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5 This worksheet consists of two pages that you can use for your answers or your
scribbles. Indicate the Titles of the Activity, Assessment, or Unit Requirement.

GE Eng 1 Purposive Communication (Ms. Lerio)

Name: Danica Patricia Seguerra
Year: 1
Course: BSHM
Date Submitted:

ACTIVITY: Write your answers on this space. Divide and identify correctly if the Activity or Activities
have different parts.

Title: Fill the Mirrors

Things to do:
Answer the questions that follow.
1.What is meeting?
2. What is the purpose of meeting?
3. What are the expressions used in conducting ameeting?
4. How does parliamentary procedure help in resolving issues in a meeting?
5. “A second is required by most motions”. Explain your thoughts on this concept and cite some keys
found in the learning material to back up you’re reasoning.


1. A meeting is a social affair of at least two individuals that has been met to accomplish a
shared objective through verbal interaction, for example, sharing data or reaching agreement.

2. The purpose of a meeting is for members of a group to reach a certain goal. Meetings are
conducted so that all members may be able to express or share their ideas, sentiments, or
important points that are helpful for accomplishing agendas. Meetings are done to formalize
and validate decisions for the group, by the group.

3. There are various expressions in conducting a meeting, an example is when the Chair calls
up the consent agenda by saying, “the consent agenda is before you”. A member may make a
motion by saying “I move…”. A Chair may state “We shall now proceed to vote on the motion
to…” before the votation.

4. Following a parliamentary procedure in a meeting keeps it structured and organized. If a

group were to conduct a meeting with no presiding chair or ground rules, there would be
chaos and disorder. Should there be any objections or opposing ideas, without a
parliamentary procedure, a meeting might end up chaotic and disordered. Parliamentary
procedures keep meetings peaceful.

5. To my understanding, a motion is a move used to make, create, or amend a business.

When a person makes a motion, another person needs to agree on the subject because it’s
impractical and ineffective to discuss a motion if only one person is concerned. Therefore,
motions require a second to express enough interest for an issue to proceed.

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. Titus 2:7
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Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. Titus 2:7
WEEK NO. 5 This worksheet consists of two pages that you can use for your answers or your
scribbles. Indicate the Titles of the Activity, Assessment, or Unit Requirement.

GE Eng 1 Purposive Communication (Ms. Lerio)

Name: Danica Patricia Seguerra
Year: 1
Course: BSHM
Date Submitted:

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. Titus 2:7
ASSESSMENT: Write your answers on this space. Divide and identify correctly if the
Assessment or Assessments have different parts.

Title: On the Throttle
Things to do:
Answer the questions that follow. Explain your answer for
each question in not more than 50 words.

1. It was mentioned that in conducting an effective meeting, there are various factors to consider,
one of which is time management. Explain in your own words the significance of time.

2. Another factor to make meeting effective is to plan your agenda ahead of time. What is the
importance of developing an agenda prior to the actual meeting?

3. Before closing the meeting, one of the things that should notbe forgotten is to evaluate the
overall meeting. Elucidate this idea using your own words.


1. The famous adage, “Time is gold”, holds true in every situation, business, and transaction.
Time cannot be moved backwards, and it does not stop for anyone. It is important to be
punctual at every meeting and follow the time frame allotted for it to avoid wasting every
concerned member’s time. During a meeting, if one dwells on an issue for a long time, the
momentum may fall and an effective decision may not be made, thus it’s important to stick to
a time frame as close as possible.

2. An agenda is the soul of the meeting. Without a proper agenda, a meeting cannot move
forward, or it may not happen at all. An agenda is needed to ensure a smooth, efficient

3. Evaluating a meeting will make the next meeting better. An evaluation will dictate what’s
good and what needs to be improved for the next meeting. It also makes the group members
feel like their opinions are valued and keeps the teamwork strong.

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. Titus 2:7
Content /10
Structure /10
Relevance /10

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. Titus 2:7

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