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Health, Safety & Environment Department

Date of Accident: February 03, 2022 Time: 10:00 AM

Project No.: PIC R-505 Location: Pumpstation #1 EMH # 46

Type of accident: Mobily Cable Cutting Name: Engr. Mhanad Abdulmohsen

Detailed Description of the Accident

 That the aforementioned date, time and place transpired; an ongoing excavation was being done beside pump-
station #1 Tama road area for electric manhole EMH 46. The excavation was near underground existing
cables. While excavation the excavator accidentally hit the existing Mobily cable. Site Engr. Mohanad was
present at the site.

Possible Causes(s) of the Accident

 Supervisors did not follow proper procedures during excavation. Manual excavation should be done if
any existing cables are present in the area.
 Supervisor & operator well aware about the presence of cables in this location since cable was found
previously in 4 locations during excavating for duct bank. But fail to follow safe system of work and
neglect from professional way of digging procedure.
 Spotter is not focus on the excavation. Basically incompetent spotter was assigned by site engineer due
to lack of manpower.
 Time pressure. Due to the time constrain Supervisor/Operator tends to do the work faster.
: Responses / Corrective Actions

 Investigation was done.

 Suspend the work immediately.
 Immediately called Mobily personnel for repair of their cable.
 Pictures were taken for evidence.
Submitted By Khizar Hayat Khan Position Safety Manager

Signature Date February 05-2022

Accident Report


------------------------------- :Project HSE Manager: ---------------------------------------- Project Manager


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