Chapter I

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Submitted to the English Education Department

of FKIP of Wiralodra University
in Partial to Fulfillment of Requirement
for Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

NIP. 2071805011


A. Background of the Study

Since olden times, people have been learning language, especially their
mother tongue. People communicate everything and ideas use their mother tongue
to each other in their environment. Language is a key for success and have
important role in our life, specifically for intellectual, social and emotional
development. We will be left behind without communication.
We expect that language help anyone or students to be acquainted with
their self, their culture, and other culture. Students suggested every ideas and
experience use a language.
Nowadays, the children who have been learning process in the school;
they should have study foreign language, especially for English. English plays the
prominent role, English is a tool for international communication and becomes the
key for international science, commerce, and technology. So, almost people in the
world learning English.
English is a medium of communication which can help people to interact,
converse, and share to other people. English is an universal language. There are
many languages in the world where English is the foremost of them all. It is
understood and spoken almost everywhere in the world. English has become the
key instrument of globalization. What is paramount today is knowing how to use
the English language rather than just knowing it.
The ability in using English is very important to everyone. This is one of
the ways to improve human resources. The developing of human resources by
mastering English will be better if it starts as early as possible. That’s why
Indonesian Government has already run the policy and regulation for Elementary
school to give English subject for the students in the classroom. It is one of the
concerns of the Indonesian government to encounter the era of information and
English has been taught in Indonesia at Elementary school as one of the
local content subjects. It is hoped that the students will learn and comprehend
English as early as possible and can practice simple conversation. According to
“Ministry of National Education”(1993), the aim of teaching English at
Elementary school as follows: (1) “Siswa dapat memahami kata-kata dalam
bahasa Inggris yang sering ditemukan dan digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-
hari. (2) Siswa mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris secara sederhana”.
For Indonesian learners, the progress of learning English process depend
entirely on how far the differences and similarity between their mother tongue and
English as a target language that is learned by them.
In learning language, the student must have a good combine of four
language skill, those are speaking, writing, listening, reading. The most important
thing that vocabulary help the learners understand what they have read and heard.
Beside that, they can express what their feel through said or wrote it by words
Vocabulary is not only sign of symbol for ideas but also a part of how to
improve language skills in the target language. The more vocabulary students
learn the more ideas they should have, so they can communicate by using their
ideas more effectively. It is mentioned by Julian Edge (1993,27), “Knowing a lot
of words in a foreign language is very important. The more words we know, the
better our chance of understanding or making ourselves understood”
There are many kinds of teaching vocabulary methods that is usually used
by teacher or instructor to increasing the students’ vocabulary enrichment, such as
discussion, inquiry or through games and each other.
In this paper, I will introduce you of teaching method, that is Total
Physical Response method. Total Physical Response as one of teaching method
especially in teaching foreign language, such as English, German, Spanish and
many more.
Total Physical Response is a language learning method based on the
coordination of speech and action. It was developed by James Asher, a professor
of psychology at San Jose State University, California. It is linked to the trace
theory of memory, which holds that the more often or intensively a memory
connection is traced, the stronger the memory will be.
TPR method is very easy on utilizing language aspects and games moving
unsure within it. So TPR can make students more enjoy and fun when studying
English because it can make the stress disappear. Besides that Total Physical
Response method also helps the children to understand and memorize linguistic
input because the children use body movement as media in the process of
Use TPR for new vocabulary and grammar, to help your students
immediately understand the target language in chunks rather than word-by-word.
This instant success is absolutely thrilling for students.
Based on the experience, the writer often find some problem that faced by
students when studying English. The problems are mainly due to the materials and
given and the student factors.

B. Identification of Problem
When students learn a foreign language, actually they have faced the same
problem in order to understand the target language. They will through
introduction, hearing, and expressing phase. For example, the problem is how far
the differences between their mother tongue and target language about language
pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar or in the way to writing the language.
Really, there are some problems arouse in connecting the teaching learning
process such as:
1. How many words does a learner need to know?
2. How are words remembered?
3. How is the student vocabulary?
4. How is vocabulary learned effectively?
5. Did the student enjoy when studying vocabulary?
6. What the suitable method to enrich the students’
7. Have English teacher used right method in teaching
8. Could TPR method enrich the student vocabulary?

C. Limitation of the Problem

According to identification of the problem, there are three limitations of
the problems that need to be determined. The writer focuses the discussion to:
1. The right materials for teaching English. The writer
tries to all things in our environment. And then try to develop the
material from them. So they can learn by their environment.
2. The method to increase the vocabulary enrichment.
3. Encourage the students to be more active in learning
process through TPR method.

D. Formulation of the Problem

The writer tries to formulate the problem as follows:
1. Can student learn easily by using Total Physical
Response methods?
2. Is the Total Physical Response method effective to
develop students’ vocabulary?

E. Significance of the Study

Total Physical Response method can be used to practice and teach various
things. It is well suited to teaching classroom language and other vocabulary
connected with actions. Most of the grammatical structure of the target language
and hundreds of vocabulary items can be learn from the skillful use of the
imperative by instructor. You can increase your vocabulary mastery through
In the classroom, the teacher and students take on roles similar to that of
the parent and child respectively. Students must respond physically to the words
of the teacher. The activity may be a simple game or may involve more complex
grammar and more detailed scenarios.
This research is not merely a research which has been conducted in
English Department of Wiralodra University. Apart from obviously theoretical
advantage, would effectively facilitate teacher, learners, and those who paid close
attention in this method usage. The practical benefit will contribute significant
value for:
1. Students
As the finding reflected the effort to enrich the students vocabulary
mastery the empirical experiences, hopefully would share some
practical ways of effective learning for learners could indirectly learn
what really occurred in the process of study. Teaching vocabulary to
children by using Total Physical Response method is very useful for
children because children like to give response by using physical
response first better than using verbal response.

2. Teacher
Inexorably, to be qualified teachers, one need to know what is
involved in the process of learning English. It is very useful to know
the student’s interest and try to accustom them to catch the information
through motivation learning. The teacher must be understood the
importance of having their students enjoy their experience in learning
to communicate in foreign language.

F. Basic Assumption
Probably the biggest weakness of the Total Physical Response method is
the method will be spend a lot of time doing this method, to give few times to
make students understand the words from the teacher command. The writer has a
basic assumption is:
 There might be possibility of TPR method to increase students’
vocabulary enrichment.
 TPR method might be applicable to develop students’ vocabulary
 TPR can help teacher to teach easily.
 TPR can help student to know their need and interest in learning


A. Vocabulary
1. Definition
Vocabulary is knowledge of words and words meaning. Vocabulary is an
important element in language. So, in the first step to learn English is learning
vocabulary. Vocabulary always taught in language class. A vocabulary is defined
as all the words known and used by a particular person do not constitute all the
words a person is exposed to. Meanwhile, a person vocabulary is a set of words
they are familiar with in a language. A vocabulary usually grows and evolves with
age, and serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring
Vocabulary is study of:
 The meaning of words
Many words have several different meaning, study the meaning of the
words an the part of speech.
 How the words are used
Study the words in context, apply what you learn by writing sentences
with your words.
 Root words, prefixes, suffixes

Some theorizes:
“Vocabulary can be defined, roughly, as the words we teach in the foreign
language”. (Penny.UR. A course in language Teaching (practice and theory).
Cambridge University Press)
However, vocabulary is more complex than this definition suggest. First,
words come in two forms: oral and print. Oral vocabulary includes those words
that we recognize and use in listening and speaking. Print vocabulary includes
those words that we recognize and use in reading and writing. Second, word
knowledge also comes in two forms, receptive and productive. Receptive
vocabulary includes words that we recognize when we hear or see them.
Productive vocabulary includes words that we use when we speak or write.
Receptive vocabulary is typically larger that productive vocabulary, and may
include many words to which we assign some meaning, even if we do not know
their full definition and connotations or ever use them ourselves as we speak and
Adding further complexity, in education, the word vocabulary is used
with varying meanings. For example, for beginning reading teachers, the word
might be synonymous with “sight vocabulary”, by which they mean a set of the
most common words in English that young students need to be able to recognize
quickly as they see them print.
In addition to appearance and the way people carry their selves, people
will judge someone based on the words that come out from their mouth. Even if
they are mathematical genius, having a poor vocabulary will send across a
message that they are not very intelligent.

2. Types of vocabulary
There are some types of vocabulary:
1. Reading vocabulary, this is the largest type of
vocabulary simply because it includes the other three. A person’s
reading vocabulary is all the words he or she can recognize when
2. Listening vocabulary, this vocabulary is aided in
size by context and tone of voice. A person’s listening vocabulary is
all the words he or she can recognize when listening to speech.
3. Writing vocabulary, contrary to the previous two
vocabulary types, the writing vocabulary is stimulated by its user. A
person’s writing vocabulary is all the words he or she can employ in
4. Speaking vocabulary, a person’s speaking
vocabulary is all the words he or she can use in speech. Due to the
spontaneous nature of speaking vocabulary, words are often misused.
This misuse – though slight and unintentional – maybe compensated
by facial expression or hand gesture.

By definition, a vocabulary includes the last two categories of this list:

1. Never encountered the word
2. Heard the word, but cannot defined it
3. Recognize the word due to context or tone of voice
4. Able to use the word but cannot clearly explain it
5. Fluent with the word – its use and definition

3. The importance of vocabulary

Vocabulary is an important part of nearly and subject. Students need to
develop their vocabulary base to fully communicate and comprehend a topic. As
they learn how to use more vocabulary properly, the teacher will see an
improvement in students’ writing and speaking.
Unfortunately, new vocabulary is not always fun to learn. Worksheets and
home school worksheets will only go so far, and many students find them to be
tedious and boring. The default way of explaining vocabulary is to give a
definition, but this does not always work efficiently because of the lack of context
Without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed by students. To summed up
the importance of vocabulary learning, you can advice your students; if you spend
most of your time studying grammar, your English will not improve very much,
you will see most improvement if you learn more words and expressions. You can
say very little with grammar, but you can say almost anything with words.
These are the importance of vocabulary:
 The singular importance of vocabulary has become a powerful
insight to raising achievement.
 The words we know help us organize our learning.
 The creation of labels (words) is our tool for increasing learning.
 Vocabulary instruction should be a focal point of learning,
especially for students impacted by poverty.
 Vocabulary instruction is an excellent advance organizer but also
must be taught in context.

4. Word
a. Definition
According Vygotsky which is written in Scott Thornbury’s book
(1993:1),”A word is a microcosm of human consciousness”.
All human languages have words. Language emerges as words, both
historically, and in terms of the way each of us learned our first and any
subsequent languages. The coining of new words is never stops.
b. Aspect of meaning
 Denotation
The meaning of a word is primarily what is refers to in the real world,
this is often the sort of definition from a dictionary.
 Connotation
A less obvious component of the meaning of an item the association,
positive or negative feeling it evokes, which may not be indicated in a
dictionary definition .
 Appropriateness
A more subtle aspect of meaning that often needs to be taught is a
whether a particular item is the appropriate one to use in certain
context or not.
 Synonyms
Items that mean are same, or nearly the same.
 Antonyms
Items that mean the opposite.

 Translation
Words or expressions in the learners’ mother tongue that are
equivalent in meaning to the item being to be taught.

5. The words the student need to know

Over the years, estimated of student vocabulary size have varied greatly,
hindered in part by issues such as the types of vocabularies being considered.
Depending on how they approached such issues, early vocabulary researchers
reported figures ranging from 2.500 to 26.000 words for college graduate
Yet somehow most students do steadily acquire a large number of new
words each school year. To understand the magnitude of this accomplishment,
consider what learning this number of words would require in terms of
instruction. To directly teach students even 3.000 words a year would mean
teaching approximately 17 words each school day.
The children vocabulary enrichment also influence by their social
background. The words that student heard in one hour:
 Children living in poverty hear 615 words in an hour.
 Children in the middle class hear 1251 words in an hour.
 Children living with professional parents hear 2153 words.

B. Total Physical Response

1. Definition
Total Physical Response is a language teaching method built around the
condition of speech and actions. One of the methods which is suitable for children
in learning vocabulary is Total Physical Response (TRP) method. James Asher
(http:/, ) stated that “use TPR method for new vocabulary and
grammar, to help students immediately understand the target language in chunks
rather than word-by-word. This instant success is absolutely thrilling for
students”. It shows that using Total Physical Respond method is effective to help
the students to learn the target language because the students practice directly
using the vocabulary in real context. By doing so, the students can develop the
storage of the vocabulary in a short time. Besides that Total Physical Respond
method also helps the children to understand and memorize linguistic input
because the children use body movement as media in the process of learning. It is
mentioned by Jack C Richard and Theodore s Rodgers, (1986, 92) that “The
movement of the body seems to be powerful mediator for the understanding,
organization and storage of macro details of linguistic input”.
Total Physical response is one of the languages teaching methods which
was develop by James Asher, a professor of psychology at San Jose State
University, California. He used the commands from the teacher to students or a
student to another student. Students try to answer or response the commands
through the movements of the body or action. According to Jack C. Richard and
Theodore S. Rodgers (1993, 90) “Total Physical Response is a language teaching
method built around the coordination of speech and action; it attempts to teach
language through physical (motor) activity”. It is obviously described that
physical response is the medium to stimulate interaction between teacher and

2. The characteristic of Total Physical Response

Total Physical Response has characteristic. Asher who developed this
method, focused in particular on two characteristics of first language acquisition
which is written in David Nunan’s book (1991,244)
 The child gets a vast amount of
comprehensible in put before beginning to speak. Young children
comprehend language which is far in excess of their ability to produce.
 There is a lot physical manipulation and
action language accompanying early input. Throw the ball to Ahmad,
put you arm through here, etc. This action language, encouraging
physical manipulation, is couched in the imperative”.

3. The basic principle of TPR method

From the above description, the students try to comprehend the utterances
of language before trying to produce verbal language. They learn by using
physical movements or actions. To make it easy for the students, the teacher
should not give abstract words first. It can be delayed until students can
comprehend the target language. Asher (1991, 244) stated that: “Abstractions
should be delayed until students have internalized a details cognitive map of the
target language. Abstractions are not necessary for people to decode the
grammatical structure of a language. Once students has internalized the target
language”. To know more about Total Physical Response, the following is the
basic principle of Total Physical Response which was created by Asher.
a. When should stress comprehension
rather that production at the beginning level of second language
instruction with no demand on the learners to generate the target
language themselves.
b. We should obey the ‘here and now’
c. We should provide input to the
learners by getting them to carry commands. These commands should
be couched in the imperative.

4. The kinds of TPR activity

The are many kind of activities which can be used by teacher in the
process of learning using Total Physical Response Method such as:
a. Exercise by using command (imperative drill)
This is the main activity which teacher can do in the classroom by using
TPR method. This exercise is essential to demonstrate body movement and
activity from students. Its is hoped that when students are demonstrating the
responses by acting out they will absorb and comprehend the meaningful
sentences or utterance.
b. Dialogue (conversational dialogue)
Student can interact and have conversation during the lesson. While
having the conversation students can memorize and comprehend sentences in real
context because students are brought the real context in the conversation. For
example, when a student is asked to cry, walk, open, etc, he will do like real one.
c. Playing a Role (Role Play)
In this section every student is invited to act out his/her daily activity such
as in school, restaurant, supermarket, and so on. It is very interesting and useful
for students to practice the language because they are like to act although
pretending to be other people.
d. Presentation by using OHP or LCD.
Using OHP or LD is also very interesting to develop students’ motivation
in learning vocabulary process. In this form, students are asked to read or
pronounce the words written on the screen. After that teacher asks students to act
it out in front of the class about the words which have been learnt. Or teacher asks
students to answer directly after the commands are written on the screen.
e. Reading and writing activities
Reading and writing activities develop not only vocabulary but also train
students to make sentences based on the right order. This is can create students’
imagination because they try to illustrate and translate the others’ action into
sentences by writing on the whiteboard. Or while reading a passage, the others’
describe it in acting in front of classroom.
C. Framework Theory
D. Hypothesis



A. Method of research
Methodology can be defined as:
a. The analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and
postulates employed by a discipline.
b. The systematic study of method that are, can be, or have
applied within a discipline.
c. A particular procedure or set of procedures to collecting
It should be noted that the word ”methodology” is frequently used when
“method” would be more accurate. For example,” since students were not
available to complete the survey about academic success, we change our
methodology and gathered data from instructor instead”. In this instance the
methodology (gathering data via survey, and the assumption that this produces
accurate results) did not change, but the method (asking teacher instead of
students) did.
Methodology includes the following concepts as they relate to a particular
discipline or field of inquiry.
a. A collection of theories, concept or
b. Comparative study of different
c. Critique of the individual methods
Methodology refers to more than a simple set of methods, rather it refers
to the rationale and the philosophical assumptions that underlie a particular study
relative to the scientific method. This is why scholarly literature often includes a
section on the methodology of the researchers.

B. Place and Time of Research

In order to get data from this research, the writer decide the elementary
school to do her research, the research was conducted in SD Negeri Pekandangan
Jaya I,
The time of research will be held by the writer confirm to the subject
schedule in that school.

C. Procedure of Research
The first, the researcher find out the problems that faced by students or
teacher when teaching learning English process. Then, search the theory that
related to the study. After that, the writer decides the population and sample of
research. The writer chooses Classroom Action Research to get the data and to
find the information that the method is effective to be applied in that school or
If the writer is already with all research preparation, the writer begins to
uses the TPR method in English class. After several teaching process, the writer
gives some test to collect all the exercise data. And then the writer enumerated the
students’ worksheet based on their attendant list. From the worksheet, writer gives
the score and calculated all the right answers.
The writer will make conclusions from the data.

D. Population and Sample

This research is conducted in an elementary school, the writer select the
population in SDN Pekandangan Jaya I. Because the big number of population,
the writer only takes six grade for this research. The writer considers this sample
will be as representative of population.

E. Instrumentation
The writer chooses test as instrument to collect the data. The test consist of

F. Data Analysis Technique

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