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Mrs.Jendoubi Amel First Form

Monji Slim Street Mid Term Test n° 1 Name :
Secondary School Class :

II/ LISTENING ( 8 mks)

Task 1 : Listen carefully and circle the right option ( 3 mks)
a) Angelina was born in ( 1960 / 1976 / 1967 )
b) She was ( shy / selfish / rebellious )
c) In 2001, she became internationally famous thanks to her role as Lara
Croft in (Tomb Raider / The Insider / The beautiful )
Task 2 : Listen and correct these false statements ( 2 mks)
a) Angelina has limited her career to acting.
b) Journalists are not concerned with Jolie’s personal life
Task 3 : Listen and complete ( 1 mk)
She loved movies and started ………………………… classes to follow her
…………………..of movie stardom.
Task 3 : Tick the right function of the following sentence ( 1 mk)
«  We cannot close ourselves off » a) expressing suggestion
b) expressing ability
c) expressing inability

Task 4 : Are the underlined sounds similar or different. Write S or D ( 1

 movie - won …………….
 donate - became …………….

II/ LANGUAGE ( 12 mks)

Task 1 : Put the words between brackets in the right tense or form ( 4 mks)
Michael Joseph Jackson was an American singer, songwriter, and dancer, who was the
most (succeed) ………………………. music artist of all time. He is referred to as the "King
of Pop", the "King of Music", or just "The King", and is extremely considerate as the most
influential and most famous (music )………………………………… of the 20th century,
widely regarded as one of the most well-known people in history. He was the best selling pop
music artist even in the year of his (die)……………………..
Jackson started performing with his older brothers Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, and Marlon in The
Jackson 5 in 1964. In 1971, he ( start)……………………. a solo career while also being a
member of The Jackson 5. He (make)……………………….. the highest-selling album of all
time, Thriller in 1982, with estimated sales of 66 million copies worldwide. He won a lot of
awards and (break ) ……………………..many records. Guinness World Records says he is
the most important entertainer of all time. Jackson is also remembered for (give)
……………………… money to charities and pioneering efforts in charitable fundraising in
the (entertain) ……………………… industry.
Task2 : Circle the right option ( 4 mks)
Right from my childhood , I dream of being a doctor . The reason for this is i have
(see / saw /seen) the plight of poor people who die (so / because /that’s why) they cannot
afford the costly medical treatments . Poor people suffered a lot without advanced healthcare
facilities and this incident inspired( my / mine / me) to choose the medical profession as there
is no (great / greater/ greatest ) service than providing healthcare to the sick . The medical
profession is such a noble profession in which you can serve humanity and live a(luxury /
luxurious/ luxuriously) life too. Also, I’m always curious to study topics related to human
body . How doctors understand the (ill / sick / illness) and how they treat people successfully
has always fascinated me.Though making a career in the ( political / social / medical) field is
not an easy task . I (study / studied /will study) day and night to achieve the desired position.
Task 3 : Fill in the blanks with words from the list below ( there are two extra words) ( 4

Go / to /your / however / much / spend / an / afford / best / annoying /

The greatest advantage being famous is that celebrities are usually very rich so they
have an easier life than other people. They do not have to worry about paying bills, and can
……………………..the best clothes and drive the latest models of fast cars .Furthermore,
they ………………….. their holidays in expensive resorts. Secondly, when you are famous ,
your name is known by everyone.Then, you are invited to the ………………. parties and
meet other celebrities. Your fans send you letters to tell how ………………… they admire
you .
……………………, being recognized by everyone in the street can be
………………. . famous people have no privacy, paparrazi try to photograph them all the
time, people stop them in the street asking for …………………… autograph. Fame carries
also worry about your own safety and the safety of ……………….family.

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