MGT601 Dynamic Leadership

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MGT601 Dynamic leadership

Assessment 2
Leadership plan

Executive summary
This report provides an overview of creating the leadership development plan which is an
important constraint that is to be considered in an organisation for the purpose of managing
the teams. Based on my professional experience I have done this analysis. A five-year plan
has to be developed at first for including the strategic plans, business plans and the
operational plans. Some of the theories, styles and models for leadership is to be analysed in
this report. The intentional change model is used for developing the leadership plans which is
to be discussed in this report helps to understand the behaviour of leader, employees and the
steps included in the development programs. The reflective analysis session helps me to
know the positive and negative aspects of my leadership skills. Some feedbacks from
colleagues were obtained and this analysis helps to reflect on the future plan that has to be
implemented for obtaining the goals of an organisation.

Table of Contents
Executive summary....................................................................................................................2
Leadership model.......................................................................................................................4
Five discoveries......................................................................................................................5
Discovery 1- My ideal self-discovery................................................................................5
Discovery 2- discovering the real self................................................................................5
Discovery 3- creating agenda for own learning.................................................................6
Discovering 4-experiment and practice new habits...........................................................6
Discovery 5- support from various relationships...............................................................6
Leadership development plan....................................................................................................7
Types of leaders.....................................................................................................................7
Personality traits in leadership...............................................................................................8
Applied development strategy and theories...........................................................................9

Leadership plan

The business goals are an essential constraint for every organisational business and the
effective leadership is required for achieving the business goals. Through some analysis I
have understood some theories of leadership, traits and the professional experiences, it is
necessary for developing the leadership qualities. This analysis helped me to learn about the
behaviour of my team members and also the skills that are required by me for implementing
the strategies in the workplace. According to me, these studies are considered as a useful
learning tool which helps me for my future business process. This helps me to gain enough
knowledge and experience for leading a team while playing the roles of leadership. I believe
that these theories and planning on leadership will help me a lot in my future business
process. It is necessary for me to prepare the development plan for the leadership because it
will be very useful for me to achieve my objectives. This assessment might include the skills
and the strategies that are required for developing the plan. Change models were used for the
process of personal development and it is very much helpful for me to include few steps that
benefits the journey of leadership (Malikeh Beheshtifar, 2012).

Leadership model
The theory on intentional change has been developed by Richard which is on the basis of
intentional change model that can be used to eradicate the complexity in the leadership
activities. The concepts demonstrated by Kolb and Goleman has been incorporated in the
theory of intentional change. The constraints like the personal change and the development
are very complex, cannot be predicted easily, non-linear, dynamic and discontinuous to
predict according to this complexity theory. In order to undergo some changes for better
improvements, it is necessary for a person to develop some positive energy and also to have
strong commitment towards all the changes. Hence different things were done irrespective of
both the physical challenges and emotional challenges. This makes the behaviour of the
people to get changed even with other people and this will be usually dynamic in nature
(Boyatzis & McKee, Intentional Change, 2006). One of the main challenges that is faced by
this intentional change model is to change the existing habits of one individual will require
more time and this might create difficulties among the people. This development plan will be
dropped by the people who does not have the capability to withstand them

Five discoveries
There are five discoveries in this model that the person must consider. In this cycle, there will
be no actual clear point for starting. The people might start to work based on the personal
traits on the discoveries to set the changes in their development of career. This might enhance
the career path of an individual in a bright manner. But if a person needs to develop or
improve the qualities of leadership or else if they wish enhance such qualities, it is necessary
for them to start from the logical and the exact point for initiating this is represented in
discovery 1. Because of this nature, it is not possible for them to pushed into a sudden crisis.
They are encouraged to grow based on their learning in the self-development. These
discoveries might provide a greater lesson and this also makes the person to realize their
present stage. Then they are iterated to analyse about themselves in order to reach their career
goal. From the observations, I have identified five discoveries and I am presenting the actual
views to develop the leadership quality and the efforts taken by myself to reach the styles of
leadership (Boyatzis R. , The Five Stages of Intentional Change Theory, 2017).
Discovery 1- My ideal self-discovery
In order to achieve the future plans, it is necessary to develop the positive image which is
considered as the most important factor. The attainable and core identity of the individual
must be identified for this plan. The major requirement of this step is to identify the current is possible for one to achieve their dreams only if they are well-engaged with the
passion to achieve their goals. These were suggested by the authors Boyatzis and Akrivou.
Hence it will be very helpful to develop the positive image for obtaining a clear view on the
plans for the future and the positive energy will be developed in an automatic manner. Hence
there is possibility for the change in behavior to attain the sustainment and this energy drives
to achieve the goals (Boyatzis & Akrivou, 2006).
Discovery 2- discovering the real self
The next step that had to be followed by myself is the self-identification or self-discovering
of myself. Through this discovery, I can able to identify the strengths of myself. This can be
prevented or protected for one self by the process of identifying the accurate results (Dyck,
2017). By using this mechanism for protection, the inaccurate results can be determined by
the person which makes them not to predict the real self-analysis. But, one can able to predict
the accurate results by obtaining help from the mentors, colleagues and the close friends. To
identify my strengths, I have used the results obtained from strength finder designed by
Clifton (Manfra, 2019).

Discovery 3- creating agenda for own learning
The important phase that must be considered in the development of leadership is to create
their own agenda for learning that depends upon the strengths that have been obtained and
analysed in the discovery 2. It is a skill to develop the leadership skills that can be obtained
by practicing. A learning agenda has been developed by me which will be very helpful for me
to develop the program on the leadership development. This agenda will be on the basis of
iteration due to the addition of more skills that have been learnt throughout these modules
(Srinath, 2015).
Discovering 4-experiment and practice new habits
The actual and present working phase of this model can be obtained from the discovery 4.
Based on the findings the person might start the experiment and then they might implement
the new skills as per the requirement. They even undergo modification of their existing skills
which is based on the feedback that have been obtained and also on the basis of self-analysis.
Hence it has been started by myself to develop various skills of leadership that is similar to
the situation handling, making decisions, learning agilities, gratitude and so on. Though I
have some influential tactics, it is necessary for me to enhance the quality for obtaining better
development. This made me to experience the changes made in my behaviour. This
experiment made me to analyse the changes in the behavior of the individual. The experiment
has been started by myself without pushing the skills in crisis. Hence the right path for
developing the career can be felt by myself without any help (Howard, Healy, & Boyatzis,
Discovery 5- support from various relationships.
Some supporting resources are provided by the trusted environment which can be identified
only by the help of experiences. Similarly, I have experienced that the support for me to learn
the new things that were related to the skills and concept of leadership has been obtained
from my professor, my colleagues and friends and this helped me a lot for achieving the
growth. Some suggestions were provided by them for correcting myself from the mistakes
and sometimes appreciation was done by them if the things were done in right manner. This
helped me to improve the quality of leadership (Boyatzis R. E., Leadership Development
From A Complexity Perspective, 2008).

This model was selected by me in order to develop the plan for the leadership development as
the stages included in this model is based on the current flow and this might be very easier for

the purpose of identification. I have the ability of developing the appropriate styles of
leadership by the process of following these steps. The guidance and support can also be
obtained from the professor, colleagues and the friends through the process of learning the
self-development. The right track can also be obtained from few peoples to achieve the
objectives. With the help of the honest feedback from them it is possible to undergo self-

Leadership development plan

For carrying out the activities of the organisation that are unpredictable, the important roles
must be played by the leaders. According to me, the leaders are considered as the key players
for the development of an organisation and also for the failure of the organisation. The
development plan for the leadership might be very helpful for enhancing the qualities and
also the competencies of leadership throughout the journey of leadership development plan.
The necessity of this leadership development plan is for cultivating the process of good
leadership throughout the organisation. The leadership plans can be achieved by developing
some goals and they are as follows.
 The business objectives must be set clearly.
 Based on the qualities of leadership
 The methods used for the development of leadership plans.
 Measuring the effectiveness of the plans involved in leadership development
(ArthurRubens, 2018).

Types of leaders
The primary thing that is to be considered while developing the development plan is the
different types of leaders. Because the leadership skills can be implemented on the basis of
the skill set possessed by the employees and also the business process used in the business.
The styles of leadership can be varied on the basis of leadership types and also on the basis of
the organisational environment. The various types of leaders are,
 Democratic leadership,
 Autocratic leadership
 Strategic leadership and
 Transformational leadership

According to me, I used to apply the transformational leadership concepts or process in my
working place which makes the members of my team to work towards achieving the goals of
the business that has been previously defined. Similar manner, if the strategic leadership role
is preffered by me, I might look forward for achieving the strategic goals of the company and
also to utilize the various opportunities that might be helpful for the success of the business.
This is considered as the initial step for setting the plan and this is considered by me as an
important constraint (Mohammad Younes Amini, 2019).

Personality traits in leadership

It is always necessary for me to have some skills for managing the members of the team as a
leader. One of the methods the leader can able to analyse their personal strengths and
weaknesses is to build the self-awareness.
Positive approach
As a leader, it is necessary for me to have the positive approach towards achieving the
business goals with my team members. It is also very important to avoid the state of being
defensive whatever problem arises within the team. The same concepts must be applied
whenever I approach the various team members. If I found any issues or concerns within the
team members, it is necessary for me to respect the opinions of every one as a leader.
Decision making
I often used to make better decisions by considering the other people based on the work. I
will my every member of the team to take decisions and these decisions must be based on the
opinion of my team members also. Otherwise, it is not possible for me to achieve the goals as
an individual leader, or member.
Influencing others and motivating them.
I usually say that a quality leader must inspire others and also motivates others for doing their
work in an effective manner. It might have greater impacts because it is possible for a good
leader to influence others and make them to work in a better manner by understanding their
own strengths and weaknesses. Some theories can be applied for the motivational processes
like the need theories, theory of cognitive, situational theories etc which might be helpful for
the leaders to manage the employees at their organisations (Manning, 2003).

Applied development strategy and theories.

This is a stage which help to enhance the quality by implementing well-developed strategies
for completing the tasks. This strategy might include the planning about career, management
of the performance, rewards and recognitions provides and so on. The working of the plans

and strategies based on the needs of the organisation might include leadership, business,
current and future leadership, strategic execution etc.
Leadership theories
There are few theories that might be useful for taking decisions in a better manner in the
environment of an organisation.
 Behavioral theory
 Contingency theory
According to my analysis, I learned the concept of behavioural theory that must require the
leaders to possess the various types of characters in order to assign several tasks. For
example, it is possible for me to apply the behavioural theory in my development process of
leadership while extracting the work from various employees. This theory helps me to learn
about the behaviour of my team members in their working place.
Contingency theory.
From my experience, it is possible for an individual person to be an effective and best in one
situation and they me different at another situation. But this contingency theory helps me to
teach how the styles of leadership must be applied for an effective management on the basis
of situations. This might provide ne an idea about the self-awareness at various places and
different situations (akeer Ahmed Khan, 2016).
Developing the cultural sensitivity
I have understood that the responsibility of a good leader is based on the well-behaved nature
of the leader with the people who are from different cultural backgrounds. When two
companies were merged into a single organisation, there might be people from various
culture and they hence to work together. In such situation, I used to apply the strategic
thinking concepts for handling the resources with different characters. The various types of
planning might include, business planning, strategic planning and operational planning
(Schein, 2016).
The different types of planning that are available in the development process of leadership
might be based on the number of years. Usually, the strategic planning will be from 3 to 5
years and are included in the mid-term plans. The business planning will bet from 1 to 3 years
and they are included in the short to medium plans. The operational planning is for one year
and it is for the short-term plan (Fernandes, 2009).
I used to select the mid-term plan because the planning period might range in between 3 to 5
years because this plan is not too short and not too long. Some experiences in the work place

have to be possessed for playing the roles of leadership. I will try to extend my plan after
learning some implementation methods.
Strategic planning
A plan which is considered as a formal and structured one is said to be strategic planning and
this might include some approaches on creative thinking. Based on this plan the goal of an
organisation can be obtained in a mid-term or long-term basis (Fernandes, 2009). The needs
of the stakeholders can be met easily by the help of strategic planning and the various stages
of this planning might include,
 Plan preparation
 Plan creation and
 Practicing plans
Plan preparation
It is necessary for me to arrange for team meeting, set the timelines and the strategies applied
for the business case while planned for strategic planning in my organisation (Amabile,
Plan creation
I have analysed that some strategic frameworks have been applied for the purpose of
implementing the plan that includes change theory, key results balanced score cards etc
(DianeUzarskia, 2019).
Practicing plans
A communication plan is very important for the purpose of establishing them in both internal
and external manner for executing the strategies that were developed for the business process.
It is the responsibility of myself to enable better communication in the business process
(Jackson, 2018).
I have some valid reasons for selecting the timeline because this provide enough time for me
and my team members for preparing all the process of strategic plans. Based on my learnings,
it is observed that I can able to collect all the knowledge and theories about the leadership
from various resources in the first two years. I can able to stat the implementation process of
my business in the next two years which helps me to extend the planning after the end of each
process, based on its outcomes.

Before the process of developing the plans, I have obtained two theories for developing the
qualities of leadership. Some planning methods have also been identified by me for
developing the needs of cultural sensitivity. Strategic planning, operational and strategic
planning methods were discussed. As the 5year plan is selected by me, I have used the
strategic planning methods and this is initiated based on the intentional change model. In this
I have analysed the three stages like plan preparation, creation and practice in order to
develop the strategic plan.
Personal journey.
I am not aware of the qualities of a leader at the initial stage. But through this program, I have
learned a lot about the qualities, strengths, positive approach, responsibilities of a leader,
leadership styles, plans etc. Through these learnings, I have developed the plan for leadership
which helps me to execute the plan and achieve my target within the respective timeline.
I have obtained the feedback from my colleagues about the motivational and influential
tactics present in me through the strength results which is considered as the most important
skill of a leader. They also suggested to develop the skills based on the theory of situation as
it has the styles like telling, selling, participate and delegate. This helps to match the styles
like low, medium and high maturity levels. I can able to attain the best styles if these maturity
styles were followed by me and this creates a positive impact on the decision-making process
(Anthony, 2019).
Literature support
The situational theory provides the output if the rating of the leader and the follower are in
congruent according to Thomson and Glaso (2018). There is no evidence that supports this
theory (Thompson & Glasø, 2018).
The intentional change theory might support the development of the organisation according
to Oosten (2006). This theory changes the intentions of the leaders, change agents etc for
promoting best outcomes (Oosten, 2006).
I have used the concept of intentional change theory as it has more benefits than situational

On the basis of intentional change model that has been implemented in an organisation, it is
possible for me to achieve the business goals within the five-year period. Based on the plans,
I have used the intentional change theory for developing the plan for leadership. This has
been applied in various organisations for providing best outcomes. I have also used this
concept in my working place which helped me to develop the leadership plans without any
issues in the five-year plan.

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