7-Sharing Translated

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7- sharing

intro song

Monei --- hello guys, come and have some snack here
Heelang ditsala tlaang le tsee disweets (dimona-mone)

leungo --- snacks!, i love snacks

:diSweetsi, kedi rata gore

Rolls and Tebbie ---- snack ( they rush to join Monei, but leungo arrives first)

Monei --- yeeahh, this one is mine, and you can have yours rolls, and yours tebbie and
youuuuurs, ooh no
yeeeah, e ke yame, wena rolls yaago key, ya gago Tebiie, wenaaaaaa, ijaaaa

leungo --- what!? i arrived here first. you were supposed to give me before them
:nnaaaa? Ke tsene pele fa, one o tswanetse go mpha pele ga bone

Monei --- ooh no, it looks like i didn't bring enough for everyone, what am i going to do!?
iyoooo, goraa gore kene kesatla ka tsedi lekaneng, kea go ira jang jaanong?

tebbie --- it's ok Monei, leungo will have some next time
gosiame Monei, Leungo otlaaja nako etlang

leungo --- there probably wont even be a next time (sad)

: gongwe gaana go tlhola atla ka tsone gape

Mr shiny day ---- hey guys, what are you quarrelling bout?
;Heelang, le abe le omanna eng jaanong?

rolls --- hello Mrs. shiny day, leungo is crying for snacks
:Dumela, Mme Marang, Leungo o llela dimonamone

Monei --- it's my fault, i didn't bring enough snacks for all of us, and i feel bad for Leungo
:ke phoso yame ga keatla ka dimonamone tse dire lekaneng rotlhe, ke utlwela leungo

Mr. shiny day --- it's ok, there are always solutions, you guys are clever rabbits, why don't you
share with him?
se tshwenyegeng, gona le tharabololo, lebo Mmutle ka Botlhajana, keeng lesa
kgaogane(abelana) le ene?
all --- share
go kgaogana?

Mr shiny day --- yeees sharing the snacks

eye le kgaogane dimonamone!

Mr clouds --- sharing is the best solution for your problem, it is also good for friendship because
if you share you get to do things together
go kgaogana le gone tharabololo ya kgang eo, gape go siametse botsala jwa lona,
ka gore gotlaabe gole tshwaraganya

all the 3 --- get to do things together

re tshwaragana?

Tebbie ---- what do you mean by getting to do things together?

o raya jang ore retlaabe re tshwaragana?

Mr. shiny day --- meaning that if you share you will all have equal amount of snack
ke raya gore gotlaa le kopanya abe le nna le dimonamone tse di lekanang

Mr clouds --- yes, equal amount of snack and be equally happy at the end
Eye, letlaa nna le dimonamone tse di lekanang, abe le itumela ba lotlhe

tebbie --- i think that's a good idea,

seo ke leano le lentle ruri

monei --- yes i too think sharing is a great idea,

eye le nna le dumela gore go kgaogana go siame

Rolls --- Monei can simply share with him and we can eat ours in piece
Monei oka kgaogana le ene tsa gagwe, nna raja tsa rona ka kagiso

Tebbie --- i don't know if that's how it's supposed to work

Gakeitse gore a go tshwanentseng go bereka jalo

Monei -- i know how we can do it, i have a bowl here, we can all put our snack into here and eat
together as friends
ke itse gore re ka dira jang, ke tshwere sejana kese, reka tsenya dimonamone tsa rona
moteng abe reeja rotlhe rele ditsala

Mr clouds and shiny --- a bowl, now that is awesome

sejana! Fo o o, akantse!
rolls --- awesome, really
o akantse, Ao!

Mr clouds -- yes, you are all going to mix your snak in one bowl and you shall eat together from
one bowl
eya, lea go kopanyetsa dimonamone tsa lona mo sejaneng abe leeja lotlhe gotswa
mo sejaneng

rolls --- oooh!


Monei --- yes let's do it, come on guys lets mix our snack and share with our friend Leungo
eya are direng jalo, tsisang are tsheleng moa be reeja rotlhe le tsala ya rona leungo

all ---- yeah, friends today, friends foreveeer

re ditsala, ditsala goya go ileeeeeng

a song

we mix, mix
friends always share yes that's what friends do
we are friends, we share together
and eat together, together, and eat together, together
that's what friends do, we share, we share together as friends

(Mr clouds and shiny with the base vocal) yes, yes we mix, we mix

leungo ---- hahaha, I like sharing

hahaha, ke rata go abelana (go kgaogana)

all 3 --- yeah


Leungo --- I also have a dancing style to share with you

gape kena le mmino o mosha, o ketlaa o lerutang

Mr clouds --- dancing, dancing is awesome, he is going to share his dancing style
mmino, gobina go monate, otsile gore amogana le rona mmino wa gagwe o

tebbie --- a dancing style,

mmino o mosha

leungo -- yes

all --- we like to dance

re rata go biiina

Mr shiny --- i am going to have fun

ke tsile go kgatlhega goo fa

Monei --- please leungo show us how your dancing style is

kea kopa Leungo re bontshe mmino wa gago

leungo --- ok it goes like this

okay, ntebelelang

he shows his style and a song

all --- yeah


tebbie -- that was an awesome dance

mmino wa gago o montle gore

rolls --- i really enjoyed your dancing style leungo

ke rata mmino wa gago thaaata Leungo

monei --- anyone else with something to share?

a gona le mongwe gape yo o batlang go abelana sepe le rona

tebbie --- i have a simple song that i will like to share with you my friends
kena le pina e e motlhofo e ketlaa e abelanang le lona ditsala tsame

ALL --- a song

tebbie ----yes, ok it goes like this
eye, pina ya teng yare

a song
two little birds, on top of a tree, standing on a tree
one is mmangi one is mercy
fly away mangi, fly away mercy
come back mangi, come back mercy
all --- ooh!

rolls ---- that's it?

Ke yone eo?

tebbie --- yes that's it

eye ke yone eo

rolls --- mmmh! i think i like that song

hmmm ekare kea e rata

Monei and leungo --- we love that song too

re rata pina eo le rona

leungo --- come on lets sing it

ee are e opeleng

they sing a song

two little birds, on top of a tree, standing on a tree

one is mmangi one is mercy
fly away mangi, fly away mercy
come back mangi, come back mercy

(then tebbie says a verse and then back to the chorus)

all --- yeah!


rolls -- i am having a wonderful day today

tsatsi lame le lentle ele ruri gampieno

Monei --- we all are

ba rotlhe

leungo ---- indeed it's a good day for us, we shared a snack, my dancing style and even a song
ele ruri ke letsatsi le lentle, re abelana di monamone, mmino, le pina tota

rolls --- come on guys i can't be left behind without sharing something.
nyaa nkaseke ke salele ko morago, ke tshwanetse gole abela sengwe
tebbie --- yeah, what do you have to share with us
ehe, ke eng se o batlang gose re abela

rolls ---- i don't know but i can think of something. oooh! how about chicken dance
gakeitse mme keka akanya sengwe, oooh! Le itse mmino wa Koko!

all ---- chicken dance

mmino wa koko

Rolls --- yes, i can dance a chicken style

Eye, ke itse go bina ekare ke koko

all --- chicken style

go bina jaaka koko

rolls --- yes, it goes like this

eye, go dirwa jaana

he dances

Rolls ---- you put your hands like this and say
kokorokoo,.... kokorooko, come on kokorokoko

all --- yeah


Monei --- elephant style, (a dance where you swing your arm)
se tlou

 Modise the puppet

 story time


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- a man jumping up standing next to a casino machine while others watch, between these people,
who is expressing a good feeling.
among this pictures, which animal is expressing a good feeling? and why?
- which street will you feel good to walk on at night and why street
- re-arrange the sentence and place .... using the words above, where is it supposed to be.
- if the a man is jumping up and down what does that mean?
if a child is --- what does he implicate,

simple song animation

bird/ baby crawl
picture train

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