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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 4, May-June 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Current Challenges and Opportunities in

Informatics in School Teaching
Haqberdiyev Bakhrom Bobonazarovich
Lecturer at the Department of Digital Information Technology,
Denau Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy, Denau, Uzbekistan

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Haqberdiyev

The current challenges of teaching computer science in modern Bakhrom Bobonazarovich "Current
schools were discussed, as well as potential solutions. How Challenges and Opportunities in
participants in the educational process interact in the teaching of Informatics in School Teaching"
computer science is demonstrated. Published in
International Journal
KEYWORDS: Computer science, information culture, and the of Trend in
systemic character of computer science are some of the terms used in Scientific Research
and Development
this paper
(ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
6470, Volume-6 | IJTSRD50216
Issue-4, June 2022,
pp.877-879, URL:

Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and

International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Researchers and teachers all across the world are personal goals, and constantly strive to keep abreast
becoming more interested in the relatively new and of what is happening in the world of information
fast-emerging discipline of computer science. technology and the pedagogical field.
Computer science is now considered a fundamental Students' growth in modern information and
science. The study's focus is on information, its
communication technologies is aided by studying
structure, and processing methods. In recent years, the computer science in school. In the current pandemic,
school subject "Informatics and IT" has progressed to
practice demonstrates that pupils apply what they've
a new level of quality. Perceptions of computer
learned in computer science classes to prepare for
literacy, in particular, have shifted. When computer other subjects, such as distance communication with
science was first introduced in schools, it was thought
teachers, for example, in the process of learning a
of as computer literacy, or the ability to program. lesson, which, of course, is done straight from the
Everyone now understands that computer science is
computer. As a result, unlike any other instructor, a
not a programming course. Teaching high school computer science teacher must keep pupils engaged
computer science is one of the toughest and most
in their classes and the subject. Students' creative
intriguing jobs available today. A computer science growth is also influenced by informatics studies. The
teacher has to keep a close eye on the development of
computer not only keeps track of the students' work in
computer technology, the emergence of new
class, but also assists them in evaluating the benefits
programs, and changes in techniques and methods of
and drawbacks of their knowledge, skills, and
working with them. The expert is constantly faced
abilities. Students should not only gain an academic
with the following questions: “What and how to
understanding of the subject in informatics classes,
teach? How do you teach a child to navigate the fast-
but they should also gain technical knowledge of the
paced world of information technology? “To do this,
subject. The classification of tasks will require the
a teacher must constantly improve himself, meet

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50216 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2022 Page 877
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
supervision of an expert depending on the information retrieval methods) are formed. The
temperament of each student to ensure that the computer serves as both a learning tool and a tool
assignments are engaging to the student. This exercise for completing assigned duties. Due to the
encourages pupils to have an optimistic mindset. difference in the material and cultural level of
They can develop more if they have an interest in families, school students have different
working with computers. Simply put, kids who have opportunities to use a computer for homework, to
mastered the usage of computers and possess the satisfy their interests, and this should also be
requisite computer science knowledge and skills will taken into account in the organization of the
find it easier to study and master other topics in learning process.
5. Computer time should be limited to 10 to 30
Before discussing the challenges and opportunities of minutes (depending on the age of the students).
teaching computer science in secondary school, it is
6. In most cases, the amount of computer equipment
necessary to address the primary issue, which is available is insufficient, necessitating the
children's comprehension of the relevance of
coordination of small groups' efforts (2-4 students
computer science as an academic topic and a clear per computer)
explanation of its field of application. The knowledge
of the Internet, electronic libraries and books, digital 7. In general, all of the students in the class enjoy
audio-video-photo tools, mobile phones, tablets, computer science classes, which is due to the fact
pocket computers and communicators, social that the computer is the driving force behind
networks, blogs, the knowledge of the modern school learning the subject. However, as computers
student. it is necessary to form an idea that the radical become more integrated into many aspects of
difference between the modern school student of human life, this enthusiasm is waning.
about 10-20 years ago and the modern student, the 8. One of the most significant issues in primary
development of computer science as a science has school education is the abrupt shift in leadership
helped and is helping to achieve great things in the activities from this game to education. The
field of science will be. formation of educational activities frequently fails
Based on the above, we can formulate the main to meet the child's play needs, causing him great
problems of computer science teaching: pain. At this point, a smooth transition from play-
1. School informatics is the youngest and probably based activities to education must be organized,
the most problematic of all school subjects (due to mostly through the use of playful didactic
the weakness of the material and technical base computer technology. A computer science
and staffing). instructor must first and foremost learn to teach
by playing.
2. The tasks solved in the study of computer science,
as well as other areas of knowledge - physics, In particular, the above problems are related to the
mathematics, astronomy, etc., therefore, the study teaching of computer science in primary school,
of computer science has a metasubject character. because the study of computer science is an integral
part of modern general education, the formation of a
3. High rates of ICT development lead to the need
new integrated worldview and information worldview
for teachers to constantly use computer
in the younger generation, modern computer
periodicals, Internet resources.
information processing as a tool. There are different
4. Nowadays, children should not only be aware of opinions about the age at which to start teaching
the existence of computers, but also have an children how to use a computer. Modern research by
understanding of them, as well as work with them doctors, psychologists, and teachers shows that
and be able to use them. Informatics is concerned working with a computer while meeting hygiene and
with the methods, tools, and technology for ergonomic requirements does not adversely affect the
automating, producing, and processing objects health of elementary school students. If you give
and processes. This science not only provides an children space to implement their ideas quickly and
in-depth study of it, but also the practical concisely without overloading them, they will more
application of information, skills, and actively develop their ability to orient themselves on
competencies to help people modernize their the plane, train attention and memory, and develop
knowledge and reduce their learning load. The imagination and creativity. In order to continuously
fundamental knowledge and skills of working study the primary school course, it is necessary to
with a personal computer as a study object emphasize the relevance of the study of logically
(devices, operating system, software, and complex topics at the level of timely introduction in

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50216 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2022 Page 878
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
the propaedeutic course "Informatics and ICT" from computers and their software, as well as the
1st grade. The main purpose of studying the subject introduction of children to the complex world of
of "Computer Science and ICT" in primary school is modern computer science, necessitates the training
to form in students the basics of ICT - competence, and retraining of specialists capable of teaching
many components of which are included in the children the science of information using new
universal educational movement. This sets the core information technologies, as well as the training and
values for the content of this course. The following retraining of specialists capable of teaching children
competencies are most valuable for the results of the science of information using new information
meta-subject teaching, as well as for achieving a high technologies.
level of continuing education (including teaching the
Solving these issues and unfinished tasks will be
subject of "Computer Science and ICT" at the
unachievable without bettering teaching methods
intermediate and advanced levels), which is reflected
based on computer science teaching concepts of
in the course content:
continuity and consistency. Informatics is
1. Fundamentals of logical and algorithmic increasingly influencing the subsequent development
competence, specifically the ability to master the processes of society. It becomes a dominant factor
fundamentals of logical and algorithmic thinking, determining the overall potential of a society and its
to act in accordance with the algorithm, and to development prospects. Informatization of society is
create the simplest algorithms. the most important component of modern civilization,
which is characterized by high levels of information
2. Funding the fundamentals of information literacy,
and communication technologies and advanced
including methods and techniques for searching,
retrieving, and presenting information in a variety information structures. Informatics is essentially
of formats, such as text, tables, diagrams, chains, transforming from technology to a fundamental
and aggregates. science of information and information processes in
nature and society.
3. Learning the fundamentals of ICT abilities,
The overall educational and practical significance of
particularly how to solve information problems
the computer science course at school is growing
using computers (and other ICT instruments).
steadily and rapidly. The course has great
4. The fundamentals of effective communication. humanitarian potential. It is already playing an
Within this subject, the aspects of communication important role in preparing the younger generation for
competence related to the reception and effective activities in the information society.
transmission of information are most actively
formed. This includes aspects of linguistic LIST OF LITERATURES
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[4] Begimqulov U.Sh. Scientific and theoretical
quickly process information and make decisions bases of introduction of modern information
based on it. 'requires additional capabilities from
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The curriculum of a computer science school course
studies of pedagogical technologies of teaching
must, to some extent, reflect the present state of the
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field as well as societal needs. Computer technology,
in Secondary Special and Vocational
first and foremost, the rapid development of personal
Education. – T.: TDIU, 2013.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50216 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2022 Page 879

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