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Code No: R10/83.


B. Arch VIII Semester Regular Examination, February-2021

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 50

Answer any FIVE questions

All questions carry equal marks.
1. “Lighting as determinant form of Architecture” elaborate on same
with examples.

2. What are the lighting design requirements for: a) Hospitals b) Art

galleries c) Auditorium

3. Explain how day lighting is better than artificial lighting with the
help of neat sketches.

4. Explain in detail about the intelligent building systems for lighting.

5. How can lighting design enhance the building performance in

relation to architecture expression?

6. What are the ways to conserve energy in lighting use of daylight

and the emerging trends in lighting?

7. How is point by point method of lighting useful in designing road


8. Write short notes on:

a. Landscape lighting
b. Optical fiber lighting
c. Spot lighting

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