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This worksheet consists of two pages that you can use for your answers or your
scribbles. Indicate the Titles of the Activity, Assessment, or Unit Requirement.

GE Eng1 Purposive Communication ( Ms. Lerio )

Name:Danica Patricia Seguerra
Year: 1
Course: BSHM
Date Submitted:

ACTIVITY: Write your answers on this space. Divide and identify correctly if the Activity or Activities
have different parts.

Title: Buttoning Up
Things to do:
Analyze the same text given in week 2 by answering or accomplishing
the following. Write your answers on the spaces provided.

1. Did the speaker consider the occasion, the interests of his listeners/readers, his own interests and
experiences in choosing the topic? Justify your answer.

Yes. The speaker, Alex Lacson, has authored several books about patriotism and served the Philippines in
various divisions such as the United Nations Development Program and Civil Service Commission. Lacson is a
great choice for a speaker during the GK Global Summit because his expertise, experience and interest align
with the occasion. The Gawad Kalinga is a foundation that aims for eradication of poverty through housing and
economic sufficiency. In Lacson's speech, he talks about how colonizers broke the spirit and unity of the Filipino
people, even today. We are divided by social and economic status because everyone is out for themselves. His
speech incites inspiration and hope to the hearts of the listeners, to help one another and unite for the
betterment of the country.

2. Did the speaker limit the subject so that it can be treated adequately in the speech and reflect a definite

Yes. The speech entailed a backstory on how the Filipino culture began to crumble due to our colonizers and
how we haven't recovered from the economic and cultural crisis. Although there were many chances to detour
the topic to another one, the speaker remained on the subject until the end.

3. Did the speaker prepare a beginning that aroused interests and lead into the topic? Were the ideas
logically and persuasively arranged? Cite the lines to justify your answer.

The speaker quoted Lee Kuan Kew, father of modern Singapore, "Culture is destiny. Your culture is your destiny.
Your culture will determine your destiny. Your set of beliefs will determine how far you will go in life. If you
believe you are a failure, you will be a failure. If you believe you are great, you will be great. If you want to excel,
you must build a culture of excellence. If you want to become great, you must build a culture of greatness."
Personally, this is a great opening line because it's a lesson that we Filipinos need to learn. If we are to elevate
our country, we must start from within. Lacson then cited Bonaparte, where he said, "the best conquest is the
conquest of the mind and the heart." The foreign invaders have succeeded in conquering the best parts of our
nation; our spirit and unity. We have been broken apart trying to piece ourselves and our own families together
under the brutal regimes, especially the Spaniards. The speaker effectively explained why our nation is,
according to American writer James Fallows, "a damaged culture."

4. Did the speaker restate the important ideas in his speech? Did the conclusion impress the central
thought of the speech on his listeners? Cite the lines to justify your answer.

The speaker concluded his speech very well by restating how important it is for us Filipinos to start uniting again
by taking baby steps. Lacson stated that we can do this "piece by piece, block by block, group by group, town by
town, city by city – until such time that our archipelago of 7,107 islands... are one people." He further gave

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. Titus 2:7
encouragement to the listeners when he said, "as people, we should believe that unity is higher and more
important than individuality, but without choking anyone’s creativity. If we want the best for the Filipino, unity
is essential." He preached that "we should aim high and dream big for ourselves. For truly, we will only go as far
as our dreams." Lacson's speech revolved around the topic of unity for cultural healing, an appropriate subject
for a Gawad Kalinga summit.

WEEK NO. 18 This worksheet consists of two pages that you can use for your answers or your
scribbles. Indicate the Titles of the Activity, Assessment, or Unit Requirement.

GE Art 1 Art Appreciation (Mr. Comahig)

Date Submitted:

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. Titus 2:7
ASSESSMENT: Write your answers on this space. Divide and identify correctly if the
Assessment or Assessments have different parts.

Title: Goes Up Through the Gears
Things to do:
1. Decide an informative speech by choosing from the topics below.
Use the checklist to guide you in writing your speech. Base your
output on the rubric attached. Use a long bond paper for your
answer. Refrain from extra markings.

 Understanding the Selfie Generation

 Unleashing the Power of Social Media
 The Danger/s of Technology
 Movers and Shakers of Tech World
 Navigating World Wide Web
 The New Normal


Who doesn’t have a social media account? There are over 4 billion users of social media worldwide,
and 84 million in the Philippines alone. Numbers are climbing everyday as people create new online
accounts for various purposes such as entertainment, business, and education.

The social media is a very powerful tool. Its influence reaches every corner of the world. There are
users in every age group, from school age children to the elderly. Social media can be very helpful,
especially during this time of the pandemic.

Take Facebook for example. Facebook has 2.28 billion active users per month. Many of these
accounts are used for business marketing and advertising. A small, unassuming shop by the road
can attract customers by posting pictures of their place and offered goods or services. It’s possible
for people to earn from home now by using livestreams. Online businesses are popping up each day
because of its convenience and hassle-free system. Starting an online business means being able to
sell even without a physical store. A lot of “pre-loved”, or items that are previously owned are very
popular among online shoppers. These items are easily found on social media and are reached by
millions of audiences in one click.

Plenty of educators in the Philippines are integrating and utilizing Facebook in their teaching process.
They can upload files, release modules, and make announcements on groups and chats. Teachers
and students can communicate via social media for concerns. There are many online pages that
contain educational information which are helpful for learners.

Celebrities and influencers make money on sites like Tiktok and Instagram by advertisement and
sponsorships. Famous people can socialize and communicate with their fanbase on these sites.

But while using social media is beneficial and resourceful, especially for people working and studying
at home, it can quickly turn unpleasant when misused. The power of social media is a two-edged
sword. Abusing this power can be harmful and damaging.

False information can be spread just as easily as legitimate information. This can be potentially
dangerous as some people easily believe everything on the internet. Some can use social media to
degrade, humiliate, shame or put someone in a bad light in a few clicks. Mass media can easily sway
the public’s opinion and views by what they post.

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. Titus 2:7
Because social media can only be accessed on phones, tablets or computers, too much exposure to
these have negative impact on physical health. The radiation from these gadgets are harmful to
eyesight when hours are spent staring at a screen, as well as our posture. Time management is also
affected because oftentimes, it’s too easy to get lost scrolling down through different posts, not
realizing that hours have already passed. Priorities aren’t prioritized anymore, which leads to
cramming and eventually, being sleep deprived.

Social media can mess with our self-confidence and self-esteem. How many people, women
especially, have wished for a physique or skin similar to people on the internet? How many teens
have wished for a life similar to the people on their personal pages? How many people aspired to be
like other people on the internet without knowing that these people have edited themselves, created
an online persona that thrives on their audience’s insecurity? It makes audiences wish to be
someone else, to be something that society wants them to be to fit it. On many accounts, people
have been hospitalized or dead for going on extreme measures to be like someone on social media.

Social media makes it easy for people to be rude, manipulative and unkind. Because they can hide
under an online persona, they can fearlessly and unapologetically spread hate and lies. Anyone can
share anything, positive or negative.

Let us be wise and responsible in using social media, for its power can be encouraging or
destructive. Use it to share goodness and kindness. Be disciplined to log off when there are more
important things to do and do not let social media take control over your life.

Speech Writing Rubric


Purpose/Audience/Topic/Word Choice
You clearly made your topic & purpose relevant and interesting to your
specified audience, using appropriate word choices and level of complexity.
You could make your purpose clearer or your topic or word choices more
relevant to your specified audience.
Your purpose or relevance of topic were unclear or inappropriate for your
specified audience.
You had a good attention-getter and a clear preview or purpose statement that
led us smoothly into the speech.
4 You had a start on an introduction but still needed .
3 You need stronger attention-getter and a clearer preview or purpose statement.

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. Titus 2:7
Body and Transitions
5 Your organizational pattern and transitions made your speech easy to follow.
4 You need to make your main points clearer; reorganize or chunk some of your
information so it is easier to follow and remember and/or give us stronger cues.
Your organizational pattern and/or transitions were unclear, making it difficult for us
to follow and understand.

Your conclusion emphasized your main point(s) and drew your speech to a
close with an effective memorable statement.
4 You had a start on a conclusion, but still need a .
You need to bring your speech to a close by summarizing or reminding us of
your main points.

Support/Explanation of Ideas
Your rhetorical support (illustrations, examples, etc.) and/or visual support
was effective in making your point(s).
4 Your support was useful, but you needed .
3 Your support was weak. You needed .

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. Titus 2:7

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