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Section A MCQS

(1) The dimension of energy is same as

a) Torque b)work c) both a & b d) None

(2) ________ is dimension of frequency and is same as dimension of _______

a) MLT-1, displacement b) M°L°T-1 , angular displacent c)both a&b d)None

(3) i×j =

a) -k b) k c) 0 d) All

(4) The collision is ____ if only momentum before and after collision is conserved

a) elastic b) in elastic c) semi elastic d) None

5)For projectile motion minimum dimeensions required are

a)one b) two c) three d)four

(6) Height is maximum for projectile motion at angle of

a)180 b)90 c)95 d)45

(7) If projectile is launched at certain angle its _______ velocity will be instantenous

a)Horizontal b) verticle c) tangential d)angluar

(8) Angular momentum is equal to

a) rw b)rP c) both a& b. d)None

(9) For ______ equilibrium the centre of gravity does not change while changing its position

a)stable b)unstable c)Neutral d)None

10) A car is moving with uniform velocity is example of _______ equilibrium

a) stable b)static c)dynomic d)unstable

(11)S I unit of G is

a)Nm²/kg b)Nm/kg c)m/s² d)Nm²/kg²

(12) When cable of an elevator break down then a is

a) greater than g b) equal to g c)less than g d) unequal to g

(13) work done is negative is angle between force and displacement is

1)O b)90 c)360 d)180

(14) unit of work is same as unit of

a) energy b)torque c)power d)momentum

(15) one hp is equal to

a)740watt b)764watt c) 746watt d)756watt.

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