Course: First Friends 1 (2nd Edition) Unit 9: My Family! Part 3: Review + Lesson 6 I. Objectives

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Course: First Friends 1 (2nd edition)

Unit 9: My family!

Part 3: Review + Lesson 6

I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

+ Review vocabulary and struture learnt

+ Reivew letters U, V, W

+ Review numbers 17-18

+ Read and understand a story.

II. Procedure

Part Steps

1. Warm - Greeting

2. Review - Vocab: family words

and - Structures: He’s / She’s my + (dad/mum)
structures - T shows cards and asks Ss to say the words. (2-3 times)

Activity 1:

- 1 student from each team will compete.

- T shows a flashcard -> The 2 Ss guess.

- Who is faster -> point for the team.

3. Review * Review letter U, V, W

letters &
numbers + Write uppercase and lowercase letter U, ask Ss What letter it is, and the
sound of the letter.

+ Do the same with letter V, W.

Activity 2: Slap the board.

- 1 student from each team will compete.

- T calls out a letter -> the 2 Ss come and slap to that letter called on the board.

- Who is faster-> points for the team.

Activity 3:

- 1 student from each team will compete.

- T makes three columns on the board, writes a letter for each column.

- T puts phonics pictures around the classroom.

- T says a word (e.g., umbrella) -> the 2 Ss find and out the cards to its letter
column on the board. (Umbrella-> letter u).

* Review number: 17-18

+ Write numbers 17-18 on the board, ask Ss name the numbers.

Activity 4:

- T draws three big circles on the floor, write one number (from 16 to18) inside
each circle.

- T invites some Ss to come and play.

- T calls a number, Ss find and step in the circle with number called.

- Correct and fast move -> get points.

Break time: 5 minutes

4. Lesson Look and say.

6: Story
- Have Ss look and tell what/who are in the pictures.


- Have Ss listen to the story.

Listen and act.

- Play the CD again, pausing after each frame. Students repeat the sentences in
chorus and individually.

- Tell the class that they are going to act out the story. Call three students to the
front of the class and act.

- Help them perform by prompting the lines and telling them to repeat and do
the actions.

- Ask other group to act out the story.

5. Wrap-

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