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Serial No.

Registration No. N828LM
Copyright 2020 – All Rights Reserved
Mark Sletten
9840 Beacon St.
Saint Jacob, IL 62281
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 2
Notes, Cautions, and Warnings ................................................................................ 2
AIRCRAFT DIMENSIONS................................................................................................... 3
AIRCRAFT DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................. 4
Engine ....................................................................................................................... 4
Propeller ................................................................................................................... 4
Fuel (U.S. gallons) ..................................................................................................... 4
Oil (U.S. quarts) ........................................................................................................ 4
Tires .......................................................................................................................... 5
Weights (lbs)............................................................................................................. 5
Cabin ........................................................................................................................ 5
Baggage Compartment ............................................................................................. 5
Specific Loading ........................................................................................................ 5
SYMBOLS, ABBREVIATIONS, AND TERMINOLOGY........................................................... 6
Airspeed Terminology and Symbols ......................................................................... 6
Meteorological Terminology .................................................................................... 7
Performance and Flight Planning Terminology ........................................................ 7
Weight and Balance Terminology............................................................................. 8
This section contains information of general interest to pilots. You will
find an overview of information pertaining to loading, fueling,
protecting, and handling the aircraft during ground operations. This
section also includes definitions/explanations of symbols, abbreviations,
and terminology found throughout this manual.

Information of special importance is emphasized using notes, cautions,

and warnings.

Notes are used to highlight information that is of
special interest.

Cautions are used to highlight information needed to
prevent damage to the aircraft.


Warnings are used to highlight information needed

to avoid injury or death.
Wing Span: 25’ 10”
Horizontal Stabilizer Span: 8’ 4”
Wheel Track: 11’
Length: 22’ 6”
Height (canopy closed): 7’ 6”
Height (canopy open): 9’ 6”
Propeller Clearance: 10”
Turning Radius: 35’
Power ....................................................................... 310 HP @ 2700 RPM
Type....................................................Horizontally Opposed, Direct Drive
Cylinders.................................................................................................. 6
Model ...................................................................... Continental IO-550 N
Fuel Metering ................................................... Mechanical Fuel Injection
Cooling ................................................................................. Oil & Ram Air

Type............................................................. Constant Speed, Three Blade

Manufacturer ....................................................................... MT Propeller
Model .......................................................................................... MTV-9-D
Diameter .............................................................................................. 78”

Tanks ........................................................................................ 1 per wing

Tank Capacity ..................................................................................... 32.5
Total Capacity ..................................................................................... 65.0
Useable .............................................................................................. 64.0
Grade...........................................................................100LL AvGas (Blue)

Capacity ................................................................................................... 8
Minimum For Takeoff ............................................................................. 6
Multiweight Grades (SAE)
....................................................................................................... 15W50
....................................................................................................... 20W50
....................................................................................................... 20W60
Single-weight Grades (SAE)
Below 40°F ..................................................................................... 30
Above 40°F ..................................................................................... 50
Size ................................................................................................ 5.00 x 5
Type ................................................................................... TR-5, eight-ply
Pressure ........................................................................................... 30 psi

Size ................................................................................................ 5.00 x 5

Type ..................................................................................... TR-GY, six-ply
Inflation Pressure ............................................................................. 50 psi

Empty ................................................................................................ 1500

Maximum Gross for Takeoff ............................................................. 2200
Useful Load ......................................................................................... 700
Full Fuel Payload ................................................................................. 320
Maximum Baggage ................................................................................75

Length ............................................................................................... 45.0”

Height................................................................................................ 42.5”
Width ................................................................................................ 43.0”

Length ............................................................................................... 32.0”

Height................................................................................................ 25.5”
Volume .................................................................................. 11 cubic feet

Wing ..................................................................................... 26.7 lbs/sq ft

Power ....................................................................................... .7.1 lbs/hp
KCAS Knots Calibrated Airspeed is the indicated airspeed corrected for
position and instrument error. Calibrated airspeed is equal to true
airspeed in standard atmosphere at sea level.

KIAS Knots Indicated Airspeed is the speed shown on the airspeed

indicator. The IAS values published in this handbook assume no
instrument error.

KTAS Knots True Airspeed is the airspeed expressed in knots relative to

undisturbed air which is KCAS corrected for altitude and temperature.

VG Best Glide Speed is the speed at which the greatest flight distance is
attained per unit of altitude lost with power off.

VO Operating Maneuvering Speed is the maximum speed at which

application of full control movement will not overstress the airplane.

VFE Maximum Flap Extended Speed is the highest speed permissible with
wing flaps in a prescribed extended position.

VNO Maximum Structural Cruising Speed is the speed that should not be
exceeded except in smooth air, and then only with caution.

VNE Never Exceed Speed is the speed that may not be exceeded at any

VS Stalling Speed is minimum steady flight speed at which the aircraft is


VSO Stalling Speed is the minimum steady flight speed at which the aircraft
is controllable in the landing configuration (100% flaps) at the most
unfavorable weight and balance.

VX Best Angle of Climb Speed is the speed which results in the greatest
gain of altitude in a given horizontal distance.

VY Best Rate of Climb Speed is the speed which results in the greatest
gain of altitude in a given time.
IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions are meteorological conditions
expressed in terms of visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling less
than the minima for visual flight defined in FAR 91.155.

ISA International Standard Atmosphere (standard day) is an atmosphere

where (1) the air is a dry perfect gas, (2) the temperature at sea level is
59° F, (3) the pressure at sea level is 29.92 in.Hg. (4) the temperature
gradient from sea level to the altitude at which the outside air
temperature is -69.7° F is -0.0003566° F per foot and zero above.

MSL Mean Sea Level is the average height of the surface of the sea for all
stages of tide. In this Handbook, altitude given as MSL is the altitude
above the mean sea level. It is the altitude read from the altimeter
when the altimeter’s barometric adjustment has been set to the
altimeter setting obtained from ground meteorological sources.

OAT Outside Air Temperature is the free air static temperature obtained
from inflight temperature indications or from ground meteorological
sources. It is expressed in either degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit.

Pressure Altitude is the altitude read from the altimeter when the
altimeter’s barometric adjustment has been set to 29.92 in.Hg
corrected for position and instrument error. In this Handbook,
altimeter instrument errors are assumed to be zero.

VFE Standard Temperature is the temperature that would be found at a

given pressure altitude in the standard atmosphere. It is 59° F at sea
level pressure altitude and decreases approximately 3.6° F for each
1000 feet of altitude increase. See ISA definition.

g One “g” is a quantity of acceleration equal to that of earth’s gravity.

Demonstrated Crosswind Velocity is the velocity of the crosswind

component for which adequate control of the airplane during taxi,
takeoff, and landing was actually demonstrated during certification
testing. Demonstrated crosswind is not considered to be limiting.

Service Ceiling is the maximum altitude at which the aircraft at

maximum weight has the capability of climbing at a rate of 100 feet per

Usable Fuel is the fuel available for flight planning.

Unusable Fuel is the quantity of fuel that cannot be safely used in

BL Butt Line is a location right or left of fuselage centerline measured in
inches. For example, RBL 45 is a location 45 inches right of centerline.

CG Center of Gravity is the point at which an airplane would balance if

suspended. For this manual, CG is expressed as distance from the
reference datum in inches. See Arm and FS.

Arm is the horizontal distance in inches from the reference datum to

the center of gravity (CG) of an item. The airplane’s arm is the sum of
all individual moments divided by the total weight.

Basic Empty Weight is the actual weight of the airplane including all
operating equipment that has a fixed location in the airplane. The basic
empty weight includes the weight of unusable fuel and full oil.

MAC Mean Aerodynamic Chord is the chord drawn through the centroid of
the wing plan area.

LEMAC Leading Edge of Mean Aerodynamic Chord is the forward edge of

MAC given as a fuselage station. For this aircraft, LEMAC is 1.96 inches
aft of the wing’s leading edge at BL 27.

Maximum Gross Weight is the maximum permissible weight of the

airplane and its contents as listed in the aircraft specifications.

Moment is the product of the weight of an item multiplied by its arm.

Useful Load is the basic empty weight subtracted from the maximum
weight of the aircraft. It is the maximum allowable combined weight of
pilot, passengers, fuel and baggage.

FS Fuselage Station is a location along the airplane fuselage measured in

inches from the DATUM. For example: FS 25 is 25” aft of the DATUM.

Reference Datum or DATUM is an imaginary vertical plane from which

all horizontal distances are measured for balance purposes. The
DATUM for this aircraft is 64.625 inches forward of the firewall.

Tare is the weight of items used to hold or position the airplane on the
scales for weighing, and must be subtracted from the scale reading.

Take-off and Maximum Continuous is the highest engine power

setting not limited by time.

Cruise Climb is the power setting recommended for cruise climb.

AIRCRAFT OPERATING SPEEDS ........................................................................................ 2
POWERPLANT ................................................................................................................. 2
WEIGHT AND CG ............................................................................................................. 2
FLIGHT LOAD FACTOR LIMITS.......................................................................................... 3
MANEUVER LIMITS.......................................................................................................... 3
TYPES OF OPERATIONS ................................................................................................... 3
ICING ............................................................................................................................... 3
RUNWAY ......................................................................................................................... 4
FUEL ................................................................................................................................ 4
ALTITUDE ........................................................................................................................ 4
OCCUPANTS .................................................................................................................... 4
The data in this section is approved by Lancair International, Inc. and the
Limitations presented herein are those established by Lancair and the
builder as applicable to the Lancair Legacy FG. All airspeeds quoted are
given conventional nomenclature, are shown in knots, calibrated
airspeed, and assume zero instrument error.

VNE ....................................................................................................... 220

VA (Maximum Weight—2200 lbs.) ...................................................... 160
VA (1900 lbs.) ....................................................................................... 145
VA (1500 lbs.) ....................................................................................... 130
VNO ....................................................................................................... 174
VFE (flaps full) ....................................................................................... 132
VFE (flaps 10°) ...................................................................................... 170

Continental Aerospace Technologies .......................................... IO-550 N

Maximum Continuous Power ................................... 310 hp @ 2700 rpm
Maximum RPM.................................................................................. 2700
Minimum Fuel Flow at Max Continuous Power .......................... 26.7 gph
Minimum Cruise RPM ....................................................................... 2300
Maximum Oil Temp ......................................................................... 240° F
Minimum Oil Pressure ..................................................................... 10 psi
Maximum Oil Pressure ................................................................... 100 psi
Maximum CHT ................................................................................. 450° F
Minimum Fuel Grade ............................................................ 100LL AvGas

Maximum Take-off Weight ......................................................... 2200 lbs.

Maximum Baggage Weight ............................................................. 75 lbs.
Forward CG Limit ............................................................ 87.5 (10% MAC)
Aft CG Limit ..................................................................... 93.5 (25% MAC)
Flaps Up @ Maximum Take-off Weight .............................. +4.4g to -2.2g
Flaps Down @ Maximum Take-off Weight ...........................+2.0g to 0.0g

Although this aircraft is certified as experimental, it is not intended for

aerobatic operations. The maneuvers listed below were flown by Lancair
factory test pilots. Remove all baggage before performing these


This aircraft is not approved for aerobatics.


Chandelle 140 1.5
Lazy Eight 170 1.5
Stalls 0.0 to 1.5
Aileron Roll (see caution) NA NA
Barrel Roll 200 1.0
Split-S 100 3.5

The engine in this aircraft is not equipped with an
inverted oil system, therefore negative or prolonged
zero g maneuvers are prohibited. A loss of oil pressure
to the propeller governor may cause an engine
overspeed and subsequent loss of power.

This aircraft is equipped for the following type operations:

 VFR day and night
 IFR day and night

Flight into known icing conditions is prohibited.

This aircraft may be operated from any smooth runway surface. Refer to
Section 5 – Performance for minimum runway length.

Operation from unimproved surfaces has not been
tested and may cause serious damage.

Approved Fuel ...........................................Aviation Gasoline 100LL (blue)

Total Fuel Capacity ......................................................... 65.0 U.S. Gallons
Total Left Wing Tank Capacity ........................................ 32.5 U.S. Gallons
Total Right Wing Tank Capacity ..................................... 32.5 U.S. Gallons
Total Useable Fuel .......................................................... 64.0 U.S. Gallons
Maximum Recommended Fuel Imbalance .................... 10.0 U.S. Gallons

Maximum Operating Altitude .................................................17,500 MSL

Maximum Occupants .............................................. 2 – Pilot & Passenger

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 3
EMERGENCY AIRSPEEDS.................................................................................................. 3
Maneuvering Speeds: ............................................................................................... 3
Best Glide ................................................................................................................. 3
Emergency Landing .................................................................................................. 3
GUIDELINES ..................................................................................................................... 3
Planning and Judgement .......................................................................................... 3
Maintenance ............................................................................................................ 3
Methodology ............................................................................................................ 4
Memory Items .......................................................................................................... 4
GROUND EMERGENCIES ................................................................................................. 5
Engine Fire During Start............................................................................................ 5
Emergency Engine Shutdown on Ground ................................................................. 5
Emergency Egress ..................................................................................................... 6
IN-FLIGHT EMERGENCIES ................................................................................................ 7
Engine Failure on Takeoff (Low Altitude) ................................................................. 7
Best Glide Configuration .......................................................................................... 8
Engine Failure Inflight ............................................................................................... 9
Engine Airstart .......................................................................................................... 9
Engine Partial Power Loss....................................................................................... 10
Low Oil Pressure ..................................................................................................... 13
High Oil Temperature ............................................................................................. 13
Propeller Governor and/or Control Failure ............................................................ 14
Smoke and Fume Elimination ................................................................................. 15
Engine Fire In-Flight ................................................................................................ 15
Wing Fire In-Flight .................................................................................................. 15
Cabin Fire In-Flight ................................................................................................. 16
Emergency Descent ................................................................................................ 17
Inadvertent Graveyard Spiral ................................................................................. 18
Spins ....................................................................................................................... 18
Unlatched Canopy In-Flight .................................................................................... 19
Throttle Linkage Failure .......................................................................................... 20
Inadvertent Icing .................................................................................................... 20
Trim System Malfunction ....................................................................................... 20
LANDING EMERGENCIES ............................................................................................... 21
Forced Landing (Engine Out) .................................................................................. 21
ABNORMAL PROCEDURES............................................................................................. 22
Aborted Takeoff ..................................................................................................... 22
Brake Failure .......................................................................................................... 22
Landing with Flat Tire ............................................................................................. 23
Electrical System Malfunctions .............................................................................. 23
Battery Malfunctions.............................................................................................. 24
Operating on Battery Power Only .......................................................................... 25
Engine Indication System Failure ........................................................................... 26
This section describes emergency procedures for critical flight situations
that might occur. The pilot must be familiarized with the information in
this section prior to operating the aircraft.

2200 lb ........................................................................................ 160 KIAS

1900 lb ........................................................................................ 145 KIAS
1500 lb ........................................................................................ 130 KIAS

2200 lb ........................................................................................ 120 KIAS

Flaps Up Approach .............................................................................. 110

Flaps Up Landing ....................................................................................80
Flaps Down Approach ............................................................................85
Flaps Down Landing ...............................................................................70

Although this section describes procedures for handling foreseeable

emergencies and critical flight situations, it is not a substitute for
thorough knowledge of the aircraft and general piloting techniques.
Prior to flight, the pilot must know the function and location of all
switches, controls, and indicators. Some time-critical situations preclude
reference to this document, and procedures must be recalled from
memory (see Memory Items, pg 4).

The best way to avoid weather emergencies is proper preflight planning

combined with good judgement when faced with changing conditions.

The best way to avoid inflight emergencies caused by mechanical

problems is to conduct a thorough preflight inspection, and follow all
maintenance recommendations.
Inflight emergencies are dynamic in nature. The procedures in this
section cannot address every action a pilot might take. There are,
however, four basic actions that can and should be applied to every
emergency situation.
1. FLY THE AIRCRAFT – Minor emergencies can quickly become
deadly if the pilot fails to maintain aircraft control. Do not allow
yourself to fixate on a particular problem, instrument, or
indication. Before performing any emergency procedure you
must achieve and maintain a safe attitude, altitude and
2. ANALYZE THE SITUATION – Once you are certain the aircraft if
under control you must accurately assess the situation. It does
no good to fix the wrong problem. Use all of your senses: What
are you hearing? Do you feel unusual vibrations? Look at all
engine indications. To properly respond you must know what is
going on.
3. TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION – This section lists appropriate
corrective procedures for most situations you might encounter.
Select the appropriate action and complete the procedure
using good pilot judgement.
completed the appropriate procedure reassess the situation.
Review the procedure you just completed and ensure you
didn’t miss anything. Most emergency situations warrant a
landing as soon as practicable. Aircraft maintenance is best
performed on the ground, not in flight.

Some emergencies require time-critical action, precluding reference to

a checklist. These procedures and steps are called Memory Items.
Memory items are highlighted for easy identification:
1. Checklist Item .................................................. REFER TO CHECKLIST
2. Memory Item ............................................. RECALL FROM MEMORY
Prior to flight, the pilot must study this section sufficiently to recall
memory items without reference to this document.
Engine fires during engine start may be caused by fuel igniting in the fuel
induction system. A fire in the induction system may be drawn back into
the engine by opening the throttle and continuing to turn the engine
using the starter.
1. Fuel Selector ............................................................................... OFF
3. Mixture ................................................................................. CUTOFF
4. Throttle ............................................................................ FULL OPEN
5. Boost Pump ................................................................................ OFF
6. Starter.................................................................................. ENGAGE

If fire persists perform Emergency Engine Shutdown on Ground and

Emergency Ground Egress checklists.

Depending on size and severity, the fire extinguisher
in the baggage area may be deployed to extinguish a
fire in the engine compartment.

1. Throttle ...................................................................................... IDLE

7. Mixture ................................................................................ CUTOFF
8. Fuel Selector ............................................................................... OFF
9. Ignition Switch ............................................................................ OFF
10. Main & Aux Battery Switches .................................................... OFF

After exiting the aircraft, move around and away

from the tail of the aircraft. Do not approach the
front of the aircraft because a spinning propeller
may not be visible in low light conditions. Watch for
and avoid responding emergency vehicles.

1. Engine Emergency Shutdown .......................................... COMPLETE

2. Seat Belt/Shoulder Harness .................................................RELEASE
3. Canopy .............................................................UNLATCH AND OPEN
4. Airplane ..................................................................................... EXIT

The right rear window may be used for egress if the canopy cannot be
opened. To open the window remove the upper and lower retaining
pins. Discard the window then crawl through the opening. If necessary,
the window may be jettisoned through opening to prevent interference
with egress.

Egress Window Retaining Pins


Be prepared to apply immediate, aggressive down

elevator (push on control stick) to avoid airspeed
loss and establish best glide attitude.

Immediately establish best glide attitude. Land and stop on remaining

runway if possible. If altitude precludes landing on remaining runway fly
in the direction determined during flight planning. In most cases you
should land ahead, within 30° of runway heading, making turns only to
avoid obstructions.
If time permits after establishing best glide, attempt to restore power by
checking settings for primary fuel and engine controls.
1. Boost Pump .............................................................................. HIGH
2. Fuel Selector ............................................................... SWITCH TANK
3. Mixture ............................................................................. FULL RICH
4. RAM Air ................................................................................... OPEN
5. Magnetos ................................................................................ CYCLE

If after establishing best glide attitude there is insufficient time to

attempt power restoration, or if power restoration is unsuccessful,
complete as many of the following as time permits.
1. Fuel Selector ............................................................................... OFF
2. Throttle ...................................................................................... IDLE
3. Mixture ................................................................................. CUTOFF
4. Boost Pump ................................................................................ OFF
5. Ignition Switch ............................................................................ OFF
6. Flaps (just prior to touchdown) ............................................. DOWN
7. Main & Aux Battery Switches ..................................................... OFF
8. Seat Belts & Shoulder Harness ........................................... RECHECK
1. Airspeed.............................................................................. 120 KIAS
2. Propeller Control ............................................ FULL DECREASE (AFT)
3. Flaps.............................................................................................. UP


2200 lb | 120 KIAS
Maximum Glide Ratio ~ 12:1

Conditions: Example:
Power OFF Altitude 10,000 ft AGL
Flaps UP
Wind ZERO Glide Distance 19.8 NM
Weight 2200 lb

Best glide speed decreases with aircraft weight. At
2200 lb best glide is 120 KIAS. At 1850 lb best glide is
110 KIAS.
If the engine fails at altitude during cruise flight, establish best glide, then
immediately identify and turn toward the best available landing area
within gliding distance.
1. Best Glide Configuration ................................................. ESTABLISH
2. Best Landing Site ................................................................ IDENTIFY
If time permits, proceed to the Engine Airstart (pg 9) checklist. If altitude
precludes an airstart attempt, proceed to the Forced Landing (pg 21)

The following procedure addresses the most common causes for engine
failure. For example, switching tanks and turning on the fuel boost pump
will aid in restoring power in the event of fuel contamination, failure of
the engine-driven fuel pump, or inability to draw fuel from the selected
fuel tank. Leaning, then slowly enrichening the mixture may correct a
faulty mixture control.


Do not attempt an airstart if you smell fuel fumes in

the cockpit, or there is internal engine damage.

1. Fuel Selector ............................................................... SWITCH TANK

2. Mixture ............................................................................. FULL RICH
3. RAM Air ................................................................................... OPEN
4. Boost Pump .............................................................................. HIGH
5. Ignition Switch ......................................................................... BOTH
6. Throttle ...................................................................................... IDLE
7. Mixture ................................................................................ CUTOFF
8. Ignition Switch (if propeller stopped)..................................... START
9. Throttle ................................................................SLOWLY INCREASE
10. Mixture ............................................................... SLOWLY ADVANCE

If engine will not start proceed to Forced Landing checklist (pg 21).
As noted, observing which of the above steps restores engine power may
aid in determining the cause of the engine failure, and guide subsequent
Indications of partial power loss include:
 Fluctuating RPM
 Reduced or fluctuating manifold pressure
 Low oil pressure
 High oil temperature
 Sudden change in engine roughness and/or noise


Low oil pressure often indicates imminent engine

failure. See Low Oil Pressure (pg 13).


Extreme vibration from propeller damage can result

in airframe damage including structural failure. If
you suspect an out-of-balance propeller,
immediately shut down the engine and perform the
Forced Landing (pg 21) checklist.

Mild roughness may be indicative of spark plug fouling, improper

mixture setting, a plugged or partially plugged fuel injector, etc.
Significant roughness accompanied by misfiring is likely a magneto
A fuel leak in the injector system may spray fuel over the engine. If this
occurs at cruise speed the high volume of slipstream air may prevent
ignition. As the aircraft descends and slows for landing, however, the
reduction in airflow may allow a fire to develop. If you suspect a fuel leak
in the engine compartment, execute the Emergency Descent checklist
(pg 17), and immediately divert to a suitable landing site. Plan a forced
landing, and cut fuel to the engine once landing is assured.
If the engine is producing enough power to maintain level flight, land at
a suitable airfield as soon as practicable. If you are unable to maintain
level flight use available power as necessary to set up a forced landing
over a suitable landing site.

Continued next page…

The following guidance may help isolate and correct conditions causing
engine roughness or partial power loss:
1. Boost Pump .............................................................................. HIGH
Turning on the fuel boost pump can clear vapor in the fuel
injection lines, and it can provide enough fuel for partial power if
the engine-driven fuel pump has failed. If the HIGH setting clears
the problem try setting the boost pump to LOW. If the engine
runs normally the problem was most likely vapor in the fuel lines.
Leave the pump set to LOW and continue the flight. If the
problem returns after setting the boost pump to LOW the
problem is most likely a failed or failing engine-driven fuel pump.
Reset the boost pump to HIGH and leave it there for the
remainder of the flight.
2. Fuel Selector ............................................................. SWITCH TANKS
Switching tanks may resolve the problem if there is a problem
feeding from a tank, or if the fuel in a tank is contaminated. If
switching tanks resolves the problem you may continue the flight,
but with only the fuel remaining in the good tank. Plan your
action(s) accordingly.

A severe fuel imbalance can interfere with safe
aircraft handling. If the engine will only run on one
tank, land before a fuel imbalance occurs.

3. Mixture ..................................................................BEST OPERATION

An improper mixture setting may cause engine roughness or loss
of power. Adjust mixture until you achieve acceptable engine
operation. A resulting mixture setting outside of normal
parameters may indicate problems with the fuel injection system.
4. Throttle ..................................................................BEST OPERATION
Move the throttle control through its full range to obtain smooth
operation and/or acceptable power. Avoid throttle settings that
produce roughness.

Continued next page…

5. RAM Air ................................................................................... OPEN
A gradual loss of manifold pressure accompanied by increasing
roughness may indicate a blocked air filter. If operating in
precipitation, induction icing may be the culprit. Opening the RAM
air can provide an alternate source of intake air.
6. Ignition Switch ...................................................... BEST OPERATION
Cycling the magnetos may help identify and/or resolve an engine
problem. An obvious power loss when switching to an individual
magneto indicates a problem with that magneto or the plugs
connected to it. Try aggressively leaning the engine while
operating on the rough-running magneto to clear any plug fouling.
If engine does not smooth out select BOTH or the other magneto
as required.
7. Land as soon as practical.
Unless you have determined the cause of roughness or power loss
was pilot error (such as an improper mixture setting), land
immediately and effect repairs.

Prolonged use of high power settings after loss of oil

pressure can result in catastrophic engine failure.

Following a loss of oil pressure, use full power only:

 to climb as required to permit a safe landing.
 to maneuver around obstacles close to the ground.
 as otherwise required to ensure a safe landing.

Low oil pressure accompanied by normal oil temperature may be caused

by a bad indicator, sensor, or malfunctioning relief valve. If you don’t
know the cause execute a precautionary landing.
1. Power .............................................................MINIMUM REQUIRED
2. Land as soon as possible.

Low oil pressure accompanied by an increase in oil temperature

indicates significant oil loss and imminent engine failure.
1. Power ........................................................................................ IDLE
2. Best Glide Configuration ............................................................. SET
3. Best Landing Site ................................................................ IDENTIFY
4. Perform the Forced Landing checklist (pg 21).

Prolonged high oil temperature can lead to low oil pressure. Take
prompt action.
1. Oil Cooler Door ................................................................ FULL OPEN
2. Airspeed ............................................................................ INCREASE

A propeller governor failure may result in engine

overspeed and catastrophic engine failure!

If engine RPM exceeds 2700 and/or does not respond to propeller

control inputs, the most likely cause is a failure of the propeller governor.
It may also be an early indication of an oil system malfunction.

1. Throttle ..................... ADJUST AS REQUIRED (to keep RPM in limits)

2. Airspeed........................................................... REDUCE TO 120 KIAS
3. Oil Pressure....................................................................... MONITOR
4. Land as soon as practical.

A difficult-to-move or sticky propeller control knob indicates a failure or

imminent failure of the control linkage.

1. Airspeed........................................................... REDUCE TO 120 KIAS

2. RPM ........................................................ SET TO HIGHEST POSSIBLE
3. Land as soon as practical.
If smoke and/or fumes enter the cabin immediately check engine
indications for signs of a malfunction. If there is a fuel leak in the cabin,
actuation of electrical components may cause a fire.
1. Heater ......................................................................................... OFF
2. Air Vents .......................................................................... FULL OPEN
3. Land as soon as possible.


If an engine fire occurs during flight, do not attempt

to restart the engine!

1. Fuel Selector ............................................................................... OFF

2. Mixture ................................................................................. CUTOFF
3. Throttle ...................................................................................... IDLE
4. Boost Pump ................................................................................ OFF
5. Ignition Switch ............................................................................ OFF
6. Perform Forced Landing checklist (pg 21).

1. Pitot Heat Switch ........................................................................ OFF

2. All External Lights ....................................................................... OFF
3. Land as soon as possible.

A wing fire poses the extreme danger of a structural failure due to a fuel
tank explosion, or the failure of a heat-damaged wing spar. The objective
should be to get the aircraft on the ground as soon as possible. Diving
the aircraft may blow out the fire, but may also place greater stress on
the wing spar.


Do not exceed VNE during a dive!

If the fire cannot be extinguished with a dive, consider a sideslip to direct

flames away from the fuel tank or cabin.
Acrid smoke without visible flames indicates an electrical fire. Electrical
fires are best extinguished by removing power from the affected
equipment. Turn off the main/auxiliary battery switches and cabin heat,
then open the air vents.
Except for the instrument panel clock, turning off the main and auxiliary
battery switches removes electrical power from all aircraft components
including flaps and the flight control trim system. If the power must
remain off, plan a no-flap approach and landing. Refer to Abnormal
Procedures (pg 22) for operating with electrical system malfunctions
A Halon fire extinguisher mounted on the seat bulkhead behind the
passenger may be deployed to extinguish readily apparent and
accessible flames. Air vents should be closed initially to prevent feeding
open flames, but must be opened immediately after the fire is
extinguished to clear the cabin of Halon, smoke, and fumes.


Halon displaces oxygen. Open air vents as soon as

flames are out or if the pilot has difficulty breathing.

In the event of a fire with visible flames caused by an electrical fault, or

whose origin is unknown, proceed as follows:
1. Main and Aux Battery Switches .................................................. OFF
2. Heater ......................................................................................... OFF
3. Air Vents ............................................................................... CLOSED
4. Fire Extinguisher ................................................................... DEPLOY

After fire is extinguished:

5. Air Vents .................................................................................. OPEN
6. Avionics Power Switches ........................................................... OFF
7. Land as soon as possible.

For day VFR, if turning off the battery switches eliminates the
fire/smoke, leave them off for the remainder of the flight. Plan a no-flap

Continued next page…

Attempt to isolate the problem by activating components one at a time.
Pause at least ten seconds after activating a component before
activating the next. If smoke or flames return after activating a
component immediately deactivate it.
1. Main Battery Switch .................................................................... ON
2. Alternator Switch ........................................................................ ON
3. Avionics Components (as required) ............................................ ON
4. External Lights (as required) ........................................................ ON

If the main battery is the source of the smoke or flames, turn it off and
try the auxiliary battery.

The main battery must be activated to activate the
alternator. If the main battery cannot be activated
complete the flight with auxiliary battery power only.
See Operating on Battery Power Only (pg 25).

1. Throttle ...................................................................................... IDLE

2. Propeller (RPM) ........................................................ FULL INCREASE
3. Mixture ........................................................................ AS REQUIRED
4. Airspeed ..................................................................... VNE (220 KIAS)

Do not exceed 160 KIAS if significant turbulence is
expected or encountered.
A graveyard spiral may occur during flight in IMC if the pilot becomes
distracted or suffers spatial disorientation. Recovery requires careful
interpretation of the attitude indicator and altimeter. Level the wings
first, then carefully raise the nose.


Use careful elevator back pressure to raise the nose.

Do not exceed 4.4g.

1. Throttle ...................................................................................... IDLE

2. Bank Angle ................................................................................ ZERO
3. Pitch Attitude........................................................................... LEVEL
4. Trim ...............................................................SET FOR LEVEL FLIGHT
5. Power ..........................................................................AS REQUIRED
6. Autopilot ..............................................................................ENGAGE
7. Exit IMC as soon as possible.

This aircraft is not approved for spins, and has not been tested for spin
recovery characteristics. The best way to avoid a spin is to use smooth
control inputs with the minimum control forces necessary (especially
with the elevator), making coordinated turns, and observing minimum
airspeeds for the given flight operation. Altitude loss is rapid, and
airspeed increase once rotation has stopped is rapid. Apply standard spin
recovery controls immediately.


Use careful elevator back pressure to raise the nose.

Do not exceed 4.4g.

1. Throttle ...................................................................................... IDLE

2. Control Stick ...................................... NEUTRAL OR FULL FORWARD
3. Rudder ............................................................. FULL OPPOSITE SPIN
After rotation ends
4. Rudder .................................................................................. CENTER
5. Control Stick ............................................................................... AFT
An unlatched canopy may move in response to aerodynamic forces
and/or aircraft movement, possibly disrupting airflow over the
horizontal and vertical stabilizers. Any sideslip may allow slipstream air
under the aft portion of the canopy, forcing it farther open. As the
canopy tilts upward it can obstruct the pilot’s forward view. Movement
of the canopy in and out of the pilot’s forward field of view can corrupt
visual attitude reference, resulting in pilot induced oscillation (PIO).
Items in the cabin that are not secured may be jettisoned and damage
or become entangled in the elevator and/or rudder. Any of these
possibilities can result in degraded or loss of aircraft control.
Available data show the aircraft is controllable with the canopy open at
speeds above 120 KIAS. To avoid PIO and loss of aircraft control,
maintain a minimum of 120 KIAS and use primary attitude instruments
for attitude control. Do not extend or retract flaps unless necessary to
climb. Unless required for obstacle/terrain clearance, maintain wings
level below 1500 ft AGL, and climb to a safe altitude (at least 6000 ft AGL
recommended). Limit bank angle to 10° or less once above 1500 ft AGL.
Once in level, controlled flight at a safe altitude, attempt to stabilize or
close the canopy using the canopy lanyard and grab handle.


Do not sacrifice aircraft control while attempting to

stabilize and/or close the canopy!

If attempts to close and latch the canopy are unsuccessful you must land
with it open. Fly to the longest available runway aligned with the wind.
Conduct a control test to determine a safe flap setting and minimum
approach airspeed. While maintaining 120 KIAS extend the flaps in five-
degree increments. Immediately retract the flaps to the previous
increment if aircraft control deteriorates. With flaps extended as far as
control allows, begin reducing airspeed in five-knot increments.
Immediately increase airspeed to the previous increment if control
1. Attitude Control .......................................................................... ADI
2. Airspeed ........................................................... 120 KIAS MINIMUM
3. Climb .............................................................................. 6000 ft AGL
4. Canopy................................................................. CLOSE AND LATCH

Continued next page…

If unable to close and latch the canopy:
5. Select and navigate to a suitable runway for landing.
6. Control Test ...................................................................... CONDUCT
7. Approach ..............................................................................REVIEW
8. Set Landing Flaps ....................................................AS DETERMINED
9. Approach and Landing Airspeed .............................AS DETERMINED

If the throttle linkage fails the engine will not respond to throttle control
movements. You must use available power and flaps to safely land the
If the throttle is stuck at or near wide open, proceed to a suitable airfield.
Attempt to control engine power with the mixture control and fly a
normal pattern. If unable to control engine power with mixture control,
position the aircraft to make a power-off approach and landing, then
shut down the engine by moving mixture control to CUTOFF. To abort
the approach, restore power with the mixture control.
If the throttle is stuck in a position that precludes level flight, use
available power to fly to a suitable landing area and complete the Forced
Landing checklist (pg 21).

Flight into known icing is prohibited. In the event of an inadvertent

encounter with icing:
1. Pitot Heat..................................................................................... ON
2. Icing conditions.............EXIT VIA 180° TURN OR ALTITUDE CHANGE
3. Cabin Heat ...................................................................... MAXIMUM
4. Defroster .........................................................................FULL OPEN

Should the trim system become inoperative, the flight controls provide
enough authority to override any out-of-trim condition.
In the event of trim runaway (uncommanded trim movement)
immediately deactivate the trim system by moving the trim power
switch to the CUT position.
1. Aircraft Control ............................................. MAINTAIN MANUALLY
2. Trim Power ................................................................................. CUT
3. Land as soon as practical.
Maintaining control of the aircraft is paramount; FLY THE AIRCRAFT until
it comes to a complete stop. Choose a suitable field as early as possible
to provide maximum time for planning and execution. To reduce impact
forces as much as possible, land into the wind and touchdown at the
slowest possible speed. Keep the wings level during final approach and
landing. A fire is possible if fuel is present. Exit the aircraft as soon as
possible, and remain clear until you are sure there is no possibility of fire.
A hard-surface landing site is preferable. If engine power is available, fly
over the selected landing area at a low but safe altitude to inspect the
terrain for obstructions and surface conditions. For unprepared surfaces
use full flaps (if available), land on the main gear, and hold the nose
wheel off the ground as long as possible. Ditching is preferable to areas
with unavoidable obstacles. For ditching, remain as close to the
shoreline as possible, and avoid a landing flare because of the difficulty
in judging height over water.

Use of full flaps will degrade glide distance. Unless
required to increase descent rate, do not extend the
flaps until landing is assured.

1. Best Glide Configuration ................................................. ESTABLISH

2. Seat Belts/Shoulder Harnesses ............................................... TIGHT
3. Emergency (121.5 or current freq if in contact) ................. DECLARE
4. Transponder ............................................................................. 7700
5. ELT (if off airport) .............................................................. ACTIVATE
6. Fuel Selector ............................................................................... OFF
7. Mixture ................................................................................. CUTOFF
8. Throttle ...................................................................................... IDLE
9. Boost Pump ................................................................................ OFF
10. Ignition Switch ............................................................................ OFF
11. Flaps (when landing assured) ................................................ DOWN
12. Main & Aux Battery Switches .................................................... OFF
13. Airspeed ............................................................. SLOW AS POSSIBLE
For maximum brake effectiveness, smoothly increase pressure on both
brake pedals, retract the flaps, and hold full aft control stick. If the
wheels start skidding release and immediately reapply brakes.
1. Throttle ...................................................................................... IDLE
2. Brakes ..................................................................................... APPLY
3. Flaps.............................................................................................. UP

Ground steering normally requires differential braking. Some control,

however, may be available using a combination rudder and power.
Increasing power increases airflow over the rudder. Higher taxi speeds
also increase airflow over the rudder. Stopping distances are much
greater without brakes. Use the least power possible to retain
directional control, and be prepared to shut down the engine.

If one or both brakes fail during landing try pumping the pedal to build
hydraulic pressure.

If one brake is failed you may retain some control during roll out by
simultaneously applying the functioning brake and full opposite rudder.
Land to the side of the runway corresponding with the inoperative brake.

1. Divert to a long, wide runway aligned with the wind.

2. Land on downwind side of the runway.
3. Maintain control using rudder for as long as possible.
4. Execute Emergency Engine Shutdown on Ground (pg 5).
If a tire loses pressure or fails during takeoff conduct Aborted Takeoff
checklist. If takeoff abort is not possible, land as soon as conditions

Taxiing the aircraft with a flat or damaged tire can
damage the wheel fairing.

1. Land to side of runway corresponding to the good tire.

2. Maintain directional control with brakes and rudder.
3. Stop as soon as safely possible and shut down the engine.

1. Land on centerline.
2. Hold nose wheel off the runway as long as possible.
3. Stop as soon as safely possible and shut down the engine.

Normal alternator output is ~14.4 VDC. If alternator voltage exceeds 15.2

VDC the CHECK ENGINE annunciator and voltage indication on the
engine monitor display will flash. If alternator voltage exceeds 16.25 VDC
the voltage regulator’s over voltage protection circuit will activate,
tripping the 5 amp ALT FIELD breaker and de-energizing the alternator.
If you suspect a nuisance trip you may reset the circuit breaker. If the
breaker trips a second time set the ALTERNATOR switch to OFF and refer
to Operating on Battery Power Only (pg 25).

If system voltage exceeds 16.0 VDC and the over
voltage protection circuit fails to activate set
ALTERNATOR switch to OFF immediately to prevent
damage to electrical system components.

Continued next page…

The alternator outputs ~14.4 VDC to the electrical system. If the
electrical system stops receiving power from the alternator, system
voltage will drop to battery voltage, which is ~13.2 VDC when fully
charged. If this happens the CHECK ENGINE light and voltage indication
on the engine monitor display will flash.
If the alternator malfunctions, deactivate it and refer to Operating on
Battery Power Only (pg 25).
1. Alternator/Main Batt Switch ....................................... ON (CENTER)
2. Refer to Operations on Battery Power Only (pg 25).

The main and auxiliary batteries incorporate a battery management

system (BMS) which provides fault protection and annunciation. The
BMS monitors several parameters, and is capable of automatically
isolating the batteries from the electrical system under abnormal
A battery fault annunciator (shown at right) for each
battery resides on the instrument panel in the pilot’s
primary field of view.
The fault annunciators have four states:
 Off
 Slow-Flashing (5 seconds on/5 seconds off)
 Fast-Flashing (2 seconds on/2 seconds off)
 Solid
The following table lists the cause and recommended action for all
possible battery fault annunciations.

Annunciation Volts Cause Recommended Action

Over- Check charging system. Battery is
Slow < 12.8
discharged unusable until charged.
Slow (> 1 hr) 13.2 -14.6 Bad Cell Deactivate. Replace before next flight.
Internal Monitor. Investigate cause/replace
Slow (< 30 min) 13.2 -14.6
Imbalance battery if repeated occurrence.
Slow > 15.2 Over-charge Deactivate alternator immediately.
Check charging system. Investigate
Fast Any cause/replace battery if repeated
Short Circuit Monitor. Land and investigate if
Solid (< 3min) Any
Protection repeated occurrence.
Solid Any BMS Failure Deactivate. Replace before next flight.
Without the alternator, all electrical components, including the flight
control trim system and flaps, must be powered using the main and
auxiliary batteries only. Prudence dictates landing as soon as practicable
to avoid flight without these critical systems.
For planning purposes, expect approximately 30 minutes of usable
power from a single fully charged battery, or 60 minutes if both batteries
are available. This estimate is based on manufacturer data for brand new
Following are recommendations for different flight operations.

Deactivate all unnecessary electrical components. The GPS/COMM

should be sufficient to navigate and communicate to a suitable landing
1. External Lights ............................................................................ OFF
2. Audio Panel ................................................................................ OFF
3. Transponder ............................................................................... OFF
4. NAV/COMM Power .................................................................... OFF
5. Land as soon as practicable.

Deactivate all unnecessary electrical components. The GPS/COMM

should be sufficient to navigate and communicate to a suitable landing
airfield. Deactivate all other electrical components until entering the
traffic pattern, then turn on the navigation and strobe lights. Turn on the
landing light on short final after extending the flaps.
1. External Lights ............................................................................ OFF
2. Audio Panel ................................................................................ OFF
3. Transponder ............................................................................... OFF
4. NAV/COMM Power .................................................................... OFF
5. Navigation and Strobe Lights ...................... ON (TRAFFIC PATTERN)
6. Landing Light ....................................................... ON (SHORT FINAL)
7. Land as soon as practicable.

Continued on next page…

Deactivate all unnecessary electrical components. Either the
GPS/COMM or NAV/COMM should be sufficient to navigate and
communicate to a suitable landing airfield. Determine which will be
required for the type of approach to be flown and turn the other off.
When off, the audio panel connects the GPS/COMM radio to the pilot’s
headset, so turn it off if using the GPS/COMM. If using the NAV/COMM
you must keep the audio panel powered to connect the pilot’s headset
to the radio. Communicate your situation to ATC and request clearance
to VFR conditions and/or the nearest airport with a suitable approach.
The decision to use the autopilot must be balanced between the need
for single-pilot IFR in an emergency situation and remaining battery
power. Hand-flying the aircraft while planning and executing a complex
instrument procedure requires a high level of proficiency.
1. External Lights ............................................................................ OFF
2. Audio Panel..................................................................AS REQUIRED
3. Transponder ............................................................................... OFF
4. GPS/COMM Power ......................................................AS REQUIRED
5. NAV/COMM Power .....................................................AS REQUIRED

Without the engine indication system (EIS) the pilot cannot monitor
critical engine functions to avoid exceeding limits, therefore the best
option is to land as soon as practical.
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 2
AIRSPEEDS FOR NORMAL OPERATION ............................................................................ 2
Takeoff Rotation ....................................................................................................... 2
Climb ........................................................................................................................ 2
Minimum Landing Approach .................................................................................... 2
Go-Around ................................................................................................................ 2
Maximum Turbulent Air Penetration ....................................................................... 2
Demonstrated Crosswind ......................................................................................... 2
PREFLIGHT INSPECTION .................................................................................................. 3
Guidelines ................................................................................................................. 3
Preflight Walk Around Inspection ............................................................................ 4
INTERIOR INSPECTION/ENGINE START/TAXI ................................................................... 9
Interior Inspection .................................................................................................... 9
Engine Start ............................................................................................................ 10
Taxi ......................................................................................................................... 11
TAKEOFF ........................................................................................................................ 12
Before Takeoff ........................................................................................................ 12
Takeoff ................................................................................................................... 14
AFTER TAKEOFF/CLIMB/CRUISE .................................................................................... 15
After Takeoff (1000 ft AGL) .................................................................................... 15
CRUISE ........................................................................................................................... 15
Cruise Performance Charts ..................................................................................... 17
DESCENT & LANDING .................................................................................................... 18
Descent................................................................................................................... 18
Approach ................................................................................................................ 19
Landing ................................................................................................................... 21
After Landing .......................................................................................................... 21
SHUTDOWN/TIEDOWN ................................................................................................. 22
Shutdown ............................................................................................................... 22
Tiedown .................................................................................................................. 22
ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................ 23
Cold Temperature Start .......................................................................................... 23
Hot Start ................................................................................................................. 25
Flooded Engine ....................................................................................................... 26
This section includes amplified procedures for normal operations.
Checklists in this section include detail excluded from the flight checklist.
Pilots must know and understand all amplified procedures from this
section before flight.

Unless otherwise noted, speeds listed below are KIAS based on

maximum weight (2200 lb) and may be used for all aircraft weights.

Normal | Flaps 10.................................................................................. 70

Maximum Performance | Flaps 20 ....................................................... 75

Best Rate (Flaps 10) ............................................................................. 105

Best Angle (Flaps 20) ............................................................................. 90
Enroute (Flaps Up) .............................................................................. 135

Flaps Up............................................................................................... 115

Flaps 10 ............................................................................................... 100
Flaps Down ............................................................................................ 80

Flaps 10 ............................................................................................... 105

2200 lb ................................................................................................ 160

1850 lb ................................................................................................ 145
1500 lb ................................................................................................ 130

Takeoff or Landing .......................................................................20 knots

Before inspecting the aircraft, complete required maintenance and flight

While inspecting the aircraft check all hinges, hinge pins, fasteners, and
bolts for security; check skin for damage, condition, and evidence of
delamination; check all control surfaces for proper movement and free
play; check area around liquid reservoirs and lines for evidence of
In cold weather, remove all frost, ice, or snow from fuselage, wing,
stabilizers and control surfaces. Ensure that control surfaces are free of
internal ice or debris. Check that wheel fairings are free of snow and ice
accumulation. Check that pitot probe warms within 30 seconds of
activating pitot heat.
1. Ignition Switch ............................................................................ OFF
2. Main & Aux Battery Switches ...................................................... ON
Turn each battery on individually and check voltage. A fully
charged battery should indicate 13.5 VDC.

Do not attempt engine start unless both batteries are
fully charged to avoid engine starter adapter damage.

3. Flaps....................................................................................... DOWN
4. Control Locks ...................................................................... REMOVE
5. Fuel Quantity .......................................................................... CHECK
 Note fuel quantity in each tank, and check that totalizer
equals total in both tanks.
6. Fuel Selector .............................................................. FULLEST TANK
7. Trim ...................................................................... SET FOR TAKEOFF
 Ensure elevator, aileron, and rudder trims are all set to
takeoff position. Move each trim control slightly to
ensure trim servos are functioning.
8. Lights ...................................................................................... CHECK
9. Pitot Heat......................................................................... TEST (IMC)
10. Main & Aux Battery Switches ..................................................... OFF
11. Baggage Compartment ........................................................ INSPECT
 Load and secure baggage
 Check fire extinguisher
 Check ELT armed
 Inspect egress window retaining pins
1. Left Static Port ........................................................ UNOBSTRUCTED
2. Horizontal Stabilizer/Elevator/Trim Tab .............................. INSPECT
 Check upper/lower stabilizer surfaces
 Check security of four visible elevator hinges/hinge bolts
 Check free and correct movement
 Check trim tab hinge/hinge pin
 Check security of trim tab actuator arm
3. Vertical Stabilizer/Rudder/Trim Tab .................................... INSPECT
 Check left/right stabilizer surfaces
 Check security of three visible rudder hinges/hinge bolts
 Check free and correct movement
 Check trim tab hinge/hinge pin
 Check security of trim tab actuator arm
4. Tail Tie Down & Ring .......................................................... REMOVE
5. Right Static Port ...................................................... UNOBSTRUCTED
1. Flap ...................................................................................... INSPECT
 Check upper/lower surfaces
 Check actuator push rod
 Check hinge pin security (circlip & safety wire)
2. Main Wheel/Fairing ............................................................. INSPECT
3. Aft Fuel Tank Sump .............................................................. SAMPLE
4. Aileron ................................................................................. INSPECT
 Check upper/lower surfaces
 Check security of hinge/hinge pin
 Check free and correct movement
5. Position/Strobe Light ........................................................... INSPECT
6. Fuel Tank Vent ..................................................................... INSPECT
7. Wing Top/Bottom ................................................................ INSPECT
8. Fuel Quantity ..................................................................... CONFIRM
 Confirm quantity in tank matches cockpit indicator using

Loop dipstick lanyard around wrist to prevent
dropping dipstick into the tank.

Quantity less than 16 gallons cannot be confirmed
with dipstick.

9. Fuel Tank Cap ....................................................................... SECURE

10. Leading Edge........................................................................ INSPECT
11. Wing Tie Down & Ring ........................................................ REMOVE
12. Forward Fuel Sump.............................................................. SAMPLE
13. Landing/Taxi Light ............................................................... INSPECT
14. Main Wheel/Fairing ............................................................. INSPECT
 Check tire inflation
 Check for fluid leaks
 Check wheel/gear leg fairing for damage/security
1. Right Cabin Air Inlet ................................................ UNOBSTRUCTED
2. Cowling ................................................................................ INSPECT
 Check security of fasteners
 Check for damage (cracks, hot spots, etc.)
3. Nose Gear/Fairing
 Check tire inflation
 Ensure minimum 3” strut extension
 Inspect strut for visible damage
 Check for fluid leaks
 Check wheel/gear leg fairing for damage/security
4. Engine Cooling Inlets .............................................. UNOBSTRUCTED
 Inspect inside of cowling through cooling inlets. Look for
fluid leaks, debris or damage to visible components.
5. Propeller/Spinner ................................................................ INSPECT


Do not approach propeller or turn propeller by hand

unless ignition switch is off!

 Check condition of propeller blades

 Check condition/security of spinner fasteners
 Check for evidence of fluid leaks from prop hub
6. Engine Oil ....................................................... MINIMUM 6 QUARTS
7. Left Cabin Air Inlet .................................................. UNOBSTRUCTED
1. Leading Edge........................................................................ INSPECT
2. Main Wheel/Fairing ............................................................. INSPECT
 Check tire inflation
 Check for fluid leaks
 Check wheel/gear leg fairing for damage/security
3. Pitot Tube ...............................................................UNOBSTRUCTED
4. Forward Fuel Tank Sump ..................................................... SAMPLE
5. AOA Ports ............................................................................ INSPECT
 Check upper and lower AOA ports are unobstructed
 Drain water from AOA system
6. Wing Tie Down ................................................................... REMOVE
7. Wing Top/Bottom ................................................................ INSPECT
8. AOA Port ............................................................... INSPECT & DRAIN
9. Fuel Tank Vent ........................................................UNOBSTRUCTED
10. Fuel Quantity .....................................................CONFIRM VISUALLY
 Confirm quantity in tank matches cockpit indicator using
Quantity less than 16 gallons cannot be confirmed
with dipstick.

11. Fuel Tank Cap ....................................................................... SECURE

12. Position/Strobe Light ........................................................... INSPECT
13. Aileron/Aileron Trim Tab ..................................................... INSPECT
 Check upper/lower surfaces
 Check security of hinge/hinge pin
 Check free and correct movement
 Check trim tab hinge/hinge pin
 Check security of trim tab actuator arm
14. Aft Fuel Tank Sump .............................................................. SAMPLE
15. Flap ...................................................................................... INSPECT
 Check upper/lower surfaces
 Check actuator push rod
 Check hinge pin security (circlip & safety wire)
16. Main Wheel/Fairing ............................................................. INSPECT
1. Required Documents (AROW) ......................................... ON BOARD
2. Main and Aux Batteries ............................................................... ON
 CHECK ENGINE flashes until pressing ACK button.
 Check voltage for each battery is >13 VDC.

Attempting to start the engine with partially
discharged aircraft batteries may damage the
starting system.

3. Headsets ................................................................. ON & ADJUSTED

 Headset hooks stowed.
4. Passengers ............................................................................... BRIEF
 Seatbelt & shoulder harness
 Flight control stick
 Cabin air vent & heat
 Fire extinguisher
 Emergencies & egress
 Traffic & talking
 Questions
5. Fuel Selector .............................................................. FULLEST TANK
6. Parking Brake......................................................................... SET ON
7. Oil Cooler Door ........................................................................ OPEN
8. RAM Air ................................................................................ CLOSED
9. Fuel Quantity ......................................................... ENTER/CONFIRM

EIS endurance computations and low-fuel warning
(one hour remaining) requires manual entry of total
fuel quantity in tanks.

10. Warning Lights............................................................ PUSH TO TEST

11. ATIS/Weather ....................................................................... OBTAIN
12. Clearance ...................................................................... OBTAIN (IFR)
Use this procedure for engine starts above 40°F. For colder temperatures
see Cold Temperature Start (pg 23).


Ensure area around propeller is clear of all personnel

and equipment before starting the engine!

1. Canopy .................................................................................. CLOSED

 Canopy may be left unlatched to improve cabin cooling,
but must be in closed position before starting engine.
2. External Lights ............................................................................. SET
 Navigation & Strobe Lights ............................................ ON
 Navigation Lights ........................................................... ON
3. Mixture ............................................................................. FULL RICH
4. Propeller Control ..................................................... FULL FORWARD
5. Throttle ............................................................................ OPEN 25%
6. Fuel Pump ................................................................. PRIME ENGINE
7. Ignition Switch ........................................................................ START

Limit starter use to 10 seconds continuous every 60
seconds, and 30 seconds total every five minutes.

If engine will not start or run after two start attempts,
see Environmental Considerations (pg 23).


8. Throttle ...................................................................... SET 1000 RPM
9. Oil Pressure............................................................................. CHECK
 Normal: 50 to 60 psi
 Minimum/maximum: 30/100 psi

Continued on next page…

Shut down engine if no indication of oil pressure
within 10 seconds of start.

10. Alternator .................................................................................... ON

 System voltage will increase to ~14 VDC.
11. Mixture ..................................................................... GROUND LEAN
 Set ground lean after engine idles smoothly.
12. Engine Indications .................................................................. CHECK
 RPM ............................................................................ 1000
 Oil Temp .................................... AMBIENT & INCREASEING
 Oil Pressure ....................................................... MIN 30 PSI
 Volts ..................................................................... > 14 VDC
 Amperage ......................................... 40-60 & DECREASING
 Fuel Flow ...............................................................1–2 GPH
 EGT .........................................INCREASING ALL CYLINDERS
 CHT .........................................INCREASING ALL CYLINDERS
13. Avionics/Flight Instruments ........................................................ SET
 Transponder ..................................................................ALT
 NAV/COMM ................................. ON & SET FREQUENCIES
 GPS/COMM .................................. ON & SET FREQUENCIES
 Foreflight Flight Plan ............ UPLOAD TO GPS & CONFIRM
 Audio Panel ......................................................... ON & SET
 HSI ........................SET NAV SOURCE & CLEARED HEADING

1. Taxi Clearance ...................................................................... OBTAIN

2. External Lights ............................................................................. SET
 Navigation & Strobe Lights............................................ ON
 Navigation & Taxi Lights ................................................ ON
 Strobe Lights .............................. ON LEAVING RAMP AREA
3. Brakes/Flight Instrument........................................................ CHECK
Test brakes when starting taxi. When turning confirm appropriate
heading change, turn rate indication, and ball displacement.
1. Engine Run-Up ................................................................. COMPLETE
The engine run-up confirms engine and propeller function. Engine
should run smoothly at 1700 RPM. RPM must decrease when
switching to a single magneto, then increase when switching to
both. Maximum RPM decrease/differential is 150/75. Propeller
must respond to propeller control inputs.
 CHECK ENGINE Warning Light .................... EXTINGUISHED
 RPM ........................................................................... 1700
 Ignition Switch ............................. R, note RPM, then BOTH
 Ignition Switch ............................. L, note RPM, then BOTH
 Propeller ...................................................... CYCLE 3 TIMES
 RPM ............................................................................. IDLE
2. Takeoff Brief .................................................................... COMPLETE
 Departure Runway .............................................. CONFIRM
 Type ........................................................................... BRIEF
 Minimum Performance ............... 50 KIAS within 400’-500’
 Rotate (KIAS) ............................................................. 70-75
 Initial Climb Speed (KIAS) ............................................. 105
 Abnormal Engine Indication or Failure on Runway ... BRIEF
 Engine Failure After Takeoff ...................................... BRIEF
 Initial Heading & Altitude .................................... CONFIRM
3. Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) ................................... TEST
 Autopilot ...............................................................ENGAGE
 Flight Controls .................... VERIFY AUTOPILOT OVERRIDE
 Autopilot Disconnect Switch ............... VERIFY OPERATION
 Flight Director.............................................. SET TO VS 105
 Flight Controls ............... VERIFY AUTOPILOT DISENGAGED
4. External Lights ............................................................................. SET
 Navigation Lights ........................................................... ON
 Strobe Lights.................................................................. ON
 Landing Light ................................................................. ON
5. Pitot Heat................................... ON FOR IFR OR VISIBLE MOISTURE

Continued on next page…

6. Canopy.................................................................CLOSED & LOCKED
 Latch Handle .......................................................... LOCKED
 Canopy Open Warning Light ...................... EXTINGUISHED
 Canopy Frame ...................... PUSH TO CONFIRM LATCHED
7. Fuel Selector ................................................................................ SET
8. Trims ..................................................................... SET FOR TAKEOFF
9. Propeller Control ..................................................... FULL FORWARD
10. Mixture Control ........................................................................... SET
To obtain maximum power mixture may be leaned at density
altitudes above 5000’, and should be leaned at density altitudes
above 8000’. To set mixture:
 Throttle ............................................................WIDE OPEN
 Mixture Control ................... LEAN TO POWER REDUCTION
 Mixture Control ................. ENRICH TO MAXIMUM POWER
11. Flaps ......................................................................................SET 10°
12. Flight Controls ....................................................... FREE & CORRECT





13. Takeoff Clearance ................................................................. OBTAIN

Typical sea-level acceleration performance is 50 KIAS within 400 ft – 500
ft of runway; expect a commensurate reduction as density altitude
increases. Check full-throttle engine operation immediately after setting
takeoff power:
 The engine should run smoothly at approximately 2650 RPM.
 Sea-level fuel flow should be approximately 25 GPH.
 The CHECK ENGINE warning light must be off.


Abort takeoff at any sign of rough operation,

sluggish acceleration, or illumination of the CHECK
ENGINE warning annunciator. If you abort takeoff
for an engine or performance anomaly you must
perform a thorough, full-throttle static run-up before
attempting another takeoff.

1. Throttle & Propeller Controls .................................. FULL FORWARD

2. Mixture ........................................................................................ SET
3. Engine & Performance...................................................... MONITOR
 RPM .......................................................................... >2650
 Fuel Flow ........................................... >27 GPH (SEA LEVEL)
 CHECK ENGINE Warning Light .................... EXTINGUISHED
4. Rotate VR (KIAS) ....................................................................... 70-75
5. Initial Climb Speed (KIAS) ........................................................... 105
1. Flaps ............................................................................................. UP
2. Power & Mixture .................................................... SET & MONITOR
 RPM ............................................................................ 2500
 MAP ............................................................................ 25 IN
 Mixture.......................................................... AS REQUIRED
3. Enroute Climb Speed (KIAS) ....................................................... 135
4. Fuel Pump .................................................................... AS REQUIRED
 Set fuel pump switch to LOW for fuel vapor suppression.
5. AFCS ............................................................................................. SET
 Autopilot .......................................................... AS DESIRED
 Flight Director ............................................................... ON
 Roll Mode (Nav/Hdg/Trk) .................................... CONFIRM
 Pitch Mode IAS (135)..................................................... SET
 Cleared Altitude ........................................... SET & ARMED
6. Oxygen ............................................ON WHEN PASSING 10K FT MSL

1. External Lights ............................................................................. SET

 Landing Light ................................................................ OFF
 Navigation Lights ........................................................... ON
 Strobe Lights ................................................................. ON
2. Autopilot/Flight Director ............................................................. SET
 Flight Director ............................................................... ON
 Autopilot .......................................................... AS DESIRED
 Roll Mode (Nav/Hdg/Trk) .................................... CONFIRM
 Altitude Hold ....................................................... CONFIRM
3. RAM Air Valve .......................................................................... OPEN

Do not use RAM air below the haze layer.

4. Cruise Power ............................................................................... SET

 Set power for maximum cruise or best economy
performance, as desired. See charts at end of this
5. Mixture ........................................................................................ SET
For best economy (lean of peak) operation:
 Power setting must be below 65%.
 Set EIS to digital leaning page, see EIS (pg 20).
 Lean mixture to power reduction, then slightly enrichen.
 Allow 30 seconds for engine to stabilize.
 Press the Previous and Display buttons on the EIS panel
simultaneously, then press Yes to reset lean point.
 Enrichen until first cylinder achieves peak EGT
 Lean until first cylinder to achieve peak EGT is 25°F–50°F
lean of peak EGT.
For best power (rich of peak) operation:
 Power setting must be below 75%.
 Set EIS to digital leaning page, see EIS (pg 20).
 Press the Previous and Display buttons on the EIS panel
simultaneously, then press Yes to reset lean point.
 Lean until first cylinder achieves peak EGT
 Enrichen until first cylinder to achieve peak EGT is 75°F–
100°F rich of peak EGT.

Any significant change in MAP, RPM, or altitude
requires reaccomplishment of the leaning procedure.

6. EGT Tracking ......................................................................ACTIVATE

 Set EIS to cruise page, see EIS (pg 20).
 Press the Previous and Display buttons on the EIS panel
simultaneously, then press Yes to reset lean point.
7. Fuel Flow & Balance ......................................................... MONITOR
 Set timer to observe maximum recommended tank
imbalance of five gallons. If tanks are balanced set first
burn interval to 20 minutes, then 40 minutes each
interval thereafter.
8. Oxygen ...................................................... MONITOR (IF REQUIRED)
Do not set RPM below 2300 for cruise operation.
1. Weather/ATIS ....................................................................... OBTAIN
2. Altimeter...................................................................................... SET
3. Approach .................................................................... BRIEF & LOAD
 Airport/Field Elevation/Runway
 Frequencies
 Pattern Altitude/Direction
 Entry procedure
 Airport/Field Elevation/Runway
 Touchdown Zone Elevation
 Approach Name
 Approach Lighting
 Frequencies
 Restrictions
 Obstacles (plan view)
 Minimum Altitudes (plan view)
 Initial Approach Fix: ID & Altitude
 Expected Navigation (arrival, PT, vectors)
 Final Approach Fix: ID and Altitude
 Waypoints ID & DME (profile view)
 Intermediate Altitude Restrictions (profile view)
 DH or MDA
 Missed Approach Procedure
4. Fuel Selector .............................................................. FULLEST TANK
5. AFCS ............................................................................................. SET
 Flight Director................................................................ ON
 Autopilot ..........................................................AS DESIRED
 Roll Mode (Nav/Hdg/Trk) .................................... CONFIRM
 Pitch Mode (VS/IAS) ............................................ CONFIRM
 Cleared Altitude ..................................................... ARMED
6. RAM Air Valve ....................................................................... CLOSED
7. Power & Mixture .................................................... SET & MONITOR
8. Oxygen .............................................................OFF BELOW 10K MSL
9. Landing Light ............................................................................... ON
10. Seat Belt/Shoulder Harness ........................................ ON & ADJUST
Complete IFR Approach checklist prior to reaching the
Final Approach Fix.

1. Navigation Source & HSI ................................................ CONFIGURE

 Briefed Approach .................................................. LOADED
 HSI Navigation Source ....... CONFIRM GPS (MAGENTA CDI)
 Displayed Approach Type.................................... CONFIRM
 VOR/LOC Frequency .............................................. SET & ID
 HSI Navigation Source .... CONFIRM VOR/LOC (GREEN CDI)
 Final Approach Course .................................................. SET
2. Automatic Flight Control System ................................................. SET
 Flight Director ............................................................... ON
 Roll Mode ..................................................................... APR
 Autopilot .............................ON FOR COUPLED APPROACH
3. Flaps ............................................................... 10° (BELOW 150KIAS)
4. Approach Speed (KIAS) ............................................................... 105
 Gas (Fuel Selector) ...................................... FULLEST TANK
 Mixture Control......................................... FULL FORWARD
 Propeller Control ....................................... FULL FORWARD
 Brakes.................................................................. CHECKED
 Seat Belt/Shoulder Harness ......................... ON & SECURE
1. Entry & Downwind:
 MAP .............................................................. 12 – 13 IN HG
 Flaps ................................................ 10° (BELOW 150 KIAS)
 Minimum Airspeed (KIAS) ............................................ 115
 Gas (Fuel Selector) ...................................... FULLEST TANK
 Mixture ...................................................... FULL FORWARD
 Propeller .................................................... FULL FORWARD
 Brakes .................................................................. CHECKED
 Seat Belts/Shoulder Harness ........................ ON & SECURE
3. Base Turn:
 Flaps ................................. FULL DOWN (BELOW 120 KIAS)
 Minimum Airspeed (KIAS) .............................................. 90
4. Final:
 GMPBS............................................................... COMPLETE
 Minimum Airspeed (KIAS) .............................................. 80

For gusty winds, add one-half of the reported gust
factor to minimum speeds.

1. TO/GO Mode .....................................................................ACTIVATE

2. Throttle/Mixture/Propeller Controls ....................... FULL FORWARD
3. Flaps...................................................................................... SET 10°

Hold flap switch up approximately five seconds to
move from full down to 10°.

4. Initial Climb Speed (KIAS) ........................................................... 105

5. Flaps.................................................................... UP AT 1000 FT AGL
6. Climb Speed (KIAS) ..................................................................... 135
Landings should be made with full flaps unless a
malfunction prevents flap deployment. Partial or no-
flap landings add considerably to landing distance.

Landings should be made on speed, on the main wheels first. Gently

lower the nose wheel to the runway as speed diminishes. To obtain best
braking performance, retract the flaps, hold full aft on the control stick,
and apply maximum pressure to brake pedals without skidding the

Skidding the main wheels can lead to tire failure
and/or loss of directional control. In the event of a tire
skid, immediately release and reapply brakes.

Do not complete checklist during aircraft movement.

1. External Lights ............................................................................ SET

 Landing Light ................................................................ OFF
 Landing Light ................................................................ OFF
 Taxi Light ....................................................................... ON
 Strobe Lights .......................... OFF ENTERING RAMP AREA

Extinguish taxi light when aimed at ground

2. Mixture ..................................................................... GROUND LEAN

3. Trim ...................................................................... SET FOR TAKEOFF
1. Throttle/Mixture Controls ........................................... IDLE/CUTOFF
2. Ignition Switch ............................................................................ OFF
 Remove key and place in visible location.
3. All Electrical Switches ................................................................. OFF
4. Avionics ...................................................................................... OFF
 Leave PFD on until after Main & Auxiliary battery
switches are off to test PFD internal battery.
5. Headsets ..................................................................................... OFF
6. Fuel Selector ............................................................................... OFF
7. Flight Time ........................................................................... RECORD
8. Main & Auxiliary Battery Switches ............................................. OFF

1. Chocks .........................................................................AS REQUIRED

2. Tie Downs ............................................................................. SECURE
3. Pitot Cover ........................................................................... INSTALL
4. Engine Inlet Plugs ................................................................ INSTALL
5. Fuel Caps .................................................................................. LOCK
6. Canopy Cover ....................................................................... SECURE
Engine operation in cold temperatures may be
optimized by using the proper oil grade for the
conditions. See Aircraft Description (pg 4).

The engine must be preheated prior to start following exposure to

temperatures below 20°F for more than two hours.
The preferred method of preheating is to place the aircraft in a heated
hangar for a minimum of four hours. Optionally, use a high-volume
combustion heater with ducts directed to the engine oil sump, cylinders,
and oil cooler for a minimum of 30 minutes. Start the engine
immediately using normal start procedures after preheating.

Failure to completely preheat a cold-soaked engine
can permit a start while oil remains congealed in the
sump, hoses, cooler, and filter, leading to internal
engine damage and subsequent failure.

If the engine does not start, or if it quits after two start attempts, then
the spark plugs are likely frosted over. Do not make further start
attempts without more preheat to clear the plugs of frost.

To avoid damaging non-metallic engine components,
do not use excessively hot air to hasten preheat.

The engine may be started without preheating when temperatures are

between 20° and 40°F as long as both batteries are fully charged and
healthy. Cold temperature causes:
 Thicker oil
 Reduced clearances between internal engine parts
 Reduced fuel vaporization
Continued on next page…
These factors serve to reduce engine cranking rpm, which can increase
both amperage draw from the battery and required cranking time. If
battery charge state or health is in question you must use an external
power source.

Attempting to start the engine with partially
discharged aircraft batteries may result in damage to
the starter relay or possible engine kickback, resulting
in a broken starter adapter clutch spring. Check each
battery individually for a minimum 13.5 VDC.

Use normal engine starting procedures while observing starting system

duty restrictions:
 10 seconds maximum continuous cranking over 60 seconds.
 30 seconds maximum total cranking over 5 minutes.
Take care not to overprime and/or flood the engine. If you suspect a
flooded engine see Flooded Engine procedure (pg 26).


Do not apply takeoff power until oil temperature is

at least 75° F, and oil pressure remains below 60 psi
at 2500 RPM.

Operate the engine at 1000 RPM or less initially. Monitor oil pressure
closely. Colder, thicker oil can result in no oil flow, or excessive oil
pressure. If you see no oil pressure indication within 30 seconds
immediately shut down the engine and investigate the cause. If oil
pressure exceeds 100 psi reduce engine RPM. If you cannot reduce RPM
sufficiently to maintain oil pressure below 100 psi, shut down and
completely preheat the engine.
Do not attempt engine run-up until oil temperature reaches 75°F, and oil
pressure is between 30 and 60 psi. Increase RPM slowly and monitor oil
pressure. Increase in 100 RPM increments if necessary to maintain oil
pressure below 100 psi. Complete a normal engine run-up.
If the engine will not start or continue to run during hot weather, or
during a start attempt following a previous shutdown it may be heat
Following engine shutdown, heat from the cylinders and oil transfers to
the fuel system components over 30 to 60 minutes. As the fuel pump
and fuel lines heat up, the fuel in them will vaporize, hampering
subsequent starting attempts. If this happens the engine will not start,
or may start briefly then immediately quit. A heat-soaked engine will not
start or run reliably until vapor in the fuel system is completely replaced
with liquid fuel.
Use the following procedure to purge vapor from the fuel system of a
heat-soaked engine:
1. Fuel Selector .............................................................. FULLEST TANK
2. Throttle ............................................................................ FULL OPEN
3. Mixture ................................................................................. CUTOFF
4. Boost Pump ..................................................... ON FOR 20 SECONDS
5. Mixture ...................................................FULL RICH FOR 4 SECONDS
6. Boost Pump ............................................................................... OFF
7. Use normal engine start procedures.

Fuel boost pump on low may be required to further
cool fuel lines and keep them clear of vapor.
Overpriming can result in a mixture too rich to support combustion and
engine start. Following a failed normal engine start attempt, check for
fuel draining from cylinder drain at bottom, aft of engine cowl. Allow all
fuel to drain before attempting a start.

Overpriming can cause a “hydraulic lock” event and
subsequent engine malfunction or failure. Ensure
excess fuel has drained from the intake manifold
and/or cylinder prior to attempting engine start.

After fuel has stopped draining:

1. Fuel Selector .............................................................. FULLEST TANK
2. Mixture .................................................................................CUTOFF
3. Throttle ............................................................................FULL OPEN
4. Ignition Switch ........................................................................ START
After engine fires:
5. Throttle ...................................................................................... IDLE
6. Mixture ......................................................... SLOWLY TO FULL RICH

Data in this section are useful for operational planning.

The data here are based on actual flight testing with the aircraft in nearly
new condition using average piloting techniques. Unless otherwise
noted, conditions are for a standard day. Ambient temperatures higher
than standard will result in degraded performance.

Fuel flow data is based on use of mixture setting
procedure found in Section 4 (pg 4-16).

Variations in fuel metering, mixture leaning technique, engine/propeller

condition, turbulence, etc. can account for variations of 10% or more in
range and endurance. Whenever possible, select the most conservative
data for planning purposes. Conservative data are established by using
the next higher values for weight, pressure altitude, temperature, etc.
when conditions do not match data in the charts.

Takeoff distance tables (REF HERE) are provided to compute takeoff

ground roll based on normal takeoff and short-field takeoff.
The tables are based on zero wind conditions, so a wind correction is
provided and must be applied to account for any headwind or tailwind.
Corrections for runway slope are also provided and must be applied
where applicable.
Since operation from other than hard-surface runways is not
recommended, no data is provided for grass, turf, dirt, or gravel surfaces.

Takeoff and enroute rate-of-climb and climb gradient tables (REF HERE)
present maximum rate of climb and climb gradient for various
conditions. The time, fuel, and distance to climb table allows
determination of the time, fuel, and distance required to climb from sea
level to the specified pressure altitude.

Cruise altitude selection is based on aircraft performance, planned

distance, and winds aloft. Power selection is based on desired cruise
performance. The cruise performance charts (REF HERE) list expected
percent engine power, fuel flow, and true airspeed for a given power
setting (RPM & manifold pressure) at a given altitude.

Estimated total fuel required to complete a flight is computed using the

performance information found in:
 Time, Fuel and Distance to Climb Chart (REF HERE)
 Cruise Performance Charts (REF HERE)

Include a fuel reserve in your estimate

During the flight, compare GPS-derived estimated time enroute (ETE),

ground speed, fuel flow, and fuel remaining data with computed total
fuel required estimate to
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 2
ESTABLISHING FUSELAGE STATIONS ............................................................................... 3
Measured Fuselage Stations..................................................................................... 4
WEIGHING PROCEDURES ................................................................................................ 5
COMPUTING EMPTY WEIGHT & CG ................................................................................ 6
ESTABLISH CG LIMITS ...................................................................................................... 7
LOADING INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................ 7
Manual Computations .............................................................................................. 7
Automated Computations ........................................................................................ 8
This section describes the procedure for establishing the basic empty
weight and moment of the aircraft. Also provided are procedures for
computing weight and balance for various operations.
Basic empty weight and center of gravity were established for the
aircraft just prior to first flight (see Computed weight and balance entry,
dated 10/28/2019, in airframe maintenance log). Aircraft should be re-
weighed following major modification, addition or relocation of
equipment, loss of records, and periodically over time.

The latest data on aircraft empty weight and balance
and a comprehensive equipment list may be found in
the aircraft maintenance records.
Before using this procedure to compute fuselage stations, place the
aircraft on a flat, markable surface. Drop a plumb bob as specified and
mark the locations on the floor. See Measured Fuselage Stations (pg 4)
for an example.
1. Level the aircraft:
a. Measure at left canopy longeron for longitudinal level.
b. Measure across left/right longerons for lateral level.
c. Raise/lower tail and add shims under main wheels, as
2. Secure the aircraft to prevent movement.
3. Establish aircraft centerline:
a. Mark center of firewall.
b. Mark center of fuselage as far aft as possible.
c. Connect marks with chalk line.
4. Establish fuselage station for firewall:
a. Mark left and right edges of.
b. Connect marks with chalk line.

The firewall is established as 64.625 from the
DATUM. The firewall line is used as the reference for
computing all other fuselage stations.

5. Establish nose wheel fuselage station:

a. Mark center of nose wheel axle.
b. Measure distance from firewall, and subtract from 64.625.
c. The computed number = FS for nose wheel.
6. Establish fuselage station for wing leading edge:
a. Mark leading edge of left wing at left butt line 27.
b. Mark leading edge of right wing at right butt line 27.
c. Connect marks with chalk line.
d. Measure distance from firewall, and add 64.625.
e. The computed number = FS for wing leading edge.
7. Establish fuselage station for main wheels:
a. Mark center of right main left axle.
b. Mark center of right main wheel axle.
c. Connect marks with chalk line.
d. Measure distance from firewall, and add 64.625.
e. The computed number = FS for main wheels.
Use the following guidance to establish to weigh the aircraft:
1. Preparation:
a. Inflate tires to recommended pressures.
b. Service brake reservoir.
c. Drain fuel system.
d. Service engine oil.
e. Fully retract flaps.
f. Neutralize control sticks.
g. Verify equipment list.
2. Level the aircraft:
a. Measure at left canopy longeron for longitudinal level.
b. Measure across left/right longerons for lateral level.
c. Place aircraft on scales with canopy closed, brakes released
and level.
3. Obtain total and tare (if any) weights for each wheel.
4. Subtract tare from total to obtain a net weight for each wheel.
5. Add net weights for left and right main wheels to obtain total.


LEFT MAIN 502 5 497
RIGHT MAIN 501 2 499
L/R MAIN TOTAL 1003 7 996
NOSE WHEEL 485 - 485
After establishing fuselage stations and weighing the aircraft, you have
all the data necessary to compute the basic empty weight and CG for the
aircraft using the following procedure:
1. Compute moment for the nose wheel:
a. Multiply nose wheel net weight by nose wheel FS.
b. Record the product nose wheel moment.
2. Compute moment for main wheels:
a. Multiply main wheels net weight by main wheels FS.
b. Record the product main wheels moment.
3. Compute total weight and moment for the aircraft:
a. Add net weights of nose and main wheels to obtain aircraft
basic weight.
b. Add moments for nose and main wheels to obtain aircraft
basic moment.
4. Compute CG for aircraft:
a. Divide basic aircraft moment by basic aircraft weight.
b. The result is the fuselage station at which the aircraft CG

NOSE WHEEL 485 48.9 23,717
MAIN WHEELS 996 102.4 101,990
EMPTY WT & MOM 1,481 84.8 125,707

 Aircraft basic moment divided by aircraft basic weight = CG

 125,707 ÷ 1,481 = 84.8
 Empty weight = 1,481
 Empty CG = FS 84.8
CG for engineering purposes is expressed as a position referenced from
the wing’s mean aerodynamic chord (MAC). Inflight CG for this aircraft
must remain between 10% and 25% of the mean aerodynamic chord
(MAC). To simplify loading computations, CG limits are expressed in this
manual as fuselage stations (FS). To determine CG limits expressed as FS
use the following data:
 Wing leading edge is FS 81.5625.
 10% of MAC is 5.89 inches aft of the wing leading edge.
 25% of MAC is 12 inches aft of the wing leading edge.
 10% of MAC = FS 81.5625 + 5.89 or FS 87.4525
 25% of MAC = FS 81.5625 + 12 or FS 93.5625

Forward CG limit = FS 87.5 | Aft CG limit = FS 93.5

Weight and balance load computations for this aircraft may be

accomplished manually or by using a custom spreadsheet.

Enter the data in the following table to manually compute load



FUEL (gal x 6) 99

Multiply weight for each item by its FS to obtain moment. Add weight
for all items to get total weight. Add moment for each item to get total
moment. Divide total moment by total weight to get FS for CG. Takeoff
weight must not exceed 2200. Takeoff CG must be between FS 87.5 and
FS 93.5.
A custom spreadsheet accessible on Google Sheets automates load
computations. Open the file named N828LMW&B using any device that
can access Google Sheets, then enter or edit the data. For fuel, enter the
number of gallons and the spreadsheet will automatically enter the
correct weight.

The spreadsheet may still contain data from previous
load computation. Ensure you edit the weight data
for each item for each load computation.

As you enter/edit data, the spreadsheet automatically updates the

Loaded W&B blocks. Maximum takeoff weight and the CG range are
listed at the top of the spreadsheet. If loaded weight and CG fall within
limits the Loaded W&B blocks remain green. If loaded weight and CG fall
outside of limits the Loaded W&B blocks change to red. In the following
example, loaded weight is below maximum takeoff weight, but the CG
exceeds the aft limit.
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 3
AIRFRAME ....................................................................................................................... 3
Fuselage.................................................................................................................... 3
Wings ........................................................................................................................ 3
Empennage............................................................................................................... 4
FLIGHT CONTROLS........................................................................................................... 5
Elevator System ........................................................................................................ 5
Aileron System ......................................................................................................... 6
Rudder System ......................................................................................................... 7
TRIM SYSTEMS ................................................................................................................ 8
Pitch Trim ................................................................................................................. 8
Yaw Trim................................................................................................................... 9
Roll Trim ................................................................................................................... 9
FLIGHT DECK ................................................................................................................. 10
Instrument Panel .................................................................................................... 11
Center Console ....................................................................................................... 11
WING FLAPS .................................................................................................................. 12
Flap Actuator .......................................................................................................... 12
Flap Control ............................................................................................................ 13
LANDING GEAR ............................................................................................................. 14
Main Gear ............................................................................................................... 14
Nose Gear ............................................................................................................... 14
CABIN ............................................................................................................................ 14
Baggage Compartment ........................................................................................... 14
Seats ....................................................................................................................... 14
Passenger Restraints .............................................................................................. 15
Fire Extinguisher ..................................................................................................... 15
ENGINE .......................................................................................................................... 16
Engine Oil System ................................................................................................... 16
Engine Cooling ........................................................................................................ 16
Engine Fuel Injection .............................................................................................. 17
Engine Air Induction System ................................................................................... 17
Engine Ignition System ........................................................................................... 17
Engine Exhaust ....................................................................................................... 17
Engine Controls ...................................................................................................... 17
Engine Ignition ........................................................................................................ 19
Engine Information System .................................................................................... 20
PROPELLER .................................................................................................................... 22
FUEL SYSTEM ................................................................................................................ 23
Fuel Quantity Indicator .......................................................................................... 23
Fuel System Schematic ........................................................................................... 25
Fuel Flow and Endurance ....................................................................................... 26
Fuel Boost Pump .................................................................................................... 26
BRAKE SYSTEM .............................................................................................................. 26
Directional Control During Taxi .............................................................................. 27
Parking Brake ......................................................................................................... 27
ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ...................................................................................................... 28
Power Generation .................................................................................................. 28
Main and Auxiliary Batteries .................................................................................. 28
Power System Control ............................................................................................ 31
Power Distribution ................................................................................................. 31
Power Indication .................................................................................................... 31
Over-Voltage Protection ........................................................................................ 31
Circuit Protection ................................................................................................... 31
Electrical System Schematic ................................................................................... 33
LIGHTING ...................................................................................................................... 34
Exterior Lights......................................................................................................... 34
Interior Lights ......................................................................................................... 35
ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS .......................................................................................... 36
Cabin Ventilation .................................................................................................... 36
Cabin Heating ......................................................................................................... 36
PITOT-STATIC SYSTEM................................................................................................... 37
STALL WARNING SYSTEM .............................................................................................. 37
AVIONICS ...................................................................................................................... 38
Avionics Stack ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
GPS Navigation ....................................................................................................... 41
Communication Transceivers ................................................................................. 41
Navigation Receiver ............................................................................................... 41
Transponder ........................................................................................................... 42
Audio System.......................................................................................................... 43
Emergency Locator Transmitter ............................................................................. 43
Digital Clock ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
This section provides a basic description and operation of the aircraft
and aircraft systems.

The airframe is constructed from a composite structure fabricated using

high-temperature, “pre-preg” fiberglass skins bonded to a Nomex
honeycomb-core. These composite structures are formed using molds
and vacuum bagging, then are oven-cured at 270°F. They comprise the
skin for all major structural parts of the aircraft including the wings,
fuselage, and empennage.

The fuselage is of monocoque construction. The firewall, seat bulkhead,

and baggage compartment aft bulkhead form the only internal structural
Entry and exit to the cabin is through a forward-hinged canopy
incorporating a windscreen, and a composite roll cage above the seats
for occupant roll protection.

The wings are covered using composite skins bonded to a spar and rib
arrangement forming a traditional torsion box structure. The wing is
divided into three sections: a center section, and removable left and
right outboard sections.

The main and aft wing spars are of traditional I-beam construction, with
caps formed from multiple layers of fiberglass and carbon fiber. Each
spar is comprised of three sections: center, left, and right. The outboard
main spar sections overlap with the center section, and attach using
bolts and bushings. The aft spar sections are joined using bolts and
brackets at the ends of matching spar sections.

Flight and static loads transfer to the fuselage through wing center
section, which is bonded in place. Attachments for the left and right main
gear leg trunnions are bolted between the main and aft spars outboard
of the fuselage. Fuel feed and return lines run through the wing center
section to the fuel valve mounted on the floor forward of the main spar.
A portion of each outboard wing section is sealed to form a 32.5-gallon
fuel tank.

The tank sealant may be damaged by fuel blended
with ethanol.

An inboard section of each wing tank is a slosh bay separated from the
remainder with a one-way flapper door. Fuel may flow into, but not out
of, the slosh bay. Fuel feed and return ports allow connection to the fuel
lines in the wing center section via flexible fuel hose. The fuel feed port
is mounted in the lowest part (inboard, bottom, aft corner) of each slosh

The empennage consists of a horizontal stabilizer, a two-piece elevator,

a vertical fin and a rudder. All of the empennage components are
conventional spar, rib, and skin construction using the same composite
materials as the rest of the aircraft.
The horizontal stabilizer is a single structure bonded to the fuselage. The
two-piece elevator attaches to the horizontal stabilizer at five hinge
The vertical stabilizer is integral to the main fuselage shell for smooth
transfer of flight loads. The rudder is attached to the vertical stabilizer
rear shear web at three hinge points.
Ailerons, elevator and rudder are of conventional design. The ailerons
and elevator are controlled using either of two control sticks at each
seat. The rudder is controlled with either of two sets of rudder pedals at
each seat.

A two-piece elevator provides aircraft pitch control. The elevator is a

conventional skin, spar, and rib design constructed of composite
materials. Each elevator half is attached to the horizontal stabilizer at
two hinge points. The hinges are two-piece brackets. One half of each
bracket is attached to the stabilizer, with the other attached to the
elevator. The bracket halves attached to the stabilizer include pressed-
in spherical bearings. A bolt through each bracket and the spherical
bearing allows a free rotating attachment of the elevator to the
Elevator motion is generated by fore and aft control stick movement. A
push-pull tube connected to the control stick assembly transmits stick
movement to the elevator via an idler arm to a second push-pull tube
connected to the elevator.
Left and right ailerons provide aircraft roll control. They are constructed
of composite materials, and connected to the wing using piano hinges,
nut plates, and machine screws.
Aileron motion is generated by left and right control stick movement.
Push-pull tubes connected to the control stick assembly transmit stick
movement to the ailerons via a series of idler arm and bell crank
The rudder provides directional (yaw) control. It is of conventional skin,
spar, and rib design constructed from composite materials. It is attached
to the vertical stabilizer’s aft shear web at three points. The hinges are
two-piece brackets. One half of each bracket is attached to the stabilizer,
with the other attached to the rudder. The bracket halves attached to
the stabilizer include pressed-in spherical bearings. A bolt through the
spherical bearing allows a free-rotating attachment of the rudder to the
Rudder motion is generated by movement of two sets of rudder pedals
hanging from the left and right rudder bars. One set of rudder pedals are
designated for the pilot, the other set is for the passenger. The left pedal
of each set is connected to the left rudder bar, and the right pedals are
connected to the right rudder bar. Fore and aft movement of the left
pedal at either station causes rotation of the left rudder bar, and fore
and aft movement of the right pedals rotates the right rudder bar. Each
rudder bar is connected to a stainless steel cable via a weldment that
converts rotational movement to linear movement. The cables runs aft
to a bell crank connected to a push-pull tube attached to the rudder.
Pushing the left pedal forward at either station pulls on the left cable,
deflecting the rudder left. Pushing the right pedal forward at either
station pulls on the right cable, deflecting the rudder right.
Three-axis trim control is achieved with trim tabs mounted to the left
aileron, the left half of the two-piece elevator, and the rudder. All trim
tabs are positioned using electrically actuated servos powered through
the TRIM POWER switch on the control panel near the trim controls. The
switch is guarded to the NORM position. To remove power from the trim
system open the guard and move the switch to the CUT position.


A trim system malfunction can result in loss of servo

control and/or trim runaway. Normal flight controls
provide enough authority to override full deflection
of any trim tab, but will require considerable force
on the controls. To prevent full deflection in the
event of a trim runaway immediately position the
TRIM POWER switch to CUT.

Pitch trim is controlled using a wheel on

the panel below the engine controls. The
wheel turns a linear potentiometer via a
cogged drive belt. Wheel movement
turns the potentiometer, which
communicates with a digital controller to
convert potentiometer position to servo
position. The servo moves the elevator
trim tab to the position selected with the
wheel, then stops. The drive belt is visible
through a port, and marked to show trim
position. Panel markings indicate a
position for TAKE OFF, and wheel
direction for NOSE UP and NOSE DOWN
To control yaw trim, a pointed knob turns a linear
potentiometer, which communicates with a
digital controller to convert potentiometer
position to servo position. The servo moves the
rudder trim tab to the position selected with the
knob, then stops. Turn the knob to the left to trim
the nose left, or right to trim nose right. The point
on the knob and panel markings show current
trim tab position.

A rocker switch on the panel labeled AILERON TRIM directly positions

the servo controlling the aileron trim tab. Push the switch on the left to
increase left aileron, or right to increase right aileron. Tab position is
visible from the cockpit.
The flight deck on this aircraft is a traditional arrangement, with the
control stick, rudder pedals, flight instruments, and systems
annunciation directly in front of the pilot.
The engine information system, avionics (communication, VOR, and GPS
radios, and the transponder), and engine controls are stacked down the
center of the instrument panel.
Controls for cabin heat, and the fuel and trim systems are found on a
center console beneath the engine controls. See Center Console (pg 11).
Flight instruments, annunciators, and switches to control ignition, flaps
alternator, main and auxiliary batteries, boost pump, pitot heat, and
interior/exterior lighting are on the left side of the panel in front of the
pilot. Additionally, there are controls for the parking brake, oil cooler
door, RAM air valve, and cabin ventilation.

A center console beneath the engine instruments contains controls for

the trim system, fuel system and cabin heat.
The electrically controlled wing flaps are of fowler design. They are
constructed of composite material, and each is connected to the wing
with two aluminum hinge brackets pinned together through a spherical


Ensure flap hinge pins are secured in the brackets

with both circlips and safety wire!

The flap actuator is an electrically powered linear motor. It is connected

to a weldment that rotates a torque tube. Push-pull tubes at either end
of the torque tube position the flaps.
The flaps are controlled via a switch on the
instrument panel to the left of the engine
controls. The switch has three positions: UP,
center, and DOWN. The switch is of ON-OFF-
MOM design. The center (OFF) position stops
all movement of the flaps. The UP (ON)
position retracts the flaps. The DOWN (MOM) position extends the flaps
as long as the switch is held down. A spring returns the switch to the
center (OFF) position from the DOWN position when released.
A series of relays in conjunction with limit switches on the actuator
prevent flap motor movement beyond the fully retracted and fully
extended positions.
Flap position markings at 10, 20, 30, and 40 degrees are visible on the
top of the left flap. 40 degrees is full flap extension.
To extend the flaps, hold the flap switch DOWN until flaps are set as
desired, then release the switch. To retract the flaps, place the flap
switch to UP until flaps are set as desired, then move the switch to the
center position. To fully retract the flaps, set the flap switch to up. The
flaps will retract and the actuator motor will stop automatically when
fully retracted.

The flaps travel from stop-to-stop in approximately
seven seconds.
The main landing gear are bolted to a trunnion mounted between the
main and aft wing spars near the fuselage. The landing gear struts are
spring steel. The main wheels and fairings are bolted to the struts. Each
main gear wheel has a 5.00 x 5 tire with inner-tube installed. Wheel
fairings are removable to provide access to tires and brakes. Each main
gear wheel is equipped with an independent, hydraulically operated,
single-disc type brake.

The nose gear strut is of tubular steel construction and is attached to the
steel engine mount structure. The nose wheel is free castering and can
turn through an arc of approximately 120 degrees (60 degrees either
side of center). Steering is accomplished by differential application of
individual main gear brakes. The tube-type nose wheel tire is 5.00 x 8.

The baggage compartment is directly behind the seats. The maximum

weight limit is 75 lb.
Access to the baggage compartment is through the seating area. A cargo
net attached to four tie down points may be used to secure baggage.


Ensure all baggage is secured before flight.

The window on the right side of the baggage compartment may be used
for emergency egress. See Emergency Egress (pg 6).

The aircraft has seating for two occupants, the pilot and a passenger.
Neither seat is adjustable. To adjust seating position use different seat
Each seat is equipped with a seat belt and shoulder harness. The
shoulder harness spade ends go through the link half of seat belt before
inserting into the buckle. This arrangement allows release of both the
seat belt and shoulder harness at the same time. Seat belts should be
worn snug and as low as possible across the hips. The shoulder harnesses
are mounted on the baggage compartment ceiling using an inertia reel.
The inertia reel keeps light spring tension on the shoulder harness under
normal operation, but will automatically lock in the event of a sudden

A Halon fire extinguisher in a quick-release mount is located on the

forward bulkhead of the baggage compartment behind the passenger
seat. The mount is located between the external power connectors.
The Halon extinguishing agent may be used on class B (liquid, grease)
and C (electrical) fires. To use the extinguisher:
1. Remove it from the mount.
2. Remove the safety pin locking the discharge mechanism.
3. Get as far from fire as possible and hold extinguisher upright.
4. Aim the nozzle at the base or source of the flames.
5. Press the discharge lever, and sweep side to side.
This aircraft is powered by a Teledyne Continental IO-550-N, six-cylinder,
air- and oil-cooled, normally aspirated, fuel-injected engine rated to 310
hp at 2700 RPM. Dual, conventional magnetos provide ignition.
The engine is attached to the firewall by a four-point steel engine mount.
The firewall attach points are structurally reinforced with gusset-type
attachments that transfer thrust and bending loads into the fuselage

The engine utilizes a wet-sump, high-pressure oil system for lubrication

and cooling. A positive-displacement oil pump draws lubricating oil from
an eight-quart capacity sump through an oil suction strainer screen, and
forces it under pressure to an oil filter, and an engine-mounted oil
cooler. A pressure relief valve at the output end of the oil pump returns
oil back to the pump inlet should the pump exceed limits. The oil cooler
is equipped with a temperature control valve set to bypass oil if the
temperature is below 180°F (82° C). Bypassed or cooled oil travels
through oil galleries to the engine rotating parts and piston inner domes.
Oil is also supplied to the propeller governor to regulate propeller pitch.
The oil filler cap and dipstick, accessed through a door on the top left
side of the engine cowling, allow inspection and servicing of the oil

Do not operate the engine with less than six quarts of
oil. Seven quarts is recommended for extended flights.

Engine cooling occurs by discharging heat directly to the air flowing past
the engine, and to the oil, which is subsequently cooled by air passing
through the oil cooler. Cooling air enters the engine compartment
through the two inlets in the cowling. Aluminum baffles direct the
incoming air to the engine and over the engine cylinder cooling fins,
where the heat transfer takes place. Hot air exits the engine
compartment through the two vents at the bottom aft portion of the
cowling where the exhaust pipes exit.
A multi-nozzle, continuous-flow fuel injection system supplies fuel for
engine operation. An engine driven fuel pump draws fuel from the
selected wing tank and passes it to the mixture control valve integral to
the pump. The mixture control valve proportions fuel in response to the
pilot operated mixture control position. From the mixture control, fuel
is routed to the fuel-metering valve on the air-induction system throttle
body. The fuel-metering valve adjusts fuel flow in response to the pilot
operated throttle control position. From the metering valve, fuel is
directed to the fuel manifold valve (spider,) and then to the individual
injector nozzles. The system meters fuel flow in proportion to engine
RPM, mixture setting, and throttle angle. Manual mixture control and
idle cut-off are provided. An electric fuel pump provides fuel boost for
vapor suppression and for priming.

Induction air enters the engine compartment through the two inlets in
the forward cowling, passes through an oil-saturated induction filter or
the ram-air valve, the butterfly valve in the throttle body, into the six-
tube intake manifold, and finally through the cylinder intake ports into
the combustion chambers.

Two engine-driven magnetos and two spark plugs in each cylinder

provide fuel ignition. The right magneto fires the lower right and upper
left spark plugs, and the left magneto fires the lower left and upper right
spark plugs. To facilitate more complete burning of the fuel-air mixture,
the engine should be operated with both magnetos on.

Engine exhaust gases are routed overboard through straight exhaust

pipes located on either side of the engine exiting through the lower
cowling. A muff type heat exchanger, located around the right exhaust
pipe, provides cabin heat.

Push-pull engine controls for the throttle, propeller, and mixture are
located on the center of the instrument panel beneath the avionics
stack. The ignition switch is on the left side of the instrument panel next
to the fresh air vent. The push-pull RAM Air control is on the panel to the
left of the flap switch.
The throttle control (label to right), is mechanically linked to
the butterfly valve in the throttle body/fuel control unit.
Pushing the control forward opens the butterfly valve,
admitting more air into the engine, and causing the fuel
control unit to add more fuel to the fuel manifold.

The Vernier-type propeller control (label to right) is

mechanically linked to the propeller governor, and is the
primary means of controlling engine RPM. Pushing the
control forward commands the governor to increase oil
pressure to the propeller hub to decrease propeller pitch and
increase engine RPM up to a maximum of 2700. Large control
movements are made by pressing the button in the center of the control
knob, then moving the control to the desired position. Fine adjustments
may be made by turning the knob. Once set to a given position, the
governor will maintain the desired engine RPM as long as sufficient
engine power is available.

The Vernier-type mixture control (label to right) is

mechanically linked to the mixture control valve in the
engine-driven fuel pump, and adjusts the proportion of fuel
to air for combustion. Pushing the control forward
repositions the valve increasing the proportion of fuel. Large
control movements are made by pressing the button in the
center of the control knob, then moving the control to the desired
position. Fine adjustments may be made by turning the knob. The full
forward position provides the greatest proportion of fuel to air, and is
used for takeoff power at density altitude below 8,000 ft. The full aft
position (CUTOFF) closes the control valve, decreasing the proportion of
fuel such that combustion is no longer possible.
The ram-air control (label to right) is mechanically linked
to a valve in the engine air intake system. To open the
valve, press the button in the middle of the knob and pull
it full aft. When open, the ram-air valve admits unfiltered,
pressurized air directly into the throttle butterfly, thereby increasing
manifold absolute pressure. The ram-air valve can also serve as an
alternate air source should the air filter become clogged.

The ram-air valve should not be opened for ground
operations, or inflight in dusty conditions.

A rotary-type key switch (label to right), located next

to the pilot’s fresh air vent, controls ignition and
starter operation. In the OFF position, the starter is
electrically isolated, and the magnetos are grounded
and will not operate. Normally, the engine is
operated on both magnetos (switch in BOTH
position) except for magneto checks and emergency
operations. The R and L positions are used for
individual magneto checks and for single magneto operation when
required. When the battery master switch is ON, rotating the switch to
the spring loaded START position energizes the starter relay directing
battery power to the starter motor, and activates both magnetos. The
switch automatically returns to the BOTH position when released.


Ensure the ignition switch is OFF before turning on

either battery switch! If the starter relay fails in the
closed position the starter motor will activate when
the electrical system is energized.
The engine information system (EIS) is located above the avionics stack
and displays all engine operating parameters on a single display. The EIS
powers on automatically when the electrical system is energized. While
on, the EIS continuously monitors the following engine data:
 RPM  Manifold Absolute Pressure
 Oil Temperature (OT)  Oil Pressure (OP)
 Fuel Flow  Unmetered Fuel Pressure
 Volts  Amperage
 Cylinder Head Temperature X 6  Exhaust Gas Temperature X 6
 Outside Air Temperature (OAT)

The primary display is depicted below:

The EIS is incapable of showing all engine data on the display at one
time. Instead, data is shown on several different pages selectable using
the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons. Pages of special interest are listed
below. For more information about available pages and the data they
display see EIS User Manual.
The EGT Page, identified by the letters EG on the right side of the display,
shows exhaust gas temperature for all six cylinders. The top row shows
cylinders 1-3 from left to right, and the bottom row shows cylinders 4-6.
The CHT Page, identified by the letters CHT on the right side of the
display, shows cylinder head temperature for all six cylinders in the same
format as the EGT page.
The Digital Leaning Page, identified by the L in the lower right corner,
utilizes an EGT tracking function allowing display of minute changes in
EGT for each cylinder, then displays the data in a format to assist with
leaning the engine for cruise power settings. The leaning procedure is
found in the Cruise checklist (pg 15).
The Cruise Page, identified by the letters CZ on the right side of the
display, also utilizes the EGT tracking function to show slight variations
in EGT. This function can aid in identifying engine malfunctions such as
fouled spark plugs, sticking valves, intake manifold leaks, etc. Any
significant change in EGT not accompanied by a change in power setting
should be investigated.

The EIS incorporates an alarm function to alert the pilot if a monitored

parameter exceeds specified limits for a given phase of flight. The
following table lists limits that will generate an alarm:
Parameter Minimum Maximum
Oil Temperature 76° F 240° F
Oil Pressure 20 PSI Ground 90 PSI
40 PSI Flight
CHT 250° F 420° F
Fuel Flow N/A 40 gal/hour
Engine RPM N/A 2750
Volts 13.1 16
EGT 800 N/A
When an out-of-limit condition exists, the EIS will flash the CHECK
ENGINE annunciator, and automatically display the page showing the
affected parameter. The ACK (acknowledge) button must be pressed
before the display can be switched away from the page showing the
out-of-limit condition. Acknowledging the alarm will result in the
If more than one parameter is out-of-limits, the EIS will continue
flashing the CHECK ENGINE annunciator, and automatically display the
page showing the next out-of-limit parameter.
If all out-of-limit parameters have been acknowledged, the
annunciator light will stop flashing, but remain illuminated as long as
any out-of-limit condition exists, and the page may be switched.

With the engine not running and the electrical system
energized, the CHECK ENGINE annunciator will flash
because oil pressure is below 20 psi. This is normal
and expected. If the annunciator is not flashing then
either the EIS alarm function or the annunciator light
is malfunctioning.
The airplane is equipped with a wood-composite, three-blade, 78"
diameter, constant-speed (CS) propeller and governor.
The propeller governor automatically adjusts propeller pitch to regulate
propeller and engine RPM to a setting chosen by the pilot with the
propeller control. It does this by sensing RPM using flyweights and
metering high-pressure oil to the pitch control mechanism in the
propeller hub to change propeller pitch. Pushing the throttle control
forward increases engine power, which without a constant-speed
propeller would result in an increase in RPM. Instead, flyweights in the
CS propeller hub sense the increase in RPM, and the governor meters
more high-pressure oil to the propeller hub increasing the propeller
pitch. The increase in propeller pitch returns the engine to set. The
interaction between the flyweights and metered high-pressure oil form
a feedback system to maintain set RPM, with the initial RPM change
starting the sequence often so slight as to be imperceptible. Pulling the
throttle control results in the opposite: a decrease in engine power and
RPM, followed by a decrease in high-pressure oil to the propeller hub,
thereby increasing propeller pitch returning the engine to set RPM.
During stabilized flight, the governor automatically adjusts propeller
pitch to maintain set RPM (propeller control position). Any change in
airspeed or load on the propeller results in a change in propeller pitch.
A 64-gallon usable wet-wing fuel storage system provides fuel for engine
operation. The system includes integral 32.5-gallon capacity (32-gallon
usable) vented fuel tanks in both wings, a fuel quantity gauge, a three
position selector valve, a two-speed electric boost pump, a gascolator,
and an engine-driven fuel pump. See Fuel System Schematic, pg 25.
Each wing tank includes a slosh bay fitted with fuel feed and return ports,
and forward and aft sump drains. Gravity keeps fuel in each tank’s
associated slosh bay, allowing the engine-driven fuel pump to draw fuel
from the feed port. Fuel passes through the selector valve, a gascolator
(filter), then on from the pump to pressure feed the engine fuel injection
system. The electric boost pump is provided for engine priming and
vapor suppression.
Each fuel tank has a filler cap in the upper surface of the wing for fuel
servicing and quantity inspection. Vent passages in each wing, and vents
in the bottom of each wingtip and maintain positive pressure in the


A blocked fuel vent will result in decreasing fuel flow

and eventual engine fuel starvation and stoppage.

Forward and aft sump drains in the lower surface of each wing allow
taking of fuel samples for inspection. Capacitance-type sensors in each
wing tank supply fuel quantity data to the fuel quantity indicator. The
fuel passage between each tank and its associated slosh bay
incorporates a one-way flapper valve to prevent fuel movement out of
the slosh bay.

A dual-reading fuel-quantity indicator is located in the

center console above the fuel selector. The LEDs around
the left and right perimeter support at-a-glance
indication of quantity in each tank. A three-position
toggle switch allows digital display of gallons of fuel in
each tank, or the total gallons in both tanks.
A calibrated dipstick may be used to confirm tank quantity through the
filler cap when tank capacity is greater than 16 gallons. Quantities below
16 gallons are not visible from the filler port, and therefore are not
measurable with the dipstick.


Confirm tank quantity using a dipstick prior to flight.

The last two LEDs in each row of lights serve as low-fuel warning
indicators. The yellow LEDs flash when quantity in the tank reaches
approximately eight gallons (one-quarter tank) remaining. The red LEDs
begin to flash when quantity in the tank reaches approximately four
gallons remaining (one-eighth tank). To acknowledge the warning and
stop the LED flashing, move the toggle switch.

Prolonged uncoordinated flight can uncover the
engine feed port with less than ¼ tank remaining.

A three-position fuel selector valve is positioned

under the center console on the floor. The selector
allows fuel feed from either fuel tank, or shutting off
fuel flow to the engine compartment. A lock button
on top of the selector handle locks the valve to the
OFF position, and prevents movement beyond LEFT
or RIGHT when not in the OFF position. To shut off
fuel flow, lift the lock button on top of the selector
handle, turn the handle to the off position, and release the lock button.
To select LEFT or RIGHT from OFF, lift the lock button, turn the handle
to the desired position, then release the lock button.


Do not lift the lock button when moving the selector

valve in flight except to shut off fuel.
The EIS includes a fuel flow sensor, flight timer, and logic for computing
endurance. To compute endurance, the EIS compares the current fuel
flow to fuel on board. Fuel on board is entered/confirmed by the pilot
during preflight. See Engine Start (pg Error! Bookmark not defined.) in
Section 4.
In addition, the EIS will illuminate the CHECK ENGINE annunciator when
total quantity remaining falls below 12 gallons, or approximately one
hour of flight at best economy power setting.

An electrically operated fuel boost pump is mounted on the

cockpit side of the firewall. The pump is controlled using a three-
position rocker switch on the instrument panel labeled FUEL
BOOST (shown at right) HI-OFF-LO positions. The center OFF
position deactivates the pump. The HI (up) position energizes
the high-speed pump circuit. The LO (down) position energizes
the low-speed pump circuit.
High boost is used for cold-start engine priming, to clear the fuel system
of vapors during hot starts, and to provide partial engine power in the
event the engine-driven fuel pump fails. Low boost is used to provide
additional fuel during cold idle in cold-weather conditions, and for vapor
suppression as necessary.

The engine will not shut down by moving the mixture
control to CUTOFF with the boost pump operating.

The main wheels have hydraulically operated, single-disc type brakes,

individually activated by toe pedals mounted on the rudder bar at the
pilot’s station. A parking brake mechanism activated with a push-pull
control located to the left of the pilot’s fresh air vent holds induced
hydraulic pressure on the disc brake for parking.
The brake system includes a master cylinder for each brake, a hydraulic
fluid reservoir on the engine side of the firewall serviced with Mil-H-5606
hydraulic fluid, a parking brake valve, a single disc brake assembly on
each main landing gear wheel, and associated hydraulic plumbing.
Braking pressure is initiated by depressing the top half of a rudder pedal
(toe brake).
The passenger-side rudder bar does not have pedals.
Brake control is available only to the pilot.

Brake system malfunction or impending brake failure may be indicated

by a gradual decrease in braking action after brake application, noisy or
dragging brakes, soft or spongy pedals, excessive travel, and/or weak
braking action. Any of these symptoms requires immediate
inspection/maintenance. If, during taxi or landing roll, braking action
decreases, let up on the pedals and then reapply the brakes with heavy
pressure. If the brakes are spongy or pedal travel increases, pumping the
pedals may rebuild braking pressure.

This aircraft relies on the rudder and differential braking for directional
control while taxiing; therefore, the pilot must observe proper practices
to avoid potential damage to the brakes due to excessive heat. The
rudder may be used for directional control with sufficient air movement
over the vertical stabilizer, particularly for long, straight segments.
Differential braking will be required at slower speeds, or for sharper
turns. To spare the brakes as much as possible, apply full rudder prior to
applying brakes, and keep engine RPM below 1000 to avoid excessive
taxi speed. Maximum recommended taxi speed is 15 knots (may be
observed on GPS). If speed exceeds 15 knots apply brakes to slow to 10
knots, then release the brakes.

Do not apply continual pressure to (ride) the brakes
during taxi to control speed.

The brakes may be set for parking using the PARKING BRAKE
control knob (shown at right) to the left of the pilot’s fresh
air vent. The knob controls a valve that holds applied brake
pressure. To activate the parking brake, apply pressure on
the brake pedals, then pull the control knob all the way out.
To release the parking brake, push the control knob all the way in. The
parking brake should be off for normal operations.
The 12 VDC negative-ground electrical system includes an alternator for
power generation, two batteries, a fuse panel, a primary bus and two
hot battery busses, and associated wiring. See Electrical System
Schematic (pg 33) this section.

Primary electrical power is supplied by the 60-amp, direct-drive

alternator connected to the main and auxiliary batteries through an 80-
amp fuse in the engine compartment. Alternator output is maintained at
approximately 14.1 VDC by a voltage regulator (VR) mounted on the
avionics shelf in the cabin. The VR also incorporates over-voltage
protection. If system voltage exceeds approximately 16.2 VDC the VR
disconnects the alternator from the electrical system and illuminates the
OVER VOLTS annunciator.

Two Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries provide power for

starting, and back up emergency power in the event of an alternator
failure. Either battery is capable of independently powering the aircraft
electrical system for up to 30 minutes under normal load. Nominal
battery voltage is 13.2 VDC. Each battery incorporates a stand-alone
battery management system (BMS) providing independent fault
detection and protection. The batteries are installed behind the
passenger seat, and are connected to the aircraft’s primary bus via
switch-controlled battery contactors. Each battery also powers its own
independent hot battery bus.

The BMS in each battery provides continual monitoring of battery

health, and is capable of fault detection/annunciation. In addition, the
BMS automatically deactivates outgoing power when the battery is 95%
discharged, and if the battery exceeds maximum temperature.

To avoid overheating the batteries do not operate the
engine starter for more than 10 out of 60 seconds.
Fault Annunciation
Each battery has a fault annunciator light on the panel
(shown at right). Each annunciator has four states:
 Off
 Slow-Flashing (5 seconds on/5 seconds off)
 Fast-Flashing (2 seconds on/2 seconds off)
 Solid
OFF – Indicates normal battery function.
SLOW-FLASHING – Indicates improper charging state, or internal battery
malfunction. An in-flight annunciation outside normal battery voltage of
12.8V to 14.6V (over-discharged or over-charged) indicates a
malfunction of the charging system. A persistent (more than one hour)
slow-flashing fault annunciation with normal battery voltage indicates a
battery malfunction, such as a weak or failing cell.

An occasional, slow-flashing annunciation during or
following periods of high-current charging is normal.

An over-discharge annunciation in-flight means the battery is completely
depleted and can no longer provide power to the electrical system.
A slow-flashing annunciation accompanied by electrical system voltage
over 15.2 VDC indicates an over-charge condition. The BMS incorporates
a fault protection system that automatically disconnects the battery
from charging currents above 16 VDC that persist more than two
seconds. In addition, the aircraft electrical system incorporates an over-
voltage protection module that deactivates the alternator if system
voltage exceeds ~16.2 VDC.


Over-charging the battery can result in a fire!

FAST-FLASHING – Indicates battery temperature exceeds normal limits.

The maximum battery temperature is 170°F. Battery over-temp most
often results from high-current use (i.e. engine cranking) for more than
10 consecutive seconds, especially in hot ambient conditions. If the BMS
de-energizes an overheated battery it will automatically re-energize it
after a cooling period of one-to-three minutes. An in-flight annunciation
of battery over-temp requires investigation and mitigation of the cause.
SOLID – A solid annunciation that clears after three minutes indicates
the BMS short-circuit protection was activated. Multiple occurrences on
a single flight requires a precautionary landing and investigation of the
cause. Occurrence on more than one flight requires investigation and
mitigation of the cause before further flights.
A solid annunciation that remains on more than three minutes indicates
a failure of the battery management system. If the fault persists the
battery must be replaced.
For more information about fault annunciation and pilot response see
Battery Malfunctions (pg 24) in Section 3.

Two battery charging ports mounted on the bulkhead behind the

passenger seat on either side of the fire extinguisher are connected to
the main and auxiliary batteries. The ports are protected with plastic
caps. The outboard port connects to the auxiliary battery, and the
inboard port connects to the main battery. The ports may be used to
charge the batteries using a charger designed for lithium iron phosphate
(LiFePO4) batteries.

Do not use battery charging ports to “jump start” the
aircraft by connecting to another vehicle’s battery. If
the batteries are discharged, they must be recharged
prior to attempting engine start. See Environmental
Considerations (pg 23) in Section 4.

Do not attempt to charge a battery that will not
accept or hold a charge. If the battery gets hot while
charging discontinue charging. Do not charge
batteries in temperatures above 140°F.
Electrical power is controlled with three
ON-OFF switches on the instrument
panel (shown at right).
The ALTERNATOR switch supplies
power to the voltage regulator. The ON
(up) position supplies power from the primary bus through a 5 amp
circuit breaker on the instrument panel (to the left of the flap switch) to
energize the voltage regulator, thereby commanding the alternator to
supply approximately 14.1 VDC to power all system components and
recharge the batteries.
The MAIN BATT switch controls the main battery contactor. In the ON
position the contactor closes, connecting the main battery to the
electrical system. In the OFF position the contactor opens, disconnecting
the main battery from the system.
The AUX BATT switch controls the auxiliary battery contactor. In the ON
position the contactor closes, connecting the auxiliary battery to the
electrical system. In the OFF position the contactor opens, disconnecting
the auxiliary battery from the system.

Over-voltage protection is provided by the voltage regulator. If bus

voltage exceeds approximately 16.0 VDC the voltage regulator internally
grounds the power lead from the ALTERNATOR switch, tripping the 5
amp circuit breaker, and thereby de-energizing the voltage regulator.
The alternator produces no power as long as the voltage regulator
remains de-energized. See Alternator Malfunctions (pg 23) in Section 3.

The power distribution system consists of a primary and two hot battery
busses. All electrical components are connected to the primary bus.

System voltage and amperage are displayed on the EIS. See Engine
Information System (pg 20).

Individual circuits connected to the primary bus and the two always-hot
battery busses are protected by fuses installed in three fuse panels
behind the passenger-side instrument panel. Fuses are not accessible
inflight. To aid in troubleshooting on the ground see Primary Bus Fuse
Panel (pg 32) in this section.
The airplane is equipped with standard wing tip navigation lights with
integral anti-collision strobe lights. Separately controlled landing and
taxi lights are located in the leading edge of the right wing near the

The airplane is equipped with standard wing tip navigation lights. The
lights are controlled through the NAV light switch on the instrument

Anti-collision strobe lights are installed integral with the standard

navigation lights. Each strobe is flashed by common power supply, and
controlled through the STROBE light switch on the instrument panel

A High Intensity Discharge (HID) landing light is mounted in a housing

shared with taxi light located on the right-wing leading edge near the
fuselage. The landing light emits a spot beam to illuminate the runway
during night landing operations. The light is controlled through the LAND
light switch on the instrument panel. Setting the LAND light switch 'ON'
energizes the landing light ballast mounted in the wing behind the light.
The ballast initially provides boosted voltage to ignite the lamp, then
steady voltage once the lamp reaches operating temperature.

The landing light is angled downward to illuminate
the runway with the aircraft in the approach attitude,
and may not be useful for taxi operations.

A High Intensity Discharge (HID) taxi light is mounted in a housing shared

with landing light located on the right-wing leading edge near the
fuselage. The taxi light emits a flood beam to illuminate the area directly
in front of the aircraft for night taxi operations. The light is controlled
through the TAXI light switch on the instrument panel. Setting the TAXI
light switch 'ON' energizes the taxi light ballast mounted in the wing
behind the light. The ballast initially provides boosted voltage to ignite
the lamp, then steady voltage once the lamp reaches operating

Interior lighting for the airplane consists of dimmable panel floodlights

and individual instrument lights controlled using dedicated knobs on the
instrument panel. Turning a control knob counter-clockwise decreases
brightness. Turning a knob full counter-clockwise and past a detent
deactivates the controlled lights. Turning the knob past the detent and
full clockwise activates the controlled light(s) and increases brightness
to full.
Installed avionics equipment incorporate ambient light sensors enabling
automatic dimming based on ambient light conditions.
Cabin ventilation, heating, and windshield defrost are accomplished with
fresh air vents on the instrument panel, heated air from a heater muff
(heat exchanger) around the right engine exhaust pipe, air ducting for
distribution, a windshield vent, forward outlet vents, and a cable control
for selecting temperature.

Ventilation air is ducted into the cabin from air inlets located on the left
and right fuselage forward of the wings, to eyeball outlets for each
occupant. Each occupant controls fresh air flow direction by positioning
the nozzle, and flow rate from 'off' to maximum by rotating the nozzle.

Heating air is ducted from an inlet in the engine

compartment muff-type heat exchanger surrounding the
right engine exhaust pipe. This heated air flows to cabin
heater valve. When open, the valve admits heated air into
the cabin. When closed, the heated air is vented overboard
through the cowling exit. To suit occupant needs, the cabin heater valve
can be set at any position from fully open to fully closed using a push-
pull control knob on the center console (shown at right).
Heated air flows through distribution ducting to forward outlet vents in
the occupant footwells, and to an eyeball vent on the glare shield in front
of the pilot for windshield defrost. To defrost the windshield, pull the
CABIN HEATER knob to open the valve, then open the eyeball vent on
the glare shield.

To obtain heated air for windshield defrost, the cabin
heater valve must open. For maximum defrost open
the cabin heater valve fully.
The pitot-static system consists of a single heated pitot tube mounted
on the left wing, and dual static ports mounted in the fuselage. The pitot
heat is pilot controlled with a panel-mounted switch. Lines from the
static ports are elevated to prevent water intrusion.

The heated pitot system consists of a heating element in the pitot tube,
a rocker switch labeled PITOT HEAT in the row of switches at the bottom
of the instrument panel, and associated wiring. Turning on the pitot heat
switch energizes a heating element in the pitot tube to prevent ice
formation on the tube.

Pitot heat should be turned on prior to any flight
where instrument meteorological conditions (IMC)
are expected.

The stall warning system utilizes an angle-of-attack measurement and

warning system consisting of pressure ports in the top and bottom of the
left wing, plumbing to the control box on the avionics shelf behind the
instrument panel, a three-color LED display, and wiring to connect the
system to power and the aircraft audio system. The system provides full-
range angle-of-attack indication independent of aircraft weight or
airspeed via the AOA display on the pilot’s instrument panel, and an
aural warning system to notify the pilot when approaching the critical
angle-of-attack (stall). both visually and with the repeated verbal
message ANGLE ANGLE PUSH broadcast over the aircraft intercom until
the angle of attack is reduced.
This section describes the avionics equipment installed in the aircraft.
For information about operating the devices refer to manufacturer
documentation. The following avionics equipment is installed in the
 Primary Flight Display (G5 PFD)
 Horizontal Situation Indicator (G5 HSI)
 Automatic Flight Control System (GMC 507)
 Engine Indicator Display
 IFR-capable GPS navigator (GNC 355)
 VOR/LOC/GS receiver (SL30)
 Two VHF communication transceivers (GNC 355 and SL30)
 Integrated audio system with intercom (GMA 245)
 Mode C transponder (GTX 327)
 ADS-B IN/OUT transceiver (echoUAT + SkyFYX-EXT)
Flight instruments on the pilot’s instrument panel include a primary
flight display (G5), horizontal situation indicator (G5), and an automatic
flight control system (GMC 507) which incorporates a two-axis autopilot
and flight director.

The PFD is a Garmin G5 instrument with the following functions (see G5

Electronic Flight Instrument Pilot’s Guide for operation):

Not shown: vertical deviation indicator (VDI). The PFD
is incorporates a backup battery providing
approximately one hour of display function should
the aircraft power system fail. See Electrical System
Malfunctions in Section Three, pg 23.
The HSI is a Garmin G5 instrument with the following functions:

Not shown: vertical deviation indicator (VDI). The PFD
and HSI are normally configured with the PFD on top,
but either instrument may be configured as the PFD
or HSI. If the instrument configured as the PFD fails
the instrument configured as the HSI will
automatically revert to PFD mode so the pilot is never
without necessary flight instruments.

The AFCS consists of the G5 PFD/HSI, GMC 507 autopilot mode

controller, and pitch and roll control servos. The AFCS can control aircraft
pitch and roll to maintain a given attitude and/or to follow lateral and
vertical guidance from the navigation systems. See Section Three
Automatic Flight Control System in the G5 Electronic Flight Instrument
Pilot’s Guide for operation.
The aircraft is equipped with a Garmin GNC 355 navigation receiver, a
baro-corrected WAAS GPS navigator providing IFR enroute, terminal,
and approach guidance via the G5 HSI. The GPS antenna is located below
the glare shield forward of the instrument panel. Pilot interface consists
of a concentric control knob (inner/outer) and a touchscreen. See GNC
355 Pilot’s Guide for operation.

The airplane is equipped with one VHF Omnidirectional Range and

Localizer (VOR/LOC) receiver integrated into the Garmin SL30 installed
in the center panel. The SL-30 navigation receiver operates on a
frequency range from 108.000 MHz to 117.950 MHz with 50 KHz spacing.
The SL-30 receives glideslope data from 329.150 to 335.000 MHz in 150
kHz steps. See SL30 Quick Reference Guide on pg 45 in this section.

Glideslope frequencies are set automatically by the
SL-30 based on LOC frequency.
The SL-30 receiver controls and display provide active and standby
frequency indication, TO/FROM indication, IDENT data, and knob-
operated frequency selection. IDENT audio output for VOR and LOC is
provided to the audio system. The navigation antenna is mounted in the
left wingtip. See SL30 Quick Reference Guide on pg 45 in this section.

Two VHF communications (COM) transceivers are installed to provide

air-to-ground communication. The transceivers and integrated controls
are mounted in the Garmin GNC 355 (COM 1) and SL30 (COM 2) units.
The transceivers receive all narrow- and wide-band VHF communication
within range of the selected frequency via antennas installed in the
empennage. Digitized audio from the COM transceivers is routed to the
audio system (see pg 43 this section) for distribution to headphones.

The GNC 355 display and control panel includes a power button and
touchscreen and/or knob-operated active/standby frequency indication
and switching, frequency selection and memory storage, and volume
control. The COM 1 transceiver provides 720-channel (25 kHz spacing)
operation between 118.000 and 136.975 MHz. The COM 1 antenna is
located aft of the baggage compartment aft bulkhead. See GNC 355
Pilot’s Guide for operation.

The SL30 display and control panel provides knob- and button-operated
power/volume control, active/standby frequency indication and
switching, and frequency selection and memory storage. The COM 2
transceiver provides either 720-channel (25 kHz spacing) operation in a
frequency range from 118.000 to 136.975 MHz. The COM 2 antenna is
located aft of the baggage compartment aft bulkhead. See SL30 Quick
Reference Guide on pg 45 in this section.

A single Garmin GTX 327 transponder with squawk capability installed in

the center panel provides ATC Mode C (identification and altitude)
capability. The transponder system consists of the integrated
receiver/transmitter control unit, and antenna. The receiver/transmitter
receives interrogations from a ground-based secondary radar
transmitter and then transmits selected data (mode dependent) to the
interrogating Air Traffic Control Center. With ALT mode selected (normal
operation), data includes the four-digit squawk code and pressure
altitude data received from the Garmin G5 PFD.
The control panel provides knob- and- button-operated code selection
and display, IDENT button, test functions, and flight timer functions. The
display is daylight readable and dims automatically based on ambient
light for night operation. The transponder antenna is mounted inside the
empennage forward of the horizontal stabilizer. Refer to GTX 327 Pilot’s
Guide for operation.

An echoUAT transceiver and antenna located in the right wing stub

provides ADS-B in and out capability. GPS data for the echoUAT ADS-B
transceiver is provided by a SkyFYX-EXT GPS receiver and antenna
located in the left wing stub. In addition to transmitting ADS-B OUT data,
the echoUAT transceiver also transmits ADS-B IN from ground stations
and GPS position data via Wi-Fi for use with tablet-based navigation

A Garmin GMA 245 audio panel installed in the center panel provides
control of the audio system. The GMA 245 provides COM receiver audio
selection, transmitter selection, an intercom system, a digital COM audio
recorder, alert audio (AOA, ADS-B, etc.), Bluetooth phone integration,
and entertainment inputs. See GMA 245 Pilot’s Guide for operation.

The airplane is equipped with a self-contained emergency locator

transmitter (ELT). The transmitter and antenna are installed immediately
behind the aft baggage compartment bulkhead on the right side of the
empennage. The main transmitter control switch, labeled ON-OFF-
ARMED, on the transmitter is in the armed position for normal
operations. A remote switch and indicator panel is installed on the aft
baggage compartment bulkhead.
The transmitter unit is mounted longitudinally in the airplane in order to
detect deceleration. If rapid deceleration is detected, the transmitter
will repeatedly transmit VHF band audio sweeps at 121.5 MHz and 243.0
MHz approximately 0.5 seconds apart.
The transmitter and portable antenna are accessible by removing the aft
baggage compartment bulkhead. The ELT can be removed from the
airplane and used as a personal locating device if it is necessary to leave
the airplane after an accident. Eight dated “D” cell alkaline batteries
contained within the transmitter unit power the ELT transmitter.
The ELT remote switch and indicator panel, located at the top of the aft
baggage compartment bulkhead, provides test and monitoring functions
for the ELT. The panel contains a button labeled ON, a button labeled
RESET, and a red LED (light). The red light flashes when the ELT is
transmitting. The ON button can be used to test the unit in accordance
with the maintenance manual procedures. The RESET button can be
used to cancel an inadvertent transmission.
In the event of an accident:
1. Verify light on remote panel is flashing to indicate ELT activation.
6. If possible, access the unit as described below and set the ELT main
transmitter control switch ON.
Portable use of ELT:
a) Remove aft baggage compartment bulkhead.
b) Disconnect fixed antenna lead from front of unit.
c) Disconnect lead from remote switch and indicator unit.
d) Release buckles and remove transmitter/antenna unit.
e) Attach portable antenna to antenna jack on front of unit.
f) Set main control switch to ON.
g) Hold antenna upright as much as possible.
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 2
AIRPLANE RECORDS AND CERTIFICATES ......................................................................... 2
AIRPLANE INSPECTION PERIODS ..................................................................................... 2
Logbook Entry........................................................................................................... 3
GROUND HANDLING ....................................................................................................... 4
Applying External Power .......................................................................................... 4
Towing ...................................................................................................................... 5
Parking & Tiedown ................................................................................................... 6
Jacking ...................................................................................................................... 8
SERVICING ..................................................................................................................... 10
Landing Gear Servicing ........................................................................................... 10
Brake Servicing ....................................................................................................... 11
Propeller Servicing.................................................................................................. 12
Oil Servicing ............................................................................................................ 13
Fuel Servicing.......................................................................................................... 14
This section provides general guidelines for handling, servicing and
maintaining Lancair Legacy N828LM.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires that certain data,

certificates, and licenses be displayed or carried aboard the airplane at
all times. Additionally, other documents must be made available upon
request. The mnemonic acronym “ARROW-C” may be used to help
remember the required documents.

Required Documents Note

A Airworthiness Certificate Must be displayed at all times.
R Registration Certificate Must be in the aircraft.
R Radio Station License Required for flight outside USA.
O Operating Instructions POH must be in the aircraft.
W Weight & Balance Data Current data must be in the aircraft.
C Checklist In the aircraft at all times.

To meet conditions of the Special Airworthiness Certificate, this aircraft

must undergo a thorough annual condition inspection meeting the
requirements of FAR 43. Condition inspections are based upon calendar
months and are due on the last day of the twelfth month following the
last condition inspection. For example: If a condition inspection were
performed on 19 November 2019, the next condition inspection will be
due 30 November 2020. Condition inspections must be accomplished
regardless of the number of hours flown the previous year and can only
be performed by a licensed Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) mechanic or
a person holding a Repairman Certificate for this aircraft. The inspection
is listed, in detail, in the maintenance documents for the aircraft.
Following any work on the aircraft, appropriate logbook entries must be
made in the maintenance documents. Logbook entries should contain:
 The date the work was accomplished.
 Description of the work.
 Number of hours on the aircraft.
 The certificate number of (pilot, repairman, A&P, etc.) person
performing the work.
 Signature of person doing the work.
Logbooks should be complete and up to date. Good records reduce
maintenance cost and enhance the value of the aircraft.
Ground power posts, located on either side of the fire extinguisher in the
baggage compartment, permit the use of an external power source for
supplemental power during cold weather starting and for maintenance


If external power will be used to start engine, ensure

all personnel and equipment remain aft of the wing,
and well clear of the propeller rotation plane.

To apply external power:

Do not use external power to start the airplane with a
dead battery or to charge a dead or weak battery in
the airplane. The battery must be removed from the
airplane for charging.

1. Ensure that external power source is regulated to 12 VDC.

2. Check Main and Auxiliary battery switches are OFF.
3. Remove ground power post covers and connect external power.
4. Set Auxiliary battery switch to ON.
The aircraft power system is now energized without draining the
auxiliary battery.

External power is recommended if performing
maintenance on avionics systems. Avoid starting or
cranking the engine with any avionics on.

5. Set Main battery switch to ON if using supplemental ground power

for a cold start.

Continued on next page…

Ensure ground personnel are briefed on canopy
handling following engine start. Propeller wash will
tend to force the canopy closed.

6. Following engine start, disconnect ground power and replace

ground power post covers.

The airplane may be moved on the ground by hand using the tow bar
stowed in the baggage compartment. Mechanical towing (using a tug) is
not recommended. The tow bar is engaged by connecting it to towing
lugs just above the nose wheel fairing.

Turning the nose wheel more than 60 degrees from
center will cause structural damage to the strut.

Do not push on control surfaces, propeller, or

stabilizers to move the airplane. Use the cowling or
wing roots as push points.

To tow the aircraft:

1. Close the canopy.
2. See Aircraft Dimensions (pg 3) for turning radius and clearances.
3. Insert tow bar into the lugs just above of the nose wheel fairing.
4. Release parking brake and remove chocks.
5. Move airplane to desired location.
6. Install chocks.
7. Remove tow bar.
To obtain a minimum radius turn during ground handling, raise the
nosewheel off the ground by applying weight to the fuselage just
forward of the horizontal stabilizer, then rotate the aircraft around
either main landing gear.
The aircraft should be chocked and/or tied down when parking to
protect it from weather and to prevent it from becoming a hazard to
other aircraft. The parking brake should be used only to prevent aircraft
movement long enough to install chocks.
To park the aircraft:

Do not leave the aircraft unattended with the parking
brake on. The parking brake may release suddenly, or
cause excessive pressure in the brake lines due to
heating of brake fluid. Accumulated moisture can
freeze, thereby preventing brake release.

1. For parking, point airplane into the wind if possible.

2. Retract flaps.
3. Set parking brake by first applying brake pressure using the toe
brakes and then pulling the PARKING BRAKE knob aft.
4. Chock the nose gear wheel.

Tie down the aircraft if parking overnight, or if
significant weather is expected before returning.

5. Tie down airplane in accordance with procedure in this section.

6. Install pitot cover and engine inlet plugs.

The pitot cover and engine inlet plugs must be
removed prior to flight.
The airplane should be moored for immovability, security and
protection. FAA Advisory Circular AC 20-35C, Tiedown Sense, contains
additional information regarding preparation for severe weather,
tiedown, and related information.
To tie down the aircraft:
1. Point the airplane into the wind if possible.
2. Retract the flaps.
3. Chock the wheels.
4. Install tiedown rings in wing and tail receptacles.
5. Secure aircraft using tiedown ropes between wing and tail tiedown
rings and suitable ground anchor points. Tiedown rope angle
should be between 40-60 degrees to the ground.

Anchor points for wing tiedowns should not be more
than 20 feet apart to prevent eyebolt damage in
heavy winds. Use bowline knots, square knots, or
locked slipknots. Do not use plain slipknots.
Jacking points are left or right of fuselage centerline beneath the main
wing spar. Jack the aircraft using one or two standard aircraft hydraulic
jacks with pads secured to the jack ram.

Jack pad(s) must be secured to jack ram to prevent
aircraft sliding off the jack. Jack pad(s) may be
covered with cloth or carpet to prevent paint damage.

The nose gear may be raised by attaching weight to tail tiedown ring.
Do not jack the aircraft outside or in open hangar
with winds in excess of 10 mph.

Do not allow personnel in or on the aircraft when any

of the wheels are raised.

To raise left/right wheel (s):

1. Position airplane on a hard, flat, level surface.
2. Chock the nose wheel.
3. Position jack(s) with attached jack pad(s) beneath jack points.
4. Actuate jack(s) to raise the wheel(s). If lifting both main wheels,
actuate jacks so as to keep aircraft within 2° level.
5. Secure jack lock(s).
To raise nose wheel:
1. Position airplane on a hard, flat, level surface.
2. If not jacking main wheels, place chocks under both.
3. Install tail tiedown ring.
4. Attach approximately 150 lb to tail tiedown ring using ratchet strap.
Actuate ratchet until nose wheel is at desired height.
To lower wheel(s):
1. Slowly lower jack(s) holding main wheels. If using two jacks, lower
both so as to keep aircraft within 2° level. Do not drop main wheels.
2. Lift tail until nose wheel is on the ground, then release ratchet on
tail tiedown ring. Do not drop nose wheel.
3. Remove jack(s)/jack pad(s), weights, ratchet, and tail tiedown ring.
The main landing gear wheel assemblies use TR-GY-5.00 x 5, six-ply tires
and tubes inflated to 50 psi. The nose wheel assembly uses a TR-5, eight-
ply tire and tube inflated to 30 psi. Tires must be inflated to the rated
pressure to obtain optimum performance and maximum service.
To check/inflate nose gear tire:
1. Remove two screws securing nose wheel fairing.
2. Roll aircraft forward or backward until valve stem is accessible.
3. Remove valve stem cap and verify pressure is 30 +0/-2 psi.
4. Inflate nose wheel tire as required.
5. Replace valve stem cap, and screws securing nose wheel fairing.
To check/inflate main gear tires:
1. Remove bolt securing outboard side of main wheel fairing.
2. Roll aircraft forward or backward until valve stem is accessible.
With the outboard side of wheel fairing unsecured, the fairing
may be lifted slightly to provide adequate access to valve stem.
3. Remove valve stem cap and verify pressure is 50 +/-2 psi.
4. Inflate main wheel tires as required.
5. Replace valve stem cap, and bolt securing outboard side of fairing.

Main Gear Struts

The main landing gear struts do not require servicing.
Nose Gear Strut
The ESCO nose-gear strut provides landing shock absorption and shimmy
damping. Satisfactory performance requires the damping side of the
strut be properly filled with oil and bled of all air. The shock side of the
strut must be properly inflated with dry air (nitrogen). The strut should
be inspected prior to every flight for leaks and proper inflation. Strut
performance must be confirmed if any evidence of fluid leakage is found.
2.75”-3.00” of strut piston should be exposed if strut is properly inflated.
If the strut requires more fluid or has depressurized it should be serviced
in accordance with procedures contained in the aircraft maintenance
The brake system is filled with MIL-H-5606 hydraulic brake fluid. The
fluid level should be checked at every oil change and during the annual
condition inspection. Replenish the system when necessary. The brake
reservoir is located in the engine compartment on the left, upper side of
the firewall. If the entire system must be refilled, refer to the Airplane
Maintenance Manual (AMM).
To check/replenish brake fluid:
1. Chock nose tire and release parking brake.
2. Remove top engine cowling.
3. Remove vent line, and clean around vent fitting.
4. Remove fitting and check fluid level with dipstick.
5. Fill reservoir with MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid, as required.
6. Install vent fitting and vent line, and inspect area for leaks.
7. Install engine cowling.

The brake assemblies and linings should be checked at every oil change
(50 hours) for general condition, evidence of overheating, and
deterioration. In addition, at every annual condition inspection the
brakes should be cleaned, disassembled, and inspected. Brake linings,
fittings, O-rings, etc. worn beyond limits should be replaced in
accordance with procedures contained in the maintenance documents.
To inspect the brake assemblies:
1. Remove main landing gear fairings.
2. Inspect brake linings for corrosion, deterioration and minimum
remaining thickness of 0.100 inch (2.54 mm).
3. Check brake assemblies for evidence of overheating, corrosion,
and/or deterioration.
4. Install main landing gear fairings.
Prior to each flight inspect the spinner and backing plate for missing
fasteners and/or cracks. Inspect propeller blades for security, nicks,
scratches, and corrosion. Up to 1/8-inch of blade shake and 2° of play in
blade angle is acceptable. Blade leading edge metal erosion sheath and
polyurethane tape must be secure.

If polyurethane strip is missing or unsecure it must be
replaced within the next 10 hours.

All blade damage (significant nicks or scratches) must be evaluated and

repaired if necessary prior to flight. Cracks in the blade leading edge
erosion sheath are not allowed. Leading edge nicks or dents up to .2
inches (5 mm) and blade surface (flat side) scratches up to .02 in (.5 mm)
may be dressed out and/or filled in accordance with procedures in the
MT-Propeller Operation and Installation Manual, ATA 61-01-24 (E-124.
The oil capacity of the Teledyne Continental IO-550-N engine is 8 quarts.
Oil should be changed after 50 hours or less of operation. The following
grades are recommended for the specified temperatures at sea level:
Temperature Single Viscosity Multi-Viscosity
Below 40° SAE 30
Above 40° SAE 50 20W-50
1. The engine should not be operated with less than six quarts of oil.
A minimum of seven quarts (dipstick indication) is recommended
for extended flights. An oil filler cap with integrated dipstick is
accessible through the door on the top, left side of the engine
cowling. To open the door, push down, then slide it to the left.

To protect paint on the door, push it down until it is
fully clear of cowling before sliding it open.

To check/add oil:
1. Open access door on upper left side of engine cowl.
2. Open filler cap and pull dipstick fully out of engine to verify oil level.
3. If level is less than 6 qts add oil as necessary.

Use a funnel with a narrow neck to avoid spilling oil
into the breather port at the top of the filler neck.

4. Replace filler cap, and close access door.

The gascolator in the engine compartment incorporates a filtration
screen that must be cleaned at every oil change, or as conditions

Aviation grade 100 LL (blue) or 100 (green) fuel is the minimum octane
approved for use in this aircraft.

Use of lower grades, even for short periods, can cause
serious engine damage.

Observe all safety precautions required when handling gasoline. Filling

ports are located on the upper, outboard portion of each wing. Each
wing holds a maximum of 32.5 U.S. gallons. When servicing with less
than the standard 65.0 U.S. gallon capacity, fuel should be distributed
equally between each wing tank.

Have a fire extinguisher available.

Ground fueling equipment (nozzle/pump/truck) to

airplane exhaust pipe and suitable earth ground.

Permit no smoking, open flame or electrical

equipment capable of producing a spark within 100
feet (30.5 meters) of refueling operation.

Do not operate radios, electrical equipment or

switches while refueling.
To refuel the aircraft:
1. Ensure fire extinguisher is readily available during refueling.
2. Connect ground wire from refueling equipment to airplane exhaust
and a suitable earth ground.

Do not allow fuel nozzle to contact bottom of fuel
tank. The nozzle can damage the fuel tank sealant.

3. Remove fuel filler cap(s) and add desired amount of fuel to tank(s).

Keep fuel balanced between tanks. Takeoff should not
be attempted with an imbalance greater than 5 gal.

4. Remove nozzle and install filler cap.

5. Remove ground wires.
6. Stow all refueling equipment and clear area around aircraft.

Typically, fuel contamination results from foreign material such as water,

dirt, rust, and fungal or bacterial growth. Chemicals and additives that
are incompatible with fuel or fuel system components are also a source
of fuel contamination. Fuel must be sampled prior to each flight to
ensure only uncontaminated fuel of the proper grade is in each tank.
Fuel samples may be taken from a forward and aft sump drain from each
fuel tank, and a gascolator drain on the engine side of the firewall. The
gascolator drain is not accessible without removing the cowling, and is
not typically sampled for each flight.
A sample must be obtained from the forward and aft sump drain of each
tank. Samples should be taken using a suitable container permitting
inspection for contamination and grade. Gently rocking the wings and
slightly lowering the tail will aid in moving contaminants to the sump
drain points.
If a sump drain yields contamination, discard the sample and resample
that drain. Repeat until samples are uncontaminated. If any tank sump
drain yields contamination, remove the cowling and obtain a sample
from the gascolator. If the gascolator sample yields contamination,
discard it and continue sampling until samples are uncontaminated.
Do not take off if you are not sure all contamination
has been removed from the fuel. Three or more
contaminated samples indicate significant tank
contamination. Determine and correct the source of
the contamination, then drain and purge the fuel
system prior to flight.

If sampling indicates the aircraft was serviced with

an improper fuel grade, do not fly the aircraft until
the fuel system is drained and the tanks are serviced
with the proper fuel grade.

The bulk of fuel in the tanks may be drained by siphoning from the
gascolator. The remainder may be drained from the sump drains. A
length of hose with an appropriate fitting allowing connection to the
gascolator outlet is recommended. The hose should be long enough to
reach suitable container(s) for the fuel drained from the aircraft. If
possible, position the container(s) to prevent potential fuel spills under
the aircraft. Drain the fuel system with the aircraft parked outside on the
ramp away from other aircraft. Take the same safety precautions
(grounding, fire extinguisher, etc.) used for fuel servicing.
To drain the fuel system:
1. Park aircraft on ramp away from other aircraft.
2. Ground the aircraft and position a suitable fire extinguisher.
3. Ensure container(s) with enough capacity are available.
4. Set fuel selector to R (right tank).
5. Remove the cowling.
6. Disconnect fuel line at gascolator outlet and attach drain hose.
7. Begin fuel flow by siphoning or briefly operating the boost pump.
Allow fuel to drain into a suitable container.
8. After fuel flow stops, set the fuel selector to L (left).
9. Restart fuel flow by siphoning or briefly operating the boost pump.
Allow fuel to drain into a suitable container.
10. Disconnect drain hose, and reconnect fuel line from fuel pump to
gascolator outlet.
11. Drain remaining fuel from tank sump drains.

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