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1 / Playing video games can be a fun way to unwind or spend time with friends.

In schools,

teachers use games like Minecraft to encourage teamwork and critical thinking. But for some

players, gaming is an unhealthy habit. At night, they are glued to a screen. Schoolwork suffers.

The video-game world seems a friendlier place than the real one.

2/ Mental health experts have taken notice. In June, the World Health Organization (WHO)

added gaming disorder to its list of diseases and health conditions. A person may have the

disorder if gaming has damaged his or her relationships with family and friends, and if it has

affected his or her daily activities. Not all experts agree that excessive gaming should be called a

disorder. They say people hooked on video games may be suffering from other mental health

problems. These should be treated first.

3/ Others think WHO made the right call. Psychiatrist Clifford Sussman treats gaming

addiction. He says kids often have feelings of anxiety. They get angry when a parent pries them

from a device. “It becomes a self-destructive activity,” Sussman told TIME for Kids

What makes video games addictive? Playing excites the brain’s reward center. After a while, the

brain becomes numb to pleasure. You feel bored without a controller in your hand. So you play

even more.

4/ Sussman advises tracking how long you play. He says you should take at least an hour-long

break after every hour of play. The brain needs time to recover. Young gamers who think they

might have a problem should ask an adult for help. Sussman suggests you first answer a simple

question: “Are you in control, or is the game in control?”

Monji Slim Secondary School End Term Test N° 2 Third Form
(2021-2022) Name :
Class :

I/ Reading Comprehension ( 12 mks)

1)Tick the right alternative ( 1 mk)
This article is mainly about a) the advantages of playing videogames
b) the effects of videogames on mental health c) life without technology
2) For each of the following statements, pick out one detail from the text showing it is false
a- Some videogames make children noncooperative and separated (pgh 1)
b- videogames addiction leads only to social problems (pgh 2)
c-To recover from addiction, gamers should stop playing videogames (pgh 4)

3/Complete the following sentences with words from paragraph 3 ( 3 mks)

Videogames are addictive because they please and ………………………… the brain. As a result ,
addicted children whose parents deprive them from playing ,feel…………………..and
4/Read and find synonyms of the following expressions ( 2mks)
a) Addicted to (pgh 2) = ……………………
b) Unable to feel aything (pgh 3) = ………………………

5/ What do the underlined words in the text refer to ? ( 2 mks)

These ( paragraph 2) =……………………………
Them ( paragraph 3)=…………………………….
6/  Do you think that videogames have only negative effects on children ? say why or why
not ?
II/ Languages ( 6 mks )
Task 1 : Put the bracketed words in the right tense or form ( 3 mks)

Flamenco is part of the culture of Andalusia , not of Spain in general . The first
flamenco schools appeared in Seville in the late 1700. But in the 1980’s , flamenco
reinvented itself and a new style (create)…………………………….. by younger
generation of flamenco artists . Joaquin Cortes helped (make)
……………………………..flamenco one one of the most popular dance forms in the
world today. He is not only a flamenco dancer , but also a (choreography)
…………………………………. and an actor.He was born in Cordoba in 1969 into a gypsy
family, and at the age of twelve, moved to Madrid where he began his dance
training . He joined The Spanish National Ballet when he was fifteen . However ,
he quickly rose into international (fame)…………………… with his show Gypsy
Passion.Since then,he ( tour)………………………… all over the world with his
company . According to ELLE magazine , he is one of of the ten
( handsome)…………………………….. men in the world .One of his friends is Giorgio
Armani , who dresses Joaquin not only for his offstage appearances , but also
makes costumes for his shows .
Task 2 : Complete the following paragraph with words from the box . There are
two extra words ( 3 mks)
doctors / immunity / protection / ill / from / provides / risk / so
Vaccines save millions of lives each year and a COVID-19 vaccine could save yours. The

COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, providing strong …………………against serious illness

and death. WHO reports that unvaccinated people have at least 10 times higher ………………… of

death from COVID-19 than someone who has been vaccinated. There is also evidence that

being vaccinated can help prevent you ………………spreading the virus, so it protects people

around you. Getting vaccinated is a safer way for you to develop ………………from COVID-19

than getting infected. The COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective, but no vaccine …………………

100 per cent protection. Some people will still get ……………… from COVID-19 after vaccination

or pass the virus onto someone else. Therefore, it is important to continue practicing safety

precautions to protect yourself and others, including avoiding crowded spaces, physical

distancing, hand washing and wearing a mask.

II/ WRITING ( 12 mks)
Task 1 : develop the following notes into coherent sentences ( 4 mks)
a)Polio / a disabling / threatenig disease / cause / poliovirus
b)the virus / spread / from person / person / cause / paralysis
c/children /young/ than 5 years old / more likely / contract/ the virus
d/ there / no cure / there are safe /effective vaccines/ prevent polio

Essay : ( 8 mks)
You have just come back from the worst holiday you have ever had. Write a letter to the
manager of the holiday company ( Luxury Tours ,300 king street, Sousse , Tunisia) in order to
complain about the unpleasant things that spoilt the holiday and to ask for a compensation.
( dirty accommodation/ noise / no swimming pool / no wifi / etc )

……………………………. ……………………………….





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