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Memo No.. 12°. / Acad ‘NOTIFICATION Sul Integration of Ctiate Course in Community Health (CCH in Basie B Se Nursing and Post Basic B.Se Nursing Curriculum, Js es tee rem, sot tun tren ean Cars anata eon ‘sce cue nabnesesotno naa ae v terme Sus Registrar ae IGIMS, Patna Ss SS gece vith oraftars steerm, to oie after emt 1 4 aie syns ZAC wr see = = - ae ferrai—Baske Post Base BSeNursing Course ncaa Onan Healeh # sata a 8 dein aneer cae ios sa/ fone whist mio fener 5,05.2020% ser A weer, rime 8 sets @, sem #fS, Emons, ofa ste afein 4 Cerificate Community Health course 7 2019 2 A view oe en sen B reieerat & cert wishes foe & wrefer ah wen wit sicom ez soa gene dor on wer Es e aN Yoomosnoo Baar affes afr wom—14 INDIAN NURSING COUNCIL, ‘8h lo, NBCC Cat, Pa 2, Caan Case Caarmnmrst to Na. 1-2INBCDO19-INC Dated: ji 18 JAW 20 atzasre ats QS ee, hea at - 4, 7G Reef - 110020 Ne seaeer of Rea wer iar a eer Fr Statutory Body under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare sub lUletevel ‘Basie BSo Nursing Curroulam Provider (MLIIP) in Basic BSe Nursing & Post All Colleges & Univeuites offering Basie BSc. Nursing and Post Basic BSe. Nursing programme are hereby notified that: “The concep, roles and responsibilities of Middle-Lvel health provider (MLHDP) andthe log- book prescribed by Misty of Health & Family Welfare, Govemment of India to be integrated in Basio BSc. Nursing and Post Basic BSe. Nursing eusiculum with effect from current academic year onwards. Placement: Basic BScNursing ost asic BSe.Nursing Subject: Community Health Nursing Il Subjet: Community Health Nursing 4% year Basi B.SeNusing 2 Year Post Base B.Se.Nursing Not ~~ athish Nai) Secretary Copy forwarded for infermation and necessary aetion 1) Secretary / AS &MD /AS(AS)IS(HR), MoHIFW, Government of India 2) Regia, All Universite offoring & examining BSe Nusuing Programmes 4) Registat, All Sate Nursing Councils 4) Psinipal, All Colleges of Nursing offering B Se.Nursing Programmes SY INC Website ‘weet FR a Ger eR rer ape ob TT Leer Nor SHSB/Ayush/I67Patt. Mano] Kumar, AS Spocil Secretary, Health CumExecutve Director To, Dicsetor, Al nda Intute of Medial Sclances-Patna {ndira Gandhi insite of Medical Sciences-Shekhpura Patna Reaistar, Ayaata Knowledge Univers thpur, Pata Gopal Narayan Singh Unies, amr, Sara, Rotas Mata oj Universi, shang AK Univers, iar Shari oo Pata. Dale-2-AL 6222 Su Notation ofintpraton of Cartas in Commun Heat Cura into Se and Post Basie BSc. Ning Sy Refereneal recived om Misty of He ard Fly alr dated 1608-220 Sir, it subject nd rernce cet atove, we ae ga now hat outa inp he erent Cera in Conmaiy Heat (CCH) mo en yar a of 8 San pot Base Be Naig sry of Heth an ary Wate MGHE:), Got fina dss toro chon taken a above ahdako fila he ate cone on Une Vee Therefore you aw requested to publah notifeation, tidy updaton of Unety Website Names of Hsing Cleges fling under your juidtion denoting fal yeat stun statis forthe year 21820 andthe seo the undersigned Yours sincerely ml ‘ar eA er, AA, WN 590 014, ‘) apa zarea efits, Re @ ©) Loter No sHSBiAyustvI6Part: Mano] Kumar, 1AS Special Secretary, Health -CumExeeutiv Director To, Director, ‘Alloa Instituto of Medial Scionces-Patna Indra Gandhi site of Medical Sceness-Shlkhpura Patna Renistr, ‘Anyabhatta Knowledge Univesity, Mithpur, Patna Gopal Narayan Singh University, damuhar,Seearam, Ro aia Gui University,Kishangan] KK Universty, Bihar Sharif i Pina, Date Sub: Notification of integration of Certiiate in Communtly Heath’ Curriculum into B.S and Post Basie B.S. Nursing Syl Reference: recived om Ministry of Heath and Family Walfare dated 16-06-2020 Sk, With sibest an reference ced above, we ae ola to know that you have Incorperaed the curiam of Certcate in Community Heat (CCH) into th nal yer sabi of B.S and post Basic BSc. Nursing Misty of Heath and Fam Walla (MoH=W), Govt of nda dese to not acton taken as above and ao ulead the noid decurent on Univer Webs Therefore you are requested to publish notification, tinely updstion of University ‘Website with Names of Hursing Colleges faling under your Jutsltion denoting final year ‘dents statistics for the year 2018-20 ad intnate the same othe undersigned. Yous’ sinerely Sd. (Mane Kuma tno Ne E3.9 Pane bet. 2-2\h1e2.0 cc: * Pra! Secretary, Heath Department fbn norman, + Shri N. Yovara, recor, Natonal Heath Wssion (NEM) | isten MOHW, New, Dod for Informaton | bi Sie crea ida, iar eam wes, ea ven 900 014, "Fem": v62-2290305, en: et 2070%05, Hea: Mun slacheatsolsypheront ard sual oReg INDIAN NURSING COUNCIL, ane 0 ere ree. eX 2. amg ‘ha NBCC Ct, Pht No.2 Coy Ce ‘See here Sr 1 f Peed mz : ‘ka Pe, New a= 020 @) ee ge Ree eT TE we A or Statutory ody under dhe Ministry of Health Family Welfare RiNo. 1/NECAOD-INC Dated:._12 FEB 1018 CIRCULAR Integration of ‘Middle Level Health Provider® (LHP) in Basie B.Se. Nursing & Post Basic B.Se. Nursing Curriculum-reg. In continuation of Indian Nursing Council Notification(s) dated 18" January 2019 and 12" February 2019 on the above mentioned subject ,i¢ is further clarified that, the academic year refers for integration of Middle Level Health Provider (MLHP) ie students who will be undergoing 4 year BSc.Nursing and 2 year Post Basi: BScNursing in the year 2019-2020, This will make BSe.Nursing and Post Basie BSe.Nutsing candidates passing out from the year 2020 onwards eligible forthe post of Middle Level Health Provider (MLHP), ~ Geathish Naix) SECRETARY ire 1. Nursing Section, MoHFW, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi 110011 2. Registrars, Urversitis offering and examining BSc /PB.BSe Nursing 3. Registrars, Stte Nursing Councils 4. Principals of ell Colleges of Nursing (SINC Website ‘weer ee GPT Tw eR A Pre TET ‘Stiving to Achieve Uniform Standards of Nursing Education Website: woyw.indiannucsingcounelLore E-mail: secy.ine( Phone: 011-66616800, 66616821, 66616822 ard saat onward ee, sal 2, HED ee Shara t= 4, 5 Fae = 1020 INDIAN NURSING COUNCIL "lou NBCC Cen, Mat No.2, Camu Cente ‘Oblate New Debi mC Statutory Body under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare ‘No, 1-2/NBC2019-INC Dated: 12 FEB any NOTIFICATION - not rl health Provider’ (MLHDP) in Basic BSe.Nursing & Nursing Curiculu Post Bi In continuation of notification no, 1-2/NEC/2019-INC dated 18 Jan, 2019, it is clarified that, candidates completing B.Sc. Nursing and Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing from academic year 2020 onwards will be eligible for the post of Middle-level health Provider (MLHP). Preseribed MLHP Log-book has already been placed on INC website. All Principals fre hereby directed fo ensure that the MLHP components (Concept, roles and responsibilities of MLHP), and activities as prescribed in the Log-book ate integrated in the curriculum and taught in 4® Year B.Sc. Nursing - Community Health Nursing- Mand 2 Year Post Basie B.Sc. Nursing ~ Community Health Nursing, ‘wee rer a Ge AT ew a ARE TAT INDIAN NURSING COUNCIL ‘Fo NBOC Cae, Pa Na 2, Conant ‘abla, New Doi 1020 raver wa fee meson sean eer SHAR rrr Date 9 MAY Quy ‘Subject: Integration of Middie-Level Health Provider (MLHP) in Basie B.Se Nursing. ‘and Post Base B.Se Nursing Curriculam -reg. {In continuation of notification No. 1-2/NEC/2D19-INC dated 12" February, 2019. The tol number of hours to incoryorate in the existing Community Health Nursing subject is around 175 hows (theory + practical). It wil be feasible to accommodate in the 195 hours aleady allocated in the B.Se Nursng Syllabus (internship period) & P.B.B Se.(N) in CHN ‘The following topies to be incorporated in the Community Health Nursing subject of BSc ‘Nursing Syllabus and also in Post Basic B.Se Nursng:- Roles and esponsiilities of Mid-Level Healtheate Providers (MLHP) 2. New national healt programmes 3. AYUSHMAN BHARAT: The up gradation of sub-centers into of health and ‘weliness centers, Concept of Comprehensive primary health eae and key elements of| CCPH, Service deivery and continuum of care and. Roles of Midlevel health care providers(MLHP) Diagnosing and treatment skis essential at sub-cenie level using Standard testment protocols as per national health programmes 5. Introduction to Rastriya Bal Sureksha Karyokaram (RBSK) 6 Social mobilization skills 1 8 Drug dispensing Programme management including supervision and monitoring 9. Investigation ofan outbreak 10. Behavior change ccmmunication and sof skills 1. Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP) 12. Mother and Child Tracking System (MCTS) 13, Chikangunya 14, Organization of labour 100m 15, Sa child bind skit 16, Postpartum visits by health workers 17 Family planning 2020 18. National family planning programmes 19. Food born diseases My ‘soe Rea ware a uy a & fe Bremer Z aden srt aReg side, ere thee, ie 3, Hy -aece, serar at = 4, fet - 11000 seaeen of Rare aU arerT ee AEF Fre Statutory Body under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare ‘ty Fl, NCC Cem, rN. 2, Cammy Ce ‘Ol Phae-1, Now Dei - 100, » INDIAN NURSING COUNCHL \ Following topics to be reviewed: “Health penning and health care delivery system in India (PHS guidelines) Health Managemest Information Systema(HMIS) lootronie Medical Records(EMR) Micro birth plang Adolescent counseling Sources of vital statics Financial Management, Accounts and Computing at Sub~ Centre “Mental health act, dug de-addiction programmes ‘Time tends in discase occurence in epidemiology Infant and young cil feeding and counseling [Nattiton across lf eye and update on national nuteitonal programmes Use of Equipment ‘Throat problems and febrile seizure in chiles “Transportation of taby and common accidents and mishaps in labour room CCounslling-GATHER Approach Update biomedical waste management by specifying biomedical waste management rules 2016 ‘Suturing of superficial wounds ‘© Postpartum Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device (PPIUCD) ‘© Allthe national health programmes on Communicable,an communicable Ln (Rathish Nair) SECRETARY Copy A, The Principal, all Colleges of Nursing 2. The Registrar, all Universities offering & examining Nursing programme 3. The Registrar, allState Nurses Registration Council. Sf ‘cereal Rr ear Ae et oe Fare sear

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