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Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer

Behavior makes use of branding tactics such as smart packaging and appealing
product placement, and store ambiance to enhance customer experience of the brand –
and build repeat purchases
As a result, the company is able to build brand ambassadors for no cists, and also
keep on enhancing its brand image
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2. Company reputation
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior has a strong brand reputation
The company enjoys high level of customer trust
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior has been a responsible enterprise, and has abided by the regulations put
forward by the authorities
Additionally, the company use sonly fresh produce for its products, and ensures
customers health
This has allowed Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and
Consumer Behavior to maintain a trusted and responsible company reputation
3. Customer service
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior works with a customer centric approach
The company takes all customer feedback and criticism seriously, and implements it
immediately in its business processes and outline
This makes customer feel important, and engaged with the company’s culture – and
strengthens the bond they feel with the brand
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior also has defined training for all its employees which helps them become
familiar with the company’s way of managing customers
The training helps employees refine skills, and prepares them for smooth customer
4. Response rate
5. Flexibility
The company is flexible in its organizational culture
This means that Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and
Consumer Behavior is quick to adapt to innovations and changes in the industry
The company has a flexible change management program which helps employees stay
abreast of industry developments
6. Quality
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior places high importance on quality
The company has internal quality checks for all products and processes. This
ensures that all business systems and processes are up to mark with the quality
standards defined by the company.
The company’s quality standards, In turn, are shaped by local and global quality
benchmarks and standards
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior also has various accreditations for authenticating its quality focus.
7. Innovation
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior invests in innovation of business processes and products
The company also adopts innovations in the industry – locally as well as globally
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior has been known for frequently introducing innovations in its product line
to keep the interest of the customer at a spike.
8. Global presence
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior has exposure to different cultures, which allows it to maintain a more
wholesome product offering
Global presence also expands the customer base for the company, and has allowed
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior to glocalise its various product to match cultural expectations.
9. Economies of scale
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior works at economies of scale
The scale of operations, compared with the demand and presence of the company in
various locations has allowed Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand
Positioning and Consumer Behavior to maintain economies of scale and work at a cost
effective point
The company is able to control costs because of economies of scale.
10. Consumer research
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior makes high investment in market and consumer research
This helps Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and
Consumer Behavior stay abreast of consumer preferences, and demands
As a result, Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and
Consumer Behavior is able to introduce changes in its product offerings to be able
to meet consumer demand, and tap into gaps found in the market.
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11. Financial investment management
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior has a team of experts who manage its financial investments
This prude financial investment has allowed Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper
Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer Behavior to remain financially strong and
create a hard financial cushion
The company has been able to progress on equity with minimal debt because of its
financial management of the cash flows, and profits
12. Strong distribution
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior also has a strong distribution network
The company has contracted distributors who make the products of Chipotle Mexican
Grill easily available and accessible for consumers and end customers
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior has trusted relations with its distributing agents, and ensures high
distribution across different channels
13. Integrated supply chain
The use on integrated supply chain helps Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper
Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer Behavior maintain control over costs
This also allows the company to maintain a strict control over quality so as to
ensure that the end product does not suffer
14. Strategic marketing and communications
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior makes use of strategic marketing and communications to develop appealing
content for the consumers
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior is also able to capitalize on consume preferences through effective
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior has used marketing and communications to build appeal, develop strong
bonds, and create effective promotions for its consumers.
15. Social media marketing
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior also makes use of social media marketing
Social media marketing is more cost effective and has a higher reach
All marketing strategies are integrated, and resonate with the larger brand
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior makes use of social media marketing also to directly interact with
consumers and answer their queries
16. Segmentation techniques
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior has made strategic use of the STP process
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior targets multiple segments with its various product offerings
Each segment has unique marketing strategies devised fir
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior also uses mass marketing for some product offerings
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior has made use of high brand investment to be able to define segments
relevant for the company using characteristics of psychographics, and behaviour in
addition to demographics.
2. Weaknesses
1. Niche products
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior has some niche product offerings for specific markets only
This markets are high end in nature, and cater to elite customers
This restricts Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and
Consumer Behavior’s source of income, and makes it highly dependent on a
selectively mall target market for returns
2. Pricing strategy
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior has been known to regularly engage in competitive pricing, which has
benefitted its product offerings
However., for a number of products, Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat
Brand Positioning and Consumer Behavior also engages in above the market price
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior charges higher prices for its quality offerings as well as for its premium
bran damage
The premium pricing strategy for selective segments is an offset as it leads
customers towards competitors since there are easy direct substitutes available
This is especially true for consumers who do to have a strong association or bond
with the brand
3. Limited diversification
Though Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior caters to a number of segments, its products offerings are overlapping
This means that it offers more or less the same product offerings to different
consumer segments, with added features and benefits
At the core, the offering across segments is similar – which creates a drawback for
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
The limited diversification allows competitors to usurp consumers from Sustaining
an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer Behavior’s hare of
the pie through different, and unique product offering to meet their demands, and
4. Fluctuation in cash flows
The recent fluctuates in the economy have also led to fluctuations in the cash
flows of Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and
Consumer Behavior
These fluctuations have a negative impact by creating temporary financial
This uncertainty is reflected in limited innovation, higher pricing, and higher
costing for the business
As a result, the fluctuation in the cash flow impacts the way of doing business, as
well as business efficiency
5. Franchised operations cause quality issues
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior has global operations as well
All its global operations are not directly controlled by the company. Instead,
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior has also franchised some of its oversea operations and branches
Franchised branches harm the brand image and standing through compromising on the
consumer experience, a s well as the quality of the products
Franchised operations fail to adhere to quality requirements and standards, and
thereby cause damage the reputation of the company
6. Negative publicity
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior has also suffered from negative publicity because of customer feed back
The negative publicity caused harm to the company’s reputation
The case worsened because of the long duration of the scandal
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior PR team managed to contain the scandal, and resolve issues to be able to
salvage the brand’s image and reputation
7. High employee turnover
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior is experiencing a high annual employee turnover
The high employee turnover risk associated with lower employee incentives and
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior also offers lower instances of motivation – especially intrinsic
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior also has a poorly managed succession planning system, and limited career
growth opportunities
As a result, despite the high investment in training, Sustaining an Ethnic Soft
Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer Behavior is unable to retain
employees over a long period of time
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior’s employee instead seek out better opportunities with competing players
8. Vulnerability to industry decline
The industry in which Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand
Positioning and Consumer Behavior operates has reached its maturity stage
This means that the industry is filled with competing players, and is saturated
The growth is minimal. And the industry thrives on existing players’ knowledge of
the market and players
Innovation also fuels the industry forward
Since the growth of the industry is stagnant, individual players like Sustaining an
Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer Behavior also feel a
slower growth rate in their business
9. Autocratic leadership and management styles
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior has an autocratic leadership for most part
The autocratic leadership creates problems of trust and accountability in the
Employees are not empowered, and do not feel engaged with the organization
The employees also have lower levels of organizational commitment which leads to
lower motivation, and lower performance on part of employees
10. Organizational bureaucracy
The autocratic leadership at Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand
Positioning and Consumer Behavior has also given way to bureaucracy
The organization has taller levels of hierarchy
As a result, resources are not optimally sued or budgeted for
There are also communication problems and obstacles, which leads to roadblocks for
organization in its journey towards growth
The organizational bureaucracy also impedes transparency in processes, and lowers
the morale and motivation of the employees
It is one of the factors leading to a higher employee turnover rate for Sustaining
an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer Behavior
11. Plagued organizational culture
The autocratic leadership and bureaucracy have damaged the organizational culture
at Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Though the company enjoys a good reputation and brand image externally, internally,
the systems are suffering with poor management, nepotism, and a run after
The organizational culture also suffers from lack of information sharing, and
complacency on part of employees who are reluctant to move out of their comfort
3. Opportunities
1. Expansion in developing countries
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior should expand operation in emerging markets such as that of India and
The higher disposable income in emerging markets and developing countries will give
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior a diversified source of earnings
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior will also have more space for innovation and new product development in
emerging markets
Consumers in emerging markets will be more prone to experimentation, and trying new
products such as Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and
Consumer Behavior
2. Market development in the Middle East
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior can focus on market development in the middle east
By developing taste for Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand
Positioning and Consumer Behavior, the company will enjoy firs mover advantage
As a result, the company will be able to generate trial rate, and have a high
number of consumers who will form strong loyalties for the brand
In addition, the Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and
Consumer Behavior will also have higher access to market segments, and this will
facilitate higher penetration for the brand in the middle east during market
3. Product diversification
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior should use its market research to engage in product diversifications
By engaging in diversification, Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand
Positioning and Consumer Behavior will be able to increase its reach and
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior will also be able to tap into new consumer segments
This will help Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and
Consumer Behavior
Introduce innovations in the organization, as well as in the industry – and will
thus increase appeal for consumers
4. Green lifestyle opportunities
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Should also engage in diversification that include green processes
green lifestyle is a new trend in consumer lifestyles, with higher inclination
Consumers are increasingly looking to purchase products that are produced and
marketed with keeping in view environmental friendly means
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior should introduce green products to appeal to higher consumer segments
Green products will also enhance the brand image for Sustaining an Ethnic Soft
Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer Behavior
5. Innovations
Innovation in product offering will also facilitate Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink
- Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer Behavior in maintaining sustainable
competitive advantage
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior will be able to stay ahead of competition, and enjoy first mover advantage
with its innovations in the industry
Innovations will also help in the growth of the business for Chipotle Mexican Grill
6. Retail alterations and expansion
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior Can work on the consumer and brand experience by altering the retail space
This will include changing he ambiance of the retail outlet and training the staff
towards exceptional customer service
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior should also explore options of increasing retail presence through opening
branches in different regional areas
Retail expansion and alterations should be grounded in strong consumer and market
7. Partnerships and collaborations
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior should also explore engagement in partnership and collaborations with
corporate businesses as well as other businesses in the industry
This will give Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and
Consumer Behavior more exposure, and increase awareness about the brand
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior will be able to benefit from partnerships in terms of expansion, market
assessment, and consumer elated knowledge
Ina addition, collaborations with organizations with a cause can help Sustaining an
Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer Behavior enhance
brand image, and work towards its CSR activities
8. Online expansion
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior should engage in online retailing
This will be cost effective and will also help the company make its products more
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior will need to enhance and improve its distribution channels for this
purpose however, and ensure focus on high quality and delivery on time
9. Focus on consumer lifestyle changes
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior should invest in consumer research and market research
The company should tap into lifestyles of the consumers, and target groups and try
to identify important shifts and changes
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior should make use of these research findings to alter its product offerings
10. Training and development
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior should invest in the trainings and development of its employees and staff
The company should also develop a succession planning program to help employees
advance I their careers
This succession planning program should work towards the personal and the
professional growth of employees
In addition, the company should also work towards creating intrinsic and extrinsic
motivators for the employees to be able to increase performance
This should be facilitated by regular performance appraisals that are mutual and
transparent in nature
11. Technological integrations
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior can benefit from investment in technological integrations
These can be local as well as global
Technological integrations will help in the growth of the business for Sustaining
an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer Behavior
The company will also be able to contain costs and improve efficiency with
technological up gradations
4. Threats
1. Increasing costs of raw materials
The increased costs of raw materials make the cost of doing business high
This cost often leads to increase in the price of the final products
With high competition, price wars are also competitive, and higher prices are often
met with competing players slashing their price slow
Players may as a result suffer because of high rivalry in the industry
2. Changing market trends
The market trends are influenced by media and global happening
The fast changing trends are in a state of flux, and continually changing
This is challenging for players like Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat
Brand Positioning and Consumer Behavior who may not be able to respond to the
changing trend sat a fats speed
As a result, players with a low response may find survival hard
3. Changing consumer preferences
Consumer needs and demands are evolving
Consumers are also more aware of their purchases
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior may thereby be challenged to stay abreast if, and product consumer
preferences and market gaps, and fill them with adequate offerings to suit the
needs of the consumers
4. Increasing influx of imports
Higher rate of import pressures local businesses like Sustaining an Ethnic Soft
Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer Behavior
Countries in the global economy often produce and market at high economies of
scale, which makes their products cheaper than local players
As a result, local players compete not only regionally and locally, but also
against imports that are often dumped in the country
5. Trade blocks and treaties
Trade blocks and treaties signed by governments with other countries add to the
influx of imports
Higher imports because of trade treaties create more challenge and threat for local
players like Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and
Consumer Behavior
Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior and other local players suffer In the face of high quality and efficiency
through economies of scale, which in comparison, make local products look expensive
and inferior
6. Fluctuating labor cost
The labor cost if also fluctuating, as is the skill level in the labor pool
The fluctuating cost of the labor market also adds to the cost of doing business,
which increases the final price of the product for the consumer
The lower skill levels of the labor pool also create problems, and force player
slice Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink - Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behavior to outsource tasks and operations, or hire foreign talent to look after
business processes
7. Low barriers to entry in industry
The low barriers to entry for the industry in terms of low government regulations
and low financial investment invites new players
The industry is saturated with local and global players
Potential of growth and profit encourages new players to enter the industry
As a result, there are direct substitutes and cut-through price wars amongst
companies offering similar products and services
8. Increased number of players
There is an increased number of local and global players in the industry
This increases the intensity of competition and rivalry in the industry
Rivalry is often based on brand building activities and pricing strategies
9. Counterfeit products
Counterfeit products are also easily available in the market
Imitations prove to be a threat for players like Sustaining an Ethnic Soft Drink -
Paper Boat Brand Positioning and Consumer Behavior
This is because imitation decreases the value of the original product, and also
leads to high filtration and fragmentation
Looking for help with case solution on Swot Analysis?
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