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MGT100 Introduction to management

Assessment 1
Table of Contents
This assessment is mainly for describing the roles of the corporate and discusses their social
responsibilities in the contemporary management and business process. The social responsibility is
considered as the duty of the manager in order to perform some actions which might offer benefits
both to the society and the company. The main concept might imply on the business which helps the
community, and the people by the business purposes. This involves the increase in the value of
shareholders. Both the investors and the consumers are in a search of the roles that benefits the people
along with their communities. The social responsibility is considered as the management’s
commitment towards taking measures on the interests of the society and the business. The social
responsibility of the corporate might represent the duties of the management for safeguarding the
welfare (Ushenko, et al., 2021).

Conceptual presentation of social responsibility
The individuals and the companies might show their interests towards the society and the environment
in a continued manner for a longer period is said to be the social responsibility.
If the social responsibility is referred to an organisation and the business process, then it can be
termed as the corporate social responsibility. This approach is mainly used for incorporating them
which helps to promote the ethical agreements between the benefit attainment and the contributions.
There are various types of initiatives like the commission which includes the philanthropy activities
like the time and donation of money programs on go green and the policies. The overall value in the
business process and the profit contributions of the company can be maintained through these
programs. The google company have achieved their social responsibilities in the business purpose as
they have transformed their business process to the resources based on plants that contributes the
society in well manner (Taušl Procházková, 2019).

Social contract
These are defined as the set of rules used for defining the inter relationships that are agreed between
various components present within the society. The quid pro quo method is usually involved in the
social contract that might represent something that can be exchanged instead for another. In most
cases something is given to one party in the social contract and a certain thing or patterns are expected
from the other party. in general, social contract includes the exchanging of certain things with one
another (Hishan Sanil, 2020).
Impact of CSR
Whenever the investors make contribution to the society along with them the buyers and the
customers also contribute to the company which is useful for the responsible activities in the society.
The core responsibilities of a company like value maximisation of the shareholders can be supported
by adopting the responsibilities of the corporate. The corporate responsibility is considered as a
business practice which might have an impact on the financial status of the concerned company if it
does not perform as predicted. If corporate proceeds on the social responsibility in willing manner, it
has to be more workable rather forced by the government or officials to involve in the social
responsibility based on the policy legislation. This might improve the self-esteem of the employee if
the workers are included in the business with the cause of social and humanity (Włodzimierz Sroka,

Social responsibilities of manager
Based on the perspective of the managers social responsibility can be addressed as the duty and
willingness of the managers in order to take actions for preserving and developing the societies is necessary to put more emphasis on the behavior of the organisation and the
management for assuring the impacts of social responsibility. The role of managers in the company is
considered as an essential constraint in the category of social responsibility based on the following
Capital required
An enterprise or a company might require a more wealth and capital based on the individuals, man
power, capability and the experiences in order to develop social responsibility. If these instruments
are placed in control, the agendas and objective based on the society can function by using best
equipment (Archana, 2018).
Preventive methods
If a company is already persisting with the problems related to society, it tries to find out some path
for putting the societal problems which provides a little space for achieving the goals on delivering
the goods and services to the community. The process of coping with the societal problems is very
easier which helps to save cost before they enter into the state of scarcity in the time, resources and
the money constraints.
Ethical reflections
The social responsibility of the managers and the management of an organisation might be expressed
as a role of social acceptance and moral acceptance. It is the social duty of a company for addressing
the societal issues or else to eradicate those issues along with the maximisation values.
Trained employees.
The employee recruitment process might be considered very simple in the socially responsible
organisations which draws the employees with high social responsibility.
Business environment
The company must have a healthier environment which is in need of improving the standard of social
living that helps to conduct the practices in a better way of the business. The recruitment of staffs is
very quicker in such companies that improves the performance in the job that reduces the attrition and
absent mindedness of the staffs. This reduces the crime rate which makes to invest few funds in the
tax, property due to the social development and the wellbeing. As a result, the sustainable economy
and business environment is produced by the healthier community (Tebogo Direng, n.d.).

The requirement of the business process has to provide a balance in the personal and the societal gains
which makes the society to be benefitted by maximising the values of the shareholders. Due to the
process of globalisation, the business practises are connected with one another in order to contribute
to the society. This might require the managers and stakeholders with the thought of considering the
environment, community and the people similar to the wealth and business process. Those who
provide equal importance to all the aspects can able to achieve the social responsibility in their
business practices and those businesses might become as a main contributor and protector of the
society by establishing strong relationships.
Archana, 2018. Corporate Social Responsibilities: Policies And Practices. Recent Perspectives In
Hishan Sanil, S. R. A. J., 2020. Corporate Social Responsibility for climate change using social
contracts: A new research agenda.
change_using_social_contracts_A_new_research_agenda, pp. 710-713.
Taušl Procházková, P. M. K., 2019. Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility in Business.
Ushenko, N. et al., 2021. Strategic priorities for the formation of social responsibility of business.
origsite=gscholar&cbl=4916366, 8(4), pp. 641-653.
Włodzimierz Sroka, R. S., 2018. Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics in
Controversial Sectors: Analysis of Research Results.

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