Final Exam Physical Science

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija




No. No. of Item Specification (Type of Test and Placement)

Content Area of % Items/
Hours Points Rememberin
Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating TOTAL
How we come
to realize that
12.5 28,29,
the Earth is not 10 25 1,2 3,4,5 6,7 39,40 12
(12) 30
the center of
the Universe.
Why we
believe that the 27. 13.75 41,42,
11 8,9 16,17 31,32 14
laws of physics 5 (14) 43,44
are universal
How light acts
24,25, 33,34, 45,46
as a wave and 12 30 15 10,11 18,19 15
26 35,36 47,48
a particle
How physics
helps us 17. 8.75
7 12,13 14,15 27 37,38 49,50 9
understand the 5 (9)
TOTALS: 40 100 50 8 9 10 11 12 50

Prepared by:

Republic of Education
Department of Education
Region III
Old Capitol Compound, Burgos Avenue, Cabanatuan City 3100



1. A 26. D
2. B 27. A
3. D 28. D
4. C 29. C
5. C 30. D
6. A 31. C
7. B 32. A
8. A 33. B
9. D 34. B
10. D 35. C
11. C 36. A
12. C 37. C
13. D 38. B
14. B 39. A
15. D 40. C
16. A 41. D
17. A 42. D
18. C 43. B
19. C 44. C
20. D 45. A
21. B 46. A
22. B 47. A
23. A 48. C
24. C 49. B
25. C 50. B
Republic of Education
Department of Education
Region III
Old Capitol Compound, Burgos Avenue, Cabanatuan City 3100


NAME_________________________________ SCORE_____/50____
GRADE 12______________________________ DATE____________

Direction. Read each question carefully. On the space provided before each number write the
LETTER of the best answer.

_____1. What is known as the earth’s precession due to the gravitational pull of the moon and
the sun?
a. Lunisolar c. precession of equinoxes

b. diurnal motion d. annual motion

_____2. How long is a sidereal day?
a. 24 hours c. 23 hours 56 minutes
b. 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds d. 23 hours 56 minutes and 30 seconds
_____3. What prompts millions of flora to spring from the ground, bloom bear fruit and decay
and different animal species to hibernate, spawn and migrate?
a. Lunisolar c. precession of equinoxes
b diurnal motion d. annual motion
_____4. Which of the following is a reason that the Ancient Greek astronomers rejected
Aristarchus’ heliocentric model of the solar system?
a. It did not account for retrograde motions of the planets
b. It could not explain the phases of the Venus
c. They could not detect no stellar parallax
d. It could not account for the Coriolis effect
_____5. Why were epicycles used in Ptolemy’s model of the solar system?
a. to account for he parallaxes of stars
b. to compensate for the ellipticity of the orbits of the planets
c. to explain the retrograde motion of the planets
d. to explain the phenomenon of day and night
_____6. How did Eratosthenes determine the size of the Earth?
a. by observing the lengths of shadows at different locations
b. by observing the size of the earth’s shadow during eclipses
c. by determining the density and mass of the Earth
d. by measuring the parallax of the moon
_____7. Which of the following planets cannot be seen by the naked eye?
a. Mercury b. Neptune c. Jupiter d. Venus
_____8.Which of the following is an example of a violent motion?
a. a ball kicked from the ground c. water flowing in a river
b. a dropped pen falling to the ground d. rocks falling from the mountain
_____9. Which of the following is Galileo’s thought experiment about motion?
a. A ball thrown upward is a violent motion.
b. A falling rocket is a natural motion.
c. if there is no force, there is no motion.
d. In the absence of friction, an object would move continuously at a constant speed
along the straight line.
_____10. Which of the following statement is NOT true about light?
a. It is an electromagnetic wave. c. It has a dual nature: as a particle and a wave
b. It travels in a vacuum at 3 x 10 m/s d. It travels a path that requires the longest time
_____11. Who proposed the electromagnetic theory of light?
a. Albert Einstein c. James Clerk Maxwell
b. Isaac Newton d. Thomas Young
_____12. What is the velocity of light needed to escape from a black hole?
a. ¼ of c b. ½ c c. greater than c d. ¾ of c
_____13. What is the reason why pluto is no longer considered as a planet?
a. It has highly elliptical orbit that is tilted with respect to the plane of the ecliptic.
b. It does clear its orbital zone.
c. It is mainly composed of rocks and ice
d. All of these
_____14. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of special theory of relativity?
a. An object’s length shortens while moving
b. Clocks run faster when moving
c. Clocks run slower when moving
d. The object’s mass increases while moving
_____15. What will likely happen to a moving clock?
a. Tick normally c. tick faster than normal
b. Not tick at all d. tick slower than normal
_____16. Using the figure below, describe what happens to the acceleration of an object.

a. Increasing b. decreasing c. unreliable d. constant

_____17. Which of the following statement about Newton’s Laws of motion is NOT true?
a. Action-reaction forces never act on the same body.
b. If there are no forces acting on a body, the body will experience no acceleration
c. If a body is Not accelerating, there must be no forces acting on it.
d. The motion of a body always has the same direction as the resultant force.
_____18. . Using he figure below, at what angle will the object have maximum height?

a. 450 b. 700 c. 200 d. 300

_____19. Which is the correct interpretation of the distance time graph shown below?
a. the graph shows that the distance stays the same as time goes by because it is not moving

b. the graph shows that as time goes by the distance increases

c. the graph shows that there is a decrease in the distance covered as time goes by

d. the graph shows the distance and time covered by the moving object

_____20. How would you interpret the graph shown below?

a. The graph shows that the object’s distance increases as time passes
b. The graph shows that the object’s distance decreases as time passes
c. The graph shows that the object’s distance remains the same as time passes
d. The straight line in the graph shows that it is not constant

The horizontal line on the graph shown above shows that the object
a. moves at a constant speed a certain distance.
b. stops moving.
c. moves again at constant speed.
d. moves slowly then stop
_____22. Given the formula: Force= Mass x Acceleration, what Newton’s Law of Motion is
a. Newton’s Law of Motion 1 c. Newton’s Law of Motion 2
b. Newton’s Law of Motion 3 c. Newton’s Law of Motion 4
_____23. When two bumper cars collide into each other and each car jolts backwards the Newton’s Law
motion applicable in the given situation is
a. Newton’s Law of Motion 1 c. Newton’s Law of Motion 2
b. Newton’s Law of Motion 3 c. Newton’s Law of Motion 4
____ 24. When you give your friend a lift on your bike you have to pedal harder and faster to keep the
same speed (acceleration) as you had when you were on your bike alone. Identify Newton’s Law of
Motion suitable for this is
a. Newton’s Law of Motion 1 c. Newton’s Law of Motion 2
b. Newton’s Law of Motion 3 c. Newton’s Law of Motion 4
____25. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction refers to
a. Newton’s First Law of Motion c. Newton’s Third Law of Motion
b. Newton’s Second Law of Motion d. Newton’s Fourth Law of Motion
____26. A smaller cannon ball leaves a cannon much faster than a larger, heavier cannon ball fired at
the same time. Which Newton’s Law of Motion can be applied to this?
a. Newton’s First Law of Motion c. Newton’s Third Law of Motion
b. Newton’s Second Law of Motion d. Newton’s Fourth Law of Motion
____ 27. When you are standing in a subway train and the train suddenly stops but your body continues
to move forward is an example of
a. Newton’s First Law of Motion c. Newton’s Third Law of Motion
b. Newton’s Second Law of Motion d. Newton’s Fourth Law of Motion
_____28. It is much easier to carry your backpack when it is empty rather than when it’s full of
textbooks. The given statement is an example of
a. Newton’s First Law of Motion c. Newton’s Third Law of Motion
b. Newton’s Second Law of Motion d. Newton’s Fourth Law of Motion
_____ 29. A boy is going down a slide. As he reaches the bottom, friction causes him to slow down and
stop. This is an example of
a. Newton’s First Law of Motion c. Newton’s Third Law of Motion
b. Newton’s Second Law of Motion d. Newton’s Fourth Law of Motion

_____30. Why do astronomers believe that the universe is expanding?

a. They see a redshift in the spectra lines of distant galaxies.
b. They can see the disks of galaxies getting smaller over time.
c. They can see distant galaxies dissolve, pulled apart by the expansion of space.
d. All of these
_____ 31. When does retrograde motion of Jupiter occur in the heliocentric model of the solar
a. When the earth passes Jupiter
b. When the earth and the Jupiter are on opposite sides of the sun.
c. When the earth is nearest the sun
d. When the sun and Jupiter are seen close together in the sky

_____32. Which of? Newton’s laws best explains why motorists should buckle up?
a. Law of inertia c. Law of acceleration
b. Law of interaction d. Law of Universal Gravitation
_____33. What is true about light according to the theories of modern physics?
a. Is exclusively a wave phenomenon
b. Combines wave and particle properties
c. Has neither wave nor particle property.
d. All particles exhibit wave behavior.
_____34. What type of experiment did Thomson use to obtain the mass-to-charge ratio of the
electrons in cathode ray beams?
a. He studied the fluorescence that cathode rays cause.
b. He used different metals for the cathode
c. He used different residual gases.
d. He used electric and magnetic control
_____35. A force of 52 N acts upon a 4 kg block sitting on the ground. Calculate the acceleration
of the object.

____ 36. A 5 kg block is pulled across a table by a force of 61 N. Calculate the acceleration of
the object.

_____37. A roller coaster pushes a 25 kg person upward with a force of 300 N. What is the

_____38. An object of mass 10 kg is accelerated upward at 2 m/s 2. What force is required?

_____39. What is the mass of an object if a force of 17 N causes it to accelerate at 1.5 m/s 2?

_____40. What is the acceleration of a 10 kg object if a force of 3 N is applied to it?

_____41. What is the mass of an object that requires a force of 25 N to accelerate at 5 m/s/s?
_____42. How much force is required to accelerate an 1,800 kg truck at 3 m/s/s?

_____43. What is the mass of a falling rock if it produces a force of 147 N?

_____44. Which of the following best represents Kepler’s First Law?

a. The distance from Earth to the Sun changes throughout the year.
b. If you know the periods of Earth and Mars, as well as the Earth’s radius, then you can
calculate the radius of Mars.
c. Earth moves faster when it is closer to the Sun.
d. The amount of force on the planet.
_____45. Based on the table below, what is the most massive planet?
a. Uranus b. Saturn c. Jupiter d. Neptune

_____46. A ball with a mass of 1 kg moves with a velocity of 5 m/s. This ball collides with a
second ball of mass 0.5 kg moving along the same line at a velocity of 2 m/s. After collision, the
velocity of the second ball is 2.5 m/s. Find the velocity of the first ball.
a. 4 m/s b. 4.25 m/s c. 4.50 m/s d. 4.75 m/s
_____47. Using the figure below, acceleration is

b. Increasing b. decreasing c. unreliable d. constant

_____48. Using the figure below, where will speed be equal to 8 m/s?
a. t=2s; d=8m b. t=3s; d=18m c. t=4s; d 32 m d. t=5s; d 50

_____49. When light is emitted by an atom, what change has occurred within the atom?
a. An electron loses energy. c. An electron gains energy
b. The atom gains energy d. An electron moves to a higher energy level.
_____50. The image seen in a convex mirror, compared with the object, is always
a. smaller, upright, and virtual c. larger, upright, and virtual
b. smaller, inverted, and virtual d. smaller, inverted, and real

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