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Gurong Pinoy International

Social Science Major

Set 5

1. Tomatoes are off season and so price of tomatoes is up. Which law/principle in economics
explains it?
a. Law of cause and effect c. Law of supply and demand
b. Substitution effect d. Principle of marginal utility
2. A behavioral psychologist would probably say that:
a. The unconscious stimulates our behavior
b. We act based on rewards and punishments received
c. The mind is most important when analyzing behavior
d. Introspection is a useful way to study mental processes
3. Stimulation is good for the brain. Which action is a logical application for this?
a. Avoid giving challenging tasks to teenagers for they get easily discouraged
b. Retire early so you will be spared of the challenge o work
c. Give to children toys that they can manipulate
d. Train your child to obey orders blindly
4. What is a glaze?
a. A color diluted with white c. Paint diluted with linseed oil
b. Paint diluted with water d. Paint diluted with olive oil
5. When can we say that a person has value?
a. Enjoys life of leisure and pleasure
b. works towards self aggrandizement
c. Lives a life of merriment in the company
d. Lives a life of integrity, sincerity and commitment
6. In times of war, soldiers must be ready to give up their lives in defense of the nation. Which
normative relationship applies in this case?
a. Higher Law-Inalienable rights vs alienable
b. Wide a social order-the family before the individual
c. More common good- public safety before private gain
d. Greater urgency-saving the living before burying the dead
7. The expressionist painters at the turn of the century tried to depict a state of mind rather than
to make a realistic copy of some object. In other words, expressionist paintings:
a. Are all done in oil c. Give the feeling rather than the appearance
b.Are all about people d. Resemble camera snapshots
8.Which philosophical premise does NOT support scientifically inquiry?
a. Rational explanations exist for real world phenomena
b. Human perceptual system correctly perceive reality
c. Group awareness is an integral part of knowledge
d. Reality is objective
9. If one agrees with Rizal on the best way to redeem our country, what would he do?
a. Work for quality education for all
b. Campaign for more foreign investors
c. Attract tourist to come to the country
d. Do advocacy for health programs to get the biggest share in the national budget
10. What do we call the sum of money collected for our use of a road, bridge and highway?
a. Penalty c. Assessment
b. Toll d. Tax
11. Which of the following best describes the concept of society?
a. Organized interaction of people sharing land and culture
b. Limited by geographical boundaries
Gurong Pinoy International
Social Science Major

c. The same as culture or nation

d. A political entity
12. Which is at the base of a triangle that shapes us into what we are?
a. Heredity c. School attended
b. Training d. Environment
13. You have to take extra care when you critique the work of a Filipino. Your negative
comment may have mistaken to be an attack against his/her person. Upon which Filipino trait is
this advice based?
a. Adaptability c. Bayanihan spirit
b. Sakop mentality d. Extreme personalism
14. What are considered major goals of multicultural education?
I. Catering to diversity of learners
II. Considering social class and ethnic program
III. Providing equal opportunities to education
IV Helping individuals and groups survive despite the differences in culture and
a. II and IV b. III and IV c. I, II, and IV d. I, II, III, and IV
15. What is the principal means through which culture is transmitted from generation to
a. Church c. Language
b. Family d. Community action
16. To be a moral person is to:
a. Know and act upon the ought to be and the ought to do
b. Be integrated in speech, feeling, thinking and action
c. Be able to follow the dictates of one’s conscience
d. Be acceptable by society
17. What is the social scientist’s explanation of the relationship of a leader to history?
a. Leaders are product of their times
b. History is a reflection of great leaders
c. Every great movement is the lengthened shadow of a great man
d. Had any great leader been different than he was, the course has been
18. The Katipunan in Cavite was divided into two factions – the Magdiwang and the Magdalo
while the magdiwang in Cavite was led by Mariano Alvarez, who led the Magdalo faction?
a. Daniel Tirona c. Artemio Ricarte
b. Baldomero Aguinaldo d. Ciriaco Bonifacio
19. Inclusion is a basic right of every Filipino child with special needs to education, rehabilitation,
support services, work training and employment opportunities, community participation and
independent living. To prepare teachers to handle inclusive education, what specialization is
offered in teacher education institutions?
a. Special course c. Pre-school education
b. Special education d. Kindergarten course
20. Through the process of socialization, the individual is able to:
a. Function as a contributing member of the group
b. Learn to dialogue with peers and adults
c. Satisfy his personal needs and drives
d. Become an adult member of society
21. The principal legal forms of business organization are:
a. Single proprietorship, partnership, corporation
b. Partnership, charter, single proprietorship
Gurong Pinoy International
Social Science Major

c. Corporation, charter, stock company

d. Open shop, union shop, closed shop
22. All appropriations, revenue or tariff bills shall originate exclusively from the:
a. Senate
b. House of representative
c. Sangguniang Panlalawigan
d. Senate Department of budget
23. With whom is the Strong Republic associated?
a. Joseph Estrada c. Corazon Aquino
b. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo d. Fidel V. Ramos
24. Pre-colonial trade in the Philippines was prosperous. What system did they use for their
business transactions?
a. Banking c. Money
b. Credit d. Barter
25. Who first introduced the Islamic religion to the Philippines?
a. Idl Amin c. Bajah Baguinda
b. Abu Bakar d. Mukdum
26. Who was the American president who proclaimed the Benevolent Assimilation policy during
the American colonial years of the Philippines?
a. Theodore Roosevelt c. Franklin Roosevelt
b. Woodrow Wilson d. William Mckinley
27. When one company controls the supply of sugar, which term applies?
a. Equilibrium c. Economic stability
b. Monopoly d. Inflation
28. As a result of EDSA 1, the Philippines:
a. Change its form of government to parliamentary
b. Intensified its participation in international affairs
c. Saw the impeachment of Joseph Estrada as president
d. Became known worldwide for its People Power Revolution
29. You are a member of a cooperative which operates taxis, tricycles and buses. Of which type
of a cooperative are you a member?
a. Producers c. Multipurpose cooperative
b. Service cooperative d. Marketing cooperative
30. Which terms to the social aspects of sec or to socially defined roles and expectations that
are associated with sex?
a. Social sex c. Cultural context
b. Gender d. Social differentiation
31. The Philippines has many harbors and has one of the finest harbors in the world because of
a. Seas and ocean c. Rugged land mass
b. Rivers d. Irregular coastline
32. If Bukidnon-Lanao area is a plateau Zambonga is more of a/an:
a. Islands c. Archipelago
b. Valley d. Peninsula
33. Among the great teachers and philosophers of the Chou dynasty, ______ wrote the Tao Te
a. Mencius b. Confucius c. Lao Tzu d. Chou En Lao
34. Among our forefathers, why were the bisayans refereed as Pindatos? Because they:
a. Were the most tattooed with various design
b. Had homes which were colorfully painted
Gurong Pinoy International
Social Science Major

c. Loved to wear brightly printed clothes

d. Were fond of facial make-up
35. Under which type does the Philippine economy fall?
a. Communist c. Socialist
b. Mixed d. Capitalist
36. What is referred to as the Parliament of the Streets?
a. Election campaigns c. Edsa Revolution
b. Student demonstration d. Public opinion
37. Which principle is violated when one department of the government encroaches upon the
powers confided to other departments?
a. Separation of powers
b. Guarantee of local autonomy
c. Government of laws and not of men
d. Supremacy of civilians authority over the military
38. Unlike other primates, which do human beings have in common?
a. Depth perception c. Beliefs about supernatural
b. Acute vision d. Grasping hands
39. Why did Gorbachev introduce perestrolka?
a. To dismantle totalitarian rule?
b. To open the doors of the Soviet Union to the world
c. To support the highly centralized Soviet Union economy
d. To transform the Soviet Union economy into a decentralized market
oriented economy
40. The maximum price that can be legally charged for a good or service is called:
a. Price ceiling c. Price floor
b. Legal wage d. Minimum wage
41. The theory that population increases by geometrical ratio while means of subsistence
increases by arithmetical ratio is attributed to:
a. Aristotle c. Malthus
b. Marx d. Durkheim
42. The mummies of Kabayan, Benguet must be an influence of the ancient called:
a. Egyptians c. Chinese
b. Indus d. Sumerians
43. Which is the Independence Law of the Philippines?
a. Cooper act c. Jones Law
b. Tidings Mcduffie Law d. Hare Hawes Cutting Law
44. Which is an executive check on a hasty and ill considered legislation?
a. Partial veto c. Veto power
b. Veto message d. pocket veto power
45. If anyone can be said to profit from a depression, the group favored would likely to be:
a. People with secure sources of fixed income, such as government bonds
b. Assembly line workers in automobile plants
c. Industrial owners producing goods
d. Low level government
46. In which continent can we find stormy Cape Horn which is known as the graveyard of the
ships and sailors?
a. Asia c. Australia
b. Africa d. South America
47. Which describes the Battle of Manila Bay correctly?
a. The Americans won the battle with great difficulty
Gurong Pinoy International
Social Science Major

b. The Spaniards readily won the battle over the Americans

c. The American ship outnumbered those of the Spaniards
d. The mock naval battle between the Spaniards and the Americans
48. Whose legal system was considered excellent that it became the basis of civil law in Europe
and Latin America?
a. The Romans c. The Hebrews
b. The Greeks d. The Hindus
49. Which biome is found in the northern hemisphere close to the polar region?
a.Talga c. Savannah
b. Deciduous forest d. Tundra
50. The Sudra is to the castle system as _______ is to pre-hispanic Philippines.
a. Maharlika c. Timmawa
b. Alipin d. Serf

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