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New Life in Christ

9:30 A.M.


New Life in Christ

5:30 P.M.

Prelude Welcome & Announcements ...........................................Pastor Steve Igo Congregational Greeting ................................... The Passing of the Peace The Living God Calls Us to Worship .................... Apostolic Salutation By Word* ....................................................................... Call to Worship

Gathering Songs ...................................................... Elder Ted Himebook Welcome & Announcements .......................................... Pastor Steve Igo

The Living God Summons Us ................................ Call to Worship We Enter Into Gods Presence
In Song* ................................................ A Christian Home, Hymn 719 In Prayer ................................................................ Prayer of Approach

We Enter Into Gods Presence

In Song* ............................................ We are Gods People, Hymn 355 In Prayer* .............................................................. Prayer of Approach God Embraces Us in Amazing Grace In Scripture ................................................................. 1 Corinthians 12 We Respond in Consecration In Prayer ......................... Prayer to Confess Sin & Assurance of Pardon In Song* .............Ah, Holy Jesus, How Hast Thou Offended, Hymn 248 In Prayer ............................................................ Congregational Prayer In Song* ..................... Who Are These like Stars Appearing, Hymn 542

God Welcomes Us
In Scripture .......................................................... Ephesians 5:22 6:4

We Respond in Consecration
In Prayer .................................... Prayer of Confession & Thanksgiving In Song* ..........Blest the Man That Fears Jehovah (Ps 128), Hymn 717

God Feeds Us In Scripture ...................................................... Colossians 3:9-17 In Sermon ........... THE EMOTIONALLY HEALTHY CHURCH
We Respond in Commitment ............................... Prayer of Application In Song* .................................... I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord, Hymn 353 In Giving ................................................................ Tithes & Offerings

God Feeds Us In Scripture.....................................................Colossians 3:18-21 In Sermon ........................ CHRISTIAN LIVING IN THE HOME We Respond in Commitment ...................... Prayer of Application
In Song* .................................................... Trust and Obey, Hymn 672 In Giving ................................................................ Tithes & Offerings In Prayer ............................................................ Congregational Prayer In Song* .................... Happy the Home When God is There, Hymn 720

God Blesses Us ........................................................... Benediction Spirit of the Living God, Hymn 726 Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me. (2x) Break me! Melt me! Mold me! Fill me! Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me.

God Blesses Us ............................................................Benediction Christ, We Do All Adore Thee, Hymn 737 Christ, we do all adore thee, and we do praise thee forever. (2x) For on the holy cross hast thou the world from sin redeemed. Christ, we do all adore thee, and we do praise thee forever. (Musical Interlude) Christ, we do all adore thee.

The Lords Day June 26, 2011 Find our sermons & bulletin at

The Lords Day June 26, 2011 Find our sermons & bulletin at

TODAY Welcome! This morning, Pastor Steve continues his sermon series on the Book of Colossians called New Life in Christ in both services. 11:00 AM Catechism Club, Sunday School & Small Groups 5:30 PM Evening Service THIS WEEK Wednesday Girls Bible Study @ 7 PM See Elizabeth Van Dyke Thursday No LOVE Inc Bible Study ANNOUNCEMENTS Pastor on Vacation This Week Pastor Steve and his family will be out-of-state visiting family in Ohio and WV from June 27 July 4. If you need pastoral care at that time, please contact one of our elders. Please welcome Pastor Mick back to the Cedar pulpit that day! New 12 Week Sermon Series Begins July 17th Dont get mushy in the brain this summer! Get ready to take The New Testament Challenge on July 17th. Can you read the entire New Testament in 90 days (12 minutes a day!) while Pastor Steve preaches a sermon on every book of the New Testament? Enjoy free resources along the way book outlines, an MP3 Audio Bible, Covenant Seminarys New Testament Survey Class, J.Gresham Machens A Brief Bible History, and more! You just might grow more in 3 months than you have in the past 3 years because Gods word, combined with faithful action, will transform any life! Hikes with Pastor Steve Mark your calendar! Our next two hikes will be held on July 8th & 15th at 7:30 PM. Watch your bulletins for more info! Beginning July 5th, Beach Days will be held at Holland State Park on Thursdays from 1 4 PM, weather permitting. See Lynn Igo if you are interested in attending! Navajo Ministries Parents Meeting will be held on Sunday night, Friday Night July 10th, @ 7 PM in the Teachers Lounge. And on Friday, July 22nd, students should report to HCS at 8 AM to pack our vans and head out!

ANNOUNCEMENTS Looking Ahead - In an effort to allow for your summer planning, the events committee has laid out for you the anticipated dates for upcoming events. Please mark your calendars and look for future announcements and ways you can jump in to be a part of the food, fun & fellowship! The more the merrier!! DATE July 23-30 August 8-12 September 7 September 10 September 11 EVENT HS Mission Trip New Mexico Family Camp Camp Concordia Womens Ministry Turnover Meeting Grysens Home Sunday School KickOff Fellowship Luncheon

Summer Carnival @ Presidential Estates Lend a Hand Ministries will host a summer carnival for residents of Presidential Estates in Hudsonville on Saturday, July 16th. We need both adult and teen volunteers from area churches to help run our food and game booths! If you are interested, please see Kari DeVries or Pastor Steve. Residents will enjoy great food (hotdogs, popcorn, ice cream, snow cones) and great games (moon walk, water balloons, face painting, bean bag toss, bucket ball, ring toss, basketball toss). Pastor Steve will also present a gospel message with paint brush and easel board! Please pray and volunteer for God to do great things for his kingdom in our community. Skateboarding - Hillcrest CRC of Hudsonville will again provide supervised skateboarding and in-line skating for kids who want a safe place to skate. The program will run every THURSDAY evening from 6:30 - 9:00 PM, this summer. Skating is open to 3rd grade through high school - both boys and girls. Free snacks and drinks are provided. Skating is cancelled in case of rain. Registration and parent-signed forms are required for firsttime skaters. COME and JOIN OTHER SKATERS FOR FUN SUMMER THURSDAYS!

The Lords Day June 26, 2011 Find our sermons & bulletin at

The Lords Day June 26, 2011 Find our sermons & bulletin at

ANNOUNCEMENTS Lakeshore Pregnancy Center would like to thank our congregation for getting involved with LifeWalk 2011. Because of your participation, they were able to raise a total of over $14,000 to put back into the community by helping young women and families who are dealing with crisis pregnancies. Our congregation's total amount contributed was $500. Thank you all for participating and we hope to see you next year at LifeWalk 2012. Zion Christian School "Great is Thy Faithfulness" Auction 2011 - Please save the date of Saturday, October 29, 2011, to celebrate God's faithfulness while enjoying a fun and entertaining evening. We humbly ask you to consider how you can make a difference: donating an item, making a monetary donation, providing a service, lending a vacation spot, volunteering your time, growing a little extra in your garden, placing an ad, hanging a sponsorship banner, etc. Please contact Connie Parks at (616) 531-4794 or with questions or to make your contribution. Thank you for your support and we covet your prayers for this important event Home Unity Build - Lakeshore Habitat, in collaboration with Love INC, is organizing a Home Unity Build in the Hudsonville/Jenison area to provide a home for a deserving and qualified family of five. Habitat has grant resources available that will provide up to $14,000 to defray the project costs for land acquisition or infrastructure costs. A home property site or house suitable for restoration in the Hudsonville or Jenison area is desired. More information is available by contacting either Love INC at 662-3300 or Lakeshore Habitat at 393-8001.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Urgent Red Cross Need - The Red Cross is making an urgent appeal for blood, especially O-negative, A-negative and B-negative. Please give blood Friday, July 8, at the Hillcrest C.R.C., 3617 Hillcrest Road in Hudsonville. Hours are 11:30 AM to 5:15 PM. Michigan law allows 16 yr. olds to give with signed parental consent. Download a parental consent form at We recommend you give blood four hours or less after eating and to be wellhydrated. Donors must weigh at least 110 pounds and be in good health. Donors giving in July could win a $500 Best Buy gift card. SERMON NOTES

The Lords Day June 26, 2011 Find our sermons & bulletin at

The Lords Day June 26, 2011 Find our sermons & bulletin at

Cedar Church Welcomes You!


TODAY Greeters Accompanist A.M. Accompanist P.M. Nursery A.M. Mason/Glupker Bonnie Boeve Linda Wolfe Stephanie Haywood Sylvie Haywood Heidi Kooienga Candace Bekkering Katelyn Hartwell Rebecca Van Dyke Anne Carla Baker Youth Group Mason/Glupker

NEXT WEEK Stanley/Van Dyke Linda Wolfe Angie Dykema Caryn Baker Cayte Baker Pam Himebook Megan Himebook Amy Petry Amy Petry Rebecca Van Dyke Youth Group Stanley/Van Dyke

Were glad youre here. As a church family, we are delighted you have joined us for worship today. Below you will find some information to help you during our Sunday services. If you need any assistance, please ask one of our greeters for help. SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE Cedar Church strives to enjoy God through Spirit-empowered and Christ-centered worship. The Bible is sincerely loved, and we hope that you will find it opened up to you in a fresh and faithful manner each Sunday. A NURSERY is available near the entrance of the gymnasium, but children are always welcome in the worship service. COFFEE BREAK After the morning worship, please join us in the foyer for coffee and refreshments. KIDS BREAK After morning worship, all kids (pre-school thru 6th grade) are invited to remain in the gymnasium for snacks and fun songs with Mr. & Mrs. Himebook. SUNDAY SCHOOL - From 11 AM-12 PM, Cedar Church offers classes for all ages. Visitors are especially welcome to join us!

Nursery P.M. Nursery Sun. Sch. Fellowship Snack Childrens Snack Church Set-Up

*Lost your bulletin? See archived bulletins @ *

WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING CLASSES: 4 yr olds - 6th grade Meets in gym with High School Leaders Jr. High Class Meets in the southwest teachers lounge room 1 with Bill Grysen Sr. High Class Meets in the art room with Steve Igo, Lynn Igo, and Dean Bekkering The Book of Ephesians Meets in the teachers lounge with Pastor Mick Knierim Love & Respect Marriage Class Meets in the northwest hallway with Steve Machiele The Attributes of God Meets in the art room with Dan Rook. EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE Please join us again for worship this evening at 5:30 P.M. Please send all announcements by Wednesday @ 5 P.M. to:
The Lords Day June 26, 2011 Find our sermons & bulletin at The Lords Day June 26, 2011 Find our sermons & bulletin at

Weekly Budget $2,819.23 YTD Budget $70,480.77

Last Weeks Offerings $2,326.15 YTD Offerings $73,942.14

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