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Multi-platform Livestream Application 1

Multi-platform Livestream Application

Nguyen Tran Hoang Long

Nguyen Tat Thanh Institution of International

Author Note

Class: 19REP 8

Subject: Research Project



The world beginning to enter the fourth industrial revolution, a new manufacturing revolution

associated with unprecedented technological breakthroughs, related to Internet connectivity,

cloud computing, 3D printing, sensor technology, virtual reality…

The fourth industrial revolution brings the world many modern devices such as smartphones,

which can be easily used anytime, anywhere; software and applications are developed such as

social networks, games; especially 3G, 4G internet and more in the future.

Nowadays, as we have seen, software has a very strong transformation and supports almost all

types of industries from industry, entertainment, services... Almost all the jobs that we do on

today's computer through specialized software. From there we see that in the future, software

will dominate our entire IT world.

One of the essential needs of society in information technology today is entertainment, thanks to

smart software, people can listen to music, play games, watch videos online to relax. Along with

IT is the internet, the internet helps to connect the world of things together regardless of

geographical space and distance. For example, you can chat Facebook with your loved ones

talking, share funny pictures with friends or video calls to have fun stories with them...

The demand for entertainment in recent years is prominent as "Livestream", attracting a large

number of users and viewers, the live stream has appeared and is known as an official job that

many people pursue. The success of the live stream is largely due to the diverse application.

The research project will therefore seek to explore and investigate the following:

• What are the issues that the live stream is targeting?

• Does the current live stream application have enough functionality to serve users?

• Will the live stream continue to grow as a career in the future?



Information technology (IT) is the use of any computers, storage, networking and other

physical devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, secure and exchange all

forms of electronic data. Typically, IT is used in the context of enterprise operations as opposed

to personal or entertainment technologies. The commercial use of IT encompasses both computer

technology and telephony. (Margaret, What is Information Technology?, 2019)

The Internet, sometimes called simply "the Net," is a worldwide system of computer

networks -- a network of networks in which users at any one computer can, if they have

permission, get information from any other computer (and sometimes talk directly to users at

other computers). It was conceived by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the

U.S. government in 1969 and was first known as the ARPANet. The original aim was to create a

network that would allow users of a research computer at one university to "talk to" research

computers at other universities. A side benefit of ARPANet's design was that, because messages

could be routed or rerouted in more than one direction, the network could continue to function

even if parts of it were destroyed in the event of a military attack or other disaster. (Margaret,

Internet, 2019)

Everywhere you go, you’re likely to hear the term “Wi-Fi.” Maybe it’s the restaurant that

claims to have free Wi-Fi or a friend who asks for the Wi-Fi password. You use Wi-Fi all the

time, but there’s a good chance that you don’t really know what it is or how it works. Some

people might tell you that Wi-Fi is just another term for the internet, but that’s not exactly true.

There’s a lot to learn about how wireless technology works and how you can use Wi-Fi to

enhance your experience on the web. (Jon, 2020)

A smartphone is a cell phone that allows you to do more than make phone calls and send

text messages. Smartphones can browse the Internet and run software programs like a computer.

Smartphones use a touch screen to allow users to interact with them. There are thousands of

smartphone apps including games, personal-use, and business-use programs that all run on the

phone. The picture is an example of the Apple iPhone, one of the most popular smartphones

available today. (Hope, 2020)

Application software has really proliferated since cross-platform software has become

more popular. Some of the programs used by individuals and businesses across the globe need to

be taken everywhere to be used at any time and the evolution of traditional software into apps

has enabled users to work effectively wherever they're needed (ITP, 2020)

What you need to know about Livestream?

Social media live streaming has made the leap from novelty to necessity. Channels like

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn have integrated live video to their platforms and an

increasing number of brands are adjusting their social strategies accordingly. (Moessner, 2019)

Why should you Livestream?

Livestreaming is a powerful tool to use when delivering your content to your followers

and other viewers. It is the most up-to-date information a follower can receive from a company,

organization, or person they are following because it allows the audience to interact and view the

content in real-time. Due to interaction and viewing in real-time, livestreaming events makes

your content more exclusive and gathers more engagement because your viewers are seeing your

news as it unfolds, making it much more exciting to weigh in and potentially have their voice

heard at your event. (Rethink, 2017)

Is game streaming a good career?

The reasons for a "yes" answer will be that it can be a ton of fun. After all, you get to play

video games, interact with fans, and grow a community. You also can potentially make a lot of

money, just for playing games and being entertaining! (Lindblad, 2018)

Popular live video streaming apps in the world: Periscope, Facebook Live, Instagram

Live Stories, YouTube Live, Livestream, Twitch: Livestream Multiplayer Games & Esports,

Streamago… (Sharma, 2019)

With smartphones, video recording is easier than ever, apps like Periscope and Meerkat

have brought millions of personalized video streamers. With just one touch, viewers can connect

and interact in real time with "Streamer". These services require low latency video distribution to

support high interaction between broadcasters and audiences. We perform a detailed analysis

into the design and performance of Periscope, the most popular personal livestreaming service

with 20 million users. Using detailed measurements of Periscope (3 months, 19M streams, 705M

views) and Meerkat (1 month, 164K streams, 3.8M views). (Bolun Wang, 2016)

The rise of social media should herald a new era in information behavior research. Just as

the rise of online databases and digital libraries sparked off a generation of research in online

searching, so too social media should stimulate a new wave of research and theories focusing on

other types of information behavior such as asking, answering and information integration.

Research on information behavior on social media can be said to be in a nascent stage. (Scheibe,

Fietkiewicz, & Stock, 2016)


E-sports was part of the video game culture, but it wasn't until the late 2000s and early

2010s that the organization of tournaments created a huge craze. While tournaments around 2000

are held in an amateur manner, the popularity of professional contests and the growing number

of viewers now support a significant number of players and teams. Professional recruitment. This

competition has been leveraged by today's video game developers by building more innovative

features into their games. (Thomas P. B. Smith, 2013)

The virtual gift is one of the most important business models for these live streaming

platforms. The viewers can purchase and send virtual gifts to the streamers during the live

process. These behaviors have great market potential and economic value, but little previous

research paid attention about this. To be specific, we discovered 20% of viewers contributed

97% of all gifts, and 77% of viewers only present for top three streamers. Especially, we also

found that most gifting behaviors broke out in short periods when barrage increased, and gifting

behaviors could be inspired by others due to competitiveness. The result will bring benefit for

both industrial entrepreneurs for improving the design of the system operating mechanism of live

platforms. (Tu, Yan, Yan, Ding, & Sun, 2018)

In a speech in June this year, Bre Miller, Head of Product Design at Facebook Gaming,

said Vietnam was one of the countries with the most views when streaming games in the world.

The famous names in this field are Chim Se Di Nang, Viruss... with millions of followers. The

popular games on Facebook Gaming in Vietnam are AOE, PUBG, League of Legends, Counter

Strike... "The number of people playing the game globally is 2.3 billion and growing. Each

month, more than 700 million people play games, watch video games or join Facebook game

groups, of which women account for 40% ", The Facebook Gaming Project representative said.

(Quý, 2019)

The livestream application (live broadcast) is being increasingly used by social

networking users. However, many of the livestream's content misrepresents, insults, insults ... to

others and leaves heavy consequences. (An, 2018)



An, B. (2018, December 12). Livestream thế nào cho văn minh, đúng luật? Retrieved from Tuổi

trẻ online:


Bolun Wang, X. Z. (2016). Anatomy of a Personalized Livestreaming System. Retrieved from


Hope, C. (2020, June 3). Smartphone. Retrieved from Computer Hope:

ITP. (2020, May 22). What is application software? Retrieved from ITPro:

Jon, M. (2020, May 8). What is Wi-Fi? Retrieved from DIGITAL TRENDS:

Lindblad, M. (2018, June 29). Is game streaming a good career? Retrieved from Quora:

Margaret, R. (2019, July). Internet. Retrieved from SearchWinDepolopment:

Margaret, R. (2019, February). What is Information Technology? Retrieved from


Moessner, A. v. (2019). Getting Started with Social Media Live Streaming Software: What You

Need to Know. Retrieved from Vimeo:


Quý, L. (2019, December 23). Livestream thành nghề trên Facebook. Retrieved from


Rethink. (2017, July 31). THINKING ABOUT LIVESTREAMING. Retrieved from Rethingmedia:

Scheibe, K., Fietkiewicz, K. J., & Stock, W. G. (2016). Information Behavior on Social Live

Streaming Services. Retrieved from ACM DIGITAL LIBRARY:

Sharma, V. (2019). Popular Live Video Streaming apps in the World. Retrieved from Vidooly:

Tu, W., Yan, C., Yan, Y., Ding, X., & Sun, L. (2018, June 28). Who Is Earning? Understanding

and Modeling the Virtual Gifts Behavior of Users in Live Streaming Economy. Retrieved

from IEEE Xplore:

Thomas P. B. Smith, M. O. (2013, June). Live-Streaming Changes the (Video) Game. Retrieved





Show the development of the Livestream application regarding the economy and directly affects

people. In the future, Livestream will continue to grow as a career, the need to use is also higher

that requires the application to be better optimal. Live-Streaming changes the viewing angle of

the game, developing a strong international E-Sports background.

Currently, livestream is not only for entertainment purposes but also for trading and global

transactions. Therefore, live streaming directly affects the economy and business needs.

Livestream is developing and moving in a positive direction, such as video games. Thanks to

livestream, video games bring a lot of interaction between players and viewers, this has helped

develop many online communities.

The livestream software needs to be researched and developed to diversify the features and

provide users with more choices. Live streaming is becoming popular all over the world and will

continue to grow in the future, so the software development for it needs more attention to serve

the needs of users.

Studying livestreaming is absolutely necessary because it helps to learn more about the platform,

how it works and how to use it properly. Along with that is finding new directions to develop the


The current livestream application in terms of system is quite simple and does not meet all the

needs of users, especially viewers. Further research and development of both systems and

services will bring a better user experience, which will benefit both applications and users.


Collecting the main data from the internet, because Livestream operates mainly on the internet

and users focused mainly in Livestream channels. So will gather a lot of information from

comment via Livestream channel.

Livestream is for all audiences, situations and uses. So, it is possible to see the subjects of

research everywhere and at all ages. But the current livestream users are mostly teenagers, adults

and business people. Therefore, the focus should be primarily on teenagers on the internet.

Especially the comments of the Livestream viewer from different sources. The sample was

selected from viewers’ comments about the service and system needs of the livestream

application. Select about 100 comments from different sources on the livestream channels from

both domestic and foreign and according to user needs such as gaming, trading, music…


1. Where are you from?

☐ HCM ☐ Hanoi ☐ Other

2. How old are you?

☐ 10-15 ☐ 16-20 ☐ 21-25 ☐ ≥26

3. Gender?

☐ Male ☐ Female

4. Do you often watch livestream?

☐ Yes ☐ No

5. Which streamer do you often watch?

☐ Mixigaming ☐ Pewpew ☐ Viruss ☐ Thaygiaoba ☐ Other


6. Which application do you usually watch livestream with?

☐ Youtube ☐ Facebook ☐ Twitch ☐ Snapchat ☐ Other

7. How much time do you spend watching livestream?

☐ Sometime ☐ 1-3 hours/day ☐ 3-6 hours/day ☐ 6-8 hours/day ☐ Over 8 hours/day

8. What platform do you usually watch the stream on?

☐ Smartphone ☐ Tablet ☐ Laptop ☐ PC ☒ Other

9. On a scale of 1 to 5, do you find it useful to use livestream technology?

☐ 1 Not helpful

☐ 2 Somewhat helpful

☐ 3 Helpful

☐ 4 Very helpful

☐ 5 Indispensable

10. How do you feel about the livestream app's service?

☐ 1 Not good

☐ 2 Somewhat good

☐ 3 Good

☐ 4 Very good

☐ 5 Excellent

11. What level of evaluation about the livestream system?

☐ 1 Very low

☐ 2 Low

☐ 3 Medium

☐ 4 High

☐ 5 Very high

12. In your opinion, what is the best livestream for?

☐ Music ☐ Business ☐ Gaming ☐ Education ☐ Other

13. How often do you donate via livestream do you donate?

☐ Never

☐ Occasionally

☐ Sometimes

☐ Often

☐ Always

14. How much do you usually spend to donate?

☐ Less than 1 million

☐ From 1 million to 2 million

☐ From 2 million to 3 million

☐ From 3 million to 4 million

☐ Over 4 million

15. Why do you use live streaming?

☐ Relax

☐ Easy learning

☐ Capture information

☐ Easy to exchange

☐ Make money

16. In your opinion, what does the current livestream software need to improve?

☐ Service

☐ System

☐ Function

☐ Optimization

☐ Customer care

17. What causes the most harm when live streaming is being widely used?

☐ Children exposed early to inappropriate sources of live streaming

☐ Young people waste too much time watching live streaming

☐ Using too much or stealing money to donate

☐ Taking advantage of the livestream to propagate bad things

☐ Phishing via livestream

18. In your opinion, which of the following is important for being a streamer?

☐ Cultivate the ability to talk with a unique personality

☐ Gaming technique

☐ Building diverse content

☐ Appearance

☐ Empathy with the audience


19. What is the most difficult thing about being a streamer?

☐ Unstable income

☐ Out of ideas

☐ Difficult challenge

☐ Harsh competition

☐ Get negative comments from the online community

20. What makes live streaming so popular?

☐ The digital broadcast revolution

☐ Entertainment needs of life

☐ Demand for buying and selling

☐ Famous demand

☐ Demand for making money



The survey showed that the channel with the highest number of viewers was Mixigaming with

33.3% of viewers, followed by Pewpew (25% of viewers) and the third was TeacherThree

(20.8% of viewers).

95% of people choose from Mixigaming to Viruss.

The majority of female sexes choose options Pewpew and Viruss.

The majority of male sexes choose options Mixigaming.


The survey found that 54.2% of viewers were watching through Youtube, 37.5% were watching

on Facebook. The rest are Snapchat and Dlive.

95% of people choose from Youtube to Facebook.

The majority of female sexes choose options Facebook.

The majority of male sexes choose options Youtube.

The survey showed that 47.8% of people watch the livestream about 1-3 hours/day, 39.1% of the

people sometime watch the livestream.

95% of people choose from Sometime to 3-6 hours/day.


The majority of female sexes choose options sometime.

The majority of male sexes choose options 1-3 hours/day.

The survey found that 54.2% of people watch livestream on smartphones and 33.3% watch on


95% of people choose from Smartphone to Laptop.

Both men and women mostly choose smartphone.


According to the assessment, the livestream’s usefulness was rated 37.5% of the average, 29.2%

rated at the good level.

95% of people choose from 3 to 4.

The majority of female sexes choose options 2 and 3.

The majority of male sexes choose options 3 and 4.

According to the service rating of livestream software, 41.7% of the average reviewers, 29.2% of

the good reviewers.

95% of people choose from 3 to 4.

The majority of female sexes choose options 2 and 3.

The majority of male sexes choose options 3.


According to the system rating of livestream software, 45.8% of the average reviewers, 20.8% of

the good reviewers.

95% of people choose from 2 to 4.

The majority of female sexes choose options 2.

The majority of male sexes choose options 3.

According to the survey, 70.8% of respondents said that livestream is best used for gaming,

16.7% chose music and 12.5% chose business.


95% of people choose from Gaming to Music.

The majority of female sexes choose options gaming and music.

The majority of male sexes choose options gaming.

According to the survey, 45.8% of people have never donated via livestream, 29.2% of people

sometime donate.

95% of people choose from Never to Occasionally.

The majority of female sexes choose options occasionally and sometime.

The majority of male sexes choose options never.


According to statistics, the number of people donating less than 1 million accounts for 57.1%,

the number of people donating from 2 to 3 million is 19%.

95% of people choose from Less than 1 million to From 2 million to 3 million.

The majority of female sexes choose options Less than 1 million and From 3 million to 4 million.

The majority of male sexes choose options Less than 1 million.

According to statistics, 45.8% of people watch livestream for relaxation purposes, 25% of

viewers for easy learning.

95% of people choose from Relax to Capture information.

The majority of female sexes choose options easy learning.

The majority of male sexes choose options relax.


According to the viewers, 33.3% rated the livestream software to improve the system, 29.2%

wanted to improve the function.

95% of people choose from System to Service.

The majority of female sexes choose options function and service.

The majority of male sexes choose options system.

According to the negative statistics when livestream is widely used, 41.7% of users think young

people waste to much time watching live streaming, 33.3% of people said that.

95% of people choose from Children exposed early to inappropriate sources of live streaming to

Using too much or stealing money to donate.

The majority of female sexes choose options young people waste too much time watching live

streaming and using too much or stealing money to donate.

The majority of male sexes choose options young people waste too much time watching live


According to the survey, about the important factor when being a streamer, 41.7% of people

choose Cultivate the ability to talk with a unique personality, 29.2% chose Gaming technique.

95% of people choose from Cultivate the ability to talk with a unique personality to Building

diverse content.

The majority of female sexes choose options building diverse content.

The majority of male sexes choose options cultivate the ability to talk with a unique personality.

According to a survey about streamer difficulties, 29.2% choose difficult challenge and out of

ideas, 20.8% choose unstable income and 16.7% choose get negative comments from the online


95% of people choose from difficult challenge to unstable income.

The majority of female sexes choose options out of ideas.

The majority of male sexes choose options difficult challenge.

According to a survey, 37.5% choose the digital broadcast revolution, 25% choose entertainment

needs of life, 20.8% choose demand for buying and selling, 16.7% choose famous demand.

95% of people choose from the digital broadcast revolution to demand for buying and selling.

The majority of female sexes choose options demand for buying and selling.

The majority of male sexes choose options the digital broadcast revolution.


In short, the development of information technology in the world has led to the development of

the livestream industry, contributing to the increase in the number of people using livestream

applications, and through research, we see many purposes and needs. livestream user's bridge.

And through the numbers, we can see:

Stream in the game field seems to be a familiar term for gamers as players use streams to stream

breathtaking moments, intense competition images to other players on the Internet. Because of

the convenience of streaming, in today's gaming market, this feature has become a new trend that

many people are interested in.

Today, it is quite common to use streaming on social media to convey real-life moments and

images. This feature is used by famous stars to bring their fans to experience special moments

that cannot be seen every day. Besides, livestream has many other users, especially teenagers, so

it has become a very hot online.

At the same time, streaming is also a form of promoting products, brands and services in the

fastest and best way to help users realize what products you are selling or who you are, in

addition to bringing products to. In the hands of consumers, livestream is also used by many

online sellers as the most effective support tool.

One limitation of the research is that it only relies on actual statistics through online surveys, not

directly contacting users for honest surveys or interviews about the needs and quality of

livestreams. But online surveys will be easier to perform than users and will yield the best survey


In the future, the research will be deployed further to help learn more about the aspects of the

livestream work and the user experience along with the improvement of the livestream system.

Apply research results to supplement and perfect the livestream application, continue to improve

the system and livestream service to help users have a better experience in using, making it

easier for users to interact with everyone. Live streaming app users need to follow the survey to

improve themselves, contributing to building a civilized and thriving community.


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