e W orld W ide Web be used as a tool for social change? Is
social ch an g e alw ays a good thing? w h y o r w hy not?
3. H ow has the W orld W ide Web m ad e the w orld a b e tte r place?
4. S hould B em ers-L ee have accep ted fam e a n d fortune? W hat is your
op in io n of th e choices he has m ad e in his life?

W ho Invented the World Wide Web? 171

W r it in g

On separate paper, write a paragraph or an essay about one of the following topics:

1. W hat are th e ad v an tag es a n d / o r disadvantages of using the In te rn e t or

th e W orld W ide Web?
2. S hould th e W orld W ide Web be censored? Give reasons.
3. H ow has th e W orld W ide W eb changed the w ay people buy things?



1. Usually, the is not used with nouns that represent a general group or
the idea of something. However, the is used when referring to an
invention in general.
He works with computers, kyt He invented the computer.

2. The has special uses in references to the media (ways of

communicating). For example, when referring to the radio and television
media, we say:
I listen to the radio a lot. but I watch a lot of television.

However, we do use the when talking about an actual television set.

I turned off the television and went to work.

Fill in the blanks with the or X for no definite article.

1. -------------------------p rin tin g press is one of th e w orld s m ost im p o rta n t

2. H e p u t _________________ television in his bedroom .
3. ________________ co m p u te r has changed o u r lives.
4. W hen he w as a child, his p a re n ts often talked a b o u t ________________
co m p u ters.
5. -------------------------in sta n t m essage m ay be the fastest w ay to
co m m u n icate today.

172 U NIT 16
6. The tw en tieth cen tu ry b ro u g h t am azin g investions i n _____________
7. B e f o r e _________________ television, we h a d _________________ radio.
8. _________________ society is b e tte r today b ecause of th e In tern et.
9. W hen w a s c o m p u te r invented?
10. Do you p refer to play c o m p u te r gam es o r to w a t c h -----------------------

Who Invented the World Wide Web? 173

Units 9 -1 6

A. S en t en c e c o m p l e t io n

Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. CyberAngels i s _____________ th e W eb safer for us to use.

a. an o rg an izatio n th a t m akes c. a o rg an izatio n th at m akes
b. o rg an izatio n th a t m akes d. an o rg an izatio n th a t m ake

2. M any p e o p le --------------------to clim b Everest, but none w ere successful

u n til 1953.
a. are tried c. have tried
b. had tried d. try

3. ------------------ R enaissance as th e beginning of m o d e m history.

a. Som e people th in k th a t the c. Som e people th in k ab o u t the
b. Som e people th in k o f the d. Any people th in k of the

4. Football h a s _____________ players th a n any o th e r sport.

a. th e m ost c. m ore
b. m any d. as m uch

5. C o n v ic ts --------------------w estern A ustralia, b u t aro u n d 1850, th e colony

th ere asked for them .
a. have never been sen t to c. had never been sent to
b. had ever been sen t to d. never sent to

6. E u ro p e an g r e e tin g s _____________
a. variety from sh ak in g c. vary from shaking han d s
to kissing to kiss
b. varies from sh ak in g h an d s d. vary from shaking hands
to kissing to kissing

174 Self-Test 2
7. N apoleon w a s _____________ arm y com m ander.
a. an o u tsta n d in g as c. o u tstan d in g as a
b. o u tsta n d in g as an d. o u tstan d in g

8. Tim B erners-Lee i s _____________ invented th e W orld W ide Web.

a. : th e m an w ho c. , the m an w ho
b. th e m an w ho d. th e m an; w ho

B. V ocabulary

Complete the sentences. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The G u ard ian Angels took back n e ig h b o rh o o d s _____________ crim e.

a. pleased w ith c. restricted to
b. infested w ith d. betray ed by

2. Today, M ount E verest h as lost t h e _____________ it once had.

a. p rio rity c. severity
b. task d. appeal

3. D uring the R enaissance, th e a r t s _____________

a. en co u rag ed c. collapsed
b. flourished d. d ared

4. Up to 1999, th e W orld Cup w as h e l d ____________ in E u ro p e an d the

A m ericas, b ut since th en it has been held in Asian co u n tries as well.
a. eventually c. actually
b. ap p ro p riately d. altern ately

5. C onditions on the first ships tra n sp o rtin g convicts to A ustralia w ere

a. dep lo rab le c. distasteful

b. h u m iliated d. u n p reced en ted

6. The usual A m erican g reeting is a h an d sh ak e w ith a __

a. firm g rip c. physical co ndition
b. dow n p ay m en t d. tim e sp an

Self-Test 2 175
7. N apoleon w as . power.
a. pleased w ith c. know n as
b. assigned to d. driven by

8. We d o n ’t h e a r m u ch ab o u t the m an w ho invented the Web because he

d o e sn ’t like t h e _____________
a. p u rsu it c. su m m it
b. spotlight d. m edium

c. G ra m m a r a n d p u n c tu a tio n
Circle the letter of the sentence or sentences with the correct grammar and punctuation.

1. a. G u ard ian Angels is a v o lu n teer o rg an izatio n th a t p ro tects th e people

from the crim inals.
b. G u ard ian Angels is v o lu n teer o rg an izatio n th a t pro tects people from
crim inals.
c. G u ard ian Angels is a v o lu n teer o rg an izatio n th at pro tects people from
th e crim inals.
d. G u ard ian Angels is a v o lu n teer o rg an izatio n th a t p ro tects people from
crim in als.

2. a. M ount Everest is in th e H im alayas, a m o u n tain range in the India, the

N epal, an d the Tibet.
b. M ount Everest is in th e H im alayas, a m o u n ta in range in India, Nepal,
an d Tibet.
c. The M ount E verest is in H im alayas, a m o u n tain range in the India,
N epal, an d Tibet.
d. M ount Everest is in H im alayas, a m o u n tain range in India, Nepal, and

3. a. The a rt o f th e R enaissance began in F lorence alth o u g h it sp read to

o th e r cities.
b. A lthough the a rt of the R enaissance sp read to o th e r cities, it began in
c. The a rt of th e R enaissance sp read to o th e r cities th o u g h it began in
d. The a rt o f th e R enaissance sp read to o th e r cities. It began in Florence,
176 Self-Test 2
4. a. F ootball is th e m ost p o p u la r sp o rt in w orld.
b. F ootball is m ost p o p u la r sp o rt in w orld.
c. F ootball is th e m ost p o p u la r sp o rt in th e w orld.
d. F ootball is m ost p o p u la r sp o rt in the w orld.

5. a. The B ritish gov ern m en t h as sh ip p ed convicts to A m erica u n til the

settlem en t in N ew S o u th W ales w as established.
b. T he B ritish g o v ern m en t sh ip p ed convicts to A m erica until the
settlem en t in New S o u th W ales is established.
c. The B ritish g o v ern m en t h ad sh ip p ed convicts to A m erica until the
settlem en t in N ew S o u th W ales w as established.
d. T he B ritish g o v ern m en t h a d sh ip p in g convicts to A m erica until the
settlem en t in New S o u th W ales w as established.

6. a. In som e co u n trie s, th e greetin g is a kiss. In other, it is a handshake.

b. In som e co u n tries, th e greetin g is a kiss. In another, it is a handshake.
c. In so m e co u n tries, th e greetin g is a kiss. In the other, it is a handshake.
d. In som e co u n tries, th e greetin g is a kiss. In o th ers, it is a handshake.

7. a. After th e revolution, N apoleon ru led w ise a n d well a n d resto red law

an d order.
b. A fter th e revolution, N apoleon ru led w isely a n d well an d resto red law
an d ordering.
c. A fter th e revolution, N apoleon ru led w isely an d well an d restoring law
an d orderly.
d. A fter th e revolution, N apoleon ru led w isely a n d well an d resto red law
an d order.

8. a. Tim B erners-L ee invented th e W orld W ide Web, b u t n o t the com puter.

b. Tim B em ers-L ee invented W orld W ide Web, b u t not com p u ters.
c. Tim B erners-Lee invented th e W orld W ide Web, b u t not radio.
d. Tim B em ers-L ee in vented W orld W ide Web, b u t not television.

Self-Test 2 177

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