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For delivery of gold ornaments of deceased lying pledged with the Muthoot
FinanceLted without production of legal representation

This Deed of indemnity executed  (i) Wife Name

(ii)..........................................(iii) .................................. (iv)…………………..
(v)……………………….. ( herein after referred to us the “Claimants” and
(1) ................................................. (2) ..................................................... (herein
after referred to uas the sureties! in favour of the Muthoot Finance Ltd.
"constituted under the company Act,1956 and having a branch office at .Virar East
VS Marg (hereinafter called the ‘Company’ which term shall include its assigns
and successors).

Whereas Smt/Shri Wife Name, aged…….

Son/Wife of Kadir Yusuf Sayed. (hereinafter referred to as the “Borrower”) has
Borrower) has borrowerd sum of Rs. 70,000 on 07-02-2022
[G.L. No. MDS 33] by pledging the following ornaments with the company as
security for the loan.

Description of the ornaments Weight

(1) Chain 18.2/17.7
(2) Ring 5.4/5

And Whereas the claimants have repaid and closed the loan account on behalf of
the estate of Smt./Shri Kadir Yusuf Sayed who Died on ......................................
death date as his , her legal representative.

And whereas we the claimants are therefore entitled to the delivery of the
ornaments held by the company and on application and at the request of the
claimants and sureties the Company has agreed to such delivery provided the
claimants and the sureties execute a deed of indemnity being presents.

 Now in consideration of the company at the request of the claimants and

the sureties delivering the aforesaid ornaments to the claimant with production of
letters of administration probate or any other valid testamentary order of the court
to his/her estate and certificate form the controller and sureties jointly
and severally and our heirs and executors and administrators of each of us hereby
agree and undertake to defend, keep harmless and indemnified at all time and
relieve the company for all action suits and demands (including a cliam in respect
of payment of estate duty) which may at any time be commenced made instituted
or  prosecuted against the Company, by any persons whomsoever being or
claiming to be entitled to the ornaments or on account of the delivery of
these ornaments by the company to the claimants and from and against all
losses, costs, charges damages, expenses whatsoever which the company,
its successors or its land hereditaments goods chattel o r e f f e c t s s h a l l
sustain or be put to for or by reason of the delivery of the ornaments
of the deceased Smt./Shri …………………………
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . claimants.

In witness whereof, we have hereunto our hand at

……………………………... in the presence of …………………………………..
This …………………………… day of Two Thousand …………………………………….

Claimants (1)



Sureties : (4)


Witnesses : (6) Signature

(7) Signature

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