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Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 23 (2021) 100555

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A satellite-based investigation into the algae bloom variability in large

water supply urban reservoirs during COVID-19 lockdown
Enner Alcantara a, *, Keyla Coimbra b, Igor Ogashawara c, Thanan Rodrigues d, José Mantovani a,
Luiz Henrique Rotta e, Edward Park f, Davi Gasparini Fernandes Cunha g
Institute of Science and Technology, São Paulo State University, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil
Institute of Geosciences, University of Campinas, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, 16775, Stechlin, OT, Neuglobsow, Germany
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará State, Castanhal, PA, Brazil
Faculty of Sciences and Technology, São Paulo State University, Presidente Prudente, São Paulo, Brazil
National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo, São Carlos, SP, Brazil


Keywords: Here we report the first case study of the significant algae blooming in large reservoirs in relation to the COVID-
Algae bloom 19 lockdown in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and phycocyanin (PC) concentrations were estimated for
Cyanobacteria the Guarapiranga and Billings reservoirs, which supply daily water use for over 20 million people and receives
Water supply
treated wastewater. We employed field-calibrated Sentinel 2 MSI and Landsat 8 OLI images to map the spatial
Water quality
patterns of Chl-a and PC over the two periods: before the lockdown (April, August and October 2019) and after
the lockdown in São Paulo (April 2020). We found a significant increase in algae pigments (Chl-a and PC) in both
reservoirs in April 2020, compared to the same month of 2019. We show that the episodic algae blooming is
strongly related to the increased inflows of the residential wastewater from the surrounding watersheds, because
the household water use has increased ~3.2% in April 2020, while the runoff into the reservoirs driven by the
rainfall was much lower in 2020 compared to the previous year for the same month. In the case of Guarapiranga
Reservoir, PC increased nearly 500% in April 2020 compared to April 2019. Given the importance of Billings and
Guarapiranga reservoirs for the water supply of the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo (MRSP), the abrupt
occurrence of cyanobacteria blooms related to the state’s lockdown should be considered a major concern for
public and environmental health of the region. Although several environmental consequences have been re­
ported due to the COVID-19 worldwide, this study is the first to report the impact of COVID-19 on the trophic
state in the tropical reservoirs.

1. Introduction coordinated by the Health Surveillance Secretariat, was activated to

objectively plan, and organize activities related to the control of local
In December 2019, health units in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, contamination, as well as international monitoring. A contingency plan
China, reported the occurrence of patients with pneumonia, of unknown was activated on January 27, and on February 3 the epidemic was
cause, possibly epidemiologically associated with a seafood and live declared a Public Health Emergency of National Importance (ESPIN)
animals’ market. On December 31st of that year, the Chinese Center for (Brazil, 2020).
Disease Control and Prevention (Chinese CDC) dispatched a team, along The first confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Brazil were reported
health authorities to conduct an epidemiological and etiological inves­ around the end of February in 2020 and referred to male individuals
tigation to define the agent of this epidemic (Zhu et al., 2020). The agent residing in the city of São Paulo (Alcântara et al., 2020). These cases
has been identified as a new coronavirus: SARS-COV-2. were imported and until the beginning of March, evidence of local
In Brazil, the monitoring of cases began in January 2020. On January transmission of the virus was not found. The difficulty in containing the
22, the Emergency Operation Center (COE) of the Ministry of Health, spread of the outbreak due to COVID-19 is that, although similar to the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (E. Alcantara).
Received 4 February 2021; Received in revised form 26 April 2021; Accepted 30 May 2021
Available online 4 June 2021
2352-9385/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
E. Alcantara et al. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 23 (2021) 100555

outbreaks caused by other coronaviruses, transmission can occur from 2. Materials and methods
asymptomatic cases, i.e., individuals who have not developed serious
manifestations of the disease - similarly to the outbreaks caused by other 2.1. Study area
coronaviruses (Munster et al., 2020). As of June 7th, 2020, the number
of confirmed cases and deaths in Brazil due to COVID-19 hit 676,494 The study sites are the reservoirs of Guarapiranga and Billings
and 36,044, respectively-with the largest number of confirmed cases (Fig. 1), both placed in the MRSP, a very populated area that faces
close to 90,000 in the Sao Paulo State, making the country one of the serious environmental issues, such as the lack of sanitation, high loads of
most affected by the pandemic. pollutants coming from urban and industrial areas (Pires et al., 2015).
Several studies analyzed the indirect effects of COVID-19 on the The two reservoirs located within eight cities: São Paulo, Itapecerica da
environment due to social distancing measures and the interruption of Serra, Embu-Guaçu, São Bernardo do Campo, Diadema, Santo André,
some economic activities worldwide (Aletta and Osborn 2020; Ribeirão Pires and Rio Grande da Serra.
Muhammad et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2020). There was been a significant In relation to São Paulo City, Guarapiranga and Billings reservoirs
association between social distancing and better environmental condi­ are in the southwest and southeast areas, respectively. Guarapiranga
tions (e.g., improvement in air quality, environmental noise reduction receives water transposed from two other watersheds, Capivari and
and litter reduction in beaches), but also negative influences such as Embu-Guaçu rivers and the reversal of water from Billings reservoir to
reduction of solid waste recycling and increasing contamination of increase the water supply to the population. Billings is subdivided into
water, land and air in other areas (Zambrano-Monserrate et al., 2020). tributaries, such as Rio Grande, Rio Pequeno, Rio Capivari and
Regarding water quality, a decrease of approximately 16% in the sus­ Taquacetuba.
pended particulate matter in lake water (Yunus et al., 2020), an increase Both reservoirs are used mainly for public water supply, however,
of up to 39% in dissolved oxygen concentrations and a decrease in total the expansion of the urban area towards them compromise the water
coliforms in estuarine regions (Chakraborty et al., 2020; Mukherjee quality due to the discharge of domestic, industrial and agricultural
et al., 2020) were reported. waste. (Pires et al., 2015). Table 1 shows the basic characteristics of both
Since people’s movement and industrial activities can be considered reservoirs.
key drivers of pollution, it was expected at first, that the pollution loads
would decrease, as highlighted by Yunus et al. (2020); however, in this 2.2. Rainfall, air temperature and wind speed data
study, the lockdown impact on the water quality was evaluated by the
use of using the suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentration, The rainfall data was acquired from the high-resolution multi-sat­
which is mainly driven by the rainfall regime associated with the ellite precipitation product (Integrated Multi-satellite Retrievals for
anthropogenic activities such as land use patterns in the watershed Global Precipitation Measurement – GPM-IMERG). The spatial and
(Bernardo et al., 2020). Therefore, we consider that SPM alone to be temporal resolution estimates of GPM-IMERG precipitation are 0.1◦ and
insufficient in assessing the direct effects of the lockdown over the water one day, respectively (Huffman et al., 2019). For temperature data, the
quality. Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) in the thermal infrared (TIR)
In this study, for the first time, we analyze the effect of lockdown due spectrum is onboard the polar-orbiting Aqua satellite. The AIRS3STD
to COVID-19 on the reservoir water quality by mapping the chlorophyll- v006 product contains the standard retrieval of thermodynamic pa­
a (Chl-a) and phycocyanin (PC) concentrations and the classification of rameters, such as the air temperature. This product has a spatial and
the trophic status before and after the lockdown, based on multi- temporal resolutions of 1 ◦ × 1 ◦ and 12 h, respectively (Susskind et al.,
temporal remote sensing images. Similar approach was carried out for 2014). To create the graphic presented at Fig. 1B, the mean values of
coastal areas in Indonesia (Adwibowo 2020), however, a study about the each month were used.
impact of COVID-19 on Chl-a and PC in tropical water supply inland Surface wind speed (m.s− 1) were downloaded from Giovanni and
waters has never been conducted. The chl-a concentration is considered were based on Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and
a general indicator for plankton biomass while the PC is a unique Applications (MERRA) version 2. MERRA is a NASA atmospheric rean­
pigment of inland water cyanobacteria (Simis et al., 2005). The impor­ alysis for the satellite era using the Goddard Earth Observing System
tance for monitoring both pigments is specially related to cyanobacterial Model, Version 5 (GEOS-5) with its Atmospheric Data Assimilation
harmful algal blooms (cHABs), which are considered a serious public System (ADAS), version 5.12.4 (Molod et al., 2015). Data can be
health issue worldwide due to their ability to form dense biomass pro­ downloaded free of charge using from the Giovanni website: https://gio
ducing toxins; such toxins can cause dermatitis, gastrointestinal distress,
liver failure or death of domestic and livestock animals when exposed to
water with toxins (Stumpf et al., 2016; Mishra et al., 2019). 2.3. COVID-19, population density and social isolation index
The São Paulo State Government declared partial lockdown on
March 24, 2020, but the confirmed cases reached 143,073 contaminated The data about COVID-19, population density and social isolation
people by June 08, 2020. This research seeks to address a question that, index in São Paulo State was obtained from the São Paulo State Health
since the declaration of lockdown in the Metropolitan Region of São Secretariat ( from March 01,
Paulo (MRSP), did the water quality from reservoirs for water supply 2020 to May 08, 2020. The social isolation index, which uses geo­
reservoirs improved? Therefore, the aim of this work was to analyze the location data provided by the nation’s main telecom firms and shows the
phytoplankton response (using chl-a and PC concentrations) response to percentage of the population that abides by social isolation advice.
the human movement changes due to the COVID-19 lockdown in two
reservoirs. To our best knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate the 2.4. Image processing and pigments models
trophic state changes in tropical reservoirs in Brazil following the social
and economic restrictions imposed by the lockdown. This is especially Satellite imagery from Sentinel-2 A and B and from Landsat 8 were
crucial in São Paulo, because a complex system of different reservoirs is used in this study. Sentinel 2/Multispectral Instrument (MSI) Level 1C
being used for drinking water supply to more than 20 million people imagery processed by the European Space Agency and downloaded from
living in the region. Copernicus Open Access Hub ( Landsat 8/
Operational Land Imager (OLI) imagery processed by the United States
Geological Service (USGS) and downloaded from the Earth Explorer (htt
ps:// The images used in this study are listed
on Table 2 and covered the area of both Billings and Guarapiranga

E. Alcantara et al. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 23 (2021) 100555

Fig. 1. A portion of the MRSP highlighting the reservoirs of Guarapiranga and Billings.

Table 1
The images were selected based in following criteria: 1) have similar
Basic characteristics of Guarapiranga and Billings reservoirs.
acquisition from Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2; 2) have a match up in the
Guarapiranga Billings same season in both years (2019 and 2020).To represent other seasons
Construction year 1909 1927 apart from the month of April (when lockdown was established) we
Average depth (m) 3.5 15 selected August (Austral Winter) and October (Austral Spring) to
Volume (m3) 1.94, × 108 1.2 × 109 represent other seasons. Images from both sensors were atmospherically
Surface area (km2) 33 127 corrected with ACOLITE for the quantification of remote sensing
Residence time (days) 145 620
Maximum depth (m) 15 35
reflectance above the water surface (Rrs) via the dark spectrum approach
(Vanhellemont and Ruddick, 2018; Vanhellemont, 2019). The choice for
Adapted from: Pires et al. (2005) and Cunha et al. (2013). this atmospheric correction was based on the harmonization of the
satellite data and the possibility to compute the virtual orange
contra-band (Castagna et al., 2020) for Landsat 8. Further, using ENVI
Table 2
Satellite imagery used in this study.
(Environment for Visualizing Images), Sentinel 2/MSI Rrs were con­
verted into Chl-a via the computation of the Normalized Difference
Satellite/Sensor Image ID Date
Chlorophyll Index (NDCI, Mishra and Mishra, 2012) and Landsat 8/OLI
Sentinel 2 B/MSI S2B_MSIL1C_20190427T131249 2019-04- Rrs were converted into phycocyanin (PC) concentration using the vir­
27 tual orange contra-band (Castagna et al., 2020) and the calibration
Sentinel 2 A/MSI S2A_MSIL1C_20190830T131241 2019-08-
approach described by Kumar et al. (2020).
Sentinel 2B/MSI S2B_MSIL1C_20191004T131249 2019-10-
Sentinel 2 A/MSI S2A_MSIL1C_20200406T131241 2020-04- 2.5. Chl-a concentration retrieval and trophic status classification
Landsat 8/OLI LC08_L1TP_219076_20190427_20190508_01_T1 2019-04- To retrieve the Chl-a concentration in both reservoirs we used the
Landsat 8/OLI LC08_L1TP_219076_20190817_20190902_01_T1 2019-08-
model proposed by Watanabe et al. (2019), which uses the Normalized
17 Difference Chlorophyll Index (NDCI, Mishra and Mishra, 2012) as a
Landsat 8/OLI LC08_L1TP_219076_20191004_20191018_01_T1 2019-10- proxy to estimate the Chl-a. This model was calibrated using 80 samples
04 from the Tietê river cascading system, a neighboring reservoir with
Landsat 8/OLI LC08_L1TP_219076_20200429_20200509_01_T1 2020-04-
similar trophic state dynamics in Sao Paulo.
Chl − a = 1093.2 × NDCI 2 + 283.4 × NDCI + 25.947 (1)

Rrs (λ2 )− Rrs (λ1 )

where NDCI = Rrs (λ2 )+Rrs (λ1 ), and λ1 = 665 nm and λ2 = 705 nm.
Based on the Chl-a values, the trophic state of each reservoir was

E. Alcantara et al. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 23 (2021) 100555

Table 3 The city of São Paulo is by far the most affected with COVID-19 (up to
Trophic status classification for reservoirs. Adapted from CETESB 26 May 2020) with 47,554 confirmed cases and 3691 deaths. On the
(2017). other hand, the city of Diadema reported 909 confirmed cases and 64
Trophic classification Chl-a (mg m− 3) deaths. The social distancing in São Paulo City in March 06th was 27%
Ultraoligotrophic Chl-a ≤ 1.17
and in May 26th was 48% and in Diadema was 33% and 43%,
Oligotrophic 1.17 < Chl-a ≤ 3.24 respectively.
Mesotrophic 3.24 < Chl-a ≤ 11.03
Eutrophic 11.03 < Chl-a ≤ 30.55
3.2. Rainfall, air temperature and wind speed regime
Supereutrophic 30.55 < Chl-a ≤ 69.05
Hypereutrophic 69.05 < Chl-a
As was highlighted by Moraes et al. (2010) and Ogashawara et al.
(2014) algae bloom formation in Billings and Guarapiranga can be
classified based on the methodology used by the Environmental Com­ influenced by rainfall, air temperature, and wind speed (Vilhena et al.,
pany of São Paulo (CETESB, Table 3). 2010). Wind speed can influence the lake circulation and bathymetry by
trophic stats, nutrient, and stratification regime. The monthly average
2.6. PC concentration retrieval wind speed from April 2019 to April 2020 is shown in Fig. 3. The highest
speed was observed in November 2019 (5.46 m s− 1) and the lowest in
The PC concentration retrieval was based on Landsat 8/OLI images April 2019 (4.16 m s− 1). The trend line adjusted in the time series shows
and was estimated by the use of the ratio between the virtual orange an increasing wind speed scenario, with April 2020 with a wind speed of
contra-band (Castagna et al., 2020) centered at 613 nm and the red 4.34 m s− 1; compared with April 2019 the difference is only 0.18 m s− 1,
spectral band centered at 655 nm. According to Kumar et al. (2020) this however, higher wind speed can accelerate the heat cooling causing the
ratio could be related to PC concentration (μg/L) based on the following water column mixing (Alcântara et al., 2010). Once the water column
relationship: mixes the nutrients on the bottom can be released faster being available
for the phytoplankton, which can increase the biomass (Moraes et al.,
PC = 3 × 107 × e − 11.68 × BD (2) 2010). The wind also can push the surface algae bloom for a particular
side of the aquatic system.
Rrs (613)
where. BD = Rrs (655)
3.2. Chl-a spatial distribution
3. Results
The remotely sensed estimation of Chl-a in Guarapiranga and Billings
3.1. Confirmed cases and death by COVID-19 in the Guarapiranga and reservoirs from the processed Sentinel 2/MSI images are presented in
Billings reservoirs area Fig. 4. The Chl-a maps reveal that the Guarapiranga reservoir showed
relatively low temporal variability throughout the time of analysis; on
Most of the confirmed cases and deaths occurred within the city of the other hand, Billings showed a more variable pattern.
São Paulo (11,869,660 inhabitants), followed by the city of São Ber­ In the Billings reservoir, the regions near the cities of São Paulo and
nardo do Campo (812,086 inhabitants); on the other hand, city of Embu- São Bernardo do Campo showed to be more variable. When comparing
Guaçu (68,053 inhabitants), Ribeirão Pires (118,968 inhabitants) and April 2019 and April 2020 (more than a month after the partial lock­
Rio Grande da Serra (49,816 inhabitants) presented the lowest numbers down), Billings showed a remarkable increase in its mean Chl-a con­
of cases and deaths (Fig. 2). centration of 36.95 mg m− 3 (Table 4), even with relatively less rainfall

Fig. 2. Spatial distribution of cases and deaths of COVID-19 (up to 26 May 2020) in the region of influence of Guarapiranga and Billings reservoirs.

E. Alcantara et al. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 23 (2021) 100555

Fig. 3. Monthly average rainfall and air temperature (a) and wind speed (b) for the study area from April 2019 to April 2020.

(and thus less runoff into the reservoir) (Fig. 1B). 3.3. Phycocyanin spatial distribution
The trophic status maps showed that Guarapiranga in April 2019 was
classified mostly as eutrophic, while in April 2020 was mostly classified The PC spatial distribution, used as a proxy of cyanobacterial pres­
as hypereutrophic. Billings reservoir was mostly classified as hyper­ ence are displayed in Fig. 6. During the quality control we observed
eutrophic, but if we compare April of both years, the area covered by the radiometric problems in the processed image from August 2019,
hypereutrophic class has also significantly increased. therefore, we decided not to use it. For the proposed experiment in this
The boxplot graphs derived from the maps of Chl-a concentration for work, the lack of data from August 2019 is not a problem, because the
Guarapiranga and Billings are plotted in Fig. 5. Guarapiranga showed main comparison is from Abril (2019) and April 2020.
the highest Chl-a concentration (164.26 mg m− 3) in April 2020 and the In April 2019 both reservoirs showed high values of PC concentra­
lowest (29.53 mg m− 3) in October 2019. tion (mean ~250 μg/L), which was reduced in October 2019, increasing
The highest variability was also observed in April 2020 with a again in April 2020 (means ~1000 and ~550 μg/L, respectively for the
standard deviation of ±31.23 mg m− 3, showing an increasing trend after Guarapiranga and Billings). The Guarapiranga reservoir is mostly
the partial lockdown. In the same fashion Billings depicted the highest affected by São Paulo, Itapecerica da Serra and Embu-Guaçu, and the
Chl-a concentration also in April 2020 (587.63 mg m− 3) and the lowest maps showed that the area near Embu-Guaçu showed the highest con­
in October 2019 (30.74 mg m− 3); the highest standard deviation was centrations. On the other hand, Billings reservoir showed the highest PC
observed in April 2020 (±121.42 mg m− 3) and the lowest in October concentration in the region near Rio Grande da Serra.
2019 (±66.00 mg m− 3). An increase of the Chl-a concentration was also The PC concentration boxplot graphs (Fig. 7) showed that in Guar­
observed after the partial lockdown. apiranga, the highest values were observed in April 2020 (~2000 μg/L)
To verify if the mean Chl-a concentration in April 2019 and 2020 are and the lowest in October 2019 (17.78 μg/L). For Billings, high values
statistically different, a paired Student’s t-test was applied. The results were observed in April 2020 (2400 μg/L) and the minimum was pre­
showed that for both reservoirs the p-value was lower than the signifi­ sented in October 2019 (27 μg/L). The highest variability was observed
cance level of 5% (Table 4), which confirms that they are different. The in April 2020 (±609.27 μg/L) and according to Fig. 6d, the highest
t-test also showed that the difference in Billings reservoirs was far more values were observed in the Rio Grande branch, east portion of the
pronounced than in Guarapiranga. All the evidence presented in this reservoir and close to the municipality of Ribeirão Pires. This river was
section indicates that the watershed discharge into the reservoir has separated from the main body of the reservoir in order to maintain a
increased and that facilitated the algae blooming, which is possibly proper water quality. However, the region suffers from the influences of
related to the lockdown in the area. domestic and industrial wastes from Ribeirão Pires and São Bernardo do
Campo municipalities (CETESB, 2002).

E. Alcantara et al. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 23 (2021) 100555

Fig. 4. Maps from Guarapiranga and Billings reservoir showing the Chl-a concentration (mg.m− 3) and the Trophic Status estimated from Sentinel 2 images for the
dates (a), (b) April 27, 2019, (c), (d) August 30, 2019, (e), (f) October 04, 2019 and (g), (h) April 06, 2020, respectively.

4. Discussion
Table 4
Paired Student’s t-test between maps of Chl-a from April 2019 and April 2020 for
The lockdown due to the COVID-19 has different consequences to
both reservoirs.
public and environmental health, which are unique for each location
Reservoirs Paired Student’s t-test worldwide. In Venice (Italy), for example, the significant reduction in
Mean difference 95% conf. T-value p-value boat traffic and tourism activities led to a decrease in sewage discharge
Guarapiranga 20.65 (14.79; 26.51) − 7.05 <0.0001 in the local canals (Braga et al., 2020). According to the authors, this
Billings 36.95 (18.48; 55.41) − 3.97 <0.0001 partially explained the greater water transparency in the Venice Lagoon
following the lockdown measures. Contador et al. (2021) analyzed the
water transparency in Barra Bonita reservoir (São Paulo State, Brazil)
The paired Student’s t-test for PC for both reservoirs also confirmed using OLI/Landsat-8 during the COVID-19 lockdown and no correlation
that the mean PC concentration between April 2019 and April 2020 was observed between the lockdown and the water transparency vari­
were statistically different (Table 5). ability. The main difference between the Venice case and the presented
The highest mean difference was observed for Guarapiranga reser­ case of MRSP reservoirs, is that in Venice the water transparency was
voir. The result of a comparative analysis of the PC concentration in this improved because transportation was a major activity and during the
section also indicates that the rate of algae blooming was abnormally lockdown this activity was reduced; while for the MRSP reservoirs
high during April compared to the previous year. transportation is not a major activity, instead there was an increase of
domestic wastewater in these reservoirs.
Our study reported some possible consequences of the lockdown on

E. Alcantara et al. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 23 (2021) 100555

Fig. 5. Boxplot for Chl-a concentration (mg.m− 3) in (a) Guarapiranga and (b) Billings reservoirs.

Fig. 6. Maps from Guarapiranga and Billings reservoir showing the PC concentration (μg/L) for the dates (a) April 27, 2019, (b) August 17, 2019 (no data), (c)
October 04, 2019 and (d) April 06, 2020, respectively.

Fig. 7. Boxplot for PC concentration (μg/L) in (a) Guarapiranga and (b) Billings reservoirs.

E. Alcantara et al. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 23 (2021) 100555

Table 5 in both reservoirs where 9 of them were potentially toxic. Additionally,

Paired Student’s t-test between maps of PC from April 2019 and April 2020 for authors investigated a cyanobacteria bloom which occurred in August
both reservoirs. 2001, in Guarapiranga reservoir. The toxic extract from the waters from
Reservoirs Paired Student’s t-test this specific bloom were injected to animals which presented symptoms
Mean difference 95% conf. T-value p-value
of poisoning similar to those described for Microcystis and died in a time
ranging from 50 min to 2 h (Carvalho et al., 2007). This highlights the
Guarapiranga 796.60 (639.35; 953.87) − 10.15 <0.0001
importance of monitoring algal pigments for water quality purposes.
Billings 355.31 206.60; 504.03) − 4.76 <0.0001
Finally, the lockdown caused by COVID-19 in the MRSP possibly
decreased the water quality from these urban reservoirs.
the water quality of the water supply reservoirs of the MRSO. Satellite
imagery were used for the estimation of algal pigments such as chl-a and 5. Conclusions
PC, as well as mapping of trophic index within the area of the two most
important reservoirs in the São Paulo State. The retrieved values of chl-a Although several environmental consequences reported due to the
agreed with previous studies (Pires et al., 2015) which also showed that COVID-19, the trophic state change in the reservoir have not been
the concentration in Billings reservoir is higher than in Guarapiranga analyzed. In this paper, we report the first case of increased algae bloom
reservoir. in reservoirs related to the COVID-19 lockdown in Sao Paulo, Brazil. We
Calculated trophic status also agreed with previous studies which analyzed chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and phycocyanin (PC) concentrations in
showed that Guarapiranga is supereutrophic while Billings is hyper­ the Guarapiranga and Billings reservoirs that supplies daily water use for
eutrophic (Gemelgo et al., 2009). According to CETESB (2019), the over 20 million people and receives treated wastewater. Chl-a and PC
Billings reservoir has high degree of eutrophication, with most of the were mapped using field-calibrated Sentinel 2 MSI and Landsat 8 OLI
monitored points classified from supereutrophic to hypereutrophic, images over the two periods, before (April, August and October 2019)
whereas in the Guarapiranga the monitoring points were classified as and more than a month after the lockdown (April 2020) in São Paulo.
supereutrophic. It is important to highlight that previous research were We found a statistically significant increase of algae blooming (for both
based on point sampling while in this study, the use of remote sensing parameters) in both reservoirs in April 2020 compared to the same
allowed us to evaluate the spatial distribution patterns of the algal month of 2019. In the case of Guarapiranga Reservoir, PC increased
bloom over the entire area of both reservoirs. The spatially varying nearly 500% in April 2020 compared to April 2019, although the runoff
patterns of the algal bloom over the large reservoirs would not be driven by the rainfall was much lower in April 2020. Our results indicate
possible with the traditional point sampling-based study such as Piris that after the lockdown, cyanobacteria in the reservoir’s surface have
et al. (2015). Traditional methods are limited for a synoptic assessment dramatically increased which we attribute to the increased inflows of
of the Chl-a patterns since studies only sample a small area, for example, wastewater from the surrounding watersheds. Given the importance of
only the South region of both reservoirs where Chl-a concentrations Billings and Guarapiranga reservoirs for the water supply of the MRSP,
were lower (Fig. 4). the occurrence of cyanobacteria blooms is a major concern for public
The PC concentration estimated by remote sensing showed the and environmental health of the region.
dominance of cyanobacteria in both reservoirs. The comparison be­
tween the image from April of 2019 and 2020 showed that there was a Author contributions (CRediT author statement)
significant increase in the PC concentration in both reservoirs (Fig. 6).
This suggests that after the lockdown, cyanobacteria in both reservoirs Enner Alcântara: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis,
increased. A similar effect was observed by Pal et al. (2020) who verified Data curation, Writing – original draft. Keyla Coimbra: Formal analysis,
that the standing stock of phytoplankton in Diamond Harbour station Writing – review & editing. Igor Ogashawara: Conceptualization,
along the Hooghly estuary (India) was higher in April 2020 compared to Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing – review & editing. Thanan
2019 and 2018. For the authors, the cutoff of discharges from industries, Rodrigues: Formal analysis, Writing – review & editing. José Mantovani:
tourism, and water transport systems, due to the lockdown, accelerated Formal analysis, Writing – review & editing. Luiz Henrique Rotta:
the growth of phytoplankton species because of the removal of stress Formal analysis, Writing – review & editing. Edward Park: Conceptu­
posed by pollution from point and nonpoint sources. alization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing – review & editing.
According to Pal et al. (2020), the SPM and oil film associated in the Davi Gasparini Fernandes Cunha: Writing – review & editing.
aquatic ecosystem, common in estuarine water of Indian Sundarbans,
inhibits the solar energy to penetrate in the water column, thereby
Declaration of competing interest
posing a negative impact on phytoplankton. In the case of Billings and
Guarapiranga reservoirs, the discharge of domestic wastewater has
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
increased due to the lockdown which likely contributed to the occur­
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
rence of cyanobacteria blooms in the water surface.
the work reported in this paper.
Watanabe et al. (2016) highlighted that months detected with
droughts in tropical inland waters can increase the algae proliferation,
mainly due to higher temperatures, with longer retention times. The air Acknowledgements
temperature and the rainfall were lower in April 2020 then in April
2019, which contributes to the hypothesis that the lockdown may have E.A. acknowledge the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)
increased the proliferation of algae in the study sites. The superinten­ under grant 19/00259-0. L.H.R. acknowledges the Coordination for the
dent of SABESP (company responsible for water supply in São Paulo) Improvement of Higher Education Personnel – (CAPES) for the post­
reported that there was an increase of 3.2% in water consumption in doctoral fellowship PNPD n◦ 88882.317841/2019–01. E.P. acknowl­
April 2020 when compared to April 2019 (Souza, 2020). SABESP edges the SUG-NAP (3/19 EP) grant at the Nanyang Technological
decided to increase the residential water supply during the quarantine University.
from 130 to 137 L per person (SIGRH, 2020).
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