Paper Code Pl-1 (Shift-1) : BG H$Mos H$Mo Erq - A (H$V H$A - &

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Series Code : Question Booklet No.

grarµO H$moS> … PAPER CODE

D Write this code in OMR Sheet.
Bg H$moS> H$mo OMR erQ> ‘| A§{H$V H$a| &
PL-1 (SHIFT-1)
1. Roll No. / 2. OMR Sheet No./ Amo.E‘.Ama. erQ> H«$‘m§H$

* 3. Candidate’s Name / * 4. Candidate’s Signature / narjmWu Ho$ hñVmja

* As per Application Form / O¡gm AmdoXZ-nÌ ‘| A§{H$V {H$¶m h¡ &

Invigilators’ Signature / (i) (ii)
drjH$m| Ho$ hñVmja
S. No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 are to be filled by the Candidate himself. No. of Pages in Question Booklet
H«$‘m§H$ 1, 2, 3 d 4 H$s ny{V© ñd¶§ narjmWu Ûmam H$s OmZr h¡ & àíZ nwpñVH$m ‘| Hw$b n¥îR : 96
There are 150 objective multiple choice questions in this paper. This Question Booklet is made up of the following five
Sections : Section-I, II, III, IV & V of 30-30 questions each. The candidate has to attempt all sections. Each question is
of one mark. There is no negative marking for wrong answer.
Bg àíZ-nÌ ‘| Hw$c 150 dñVw{Zð> ~hþM¶ZmË‘H$ àíZ h¢ & àíZ-nÌ Hw$c nm±M IÊS>m| ‘| {d^m{OV h¡ VWm g^r IÊS> H$aZm A{Zdm¶©
h¡ & à˶oH$ IÊS>>-I, II, III, IV VWm V ‘| 30-30 àíZ h¢ VWm à˶oH$ àíZ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ & JcV CÎma Ho$ {c¶o Z¡Jo{Q>d ‘m{Hª$J Zht hmoJr &
Total Questions : 150 Time period : 2.30 Hours Maximum Marks : 150
No. of Question Nos. Page Nos.
Section Contents Questions From To From To
(I) Child Development and Pedagogy 30 1 30 3 10
(II) Language-I (Only One Language) 30 31 60
As selected by the candidate as medium of
instruction in the Online Application Form as
Language-I from the Languages given below :
Hindi 30 31 60 11 14
English 30 31 60 15 18
Sanskrit 30 31 60 19 22
Urdu 30 31 60 23 26
Sindhi 30 31 60 27 30
Punjabi 30 31 60 31 34
Gujarati 30 31 60 35 38
(III) Language-II (Only One Language) 30 61 90
As selected by the candidate as Language-II (other
than the Language-I) in the Online Application Form
from the Languages given below :
Hindi 30 61 90 39 42
English 30 61 90 43 46
Sanskrit 30 61 90 47 50
Urdu 30 61 90 51 54
Sindhi 30 61 90 55 58
Punjabi 30 61 90 59 62
Gujarati 30 61 90 63 66
(IV) Mathematics 30 91 120 67 78
(V) Environmental Studies 30 121 150 79 90
Note : In Sections II and III, a candidate has to attempt the questions of Languages compulsorily, selected as Language-I and
Language-II in the Online Application Form. For Hindi version of the above Table & Note refer to Page No. 2
Read the instructions in English & Hindi at Page No. 96, last page of this booklet.

PL-1 D
D (2) PL-1


Hw$c àíZ : 150 g‘¶md{Y : 2.30 KÊQ>o nyUmªH$ : 150
Hw$b àíZ àíZ g§»¶m n¥îR g§»¶m
IÊS> {df¶-gm‘J«r g§»¶m go VH$ go VH$
(I) ~mc-{dH$mg Ed§ {ejU {d{Y¶m± ({ejmemñÌ) 30 1 30 3 10
(II) ^mfm-I (Ho$db EH$ ^mfm ) 30 31 60
narjmWu Ûmam M¶{ZV AZwXoeZ H$m ‘mܶ‘ H$s ^mfm
Omo {ZåZ{cpIV ^mfmAm| ‘| go ^mfm-I Ho$ ê$n ‘|
Am°ZcmBZ AmdoXZ-nÌ ‘| A§{H$V H$s h¡ :
{hÝXr 30 31 60 11 14
A§J«oOr 30 31 60 15 18
g§ñH¥$V 30 31 60 19 22
CXÿ© 30 31 60 23 26
{gÝYr 30 31 60 27 30
n§Om~r 30 31 60 31 34
JwOamVr 30 31 60 35 38
(III) ^mfm-II (Ho$db EH$ ^mfm ) 30 61 90
narjmWu Ûmam Am°ZcmBZ AmdoXZ-nÌ ‘| M¶{ZV ^mfm-II
Omo ^mfm-I go {^ÝZ hmoJr VWm {OgH$m M¶Z {ZåZ{cpIV
^mfmAm| ‘| go {H$¶m J¶m h¡ :
{hÝXr 30 61 90 39 42
A§J«oOr 30 61 90 43 46
g§ñH¥$V 30 61 90 47 50
CXÿ© 30 61 90 51 54
{gÝYr 30 61 90 55 58
n§Om~r 30 61 90 59 62
JwOamVr 30 61 90 63 66
(IV) J{UV 30 91 120 67 78
(V) n¶m©daU Aܶ¶Z 30 121 150 79 90
ZmoQ> : narjmWu Ûmam IÊS> -II Ed§ III ‘| Am°ZcmBZ AmdoXZ-nÌ ‘| {Og ^mfm H$m M¶Z ^mfm-I Ed§ ^mfm-II Ho$ ê$n ‘| {H$¶m h¡
Cgr ^mfm Ho$ àíZ H$aZm A{Zdm¶© h¢ &
àíZ-nwpñVH$m Ho$ A§{V‘ n¥ð> g§»¶m 96 na A§J«oOr VWm {hÝXr ‘| {X¶o hþE {ZX}e H$mo n‹‹T>o§ &
PL-1 (3) D

   
There are 30 questions in all in this section.
All questions are compulsory.
    30   
    
1. Which of the following is most important in learner centered curriculum ?
(A) Teacher (B) Child
(C) Contents (D) Environment
           ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
2. Repeatedly asking children to engage in learning activities either to avoid punishment or to
gain a reward will
(A) Decrease extrinsic motivation
(B) Increase intrinsic motivation
(C) Would encourage children to focus on mastery rather than performance goals.
(D) Decrease children’s natural interest and curiosity involved in learning.
-                    
  ?
(A)        
(B)       
(C)                 
  
(D)                
3. According to RTE Act, 2009 working hours per week for teachers are
(A) 40 hours (B) 42 hours
(C) 45 hours (D) 48 hours
... , 2009            
(A) 40  (B) 42 
(C) 45  (D) 48 
4. Which among the following is different from the characteristics of a Good test ?
(A) Reliability (B) Validity
(C) Objectivity (D) Aptitude
             ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
D (4) PL-1

5. The purpose of evaluation is

(A) To label children as slow learner and gifted children.
(B) To identify children who need remedial measures.
(C) To diagnose learning difficulties and problem areas.
(D) To provide feedback on the extent to which we have been successful in imparting
education for a productive life.
      ?
(A)               
(B)              
(C)            
(D)                   
 
6. A Reflective teacher creates classroom situations for students to
(A) Listening the lecture.
(B) Taking notes from the lecture of the teacher.
(C) Maintaining classroom discipline.
(D) Promoting interaction between students and the teacher.
   -        
(A)    
(B) -         
(C) -     
(D)          
7. Action research means
(A) A longitude research.
(B) An applied research.
(C) A research initiated to solve an immediate problem.
(D) A research with socio-economic objective.
    
(A)     
(B)    
(C)           
(D) -      
8. According to NCF 2005, the role of a teacher has to be
(A) Permissive (B) Facilitator
(C) Authoritative (D) Dictatorial
NCF 2005  ,      
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
PL-1 (5) D

9. Development proceeds from ________ to ________.

(A) General – Specific (B) Complex – Hard
(C) Specific – General (D) Simple – Easy
 ________  ________     
(A)  –  (B)  – 
(C)  –  (D) – 

10. Match the following Principles of Development with their correct description :
Name of Principle of Development Description of Principle
(1) Proximodistal trend (a) Head to Toe Sequence
(2) Cephalo-caudal trend (b) Different children develop at different rates
(3) Inter-individual Differences (c) In a single child, the rate of development
can vary from one domain of development to
the other
(4) Intra-individual Differences (d) Growth from the Centre of body to outwards
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(A) (d) (a) (b) (c)
(B) (a) (b) (c) (d)
(C) (c) (d) (b) (a)
(D) (d) (b) (a) (c)
           :
       
(1)  –   (a)     
(2)  –   (b)   -     
(3)   (c)       ,      
      
(4)   (d)        
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(A) (d) (a) (b) (c)
(B) (a) (b) (c) (d)
(C) (c) (d) (b) (a)
(D) (d) (b) (a) (c)
D (6) PL-1

11. The Nature and Nurture debates refer to

(A) Genetic and Environment (B) Behaviour and Environment
(C) Environment and Biology (D) Environment and Upbringing
          ?
(A)     (B)   
(C)    (D)   -

12. Which of the following statement or statements is/are false ?

(a) It is not necessary to understand that each child is unique.
(b) The child develops as unified whole.
(c) Any problem in one aspect of development is likely to affect the others.
(d) Development is a sequential process.
(A) (a), (b) and (c) (B) (b) and (c)
(C) (c) and (d) (D) Only (a)
          / ?
(a)           
(b)           
(c)                 
(d)      
(A) (a), (b)  (c) (B) (b)  (c)
(C) (c)  (d) (D)  (a)

13. ________ occurs when there are orderly and progressive changes in a human being due to
maturation and experience.
(A) Growth (B) Development
(C) Physical changes (D) Mental changes
________     ,           
   
(A)  (B) 
(C)   (D)  

14. Which of the following is not a characteristic of early childhood ?

(A) Pre-Gang age (B) Imitative age
(C) Questioning age (D) Toy age
          ?
(A) -  (B)  
(C)     (D)  
PL-1 (7) D

15. Each person’s work is a reflection of certain abilities, in performing any particular task, a
person selects some of his mental abilities as a model. This principle was given by
(A) Thorndike (B) Thurstone
(C) Gilford (D) Thomson
         ,        
                    ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
16. Which of the following is projective technique of personality measurement ?
(A) Rating scale (B) Observation
(C) Interview (D) Thematic appreciation test
           ?
(A)   (B) 
(C)  (D)   
17. I.Q. of a talented child is
(A) 130 (B) 140
(C) 55 (D) 120
      
(A) 130 (B) 140
(C) 55 (D) 120
18. Schools should cater for individual differences to
(A) Make individual students feel exclusive.
(B) Narrow the gap between individual students.
(C) Not to assess the abilities and performance of students.
(D) Understand why students are able or unable to learn.
        
(A)        
(B)          
(C)             
(D)               
19. A child of 16 years age, scores 75 in I.Q. test. His mental age will be ________ years.
(A) 8 (B) 14
(C) 15 (D) 12
16         75    ,    _______ 
 
(A) 8 (B) 14
(C) 15 (D) 12
D (8) PL-1

20. Who gave the formula of I.Q. written below ?

Mental age
Intelligence Quotient = Chronological age  100
(A) William Stern (B) Terman
(C) Binet (D) Galton
        ?
 
  =    100
(A)   (B) 
(C)  (D) 
21. Creativity is usually associated with
(A) Hyperactivity (B) Low comprehension
(C) Convergent thinking (D) Divergent thinking
     ?
(A)  (B)  
(C)   (D)  
22. Which of the following condition promotes adjustment ?
(A) Acute anxiety (B) Obsessive thought of guilt
(C) Fear of illness (D) Free from neurotic fears and anxiety
           ?
(A)   (B)       
(C)    (D)      
23. Signs of gifted child are :
(i) Novelty in expression
(ii) Curiosity
(iii) Talkativeness
(iv) Hyper-activeness
(A) (i) and (iv) (B) (i) and (ii)
(C) (ii) and (iv) (D) (iii) and (iv)
      ?
(i)   
(ii) 
(iii)  
(iv) 
(A) (i)  (iv) (B) (i)  (ii)
(C) (ii)  (iv) (D) (iii)  (iv)
PL-1 (9) D

24. Two opposite desires present in an individual at the same time is called
(A) Conflict (B) Frustration
(C) Anxiety (D) Pressure
            
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

25. Ravi’s intelligence test indicates that he is in category average to above-average of

intelligence. However, his grades in reading, spelling, social sciences and science are very
low. His Math’s grades are quite high and writing skills are adequate. Ravi most likely has
(A) Dyscalculia (Maths Disorder) (B) Dysgraphia (Writing Disorder)
(C) Dyslexia (Reading Disorder) (D) Dysphasia (Language Disorder)
           ,          
 , ,                
              
(A)  (   )
(B)  (   )
(C)  (   )
(D)  (   )

26. “Learning is a process of progressive behaviour adaptation.” This statement was given by
which educationist ?
(A) Skinner (B) Woodworth
(C) Crow and Crow (D) Gates and others
“         ”         ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)    (D)   
27. Srishti is the student of class two. She was taught basic mathematics by the teacher. Next
day while shopping she pointed out the mistake in total done by shopkeeper. Which type of
learning is this ?
(A) Negative transfer (B) Positive transfer
(C) Bilateral transfer (D) Zero transfer
 – 2            ,     
                  
     ?
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  
D (10) PL-1

28. Which of the following theory is also known as theory of reinforcement ?

(A) Operant conditioning theory
(B) Stimulus response theory
(C) Classical conditioning theory
(D) Theory of insight
            ?
(A)   
(B)   
(C)   
(D)  

29. Choose the example that illustrates intrinsic motivation.

(A) Vandana is working hard to score well in exams as she wants a gift from her parents.
(B) Urmila is completing her homework so that she can watch TV after completing her
(C) Ila is reading more books so that she can secure first rank in District and her school
get fame at District level.
(D) Megha is exploring various resources for her project because she loves learning new
              :
(A)                  - 
    
(B)             ..   
(C)                   
      
(D)                  
   

30. Who among the following has not propounded the learning theory ?
(A) Thorndike (B) Skinner
(C) Kohler (D) B.S. Bloom
          ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) .. 
PL-1 (11) D

 – II
 – I
 
    
 
 30   
     

31. -      :

(A)     (B)    
(C)     (D)    

32.         ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
33.  ( )       ?
(A)   (B)  
(C) -  (D)  

34.         :

(A)    (B)   
(C)    (D)   

35.      :

(A)   (B) 
(C)    (D) 
36.         :
(A)         
(B)   ,       
(C)        
(D)            

37. “            ”     
 ?
(A)  (B) .. 
(C)  (D) 
D (12) PL-1

38.                
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  
39.        :
(A)         
(B)           
(C)             
(D)          -    
40.             ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

41.          :

(A)        
(B)            
(C)           
(D)               

42.                  ?
(A)      (B)    
(C) -    (D)     

43.       

       ?
(A)                
(B)            
(C)          
(D)                
44.     ‘  ’     ?
(A)     
(B)    
(C)        
(D)   
45. ‘           ’     
     ?
(A)     (B)     
(C)     (D)     
PL-1 (13) D

    
         46   50   
      :
                    
                     , 
                        
                ,      
                    
      ,                
   ,                  
        ,       ‘  ?’    
           
46. ‘’    -  :
(A)  +  (B)  + 
(C)  +  (D)  + 
47.    ‘’      :
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
48. ‘’     :
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
49.    ‘’     :
(A)     (B)    
(C)     (D)    
50. ‘’   :
(A)  (B)  
(C)   (D)  
     
         51   55         :
 ,         –          
                       ,
               ,        
                      
                 ,       
                        
                       
  ,        
D (14) PL-1

51. ‘’    :

(A)      
(B)      
(C)       
(D)       

52. ‘’     :

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
53. “          ”       ?
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  

54. ‘’   :

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
55. ‘’      :
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
56.        ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
57.         :
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  

58.            :
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  

59. ‘   ’      :

(A)      (B)    
(C)        (D)    
60. ‘  ’       :
(A)     (B)   
(C)     (D)   
PL-1 (15) D


There are 30 questions in all in this section.

All questions are compulsory.

31. ‘Learning is made stable and everlasting’ is a merit of

(A) Bilingual Method (B) Structural Approach
(C) Direct Method (D) Communicative Approach

32. ‘Priority of Reading’ is a principle of

(A) Translation cum Grammar Method
(B) Dr. West’s Method
(C) Structural Approach
(D) Communicative Approach

33. ‘It stops power of thinking freely’ is a demerit of

(A) Bilingual Method
(B) Direct Method
(C) Translation cum Grammar Method
(D) Substitutional Table Method

34. Bilingual method includes

(A) Translation by teachers only to explain the matter.
(B) Insistence upon reading only.
(C) Insistence upon writing only.
(D) Optimum exposure for discussion.

35. The receptive skills comprise

(A) Listening and Reading (B) Listening and Speaking
(C) Reading and Writing (D) Reading and Speaking

36. Writing is more complicated skill because of

(A) its variety of fields.
(B) its last position.
(C) its inclusion of other subjects.
(D) graphic representation and presentation of structured thoughts.
D (16) PL-1

37. Language games help

(A) to improve speech (B) to build structures
(C) to build vocabulary (D) to learn grammar

38. Assessment of broad learning behavioural outcomes is a feature of

(A) CCE (B) Peer Evaluation
(C) Formative Assessment (D) Summative Assessment

39. Which one is not a characteristic of Peer Evaluation ?

(A) Effective monitoring (B) Metacognition
(C) Saves teacher’s time (D) Faster feedback

40. Cloze Test Evaluation was described by

(A) C.J. Dodson (B) Woods
(C) W.L. Taylor (D) Roberts Paul

41. To free the slave, the chains _______.

(A) being removed (B) had been removed
(C) is removed (D) was being removed

42. The convict _____ by the neck till death, was the verdict.
(A) is to hanged (B) is being hung
(C) is to be hanged (D) is to being hang

43. ‘She said to her son, “What do you like ?” The indirect speech of the sentence is
(A) She asked her son to like.
(B) She asked her son what will he like.
(C) She ask her son what he liked.
(D) She asked her son what he liked.

44. The phonetic sound of the letters underlined in the word ‘together’ is represented by the
(A) d (B) 
(C) ǝ (D) dʒ

45. Which is the correct transcription of ‘question’ ?

(A) 'ku:sǝn (B) 'kwestǝn
(C) 'kwu:n (D) 'kwuschn
PL-1 (17) D

Passage (For Q. Nos. 46 to 52) :

The messenger had no idea what all this was about. If King Avinash meant to attack his
king’s fort then all was lost. For King Bahadur was old and weak. These days he spent most of
his time in prayer. After much thought the messenger decided on a plan. “Sir, I do not know
why are you so angry,” he said. “All I know is that King Bahadur has gone mad. I cannot work
for him anymore. I had decided to the court and work elsewhere. If you will take me in I will
gladly work for you, my lord.”

46. The synonym of ‘attack’ is

(A) war (B) dispute
(C) invade (D) conflict

47. The synonym of ‘mad’ is

(A) sick (B) insane
(C) nervous (D) sensible

48. The antonym of ‘angry’ is

(A) sharp (B) infuriated
(C) calm (D) peace

49. The one word substitution for ‘old and weak’ is

(A) infirm (B) sick
(C) humble (D) polite

50. The correct noun form of ‘decide’ is

(A) decade (B) decided
(C) decision (D) deceive

51. The correct verb form of ‘lost’ is

(A) loose (B) lose
(C) loss (D) lest

52. The correct spelling is

(A) patiritism (B) partritism
(C) patriotism (D) potriotism

D (18) PL-1

Passage (For Q. Nos. 53 to 59) :

Being free filled me with happiness. Now that my chains had been removed, I could see
the capital city. Everyone was ordered to stay indoors in case I stepped on them and they got
crushed. The first building I saw as I stepped over the city wall was the Emperor’s palace. It was
charming just like a big doll’s house. I had to lie down to look inside and as the Empress came
to the window smiling at me, she gave me her hand to kiss.

53. Which part of speech is ‘Happiness’ ?

(A) Adjective (B) Noun
(C) Verb (D) Adverb

54. ‘The Empress came to the window smiling at me.’ Here ‘smiling’ is
(A) Noun (B) Verb
(C) Adjective (D) Adverb

55. ‘Being free filled me with happiness.’ The sentence is in

(A) Present perfect (B) Past perfect
(C) Past simple (D) Present simple

56. ‘I had to lie down ….’ The sentence is in

(A) Past simple (B) Present simple
(C) Past perfect (D) Present perfect

57. ‘……. she gave me her hand to kiss.’ In this sentence the determiner used is
(A) she (B) her
(C) to (D) me

58. ‘It was charming just like a big doll’s house.’ In this sentence the determiner used is
(A) just (B) like
(C) a (D) big

59. ‘Freest’ is the superlative degree of

(A) fire (B) freer
(C) firer (D) free

60. The farmer fastened the bull tightly to the stake. The correct question for this is
(A) What did the farmer do ? (B) What does the farmer did ?
(C) Why did the farmer did ? (D) Why does the farmer did ?
PL-1 (19) D

 – II
 – I
    
   
31.        ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

32.        ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

33. ‘ ’ ‘  ’    -

(A)    (B)   
(C)   (D)  

34. -    -

(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  

35.      -

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

36.      –

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

37.   ---    -

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
D (20) PL-1

38.   , , ,     ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

39.     -

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

40.      -

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

41.   -

“   ” 
(A)      (B)     
(C)      (D)     

42. “  ”       -

(A)     (B)    
(C)     (D)    

43.   -

(A)     (B)    
(C)     (D)    

44. “  ” 

   -
(A)     (B)    
(C)     (D)    

45. ‘   _______  ’     -

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
PL-1 (21) D

     : (46-50)  –

            
              
             
,       
46. “”   ?
(A)  –  (B) -
(C) - (D) -

47. “”    ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

48. “”    -

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

49. “”    ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

50. ‘    ’     -

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

      (51-55) 

            
             -
          “”     
    
51. “”    ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
D (22) PL-1

52. “”    -

(A)  +  (B)  + 
(C)  +  (D)  + 

53. “”    -

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

54. “    ”      -
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D)  

55.             -
(A)  –  (B) -
(C) - (D) -

56. “  ”   -  -

(A)     (B)    
(C)     (D)    

57. “44”     -

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D)  

58.   “”    –

(A) , , ,  (B) , , , 
(C) , , ,  (D) , , , 

59.    –

“      ”
(A)       (B)      
(C)       (D)      

60.    –

“    ” 
(A)     (B)     
(C)     (D)    
PL-1 (23) D

II   
I  

 
       
                 30  

 
      
   
     
       .31
           
      (A)
           (B)
      (C)
     
        
   (D)

           .32
   (D) 
   (C)  (B)    (A)
     .33
     
      (B)      (A)

  
  (D)     (C)
       
        .34
  (D)
   (C)  (B)  (A)
       
       .35
             
  (D)    (C)    (B)   (A)
 
               
 
     .36
  (B)  (A)
  
   
 (D)   (C)
    .37
   (D)    (C)   (B) 
     (A)
         .38
  (B)
             (A)
  
 (D)      (C)
     
PL-1 (24) D

            
     .39
   (D)   (C)  (B)  (A)
  
        
      .40
      (B)  
    (A)

 
 (D)  
          (C)
      44 41          

                         
                         
 
     
       
             
       
               
               
           

   
        

           .41

 
     (A)
      
             (B)
   (C)
         
    (D)

       
         
    .42
  (D)  (C)  (B)
  (A)

               .43

 
 (D)  (C)  (B)  (A)

               .44

  (D)   (C)   (B)  (A)
PL-1 (25) D

          .45

 
 
             (A)
 
                 
  (B)
  
     
  (C)
 (D)

      50 46        

          
          
   
                           
    
                      
    
  
                
      
            
    
       
            
    
        
               
                 

      .46
   (D)   (C)    (B)   (A)
  
 
      
  
  
  .47
   (D)   (C)  (B)   (A)

     
   .48
   (D)  (C)  (B)  (A)

       .49
 
        
 (D)  (C)  (B)  (A)

     .50

 (D)  
 (C)  (B)
  (A)
PL-1 (26) D

 
 
              .51
 (D)  (C)   (B)   (A)

         .52

          (B)        (A)
      (D)         
     (C)

     .53
 (D)   (C)
  (B)    (A)

    
          .54

  
  (D)
    (C)    (B)
    (A)

         .55
   (B)     (A)
  
      (D)     (C)

           .56
   
  (D)    (C)  (B)    (A)

       .57

  (D)   (C)
   (B)  (A)

  
    .58
  (D)  (C)  (B)  (A)

     
 
   .59
   (D)
   (C) 
     (B) 
 
    (A)

  
   
       .60
         
 (D)   (C)  (B)  (A)
PL-1 (27) D

 – II
 – I
 30     
    
  
   

31.        –

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

32.     –

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

33.                –
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

34. _______  _____   

      –
(A) 90  110 (B) 90  99
(C) 90  140 (D) 90  166

35.         –

(A)   (B)   
(C)    (D)     

36.  ()      _____    

(A)    (B)   
(C)    (D)  

37.         –

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
D (28) PL-1

38.   _______                –
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

39.       _______         –
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

40.     _______   –

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

41.    

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

42.         –

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

43. ‘    ’         –
(A)       (B)     
(C)        (D)      

44.    :

  _____   
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

45. “    ”     –

(A)        (B)     
(C)          (D)         
PL-1 (29) D

        ( 46  50) :
    , “            
 ,     ,          
 ,   ,             , “   
   ”                   
              ,     
                   
                   
                   
46.    ________       ,      –
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

47.     

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
48.      
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
49. “      ”      ?
(A)      (B)    
(C)    (D)   

50.      

(A)   (B)  
(C)    (D)  
51. “      ”    –
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  

52.     .     
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  

53.       –

(A)      (B) 
(C)      (D) 
D (30) PL-1

54.          

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D)   
55.           
(A)      (B)    
(C)      (D)      

         : ( – 56  60)
                
                  
                  
       ,           
         , ,  , ,
 ,                 
                  
                  
           , ,      
               , 
    ,           
                
56.     
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
57.  ,       –
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
58.     ________     
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  
59. ‘     .’     
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
60.     .
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
PL-1 (31) D

 – II
 – I
    30   
     
31.          :
(A)    ,     
(B)    ,     
(C)    ,     
(D)    ,     

32.     -  :

(A) , , , ,  (B) , , , , 
(C) , , , , , . (D) , , , , 

33. ‘’  -    ?

(A) , 
 ,  (B) , , 
(C) ,  ,  (D) , , 

34.      :

(A) , ,   (B) , ,  
(C) , ,   (D) , ,  

35.    :

(A) , ,  (B) , , 
(C) , ,  (D) , , 

36.       :

(A) , ,  (B) , , 
(C) , ,  (D) , , 
D (32) PL-1

(37-40)         37  40     :
     , ,  ,  ,     ,
         ,          
                      
                      
       

37. ‘’     :

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

38. ‘’     :

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

39. ‘’      :

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

40. ‘        ’ –        :
(A)  (B)    
(C)   (D)  

41.    -        :
(A)   ,     
(B)    ,   ’  
(C)    ,     ’  
(D)   ’ ,    

42. ‘ ’       ?

(A)  (B) 
 
(C)   (D) 

43.         :

(A)        (B)    
(C)     (D)      
PL-1 (33) D

44.         :

(A)   -      
(B)      
(C)   -   
(D)   

45.       :

(A)  (B) 
(C)    (D) 

46. -   -       ?

(A)    (B) 
(C)  (D)  

47.             

(A)   (B)  
(C)    (D)   

48. “                  
                   
                 ”
–       ?
(A)  (B) .  
(C)  (D) 

49.      :

(A)    (B)  + ,    
(C)     (D)   

50. ‘      ’      :
(A)       -   
(B)       
(C)          
(D)       

51. ‘  ____  ’    :

(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  
52. ‘ ’      :
(A)   (B)   
(C)   (D)   
D (34) PL-1

53. ‘ ’      :

(A)    (B)  
(C)   (D)   
54. ,            –   :
(A) - (B) -
(C)   (D)  

(55-60)         55  60     :
       ,     ,      , 
   ,     ,      ,      
                         
                      
 -                     
       ,   ,          
 ,   ,  -  ,            
,        ,       ,     
           ,           
                    

55.       -

(A)  (B)   
(C)  (D) 

56. ‘’     :

(A)  (B) 
(C)   (D) 
 

57. ‘’     :

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
 

58. ‘’    -   :

(A) ,  (B) , 
(C) ,   (D) , 

59. ‘’     

(A)    (B) 
(C)    (D) 

60.       :

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
PL-1 (35) D

 – II
 – I
   30  .
     .
31.         ?
(A)      (B)   
(C)    (D)   

32.               
      ?
(A) 3  6   (B) 6  12  
(C) 12  18   (D) 18  24  

33.              ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D)  

34.          ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)   (D) 

35.          ?
(A)   (B)  
(C)      (D)    

36.             
 ?
(A) ( . ) (B) (,)
(C) (;) (D) ( ! )

37.         .
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D)  
D (36) PL-1

38.          ?

(A)     (B)  
(C)  (D) 

39.         ?

(A)   (B)   
(C)   (D)   

40.             ?
(A)  (B)  
(C)   (D) 

41. ‘    ,    ’. –   .
(A)   (B) 
 
(C)   (D)  

42.      ?

(A)    . (B)    .
(C)   . (D)   
  .

43. ‘   ’. –    .

(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  

44.           ?
(A)     (B)     .
(C)     . (D)  

45.            . 
          ?
(A)   (B)  
(C)    (D)  
PL-1 (37) D

     46  48   :

           .   
            .      -
    .            . 
 -              ?  
    ,             
.                .
46.            ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

47. ‘’    .

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
48.       ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
49. ‘ ’    .
(A)  +  (B)  + 
(C)  +  (D)  + 
50.     ,              
 ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
51.         –
   .
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  
52.        ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
53. ‘’      ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
D (38) PL-1

54. ‘’  .

(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  
55. ‘ ’    .
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  

     56  58   :

    ,    ,
    , ’  ;
.....     ,    ..... .
     ,   ,
.....      ,     ..... .
       ;
.....          ..... .
56.    ‘  ’   .
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

57. ‘’    .

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
58. ‘  ’  ’      ?
(A)    (B)  
(C)   (D)   

59. ‘    ’      ?

(A)    (B)     
(C)      (D)     

60.         ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
PL-1 (39) D

 – III
 – II
 
    
 
 30   
     
61. “     –           ,  
     ”     ?
(A)    (B)   
(C)      (D)   

62.         :

(A)               
    
(B)          
(C)            
(D)       

63.        ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
  
 
         64   68   
      :
                     
             :         
                       
,                       ,
      -           ,   
          -           
                   
                       
         ,               
                     
64. ‘-’       ?
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  
D (40) PL-1

65. ‘’    

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
66. ‘’     :
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
67. ‘’       :
(A)  +  (B)  + 
(C)  +  (D)  + 
68. ‘’     :
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

       69  73       :

     ,      ,
,    ,   ,   
     
    
    ,    ,
-  ,     
“   ,
-  !  
     ,      ,
   ,      
      –
      ”
69.         ?
(A)           
(B)      
(C)     
(D)      
PL-1 (41) D

70.           ?

(A)        
(B)          
(C)          
(D)       

71.           ?

(A)        (B) -   
(C)      (D)       

72.      :

(A)    (B)   
(C)      (D)    
73.    :  
(A)     (B)    
(C)    (D)     
74.       :
(A)    (B) -  
(C)    (D)   
75.       :
(A)         
(B)       
(C)         
(D)       

76. “     ”     :

(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  
77. ‘   ’     :
(A)          
(B)        
(C)       
(D)       

78. “   ”       :

(A)      (B)   
(C)    (D)     
D (42) PL-1

79.              ?
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
80.          :
(A)      
(B)           
(C)         
(D)           
81.         :
(A)        (B)     
(C)       (D)    
82. -        :
(A)       
(B) -      
(C)        
(D)  (A)  (B) 
83.                 :
(A)     (B)     
(C)     (D)      
84.        ?
(A)     (B)    
(C)     (D)    
85.        –
(A)      (B)    
(C)    (D)     
86. -  -  :
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (A)  (B)  (D)    
87. -         :
(A)   (B)   (C)  (D)  
88.       :
(A)   (B)  (C)   (D) 
89.       :
(A)    (B)    (C)    (D)   
90.        :
(A)     (B)    
(C)     (D)    
PL-1 (43) D

There are 30 questions in all in this section.
All questions are compulsory.

61. The process of finding out the extent to which the desired changes have taken place in the
(A) On line lectures (B) Evaluation
(C) Co-curricular activities (D) All of these

62. An important part of any evaluation in which the teacher should prepare a record sheet for
each student indicating the different skills to be tested is
(A) Record keeping (B) Notice book
(C) Class teacher diary (D) Monthly attendance

63. Which one is not a type of digital portfolio ?

(A) Developmental (B) Reflective
(C) Representational (D) Occupational

Passage (For Q. Nos. 64 – 70)

Non-biodegradable plastic is one of the prime targets of environmentalists across the
world, but, we, too can make a difference – by spurning that plastic bag for cloth, by buying our
aerated water in glass bottles instead of plastic, by demanding glass milk bottles instead of
plastic pouches, by using that sheet of paper on both sides, by recycling vegetable waste and tea
leaves as manure. The media can also play an enormously significant role in this respect. It is
not difficult to make a beginning; it is far more taxing to sustain it. But the payoffs of sparing
just a little thought to where our waste goes, promise to make it worthwhile. Sometimes you see,
waste can kill.

64. One of the prime targets of environmentalists across the world ______ non-biodegradable
(A) are (B) is
(C) was (D) were

65. We should carry cloth bag ________ plastic bag.

(A) despite (B) inspite of
(C) instead of (D) as
D (44) PL-1

66. Common man ________ media can play a significant role in this respect.
(A) whereas (B) but
(C) as well as (D) though

67. Vegetable waste and tea leaves ________ recycled into manure.
(A) was (B) is
(C) can be (D) if

68. Small efforts can ________ a big difference in reducing plastic waste.
(A) get (B) make
(C) made (D) take

69. The most suitable title for the passage is

(A) The urban life (B) Waste and media
(C) Waste management (D) Pollutants

70. In order to reduce plastic waste, plastic pouches can be ________ by glass milk bottles.
(A) used (B) replaced
(C) stored (D) none of these

71. “Slithery, slidery, scaly old snake.”

The literary device used in the above line is
(A) Simile (B) Metaphor
(C) Alliteration (D) Irony

72. The literary device present in the line “I am as quick as a cheetah”, is

(A) Satire (B) Alliteration
(C) Hyperbole (D) Simile

73. “Upon a nice mid-spring day

Let’s take a look at nature’s way
Breathe the scent of nice fresh air
Feel the breeze within your hair.”
The rhyme scheme of the above line is :

74. “All the little corn flakes were so excited,

They were getting to come out and play.”
What is personified in the above lines ?
(A) All (B) so excited
(C) corn flakes (D) All of these
PL-1 (45) D

75. A mournful poem, typically a lament for the dead is called

(A) Drama (B) Comedy
(C) Sonnet (D) Elegy

76. The literary term used for a poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme
schemes is
(A) Short story (B) Sonnet
(C) Elegy (D) Allusion

77. “Who knows why the cold wind blows !”

The literary device used in the above line is
(A) Personification (B) Hyperbole
(C) Assonance (D) None of these

78. In the lines given below the literary device ‘Metaphor’ is used in
(A) Betty Botter bought some butter.
(B) As cold as ice.
(C) A host of golden daffodils.
(D) It is the east, and Juliet, the sun.

79. A genre of drama based on human suffering and, mainly, the terrible or sorrowful events
that befall main character is known as
(A) Tragedy (B) Comedy
(C) Irony (D) Autobiography

80. A ‘Fable’ is an example of

(A) Rhyme (B) Short story
(C) Sonnet (D) None of these

81. My father _____ swim very fast when he was young.

(A) can (B) may
(C) could (D) must

82. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of idiom/phrase given below :
“No Pain No Gain”
(A) You have to work for what you want.
(B) Wait for the right time.
(C) Take care of your pains.
(D) Do not harm others.
D (46) PL-1

83. ‘To avoid talking about what is important’ the idiom/phrase which best expresses the
above meaning is
(A) Hit the sack (B) Up in arms
(C) Beat around the bush (D) Sell like hot cakes

84. Choose the correct phonetic transcription for the given word : ‘Thin’
(A) /ti:/ (B) /ɪn/
(C) /ǝn/ (D) /dei/

85. Which of the following contains the same vowel sound ?

(A) tell – bell – cell (B) know – now – bow
(C) put – cut – cute (D) All of these

86. Find out the word which begins with different sound from other given words :
(A) High (B) Hike
(C) Hire (D) Beat

87. Choose the correct phonetic transcription for the underlined sound of the word : Call
(A) /kM/ (B) /kɔ:l/
(C) /kæl/ (D) /kæml/

88. Which statement is not correct about communicative approach ?

(A) It is practical in use.
(B) It is situational, meaningful and self-rewarding.
(C) It develops the speech ability.
(D) It is teachers centered approach.

89. In structural approach the word ‘structure’ relates to the structure whereas ‘approach’
stands for
(A) Going away (B) Coming near
(C) Sincere (D) Intelligent

90. The teaching which is needed for the students who are in general backward in studies and
fail in one subject :
(A) Remedial teaching (B) Advance teaching
(C) Classroom teaching (D) None of these
PL-1 (47) D

 – III
 – II
    
   

61.     ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

62.     -

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

63. , , , ,     

 ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

     (64-68)  –

             
              
        

64. “”    ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

65. “”    ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
D (48) PL-1

66. “”    ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

67. “”    -

(A)  +  (B) + 
(C)  +  (D)  + 

68. “        ”     ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

      (69-73) : -

  
    
  
     
     

69.      ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

70. “
 
 ”  -  -
(A)  +  +  (B)  +  
 
(C)  +  (D)  +  + 

71. “”    ?

(A)  (B) :
(C)  (D) 

72. “”    ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
PL-1 (49) D

73. “”   ______.

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

74. “44”      –

(A)  (B)  
(C)  (D) 

75. “ (7:30)         -
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

76.      ?

(A)   (B) 
(C)  (D) 

77. “      ”     -

(A)    (B)   
(C)    (D)   

78. “”    -

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

79.    –

(A)     (B)    
(C)     (D)    

80. “   ”     -

(A)    (B)   
(C)    (D)   

81. “   ”   -

(A)    (B)   
(C)    (D)   
D (50) PL-1

82. “    ”   -

(A)      (B)     
(C)      (D)     

83. “: ....... ”    

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

84.        ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D)  

85. “    ?

(A)  (B) 
(C) - (D) 

86. “         ” ‘  
 ’     ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D)  

87.       -

(A)    (B) --
(C)   (D) 

88.   ()   -

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D)  

89.     ?

(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  

90.     –

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) - 
PL-1 (51) D

III   
II  

 
      
        
         30  

      .61
       (A)
    
     (B)
       (C)
 
          
  
 (D)

   
      .62
      (B)
    
  (A)
  
   (D)   
   (C)

                 .63
        
  
 

   (D) 
   (C)  
 (B)  (A)

      68 64        

  
          
           
               
    
  
 
      
        
      
       
              
     

  
        .64
 (B)
  (A)
  (D)   (C)
PL-1 (52) D

            .65
       (B)       
 (A)
      (D) 
     
  (C)

       .66

  
  (B)
    (A)
  (D)    (C)
                         .67
  (D)  (C)  (B)  (A)

                    .68

  (D)  (C)  (B)  (A)
   
   74 69          
             

                  

               
               
             .69
     
 (D)  
  (C)   (B)  
  (A)
             .70
  (A)
 (B)
 
 
 
  
             
  (C)
      
       
  (D)

                 .71
 (D)  (C)  (B)  (A)
PL-1 (53) D

                    .72

    (D)  (C)  (B)  (A)

          .73

       
   
  (D)    (C)   (B)   (A)
 
                .74
 (D)  (C)   (B)  (A)

         
   
  .75
    (B)    
  
    (A)
    (D) 
  (C)

       .76
 
 
 (D)
  (C)  (B)  (A)

       .77
 ________  
 
 (D)
   (C) 
 (B)
 
 (A)

   
          
  .78
 (D)  (C)  (B)  (A)

    
                .79

       
     (A)

 
 
 
           (B)
    
         (C)
           
      (D)

          .80
  (D)   (C)    (B)     (A)

        .81

   (D)   (C)  (B)   (A)
PL-1 (54) D

   .82
        (A)
        (B)
      (C)
           
 
 
      (D)
           
           .83
 (D)  (C)  (B)  (A)
   
           .84
           (B)
      
    (A)
     (D)
       (C)
  
   .85
     ________      
  
  (B)       (A)
 (D)  
   (C)

         
 
       .86
 (D)    (C)  (B)   (A)
                  .87
    
    (B)  (A)
          
    (D)    
       
 (C)
             .88
     
 (B)
     (A)
    (D)    (C)
 
 ________ 
      
   
         .89
  (D)  (C)    (B) 
   (A)
 .90
    
   
   
      
 (A)
     (B)
     
  (C)
       
 
          (D)
PL-1 (55) D

 – III
 – II
 30     
    
  
   

61.    -

(A) –    (B) 
–    
(C) 
 –   (D) 
–  

62. 
 –           
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

63.          -

– –
(A)     (B) 
–   

(C) 
–    (D) 
– –   
       ( 64  68) :
                      
                       
              ,    ,
    -              
                  , 
         -          
         , ,           
 -                   
      , ,   , , , ,   

64.      -

(A)   (B) 
(C)   (D)  
D (56) PL-1

65.        ______  

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

66. ‘’     -

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
67.        -
(A) - (B)  – 
(C)  – 
 (D)  – 
68.    -
(A)     (B)    
(C)     (D)    

 
–      
– ( 69  73) :
       ,

        – 
         ,
      
– 
–   
– 
–      ,
       
– 
       ,
        
69.      -
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
70. ‘’    -
(A)    (B)    
(C)  (D) 
71.   ______      
(A)  (B) 
 
(C)  (D)  
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72. “        ”      -
(A)  (B) 
(C)   (D)  
73.       
– -
(A)   (B) 
–  
(C)   (D)  
74.             -
(A)  (B)  –
(C)  (D) 
75. ‘– ’     -
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
76.     -
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
77. ‘’    -
(A)  (B)  
(C)  (D) 
78.      
–    -
(A)  (B)  
(C)  (D) 
79. ‘
– ’      -
(A) 
–  (B) 

(C) 
– (D) –

80. “
– ______ 
– 
– ”    –
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

D (58) PL-1

81.   

–    -
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
82. “   ”   -
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  
83.      -
(A)      (B)      
(C)      (D)      
84.    -
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  
85.       -
(A)  (B) 
(C) 
– (D) 
86. 
 –           -
(A)  (B) 
(C) 
– (D)   

87. 
 –     
–   -
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  
88. ‘   
–              ’
   –
(A)  (B) ..
(C)  (D) 
89.          -
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

90.           -
(A)   (B)   
(C)    (D)   
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 – III
 – II
    30   
     

61.              :
(A)   (B) 
(C)   (D)  

62. “                 
       ”       :
(A)  (B) 
(C)   (D)   

63. ‘  ’        :-       :
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)   

(64-68)         64  68     :
                   
,       -   ’           
-                   
         ,        ,     
                       
                    ,    
           

64. ‘’      :

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

65. ‘’     :

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
D (60) PL-1

66. ‘’      :

(A) , 
 (B) , 
(C) ,  (D) , 

67. ‘’     :

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

68. ‘’     :

(A) 
 (B) 
(C)  (D)  

(69-72)   -      69  72     :-
    ,
    
    ,
    
      ,
    
   ,
   

69. -         ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

70.  -     -     :

(A)  –  (B)  – 
(C)  –  (D)  – 

71. ‘’      ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

72.  -  -    :

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
PL-1 (61) D

73.    , , ,     :

(A)  (B)  
(C)   (D)  

74. ‘’           :
(A)  (B)  
(C)  (D)  

75.        ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

76.    ____     :

(A)   (B)   
  
(C)   (D)  

77. -, , , ,          :
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

78. ‘’     

   :
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

79. ‘’  ‘’        :
(A)  ,   (B)   ,  
(C)  ,   (D) - ,  

80.                -  ,   
  :
(A)     (B)  
(C)   (D)  

81.                   :
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  

82.          :

(A)    (B)   
(C)    (D)    
D (62) PL-1

83. ‘          ’  
    :
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  

84.      :

(A)    (B)   
(C)    (D) -  

85.           :

(A)           
(B)         
(C)           
(D)          

86. ‘’     :

(A)        (B)       
(C)     (D)    

87.      :

(A)   -    (B)  -    
(C) -     (D)     ’   

88.          ,        
  :
(A)   (B)   
(C)  (D)  

89. ‘ ’      :

(A)        
(B)        
(C)          
(D)   

90.             :
(A) ,  (B) , 
(C) ,  (D) , 
PL-1 (63) D

 – III
 – II
   30  .
     .
61.         ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)   (D) 

62.                 ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

63.                ?
(A)   (B)  
(C)    (D) 

     64  66   :

 ,     :   .    
 ,       .       .  
     .          
 ,           .    
    .
64.       ?
(A)    . (B)    .
(C)    . (D)     .
65. ‘’   .
(A)  +  (B)  + 
(C)  +  (D)  + 
66.        ?
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  
D (64) PL-1

67. ‘     ?’      ?

(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  

68. ‘     ’.      ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

69. , , , ,       ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

70.        ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

71.        ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

72.           ?
(A)  (B)  
(C)  (D)  

73. ‘          .’    .
(A)   (B)   
(C)   (D)  

74. ‘..    .’      ?

(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  

75. ‘’        ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
PL-1 (65) D

      76  77    :

    ,
   ?
   ,
   ?
 ,  ,
   ?
,    ,
   ?
,    ,
   ?
  , 
   ?
76.       ?
(A) , ,  (B)   
(C)    (D)   

77. ‘  ,     ?’  ‘’     ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

78. , ,         ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)   (D)  

79.            ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)   (D) 

80.    _______ .

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
81.  1  5      
   ?
(A) -  (B)  
(C)   (D)  
D (66) PL-1

82.          ?
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D) .. 

83.    “  ”      ?

(A)   (B) 
(C)  (D) 

84.    -   ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 
85.      .
(A)  (B) 
(C)   (D)  
86.       ?
(A)    .
(B)      .
(C)      .
(D)     .

87.            ?
(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

88.           ?

(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D) - 

89.     ,            
 ?
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  

90.       ,       ?
(A)    (B)  
(C)   (D)  
PL-1 (67) D

There are 30 questions in all in this section.
All questions are compulsory.
 
    
  30    
     

91. Slide rule is used in Mathematics for

(A) Multiplication and division

(B) Angle measurement
(C) Make the shape smaller and larger
(D) Measurement of angle of elevation
       
(A)     
(B)    
(C)        
(D)     

92. The best appropriate method for teaching the area of a circle is
(A) Inductive method
(B) Deductive method
(C) Lecture method
(D) Laboratory method
         –
(A)  
(B)  
(C)  
(D)  
93. Which of the following statement is not related to nature of Mathematics ?
D (68) PL-1

(A) Abstract elements are explained in Mathematics.

(B) Area of generalization is limited in Mathematics.

(C) Mathematics is a universal subject.

(D) Number, places, measurement etc. are the basis of Mathematics.

             ?

(A)          
(B)        
(C)      
(D) , ,       

94. The word ‘Curriculum’ is taken from which language ?

(A) German (B) Latin

(C) Arabic (D) None of these

 “”       ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D)    

95. Making tables in Mathematics comes under which specific objective ?

(A) Skill (B) Application

(C) Understanding (D) Knowledge

           ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

96. Which is the correct numeric form of “Ten lacs twenty thousand three hundred five” ?
PL-1 (69) D

(A) 1020305 (B) 1200305

(C) 10200305 (D) 12200305

‘      ’     

(A) 1020305 (B) 1200305

(C) 10200305 (D) 12200305

97. Make a greatest and smallest number by using digits 2, 5, 7 and 8. Then find difference of
both the numbers. Then from which of the following number this difference is not divisible ?

(A) 2 (B) 3

(C) 5 (D) 9

 2, 5, 7  8                
                   ?

(A) 2 (B) 3

(C) 5 (D) 9

98. In which of the following alternative 500 is not the place value of 5 ?

(A) 2569 (B) 6529

(C) 9256 (D) 9562

       5    500   ?

(A) 2569 (B) 6529

(C) 9256 (D) 9562

99. Which of the following is the correct descending order of fraction ?

D (70) PL-1

1 2 3 2 3, 2, 1, 2
(A) 2, 5, 4, 3 (B) 4 3 2 5

3, 1, 2, 2 3 2 2 1
(C) 4 2 3 5 (D) 4, 5, 3, 2

           ?

1 2 3 2 3, 2, 1, 2
(A) 2, 5, 4, 3 (B) 4 3 2 5

3, 1, 2, 2 3 2 2 1
(C) 4 2 3 5 (D) 4, 5, 3, 2

100. How many Prime Numbers lie between 1 to 30 ?

(A) 8 (B) 9

(C) 10 (D) 11

1  30        ?

(A) 8 (B) 9

(C) 10 (D) 11

101. Which of the following ratio is greatest ?

7 25
(A) 3 (B) 7

35 19
(C) 9 (D) 2

         ?

7 25
(A) 3 (B) 7

35 19
(C) 9 (D) 2

102. Which of the following is the correct Prime factors of number 420 ?
PL-1 (71) D

(A) 2  2  7  15 (B) 2  2  5  21

(C) 2657 (D) 2  2  3  5  7

      420      ?

(A) 2  2  7  15 (B) 2  2  5  21

(C) 2657 (D) 2  2  3  5  7

103. LCM of any two numbers is 60 and HCF of them is 5. Which of the following are those
numbers ?

(A) 20, 30 (B) 10, 30

(C) 15, 20 (D) 15, 40

      60     5 ,     
    ?

(A) 20, 30 (B) 10, 30

(C) 15, 20 (D) 15, 40

104. If a Consequent of ratio 5 : 7 is 35, then what will be Antecedent ?

(A) 25 (B) 36

(C) 45 (D) 49

   5 : 7   35 ,       ?

(A) 25 (B) 36

(C) 45 (D) 49
D (72) PL-1

105. 4 men can complete a work in 20 days, then 10 men will complete the same work in how
many days ?

(A) 2 days (B) 8 days

(C) 12 days (D) 50 days

4     20     ,  10          ?

(A) 2  (B) 8 

(C) 12  (D) 50 

106. On selling an article for ` 329, a dealer lost 6%. The cost price of the article is

(A) ` 310.37 (B) ` 348.74

(C) ` 335 (D) ` 350

` 329          6%   ,        ?

(A) ` 310.37 (B) ` 348.74

(C) ` 335 (D) ` 350

107. Average of three numbers is 40. If average of two of them is 38, find the third number.

(A) 38 (B) 40

(C) 42 (D) 44

    40          38 ,    

(A) 38 (B) 40

(C) 42 (D) 44
PL-1 (73) D

108. What will be the amount received on ` 3,000 for 2 years given at the simple rate of
interest 11% per annum ?

(A) ` 2,340 (B) ` 3,660

(C) ` 4,320 (D) ` 3,330

` 3,000  2    11%           ?

(A) ` 2,340 (B) ` 3,660

(C) ` 4,320 (D) ` 3,330

109. The difference of simple interest for 2 years and 3 years on a sum of ` 2,100 at 8% per
annum is

(A) ` 336 (B) ` 168

(C) ` 1,680 (D) ` 504

` 2,100   8%     2   3        –

(A) ` 336 (B) ` 168

(C) ` 1,680 (D) ` 504

110. A bicycle is purchased for ` 1,800 and is sold at a profit of 12%. Its selling price is

(A) ` 1,584 (B) ` 2,016

(C) ` 1,788 (D) ` 1,812

  ` 1,800   12%          –

(A) ` 1,584 (B) ` 2,016

(C) ` 1,788 (D) ` 1,812

D (74) PL-1

111. If 1 m2 = x mm2, then the value of x is

(A) 10000 (B) 1000
(C) 100000 (D) 1000000

 1   = x    ,  x   

(A) 10000 (B) 1000
(C) 100000 (D) 1000000

112. In the given figure, the value of a is

(A) 5 (B) 10

(C) 20 (D) 50

    a    :

(A) 5 (B) 10

(C) 20 (D) 50

PL-1 (75) D

113. Find the volume of the given figure.

(A) 6y (B) 6y3

(C) 22y2 (D) 9y2

       

(A) 6y (B) 6y3

(C) 22y2 (D) 9y2

114. 15 m2 is the area of

(A) A square having side 15 m

(B) 3 squares having side 5 m each

(C) 5 squares having side 3 m each

(D) 15 squares having side 1 m each

15    

(A)     15   
(B) 3      5   
(C) 5      3   

(D) 15      1   

D (76) PL-1

115. RICE is a rhombus. Find the perimeter of the rhombus according to the given

(A) 20 (B) 28
(C) 52 (D) 68
RICE                  

(A) 20 (B) 28
(C) 52 (D) 68

116. “Music is a modern secret exercise of the subconscious mind of a human being related to
the numbers of arithmetic.” This statement is related to which value of mathematics ?
(A) Intellectual value (B) Cultural value
(C) Artistic value (D) Social value
“                ” 
        ?
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  
PL-1 (77) D

117. Which method is based on the principle of “To observe and learn” ?

(A) Inductive method

(B) Programmed Instruction method

(C) Laboratory method

(D) None of these

“   ”         ?

(A)  

(B)  

  

(C)  

(D)    

118. “Mathematics is a mirror of civilization and culture.” Who gave this statement ?

(A) Locke (B) Galileo

(C) Hogben (D) Roger Bacon

“       ”     ?

(A)  (B) 

(C)  (D)  

D (78) PL-1

119. The purpose of diagnostic testing is

(A) To find out the efficiency of the teacher.

(B) Developing different skills of children.

(C) To improve teaching and learning process in mathematics subject.

(D) To examine the suitability of teaching methods.

     –

(A)   

     

(B)        

(C)           

(D)        

120. Which system is not applicable for mathematics teaching through playway at primary

level ?

(A) Montessori (B) Kindergarten

(C) Dalton (D) Lecture

   -              ?

(A)   (B) 

(C)  (D) 

PL-1 (79) D

SECTION-V /  –V


There are 30 questions in all in this section.
All questions are compulsory.

    30   

    

121. Example of Rabi crop is

(A) Maize (B) Soyabean

(C) Groundnut (D) Flax

     

(A)  (B) 

(C)  (D) 

122. What is the main object (aim) of evaluation ?

(A) Maintain discipline

(B) Conduct examination

(C) Question paper setting

(D) Learner’s performance and improvement

      ?

(A)  

(B)  

(C)  

(D)      

D (80) PL-1

123. Which element is not present in child centered education ?

(A) Play (B) Inactivity

(C) Inspiration (D) Satisfaction

          ?

(A)  (B) 

(C)  (D) 

124. In ancient times messages were communicated by which medium ?

(A) Fax (B) Mobile

(C) Messengers (D) Telephone

  
          ?

(A)  (B) 

(C)  (D) 

125. An example of Audio-Visual Teaching Learning Aid is

(A) Radio (B) Tape-Recorder

(C) Bulletin Board (D) Television

 –  -    

(A)  (B) -

(C)   (D) 

PL-1 (81) D

126. Fuldol fair is held at

(A) Ajmer

(B) Jaisalmer

(C) Shahpura

(D) Alwar

      ?

(A) 

(B) 

(C) 

(D) 

127. How will you be related to your father’s brother-in-law’s mother ?

(A) Mami (B) Nani

(C) Mausi (D) Sister

           ?

(A)  (B) 

(C)  (D) 

D (82) PL-1

128. Which of the following is the nearest planet to the Sun ?

(A) Jupiter (B) Earth
(C) Mercury (D) Mars

          ?

(A)  (B) 
(C)  (D) 

129. Following traffic sign indicates –

(A) Cross-road (B) Pedestrian crossing

(C) Railway crossing (D) Narrow bridge

        –

(A)  (B)   

(C)   (D)  

130. Our National Calendar is

(A) Jana-gana-mana (B) Vande Mataram
(C) Shivira Calendar (D) National Saka

    -

(A) -- (B)  
(C)   (D)  
PL-1 (83) D

131. Which Lok Devta in Rajasthan is related to obsecration of Lachha Gujri ?

(A) Gogaji (B) Ramdevji

(C) Pabuji (D) Tejaji

              ?

(A)  (B) 

(C)  (D) 

132. Choose the right group for means of transport by roadways :

(A) Jeep, Scooter, Boat (B) Cycle, Car, Jet

(C) Bus, Truck, e-rickshaw (D) Bullock-cart, Camel-cart, Flying car

          

(A) , ,  (B) , , 

(C) , , - (D) , ,  

133. Which disease results into low platelet count in the blood ?

(A) Chicken pox (B) Diabetes

(C) Amoebiasis (D) Dengue

             ?

(A)   (B) 

(C)  (D) 

D (84) PL-1

134. Which of the following is known as ‘Manchester’ of Rajasthan ?

(A) Jaipur (B) Bhilwara

(C) Nagaur (D) Beawar

      ‘’    ?

(A)  (B) 

(C)  (D) 

135. Where Sonar fort is situated ?

(A) Jaisalmer (B) Jaipur

(C) Bharatpur (D) Rajsamand

     ?

(A)  (B) 

(C)  (D) 

136. For which community of Rajasthan conservation of forest and wildlife has become a part of
their religious tenet ?

(A) Gurjar (B) Sahariya

(C) Bishnois (D) Meena

                   ?

(A)  (B) 

(C)  (D) 

PL-1 (85) D

137. Select Jayanti from the following, which is celebrated on the 13th day of the rising moon of

(A) Mahaveer Jayanti

(B) Gandhi Jayanti

(C) Ambedkar Jayanti

(D) Hanuman Jayanti

     ,               

(A)  

(B)  

(C)  

(D)  

138. The name of an age-old concept of water harvesting in Himachal Pradesh is –

(A) Surangams (B) Kattas

(C) Kulhs (D) Eris

           -

(A)  (B) 

(C)  (D) 

D (86) PL-1

139. When was Namami Gange Project launched ?

(A) 2011 (B) 2012

(C) 2013 (D) 2014

         ?

(A) 2011 (B) 2012

(C) 2013 (D) 2014

140. Crocodile belongs to which class of Animal Kingdom ?

(A) Aves (B) Reptilia

(C) Amphibia (D) Pisces

,        ?

(A)  (B) 

(C)  (D) 

141. Suncity is the name of

(A) Jaipur (B) Jaisalmer

(C) Barmer (D) Jodhpur

    ?

(A)  (B) 

(C)  (D) 

PL-1 (87) D

142. Match the following and choose the correct option :

Hormone Function

(i) Growth hormone (a) Regulation of sexual characteristics in male

(ii) Insulin (b) Stimulates growth in organs

(iii) Testosterone (c) Regulation of sexual characteristics in female

(iv) Progesterone (d) Regulation of blood sugar level

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(A) (c) (a) (d) (b)

(B) (a) (b) (c) (d)

(C) (b) (d) (a) (c)

(D) (d) (c) (b) (a)

           

 

(i)   (a)      

(ii)   (b)     

(iii)  (c)      

(iv)  (d)      

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(A) (c) (a) (d) (b)

(B) (a) (b) (c) (d)

(C) (b) (d) (a) (c)

(D) (d) (c) (b) (a)

D (88) PL-1

143. When is special discount provided on the price of the clothes made up of Khadi ?

(A) 26 January (B) 2 October

(C) 21 June (D) 5 September

             ?

(A) 26  (B) 2 

(C) 21  (D) 5 

144. What is the main reason for the difficulty in breathing while mountaineering ?

(A) Steep slopes (B) Extreme cold weather

(C) Low air pressure (D) Icy wind

           -

(A)   (B)   

(C)   (D)  

145. Which of the following come under the abiotic component of the environment ?

(A) Plant (B) Air

(C) Animal (D) Bacteria

            ?

(A)  (B) 

(C)  (D) 

PL-1 (89) D

146. Which of the following is the food of Silkworm ?

(A) Mulberry leaves (B) Jamun leaves

(C) Neem leaves (D) Mango leaves

         ?

(A)    (B)   

(C)    (D)   

147. Which alkaloid is found in the tobacco ?

(A) Cocaine (B) Caffeine

(C) Nicotine (D) Morphine

        ?

(A)  (B) 

(C)  (D) 

148. Rabies disease is caused by

(A) Virus (B) Protozoa

(C) Bacteria (D) Mycoplasma

     

(A)  (B) 

(C)  (D) 

D (90) PL-1

149. Example of fibre which is obtained from animal.

(A) Cotton (B) Polyester

(C) Nylon (D) Silk

      

(A)  (B) 

(C)  (D) 

150. Which of the following is not a human source of water pollution ?

(A) Domestic effluent

(B) Sewage

(C) Industrial effluent

(D) Humus matter

           ?

(A)  

(B) 

(C)  

(D)  

PL-1 (91) D

Space For Rough Work /

D (92) PL-1

Space For Rough Work /

PL-1 (93) D

Space For Rough Work /

D (94) PL-1

Space For Rough Work /

PL-1 (95) D
D (96) PL-1
(Read carefully and comply / ܶmZ go n‹T>| Am¡a nmbZ H$a| )
1. In Section II (Language-I) a candidate has to attempt the questions of the language which the candidate has selected as Language-I in the
Online Application Form.
IÊS> (^mfm ) ‘| Cgr ^mfm Ho$ àíZm| H$mo hc H$aZm A{Zdm¶© h¡ {Og ^mfm H$m M¶Z Aä¶Wu Zo ^mfm Ho$ ê$n ‘| Am°ZcmBZ AmdoXZ-nÌ ‘| {H$¶m h¡ &
2. In Section III (Language-II) a candidate has to attempt the questions of the language which the candidate has selected as Language-II in
the Online Application Form. The Language-II will be different from Language-I.
IÊS> (^mfm- ) ‘| Cgr ^mfm Ho$ àíZm| H$mo hc H$aZm A{Zdm¶© h¡ {Og ^mfm H$m M¶Z Aä¶Wu Zo ^mfm- Ho$ ê$n ‘| Am°ZcmBZ AmdoXZ-nÌ ‘| {H$¶m h¡ &
^mfm- ^mfm- go {^ÝZ hmoJr &
3. The candidate must ensure that the Question Booklet Series Code and Shift No. has been filled correctly at the prescribed place
in the OMR Answer Sheet. Your OMR Answer Sheet will be evaluated on the basis of Question Booklet Series Code and Shift No.,
not Question Booklet Number.
Aä¶Wu gw{ZpíMV H$a| {H$ erQ> ‘| {ZYm©[aV ñWmZ na àíZ-nwp ñVH$m grarO H$moS> Ed§ {eâQ> H«§$. ghr ^am h¡ & AmnH$s erQ> H$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z
àíZ-nwpñVH$m H«$‘m§H$ na Zht ~pëH$ àíZ-nwpñVH$m grarO H$moS> Ed§ {eâQ> H«§$. Ho$ AmYma na {H$¶m Om¶oJm &
1. Read complete instructions carefully and fill the details from Sl. No. 1 to 7 in the OMR Answer Sheet and Sl. No. 1 to 4 in the Question
Booklet. If you fail to fill the details and sign as instructed correctly, you will be personally responsible for the consequences arising
during scanning of your OMR Answer Sheet.
{ZX}em| H$mo nyU© ê$n go ܶmZnyd©H$ n‹T>| Am¡a H«$‘m§H$ go VH$ OMR erQ> Ed§ H«$‘m§H$ go VH$ àíZ-nwpñVH$m (~wH$coQ>) H$mo ^a| & ¶{X Amn JcV VarHo$
go {ddaU ^aVo ¶m hñVmja H$aVo h¢ Vmo OMR erQ> H$s ñHo$qZJ Ho$ ’$cñdê$n hmoZo dmco n[aUm‘m| Ho$ à{V Amn ñd¶§ CÎmaXm¶r hm|Jo &
2. The Question Booklet comprises 96 pages having 150 questions. After being instructed to open the Booklet, only then the candidates will
open the Question Booklet seals. Check whether the Booklet contains 150 questions starting from Page No. 3 to 90. The Shift Number
required in OMR Sheet will be as per admit card issued to the candidate and also mentioned on the top of the Question Booklet.
àíZ-nwpñVH$m ‘| n¥ð> Ed§ àíZ h¢ & narjmWu {ZX}e {X¶o OmZo Ho$ CnamÝV hr àíZ-nwpñVH$m H$s grc Imoc|Jo & ¶h gw{ZpíMV H$a c| {H$ àíZ-nwpñVH$m
‘| àíZ h¢ Omo {H$ n¥ð> g§»¶m go àmaå^ hmoH$a VH$ h¢ & AmoE‘Ama erQ> na {e’²$Q> Zå~a Aä¶Wu H$mo Omar {H$¶o J¶o àdoe-nÌ Ho$ AZwgma A§{H$V H$aZm
h¡ Ed§ Omo àíZ-nwpñVH$m Ho$ D$nar ^mJ na ^r A§{H$V {H$¶m hþAm h¡ &
3. All questions are of MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) type. There is only one correct answer to each question carrying one mark.
There will be no negative marking for wrong answers.
g^r àíZ ~hþ{dH$ënr¶ àH$ma Ho$ h¢ & à˶oH$ àíZ H$m EH$ {dH$ën hr ghr h¡ & à˶oH$ àíZ Ho$ {c¶o {ZYm©[aV A§H$ EH$ h¡ & JcV Odm~ Ho$ {c¶o F$UmË‘H$ A§H$ Zht {X¶o Om¶|Jo &
4. All questions other than language questions of Sections II and III shall be bilingual.
àíZ-nÌ Ho$ ^mfm gå~pÝYV IÊS> Ed§ Ho$ àíZm| Ho$ A{V[aŠV eof g^r IÊS>m| Ho$ àíZ {Û^mfr¶ hm|Jo &
5. In any event of any mistake in any question/s, candidates will not be penalized. However no corrections will be made in question/s during
the examination.
{H$gr àíZ ‘| {H$gr Ìw{Q> Ho$ {c¶o narjmWu H$mo {H$gr àH$ma H$m ZwH$gmZ Zht hmoJm & narjm H$s Ad{Y ‘| àíZm| ‘| {H$gr àH$ma H$m g§emoYZ Zht H$adm¶m Om¶oJm &
6. Rough work, if any, may be done in the Question Booklet only in the space provided at the end of the Booklet. Do not tear it off from the
Question Booklet. No additional paper shall be provided.
{H$gr àH$ma Ho$ a’$ H$m¶© hoVw àíZ-nwpñVH$m Ho$ AÝV ‘| OJh Xr J¶r h¡ & Bgo àíZ-nwpñVH$m go Zht ’$mSµ|> & {H$gr àH$ma H$m A{V[aŠV H$mJµO CncãY Zht H$adm¶m Om¶oJm &
7. Use of Log tables, Calculator, Slide rule, Mobile phone, Pager, Digital diary, Bluetooth, Microphone or any other electronic item/instru-
ment etc. is not allowed. Their use will result in disqualification.
cm°J Q>o~c, H¡$늶wcoQ>a, ñcmB©S> ê$c, ‘mo~mBc ’$moZ, noOa, {S>OrQ>c S>m¶ar, ãë¶yQy>W, ‘mBH«$mo’$moZ ¶m {H$gr Aݶ àH$ma H$m BcoŠQ´>mo{ZH$ CnH$aU / dñVw H$m à¶moJ
d{O©V h¡ & BZHo$ Cn¶moJ na narjm go A¶mo½¶ Kmo{fV {H$¶m Om gH$Vm h¡ &
8. OMR Answer Sheet will be provided along with Question Booklet separately.
OMR erQ> àíZ-nwpñVH$m Ho$ gmW A{V[aŠV àXmZ H$s Om¶oJr &
9. The Question Booklet will be issued to the candidates 10 minutes before the start of examination and the candidate must fill all entries in
OMR Answer Sheet. The Question Booklet seal shall be opened 5 minutes before the start of examination and the candidate must fill 1 to
4 entries correctly on the Question Booklet. After opening the Question Booklet, ensure that any page / question is not missing / not
printed / torn / repeated. In case, you find any defect anywhere in the Question Booklet, immediately inform the Invigilator and get it
replaced within 5 minutes by the Invigilator. Warning Bell will ring at 5 minutes before closer of examination and the last long bell will
ring at closer of examination.
Aä¶Wu H$mo àíZ-nwpñVH$m narjm Amaå^ hmoZo Ho$ 10 {‘ZQ> nyd© Xr OmdoJr & Aä¶Wu Amdí¶H$ ê$n go OMR erQ ‘| g^r à{dpîQ>¶m| H$mo ghr àH$ma go ^ao &
àíZ-nwpñVH$m H$s grb narjm Amaå^ Ho$ 5 {‘ZQ> nyd© Imobo VWm H«$‘ g§»¶m 1 go 4 H$s à{dpîQ>¶m| H$mo ghr àH$ma go ^ao & àíZ-nwpñVH$m ImobZo Ho$ níMmV
narjmWu VËH$mb ¶h gw{ZpíMV H$a| {H$ Cg‘| {ZYm©[aV g‘ñV n¥îR> h¡ / H$moB© àíZ Ny>Q>m Vmo Zht h¡ / N>nmB© nyU© h¡ / H$mJO ’$Qm> Vmo Zht h¡ ¶m H$moB© n¥îR> Xþ~mam
Ow‹S> J¶m h¡ µ& ¶{X àíZ-nwpñVH$m ‘| Bg àH$ma H$s H$moB© Ìw{Q> nmB© OmVr h¡ Vmo VËH$mb drjH$ H$mo gy{MV H$a| VWm 5 {‘ZQ> Ho$ ^rVa drjH$ go AnZr àíZ-nwpñVH$m
~Xbdm bo & MoVmdZr K§§Q>r narjm g‘mpßV Ho$ 5 {‘ZQ> nyd© ~OoJr Ed§ ApÝV‘ bå~r K§Q>r narjm g‘mpßV na ~OoJr &
10. Write your Name, Exam Center Code, Signature, Roll No., Question Booklet Series Code, Shift Number and Question Paper Booklet
Number in the space provided in the Question Booklet as well as in the OMR Answer Sheet.
àíZ-nwpñVH$m Ed§ OMR erQ> na {ZYm©[aV ñWmZ na Zm‘, narjm Ho$ÝÐ H$m H$moS>, hñVmja, Zm‘m§H$, àíZ-nwpñVH$m grarO H$moS>, {e’²$Q> H«$‘m§H$ Ed§ àíZ nwpñVH$m
H«$‘m§H$ A§{H$V H$a| &
11. With each question you will find 4 possible answers marked by the letters A, B, C & D. Read each question carefully and find out which
answer, according to you is correct. Indicate your answer by darkening the appropriate circle completely in the OMR Answer Sheet
corresponding to the question. For marking answers use blue/black ballpoint pen only. Gel pens/pencils are not allowed.
à˶oH$ àíZ Ho$ Mma d¡H$pënH$ CÎma d ‘| {X¶o J¶o h¢ & àíZm| H$mo ܶmZnyd©H$ nTµ>| d ghr CÎma H$m M¶Z H$a CgHo$ CÎma H$mo OMR erQ> ‘| gå~pÝYV àíZ H«$‘m§H$
Ho$ g‘j C{MV Jmoco H$mo Jham H$a B§{JV H$a| & CÎmam| H$mo Xem©Zo Ho$ {c¶o Zrco ¶m H$mco ~m°c ßdmB§Q> noZ H$m hr Cn¶moJ H$a| & Ooc noZ ¶m nopÝgc H$m Cn¶moJ d{O©V h¡ &
Correct Method : CORRECT / Wrong Method : WRONG / WRONG / WRONG / WRONG /
: :

12. OMR Answer Sheet is designed for computer evaluation. If you do not follow the instructions given above and at the backside of the
OMR Answer Sheet, it may make evaluation by computer difficult. Any resultant loss to the candidate on the above account shall be of
the candidate only.
OMR erQ> H$mo H$å߶yQ>a Ûmam ‘yë¶m§H$Z Ho$ {c¶o ~Zm¶m J¶m h¡ & ¶{X Amn Cn¶w©ŠV Ed§ OMR erQ> Ho$ {nN>co n¥ð> na {X¶o J¶o {ZX}em| H$m nmcZ Zht H$aVo, Vmo H$å߶yQ>a
Ûmam AmnH$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z H${R>Z hmo Om¶oJm & Bg H$maU go narjmWu H$mo hmoZo dmco ZwH$gmZ H$s {Oå‘oXmar CgH$s ñd¶§ H$s hmoJr &
13. No candidate should leave the examination hall before the final bell. The OMR Answer Sheet is carbonless in duplicate having
perforation on the left side. Candidate should detach carefully the Original Copy from the Candidate’s Copy (Duplicate) so that the
Original Copy is not mutilated in any way. Candidate should handover the Original OMR Copy and Question Booklet to the invigilator
before leaving the examination hall. Candidate can carry only the Candidate’s OMR copy with him/her. Question Booklet is not
allowed to be taken by the candidate.
H$moB© narjmWu ApÝV‘ K§Q>r ~OZo Ho$ nyd© narjm H$j go ~mha Zht Om gHo$Jm & OMR erQ> H$m~©Z a{hV VWm AZw{c{n g{hV h¡ CgHo$ ~m¶t Va’$ na’$moaoeZ
{H$¶m hþAm h¡ & Aä¶Wu gmdYmZr go Aä¶Wu H$s à{V (AZw{c{n) go ‘yc à{V H$mo Eogo AcJ H$a| Vm{H$ {H$gr ^r VarHo$ go ‘yc à{V H$mo H$moB© hm{Z Z nhþ±Mo &
narjm-H$j N>moSµ>Zo Ho$ nyd© Aä¶Wu OMR H$s ‘yb à{V Ed§ àíZ-nwpñVH$m drjH$ H$mo gm¢n Xo & Aä¶Wu Ho$db AnZr OMR H$s à{V hr AnZo gmW bo Om gH|$Jo&
àíZ-nwpñVH$m Aä¶Wu AnZo gmW Zht bo Om gH|$Jo &

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