Outlines: Exploration, Sampling, and in Situ Soil Measurements

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 Purpose of Soil Exploration

 Planning The Exploration Program
Collection of primary data
Exploration, Sampling, and

 Reconnaissance of the area

Site investigation
In Situ Soil Measurements

 Methods of exploration
 Soil boring
 Soil sampling
 Soil testing
Dr. Omar Al-Hattamleh  Rock sampling
 Groundwater table (gwt) location
 Number and depth of borings
 Approximate spacing of boreholes (number)
 Example

Purpose of Soil Exploration Cont’

Purpose of Soil Exploration
 Information to determine the type of foundation  Information so that the identification and solution of
required (shallow or deep). construction problems (sheeting and dewatering or
 Information to allow the geotechnical consultant to rock excavation) can be made.
make a recommendation on the allowable load
capacity of the foundation.  Identification of potential problems (settlements,
 Sufficient data/laboratory tests to make settlement existing damage, etc.) concerning adjacent property.
predictions.  Identification of environmental problems and their
 Location of the groundwater table (or determination solution.
of whether it is in the construction zone). For certain
projects, groundwater table fluctuations may be
required. These can require installation of
piezometers and monitoring of the water level in
them over a period of time.

Planning The Exploration Program
Collection of primary data
 Assembly of all available information on:
 The subsurface exploration program in
general comprises of three steps  dimensions,
 column spacing,
 Collection of primary data  type and use of the structure,
 Reconnaissance  basement requirements,
 any special architectural considerations of the
 Site Investigation proposed building,
 and tentative location on the proposed site.

 Foundation regulations in the local building code

should be consulted for any special requirements.

Reconnaissance of the area Reconnaissance of the area Cont’

 This may be in the form of:  Study of the various sources of information available,
 a field trip to the site, which can reveal information some of which include the following:
on the type and behavior of adjacent structures such  Geological maps.
 as cracks,  Agronomy maps.
 noticeable sags,  Aerial photographs. Investigator may require special
 and possibly sticking doors and windows. training to interpret soil data, but the nonspecialist
 The type of local existing structures may influence to a cannot easily recognize terrain features. Water and/or
considerable extent the exploration program and the oil well logs.
best type of foundation for the proposed adjacent  Hydrological data. Data collected on streamflow data,
structure. tide elevations, and flood levels.
 Since nearby existing structures must be maintained  Soil manuals by state departments of transportation.
in their "as is" condition,  State (or local) university publications. These are
 excavations or construction vibrations will have to be usually engineering experiment station publications.
carefully controlled, and this can have considerable
influence on the "type" of foundation that can be used.

Site Investigation Methods Of Exploration
A preliminary site investigation. In this phase a few
The most widely used method of subsurface

borings (one to about four) are made or a test pit is 
opened to establish in a general manner the stratification, investigation for compact sites as well as formost
types of soil to be expected, and possibly the location of extended sites is boring holes into the ground,
the groundwater table. If the initial borings indicate that from which samples may be collected for either
the upper soil is loose or highly compressible, one or more
borings should be taken to rock or competent strata. This visual inspection or laboratory testing.
amount of exploration is usually the extent of the site  The several exploration methods for sample
investigation for small structures.
 A detailed site investigation. Where the preliminary site
investigation has established the feasibility and overall  Disturbed samples taken
project economics, a more detailed exploration program is
undertaken. The preliminary borings and data are used
as a basis for locating additional borings, which should be  Undisturbed samples taken
confirmatory in nature, and determining the additional
samples required.

Disturbed samples taken Undisturbed samples taken

Soil Boring Hand Tools For Soil Exploration,

 Exploratory holes into the soil may be  Hand augers

made by
Hand tools:
 hand tools,
(a) posthole auger;
 but more commonly truck- or trailer- (b) helical auger
mounted power tools are used

Gasoline-engine-powered Hand Auger

hand auger with
additional auger flights in
the foreground together
with hand-driven sample

Flight Auger Bucket Auger.

Go To Movie For Better
Mounted Power Drills Quality

Soil Sampling Soil Sampling Continued

 The most important engineering properties for foundation design 4. There are unknown changes in water content depending on
are strength, compressibility, and permeability. recovery method and the presence or absence of water in
 Needs undisturbed sample the ground or borehole.
1) The sample is always unloaded from the in situ confining
pressures, with some unknown resulting expansion. 5. Loss of hydrostatic pressure may cause gas bubble voids to
Lateral expansion occurs into the sides of the borehole, so form in the sample.
in situ tests using the hole diameter as a reference are 6. Handling and transporting a sample from the site to the
"disturbed" an unknown amount. This is the reason K0
field tests are so difficult. laboratory and transferring the sample from sampler to
2) Samples collected from other than test pits are disturbed testing machine disturb the sample more or less by
by volume displacement of the tube or other collection definition.
device. The presence of gravel greatly aggravates sample 7. The quality or attitude of drilling crew, laboratory
3) Sample friction on the sides of the collection device tends technicians, and the supervising engineer may be poor.
to compress the sample during recovery. Most sample 8. On very hot or cold days, samples may dehydrate or freeze
tubes are (or should be) swaged so that the cutting edge is if not protected on-site. Furthermore, worker attitudes may
slightly smaller than the inside tube diameter to reduce the deteriorate in temperature extremes.
side friction.

sample disturbance sample disturbance
Sample disturbance depends on factors such as

 rate of penetration,
 Another term used in estimating the degree
 whether the cutting force is obtained by pushing or driving, of disturbance of a cohesive or rock core
and presence of gravel,

 it also depends on the ratio of the volume of soil displaced to the volume sample is the recovery ratio Lr
of collected sample, expressed as an area ratio

A recovery ratio of 1 (recovered length of the sample = the length

where D0 — outside diameter of tube sampler was forced into the stratum) indicates that, theoretically,
Di = inside diameter of cutting edge of tube the sample did not become compressed from friction on the tube. A
Well-designed sample tubes should have an area ratio of less than about recovery ratio greater than 1.0 would indicate a loosening of the
10 percent. sample from rearrangement of stones, roots, removal of preload, or
other factors.

Soil Testing Standard Penetration Test

Standard Penetration Test

Variety of Field Testing Devices 23

SPT sampler Types of SPT hammers
(Adapted from ASTM D1586)

SPT discrepancies (correction) Correction SPT, N60

 Equipment from different manufacturers. A large variety of drilling rigs
are in current use; however, the rotary auger with the safety hammer of NH B S R
is the most common in North American practice (type of hammer). N 60 
 Drive hammer configurations. The anvil also seems to have some 60
influence on the amount of energy input to the sampler.
 Whether a liner is used inside the split barrel sampler. Side friction N60= SPT values corrected for field procedure
increases the driving resistance (and AO and is less without the liner. It H= hammer efficiency (table 2.2 Das)
is common practice not to use a liner. Also it would appear that N
values should be larger for soils with OCR > 1 (and larger relative
density Dr) than for normally consolidated soils. borehole size) B= borehole diameter correction (table 2.2 Das)
 Overburden pressure. Soils of the same density will give smaller TV
values if p'o is smaller (as near the ground surface). Oversize boreholes S= Sampler correction (table 2.2 Das)
on the order of 150 to 200 mm will also reduce N unless a rotary hollow-
stem auger is used with the auger left in close contact with the soil in
the hole bottom. Degree of cementation may also be significant in giving R= Rod length correction (table 2.2 Das )
higher N counts in cemented zones that may have little overburden
 Length of drill rod.
N= Measured SPT N values (table 2.2 Das)

Correction Tables Correction SPT, (N1)60
2000lb / ft 2
( N1 ) 60  N 60
 
 1  100kPa
( N1 ) 60  C N N 60    N 60
 o  o
P 
 o 

N60: N corrected for field procedure

(N1)60: N corrected for field procedure and overburden pressure

Consistency of clay Consistency of saturated

cohesive soils
C u  KN 60
K= (3.5-6.5 kN/m2)


the consistency index (CI) Water Table correction (drained vs undrained)

w = natural moisture content
LL = liquid limit
PL = plastic limit

SPT Correlations
SPT Correlations Empirical values for , Dr and unit weight of granular soils based on
the SPT at about 6 m depth and normally consolidated

Relative Density and Internal Friction Angle

 0.06 1.7  
 (0.23  )  
D 50  1 
Dr (%)  ( N 1 ) 60 (100)
 9  o 
  
  Pa  SPT
  (N1)60
 ( N 60 ) 
  tan 1  
12.2  20.3( o ) 
 pa 

The modulus of elasticity of granular soils (Es) Cone Penetration Test

Types of cones (Most common): (a) A mechanical cone (also known

as a Begemann Cone); and (b) An electric cone
[see Figure 2.12 & 2.13 page 69 Das]

CPT Typical measurements

 Driving rate 10 to 20 mm/s

 The tip (or cone) usually has a
projected cross-sectional area of
10 cm2,
 Friction sleeve area 150 cm2

Classification of soil based

on CPT test results
 With Relative density as  1  Pa
Dr   1.8  
 305 Q c OCR  ( o ) 0.5
Qc : compressibility factor ranges between 0.91 for High compressible sand (loose)
to 1.09 law compressible sand (dense to very dense)
 Internal Friction angle  qc 
'  tan 1 0.1  0.38 log( ) 
 o 

 Undrained Shear Strength, Cu ;

C u  q c  o  1 NK Bearing capacity factor 15 for
 
o  o  N K mechanical and 20 for electrical

 Maximum past pressure and OCR as

 q  o  (MN/m2)
OCR  0.37 c  c  0.243q c 0.96
 o 

Correlation between qc/N60 and the FIELD VANE SHEAR TESTING (FVST)
mean grain size, D50.

Vane Shear Test

Data Reduction
undrained shear strength
 blow counts are at the refusal level (N
Cu=T/K > 100)Use Rock cores

K=366x10-8D3; D(cm) if H/D=2.0

= 1.7-0.54log(PI%)
or use Figure 2.11 in text page 67

Rock coring equipment Rock quality designation

 Rock quality designation (RQD) is an index or measure of the quality of a

rock mass used by many engineers. RQD is computed from recovered core
samples as


Depth of Rock Cores LOCATION
 There are no fast rules for rock core depths.  The GWT is generally determined by directly
Generally one should core approximately as follows: measuring to the stabilized water level in the
1. A depth sufficient to locate sound rock or to borehole after a suitable time lapse, often 24 to
ascertain that it is fractured and jointed to a very 48 hr later. This measurement is done by
great depth.
lowering a weighted tape down the hole
until water contact is made. In soils with a
2. For heavily loaded members such as piles or drilled high permeability, such as sands and gravels, 24
piers, a depth of approximately 3 to 4 m below the
location of the base. The purpose is to check that hr is usually a sufficient time for the water level
the "sound" rock does not have discontinuities at a to stabilize unless the hole wall has been
lower depth in the stress influence zone and is not a somewhat sealed with drilling mud.
large suspended boulder.

NUMBER AND DEPTH OF Approximate spacing of
BORINGS Boreholes (number)

 Depth of Boring for a building of 30.5 m Type of Project Spacing (m)

Multistory building 10-30
 Db=3S0.7 for light steel and narrow concrete building

 Db=6S0.7 for heavy steel or wide concrete structure One store industrial 20-60
 For deep excavation at least 1.5 timers of the depth plants
of excavation
Highways 250-500
 In bed rock at least 3m
Approximate spacing of Boreholes (Number)

Dams and Dukes 40-80

Minimum Depths Requirements For Boring for Shallow Foundation Minimum Depths Requirements For Boring for Deep Foundation
AASHTO Standard Specifications for Design of Highway Bridges AASHTO Standard Specifications for Design of Highway Bridges

 In soil, borings shall extend below the anticipated pile or shaft

For isolated footings of breadth Lf and width Bf, where Lf tip elevation a minimum of 6 m, or a minimum of two times the
< 2Bf, borings shall extend a minimum of two footing widths maximum pile group dimension, whichever is deeper.
below the bearing level.  For piles bearing on rock, a minimum of 3 m of rock core shall
be obtained at each boring location to verify that the boring has
For isolated footings where Lf >5Bf, borings shall extend a not terminated on a boulder.
minimum of four footing widths below the bearing level.  For shafts supported on or extending into rock, a minimum of 3
m of rock core, or a length of rock core equal to at least three
times the shaft diameter for isolated shafts or two times the
For 2Bf < Lf < 5Bf, minimum boring length shall be maximum shaft group dimension, whichever is greater, shall be
determined by linear interpolation between depths of 2Bf and extended below the anticipated shaft tip elevation to determine
5Bf below the bearing level. the physical characteristics of rock within the zone of
foundation influence.

Minimum Depths Requirements For Boring for Retaining Walls
Guidelines For Boring Layout
AASHTO Standard Specifications for Design of Highway Bridges
FHWA Geotechnical Checklist and Guidelines; FHWA-ED-88-053

 Extend borings to depth below final ground line between 0.75

Bridge For piers or abutments over 30 m wide, provide a minimum of two
and 1.5 times the height of the wall. Where stratification Foundations borings.
indicates possible deep stability or settlement problem, borings For piers or abutments less than 30 m wide, provide a minimum of one
should extend to hard stratum. boring.
Additional borings should be provided in areas of erratic subsurface
Minimum Depths Requirements For Boring for Roadways conditions.
AASHTO Standard Specifications for Design of Highway Bridges Retaining Walls A minimum of one boring should be performed for each retaining wall.

For retaining walls more than 30 m in length, the spacing between

Extend borings a minimum of 2 m below the proposed subgrade level. borings should be no greater than 60 m.
Additional borings inboard and outboard of the wall line to define
conditions at the toe of the wall and in the zone behind the wall to
estimate lateral loads and anchorage capacities should be considered.

Boring log EXAMPLE

Soil Unit weight gsat=18 kN/m3,
gd=16kN/m3; electrical CPT

Determine the following

1. Effective average internal angle of friction
at depth 3.5m
2. Undrained shear strength at depth 3.5 m
3. Maximum past pressure at depth 3.5 m
4. Over consolidation ratio at depth 3.5 m
5. the consistency of the soil layer at depth
3.5 m
6. N60, if the main grain size diameter was

1. Effective average internal angle of friction at depth 3.5m

EXAMPLE qc=3.5 MPa=3500kPa

 qc 
gt=18kN/m3; gd=16kN/m3 '  tan 1 0.1  0.38 log( ) 
 o 
Determine the following, electrical CPT
1. Effective average internal angle of ’=tan-1(0.1+0.38log(3500/’))
friction at depth 3.5m ’= 1.5*16+2(18-9.81)=40.38kPa
2. Undrained shear strength at depth 3.5 =1.5*16+2(18)=60 kPa
3. Maximum past pressure at depth 3.5 m ’=tan-1(0.1+0.38log(3500/40.38
4. Over consolidation ratio at depth 3.5 m ’=40o
5. the consistency of the soil layer at
depth 3.5 m 2.0Undrained shear strength at depth 3.5
6. N60, if the main grain size diameter was m
0.02mm C u  q c  o  1
 
o  o  N K

Cu=172 kPa)

Maximum past pressure at depth 3.5 m

c  0.243q c 0.96

c;’=0.243(3.5)^0.96=0.81MPa=810 kPa

1. Over consolidation ratio at depth 3.5 m

 q  o 
OCR  0.37 c 

 o 


1. the consistency of the soil layer at

depth 3.5 m
2. N60, if the main grain size diameter was
Go to chart convert qc to N60, qc/N60=280 N60=3500/280=12.5
Say N60=12 since below water table N’=12 since N’<15
1. since N’=12 soil from table soil consistency is stiff
to very Stiff (Cu=170 kPa)


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