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1. If FR is the net force of F1, F2, and F3, what is the magnitude of force F2 and x?

Known :

Net force (FR) = 40 N

Force 1 (F1) = 10 N
Force (F3) = 20 N
Wanted: The magnitude of force F2 and distance of x
Solution :
Find the magnitude of force F2 :
Force points to upward, signed negative and force points to downward, signed
ΣF = 0
– FR + F1 + F2 – F3 = 0
– 40 + 10 + F2 – 20 = 0
– 30 + F2
– 20 = 0
– 50 + F2 = 0
F2 = 50 Newton.
Plus sign indicates that the direction of the force is upward.
Find x.
Choose A as the axis of rotation.
τ1 = F1 l1 = (10 N)(1 m) = 10 Nm
The torque 1 rotates beam counterclockwise so we assign positive sign to the
torque 3.
τ2 = F2 x = (50)(x) = 50x Nm
The torque 1 rotates beam counterclockwise so we assign positive sign to the
torque 3.
τ3 = F3 x = (20 N)(1.75 m) = -35 Nm
The torque 2 rotates beam clockwise so we assign negative sign to the torque 2.
The net of moment of force :
Στ = 0
10 + 50x – 35 = 0
50x – 25 = 0
50x = 25
x = 25/50
x = 0.5 m

2. Forces of F1, F2, F3, and F4 acts on the rod of ABCD as shown in figure. If rod’s
mass ignored, what is the magnitude of the moment of force, about point A.
The axis of rotation = points A.
Known :

Force F1 = 10 N, the lever arm l1 = 0

Force F2 = 4 N, the lever arm l2 = 2 meters
Force F3 = 5 N, the lever arm l3 = 3 meters
Force F4 = 10 N, the lever arm l4 = 6 meters
Wanted : the moment of force about point A
Solution :
Moment of force 1 (τ1) = F1 l1 = (10)(0) = 0
Moment of force 2 (τ2) = F2 l2 = (4)(2) = -8 Nm
Moment of force 3 (τ3) = F3 l3 = (5)(3) = 15 Nm
Moment of force 4 (τ4) = F4 l4 = (10)(6) = -60 Nm
If torque rotates rod counterclockwise then we assign positive sign.
If torque rotates rod clockwise then we assign negative sign.
The resultant of the moment of force :
τ = 0 – 8 Nm + 15 Nm – 60 Nm
τ = -68 Nm + 15 Nm
τ = -53 Nm
Minus sign indicates that the moment of force rotates rod clockwise.
3. Three forces act on a rod, FA = FC = 10 N and FB = 20 N, as shown in figure
below. If distance of AB = BC = 20 cm, what is the moment of force about point
Known :

The axis rotation at point C.

Distance between FA and the axis of rotation (rAC) = 40 cm = 0,4 meters
Distance between FB and the axis of rotation (rBC) = 20 cm = 0.2 meters
Distance between FC and the axis of rotation (rCC) = 0 cm
FA = 10 Newton
FB = 20 Newton
FC = 10 Newton
Wanted : The resultant of the moment of force about point C.
Solution :
Moment of force A :
ΣτA = (FA)(rAC sin 90o
) = (10 N)(0,4 m)(1) = -4 N.m
Minus sign indicates that the moment of force rotates rod clockwise.
Moment of force B :
ΣτB = (FB)(rBC sin 90o) = (20 N)(0,2 m)(1) = 4 N.m
Plus sign indicates that the moment of force rotates rod counterclockwise.
Moment of force C :
ΣτC = (FC)(rCC sin 90o) = (10 N)(0)(1) = 0
The resultant of the moment of force :
Στ = Στ1 + Στ2 + Στ3
Στ = -4 + 4 + 0
Στ = 0 N.m

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