Rick Warren Notes

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the inability of buying things we don't need with money we don't have to impress

people we don't like and thinking we can.

it this way most of your unhappiness in life most of your unhappiness in life is
because you listen to you instead of God and when you do that you you you tell
yourself stuff all the time that isn't true just because you have a thought doesn't
mean it's accurate doesn't mean it's true doesn't mean it's correct a lot of things
you think of are not right they're not correct a lot of things I think of aren't
right aren't correct in fact a lot of things I think are actually lying to myself
rationalizing where we tell rational lies to ourselves
Seven weaopons of self destruction

1. shame- the first weapon of self-destruction is shame shame you cannot be happy
and feel
ashamed at the same time when you feel ashamed when you feel guilty when you
feel regrets that just robs all your happiness God doesn't want you to walk around
feeling guilty God doesn't want
you walking around feeling exchanged God once you walk around with regrets in fact
that's why I sent Jesus on on the
cross to die for all of your sins

2. Uncontrolled thoughts- uncontrolled

thoughts if you don't learn how to control your thoughts your thoughts will
ruin your life because you say to stuff to yourself that causes unhappiness
causes grief causes pressure you must learn how to control your thoughts

3.compulsions compulsions are those inner drives inner desires you can call them
lust you can call them habits you can call them impulses but they're those things
in your life you feel like I fell
I just had to do it even though you knew it was wrong I just had to do it and those
compulsions you got to learn how
to deal with those and how to fight that weapon of self-destruction because if you
do things by your compulsions you'll
mess up your life

4.fear is an
enormous destroyer of happiness of potential of God's purpose for your life
it will limit your life you've got to learn how to master your fears

5.hopelessness hopelessness keeps you from

keeping on when you start to feel hopeless about anything you get discouraged and
want to give up if you
feel hopeless about your marriage if you feel hopeless about ever getting married
if you feel hopeless about your
finances or you feel hopeless about your health hopelessness is a self destructive
weapon that you use on you and when you turn it inward it robs you of God's plan
for your life

6.bitterness is a huge weapon

of self-destruction because life is unfair and we don't all
get the same thing and life is broken and we're stuck and and some people get
better than you and you get jealous and you get envious and some people hurt you
you can either get better or bitter and
bitterness is a cancer that will eat you alive and it will it will it's a poison
that'll eat you on the inside you never hurt other people with your bitterness like
you hurt yourself you always hurt
you the most it is a self destructive emotion there is no value to bitterness
in your life there's no value to holding on to a grudge all it does is make you

7insecurity you got to deal with this one because if you

don't learn how to deal with insecurity in your life it's gonna cause you to do
foolish things when you're insecure and you're trying to show everybody else that
you're very confident you'll say
stupid things you'll do stupid things you'll pose and the only people
impressed by posers are other posers okay everybody sees through it
the only people are impressed by fakes are other fakes so you know when you're
insecure you can't hide it you have to deal with it now

Roman 7 and Roman 8 - Rmn 8 very impt.

7 mental habits.
1. I must remind myself daily of what Jesus did for me.
we have a lot
of people who saved you don't act like it they run around all the time filled with
shame and uncontrolled thoughts and
compulsions and fear and bitterness and insecurity and they're believers but
they're not set free from me and the
first step is you've got to remind yourself what Jesus actually did for you and
this is how the Holy Spirit sets me
free from shame let's look at these verses Romans 8:1 2:4 first he says so
now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Jesus Christ and let me
God doesn't judge you
for all the things you've done wrong if you've trusted Christ because Jesus took
all that judgment on the cross he
doesn't have to judge you because Jesus was judged he doesn't have to condemn you
because Jesus took your condemnationthis whole passage is
talking about people who've given their life to Jesus this doesn't apply to you if
you haven't made that decision yet
but if you've received Christ into your life the Bible says you're under no
condemnation that means God doesn't get mad at you when you sin did you hear
that God does not get mad at you when you said if you belong to Jesus Christ
because he's already taken the payment
now notice it doesn't say that after I become a Christian I won't sin you're still
gonna sin it
doesn't say I'm not gonna make mistakes you're still gonna make mistakes it doesn't
say I'm not gonna fail and look
stupid you're gonna fail and look stupid it just says you're under no condemnation
in other words you don't
have to walk around with shame you don't have to walk around with guilt because
when Jesus Christ died on the cross he not only paid for all of the sins you
committed last week
last year and your entire life he's committed he's already paid for the sins that
you're gonna commit tomorrow next
week and the rest of your life they're already paid for that's good news that
is good news no condemnation that means there is no reason for a Christian to
walk around in shame because I stop and I remind myself Jesus paid for all of my
sins he already knew before I was born every sin I was gonna do and he paid for
it now

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