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As I have said before, this requires physical fitness and strong memory.

In order to play
blindfolded chess properly you need to master the following:

1. Having always clear vision of the board.

2. Properly move and capture pieces.
3. Properly update the overall position on the board after the move is played.
Now it is time to implement solutions for the above tasks:

1. Having always clear vision of the board.

You must know which squares are light and which are dark. First you must know if the
coordinate has odd parity or not. This is important for both letter and number coordinate. You
first check the letter's parity, and then you determine the color of the square like below:
1.1 If letter has odd parity and number does not, than it is a light square ( a2, c8, g6... Do you see
the pattern now? ).
1.2 If letter and number both have odd parity, than it is a dark square ( a1, c3, g5... Do you see the
pattern now? ).
2.1 If letter doesn't have odd parity and number does, than it is a light square ( b3, f5, h7... Do
you see the pattern now? ).
2.2 If letter and number don't have odd parity, than it is a dark square ( b1, d4, h8... Do you see
the pattern now? ).

2. Properly move and capture pieces.

Here you have *starting square*->it is the square a piece stands on, and the *target square*,
the one you wish to move your piece to.
When moving/capturing you change the value of at least one coordinate, be that letter or a
number. For example, when you move a rook from h1 to g1 notice that the letter coordinate got
decremented by 1. The same goes for number coordinates, when moving a pawn
from e2 to e3notice how number coordinate incremented by 1.
To illustrate this in the most efficient way, I will introduce a special notation that I will explain
right now:

We shall adopt the format L[±/+/-]N[±/+/-].

L is the starting letter coordinate and N is the starting number coordinate.
[] store simple adding/subtracting function describing how to calculate the valid coordinate for
putting a piece, or be blank in which case the coordinate remains the same.
This function uses symbols ±, +, - for calculation.
The symbol / lists options ( you can always do only one mathematical calculation in the
bracket. ) .
For example, rook can move forward or backward so instead of writing L[+1]N[] or L[-1]L[] it
will be shorter to write L[+1/-1]. Then you choose which function to perform,
adding or subtracting.
Furthermore, each option for L will have corresponding option for N, meaning that in this
example L[-1/+1]N[-1/+1] you either do L[-1]N[-1] or L[+1][+1]. This will all be clearer in
practical examples shown below.
Here are the patterns:

When moving a pawn, always increment by one the number coordinate. If testing for capture,
replace the starting letter coordinate with its successor or predecessor, else do nothing.

When you apply this for the diagram above, a pawn on f3 can move to f4 and capture
on e4 or g4 and a pawn on b6 can move to b7 and capture on a7 or c7.
L[ ±2 / ±1 ]N[ ±1 / ±2 ] for both capture and move.
In the diagram above knight stands on e4 square. Let us use our pattern to determine on which
squares it can stand:
e[ ±2 / ±1 ]4[ ±1 / ±2 ] can have the following results:
1. First option is e[ ±2 ]4[ ±1 ] :
This means that we can move the knight on e[+2]4[+1] = g5, or e[+2]4[-1] = g3, or e[-2]4[+1]
= c5 and finally e[-2]4[-1] = c3.
2. Second option is e[ ±1 ]4[ ±2 ] :
This means that we can move the knight on e[ +1 ]4[ +2 ] = f6, or e[ +1 ]4[ -2 ] = f2, or e[ -
1 ]4[ +2 ] = d6 and finally e[ -1 ]4[ -2 ] = d2.
For the bishop is tough, but I was able to invent a solution that is simple and effective.
You see, we can treat diagonal as an linear function and a bishop as a coordinate on it. After
carefully looking on the picture below we can see that diagonal is a part of a square. This is the
equation for a linear function with 2 known coordinates:

Where ( x2 , y2 ) is the destination point, and ( x1 , y1 ) is the starting point.
( y2 - y1 ) / ( x2 - x1 ) can only be ±1, since we have a square, which gives us the y2 =
y1 ±( x2 - x1 ) equation.
Since we know both the starting square and target square all we have to do is check if the above
equation is true and if is then bishop can move/capture on the target square!

We just need slight adjustment since we use letters for x-axis instead of numbers:

Target letter coordinate = Starting letter coordinate ± ( Target number
coordinate - Starting number coordinate )
And there it is!

The tricky part is to determine when to choose - and when +. Still there is an easy way:
If your diagonal has direction like blue one in the picture above, you use + else you use - in the
In the diagram above bishop stands on e4 square. Let us use our equation to determine if it can
move to c6 ( here we choose - since the direction of the diagonal is the same as the red one's in
the mentioned diagram ): c = e - ( 6 - 4 ) = e - 2 = c which is correct result ( second letter
before e is c ).
Now let us test f6 ( here we choose + since the direction of the diagonal would be the same as
the blue one's in the mentioned diagram ): f = e + ( 6 - 4 ) = e + 2 = g which is invalid
and that is a correct result.
Now let us test b1 ( here we choose + since the direction of the diagonal is the same as the blue
one's in the mentioned diagram ): b = e + ( 1 - 4 ) = e - 3 = b which is valid and that is
correct result.

The target square must have equal letter or number coordinate, in order for a rook to go there.

For example in the diagram above, rook is on e4 and he can move on any square that has at least
one coordinate equal to his start coordinate. Therefore we can see that rook can stand
on e8because that square has the same letter as the starting square, or h4 since the number
coordinates are the same.
You just have to perform testing the same way you would for bishop or rook:

Either the target square has same letter or number, or must satisfy the equation I gave you for the
bishop ( Target letter coordinate = Starting letter coordinate ± ( Target number
coordinate - Starting number coordinate )  ).

Two conditions must be fulfilled in order for target square to be valid:

1. Target square number coordinate - starting square number coordinate must be 1 or -

2. Target letter coordinate must be either successor or predecessor of the starting letter, or equal
to it.

In the diagram above, king is on f3. Let us determine if he can stand on e5:
1. e is the predecessor of f, which is good so far.
2. 5(target number coordinate) - 3(starting number coordinate) = 2, thus this square is invalid.
Now let us test f2:
1. f is equal to f, so far so good.
2. 2 - 3 = -1, which is valid result, so yes, king can move there.
3. Properly update the overall position on the board after the move is played.
This is the place where your memory and physical fitness come into play. It will be hard for you
to memorize which pieces were exchanged and where each one stand. Especially when you need
to calculate lines this can be a cause of many mistakes.

I hope that this answer helps you, sorry for posting late, I have a lot of work to do. These tips are
really just a basic math and you really should have no trouble using them successfully. Still if you
need help leave a comment.

Good luck and best regards.

shareimprove this answer

answered Mar 23 '14 at 5:21

 1
@LayoutPH: Sorry for posting too late, but I was very busy. These tops and tricks look scary "on the
paper" but in practice are very easy to implement. Hopefully you will succeed in your goal to learn
blindfold chess. Let me know if this answer helped you. Best regards.  – AlwaysLearningNewStuff Mar
23 '14 at 23:33
 2
Hi dude, your answer is excellent specially the patterns if I can only vote for your answer in this
question 10times I will do it. :) – LayoutPH Mar 25 '14 at 4:12
 8
This answer strikes me as absurd. Nobody learns to play blindfold chess like that. Nobody remembers
coordinates and does mathematical calculations to find out how to move a piece. If you reach a
certain level you just know where any given piece from any given square can move to and you just
know which colour any given square has. And you don't remember positions piece by piece,
everything is connected and interacting. – BlindKungFuMaster Jun 22 '15 at 14:52
 2
If my opponent tells me "Nd4", I don't memorise these coordinates. Instead I know that there is now a
knight on this particular central square. And this fact stays in my mind, not because I learn it by heart,
but because I see that it attacks the weak square on c6, it might be sacrificed on e6, it is slightly
unstable because of my bishop on g7 and the possibility to play e5 and so forth. I remember the
knight on d4 because of its interactions with the other pieces, because of tactical and strategical
possibilities. And that's how it works for every halfway decent blindfold
player. – BlindKungFuMaster Jun 23 '15 at 8:25
 5
This answer is completely useless. First, it does not answer the question at all. Secondly, the methods
shown here are only good for implementing a computer chess program.  – Bogdan Alexandru Oct 17
'16 at 15:51
show 4 more comments
In essence, you are asking-

Can memory (or other brain functions) be improved or is it a natural trait?

The answer is yes to both. While it is true that one's memory can be improved, it is also
commonly observed that some people are more "gifted" when it comes to memory (and other
brain functions) than others.
To play blindfold chess, you need three things -

1. A decent memory
2. A good ability to visualize
3. A decent level of chess playing strength (if you want to play decent chess i.e. or one could
simply have a fantastic memory and make legal yet nonsensical moves).
I never "practiced" blindfold chess to learn it. I simply observed that as soon as my chess level
got to FIDE 2000 level (for example), I could easily replay moves in my head and think
"blindly". I don't have a great memory. I suppose my memory is average or slightly above
average, but chess has surely helped to improve it to some extent.

The way I do it is by visualizing a 2D board in my head (like a computer screen). The board
doesn't have to be crystal clear (it's often hazy), but as long as you can "see" the pieces in their
places, it's fine. I suppose that a chess player's ability to visualize increases the more chess he/she
plays. This is normal brain development. The more you exercise a muscle, the better it gets. So I
would suggest you practice visualization to get better at it.
Playing Strength
The real point of blind chess is to play chess blindly and yet play it well. So playing strength is
indispensable or else there is no point in playing blind chess. If you play blind chess badly, you
only prove you have a good memory and visualization power and nothing more. So, as an
amateur, I would say your top priority is to improve your playing strength. Work on that and
your memory and visualization will automatically improve.
All the best!

shareimprove this answer

answered Mar 16 '14 at 1:47
 1
thanks for that inspiring answer. So you mean majority of people with a strength of 2000 ELO,
specially the IM's and GM's are capable of doing blindfold chess? Thanks I'll try to improve my playing
strength. Currently I play at 1600 to 1700 level. – LayoutPH Mar 16 '14 at 14:43
 1
Yes. I think that a 2000 ELO player should be able to play blindfold chess without it being overly
difficult for him/her. – Wes Mar 16 '14 at 14:53
 For most I would agree with your Playing Strength section. However, I'd teach blind chess to those
also interested in Discrete Mathematics - specifically Graph Theory, regardless of playing strength or
intent to improve. Although I'm only around a 1500 player, I think this skill has helped me immensely
in my studies. – Paul Burchett May 3 '16 at 13:12
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I learned to play blindfolded chess by practicing it from 2001 to 2005. In my opinion, it is a skill
that can be learned, practice will give results.

What I do is to try to visualize the chess board and the pieces on the board at every moment of the
game. I have to update it one or more times per second, since it keeps vanishing. It does require
considerable effort and you get tired after a single game, even at relatively short time controls.

It might be easier to start off by having an empty chess board in front of you, when training.
When practicing, you can ask a friend to play with the board and you sitting with your back to the
board, getting and sending your moves verbally. Close your eyes, if you find it helps.

If you find it difficult, then everything is correct :)

There seems to be a nice book out there on the subject:
Perhaps there are more books / articles out there!

shareimprove this answer

edited Mar 15 '14 at 10:47
answered Mar 15 '14 at 10:34

Rauan Sagit
 1
hi sir, thank you for your answer. What should I do if loss the visualization after 6 to 10 moves I
always loss or forgot the sequence. – LayoutPH Mar 16 '14 at 14:47 
 @LayoutPH keep practicing :) – Rauan Sagit Mar 16 '14 at 20:24
 1
+1 for updating one or more times per second. I find my visualization efforts tend to quickly morph or
degrade, so more conscious effort at refresh might help, although as you say, tiring.  – Michael Apr 4
'14 at 5:13
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It is obviously a learned skill. No-one pops into the world after gestating for 9 months able to
play blindfold chess! Just as no-one arrives destined to be an International footballer, genius
mathematician or Olympic athlete.

The real question is, is it learned by specifically training to acquire the skills of blindfold chess,
or does it develop in some other way?

I am a reasonably strong chess player (and was stronger when I was much younger) but have
always been well short of IM or GM strength. Yet I can play blindfold chess with ease.
Unfortunately it is not especially strong blindfold chess! It lags about 100 rating points below my
OTB rating. The main difference is that although I make fewer gross blunders when playing
blindfold I do not find exceptionally strong moves or plans either.

I have never studied specifically for it but I have been able to play blindfold since I passed about
1800 strength. At least that is when I first tried it, and succeeded. The first hint that I might be
able to play blindfold was when I realised that I could follow chess books without a board and
pieces. When I got stronger I found that I could play several blindfold games simultaneously, so
in my case the ability developed as a side effect of learning to play chess with a board and pieces.
I suspect the same is true of most players including all those FMs, IMs and GMs that are much
stronger than me.

Isn't this what you would expect? In learning to play chess well we become intimately familiar
with the board, with the powers of the pieces, and with the patterns commonly made by tactical
operations and by positional features. We also calculate future positions by imagining sequences
of moves and the positions to which they lead. These are the basic skills of blindfold play, so it is
not surprising that the skill can develop naturally alongside increasing chess strength.

This is not to say that you cannot train specifically to play blindfold. I expect that you can. But I
do not think that is how most chess players gained the skill.

Blindfold chess is not such an exceptional and amazing mental feat as it is thought to be by
people that don't play chess (and by some that do!). I do not know of any strong player that
cannot play blindfold. I have challenged some strong players that have never tried to play
blindfold to give it a try, and they have always managed it with some ease. What is strong? Well
no-one I know that has achieved a rating of 2100 or more has failed this challenge, and many
with lower ratings have managed it.

shareimprove this answer

edited Dec 15 '16 at 10:25
answered Dec 15 '16 at 10:18

 One could add that blindfold is a lot easier to play if you have a familiar position on the (virtual) board.
As an example, you could store the information: "fianchettoed bishop" instead of storing the position
of five pieces (e.g. Nf3, Bg2, pawns on f2, g3, h2).  – user1583209 Dec 15 '16 at 12:30
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I just want to share what I am doing now to improve my blindfold chess visualization skill.
I downloaded a dozen of minigames of 10 to 15 moves in PGN format from ,
then I load it from my chess PGN application from my mobile phone. Then I read the PGN and
play it on my mind without browsing it from my PGN reader. As I finished the game from my
mind. I verify the position by playing the actual game from my PGN reader. I am using Chess
PGN Master available from Iphone and Android.

I feel happy every time I finished a game that matches exactly from the game I visualized.

I think this stepping stone would put me someday from playing blindfold chess.

shareimprove this answer

answered Mar 16 '14 at 15:06

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the ability to play blindfold chess develops naturally as chess ability improves. By getting better
at chess, one gets better at blindfold chess.

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answered Sep 22 '14 at 19:22

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If Marc Lang from germany could play 46 games blindfolded (at once) then there is a chance that
you could play one.
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answered Mar 23 '14 at 22:18

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I don't play blindfold but I've been told by people who do that if I want to start learning / training
then the place to start is by mentally splitting the board into 4 quarters: a1-4xd1-4, e1-4xh1-4, a5-
8xd5-8, e5-8xh5-8. Then picture the pieces in these 4 quarters independently of each other. So,
hold in your mind a picture of the first quadrant. Then do the same for the second quadrant, etc.
Finally bring the 4 quarters together in your mind.
I've not tried this but it makes sense on the principle of "crawl, walk, run" and is similar to what
bridge players do, counting up to 13 in lots of different ways (4xsuits + 4xplayers, etc)

shareimprove this answer

answered Dec 9 '14 at 15:35

Brian Towers
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Blindfold Chess is an ability which can be learned with Practice . Though some People may learn
it faster than others but with average Chess intelligence it can be achieved . As like Magnus
Carlsen who can play blindfolded with 10 Opponents at a time is something God Gifted but with
the Training the Average Player can achieve to play one person blindfolded at one time.

Every Chess Player should try enhancing this Quality because it gradually helps in doing better
Chess calculations & Visualizations in Games.

shareimprove this answer

edited Feb 27 '17 at 10:10
answered Feb 27 '17 at 9:55

Seth Projnabrata
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I have a USCF of around 1500 and I can play blind, so if that's what you're looking for it
shouldn't be overly difficult. I did have to push myself a little though. I want to try multiple
boards, we'll see.

shareimprove this answer

edited Sep 7 '17 at 7:11
answered Mar 28 '14 at 9:02

Paul Burchett
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I play in chess tournaments in Philadelphia and in the U1500 section( i think) is a blind man. He
has his own separate room to play in and there are special rules that apply to him. To record the
moves he has an audio recording device. He also plays with 2 boards. The main board with the
real pieces the opponent plays with and a special board with peg holes for the pieces. On the
pieces of the special board are metal balls on the Black pieces so he can distinguish pieces. He is
allowed to touch all the pieces on his board so he can visualize. His opponent has to help him and
move his pieces on the main board but he is very independent non the less! In my mind that is the
real blindfolded chess!

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answered Dec 9 '14 at 16:39

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This is not a technical answer. Playing blindfold can be practiced and you can gain proficiency
upto a level. But beyond that level, as it is with normal chess, you need talent, pure talent.

Learning Blindfold Chess Playing

Some chess players can play a single game of mental chess moderately well, but
Alekhine in 1933 played 32 games simultaneously! Then in 1937, Koltanowski
broke that record and played 34 games simultaneously! Now the record is held by
Flesch with 52 games in 1960. Not all blindfold players agree on how they play
mental chess and there is some difference of opinion regarding their methods. As
George Koltanowski points out in his book, In The Dark, ..."every blindfold player
develops his own technique of retaining positions in his mind. One player
all of the moves made in each game; another has a photographic mind; a third
that he himself doesn't know..."
Visual minded masters either visualize the actual shapes of pieces on an imagined
chessboard or their equivalent symbols on perhaps a flat, scaled down version like
that which is represented in a book. The picture of the board is retained in their
at any given point so that they can easily break off and do something else, then
come back to the same mental image later without difficulty. Auditory minded
masters rely on reiterating the whole sequence of moves mentally before they
any subsequent move. They only see the board momentarily in their mind after
have done so. Kinesthetic minded players aren't sure how they play mental chess.
They just 'feel' their way through it.
Many strong players are unable to play blindfold games, because they cannot
visualize in their mind the location of the different colored squares. When they use
empty chessboard in front of them though, they can play almost as well as when
pieces are on the board. One trick to master the color of the squares better is to
the board up into 4 equal quarters. Since each quarter looks identical, memorizing
one quarter allows you to understand the square colors in the other 3 quarters as
Of course, all players use some form of mental chess during each normal game just
look ahead a few moves at hypothetical positions.
Self-confidence and a belief that you have the ability to conjure up mental images
is important in blindfold chess. Although it is easy to visualize a naked person of
opposite sex, you may be a bit surprised that with a little practice it is just as easy
visualize a chessboard and its pieces.
The following drill is for the visual minded chess player. Place an empty
chessboard 2 feet in front of you. Take several deep, abdominal breaths and relax.
Now look directly at the chessboard and study the squares and their arrangement.
Feel comfortable with the flow of the diagonals across the board as well as the
square colors. Now close your eyes and imagine the board still in front of you. See
all the
same features in your mind's eye this time. Hold the image for 30 seconds; then
open your eyes. Compare the inner image with the outer one. Notice any aspects
you were not aware of when visualizing. Close your eyes again and repeat the
exercise. Next, repeat the same procedure with all the pieces on the board. After
completing this, close your eyes again and visualize the pieces from different
Imagine yourself overtop of the chessboard looking down at the pieces or from the
side of the board or from the opponent's position. This teaches you that you can
move your inner conscious awareness around the chessboard at will.
In the next drill, take your position as white or black and look at your starting
position. Now close your eyes and make your first move. Make a comparable move
in your mind for your opponent (even if you have to visualize moving to his side of
the board). Do this for 6 more moves back and forth. Afterwards, open your eyes
and place the pieces where they should be on the chessboard. Then close your
again and make 6 more moves. Open your eyes and reposition the pieces and
the process. If 6 moves are too many, lessen the amount, but be consistent. With
practice, you should be able to increase the amount of moves gradually until a
game is played without looking at the board.
If you're having trouble holding the colored squares in your mind, you might
practice making your mental moves while looking at an empty chessboard in front
you. With practice, thinking ahead 2 or 3 moves in various combinations, and
coming back to your original, mental position will also be eventually mastered.
Whereas ordinary visualizations are usually quite brief, blindfold chess in this
offers duration to your visualizing abilities. It is a powerful mind strengthening
exercise. As a side benefit to mastering blindfold chess, you will also improve your
memory with everyday matters as well.
For auditory minded players, have a friend play you a game of chess while your
back is to the board. Have your friend call out his move to you every time he
Each time it is your turn to play, repeat mentally the whole series of moves that
preceded your current move. Since your mental picture of the chessboard will not
as permanently in place in your mind as a visual minded player, you must rely on
reiteration process to flash the current position of the board at any one time. With
practice, you'll find that it will only take a few seconds to do this reiteration
and your memory powers will be greatly enhanced as well.

Of course it does ... Do you know that most the Top Players keep visualizing the board in
their heads while looking away from the board , and we think that they are just observing
the environment :P actually they are calculating in their minds ... this method is called
"stepping-stone" ... Once when a journalist went to Alexie Shirov's home to take an
interview , and he asked for a chess board (i dont know for what :D) , Shirov Couldn't find
his board , saying that he considers the board to be a very big obstacle :-O .... So you see ,
The method of stepping stone is very important for a players improvement ! .. so you should
certainly practice it too !...

How to do that ? Answer is very simple , but you will need to be persistent :
1.if you really have a poor vision , then the first thing you should be able to do is to
calculate without moving the pieces while solving a puzzle ...
2.When you are able to solve puzzles without moving the pieces , next you should solve it
over the book ..
3.When you are able to solve puzzles over the book , try solving them in your head ... this is
how you do it : note down placement of the pieces of the puzzle (in a copy for example :P) ,
then remember the king position of white , close your eyes , and place it in your minds
board... then open your eyes , check where white queen is ,close your eyes , recall white
kings position , then place the white queen in your minds board .... do this till you have
completely setup the board in your mind , and start solving ....
Some Tips : *when utilizing the stepping stone method , start with positions having fewer
pieces , and gradually increase the number of pieces. 
*if you are unable to visualize clearly , retry ... be persistent ... 
*even if you are able to solve only 1 puzzle in 1 hour , let it be ... do not mind ... when you
improve , you will be able to solve 1 puzzle in 1 minute !! ...
*Stay Focussed ... Stepping stone is similar to meditation , you lose focus , you will have to
restart ... 

Good Luck !

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