Stranded in Space: An Encounter With Death The Escape

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A Star Wars RPG Adventure by Adam Brown

A sudden jolt startles the unsuspecting group awake as

they are ripped from hyperspace. The computer displays an
When the PC’s interact with the Orb, take it off of the ship, or Upon returning the orb to the crater, the planet will begin to
unexpected mass shadow, but this is not an ambush by an
listen to the datapad log, they will be attacked. At first the rumble as it gathers energy. The planet is about to jump to
Imperial Inderdictor Cruiser; instead, all that they can detect
spirits make themselves known with pained shreaking hyperspace! The PC's must rush back to their ship lest they
are a derelict ship and a rogue planet.
screams, as if they are locked at their moment of death die horribly from direct exposure to hyperspace.
forever. The spirits take the form of any humanoid race, but When the ship launches, the PC’s must make a Hard
STRANDED IN SPACE they all share the same stat block. ( ) Piloting check to escape the planets atmosphere in
A sudden surge of energy wraps around the PC's ship, When the spirits are defeated, the PC’s will only have a few time. Failure will deal damage to to the ship and an
disabling their navigation, computers, and hyperdrive. An minutes to collect themselves before the raging spirits automatic Critical Hit as it is caught in the atmosphere.
Easy ( ) Mechanics check will determine that the return.
If they succeed, the PC's will witness the planet shoot off
hyperdrive is being overcharged by some energy field, and
into the distance as it returns to wherever it came from, and
is inoperable. In addition, the derelict ship is transmitting a
lowpower emergency transponder signal that is barely THE PLANET the PC's hyperdrive is active once again.
detectable at Long range. Escape is impossible while the planet is disabling their
hyperdrive. The PC's must return the orb to the planet
THE SHIP OF MASTER TORIN VATH before they can escape. Should they delay, the spirits will
The derelict ship is nearly completely dead, almost all assault them repeatedly.
power is lost. Sensors will show no life signs aboard. A
Hard ( ) Lore check will determine that the ship is of FLYING DOWN TO THE PLANET
Correllian make from the Republic Era, and that it was a Making their way to the planet is not easy, it requires a Hard
favorite of the Jedi. This ship is small, barely enough room ( ) Piloting check to navigate through dense electrical
for 4 people to stand inside. storms that fill its atmosphere. The PC's sensors will detect
a strange energy signature on the surface, but will begin to
Getting into the ship is not easy. It must be sliced to respond
lose engine power if they approach too closely from the air.
to docking protocol, but can be cut into using fusion cutters
or other such means. Inside are 3 distinct items. The surface of the planet is a blasted hell-scape, devoid of
absolutely all life, including microbial and plant life. An Easy The gems are actually the souls of people long dead, reaped
 A locked red box, containing a round, palm-sized ( ) Xenology check may ascertain that this planet COULD by a Sith super-weapon called the Soul Collector. The gems
black gemstone. were intended to be dark-side batteries used by powerful
hold life, but it clearly doesn't. In addition, the electrical
 An old model datapad lying on an empty cot. storms are not completely natural. Sith to enhance their abilities. A dark-side force user can
 A cryo-pod embedded into the wall of the ship, feel their power, but would not know how to access them. A
The spirits will also assault them repeatedly, determined to light-side force user would feel disgusted to even hold
flashing red and containing a desiccated human body.
claim their souls. them, and would know them as an artifact of evil.
The dead body wears a brown robe (it as a Jedi robe), and
its identity is unknown. An Average ( ) Computers check THE CRATER The planet will go back to its system in the Unknown
will reveal that he died due to a power surge in his cryo- The PC's will come upon a crater, as vast as an inland sea. It Regions, where the Soul Collector lies. A haunted and dead
pod. is filled to the brim with black orbs, stretching out to the ship orbiting a Black Hole. Perhaps the PC’s follow the
The box can be forced open or picked to reveal its contents. horizon. This sea gives such a deep sense of dread that it planet and find the weapon. What will they do with it?
The orb gives an eerie feeling to anyone who holds it. Upon makes one feel physically ill. Listening closely will fill their
careful examination, one could swear they hear a sound like heads with a shrill sound, like millions of voices screaming DARK SPIRITS [MINION]
a scream emanating faintly from inside. endlessly into the void. Anyone who looks out and examines
The datapad contains hundreds of files, all corrupted except it must make a Daunting ( ) Discipline check or
the final audio recording. suffer Strain = as it tears at their very soul.

Datapad Audio Log

Audio log 892 of Jedi Master Torin Vath, in the 9th month of the year 1012 of the Galactic Republic. After 12 long years, I have finally located
the Praxium system. I saw the horrid machine with my own eyes and the destruction it wrought upon the surface of a nearby planet. From Skills(Group Only): Brawl, Discipline
the planet I collected a victim, a single black gemstone, to take back for study. But as I record this message I fear for my life. The evil of the Talents: Fearsome 2 (May force Engaged opponents to
Sith has infected this planet. It pursues me with dread determination, following me through hyperspace! It unleashes its minions upon me make a Fear check with Average difficulty.)
at every turn, but the Force has protected me so far. I am out of supplies, and I must enter cryo-sleep to have a chance of surviving this Weapon: Claws (Range Engaged, Dmg 5, Crit 2, Pierce 4)
journey. I can only hope that my ship finds its way to Coruscant in time before this planet claims my soul as well.

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