Huali Ipo - Nike Division Video Script Ipo-Nike Monday April 5, 2021 2021 4 5 in Front of Annora (Derek, Orchid, Ice, Roy Stand Together)

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HuaLi IPO – Nike Division Video Script

华利集团 IPO- Nike 事业部视频脚本

Monday April 5, 2021

2021 年 4 月 5 日 星期一

In front of Annora 在弘邦前 (Derek, Orchid, Ice, Roy stand together 站在一起)

 1. Derek Grundy, VP HuaLi Nike Division (English)

Derek Grundy Nike 事业部门 VP(英文)

Put Derek name and Title on the screen Derek 姓名和职位显示在视频上:

“My name is Derek Grundy, VP of HuaLi Nike Division. It is the vision of HuaLi Group to become a World
Class footwear manufacturer. Being able to become a public company brings us one step further on our
journey to become World Class! We would like to extend great thanks to our Chairman TY Chang, our
Group Leadership and investors for making this happen!”

“我是 Derek Grundy,华利集团 Nike 事业部 VP。一直以来,华利集团都有这种成为世界级的鞋业

谢我们的董事长 TY,我们集团的领导层和投资者,感谢大家让我们上市成功!‘

 2. Orchid Liu, GM Factory Operations Huali Nike Division (Chinese)

Orchid Liu,Nike 事业部工厂业务营运总经理(中文)

Put Orchid name and Title on the screen Orchid 姓名和职位显示在视频上:

“My name is Orchid Liu, GM Factory Operations HuaLi Nike Division. Our company IPO is a huge
milestone for us, we are very excited about this achievement and look forward to the further growth of
our Group.”

“我是 Orchid Liu,Nike 事业部工厂业务营运总经理。公司 IPO 的成功对我们来说是一个里程碑,

 3. Ice Huang, Director Quality/ME HuaLi Nike Division (Chinese)
Ice Huang,Nike 事业部 ME/品质协理(中文)

Put Ice name and Title on the screen Ice 姓名和职位显示在视频上:

“We are extremely proud to become a public company. This achievement provides more motivation for
us! We will continue to drive a quality mindset throughout our teams to ensure long term success.”

 4. Roy Lin, Director PCC, HuaLi Nike Division (Chinese)
Roy Lin,Nike 事业部 PCC 协理

Put Roy name and Title on the screen Roy 姓名和职位显示在视频上:

“On behalf of our HuaLi Nike Product Creation Center team, I would like to extend a huge congratulation
to everyone who made the IPO come to life. Our PCC team will keep focus on developing innovative
products and maintaining outstanding customer service to contribute to our Group success.”

“我谨代表华利集團 Nike 事業部開發中心,由衷地祝贺大家此次 IPO 的成功。 我们 PCC 团队将继

On Rooftop of Annora Building 在弘邦行政楼屋顶 (Oliver and SM&S team stand together 站在一起
– Ms. Huong and HR Team stand togethe 站在一起 r)

 5. Oliver Edolsa. Director SM&S HuaLi Nike Division - along with a few other SM&S team
Members Oliver Edolsa 华利集团 Nike 事业部 SM&S 协理-和其他 SM&S 团队成员一起(in
English 英文)

Put Oliver name and Title on the screen Oliver 姓名和职位显示在视频上:

“On behalf of HuaLi Nike Division SM&S team we would like to share that we think it is a great
achievement for our Group to go through an IPO, we will continue to focus on our sustainability efforts
to support business growth, the environment, and our people.”

“我代表华利集团 Nike 事业部 SM&S 团队,在此感谢大家达成集团 IPO 这一成就。我们会不断地

 6. Ms. Huong, Manager HuaLi Nike Division HR – along with a few other HR team members
Huong 女士,Nike 事业部人力资源经理-和其他 HR 团队成员一起 (in Vietnamese 越南文)

Put Ms. Huong name, “Bui Thuy Huong” and Title on the screenHuong“Bui Thuy Huong”女士姓名和职
“On behalf of HuaLi Nike Division HR team we would like to express our joy and happiness to hear our
company is being listed as public. We will continue to take care of our most valuable assets, our

“我代表华利集团 Nike 事业部 HR 团队,在此表达我们对于成为上市公司的喜悦之情。我们会继续

In front of Annora Building – As many people as we can get in front of there, maybe around 100 many
teams!!! 在弘邦行政楼前-大家尽可能地出现在这里,或许有 100 人,有很多团队

 7. Everyone yells out at the same time, 1, 2, 3 倒数 123 大家一起喊– “We are going public”!!!!

Tuesday April 6, 2021

2021 年 4 月 6 日

In front of Rollsport II

Rollsport II 前

 8. Simon Chen GM VQ2 Factory HuaLi Nike Division Simon Chen 华利集团 Nike 事业部 VQ2 厂
主管 – standing with Derek and Orchid 和 Derek 和 Orchid 站在一起

Put Simon name and Title on the screen (in Chinese) Simon 的姓名显示在屏幕上(中文)

“From Rollsport II, we would like to share our appreciation to our Group leadership team and everyone
who has supported us to achieve our public offering. We will continue to focus on building great quality
product to enable future growth!”

代表 Rollsport II,我在此感谢集团领导层团队和每一个为成功上市付出努力的人。我们会持续地
In front of Rollsport II building (garden area) – As many people as we can get in front of there, maybe
around 100 many teams!!! 在 Rollsport II 行政楼前(花园那里)-大家尽可能地出现在这里,或许
有 100 人,有很多团队

 9. Everyone yells out at the same time, 1, 2, 3 – “We are going public”!!!! 倒数 123 大家一起
喊– “We are going public”!!!! “我们上市啦!!!!!“

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