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Document No. : INS/RT/SAF-EMP/001

1. Purpose:

This method statement specifies emergency action plan in case of any incident /
accident with the isotope with source strength upto 85 Curie on site and the safety
measures to be followed accordingly and in strict confidence.

2. Situations:

2.1. Case 1 – Loss of Radiography Source

2.2. Case 2 - Damage to source assembly.

2.3. Case 3 – Source remaining in the guide tube, even after complete retration of cable,
observed during routine monitoring.

2.4. Case 4 – Damage to radiography camera.

2.5. Case 5- Fire accident involving radiography camera or source.

2.6. Case 6- Where an individual, classified or not, is suspected to have received an exposure
that is beyond the limit given for them.

2.7. Case 7 - Where a vehicle transporting a radioactive source is involved in an accident.

2.8. Case 8 -Physical Damage to a sealed source causing possible leakage of radioactive

2.9. Case 9 -Contamination of the environment due to leakage of radioactive material.

2.10. Case 10 -Waste handling / disposal of leaked radioactive material.

Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) shall handle all the above emergency situations by following
the Radiation Emergency Plan procedure. He shall take necessary actions to eliminate the
Radiation hazards.

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Document No. : INS/RT/SAF-EMP/001

3. Emergency Plans:


Probable causes of loss of radiography source:

1) Pilferage or theft
2) Misplacement

Radiography source can be lost during

i) storage
ii) use or
iii) transport

Gather Information:

Talk to the concerned authorities and radiography personnel and collect information regarding,

1. Source and its activity

2. Equipment from which it is lost
3. Probable area of loss
4. Probable time of loss
5. Personnel involved
6. Details of other radiography agencies working at the site.
7. Additional information from log-book kept at site.

After a careful analysis of the information gathered, RPO would be able to chart out a plan
search operations.

The following plan shall be implemented if the area in which the source is lost, is
approximately know:

1. Wear personnel monitoring badge. Confirm by a survey meter (RADEYE-G) and Wide range
radiation monitor that you are located away from the area of loss.

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Document No. : INS/RT/SAF-EMP/001

2. Cordon off the required area

3. Charge a pocket dosimeter to read zero and wear it. Switch on the survey meter and enter the
area. The response of the monitor would gradually increase as you approach the source and would
decrease as you move away from the source.

4. Switch over to wide range radiation monitor with telescopic facility, if the radiation level moves
beyond the range of the instrument. (It may become necessary to move in more than one direction
to exactly locate the source). Move along the direction in which the radiation level increases.

5. If the radiation level is very close to R/h, it indicates that the source is within a distance of a few

6. Look out for the physical presence of the source assembly. The moment the source assembly is
seen, move quickly away from the area.

7. Bring a lead container and place it quickly at a distance of approximately 2 metres from the

8. Pick the source assemble by 2 metre long tongs and transfer it to the lead container, with the
source side pointing downwards in the container.

9. Bend the coupling end of the source assembly by means of a long rod, so that the coupling end is
sideways, away from the streaming radiation beam. Place a steel plate to keep the coupling end in
sideways position.

10. Drive the free coupling end of the drive cable, through the camera and open end guide tube, close
to the container.

11. Connect the drive cable to the assembly and draw it back to the camera.

12. Note down the pocket dosimeter reading.

13. Prepare a report on the accident and the dose received by personnel during handling of the

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Document No. : INS/RT/SAF-EMP/001

Recovery of source lying in water column:

Ascertain the depth at which the source is lying inside the water column, either by using a wide range
radiation monitor the extension rod (covered with water tight plastic cover) or by the following

1) Measure the radiation level on the surface of water and move the radiation monitor away from the
water surface, until the radiation level reduced to 1/4th of the radiation level on the water surface and
measure this distance from the water surface. Now, this distance is approximately equal to the depth
at which the source is lying inside water column.

2) If the source is lying in shallow water and able to see the source from the top, pick up the source
with 2 metre long remote handling tongs and transfer it to a lead pot. If the water column is not very
clear, use a spade attached to a long rod to scoop out the source, from the bottom of the water
column and transfer the same to a lead pot with the help of remote handling tongs.

3) If the source is lying in a water column (depth between 2 & 10m), arrange to drain off water to a
sufficiently low level and follow the method described above to retrieve the source.

4) If the source is lying in a very deep water column or sea, recovery of the source is essential only
a) radiation levels are alarming,
b) water is used for drinking
c) source is long lived one.

5) If the recovery is to be abandoned, it is done only after ensuring that the source does not pose a
radiation hazard and doesnot move along the flow of water column/sea.

6) In case recovery is considered very essential, seek the help of municipal authorities and people
trained in diving to recover the source, under the guidance of radiation protection experts.

If the source is not traceable in spite of an extensive search, the following steps should be

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1) Information to FANR:

Should the search not produce ‘lost’ source, Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation
should be informed of the situation.

2) Information to Local Police/ Civil Defense:

The agency that lost the source must lodge a complaint with the local police regarding the
loss and if theft is suspected, seek police help in order to identify the culprits. This may
help in tracing the source.

3) Public Announcement:

Display appropriate banners around suspected locations of loss with drawing/photo of

source assembly/camers & message about harmful effects due to missing source. If this
attempts fail, local announcement through news-papers, radio and T.V should be made by
the agency which lost the source.

4) Intimation to Government and Municipal Hospitals:

If the missing source is not traced within 8 to 10 days, inform all government and municipal
hospitals in the area about the missing source, seeking their help in identifying any possible
radiation injury cases.


If the tip portion of the source assembly is damaged, the source capsule can come out of the
souce assesmbly. If the source capsule is damaged, there is a chance for the radioactive pellets
to come out of the capsule and get scattered around. Hence, it is essential to confirm the nature
of damage to the source assembly, before making any attempt to manage the situation.

Confirmation of damage:

Confirmation of damage to source assembly or capsule can be done, by carefully monitoring

the radiation levels, with a suitable radiation monitor.
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Document No. : INS/RT/SAF-EMP/001

If there is damage to the integrity of the source capsule, the radioactive pellets will be scattered
around and hence, the radiation will be spread over a wider area and radiation intensity will not
follow inverse square law. Hence, a careful assessment of variation in intensity of radiation,
with distance, will confirm whether the source capsule is damaged or not.

The following procedure shall be followed:

A) Integrity of the source capsule intact

With the help of a wide range radiation monitor, identify the exact location of the damaged
source assembly (containing the source capsule) or the undamaged source capsule which might
have come out of the damaged source assembly.

Source recovery when the radiation level is low [<10 mSv/h (1 R/h) at 2m] :

i) Source assembly recovery:

Pick up the source assembly with 2m long remote handling tongs and transfer the same to a
suitable lead container.

ii) Source capsule recovery:

Pick up the source capsule with 2 metre long remote handling tongs and transfer it to a
plastic container and then keep the plastic container with the source capsule inside a
suitable lead container.

Source recovery when radiation level is high [ >10 mSv/h (1 R/h) at 2m] :

Provide local shielding to the source assembly/source capsule with lead sheets, lead wool or
lead shots in cloth bags, to reduce radiation levels. This operation is to be carried out from a
distance with the help of remote handling tongs.

i) Souce assembly recovery:

Pick up the source assembly with 2m long remote handling tongs, by standing behing some
shielding barrier and transfer the same into a suitable lead container.
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Document No. : INS/RT/SAF-EMP/001

ii) Source capsule recovery:

Pick up the souce capsule with 2 metre long remote handling tongs, by standing behind
some shielding barrier and transfer it to a plastic container and then keep the plastic
container, with the source capsule, inside a suitable lead container.

During all these procedures, meticulous planning and step by step execution is required , to
ensure that doses received by individuls are kept as low as reasonably achievable and in no
case should it exceed 2 mSv (200 mR)per person.

B) Source capsule damaged, pellets are scattered:

I ) Recovery of damaged source pellets:

- Identify the exact location(s) of distributed source pellets with a wide range radiation
monitor with extension rod.

- Provide a plastic cover to the detector portion, to avoid possible contamination.

- Once the location of source pellets are identified, select required number of persons to
carry out the recovery job.

- As the pellets are very small in size, they can be picked up only by some adhesive
material. This can be accomplished by an adhesive tape (small folded piece) attached
to remote handling tongs.

- The tape along with the pellets, sticking to it, is then transferred to a small plastic
container kept behind a shielding barrier.

- This procedure is repeated by different persons, until all pellets are transferred to the
plastic container which is then transferred to a suitable lead container.

- After recovering all the source pellets and before transferring the plastic container
with the recovered pelletes to a lead container, a proper accounting for the total
number of pellets and activity of the source should be done, in order to ensure that all
the source pellets are duly recovered.
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Document No. : INS/RT/SAF-EMP/001

II) Contamination check:

As a result of the radioactive pellets rubbing aginst guide tube, camera and other such materials
of contact, there can be radioactive contamination, not only on these objects of contact, but
also around the accident spot. Hence it is very essential to carefully examine all the suspected
areas with a contamination monitor. All the materials, suspected to have been contaminated,
shall be packed carefully in a polythene bag and suitable outer container. FANR shall be
contacted for further decontamination or safe disposal.


1. Cordon off the area with warning lights, sign boards and radiation warning barrier tape.

2. Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) shall handle the situation by following the Emergency Plan
procedure. He shall take necessary actions to eliminate the radiation hazards.

3. Wear personnel radiation monitoring TLD/film badge and pocket dosimeter.

4. With the help of Wide Range Radiation Monitor and by remote monitoring (by the use of
extension facility) locate the approximate position of the source assembly. (Radiation level very
close to the source will be very high, beyond the range of this survey meter. Hence, it is very
difficult to locate the exact position of the source).

5. Drive the cable to push the source to the tip of the guide tube.Confirm this by monitoring.

6. Retract the cable and again confirm by monitoring that the source is still at the tip of the guide

7. Provide temporary shielding ( lead shot bags ), at the source position in the guide tube, with the
help of remote handling tongs and bring down the radiation level around the camera to a
reasonable value.

8. Keep a suitable lead pot near the camera

9. Quickly decouple the guide tube from the camera.

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Document No. : INS/RT/SAF-EMP/001

10. Spread a polythene sheet near the camera.

11. After removing the shield, lift the guide tube at the tip, by means of remote handling tongs, so
that the source assembly slides down and allow the source assembly to drop on the polythene

12. Transfer the source assembly to the container by means of remote handling tongs. (Remember to
insert the source end of the assembly into the container to ensure personnel safety) .

13. Bend the coupling end of the source assembly by means of a long rod, so that the coupling end is
sideways, away from the streaming radiation beam. Place a steel plate to keep the coupling end in
sideways position.

14. Drive the free coupling end of the drive cable, through the camera and open end guide tube, close
to the container.

15. Connect the drive cable to the assembly and draw it back to the camera.

16. Check the radiation level and ensure that the source assembly is in the secured position inside the


The damage to radiography camera may be due to fall from a height or fall of heavy objects on
the camera, guide tube or drive cable.

Where situations mentioned above occur, the following procedure shall be adopted:

1) Operate the cranking unit and try to bring the source back to the camera. This attempt
should generally be successful since all remote operated radiography cameras are fully
tested to withstand all the tests for TYPE B package for accidental conditions and hence,
their fall from height is not likely to impair either shielding or operational safety of the

2) If there is any damage to the guide tube, it may not be possible to retract the source to the
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Document No. : INS/RT/SAF-EMP/001

camera, because the source assembly will not be able to pass through the damaged portion
of the guide tube. In such cases, for retracting the source to the camera, try to mend the
damaged portion of the guide tube carefully, with a suitable tool as to give a cylindrical
shape to the damaged portion and retract the source back to the camera.
As a last resort, if the above attempt fails, because of severe damage to the guide tube, cut
the damaged portion of the guide tube sleeve, without damaging the teleflex cable inside.
Provide a temporary plastic sleeve to the cutout portion of the guide tube, for continuity and
retract the source back to the camera.

3) If the source capsule comes out of the source assembly without loss of integrity, disconnect
the guide tube from the camera. Lift the guide tube by its closed end carefully, with the help
of remote handling tongs. Hold its open end end with another pair of tongs, just above the
paper and allow the source assembly to drop on to the paper. As soon as the source capsule
drops on to the paper, pick it up with 2m long remote handling tongs and transfer it to a
plastic container and transfer this plastic container, having the source capsule to an
appropriate lead pot. Provide additional shielding to the lead pot, if necessary and move the
lead pot to the source storage room.

4) If the source capsule is broken due to the impact and the source pellets have come out of the
capsule, follow the procedure described in Case 2 (B) for managing the incident.


Fire in source storage room:

i) If the fire is noticed, when the radiography camera/source is inside the storage room,
take every possible step to prevent the fire from reaching the storage room.

ii) Try to remove the camera from the storage room quickly, to a safe place.

iii) Give instruction to the fire fighting staff to be at a safe distance from the radiography
camera, while quenching the fire.

iv) If radiography camera is caught in a fire during storage, cordon the area around storage
room immediately.

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Document No. : INS/RT/SAF-EMP/001

v) If radiography camera is caught in a fire during radiographic exposure, quickly drive

back the source into the camera and remove the camera to a safe place.

vi) Try to prevent the fire from reaching the camera, by all possible means. Otherwise, try
to quench the fire at once from a distance.

vii) Measure the radiation levels around, with a wide range radiation monitor provided with
extension rod, in order to determine whether the camera and the source are intact or not.

viii) If the shielding integrity is impaired, the radiation levels around will be high.

ix) If the camera and the source are not damaged by the fire, remove the camera to a safe

Camera damaged by fire:

a) If there is loss of shielding integrity of camera, but the source assembly and source
capsule are intact inside the camera, remove the camera to a safe place with suitable
remote handling tools, such as fork lift, trolley etc. and provide additional lead
shielding around the camera to minimize the radiation levels.

b) If the shielding material of the camera has melted and the undamaged source assembly
or source capsule has come out of the molten camera, identify the same with a wide
range radiation monitor. Follow the method described in Case 2 (A) for managing the

c) If the source capsule is damaged by the fire and radioactive pellets have come out,
follow the method detailed in Case 2 (B) for source pellet identification and safe
recovery of the same.

d) If the soruce assembly/source capsule is fully embedded in the molten mass, segregate
the mass, transfer the same to an outer container, using remote handling tools, provide
adequate shielding to the outer container and move the container to the source storage
room and inform concerned authorities.

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Document No. : INS/RT/SAF-EMP/001



Where situations described above occur, the authorised person shall implement the following

a) Cease all operations and retract the sealed source into the projector if possible. For x-ray
isolate the equipment. RPS shall be alerted.
b) Should source not retract then monitor dose rate and set up supervised barriers.
c) Record names and approximate locations of any personnel involved in incident.
d) Recruit additional help to assist in maintaining the integrity of the barriers, to make
telephone calls, to go for help.
e) Inform the company Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) and any other persons with a
need to know. (Refer Section 10.0 of this procedure for the RPS and other emergency
contact numbers).
f) RPS will, in consultation with the authorised person, identify the nature of the incident
and plan a course of action based on calculated dose rates, shielding, time, location and
other pertinent factors.
g) Once a plan of recovery is available, practice retrieval shall be made away from area of
incident in order to assess time and dose rate expected.
h) The RPS, or authorized person, shall then take the necessary steps to recover the source
and render the area safe.



Should a situation as mentioned above arise, the steps involved in retrieving the source shall
be as follows

a) The civil defense authorities and the police shall be informed immediately. They shall be
apprised of the situation. If the employee is unhurt he will contact the RPS in the first
instance and he will decide who will contact the F.A.N.R, Civil defense and or Police. In
case if the employees are seriously injured due to any accident, then the coordinator or
the site supervisor shall inform the authorites at first instance upon knowing the same.
b) The authorized person (should he not be seriously injured) erect supervised barrier
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Document No. : INS/RT/SAF-EMP/001

around the accident location.

c) Radiation level shall be monitored to ensure that the source is still inside the transport
container or projector.
d) Once location of the radiosotope has been ascertained, the authorized person/RPS shall
proceed to retrieve the source and container.
e) All necessary reports completed in compliance with the local regulations in relation to
crash for insurance.Medical reports if hospitalised or needs to have medical assistance.
The recivers of the reports shall be Inspec HSEQ Manager and site supervisor. If the
above happens on site then the safety officers would receive the same.
f) Detailed reports of the accident and any damage to the source container shall be



Where the situations described above exists then the following plan shall be

a) Use a calibrated radiation survey meter to check if there is a leak

b) If there is a leak determine where the safety distance is and set up a barrier.
c) Call the RPS. Keep away from the sealed source and stay behind the barriers. Make sure
that the authorised person stays on hand at all times until the RPS arrives.
d) If the situation can be rendered safe by the RPS then the civil defence need not be
involved. If the situation cannot be rendered safe call in the civil defence / police! Site
authority as required.
e) Make sure anyone involved has had there name taken to enable and ensure they have had a
f) Make out a report. All incidents shall be reported and recorded by using IN/HSEF/04/Rev
latest. (Safety incident report).
g) All accident cases involving Radiation sources to be reported to F.A.N.R
Abu Dhabi



We are using Gamma ray (Iridium — 192) This does not stay with the object it hits but
passes through, is deflected or absorbed. Flora or Fauna that has been hit by gamma rays
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Document No. : INS/RT/SAF-EMP/001

do not retain the radiation. But depending on the amount of dose absorbed can be injured
or killed.



The only radioactive material in Gamma Radiography will be the source. This will be
made safe by putting it into a Lead Pot. It may be returned to a safe projector or re
exported back to its place of origin.

3.11 Typical Source Retrieval Plan:- Should an incident as detailed in 3.0 above be
confirmed and preliminary procedures completed as described. The RPS shall formulate
a recovery plan as below:

a) Calculate approximate dosages based on the activity of the source involved in the
b) Ensure sufficient classified/competent personnel at hand to keep individual doses to a
c) Explain the plan of action to all personnel that may be required in the retrieval exercise.
d) Proceed to locate the exact location of the source by the “Homing in method” i.e. Survey
meter should be on lowest reading scale until nearing source using the instrument to
home in but taking care with regard to personal exposure.
e) Once exact location of the source has been identified the RPS/Authorized person shall
proceed with the retrieval of the source by first providing sufficient shielding by way of
lead blocks/lead short bags or the like.
f) After sufficient shielding cuts radiation level down to acceptable levels the
RPS/Authorized person shall proceed with retrieving the source back into the container
or lead pot as the case may be.
g) On completion of the retrieval and ensuring that the source is safe for transportation to
storage, the RPS shall declare the area safe for human entry by removing the barriers
erected to keep out general public from the radiation zone.

Note: The above plan is based on a typical condition for source retrieval, Actual plans may
vary with the incident and the RPS shall be responsible for formulating the plan
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4. Equipment:

The following emergency equipments shall be kept in store room attached to the dark rooms

a) Lead shot and/or vee block

b) Handling tongs
c) Recovery container
d) Tools including bolt cutters, Hacksaw, Screwdrivers, Pliers etc.
e) Additional barrier tape, warning signs and flashing lights.
f) Personal Protective Equipment is available at site in the Inspec darkroom, which includes
as a minimum :
Lead aprons, Gauntlets (gloves), Lead shot bags (4 per isotope on site), Long Tongs (1 or
2 meters), Lead Pot, cutters to cut cable and pliers.

5. Legal & Other Requirements:

Inspec to comply with all legal requirements during handling of Radioactive materials.
Federal Law No. 6 of 2009 - Basic Safety Standards for Facilities and activities involving
Ionizing Radiation. F.A.N.R Reg -24.

Other Requirements can come from contractor project specific requirement agreed with the

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6. Investigation:

All emergencies and incidents, no matter how small, shall be investigated by the RPS who will
arrange for medical examinations as necessary, the return of radiation monitoring TLD/film badges
and reports to head office and in writing to all involved authorities (F.A.N.R Abu Dhabi and Police)

Each such report shall be analyzed with regard to cause and any action to be taken over personnel
and/or equipment involved.

7. Calculations
The calculations are intended for guidance only.
All situations involving exposure of ionizing radiation must be monitored with survey meter to
ensure that personnel and barriers are at the required distance from the source.
Safe distance from unshielded source = activity x RHM / permissible dose rate

F.A.N.R Permissible Dose Rates Take Precedence over all others.

Reference: FANR – Reg -24.

8. Mock Up Drill
Inspec HSE shall ensure to conduct Mock – Up Drill to exercise the emergency procedure on its
operational sites atleast three times a year. A detailed report to be maintained clearly specifying the
date, participants, action plan, etc.

9. Investigation Level of Lost TLD Badge

9.1 Investigation Level for radiation exposures

An investigation is required when an individual’s effective dose exceeds 15mSv for the first time in
any calendar year [as per IRR99 Reg.8 (7)]; however International Inspection Services has set a
lower investigation level of 4mSv in any single incident to make it more stringent and safety
conscious as appropriate to the work.

Document No. : INS/RT/SAF-EMP/001 Rev.: 10 dated 12-01-2014 Page No.: 19 of 26

This document is a property of INSPEC and for use by its authorized personnel only. Use of this Procedure by non-INSPEC Organizations is by
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Document No. : INS/RT/SAF-EMP/001

9.2 Estimate of dose in case of lost / damaged TLD Badges

In case when a TLD badge allotted to a Radiation worker is reportedly lost / damaged, the worker
shall not continue his radiation job unless given a new badge. A report shall be made to estimate
the dose received by him since he received the TLD badge for that period. The following
information shall be collected for the estimation of the dose received by the worker:
9.2.1 A complete log of Radiation exposure taken by the Technician since the last statement of
absorbed radiation. This can be accomplished by noting down the readings of pocket docimeter
maintained by the person and verified by the RPO.
9.2.2 Radiation source and strength used by the technician during the period.
9.2.3 Location of radiography whether site or Installation.

Estimation of Radiation dose received by the concerned technician can be done by the following
a. By calculation of dose using time required for each source exit and retrieval during each
exposure multiplied by the exposure rate and divided by the square of the distance (taking into
consideration the RHM value of the source). Refer the Dose per exposure chart
b. By averaging the monthly dose records from the dose report from the radiation control
dosimetry service and estimating the dose for the concerned period.
c. By keeping the daily record of pocket dosimeter allotted to the person involved.

Document No. : INS/RT/SAF-EMP/001 Rev.: 10 dated 12-01-2014 Page No.: 20 of 26

This document is a property of INSPEC and for use by its authorized personnel only. Use of this Procedure by non-INSPEC Organizations is by
specific agreement. This document is subject for revisions and only the latest revision stands current. Approved Master Copy of this document is
filed and stored under the custody of INSPEC HSEQ manager. This document shall not be reproduced without the written consent of INSPEC.
Controlled Distribution Copy Holders will receive current versions.

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