Assignment 4b - 4

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AVroternmunt Ab. ee Tens, Nowe : Anyi uneel Koll: 2O2MSOOT M-Teun 5 Rectan. NIT K- Surathkad - Mave Studuris ; WROE- lee C1) Arjun Ver ool j20zensou] —getyd 1 f=] ig & Expluan pore Plamawhe, prmuplo At Accorchny fo UNCTAD - Uniled Noha Conk eon Tran ond durdluprank 3 "Pore punlojemn +A handboole har Planns vi davrdoniG cambiur "Hy Jotownng oan He Pork Plumewiny, Preiwplin « Pade Plana dbejeckives +a ky awiuiple vy plomening peampont poutlitts , do Maa Amon plang shold heap uate ao pormble 40 allow a mnumpk Avene fo dhanaping clumunds 7 Te fatto which a pank mondo shad he uoneyrtd jeri Huy whidn a park mtds shad be cuvayrad jon Hy, whe Har shwps wide will uve Hm, Hu land tremopont ancl Hoe pork jaalilittes et the clon und of, Ha wuts that in pao pac alan wikgraked tramport system. 2 pote pork yauiuikus and crunabvig suptenuy aA Hae, nohinad wslunk abthe lowint cumbuied wak dy Hu pan and Ha poe uns", 2) The WWwrkrunk plore eee «The munkn plan jar cath junk shold seb Hae Loney -[errn % weg nod 17/5121 Is* Plann 4 banking capauily « pone Cn ©) AyjwaVined ; 2023007 Hoe, Jp Awilepmink strakeoy pand Huis wh sel) shuld vadrcate. dike vA vankeurt- tq ua UA + * Rayore duloag ackusten om anny one dwelap rnin F payed wilwin Me mankr plan , tne ma vinbong eathansly should Cal yre umpaattive. soamamnie anoluyo oh seunal veniuhinn such ao - a] dulanyer 6 caypitod wi wants bg viral, by mi prwng inastag fauilitio my carabng, Man ost and seamed stagin af a due - dopnunk progpeaveame jun ordinate Lemumize comobudton wuss « ay The sim Lamomie polray of wwrting wi joulti4o ord oy one ao HAL clumeme} yor Hum lpvilelo up. FTL pont managumutlh musk be elle by atcooynse chomaa tn demand % Ar-omnunh dun uoyemanh programme . rae £ The urmbinabun of a vamahle ship omivod yoke and ~ vote slip wonluin a, Aine mame Fhat a loo % bathe ecaxpomug cal be quavomtud ony akthe onjunne of of vas quant oly shuyps + a sumvilady, Ane qaoanlee thot Me daps wsdl nmr Atel aT ae (3) Arjun Vmod 7 Zo2Ms007 metho 14] 5]21 rave bo urait {eore downy able do hr cunld he givon any cub the wsl- oh mubvume low ovg -hinkh otunpomuin + r nuitur ok the abwe w accuplully . * a Gmonuse buw4nr Me abore snckrmnto 4a seg uased « ae Pork Cust Comtdunabiony Pee HPoak eoske au mace wp oy Ayo pus. 4) a 4yOUd compounk whutda ve jn daywoduar of ta tonnage Henna pub Candarclang Mae caged unts oly ques, shids , numa wk.- ) by @ vorrodle Componl whida diyyinds va funnage fhemgln pul Cvadiacng Lalor & atorhh cunts , ful mann tencente , costs , Lees ) Fig: \ranveuron, ol ponk costs with miuuwns tahive voluwy - Povl (asks Vertue wmparul” + cost per tm ' 1 i ; Frwec] compmnule \ acceso Aoi Tafpre volume a (4) Ava Vinod 5 20205007 ofFinr) 11] 5)2) cost uly ships twine wh ponk elwps warlyng une sup’, whe oF bith. wet parton Trek lac vou : Fig: vancakion a wsholy ship ® tune vh pur’ with witmannry trode Tot! wks vn pore task ol, shwps tun 2 wi pork Poak toots KC Tread ee volume , Fry: vawokion ol total Cusks vw pon wot te matuavny trabyye v The Jotul wak pa ton umee ato han qimiiimuny Cpowit 2), bulk Hus pwn © adacuved ab a owt threaghput thom Anak abwhida tH lawok port cnt ocumy pera) apo danny nud Jo he aware af Hys moat mpurtenl Pom: ol SPT & *(E)_Pojven Vinod 4 202.0800 —pethees. “15h Ss Banke ocumpamuy Bante ecdapomay th amionuae ol \aulihy wtilrsahin and Shad not he anid wa menue A, bays clumamcl wily Man olin man Aade = ponlauon rnviun , so Haak ran aluip can he gnanombed virus oke burton g oh iF owiveo an Ame. +4h swvinal stavinn com he prsuadid to wir yilo anivel Ame onreceuns, but ocurpanuy ewn he quate Jncyn a ew Hane , bath ruqutrumuns con he coduuted olivectly | Ape ooproveme of, Snide arnivels. ‘ Gated Tle 6) Ayjun Vmods 202007 Was i (2) Avi 2 —eThiod * [st |S Stononal Vomtahons + ¥% Seeama Apaduokins oat au Fo the oon ob Seonual peoles weet anmall gvayp of bu er oenmi- hulk Crmen ooitiva and tk will Le adventrgeas 40 woe aquuraltsed hom daisy Aq vip mul Kor Yrne tommuduttun: * Unawatdedle seangnad vannattun binnd to comune on Subs tuntral ZUM omit pnally uslun will be aulakid fe | dre huh of ste Me pont giwo to tts untumun duane peak purtad . | 4: Plonnwnig Fer Trablyit vanmadton he babii ee ® mosh Lutte, cut to be jellaurig « 4) Ontrodudrm of) a new aluin png, suwie on of, addirhunal cheatered varrelo+ by) A gradual bund tewawda Jawa nkvip Load fa wun sourstin ag nite, cy Mone dpreg wee calle by an ouistwag suave ay Exupkunad ean ,huc tar ships diverted Apr a nurgia howmig uneyoted port . eT) ee aa (D_Arjyn Verod 2025007 ead vifofa tor Coordin oked Conkioynuy plannvig Be ans ss Papanahon ay Conredunated pork Coahutyuneny plan comtsb oy S main acho: 4) Muwdwa tquivalu rnnve tapahiin toll ports vk AL park system « by Obrwenrng yen oypyoorol freer Hie une oly Hane capautttn wun untown situahiens atu, on ane aloo to our. 2) sutkuig amp am wibarmakion suptem fo Mypuak aude - madrcally whun sur sihiudtuns anise or one cunt ko ane « n- Ecmnme op unary * THe maw Lumame hun of poak mwntmut 4 He atriluiy fe aeduu Alvip fuva-vownc| shen €. + tus 6 the debwinwg Ajacor wh sting Llyniwnic_ okra) - + The two ancl which mamagemuns nid to he aware are = The vinmidyade bony from pork mink mowy accrue ,not to the mauintung autront uy bub fo Hoe wins oh the pos Cmostly fvuqn) —7AFe} sa sl2 ()_Atywavened y 20265007 ree 7 Pradkeal amplicabiony al tL ovnaay shu vwodheng tun 2. *™ME planner should be aware oh the Up wand deriits un worl g Aun @ whch com be cownkn ached by uaa of an opmaktonal poluy Haak aunts be pune. 2. Copauley % trafic speuabisabion, 4 THO Auli fo quawk}y He untbual fo wha vor tarig wrtd Arabitc numauo hut a Coup acy » F the 2h wo guatink whim re occamtenad Lowa talk s\uip wD worlud aba bath necenally homdsning small guetrul corto. s\wp 5+ ¥The planwA shad cmuntate en POLAK Lyra, sepavalong, teasise whch will juntiby Clunluywings syruraleseel (euucliag: a+ Fhexthrlly < Tedarcat Chung Ee ae 7 The fuxcotuiby wlidr Ke cmliqunug plan gies ty the homing oa jactualvny habe clmand shat ke matuntd tag Ahexven uly in accamnuclalyng ecnical reunge. ¥ Conaee {pilare de plan or naw kedamiqua eit Level uto Jae mart dapunmve null nus dvebbre unig thanctlect ra yyusnlly wi old won ek vung lua west. ie jth vipat )_Ayjunerod ; 2020200) ef-s} rsa ee] 3 Whak b pork zomg < Explow ? Aa Zama @ do some antink an oak wlan, Like enchreckinrey edits money titnicnt cambawnls: the Plann shad ab andr plage oak Me quan ; whuy hae % nokHur 7 x The wary Ae Aifjpounlr 400] Henao Ascokid wt ee mayar haukor wh cluiclun g Me iumyrin ond pane unhingy Ayhore emgnlten wi Hw pont + eo pak Zomwhey LAr in geand qnodan v ihy ot cath tunnad + The ohve sitting cb He zona wm He pork wil duyund an he Aoliawniny Aadors « 4) usoror duphh Jugudrt mura heer ca kamal: > He wort eee ae tradutoaas break -dulle dupe of 7-5 to 10-1 will nak be adsynals Aye Jase uml vimely ar day- hull ancl oil cnn tenn: bb) Lowy caro ta Augie ern joe 2a lanwdral {ere eae pee hs. bude up omtn dyor x conkowintr bal wilde guaty tran Maek oy a brtale tulle births 4) Ijin ol, Proadlens wvinely Wu atte a Hue (10) Aywa Vitod y 202ms007 ope Fhe) nile Fun shuld be suth that dunk and odows pram brulee, Garo ent not cwrtd — Jowande aurnal corey buku, pamnwnyr aulites or yaholnted arena - A) Saleey umnicinations + kumwialo Az al produtdts puch rank obFe he sited witwin Mu main parka , shuld Pur ably be Lecaked non Me port anhomu ob & pupunalr arshomiL Asem gunnal Langa gunn rol domqnoy corquin will wud senior aptuas zoning seponntedl bran owe amy bya bufler area « €) Aroma hampart acupm , ham alo yor day hue Urenenoditty sharld he atled os nuch a way Haakon tony acum fo ter tnufway or voiluray nobwonle. can he awrramna th, withaw *he nearby ah vronmngy cluneby mbabittd omean, #] competi liaiy A ealgniwng, grat apo beng Phi tanndinakon e) puvailing wurde ,me shuld he taken to avid plawmrg genio toutur whore Conayaso mony have aavinne w(wunun an Lach oli, a) the talge blow sypkm sa Bang plan shld be waged valet! (1) Arjnn Voted 7 20205007 aed al adopke wore malonig mune thar Abe rowtio for vilnrchy , vad ada, Unviyony & (Wp win ly Ai hur maniunly togthy | A pom wih favs a Large wamha ol voule cromamnays , bade t Alon mink he aunptck. TOTAL PoRT TRAFEIC 4 TURAL \oews A BULK < a aed CARR é z % u . 2 Ge BB) 8 CONVENTIONAL LINERS od BULK PaTATc CARRIERS TERMINAL BULK TERM } MULT) -PUR POSE pais TERMINAL, AT ; : oLp seers Frys Alocakton of Walre Jo port zim . y= Covoel 11st RF Britkuy disuine a yond dulopmunl monk plam jor te 02) geared vil e[4 port - A The umminuial pumuvin un punks Awoopmus He nud Jo ophinise pun capoutly at mun capital wat. na Damam dang Unalan ao Aaud by Me oni and lopuawturs ost, toda punts suv ao ~ Livi el overt bil thy ol damel Aer inepamnmion: « erokorn Hey caumayrivg covreyo homdvin g techrunoleayyy ~tonnlaon Hoy thumeying Atalanta ramos - Wivahsatm. = Une aying, manker anc ummedit 0 « - pam fo radu wah und mane Attums - = anvivennunial nnpal’s omd pollution conbvol. Phoned Monkur plom Pica See +The wuktimun of, pork planmig shiduio ub aorollogy Fhe (upanakion of a phoned Cshark pwuduin de tong tam) duvdopmuml mantyr plom dyor the purl. The po hablishus putrulia Ayr punk plumnwn 4, pork copauittin , Hre stale a& lament A punk jnulitivs , amd L wp yum” % maven tonom oh the punk anvirormunt- Arjun Vneel 7 2020 5007 a : () eT sth sher * Pork jautlubieo ove umpaueed accordingly to Hane pork plana + Penk manage bedliin ob magur pants Haat howe am shuny wantin dv the nahonal untiank an guanicl to dyveoudake pur pluma 4, nub thm te Me Macacshey of Saou Nodron al Fork Plamming 1) Nakunal Ports Plmwwvaty rade fo seve polos dtu ee ee ere cyonung Acle of, debunk ports and ture Kaak anor Ga Luunvini cally syed + 2: Pork Monkir Plo: eiwin dong kum patkan of caw Ulepreunt- Jere pork wuttaaa a lunaile ol, tune frame . 33 wndrcalis he works fo be daleun up Lakir 3 Pork Projedr Reomaeld + duvns tadr park ol) the port wo mont plan wits molily od apwow ate te Proudare fr Nakivrol Muakur plan « pune Wehural econmme objeckivis wh so har ao they abled ports: 2 payne Aram ciak Algnonn hilitiwo of pat Ayjwn Nerod ) 202M 5007 ° 29 Dooe) spr oy apt shy 4 4 a Prepare. baad Nabonal hake aunvug- = is g Teoclaies dye mMaavedaaek pont” mnclin pli : PS ab he Duane ling tam wobur | dromnh Dguivtewils « » Colurhuke vay cook ol, damn ab | bath ae » Riise. te publish agriecl mantur plum + ayintng planning rpmmbi Liltio ot, puals. Aorign trayic to mdividunl pun. Propane a [ALlinva ang vavinkn unk plan: Corevehin ote ancl obtuin ayyrrovad ol vavrdual park rank plan: Prapawe umd publish nodronal . purr manta plova - sur up am omguing Palite umalyris. Perpore a brad lay dum fralyte horecank. Lwitate omy broad Lun yuna eho Dunn)» Aralyne ports volu ao lucd clown hy National Awhhonily: + pabamme dony, ham phond aren Auquarumunts « Promgn bralsyte to major pork zon « Peypore erahk maotar plum & aubynt Avr apqnuval. Tanto eratrol eystum dur wnilvalyng projech { 7 ; af Marl re Aqun Viiud y202Ms Cs) fe Yood| 4 Proje Planning Phone © 1 Feat bilthy study: separate shy fine baa ir Sug 2 Puailed Natlye shud » = Suny, of, Grrgo harm cLluney Tedniquiy- He Rough dngn of tammmal darrunnion « Ss Allnative lucahno: &* Enopin wh oy Suavuys. 7 Kmgh wok wnhwrnaty: 8+ salucion ol peanmewig opens « 4 comide deouwe cymbrawils: toe Denson ~whithin te um Uamw™ projed-or nok Phone IC i Pevlurnin aay cling. 2 apsaation a plan wing. S capavily cmmultubons. Ae umd cmnvbtahions + 6: bust Intinatn: 6+ lush = bundyie And 1S* a Pmancial muakyrs 3+ Om pruponal. 4 wokunal te Local apyranal. or Fiiad Proposal, Aroma Vero 20200500 ie Sboe) sp) & i (6) aeMaed aeb , = DEFINE Port 9 22 Financar 8 RESPONSIBILITIES. PREPARE g AS PLANNING NATIONAL x ee = wy PRAW UP BROAD NATIONAL GUIDELINES oa MASTER ae TT SW ie FLAO: a4 ¥ z* A Ay as 6 Z ECONOMIC TRAE ENC. é 7 | ne Sas R TRAFFIC A ° u CHECK w ops ECcTWES SURVEY ASSIGN-| INVesTMENT “ 4 & a 5 MenT plan aya BS ENGG. HarMonise> 3 © WwDwIbyAL x PoRT MASTER Z [el teare PLANS - € a ANALYSIS 2 oa [Feeonee wanaven | SI v PREPARE MASTER L u | Port pan uv 4 - w AS NATIONAL HASTER PLANNING ig $ a = uy B: PpoRT MASTER PLANNING 3 4 & a w |. < < 2 Z e vg a Fig: Plamevh a Sequin L. rl sa Proudure tar nahinal ports mask a: PIMEN SIONS Plan cena . YSU serial wat TROL =ooeo'n_v—-—0_-_ Fos e SYSTEMS FOR ACTIVATING Arye Veiod + 202018007 Thos nisl] PRoOsEeCTS PEC\SION = (1) Ad Hle1 v 2 Mi - GU DETSINee FIRST RuN THROUGH z [TRAFRIC Forel ee a E ; east] u 1 ' ° lez survey Zz . i 65 ENGINEERING SURVEYS 2Qun z CARGO i = 52 0 HANCLING | fl ue a TECH ‘ way aues | ., Rovan Cy ALTERNATIVE Ce, k C1aa 9 Locations ROUGH { Dimensions H C% LABOUR costs CONSTRAINTS] | IC: PRELIMINARY DEsIaN id t Second RYN THROUGH Glo OPERATIONAL § | cj2. UNION CONSULTATIONS, PECISION CALCULATIONS : APPROVAL I | ' 1 e1) CAPACITY ; NATIONAL i | ' | ' 1 4 5 [613 cost uy cost BENEFIT 13 ESTIMATES ANALMSIS ey § a i sty C15 FINANCIAL i 2 ANAMSIS I fa 22 PRROSELT PLANNIN & s ew peaet Hiocat 9 Figs Rooter: = . { Vom P Ts eae PROPOSAL ental Arjun Vvrod 320205007 aphid valsfe) (Qs) ager} Misa a Enginiwmg cinvgn wends Enviconmuntal wnstdevabins Davdupmunk constramil Pe al DEFINITION OF FeasitsLe PLANS G zmiston fut Ae Dayloy Faults — cereao ~hunduny pean. Luhmology tenda yb bE Performaancel Al i eres FRopvcTIVITY FoRrecasT z z 4 te < 5 § Prodackivity cans beaunaks Zz] [a2 > — |e oO TRAFFIC FORECAST }__| Trp yic reeurds Packagr 1 TLhnologyy Ty brende Trmdo « Ship & Tedrenolog Tamdy + figs Tolemation nuidid Ror park duslopmunt project + Port Puvicluprunk Plan bor Portal, viadhnvan: eee eee 4" Tehne Eumunme Framibslity Repent bir puvclopmwnt oh Pork ” ad vadnavin 4 Zo Kh Apri) 2016 7 Prepared fine Mos Shuppwrg / Tadiwn Porks Assowakun. +The ainelopcewak of pork shall he talon wy ah plana # Aeerding by ake ynupused by commvtler. dtu fottawrg, Arjun Voie }202Ms007 Fed 01 (14) pened, fe p} ophing fjor phuwmg ol dupls wh cyypwandA thannil ond harbow bawn - ~ duty clits do he boned an dhe Lagiak Cenk a vend, wilh 400m LOA ,s4m bean and ton arabes ~ dinar dupltha Ao he bane on Hue dowgunk cool vir of, 200,000 DWT wilh 300m LOA, 50M team % 16-3 arash - * Cononchnng Hiatt the unkown would be Hu kay caminacity Aye he pacpured parr, kt a wipontonk Hho phone t park Apaiikien ane able fe handle Mee Auequnk cent ships Plyyrng aren Hy te bom arapr « F Phe Lo hayout Jno hun dwoped with wt dreclysng wavartwnl fy calur \#,000 TEV Vimd Cram) dha taking kraad advantage. + tof of, ne ont malinral homing ayokem shall he prods fo ume dala burnin) hy ahups « +20 phe t -queny Mnglh ef rom vy provveledl where Shidh qo wolo 290% in dhe monter plan phaae + Munk plan Aina hue ber custard do catia 200,000 wT dinga yids Crs -ae dvaht) % T8000 TEV vencks to he called witha dtdat Avbichons « Virol j 202500) “! i < ] ttfsfay m2 PN ep 1 Total Port faulitres m each Phase « Deouripthrm Phase = Phase IL Phase it |Phase Year 2023 | Year 2028 2033 2033 hMaxumnm Ship size - *Dyry Bulk. CpwT) 30,000 0/000 Z00/000 | 200,000 |v cmbununs Crevs/ | 18/000 12,000 \8/000 '1g000 2+ Approaun bund *Novthuin Bund ora) ° ° ° B4S0 ¥ southiin Bund Cm) 1460 1160 '460 1460 3: Brinkwatvre x Noctua Breakwatarly) 760 160 3600 4650 #¥ Southern Breakwotwe lr) 6440 6440 644d 6440 4 Numbur ob Buntns ETotal dungtr ef births Om) ) # Michomised BB ° (300) * (200) \ (300) + Multipurpose burths | 2(Sa0m) | 2 (540) 2 (sav) 2(s40) |“ Contewh 2 baths . 2 (500m) a(3150) 10 (500) 344500) 5 Navigahona) Arcas « # Length Capproach)m- '500 \500 1500 1500 + wrath 240 240 240 240 + 4 of tug uve. 300 300 B00 800 C4- daa) | 6 Ding odvahr ob | shui Cen) fer dawnt Hom Jom s3m | Is-am. pOred gec| clyptin at- Pork Cm bel 20) * approada unwnntl+ | -lelm -lolm ais-Im | =1s-Ie FANE ACAD r\o3m ism ntTBM | citsm- eneaiec| vel) (2) lrme| vt sey #* Berths - 5 . 7 Break buule. (m) alesm | les 105 |-lo se = onturn L Ga) fim | 18 ale] | -1%-) - Bulk @) rlosm |-165 |-20-6 | -206 nvumuntta) Re damatron Basi “onsen aa B03 22-6 14-7 22D Total Reclamation Arvin 2HS” Aly se3 567 - fo be duvelppea- CHa} Tobe: Phoncwise Park Darlopmunk ov. Muti plan Hertz fox Vadnawam Por Cssmntoot) Kuju * ——— . * Tern Economic, Feoashilily Repaak fy Nuvelopmunt of Por af Viadaownn 3 20/4/2016 y pryponcl low MoS Shippvng, | Endamm Ponds Assouroktonn: ¥ United Molrons Caneunie M Trade & Duly "Pore Owdupmunh + Hamdlok or plannis wh uneeleprry ‘ cambiy *fijpa Wood $20 ams07 pea) “tl s]>t

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