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Q1. Explain the role of PSM (process safety management) in safety. Explain its advantages and disadvantages.

Ans- Purpose: The major objective of process safety management (PSM) of highly hazardous chemicals is to
prevent unwanted releases of hazardous chemicals especially into locations that could expose employees and
others to serious hazards. An effective process safety management program requires a systematic approach to
evaluating the whole chemical process. Using this approach, the process design, process technology, process
changes, operational and maintenance activities and procedures, Non routine activities and procedures,
emergency preparedness plans and procedures, training programs, and other elements that affect the process
are all considered in the evaluation. Application: The various lines of defense that have been incorporated into
the design and operation of the process to prevent or mitigate the release of hazardous chemicals need to be
evaluated and strengthened to ensure their effectiveness at each level. Process safety management is the
proactive identification, evaluation and mitigation or prevention of chemical releases that could occur as a
result of failures in processes, procedures, or equipment. The process safety management standard targets
highly hazardous chemicals that have the potential to cause a catastrophic incident. The purpose of the
standard as a whole is to aid employers in their efforts to prevent or mitigate episodic chemical releases that
could lead to a catastrophe in the workplace and possibly in the surrounding community .To control these types
of hazards, employers need to develop the necessary expertise, experience, judgment, and initiative within their
work force to properly implement and maintain an effective process safety management program as envisioned
in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard. Although OSHA believes process safety
management will have a positive effect on the safety of employees and will offer other potential benefits to
employers, such as increased productivity, smaller businesses that may have limited resources to them at this
time, might consider alternative avenues of decreasing the risks associated with highly hazardous chemicals at
their workplaces. Reduction in inventory will result in reducing the risk or potential for a catastrophic incident.
Exceptions :The PSM standard does not apply to the following:  Retail facilities;  Oil or gas well drilling or
servicing operations;  Normally unoccupied remote facilities;  Hydrocarbon fuels used solely for workplace
consumption as a fuel (e.g. propane used for comfort heating, gasoline for vehicle refueling), if such fuels are
not a part of a process containing another highly hazardous chemical covered by this standard; or  Flammable
liquid stored in atmospheric tanks or transferred, which are kept below their normal boiling point without
benefit of chilling or refrigerating and are not connected to a process.

Q2. What is the role of training in safety? Explain different types of training conducted in industry.
Ans :- Training must include instruction on how to handle upset conditions as well as what operating personnel
are to do in emergencies such as pump seal failures or pipeline ruptures. Communication among operating
personnel and workers within the process area performing Non routine tasks also must be maintained. The
hazards of the tasks are to be conveyed to operating personnel in accordance with established procedures and
to those performing the actual tasks. When the work is completed, operating personnel should be informed to
provide closure on the job. Employee Training: All employees, including maintenance and contractor employees
involved with highly hazardous chemicals, need to fully understand the safety and health hazards of the
chemicals and processes they work with so they can protect themselves, their fellow employees, and the
citizens of nearby communities. Training conducted in compliance with the OSHA Hazard Communication
standard (Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1910.1200) will inform employees about the chemicals
they work with and familiarize them with reading and understanding MSDSs. However, additional training in
subjects such as operating procedures and safe work practices, emergency evacuation and response, safety
procedures, routine and Non routine work authorization activities, and other areas pertinent to process safety
and health need to be covered by the employer's training program. In establishing their training programs,
employers must clearly identify the employees to be trained, the subjects to be covered, and the goals and
objectives they wish to achieve. The learning goals or objectives should be written in clear measurable terms
before the training begins. These goals and objectives need to be tailored to each of the specific training
modules or segments. Employers should describe the important actions and conditions under which the
employee will demonstrate competence or knowledge as well as what is acceptable performance. Contractors
Training: Employers who use contractors to perform work in and around processes that involve highly
hazardous chemicals have to establish a screening process so that they hire and use only contractors who
accomplish the desired job tasks without compromising the safety and health of any employees at a facility. For
contractors whose safety performance on the job is not known to the hiring employer, the employer must
obtain information on injury and illness rates and experience and should obtain contractor references. In
addition, the employer must ensure that the contractor has the appropriate job skills, knowledge, and
certifications (e.g., for pressure vessel welders)..

Q3. What is the role of instrumentation in safety? Explain its advantages.

Ans - Instrumentation for safe and efficient operation of plants Accidents continue to happen because too many
owner/operators still use injuries and fatalities as the predominant metric for safe operation. This focus on
direct impact can lead to acceptance of loss of containment events and tolerance for latent weaknesses in
process safety management (PSM). Knowledge of gaps in equipment integrity and management systems
shouldn’t depend on catastrophic events. Injuries and fatalities should occur so infrequently that impact data
are meaningless for trending performance.  Instrumentation for safe plant operation : Chemicals are also
classified as under : 1. According to their Physical State i.e. solid, liquid or gases. Fine particles of solid like
powder, dust, fumes and smoke are called particulate matter. Their suspension in air or gas also exists. Liquids
are classified as acid; alkali, solvent, suspension, liquid mixture, aerosols etc. Gases are classified as inert (N21
C02), reactive, toxic, irritant, corrosive etc. 2. Noxious Gases : (1) Irritant gases – Cl2, NH3, SO2, NO2, COCL2,
Aldehydes etc. (2) Systemic poisons – C6H6, CS2, PH3, Stibine, Mn, Nickel carbonyl, Arsine, Halogenated
hydrocarbons etc. (3) Simple asphyxiants – N2, CH4, CO2 etc. (4) Chemical asphyxiants - CO, H2S, HCN etc. 3.
Dust (Particulate Matter): (1) Causing plenumoconioses - Coal, Silica, Asbestos etc. (2) Causing Asthma - Cotton,
Flour, TDI etc. (3) Causing allergy - fungal spores, bird fanciers, lung, bagassation etc. (4) Causing lung cancer -
Chromium, Asbestos, Benzene etc. 4. Biological Agents and Diseases : (1) Virus Rickettisia - Psittacosis, rabbis
etc. (2) Bacteria - Anthrax, Woolsorter's disease, Leptospirosis or Weal's disease, Brucellosis, Tetanus etc. (3)
Fungi - Ringworm, Moniliasis etc. (4) Parasites - Hookworm (5) Plant products - Dermatitis due to mango tree
and cashew seed processing.

Q4. Explain the Bhopal gas disaster

Ans -If we see the history of worst chemical disasters, in industries the first thing that comes to our memory is
one at Bhopal.On the night of Dec. 2nd and 3rd, 1984, a Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, began leaking. due to
run-away reactions, temperature and pressure rise and the safety valve lifted to the atmosphere. About 25-27
tons of the deadly gas methyl isocyanate spread through the city of Bhopal. Methyl Isocyanate is a colourless
liquid used for making pesticides. MIC is safe when maintained properly. The chemical is highly reactive to heat.
When exposed to water, the compounds in MIC react with each other causing a heat reaction. Half a million
people were exposed to the gas. Protective systems that should have prevented or minimized discharge were
out of service. Refrigeration system to cool the reactor was down. Scrubbing system to absorb the released
vapour was not immediately available. Flare system to burn vapours getting past the scrubber was out of
service.The highly toxic substance made its way into and around the small towns located near the plant.
Estimates vary on the death toll. The official immediate death toll was 2,259. In 2008, the Government of
Madhya Pradesh had paid compensation to the family members of 3,787 victims killed in the gas release, and to
574,366 injured victims. A government affidavit in 2006 stated that the leak caused 558,125 injuries, including
38,478 temporary partial injuries and approximately 3,900 severely and permanently disabling injuries. Others
estimate that 8,000 died within two weeks, and another 8,000 or more have since died from gas-related
diseases. . Lessons we learned Form Bhopal Tragedy 1)Reduce inventory of hazardous material (MIC) 2)Keep all
the safety related equipment in order 3)Keep residential areas away from the plant 4) Proper Management
Doctors were not aware of proper treatment methods the incident. Methyl isocyanate gas leak killed more than
15,000 people and affected over 600,000 workers. The stillbirth rate and the neonatal mortality rate increased
by up to 300% and 200% respectively. The gas leak impact trees and animals too. Within a couple of days, trees
in the nearby area became barren. Bloated animal carcasses had to be disposed of. People ran on the streets,
vomiting and dying. The city ran out of cremation grounds.

Q5. Explain the role of hazardous area classification in safety. State its advantages.
Ans- Hazardous area classification is the evaluation and classification of hazardous (classified) locations using
scientific and engineering principles, within facilities where chemicals are manufactured, processed or utilized.
Hazardous areas are classified solely for the purpose of ensuring the safe and proper specification and
installation of electrical/ electronic equipment located within them. Article 500 of the National Electrical Code
(NEC) (reference 1) defines the requirements for the safe and proper specification and installation of
electrical/electronic equipment in hazardous (classified) locations. NEC Article 500.5 (A) states that "Locations
shall be classified depending on the properties of the flammable gas, flammable liquid-produced vapors,
combustible liquid-produced vapors, combustible dust or fibers/flyings that may be present, and the likelihood
that a flammable or combustible concentration or quantity is present. Each room, section, or area shall be
considered individually in determining its classification."
Advantage Hazardous area classification drawings provide a road map that ensures that electrical/electronic
equipment can be safely and properly specified and installed in hazardous (classified) locations such that the
risk of fires or explosions is greatly reduced. Work with a qualified engineering testing lab that has the expertise,
experience and capabilities necessary to perform accurate and practical area classifications for hazardous
(classified) locations within any process facility.

Q6. Explain the selection criteria for plant siting and layout for a major petrochemical plant.
Ans- SITING CRITERIA: There are 4 Siting Criterias as under: General Guidelines : 1. Land availability and its cost.
2. Raw material availability. 3. Labour availability (Also the quality of labor-Strike). 4. Infrastructure availability
(Different for different Products & even Models). 5. Access to market. (Not in Andaman Nikobar) 6. Transport
facilities. 7. Drinking and process water facilities. (Igatpuri Plant laid down pipeline from a river for making water
available) 8. Sewage and Drainage. 9. Place for solid and liquid waste disposal. (Govt. approved facility distance
like Taloja, Pune Ranjangaon) 10. Interlinking with other plants.(Suppliers & Venders & Purchasers) 11.
Surrounding population density and distance from the public.(In case of nuclear plant or MAH Units like one in
Manmad Petroleum unit) 12. Distance from highway and railway and from transport centers.(Cost cutting
Factor) 13. Suitability of climate, environment and factors related to ecology, geology, and micro& macro
biology. 14. Government policy advantages like subsidies (M&M Haridwar –Some taxrelaxation), incentives and
zoning (area reservation eg. SEZ) if prescribed. 15. Other techno-economic criteria.

Q7. HIRA & Importance

Ans- A HIRA is a risk assessment tool that can be used to assess which hazards pose the greatest risk in terms of
how likely they are to occur and how great their potential impact may be. It is not intended to be used as a
prediction tool to determine which hazard will cause the next emergency. There are four steps to create and
maintain a HIRA: 1) Hazard Identification 2) Risk Assessment 3) Risk Analysis 4) Monitor and Review . To avoid
these impacts HIRA should be done - Social Impacts - Property Damage -Environmental Damage -
Business/Financial Impact -Psychosocial Impacts .

Q8. Explain any two unit operation in the industry with safety aspects.
Ans- FERTILISER INDUSTRY: Fertilisers are natural (manure) or artificial. Artificial fertilizers are produced in
chemical plants and they may be organic or inorganic, nitrogenous, phosphatic, potash and trace element
fertilizers. In the warehousing stage, phosphate. Potassium-salt and other dusts are released. In chemical
processing plant, air pollution by toxic gases (Fluorine compounds, H2SO4, NO, HCI, CO and NH3, gases) and
dust, high air temperature and noise are noticed. Closed and efficient ventilation is necessary. In finishing
processes, weighing, bagging and storing, gaseous emissions and fluorine compounds are released. Phosphates
and other raw materials contain 10% or more free silica which may cause pneumoconiosis. The dust of soluble
fertilizers causes irritation. The safety measures include: 1. Mechanizations and automation of production
processes, provision of remote control, careful assembly and safe operation of equipment and heat insulation.
2. Process segregation and walls and floor covering to absorb fluorine compounds. 3. Gen. Ventilation, exhaust
ventilation of enclosed plant, cleaning of exhaust air and waste water. 4. Education and personal hygiene. 5. Use
of PPF and safety showers. 6. Safety and sanitary supervision. 7. Pre and post medical examination including
radiographs of the locomotors system and lungs. PESTICIDE INDUSTRY (INSECTICIDE): Pesticide is a chemical
used to destroy an organism detrimental to human interest. It includes insecticides, fungicides, herbicides,
rodenticides, bactericides, miticides, nematocides, moUuscicides. They are generally halogenated (Cyclodienes,
Bischlorophenyls, Cycloparaffins, Organo-chlorines and Chlorinated terpenes) or Organophosphorus (Parathion,
malathion, TEPP, OMPA, DDVP, abate, ciodrin etc. ) type. They are classified as extremely hazardous, highly
hazardous, moderately hazardous, slightly hazardous etc. For these classifications and their details including
Lethal Dose values see Reference No. 1 given at the end of this Chapter. Strict safety rules are necessary during
their processing, handling, packaging etc. Exhaust ventilation and use of PPE are essential.

Q9. Explain the role of P and ID in safety. State its advantages.

Ans- A piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) is a drawing in the process industry. A P&ID shows all piping,
including the “physical sequence of branches, reducers, valves, equipment, instrumentation and control
interlocks.” A P&ID is used to operate the process system, since it shows the piping of the process flow along
with the installed equipment and instrumentation. P & IDs play a key role in maintaining and modifying the
process they describe, because it is important to demonstrate the physical sequence of equipment and systems,
including how these systems connect. In terms of processing facilities, a P&ID is a visual representation of key
piping and instrument details, control and shutdown schemes, safety and regulatory requirements, and basic
start-up and operational information. Advantages - there are three main reasons that the tagging should be
done correctly:  The P&ID and tags ensure that even collections of similar objects have unique tags so that
identical valves, pumps, instruments, etc., can be uniquely identified  The P&ID and tags make it possible to
assemble the process plant in a structured manner so that additions, deletions, changes, etc., are possible from
a whole-unit scale down to a single valve on a pipe at any location  The P&ID and tags contain scores of
metadata that provides, or links to, more details including specifications, materials of construction, data sheets,

Q10. Flame arrestor & Diagram

Ans - Most flame arrester applications are in systems that collect gases emitted by liquids and
solids. These systems, commonly used in many industries, may be called vapor control systems
(VCS). The gases typically vented to the atmosphere or controlled via vapor control systems are
flammable. If the right conditions are such that ignition occurs, a flame inside or outside of the
system could result, with the potential to do catastrophic damage. Under normal operating
conditions, a flame arrester works by permitting a relatively free flow of gas or vapor (2) through the
piping (5) system. If the mixture ignites and the flame (1) begins to travel back through the piping,
the arrester will prohibit the flame (3) from moving back to the gas source (2). All flame arresters
have the same principle: removing heat from the flame as it attempts to travel through narrow
passages with metal walls or other heat-conductive material (4). Flame arresters are passive
devices with no moving parts. They prevent flame propagation from the exposed side of the unit to
the protected side by using wound crimped (corrugated) metal flame cell "element or matrix."

1. Exposed Side 2. Protected Side 3. Flame stabilized on arrester element 4. Flame arrester element absorbs and
quenches flame front 5. Piping

Q11. Pesticides industries Safety Measures

Ans- The measures include prohibition of employment of women and young persons, air space of 500 m3 or
more per person, efficient exhaust draft on charging, discharging, blending and powder or liquid preparation,
sound and sloping floor with gutters and drainage, daily washing, workbenches of stainless steel, waste
container with lid and waste disposal by burning, safe disposal of empty containers, no manual or direct
handling, protective clothing and their daily washing, medical facilities including doctor and antidotes and
medical examination - pre employment, quarterly examination and record in Form 20, GFR additional rest
interval of 10 minutes before each meal and before the end of the day's work, washing and bathing facilities
with at least 50% bathrooms and 1 place for 5 workers with clean towels, soap and nail brushes, prohibition of
food and drink in workrooms, cloak room for clothing and PPE, mess room with incharge person and prior

Q12. What are the safety precaution to be taken in the process and operations involving explosive chemicals?
Ans :- Safety in chemical industry: 1. Study and identify chemical hazards using material safety data sheet
(MSDS) and a system of classification, packaging and labeling should be developed. 2. Select safer technology. 3.
Select safer sitting of chemical industry for minimum loss to men, material, environment etc. 4. Take all safety
precautions at Design and construction stage. 5. Workplace hazards inside the factory should be controlled by
good engineering controls, (SOPs) safe operating procedure and using personal protective equipment. 6. All
requisite safety devices, fittings, instruments, equipment, machines etc., must be provided and well maintained.
7. Workers must be properly Educated & trained for safe operation of the plant such as proper Warning signs,
color codes, Safety Work Permit Systems, fire fighting. 8. Conduct Mock-drills of MAH Unit & Potential
Emergencies due to Chemical Hazards to know everybody their role in emergency planning and control. 9. Safe
Storage, handling & transportation of hazardous chemicals within and out-side factory premises. 10. Safe
Storage, disposal of hazardous wastes within and outside factory premises.(Sewage &Haz-Sludge) 11. Well
monitoring and control of hazardous substances/Waste at work places (Inspection, Audit & Analysis / ETP &
STP) and of occupational ill-effects and diseases by pre and periodical medical examinations of the workers.

Q13. Vapor cloud explosion or UVC (unconfined vapour cloud)

Ans- When a flammable vapor is released, its mixture with air will form a flammable vapor cloud. If ignited, the
flame speed may accelerate to high velocities and produce significant blast overpressure. A vapor cloud
explosion (VCE) results from the ignition of a flammable mixture of vapor, gas, aerosol, or mist, in which flame
speeds accelerate to sufficiently high velocities to produce significant overpressure. VCEs are generally
associated with the release of a sufficient quantity of flammable gas or vaporizing (flashing) liquid from a:
storage tank process or transport vessel piping system vapor cloud explosion Buildings may be damaged
and people may be injured by: the blast wave. Five conditions for Vapour Cloud Explosions 1. The released
material must be flammable and at suitable conditions to form a vapor cloud (the reactivity of the unburned
material is important ) 2. An ignition source is needed to initiate the explosion. Higher energy ignition sources
can lead to a more severe explosion than do lower energy sources. 3. Ignition of the flammable vapor cloud
must be delayed until a cloud of sufficient size has formed. If ignition occurs as the flammable material is
escaping, a large fire, jet flame, or fireball might occur, but a VCE is unlikely. The probability of explosion rather
than fire increases with the size of the cloud, since the quantity of the mixture within the flammable range
increases. 4. Turbulence is required for the flame front to accelerate to the speeds required for a VCE;
otherwise, a flash fire will result. This turbulence is typically formed by the interaction between the flame front
and obstacles such as process structures or equipment. 5. Confinement of the cloud by obstacles can result in
rapid increases in pressure during combustion. Absence of confining obstacles limiting the pressure increases.
The degree of confinement in process plants, with their congested equipment layout and built-up structures, is
generally high.

Q14. Explain in brief the safety precaution while transfer of flammable chemicals.
Ans :- Avoid accumulation of vapours and to control sources of ignition including:  open flames  electrical
equipment  sources of static electricity  Accounts of a few of the fires that have occurred in our laboratories
may be found in Anecdotes(link is external).  Pouring flammable liquids can generate static electricity. The
development of static electricity is related to the humidity levels in the area. Cold, dry atmospheres are more
likely to facilitate static electricity. Bonding or using ground straps for metallic or non-metallic containers can
prevent static generation.  Whenever possible use plastic or metal containers or safety cans.  When working
with open containers, use a laboratory fume hood to control the accumulation of flammable vapor.  Use bottle
carriers for transporting glass containers.  Avoid using equipment with series-wound motors, since they are
likely to produce sparks.  Do not heat flammable liquids with an open flame. Steam baths, salt and sand baths,
oil and wax baths, heating mantles and hot air or nitrogen baths are preferable.  Minimize the production of
vapors and the associated risk of ignition by flashback. Vapors from flammable liquids are denser than air and
tend to sink to the floor level where they can spread over a large area.  Electrically bond metal containers
when transferring flammable liquids from one to another. Bonding can be direct, as a wire attached to both
containers, or indirect, as through a common ground system.  When grounding non-metallic containers,
contact must be made directly to the liquid, rather than to the container.  In the rare circumstance that static
cannot be avoided, proceed slowly to give the charge time to disperse or conduct the procedure in an inert

Q15. State the safety precaution to be taken while handling of acid/alkali chemicals.
Ans- Hydrochloric acid is a hazardous liquid which must be used with care. The acid itself is corrosive, and
concentrated forms release acidic mists that are also dangerous. If the acid or mist come into contact with the
skin, eyes, or internal organs, the damage can be irreversible or even fatal in severe cases. The use of personal
protective equipment is essential. Safety is of utmost importance when handling dangerous chemicals like
hydrochloric acid. The Environmental Protection Agency regulates hydrochloric acid as a toxic substance, and it
should be treated as such. It is recommended that you wear the following protective equipment when using
hydrochloric acid of any concentration:  Vapor respirator  Rubber gloves  Boots  Full suit  Face shield If
using hydrochloric acid at your workplace, it is highly recommended you have access to an eye-flush station in
case of accidental exposure. You should also review all Hydrochloric Acid MSDS information before making
Q16. Explain CMV Rule for transportation of hazards chemicals.
Ans- Central Motor Vehicle Rules (CMVR) 1989 to reduce the road disasters carrying chemicals. The
implementation of the Rules 131 to 133 of CMVR, 1989, providing details of responsibility of consignors,
transporters and drivers of the goods carriage transporting HAZCHEM shall be strengthened. Further, the states
can also put additional restrictions in the permit condition while granting permits to the transporters. Training: 
Comprehensive training of inspection staff issuing fitness certificates regarding design codes, their requirement
for the inherent safety of the container and the vehicle, etc.  Comprehensive training of the traffic inspectors
regarding the applicable of legal requirements.  Training of inspectors regarding HAZCHEM as per the CMVR so
as to make them understand the consequences of non-compliance.  Elaborate training programmes for
community leaders, panchayats, NGOs and other identified prominent persons in the areas is necessary after a
directory of information (containing the names, addresses, telephone numbers, etc.) is prepared. A small
booklet in the vernacular on dos and don'ts for the local public should be brought out and circulated.  The
Regional Transport Officer (RTO) should carry out the proper verification and examination of the tankers/trucks
before issuing a new license/permits. Check driver's license for its validity, provide a certificate to the effect that
he has successfully undergone the requisite training for transportation of hazardous goods and endorse his
license, authorising him to drive vehicles carrying HAZCHEM. 1. Check documents and inspect vehicles with
check lists. 2. Implement vehicle entry, loading/unloading check list. 3. Check compatibility with material last
transported with the one intended to be loaded. 4. Place appropriate fire extinguishers. 5. Provide separate
earthing to tank and hoses. 6. Provide stop blocks to prevent rolling of vehicles. Loading/unloading operation to
be carried out under supervision. 7. Make the driver read the Transport Emergency Card (TREMCARD) while the
loading/unloading operation is carried out. 8. Seal and lock valves after loading. The Emergency Information
Panel (EIP) should be checked and if found inappropriate, new panels should be pasted on all three places.
Appropriate class labels should be pasted. 9. Communicate the route and scheduled halts to driver and
transporter. 10. Implement a computerised system for records. Although it may not be possible for all the units
to implement such computerised systems, alert security staff and proper maintenance of records can easily
achieve the objective. Train security staff in checking the documents and vehicles. 11. Selection of transporters
should be on the basis of their credibility rather than solely on quotes.

Q17. Explain the role of compatibility in safety.

Ans :- Process safety in the laboratory – “Wherever you work – in a process plant, a research laboratory, a pilot
plant, a quality control laboratory, a maintenance shop, or anywhere else – make sure you fully understand the
hazards associated with all of your materials, equipment, and operations. You can’t manage the risk from a
hazard that you don’t know about!” Understanding chemical compatibility – “This is important information to
understand so you can take proper precautions to make sure that incompatible materials are not inadvertently
mixed. That can happen when making material transfers such as unloading shipments into storage tanks or
other containers, when containers are stored adjacent to each other in warehouses or production areas, and
when products are transferred to tank farms for storage before being shipped.” A little static can cause a big fire
– “Static charge is generated by contact and separation of two different materials. Once generated, charge may
remain on the materials until it finds a lower electrical potential, then it discharges. The spark can have enough
energy to ignite flammable vapors, gases, or a combustible dust cloud.” Can you recognize a change – “On the
passenger vessel that experienced the engine fire, couplings on three of the four engines had been replaced
with threaded hose fittings and rubber hoses. One of those hoses failed and sprayed fuel directly onto the hot
engine exhaust, which likely provided the ignition source.”

Q18. Explain the safety precaution in storage of flammable gases. Ans :- Follow these seven general safety
recommendations: 1. Know and understand the properties, uses, and safety precautions before using any gas or
gas mixture. Consult the Air Products Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and Safetygrams for safety information on the
gases and equipment you will be using. 2. Determine the appropriate equipment required to use the product
and know how to safely operate the equipment. 3. Be aware of potential hazards and develop plans to cover
possible emergencies. 4. Provide personal protective equipment (PPE) and the required training for its use.
Require personnel to wear the proper PPE for each task 5. Follow all national, state, and local regulations
pertaining to the storage, use, and disposal of compressed gases and cryogenic liquids.6. If you are unfamiliar
with the hazards associated with a particular gas, contact your supplier for additional information. 7. Use
appropriate equipment when handling portable cylinder banks. Storage Take the following precautions to
prevent injuries caused by asphyxiation, fire, explosion, high pressure, and improper handling of compressed
gas cylinders. NEVER • Allow storage temperature to exceed 125°F (52°C). • Permit smoking or open flames in
oxidizer or flammable gas storage areas. • Expose cylinders to corrosive materials such as ice melting
compounds. • Store only the amount of compressed gas required for the specific application. • Store cylinders
away from heavily traveled areas and emergency exits. • Provide adequate access for cylinder handling. •
Visually inspect stored cylinders on a routine basis, or at least weekly, for any indication of leakage or problems.
• Restrict access to cylinder storage areas. • Protect cylinders from wet or damp ground. ALWAYS • Store
cylinders in accordance with ISO Standard 11625 or CGA Pamphlet P-1. • Store cylinders upright with valve
outlet seals and valve protection caps in place. See Air Products’ Safetygram-14, “Don’t Turn a Cylinder Into a
Rocket.” • Secure cylinders when in storage, transit, or use. • Store cylinders in areas designated for that
purpose. • Segregate full and empty cylinders. • Store cylinders in a dry, cool, wellventilated, secure area
protected from the weather and away from combustible materials. • Ensure that there is adequate separation
from combustibles as specified by national regulations.

Q19. Explain UN classification of hazards chemicals.

ANS- The hazardous chemicals/dangerous goods are divided by United Nation Committee of Experts on the
Transport of dangerous goods into the following classes: CLASS 1 : Explosive
Division 1 – Substances and articles which have a mass explosion hazard.
Division 2 – Substances and articles which have a projection hazards but not a mass explosion hazards.
Division 3 – Substances and articles which have a fire hazard and either a minor blast hazard or a major
projection hazard or both, but not a mass explosion hazard.
Division 4 – Substances and articles which present no significant hazard.
Division 5 – Very insensitive substances which have a mass explosion hazard.
CLASS 2 : Gases compressed, liquefied, dissolved under pressure or deeply refrigerated.
CLASS 3 : inflammable liquids.
CLASS 4 : Inflammable solids, substances liable to spontaneous combustion substances which on contact with
water emit inflammable gases.
Division 4.1 – Inflammable solids.
Division 4.2 – Substances liable to spontaneous combustion.
Division 4.3 – Substances which on contact with water, emit inflammable gases.
CLASS 5 : Oxidising substances, organic peroxides.
Division 5.1 – Oxidising substances.
Division 5.2 – Organic peroxides.
CLASS 6 : Poisonous (toxic) and Infectious substances.
Division 6.1 Poisonous (toxic) substances.
Division 6.2 Infectious substances.
CLASS 7 : Radioactive substance.
CLASS 8 : Corrosives.
CLASS 9 : Miscellaneous dangerous substance. See IS:1446 for classification of dangerous goods.
Arrangement for loading and unloading of the liquid have to be well designed. It is preferred to load toxic and
flammable material from the bottom. It is preferable to provide a discharge pump on the tank.
Q20. What are the safety aspects in plant start up and shutdown?
Ans:- 4.1 Safe Start-up & Shutdown Procedures: Start-up or restart operation after a short or long shutdown and
shutdown procedures need special precautions.Starting sequence should be well defined, written and known to
the workers involved in this work. Starting in sequence of utilities like water, air, power; purging, charging, slow
and gradual heating, monitoring of pressure, temperature, flow and reaction rate, cooling if necessary, starting
of exhaust system, scrubber or condenser etc., observing noise, vibration, speed, alignment, synchronizing etc.
are all important. During start-up if drains remain open, vent valves remain closed, wrong valves are operated,
unwanted material enters e.g. oxygen instead of nitrogen as blanketing over flammable reaction, water where it
is incompatible, air instead of steam or steam instead of air, excess or less charging of material or catalyst,
delayed cooling or heating, not starting of any pump or instrument, no indication or alarm due to failure or
malfunctioning of instrument in the beginning, no starting of local exhaust or scrubber when it is essential and
failure of interlock or trip resulting in unwanted mixing or reaction, mixing of air with hydrocarbons, contacting
hot oil and water, thermal or mechanical shocks etc. are some of the examples of possible disorders. Correct
identification of pipelines, valves and gauges, correct sequence of control operation, correct charging or
addition-rate and instead of relying on instruments only Counter-check of other parameters and strict manual
observation and satisfaction are requisite precautions for safe start-up procedure.

Q21. Explain the role of maintenance in safety.

Ans :- Maintenance work can be hazardous. Although it is estimated that 6% of the working population are
involved in maintenance work (not always all the time), it is estimated that, throughout Europe, between 15 and
20% of injuries at work happen during maintenance work. This is for three main reasons. Firstly maintenance
work can often involve many of the most dangerous activities such as work at height, electricity, and dangerous
equipment. Secondly, maintenance work is often not risk assessed before it is done, Thirdly, much of it is done
by contractors who are unfamiliar with that workplace. All workplaces have some type of maintenance work in
their premises. It includes maintaining all types of equipment, buildings, means of transport. There are two
types of maintenance work. These are routine or preventative maintenance work which is often planned and
required to ensure that everything keep on working, and corrective maintenance, which takes place when
things break down or go wrong. Maintenance therefore covers a huge range of activities such as repair work,
servicing, replacing, inspecting and testing. Because maintenance work is so varied the types of hazards that can
be created will always be unique which is why the individual risks always have to be assessed and controlled,
however among the specific problems that workers are likely to face are the following: Access - both access to
and around the building as well as access to the equipment that needs maintained can be a problem. Some
maintenance activities will involve working in confined places where access can be a problem. Work at height -
Chemical and dust exposure -Equipment and machinery -Musculoskeletal problems -Biological hazards -Noise –

Q22. Inspecting the workplace - a checklist for health and safety representatives
Ans - When inspecting the workplace, health and safety representatives are encouraged to include the
inspection regime as well. Often that will involve asking for the risk assessments and records. You should also
check the accident book. Among the things you should be looking out for are:  Does your employer have a
maintenance programme for all buildings and equipment?  Are all routine or standard maintenance tasks risk
assessed and are the risk assessments up to date?  Have all control measures that arise from the risk
assessment been put in place and are they working?  What procedures are in place to ensure that non-routine
maintenance work is risk assessed?  Is maintenance activity logged and monitored?  Are all maintenance
workers fully trained and provided with the appropriate equipment and PPE?  Are other workers trained on
how maintenance work can affect them?  Are all potential hazards (such as asbestos) identified and clearly
marked so that maintenance workers will be aware of them?  What arrangements are in place to ensure that
external contractors are competent and informed about any potential risks within the workplace?  Have there
been any injuries, illnesses or near misses reported relating to maintenance activities, or a lack of maintenance
work, since your last inspection?

Q23. Explain colour code system. What are its advantages in safety?
Ans - Colour Coding identification of contents:: Indian Standards : IS to be followed are : Code of practice for
safety colours and safety signs 9457, Pipelines, identification, colour code 2379, Standard colours for building
and decorative finishes 1650, pipelines in thermal power plants 9404, Identification for canisters and cartridges
8318 and Gas cylinders and related medical equipment 3933. Colours to Identify Hazards :Colour coding is most
desirable and useful for safety purposes. Standard colours are used to identify hazards as follows : Red - Fire
protection, prohibition, danger, emergency stops on machines, red cross on medical facilities. Yellow - Risk,
danger or caution, hazards of slipping, falling, striking etc., flammable liquid storage, yellow band on safety cans,
material handling equipment viz. lift trucks, cranes, crane hooks, caution, transport equipment, obstructions,
change in floor level, stair nosing etc. Green - Safety equipment not identified elsewhere, safety board, safe
condition. Blue - Warning and information signs, bulletin boards, rail road uses. It indicates safety colour only if
used with a circular sign. Orange - Dangerous parts of machines or energized equipment such as exposed edges
of cutting devices, inside of movable guards, enclosure doors, transmission guards, electric installations. Purple -
Radiation Hazards Black & White - Housekeeping and traffic markings. Also used as contrast colours. 4 Benefits
of Colour-Coded Equipment: 1. Prevent Cross Contamination 2. Identify high risk, low-risk areas 3. Hygienic
Waste Management 4. Safe Segregation of Cleaning Equipment Colour-coded equipment can assist in
minimising the risk of product cross-contamination from bacteria, allergens and foreign bodies. Consequently
this improves food safety, saves on expensive recalls and protects business reputation.

Q24. Explain the role of safety relief system in safety.

Ans - Safety Relief Valves An overpressure incident is defined by any situation/condition which would cause the
pressure in a vessel or system to increase beyond its specified design pressure or maximum allowable working
pressure (MAWP). A Safety Relief Valve is designed to open and relieve excess pressure from vessels or
equipment ...and then to re-close and prevent the further release of fluid, gas, or steam once normal conditions
have been restored. There are a number of reasons why the pressure in a vessel or system can exceed a
predetermined limit. A PI Standard 521 | I SO 23251 Sect. 4 provides a detailed guideline about causes of
overpressure. The most common are:  Blocked discharge  Exposure to external fire, often referred to as “Fire
Case”  Thermal expansion  Chemical reaction  Heat exchanger tube rupture. A Safety Valve is in many cases
the last line of defence for a system or operation. It is vitally important that the Safety Valve is certified to, and
capable of, operating at ALL times and under ALL circumstances. A typical example of this would be the event of
power failure, when system controls are non-functional this situation the sole source of power for the
Safety Relief Valve must be the process fluid or substance itself. The Safety Relief Valve must open at a
predetermined set pressure, flow a rated capacity at a specified overpressure, and close when the system
pressure has returned to a safe level.

Q25. What is flare? Explain the role of flare in safety.

Ans - Flare systems are elevated to keep the open flame away from ground level and reduce the effects of heat,
smoke and noise. Typical Flows to Flare Systems  Typical Flows to Flare Systems „  Emergency „ o Pressure
relief flows Pressure relief flows „ o Emergency depressurization Emergency depressurization „  Episodic o
Venting required for maintenance Venting required for maintenance „ o Venting required for regeneration
Venting required for regeneration „ o Shutdown/Start Shutdown/Start-up operations (de up operations (de -
inventorying) inventorying)  Continuous Continuous– 99+% of Typical Operation 99+% of Typical Operation „ o
Sweep gas through the flare system piping Sweep gas through the flare system piping o Process venting
(continuous analyzer flows, gas Process venting (continuous analyzer flows, gas seals, certain types of pressure
control) seals, certain types of pressure control) „ o Pressure Relief Valve leakage Pressure Relief Valve leakage.
 Flare System Major Components  „Every flare system is unique and different Every flare system is unique and
different  „Every flare system contains differential components Every flare system contains differential
components  „Series of collection headers from sources Series of collection headers from sources  „Knockout
drum Knockout drum  „Stack o „Flare Tip Flare Tip o „Liquid seal Liquid seal o „Purge reduction device (stack
seal) Purge reduction device (stack seal)  „Integrated pilot system Integrated pilot system  „Monitoring and
operation instrumentation Monitoring and operation instrumentation  „Flare hydrocarbon recovery systems
Flare hydrocarbon recovery system.

Q26. State the safety precautions to be taken while working on pipelines.

Ans - Before commencing any work (including minor repairs) on Pipe Lines/Installations, or opening any pipe
Line for the same, the Engineer/Supervisor In-Charge of the work must ensure that: The Liquid or Gas Supply to
the line is stopped, the control valve is properly closed & Liquid or Gas line is properly and effectively blanked.
The Liquid or Gas line has been purged/flushed with nitrogen, other similar gas or steam/water, as the case may
be. In case of flammable Liquid &Gas, the operations involving open flames, sparks, welding etc. are stopped.
Hot lines in the vicinity of the job have been screened. Sigris, burners etc. are removed. A Fire Fighting Team of
two persons with two fire extinguishers is standing-by near the job site.After completion of work the Liquid or
Gas valve is opened only by an authorized person. The provisions of Rule 73-C of the Maharashtra Factories
Rules 1963 are fully complied with.

Q27. What is fire? Explain different types of fire. & Types of Extinguisher
Ans - Classes of Fire and Extinguishers Class of fire Description Extinguishing Medium IS No. A Fires involving
ordinary combustible materials like wood, paper, textiles, fibres and vegetables etc. where the cooling effect of
water is essential for the extinction of fires. Water type (Soda acid) 934 Water type (gas pressure) 940 Water
type (constant air pressure), 6234 Anti – freeze types and Water buckets B Fire in flammable liquids like oils,
grease, solvents, Petroleum products, varnishes paints etc. where a blanketing effect is essential. Chem. Foam
933 Carbon dioxide 5507 10474 2878 8149 Dry Powder 2171 4308 Dry Powder Mechanical foam 10658 10204
Halon 1211 11108 Sand buckets C Fires involving gaseous substances under pressure where it is necessary to
dilute the burning gas at a very fast Carbon dioxide 2878 8149 Dry powder 2171 rate with an inert gas or
powder. Dry powder 4308 Halon 1211 11108 D Fire involving metals like magnesium, aluminum,zinc, potassium
etc., where the burning metal is reactive to water and which requires special extinguishing media or technique.
Dry powder 2171 Special dry powder for metal fire 4861 11833 Sand buckets E Fires involving electrical
equipment where the electrical non-conductivity of the extinguishing media is of first importance. Carbon
dioxide 2878 Dry chemical powder 2171 4308 Halon 1211 11108 When electrical equipment is deenergized,
same as for Classes A & B Sand buckets. * Class E is omitted is some literature (eg. IS: 2190) Class K is suggested
for fire involving cooking oils. Types of Extinguishers and suitability for Fire (IS:2190) Type of Extinguisher IS
No. For type of Fires A B C D 1. Water type (Soda acid) 934 4406 S * NS * NS NS 2 Water type (gas cartridge) 940
S NS NS NS 3 Water type (stored pressure) 6234 S NS NS NS 4 Chemical foam type 933 5507 10474 NS S NS NS 5
Mechanical foam type 10204 NS S NS NS 6 Dry powder type 2171 10658 NS S NS NS 7 Dry powder type 11833
NS NS NS S 8 CO2 type 2878 8149 NS S S NS 9 Halon 1211 type 11108 NS S S NS

Q28. Define deflagration and detonation.

Ans - Deflagration: It is an explosion with a resulting shock wave moving at a speed less than the speed of sound
in unreacted medium. Deflagration is very rapid auto combustion of particles of explosive as a surface
phenomenon. It may be initiated by contact of a flame or spark but may be caused by impact or friction. It is a
characteristic of low explosives. Detonation: It is an explosion with a resulting shock wave' moving at a speed
more than the speed of sound in unreacted medium. Detonation is extremely rapid, self-propagating
decomposition of an explosive accompanied by a high pressure-temperature wave that moves at from
10009000 m/sec. It may be initiated by mechanical impact, friction or heat. It is a characteristic of high
explosives which varies considerably in their sensitivity to shock, nitro-glycerine being one of the most
dangerous in this regard. Whether a deflagration or detonation takes place depends on the material involved
and the conditions under which it occurs. A vapour phase explosion requires some degree of confinement for a
detonation to take place.

Q.29. Explain BLEVE and VCE.

Ans - Boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion (BLEVE), also referred as a fireball, is a combination of fire and
explosion with an intense radiant heat emission within a relatively short time interval. When a tank or pressure
vessel containing liquid or liquefied gas above its boiling point (so heated) fails or ruptures the contents release
as a turbulent mixture of liquid and gas, expanding rapidly and dispersing in air as a cloud. When this cloud is
ignited, a fireball occurs causing enormous heat radiation intensity within a few seconds. This heat is sufficient
to cause severe skin burns and deaths within a few hundred meters depending on the mass of the gas involved.
A BLEVE involving a 50- tone propane tank can cause '"third-degree burn at @ 200 mt and blisters at @ 400 mt
Road/rail accident to a tank car/wagon or due to weakening of structure by fire or physical impact on a
overstressed vessel/tank can cause a BLEVE. Vapor cloud explosion A vapor cloud explosion (VCE) results from
the ignition of a flammable mixture of vapor, gas, aerosol, or mist, in which flame speeds accelerate to
sufficiently high velocities to produce significant overpressure. VCEs are generally associated with the release of
a sufficient quantity of flammable gas or vaporizing (flashing) liquid from a:  storage tank  process or
transport vessel  piping system Buildings may be damaged and people may be injured by:  the blast wave
additional indirect effects from missile generation, crater formation, ground shock, and fire. Generally:  as
the blast wave travels farther away from the center of the explosion it loses energy  the magnitude of
overpressure and other effects decreases as the distance increases from the explosion source.

Q30. What is dust explosion? How it taken place?

Ans - Dust Explosion: It is possible due to flammable dusts of wood, coal, food(starch, flour, sugar, cocoa, feed
stuffs), chemicals, plastics (urea formaldehyde, resin, polyethylene, polystyrene), metals(aluminum,
magnesium) etc. It results from rapid combustion of fine solid particles like iron, aluminum, wood, starch etc.
Many solid particles when reduced to fine powder becomes very flammable and explosive. Explosion
characteristics of dust suspension are as under: 1. Explosibility classification. 2. Minimum explosible
concentration. 3. Minimum ignition temperature. 4. Minimum ignition energy. 5. Maximum permissible oxygen
concentration to prevent ignition. 6. Explosion pressure characteristics. (a) maximum explosion pressure. (b)
maximum rate of pressure rise. (c) average rate of pressure rise. Sources of ignition for dust explosions are : (1)
Flames, heat or hot surfaces (2) Welding and cutting (3) Mechanical sparks (4) Self-heating (5) Static electricity
and (6)Electrical equipment.

Q31. Explain the role of fire detection and alarm system in safety.
Ans - Fire Detection and Alarm Systems: Various types of detectors are available operating on principles of
thermal expansion, thermoelectric sensitivity, thermo conductivity or photosensitivity to detect presence of
smoke, increase in temperature, light intensity or total radiation. Their types are: Thermal expansion detectors.
Radiant energy detectors. Light interference detectors and ionization detectors. They should be properly
located depending upon their range. They simply give alarm and cannot extinguish fire. They make us alert for
fire fighting. Though fire detection and alarm systems are separate systems but the latter has to operate just
after the former operates. Therefore they are considered together. IS 2175 and 2189 also deal with them
together. Two main functions of any fire detection system are 1. To give alarm to start up extinguishing
procedure, and 52 2. To give early warning to area occupants to escape. Selection of the type of detector is
important For example, low risk areas need thermal detectors, a ware house may have infrared and ionization
detectors and a computer area requires ionization or combination detectors.
Q32. Explain the role of firefighting system in industry.
Ans - The fire fighting system is most probably important for all building services. The main aim of the fire
fighting system is to protect human life and property of human and other important documents. It consists of
three parts are listed below:
Large storage of water tanks either in the underground or top of the building which is called fire tanks.
Pumping system.
A large network of pipes like hydrants and sprinklers.
Importance of fire fighting equipment
Safety against fire is a very important thing to be considered at all workplaces and homes. Every year a large
number of people die due to fire accidents. Fire fighting systems AMC services involves in creating awareness
among the people about fire safety and it can be easily ensured by having proper fire protection and fire
fighting system. The importance of a fire fighting system is an indispensable one to ensure maximum protection
against fire. The fire fighting system also ensures the safety of firefighters who risk their lives to save others life.

Q33. Explain pressure vessel hazards and controls.

Ans - Pressure system hazards and control: General safety requirements for compressed air : 1. All pipes, hoses,
and fittings must have a rating of the maximum pressure of the compressor. Compressed air pipelines should be
identified (psi) as to maximum working pressure. 2. Air supply shutoff valves should be located (as near as
possible) at the point-of-operation. 3. Air hoses should be kept free of grease and oil to reduce the possibility of
deterioration. 56 4. Hoses should not be strung across floors or aisles where they are liable to cause personnel
to trip and fall. When possible, air supply hoses should be suspended overhead, or otherwise located to afford
efficient access and protection against damage. 5. Hose ends must be secured to prevent whipping if an
accidental cut or break occurs. 6. Pneumatic impact tools, such as riveting guns, should never be pointed at a
person. 7. Before a pneumatic tool is disconnected (unless it has quick disconnect plugs), the air supply must be
turned off at the control valve and the tool bled. 8. Compressed air must not be used under any circumstances
to clean dirt and dust from clothing or off a person’s skin. Shop air used for cleaning should be regulated to 15
psi unless equipped with diffuser nozzles to provide lessor pressure. 9. Goggles, face shields or other eye
protection must be worn by personnel using compressed air for cleaning equipment. 10. Static electricity can be
generated through the use of pneumatic tools. This type of equipment must be grounded or bonded if it is used
where fuel, flammable vapors or explosive atmospheres are present.

Q34. Explain the safety aspects in bulk storage of gases.

Ans - Dispense gas cylinders are heavy and are filled with gas held under high pressure. Standard size dispense
gas cylinders weigh about 16kg when empty and around 20kg when filled (depending on the gas or gas mixture),
and larger cylinders can be nearly five times heavier. Perhaps even more importantly, they are filled with gas
held at high pressure and, if a cylinder discharges or ruptures there are likely to be serious consequences. Guide
to manual handling procedures ALWAYS keep cylinder stocks to the necessary minimum for your volume of
trade ALWAYS only use cylinders filled by a reputable gas supplier who fills and regularly tests cylinders in
accordance with current safety regulations ALWAYS return gas cylinders to the supplier you purchased them
from – and to no-one else ALWAYS have spare washers available to replace worn washers which may cause
leaks at the cylinder connection NEVER fill one gas cylinder from another - this is extremely dangerous NEVER
carry gas cylinders in a car or other closed vehicle NEVER connect gas cylinders to any equipment other than the
primary regulator NEVER drop, throw or mishandle cylinders 60 NEVER use cylinders for anything other than
storing and delivering dispense gas NEVER oil or lubricate cylinder valves. NEVERstand cylinders on uneven
floors. The cylinder may fall, causing injury or damage NEVERobstruct access to or from the cellar, which can
prevent escape in the event of an emergency

Q35. What is corrosion? Explain any two types of corrosion.

Ans - The basics of corrosion -- from the fundamental chemical reaction to the types of environments in which
corrosion can occur. As corrosion most often occurs in aqueous environments, we now explore the different
types of degradation a metal can experience in such conditions: UNIFORM CORROSION Uniform corrosion is
considered an even attack across the surface of a material and is the most common type of corrosion. PITTING
CORROSION Pitting is one of the most destructive types of corrosion, as it can be hard to predict, detect and
characterize CREVICE CORROSION Crevice corrosion is also a localized form of corrosion and usually results from
a stagnant microenvironment in which there is a difference in the concentration of ions between two areas of a
metal. INTERGRANULAR CORROSION An examination of the microstructure of a metal reveals the grains that
form during solidification of the alloy, as well as the grain boundaries between them. STRESS CORROSION
CRACKING (SCC) Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is a result of the combination of tensile stress and a corrosive
environment, often at elevated temperatures. GALVANIC CORROSION Galvanic corrosion is the degradation of
one metal near a joint or juncture that occurs when two electrochemically dissimilar metals are in electrical
contact in an electrolytic environment; for example, when copper is in contact with steel in a saltwater
environment. CONCLUSION In aqueous environments, metals may be exposed to not only uniform corrosion,
but also to various types of local corrosion including pitting, crevice, intergranular, stress, and galvanic

Q36. Explain the bulk storage of acid with safety aspects.

Proper chemical storage is as important to safety as proper chemical handling. Often, seemingly logical storage
ideas, such as placing chemicals in alphabetical order, may cause incompatible chemicals to be stored together.
Follow these guidelines for safe chemical storage:  Read chemical labels and MSDSs for specific storage
instructions.  Store chemicals in a well-ventilated area; however, do not store chemicals in a fume hood. 
Maintain an inventory of all chemicals in storage.  Return chemical containers to their proper storage location
after use.  Store glass chemical containers so that they are unlikely to be broken.  Store all hazardous
chemicals below eye level.  Never store hazardous chemicals in a public area or corridor. General Precaution - 
Storage location should clearly indicate which group/code is stored in that location. Each shelf or cabinet should
indicate the color.  Groups should always be separated by a vertical divider not horizontal divider. (see
diagrams below)  Each chemical container should be clearly labeled by its storage color.  Ideally liquids should
be isolated by secondary containment.

Q37. Explain the mechanism of stems explosion.

Ans :- STEAM EXPLOSION: If a steam explosion occurs in a confined tank of water due to rapid heating of the
water, the pressure wave and rapidly expanding steam can cause severe water hammer. This was the
mechanism that, in Idaho, USA, in 1961, caused the SL-1 nuclear reactor vessel to jump over 9 feet (2.7 m) in the
air when it was destroyed by a criticality accident. In the case of SL-1, the fuel and fuel elements vaporized from
instantaneous overheating. Events of this general type are also possible if the fuel and fuel elements of a liquid-
cooled nuclear reactor gradually melt. Such explosions are known as fuel–coolant interactions (FCI).[citation
needed] In these events the passage of the pressure wave through the predispersed material creates flow
forces which further fragment the melt, resulting in rapid heat transfer, and thus sustaining the wave. Much of
the physical destruction in the Chernobyl disaster, a graphite-moderated, light-water-cooled RBMK-1000
reactor, is thought to have been due to such a steam explosion. In a nuclear meltdown, the most severe
outcome of a steam explosion is early containment failure. Two possibilities are the ejection at high pressure of
molten fuel into the containment, causing rapid heating; or an in-vessel steam explosion causing ejection of a
missile (such as the upper head) into, and through, the containment. Less dramatic but still significant is that the
molten mass of fuel and reactor core melts through the floor of the reactor building and reaches ground water;
a steam explosion might occur, but the debris would probably be contained, and would in fact, being dispersed,
probably be more easily cooled. See WASH-1400 for details. Steam explosions are often encountered where hot
lava meets sea water. Such an occurrence is also called a littoral explosion. A dangerous steam explosion can
also be created when liquid water encounters hot, molten metal. As the water explodes into steam, it splashes
the burning hot liquid metal along with it, causing an extreme risk of severe burns to anyone located nearby and
creating a fire hazard.

Q38. Sampling of liquefied flammable gas.

Ans - Sampling liquefied gases such as Chlorine, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and other is very challenging
mainly because these are toxic chemicals and no exposure is allowed. New Technology Consult this page to
understand how BIAR COLUMBIA-LY sample container provide a sufficient vapor space to prevent over-pressure
from volumetric expansion. To improve the current sample method by simplifying the process, reducing
potential leak points and improving the general quality of the equipment, we propose using one of our valve
with a sample cylinder and associated accessories such as bayonet connection and safety plug. To provide
volume for product expansion, the valve must be installed on a vertical pipeline or at 90° on a horizontal
pipeline as illustrated on the left. Purely from the sample process point of view, the simplest and recommended
way is to install the valve directly on the process line. However, if this is not possible, another recommended
way is to install the valve on a fast loop between the high-pressure and low-pressure sides of the pump in a re-
circulation line. Assuming the valve is installed directly on the process line or on a fast loop with constant
product flow-through, the steps to grab a sample will be the following: 1. Remove the safety plug from the
bayonet connection (secondary containment) 2. Remove the safety cap from the sample cylinder 3. Connect the
sample cylinder 4. Open the sample cylinder 5. Open the sample valve 6. Wait a defined amount of time to
make sure the desired sample amount is collected 7. Close the sample cylinder 8. Close the sample valve 9.
Disconnect the sample cylinder 10. Put the safety cap back on the sample cylinder 11. Put the safety plug back
on the sample valve.

Q39. Explain the different types of pressure relief systems provided in your plant.
Ans - The two primary types of relief devices are the relief valve and rupture disk. Relief valves The three basic
types of pressure-relief valves are conventional spring loaded, balanced spring loaded, and the pilot operated. 
Conventional spring loaded. In the conventional spring-loaded valve (Fig. 1), the bonnet, spring, and guide are
exposed to the released fluids. If the bonnet is vented to the atmosphere, relief-system backpressure decreases
the set pressure. If the bonnet is vented internally to the outlet, relief-system backpressure increases the set
pressure. The conventional spring-loaded valve is used in noncorrosive services and where backpressure is less
than 10% of the set point.  Balanced spring-loaded. The balanced spring-loaded valve incorporates a means to
protect the bonnet, spring, and guide from the released fluids and minimizes the effects of backpressure. The
disk area vented to the atmosphere is exactly equal to the disk area exposed to backpressure. These valves can
be used in corrosive or dirty service and with variable backpressure.  Pilot operated. The pilot-operated valve
is combined with and controlled by an auxiliary pressure pilot. The resistance force on the piston in the main
valve is assisted by the process pressure through an orifice. The net seating force on the piston actually
increases as the process pressure nears the set point. Rupture disk devices The rupture-disk device is a
nonreclosing differential-pressure device actuated by inlet static pressure. The rupture disk is designed to burst
at set inlet pressure. The device includes a rupture disk and a disk holder. The rupture disk may be used alone,
in parallel with, or in conjunction with pressure-relief valves. They are manufactured in a variety of materials
with various coatings for corrosion resistance. Pilot-operated-valve considerations. Pilot-operated valves should
be considered for all clean services within their temperature limitations. They are well suited for pressures
below 15 psig and are available with the pilot-pressure sensing line connected to either the valve inlet or to a
different point. Pilotoperated valves provide tight shutoff with very narrow margins between operating
pressure and set pressure.
Q40. . Explain the fire-fighting system provided in your plant.
Ans- General Fire Fighting Equipment Fire fighting systems and equipment vary depending on the age, size, use
and type of building construction. A building may contain some or all of the following features:  fire
extinguishers  fire hose reels  fire hydrant systems  automatic sprinkler systems. Fire extinguishers Fire
extinguishers are provided for a 'first attack' fire fighting measure, generally undertaken by the occupants of the
building before the fire service arrives. It is important that occupants are familiar with which extinguisher type
to use on which fire. Most fires start as a small fire and may be extinguished if the correct type and amount of
extinguishing agent is applied whilst the fire is small and controllable. Fire hose reels Fire hose reels are
provided for use by occupants as a 'first attack' fire fighting measure but may, in some instances, also be used
by firefighters. When stowing a fire hose reel, it is important to first attach the nozzle end to the hose reel valve,
then close the hose reel valve, then open the nozzle to relieve any pressure in the wound hose, then close the
nozzle. This achieves two principle objectives:  A depressurised hose and hose reel seal will last longer than if
permanently pressurised.  When the hose reel is next used, the operator will be forced to turn on the isolating
valve, thus charging the hose reel with pressurised water supply, before being able to drag the hose to the fire.
A potential danger exists if the operator reaches the fire and finds no water is available because the hose reel
valve is still closed. Because hose reels are generally located next to an exit, in an emergency it is possible to
reach a safe place simply by following the hose. Fire hydrant systems Fire hydrant systems are installed in
buildings to help firefighters quickly attack the fire. Essentially, a hydrant system is a water reticulation system
used to transport water in order to limit the amount of hose that firefighters have to lay, thus speeding up the
fire fighting process. Fire hydrants are for the sole use of trained firefighters (which includes factory fire fighting
teams). Because of the high pressures available serious injury can occur if untrained persons attempt to operate
the equipment connected to such installations. Automatic Sprinkler Systems A sprinkler head is really an
automatic (open once only) tap. The sprinkler head is connected to a pressurised water system. When the fire
heats up the sprinkler head, it opens at a pre-set temperature, thus allowing pressurised water to be sprayed
both down onto the fire and also up to cool the hot smoky layer and the building structure above the fire. This
spray also wets combustible material in the vicinity of the fire, making it difficult to ignite, thereby slowing down
or preventing fire spread and growth.

Q41. Statutory requirements for pressure vessels

Ans- Pressure vessels that do not exceed: a. Five cubic feet in volume and 250 pounds per square inch gauge
pressure; 77 b. One and one-half cubic feet in volume and 600 pounds per square inch gauge pressure; and c.
An inside diameter of six inches with no limitations on gauge pressure; 13. Pressure vessels used for
transportation or storage of compressed gases when constructed in compliance with the specifications of the
United States Department of Transportation and when charged with gas marked, maintained, and periodically
requalified for use, as required by appropriate regulations of the United States Department of Transportation;
14. Stationary American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) LP-Gas containers used exclusively in propane
service with a capacity that does not exceed 2,000 gallons if the owner of the container or the owner's servicing
agent: a. Conducts an inspection of the container not less frequently than every five years, in which all visible
parts of the container, including insulation or coating, structural attachments, and vessel connections, are
inspected for corrosion, distortion, cracking, evidence of leakage, fire damage, or other condition indicating
impairment; b. Maintains a record of the most recent inspection of the container conducted in accordance with
subdivision a; and c. Makes the records required to be maintained in accordance with subdivision b available for
inspection by the Commissioner; 15. Unfired pressure vessels used in and as a part of electric substations owned
or operated by an electric utility, provided such electric substation is enclosed, locked, and inaccessible to the
public; or 16. Coil type hot water boilers without any steam space where water flashes into steam when
released through a manually operated nozzle, unless steam is generated within the coil or unless one of the
following limitations is exceeded: a. Three-fourths inch diameter tubing or pipe size with no drums or headers
attached; b. Nominal water containing capacity not exceeding six gallons; and c. Water temperature not
exceeding 350 degrees Fahrenheit

Q42. Working of nitrogen blanketing of a storage tank

Ans- Nitrogen Blanketing Nitrogen blanketing or tank padding is a process of introducing an inert gas, such as
nitrogen to a storage tank to counter the effects of oxygen on the storage material. Tank blanketing, nitrogen
blanketing, or tank padding is a process of introducing an inert gas, such as nitrogen (the most cost effective), to
a storage tank to counter the effects of oxygen on the storage material which is usually a liquid. When purging a
tank with an inert or inactive gas, the storage vessel material does not come in contact with the oxygen. For this
reason, the life of the product is prolonged, and potential explosive conditions are mitigated. Refineries,
pharmaceutical companies, the petrochemical industry use tank blanketing to prevent contact with oxygen and
as a way to avoid potentially hazardous conditions. The blanketing process controls the atmosphere above a
combustible or flammable liquid, and this reduces the ignition potential. Manufacturers use the method for
storage of adhesives, chemicals, fuels, pharmaceuticals, photographic chemicals, inks, and soaps. 82 Industries
that use Blanketing  Food and beverage industry  Petroleum industry  Pharmaceutical industry 
Petrochemical industry

Q43. Sprinkler system for a flammable hydrocarbon storage tank.

Ans - - Foam/water sprinkler systems are more economical than a water-only system, when evaluated for the
same risk. They provide for actual extinguishment of the fire and a lower water demand. The conversion assists
in the reduction of property loss, loss of life and in many cases the reduction of insurance rates. In most
instances, fires cause more than structural and inventory damages. Many manufacturing and storage facilities
have various flammable products that are protected by water sprinkler systems alone. The water sprinkler
system may extinguish the fire; however, this type system has the two potential problems. If the water only
system is not capable of quick extinguishment, the product containers can erupt and spill. Also it typically
requires a great deal of water to extinguish a flammable liquid that is miscible in water or in many cases, the
flammable liquid floats on the water and then the water becomes the vehicle that spreads the fire. Both the
large amounts of water and the flammable liquids are normally washed into the local drain systems which can
contaminate the water supplies and aquifers. Along with the financial loss of the manufacturing/storage
facilities and products, there is the expense of contamination cleanup. Foam systems can facilitate in quick
extinguishment and water reduction. In a single year, the National Fire Protection Association documented fires
that involved flammable liquids with direct losses of over $1 billion. The extended losses including the close of
businesses, cost of environmental cleanup and increased insurance costs are inconceivable. When a water
sprinkler system is converted to water/ foam system, explicit standards and regulations must be met. These
include NFPA Standards; 13 Installation of Sprinkler Systems, NFPA 16 Installation of Foam-Water Deluge
Systems and Foam - Water Spray Systems and NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code. These NFPA
standards are to be used in conjunction with local authority regulations or with the facilities insurance company
requirements. Before any conversion procedures are instituted, consult with the governing authorities for
design approval. 2 The in-line balanced proportioner system (ILBP)

Q44. Safety features of LPG tank farm.

Ans - Safety Features provided for LPG Tank farms The Tank Farmis provided with various safety measures like:
• Fire fighting and water sprinkler system • Gas leak detection system • Asset management system • High
integrity design; and • Comprehensive emergency systems. • Tank gauging system to prevent accidental overfill
• High level alarm system to sound alarm when level in tank reaches 85% • Safety valves located on storage
tanks • Excess flow check valves on all outlets to prevent excess flow of LPG in case of downstream rupture or
likewise situation • Deluge system • High temperature protection system • High pressure protection system •
Flame detection system • Emergency stop switches at strategic location • Audio and visual alarm system for
entire plant

Q45. Disasters
Seveso disaster (1976):
The Seveso disaster was an industrial accident that occurred around 12:37 pm on July 10, 1976, in a small
chemical manufacturing plant approximately 20 kilometres (12 mi) north of Milan in the Lombardy region
of Italy. It resulted in the highest known exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in residential
populations,[1] which gave rise to numerous scientific studies and standardized industrial safety regulations.
The EU industrial safety regulations are known as the Seveso II Directive. The Seveso disaster was named
because Seveso, with a population of 17,000 in 1976, was the community most affected. Other affected
neighbouring communities were Meda (19,000), Desio (33,000), CesanoMaderno (34,000) and to a lesser
extent Barlassina (6,000) and Bovisio-Masciago (11,000).[2] The industrial plant, located in Meda, was owned by
the company ICMESA (IndustrieChimicheMedaSocietàAzionaria), a subsidiary of Givaudan, which in turn was a
subsidiary of Hoffmann-La Roche (Roche Group). The factory building had been built many years earlier and the
local population did not perceive it as a potential source of danger. Moreover, although several exposures of
populations to dioxins had occurred before, mostly in industrial accidents, they were of a more limited scale.

The Mexico City Explosion of 1984:

PEMEX LPG Terminal, Mexico City, Mexico. 19th November 1984
At approximately 05:35 hours on 19 November 1984 a major fire and a series of catastrophic explosions
occurred at the government owned and operated PEMEX LPG Terminal at San Juan Ixhuatepec, Mexico City. As
a consequence of these events some 500 individuals were killed and the terminal destroyed.
Three refineries supplied the facility with LPG on a daily basis. The plant was being filled from a refinery 400 km
away, as on the previous day it had become almost empty. Two large spheres and 48 cylindrical vessels were
filled to 90% and 4 smaller spheres to 50% full.
A drop in pressure was noticed in the control room and also at a pipeline pumping station. An 8-inch pipe
between a sphere and a series of cylinders had ruptured. Unfortunately the operators could not identify the
cause of the pressure drop. The release of LPG continued for about 5-10 minutes when the gas cloud, estimated
at 200 m x 150 m x 2 m high, drifted to a flare stack. It ignited, causing violent ground shock. A number of
ground fires occurred. Workers on the plant now tried to deal with the escape taking various action. At a late
stage somebody pressed the emergency shutdown button.
About fifteen minutes after the initial release the first BLEVE occurred. For the next hour and a half there
followed a series of BLEVEs as the LPG vessels violently exploded. LPG was said to rain down and surfaces
covered in the liquid were set alight. The explosions were recorded on a seismograph at the University of


November 1986: fire at Sandoz chemical plant near Basel.
Water used to put out the blaze flushed huge amounts of insecticides and pesticides into the river, sparking an
ecological catastrophe.
Environmental awareness rose leading to demands to take much tougher actions against pollution
One famous pollution incident in Asia was the Songhua River pollution incident that happened in 2005 in
The Songhua river is a major river in northeast China and is the main water source of many cities and
villages, including Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang Province with a population of 3.5 million. Lessons Learnt :
To improve the ability of water pollution emergency response, to mitigate the loss by the water pollution
incidents a number of lessons were learnt: (1) Conduct stratified management for water pollution incidents.
(2) Clarify the main body responsible for water pollution incident emergency response plans
(3) Enhance the organization and leadership for water pollution incident emergency response.
(4) Improve the water pollution incident reporting system.

Q46. TREM Card

Ans- Transport Emergency Cards (TREM Cards) are cards that workers carry at all times when their work
involves transporting hazardous wastes. These cards are provided by the occupier or operator of a facility and
must be kept in the cab of any vehicle transporting dangerous goods, unless they are in sufficiently low
TREM Cards carry information about the particular goods being transported and provide instructions to the
driver or emergency responders in the event of an incident. TREM Cards list the nature of the carried
substances, associated hazard(s), and what actions should be taken in the event of an emergency. They also
include a contact name and telephone number for the relevant emergency services in the event of an accident.
Transport Emergency Cards must be visible in the vehicle at all times during the transportation of hazardous
substances. Upon delivery, TREM Cards are removed from view. The consignor is required under regulations to
either supply the cards or give enough information for the operator to obtain the correct ones. However, the
carrier also has a legal obligation to ensure that cards are appropriate to the load.

Ans- A safety data sheet (SDS), material safety data sheet (MSDS), or product safety data sheet (PSDS) is a
document that lists information relating to occupational safety and health for the use of various substances and
products. SDSs are a widely used system for cataloguing information on chemicals, chemical compounds, and
chemical mixtures. SDS information may include instructions for the safe use and potential hazards associated
with a particular material or product, along with spill-handling procedures. The older MSDS formats could vary
from source to source within a country depending on national requirements; however, the newer SDS format is
internationally standardized.
SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking
1.1. Product identifier 1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against 1.3.
Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet1.4. Emergency telephone number SECTION 2: Hazards
identification 2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture 2.2. Label elements 2.3. Other hazards SECTION 3:
Composition/information on ingredients 3.1. Substances 3.2. Mixtures SECTION 4: First aid measures 4.1.
Description of first aid measures 4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed 4.3.
Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed SECTION 5: Firefighting measures
5.1. Extinguishing media 5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture SECTION 6: Accidental
release measure 6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures 6.2.
Environmental precautions SECTION 7: Handling and storage 7.1. Precautions for safe handling 7.2. Conditions
for safe storage, including any incompatibilities SECTION 8: Exposure controls / personal protection 8.1. Control
parameters 8.2. Exposure controls SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties 9.1. Information on basic
physical and chemical properties 9.2. Other information SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity 10.1. Reactivity
10.2. Chemical stability SECTION 11: Toxicological information 11.1. Information on toxicological effects
SECTION 12: Ecological information 12.1. Toxicity 12.2. Persistence and degradability SECTION 13: Disposal
considerations 13.1. Waste treatment methods SECTION 14: Transport information 14.1. UN number 14.2. UN
proper shipping name SECTION 15: Regulatory information 15.1. Safety, health and environmental
regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture 15.2. Chemical safety assessment SECTION 16:
Other information 16.2. Date of the latest revision of the SDS
Ans - The HAZCHEM code (also called Emergency Action Code) gives vital information to fire brigade and
other emergency services on the action to be taken to combat spillage, leakage or fire in an emergency
involving a hazardous substance. The letters signify 4 aspects viz.
1. Method of controlling spillage a) by diluting or b) by containing
2. Personal protective equipment to be worn by fire fighters
3. Reactive nature of Chemical, and Need for evacuation.
4. It is important to note here that the objective of the HAZCHEM code is not to identify the chemical carried
in the vehicle. The purpose of HAZCHEM code is only to provide guidance on the basic approach to dealing
with an emergency.
In interpreting the HAZCHEM code, the following points will be useful:
1. If necessary, a fire fighting medium represented by a higher number than that shown may be used, but not
represented by a lower number.
2.Where the letter appears as white on black, police and other non-fire service personnel need to wear
breathing apparatus only for a fire and not for a spillage, but firemen are required to wear it in both cases.
3. Letter E indicates that the officer in charge should consider civil evacuation of the area

The Indian Chemical Manufacturers Association (ICMA), in their publication "Code for Safe Transportation of
Hazardous Substances by Road" recommends that at least the area within a radius of 300m should be
considered for evacuation wherever 'E' appears in HAZCHEM code. For example for ethylene oxide with UN
number 1040 and HAZCHEM code is 2PE and would be decoded as:
2- Fog equipment is recommended (through extinguishing agents corresponding to higher number may also
be used).
P- Can be violently (V) reactive. Full body clothing with breathing apparatus is necessary. The substance may
be diluted and washed to drain.
E- Consider evacuation as first priority.

Q49. MOC & How to Conduct

Ans- An MOC is used to ensure that the environmental, health, and safety risks are carefully
evaluated and controlled prior to implementing significant changes. The MOC process gives
employers a chance to identify potential new hazards that could result from these changes.
A Management of Change program forces you to slow down and take a step back.
Often times, especially in private industry, there is pressure to just hurry up and “get the job done.”
When decisions are rushed, there is an increased risk of failure. MOC helps to prevent accidents and
injuries that could be catastrophic. How to Conduct a Management of Change
The MOC process should be conducted in a systemic way. The basic steps to follow include:
1) Recognize the proposed change(s).
2) Evaluate the hazards and risks.
3) Determine if the hazards and risks can be reduced, controlled, or eliminated.
4) Determine if the change(s) can or should be made.
5) Implement change(s) if determined safe to do so.
6) Conduct Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR).
7) Train workers on the implemented changes.
8) Follow procedures and continue to evaluate changes
Q50. Emergency Information Panel (EIP)
Ans- In India, it is mandatory for the vehicles transporting hazardous chemicals to display Emergency
Information Panel (EIP) with details and at places as specified under Rule 134 of the Central Motor Vehicles
Rules, 1989 as shown in the next figure.

Every goods carriage used for transporting any dangerous or hazardous goods shall be legibly and conspicuously
marked with an emergency information panel in each of the three places as specified, so that the emergency
information panel faces to each side of the carriage and to its rear and such panel shall contain the information.

Q51. Chemistry of fire. Brief corresponding actions for fire extinguishing with respect to components of fire
Ans - Oxygen, heat, and fuel are frequently referred to as the "fire triangle." The important thing to
remember is: take any of these four things away, and you will not have a fire or the fire will be
extinguished. All fires can be extinguished by cooling, smothering, starving or by interrupting the
combustion process to extinguish the fire. Cooling: limiting temperature by increasing the rate at
which heat is lost from the burning material Smothering: limiting oxygen by preventing air from
reaching the seat of the fire to allow the combustion process to reduce the oxygen content in the
confined atmosphere until it extinguishes itself Starving: limiting fuel by removing potential fuel
from the vicinity of the fire, removing the fire from the mass of combustible materials or by dividing
the burning material into smaller fires that can be extinguished more easily
Interrupting: inhibiting the chemical chain reaction by applying extinguishing media to the fire that
inhibit the chemical chain reaction at the molecular level)
Q1 Role of PSM Advantage and Dissadvan Q25 Flare & role in Safety
Role of Training in safety Different
Q2 types Q26 Safety working on pipelines
Role of Instrumentation in Safety and Fire & Fire Types & Types of
Q3 advantage Q27 Extinguisher
Q4 Bhopal Gas Tragedy Q28 Deflagration & Detonation
Hazardous area classification and
Q5 advantage Q29 BLEVE & VCE
Plant siting and layout Major
Q6 petrochemical plant Q30 Dust Explosion
Fire Detection and alarm
Two unit operation with safety
Q8 Fertilizer, Pesticide Q32 Fire Fighting system in Industry
Pressure Vessels Hazards and
Q9 P & ID in safety and advantages Q33 Controls
Q10 Flame Arrestor & Diagram Q34 Safety in bulk storage of gasses
Q11 Pesticides safety measures Q35 Corrosion & types
Safety in process & operation explosive
Q12 chemical Q36 Safety in bulk storage of acid
Q13 Vapour cloud Explosion & UVC Q37 Steam Explosion
Safety in transfer of flammable
Q14 chemical Q38 Liquefied Flammable gas
Safety in handling acid & Alkali Different types of pressure
Q15 chemicals Q39 relief system
CMV rule for transportation of hazard Fire Fighting system in your
Q16 Chemical Q40 plant
Q17 Compatibility in safety Q41 Statutory for Pressure vessels
Nitrogen blanketing of Storage
Q18 Safety storage of flammable gases Q42 tank
Sprinkler system for a
Q19 UN classification of Hazard Chemical Q43 flammable tank
Q20 Safety in startup and shutdown Q44 Safety of LPG tank Farm
Q21 Role of Maintenance in Safety Q45 Disasters
Inspecting the workplace- checklist of
Q22 H&S rep Q46 TREM Card
Q23 Colour Code System & Advantages Q47 MSDS
Q24 Safety Relief System Q48 HAZCHEM Code
Q25 Flare & role in Safety Q49 MOC and how to
Q26 Safety working on pipelines Q50 Emergency Information Panel
Q51 Fire Triangle and Starvation Cooling & Smooth

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