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Jinnah Science College Athara Hazari

Name____________ Class: 2nd Year Time Allowed: 1 hour Subject: Computer

Q.1 Circle the Correct Answer. (5)
This statement cause the loop to terminate early: (A) Break (B) Terminate (C) Exit (D) End
Foreign key is found in: (A) Parent table (B) Dependent table (C) Pivot table (D) Index table
One execution of loop is known as: (A) Iteration (B) Cycle (C) Circle (D) duration
A relation is also known as: (A) Table (B) Tuple (C) Relationship (D) Field
The selected candidate key is called: (A) Foreign key (B) Composite key (C) Primary key (D) Super key

Q.2: Attempt ALL short Questions. (26)

(i) Differentiate between counter and conditional loop. (ii) Define the term redundancy. (iii) Define Entity Integrity.
(iv) Draw a flowchart of while loop. (v) Define an attribute. (vi) Define an Entity. (vii) Distinguish between entity class
and entity instance? (viii) What is the difference between primary key and foreign key? (ix) What is data dictionary?
(x) Difference b/w DB and DBMS. (xi) Write the use of ER diagram. (xii) What is Database system
(xiii) Write output: int x=5, y=3; do{ x=x*2; y=y+2;} while(y<7); printf(“%d”,x);
Q.3: Attempt ALL Long Questions: (24)
1) Define “for” loop. Write its syntax, Draw flowchart and explain its working with the help of example.-------
-----------OR------------------ Write a program that displays the first 15 even numbers.
2) Define Database system. Explain any three components of database system.
3) Describe different steps involved in analysis stage while designing a database.


Jinnah Science College Athara Hazari

Name____________ Class: 2nd Year Time Allowed: 1hour Subject: Computer
Q.1 Circle the Correct Answer. (5)
One execution of loop is known as: (A) Iteration (B) Cycle (C) Circle (D) duration
The selected candidate key is called: (A) Foreign key (B) Composite key (C) Primary key (D) Super key
A relation is also known as: (A) Table (B) Tuple (C) Relationship (D) Field
Foreign key is found in: (A) Parent table (B) Dependent table (C) Pivot table (D) Index table
This statement cause the loop to terminate early: (A) Break (B) Terminate (C) Exit (D) End

Q.2: Attempt ALL short Questions. (26)

(i) Differentiate between counter and conditional loop. (ii) Define the term redundancy. (iii) Define Entity Integrity.
(iv) Draw a flowchart of while loop. (v) Define an attribute. (vi) Define an Entity. (vii) Distinguish between entity class
and entity instance? (viii) What is the difference between primary key and foreign key? (ix) What is data dictionary?
(x) Difference b/w DB and DBMS. (xi) Write the use of ER diagram. (xii) What is Database system?
(xiii) Write output: int x=5, y=3; do{ x=x*2; y=y+2;} while(y<7); printf(“%d”,x);
Q.3: Attempt ALL Long Questions: (24)
1) Define “for” loop. Write its syntax, Draw flowchart and explain its working with the help of example.-------
-----------OR------------------ Write a program that displays the first 15 even numbers.
2) Define Database system. Explain any three components of database system.
3) Describe different steps involved in analysis stage while designing a database.

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