Cerita Si Kancil

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In This morning, farmer package is planting cucumber seed rear its house.

Then come the mousedeer meet farmer package. “ Good morning, package ?” , word the
mousedeer. “ What wishing you do my property farm ?” ask the farmer to the mousedeer. “ Oh,
forgiveness package farmer if me surprise, my arrival here is wishing to see how to plant
cucumber seed, package”, word the mousedeer

“ You needn’t see the way of planting this cucumber seed, cause wait surely you steal cucumber
which have cooked” farmer word to the mausedeer. “ ah, unconvinced ripe of package, my
arrival here to learne to have to cultivation, because I have discouraged to steal cucumber
property of father

Although the mousedeer try to make farmer believe that x’self will not steal again, and he thirst
for to plant cucumber but effect of act of mousedeer which like to steal cucumber, finally
mousedeer do not get science of that farner how to have cucumber cultivation to later : then the
mousedeer go to go to river and come ini contact with crocodile. Crocodile also the including
victim of si kancil wich often in deluding by intelligence and dodge of stratagem the mousedeer.
See near by mousedeer, direct crocodile rage at the mousedeer. “ Hi mousedeer, what is it
gerangan you come to my house?” Ask the crocodile. Mousedeer see crocodile at leisure by
dress very good wool berbahan become very interest to learn to make clothes of wool weared by

Crocodile remain to be uncanviced of word the mousedeer , and the mosedeer elapse to avoid
crocodile. Repentantly finally the mousedeer try to gaze and think what is going on. In the reality
the mosedeer that deed

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