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Distribution, timing, and causes of Andean deformation across

South America

Article  in  Geological Society London Special Publications · January 2007

DOI: 10.1144/GSL.SP.2007.272.01.17

145 1,027

6 authors, including:

Peter Robert Cobbold Eduardo Rossello

Université de Rennes 1 Universidad de Buenos Aires


Pierrick Roperch Cesar Arriagada

French National Centre for Scientific Research University of Chile


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Distribution, timing, and causes of Andean deformation
across South America


Géosciences-Rennes (UMR6118 du CNRS), Université de Rennes 1, 35042 Rennes Cedex,
France (e-mail:
CONICET y Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
IRD (UR154–LMTG), 14 rue Edouard Belin, 31400 Toulouse France
Departamento de Geología, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 13518, Correo 21,
Santiago, Chile
Ecopetrol, Bogotá, Colombia
CENPES, Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Abstract: The Andean Orogeny in South America has lasted over 100 Ma. It comprises the
Peruvian, Incaic and Quechuan phases. The Nazca and South American plates have been
converging at varying rates since the Palaeocene. The active tectonics of South America are
relatively clear, from seismological and Global Positioning System (GPS) data. Horizontal
shortening is responsible for a thick crust and high topography in the Andes, as well as in SE
Brazil and Patagonia. We have integrated available data and have compiled four fault maps at
the scale of South America, for the mid-Cretaceous, Late Cretaceous, Palaeogene and Neo-
gene periods. Andean compression has been widespread since the Aptian. The continental
margins have registered more deformation than the interior. For the Peruvian phase, not
enough information is available to establish a tectonic context. During the Incaic phase,
strike-slip faulting was common. During the Quechuan phase, crustal thickening has been
the dominant mode of deformation. To investigate the mechanics of deformation, we have
carried out 10 properly scaled experiments on physical models of the lithosphere, containing
various plates. The dominant response to plate motion was subduction of oceanic lithosphere
beneath continental South America. However, the model continent also deformed internally,
especially at the margins and initial weaknesses.

The Andes extend for about 7000 km along the continental shelf, the Moho is at normal or near-
west coast of South America (Fig. 1). At this normal depth. Abnormal crustal thickness in the
convergent plate margin, the Nazca Plate and Andes is mainly due to east–west shortening,
other oceanic plates subduct beneath the conti- in response to rapid convergence at the Pacific
nental part of the South American Plate. The margin. Magmatism is a secondary contributor
most notable topographic features of the Andes to crustal thickness.
are: (1) several peaks over 6000 m; (2) a wide cen- The average width and elevation of the Andes
tral plateau (Altiplano–Puna); (3) strong bends varies along strike, as does the amount of short-
to north and south of the plateau; (4) belts trend- ening. This variation correlates with changes
ing east–west at the northern and southern edges in the dip and perhaps in the buoyancy of the
of South America. The last are transcurrent subducting oceanic plates (Jordan et al. 1983;
boundaries, where continental South America Gutscher et al. 2000; Gutscher 2002). Which is
abuts oceanic micro-plates (Caribbean in the the cause and which is the consequence? How
north, Scotia in the south). does the structural style vary along strike? Does
The main cause of high altitude in the Andes it change gradually or suddenly? Does it correlate
is a thick crust. The Moho is abnormally deep with oroclinal bending of the mountain belt
beneath the Andes, reaching 70 km beneath the (Isacks 1988)?
Altiplano (Wigger et al. 1994; Yuan et al. 2002). Further questions are about timing. Since
Elsewhere across South America, except on the when has shortening accumulated? Is it relatively

From: RIES, A. C., BUTLER, R. W. H. & GRAHAM, R. H. (eds) 2007. Deformation of the Continental Crust: The
Legacy of Mike Coward. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 272, 321–343.
0305-8719/07/$15 © The Geological Society of London 2007.

Fig. 1. Current topography of South America and surrounding tectonic plates. Spot heights are in metres. (Notice
altitudes over 6000 m in Andes; close to 3000 m in Guiana Highlands and SE Brazil; and over 1000 m in
Patagonia.) Background is shaded relief map of South America and surrounding ocean floor. This is not a map
projection, but a 2D plot of latitude v. longitude.

recent, or does Andean deformation have a long 1243 m. In SE Brazil, a plateau rises eastward,
history? Did it go through phases of increased reaching nearly 3000 m near the coast. The
activity? Guiana Highlands do reach 3000 m. Corre-
A closer look at the topography of South spondingly, the Moho is anomalously deep in
America will show that high altitudes also occur these areas, reaching 43 km beneath SE Brazil
well outside the Andes (Fig. 1). Over much of (see references given by Cobbold et al. 2001) and
Patagonia, altitudes reach 1000 m. In the prov- 46 km beneath the Guiana Plateau (Schmitz
ince of Buenos Aires, basement blocks reach et al. 2002). Between the highlands are large

depressions, almost at sea level. What causes mantle. Silver et al. (1998) have suggested that
such anomalous values of altitude and crustal westward motion of South America induces
thickness? Could it be Andean compression? a significant drag at the base of the lithosphere
Why do the anomalies occur in specific places? and therefore modifies the balance of horizontal
The current paper follows the outline of a forces. However, the possible consequences of
previous talk (Cobbold et al. 1996). However, it this model for Andean Orogeny remain to be
includes more data. We consider first the plate- explored.
tectonic context of South America. Next we Convergence at the Pacific margin was faster
summarize the active deformation, according to than usual during the Eocene and late Miocene
recent geophysical and geological investigations. and this may explain the Incaic and Quechua
Then we discuss the history of deformation. We phases of the Andean Orogeny (Pardo-Casas &
consider areas where the quality of exposure is Molnar 1987; Somoza 1998). Unfortunately,
good at the surface, or where the petroleum plate reconstructions are less precise for earlier
industry has acquired subsurface data. The best periods, because oceanic crust of that age has
constraints on the style and timing of deforma- been subducted and its magnetic anomalies are
tion come from sedimentary basins, where strata not available for study (Nürnberg & Müller
have accumulated over long periods of time and 1991).
ages are unequivocal. Two outstanding but
neglected examples are the Atacama Basin of Current deformation
northern Chile and the Neuquén Basin of west-
ern Argentina. Good data also come from the Stress
passive margin of SE Brazil and from the Eastern
Cordillera of Colombia. On the strength of these The World Stress Map is a global compilation
and other data, we have compiled new fault maps of contemporary tectonic stress data. The stress
for Andean deformation at the scale of South maps are available online (Reinecker et al. 2004)
America. Finally, we have resorted to physical and show the orientation of the greatest horizon-
modelling, as a way of explaining some of our tal compressive stress (SH). The data come
observations. from focal mechanisms of earthquakes, borehole
breakouts and other reliable sources. For South
America, the data come mainly from seismically
Plate tectonics active areas, including the Andes but also Brazil
The South American Plate is partly continental (Fig. 2). Unfortunately, data are sparse for
and partly oceanic (Fig. 1). On all sides, except in Patagonia, although the area is seismically active.
Central America, the surrounding plates are oce- In general, seismic activity is more widespread
than the World Stress Map would suggest. This
anic. Currently, the Nazca, Cocos and Caribbean
is because many earthquakes have not yielded
plates all subduct beneath continental South
reliable fault plane solutions. In South America,
America. Since the Late Cretaceous, this scenario
seismic activity is especially widespread, not only
has not changed very much, except that the
over the highlands, but also over many of the
Nazca and Cocos plates appeared at 23.4 Ma, by sedimentary basins and even the continental
splitting of the Farallon Plate (see Tebbins & margins. Thus almost the entire continent is
Cande 1997), and that the ridges between adja- actively deforming in one way or another.
cent oceanic plates have migrated northwards According to the World Stress Map, South
with respect to South America (Nürnberg & America is dominantly undergoing thrust fault-
Müller 1991). A more significant complication ing, as a result of horizontal compression. Over-
has been collision with Central America, which all, SH is close to east–west and this would appear
started in the Miocene. Almost certainly, the to reflect rapid convergence at the Pacific
main causes of Andean Orogeny were, and margin. However, in the NW and SE corners of
continue to be, rapid convergence between the South America, respectively, SH trends NW–SE
Nazca and South American plates and thermal and NE–SW. These directions are compatible
weakening of the crust above the subduction with strike-slip faulting at the northern and
zone (Isacks 1988). At the Caribbean and Scotian southern continental margins, and also with
margins, convergence and transcurrent motions continuing collision of Central America
have introduced significant local complexities. (Pennington 1981). On a more local scale, in the
However, there is no evidence that any continent, forearc of the Andes and on their eastern slopes,
other than Central America, has collided with SH tends to be perpendicular to the main
South America since the Late Cretaceous. topographic scarps. Thus gravitational forces
A factor that is less easy to take into account is may contribute to the local state of horizontal
plate motion with respect to an underlying fixed compression.

Fig. 2. Current stress in South America (World Stress Map, 2004 release, Reinecker et al. 2004). (Notice thrust
faults (TF) over much of continent, strike-slip faults (SS) at northern and southern margins and normal faults
(NF) in high Andes of Peru. Other faults are unclassified (U). Map projection is Mercator.

Thrust faulting also occurs in the highlands of et al. 2003; Richards et al. 2004). This is an
SE Brazil and the Amazon Basin. Although not important fact, which helps us to understand
in the same database, data are available at how deformation has accumulated in the highest
regional scale for SE Brazil, including the off- and widest part of the Andes. Because the
shore continental margin, where focal mecha- curvature of the Andes coincides with that of the
nisms indicate thrust faulting (Assumpção 1998). coastline, it may be that oroclinal bending is
Thus it is reasonable to infer that at least part of responsible for both features.
the currently abnormal crustal thickness of SE We have synthesized the available data in the
Brazil is due to recent shortening and thickening form of four maps (Fig. 4), showing the amount
(Cobbold et al. 2001). of rotation for rocks in four age groups: Neo-
Strike-slip faulting is common in NW South gene, Palaeogene, Mesozoic and Palaeozoic. A
America, near the transcurrent boundary of the simple pattern emerges, in which rotations are
Caribbean Plate. Normal faulting occurs at the clockwise in the southern part of the central
eastern end of this boundary. Normal faulting is Andes and counter-clockwise in the northern
also common in the high Andes of northern Peru, part. We infer that (1) oroclinal bending has
where SH trends more nearly east–west. occurred since the Cretaceous, and (2) the
older the rocks, the larger is the amount of
GPS velocities rotation. In other words, oroclinal bending has
accumulated progressively since the Cretaceous.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) has For the modern forearc of northern Chile and
allowed measurements to be made of changes in southern Peru, the palaeomagnetic data show
position (displacements) over a period of several that most of the rotation occurred before the
years. Where there is a displacement gradient, Neogene, and probably in the Eocene (Arriagada
the problem is to know how much of the strain et al. 2003). If further data bear out this conclu-
is elastic and how much is non-elastic or sion, it has to be accepted that the Central Andes
permanent. have a long history and that Neogene deforma-
The first data for South America, although tion is no more than a final, and perhaps small,
subject to error, seemed to indicate that the Cen- fraction of it.
tral Andes were shortening horizontally, whereas
the foreland was not (Norabuena et al. 1998).
Updated results, part of SNAPP (South America– Fault maps
Nazca Plate motion Project; World Wide
Web Address: We have compiled four diagrammatic maps,
edu/research/snapp.html), are similar (Fig. 3). summarizing the style and timing of deformation
Like SH in the World Stress Map (Fig. 2), GPS across continental South America (Figs 5–8).
velocity vectors trend broadly east–west (Fig. 3). The maps have not been compiled accurately
However, recent surveys seem to indicate that using, for example, a geographical information
only a small portion of the GPS signal is due system. Instead they are schematic, and should
to permanent deformation (O. Heidbach, pers. be considered as illustrations or reviews of
comm.). Following major earthquakes at Anto- current knowledge.
fagasta (1995) and Arequipa (June 2001), a large The maps are labelled (1) mid-Cretaceous,
part of the strain recovered and was presumably (2) Late Cretaceous, (3) Palaeogene, and (4)
elastic. Thus longer-term observations would Neogene. For the purposes of this paper, these
appear to be necessary. names will be used informally, to represent (1)
A separate dataset is available for the NW the Aptian to Albian, (2) the Cenomanian to
corner of South America (Trenkamp et al. 2002). Maastrichtian, (3) the Palaeocene to Oligocene,
Relative to stable South America, the NW corner and (4) the Miocene to Recent. The last three
is moving to the NE, causing a combination of maps encompass the Peruvian, Incaic and
shortening and strike-slip motion. Quechua phases of Andean Orogeny, as defined
by Steinmann (1929). In his view, these phases
Palaeomagnetic data were relatively well-defined and separate events.
However, there is some evidence that compres-
Palaeomagnetic data have shown that the curva- sional basins have been forming intermittently
ture of the Central Andes is mainly due to defor- since the Late Cretaceous (Noblet et al. 1996).
mation; in other words, that it is an orocline The quality and abundance of our fault data
(Randall 1998, and references therein; Coutand are not even. On the Neogene map, fault traces
et al. 1999b; Roperch et al. 2000; Lamb 2001; are relatively abundant in the highlands,
Arriagada et al. 2003; Gilder et al. 2003; Rousse where outcrop is of good quality, and in the

Fig. 3. Current GPS velocities in Central and Northern Andes. Reference values (bottom left) are for velocity of
Nazca Plate with respect to South America, according to GPS measurements and plate model NUVEL-1A.
Background is shaded relief map of South America and surrounding ocean floor. This is not a map projection,
but a 2D plot of latitude v. longitude.

sedimentary basins, where petroleum explora- Neogene (Fig. 5)

tion has been active (Fig. 5). On the other three
maps, fault traces are sparse. However, that On the Neogene map, reverse faults dominate.
does not necessarily mean that pre-Neogene Most of them are in the Andes, where they tend
deformation was less intense. An absence of data to coincide with current topographic scarps.
may simply reflect the age of the rocks. In the We infer that the mountains have been through
foreland, old rocks have subsided beneath more a period of uplift in the Neogene, as a result of
recent sediment. In the mountains, they have crustal shortening and thickening.
undergone uplift and exhumation. In general, (1) In the Central Andes, the dominant fault
the older the deformation, the poorer is the vergence is eastward in the eastern Sub-Andes,
remaining evidence. and westward on the western sides of the Eastern

Fig. 4. Tectonic rotations in Central and Peruvian Andes. Data are from Randall (1998) and more recent
publications (Coutand et al. 1999; Roperch et al. 2000; Lamb 2001; Arriagada et al. 2003; Gilder et al. 2003;
Rousse et al. 2003; Richards et al. 2004). Rotations (open arrows) and their error ranges (black triangular sectors)
are with respect to current north. Senses of rotation (clockwise in south, counter-clockwise in north) may explain
trends of Andes and coastline. For Mesozoic and Cenozoic host rocks, magnitude of rotation increases with age
(in Ma, white boxes). This is not a map projection, but a 2D plot of latitude v. longitude.

Fig. 5. Neogene faults. Fault categories are (1) dominantly reverse (fine lines, triangles pointing down dip), (2)
dominantly strike-slip (bolder lines, arrows indicating sense) and (3) dominantly normal (boldest lines). Dashed
lines indicate less confidence than continuous lines. (For sources of data, see text.) Background is shaded relief
map of South America and surrounding ocean floor. This is not a map projection, but a 2D plot of latitude
v. longitude.

Fig. 6. Palaeogene faults. Circles draw attention to documented localities. Fault categories are (1) dominantly
reverse (fine lines, triangles pointing down dip), (2) dominantly strike-slip (bolder lines, arrows indicating sense)
and (3) dominantly normal (boldest lines). Dashed lines indicate less confidence than continuous lines.
(For sources of data, see text.) Background is shaded relief map of South America and surrounding ocean floor.
This is not a map projection, but a 2D plot of latitude v. longitude.

Fig. 7. Late Cretaceous faults. Circles draw attention to documented localities. Fault categories are (1)
dominantly reverse (fine lines, triangles pointing down dip), (2) dominantly strike-slip (bolder lines, arrows
indicating sense) and (3) dominantly normal (boldest lines). Dashed lines indicate less confidence than continuous
lines. (For sources of data, see text.) Background is shaded relief map of South America and surrounding ocean
floor. This is not a map projection, but a 2D plot of latitude v. longitude.

Fig. 8. Mid-Cretaceous faults. Circles draw attention to documented localities. Fault categories are (1)
dominantly reverse (fine lines, triangles pointing down dip), (2) dominantly strike-slip (bolder lines, arrows
indicating sense) and (3) dominantly normal (boldest lines). Dashed lines indicate less confidence than continuous
lines. (For sources of data, see text.) Background is shaded relief map of South America and surrounding ocean
floor. This is not a map projection, but a plot of latitude v. longitude.

Cordillera (Allmendinger et al. 1997; Baby et al. et al. 1990, 1997; Taboada et al. 2000; Branquet
1997; Müller et al. 2002; Echavarria et al. 2003) et al. 2002).
and Western Cordillera (Muñoz & Charrier (10) Transpression also explains the recent
1996). Thus the Eastern Cordillera is the surface altitudes and scarps on the Atlantic margin of
expression of a large crustal pop-up. Between the Brazil (Cobbold et al. 2001). Active fault traces
Eastern and Western cordilleras is the Altiplano line the Taubaté Rift and the River Paraíba do
Basin, which went through a late stage of devel- Sul, as far as the coast. In the Taubaté Rift, Neo-
opment in the Neogene (Lamb & Hoke 1997; gene wrenching has folded and faulted Oligocene
Lamb et al. 1997; Rochat et al. 1999). The main lacustrine strata.
reverse faults of the Central Andes are deep- (11) In Patagonia, reverse and strike-slip
seated, but they branch upward into thin-skinned faults of Neogene age have been described in
structures, especially in the Sub-Andes. The the Andes (Ramos 1989; Cembrano et al. 1996;
westward vergence of the Eastern Cordillera is Diraison et al. 1998), and recent faults are visible
inherited from the Late Palaeozoic, when crustal on published geological maps and satellite
thickening was also active (Müller et al. 2002). images of the foreland.
Cleaved Ordovician slates are overlain uncon- (12) Strike-slip faults prevail at the southern
formably by Cretaceous redbeds, which them- and northern edges of South America, which are
selves were deformed in Palaeogene and Neogene transcurrent plate boundaries. At the northern
times. Also inherited in part, from the shape of edge the motion is right-lateral (Kellogg et al.
a Palaeozoic basin, is the arcuate form of the 1985; Trenkamp et al. 2002), whereas at the
Sub-Andes (Baby et al. 1996). southern edge it is left-lateral (Cunningham
(2) Across the high plateau (Puna) of NW 1993; Diraison et al. 2000).
Argentina, reverse faults lie between alternating (13) In the Amazon Basin of Brazil, Neogene
ranges and basins (Allmendinger et al. 1997; strike-slip faulting has reactivated a Palaeozoic
Coutand et al. 2001). rift (Mossman et al. 1984). The faults trend east–
(3) Reverse faults also bound most of the west as far as the margin, where they run into
uplifted basement blocks in the Pampean ranges seismically active oceanic fracture zones.
of NW Argentina (Allmendinger et al. 1983; (14) Normal faults along the Magellan Strait
Jordan & Allmendinger 1986; de Urreiztieta et al. indicate that the island of Tierra del Fuego has
1996). Again, the dominant vergence is westward. been separating from mainland Patagonia and
In the southern ranges, the reverse faults have that the principal compression is NE–SW
formed by reactivation of Early Cretaceous rift (Diraison et al. 1997, 2000). Normal faults also
basins (Schmidt et al. 1995; Webster et al. 2004). occur to the north, as far as Lago General
(4) In Peru and Ecuador, reverse faults are Carrera in Chile, where they coincide with the
the main structural features of the cordilleras subducted East Chile Rise (Lagabrielle et al.
and Sub-Andes (Mathalone & Montoya 1995; 2004).
Steinmann et al. 1999; Gil Rodríguez et al. 2001; (15) The Gulf of Guayaquil is a pull-apart
Hermoza et al. 2005). basin, containing some 5000 m of Plio-
(5) Reverse faults are common beneath Pleistocene strata (Deniaud et al. 1999). Normal
Neogene strata of the retro-arc foreland basin in faults, reverse faults and strike-slip faults form
Ecuador (Baby et al. 1999) and northern Peru a horsetail splay at the SW end of the Dolores–
(Gil Rodríguez et al. 2001), where they have Guayaquil Megashear, which coincides with a
formed by right-lateral transpressional reactiva- sharp bend in the Andes and adjacent coastline.
tion of Mesozoic normal faults.
(6) The High Andes of west–central Argentina Palaeogene (Fig. 6)
and central Chile are mainly due to reverse
faulting of Neogene age (Ramos et al. 1996). (1) In the Central Andes, reverse faults of Palaeo-
(7) Reverse faults occur in and around the gene age were active in the forearc of Peru
Pantanal Basin of western Brazil (Milani et al. (Noblet et al. 1996) and northern Chile
1990), near the geographical centre of South (Arriagada et al. 2002, 2006), in the Altiplano
America. Basin and Cordillera Oriental of Bolivia (Lamb
(8) The Guiana highlands are seismically & Hoke 1997; Lamb et al. 1997; Müller et al.
active and the crust is thick, but whether or 2002), and in several intramontane basins of the
not this is due to Neogene shortening remains high plateau (Puna) of NW Argentina (Coutand
something of a mystery. et al. 2001; Carrapa et al. 2005). Horton (2005)
(9) The cordilleras of Colombia and Venezu- has identified a formerly widespread foredeep, in
ela are mainly crustal pop-ups, which have which middle Eocene to Oligocene strata accu-
formed by reactivation of Mesozoic rift basins, in mulated during a period of significant shortening
a context of right-lateral transpression (Colletta to the west. Such a distribution indicates that

the Andes have propagated eastward since the subsidence, evidence is accumulating for an onset
Palaeocene (McQuarrie et al. 2005). of compressional deformation in the Aptian.
(2) In the Western Cordillera of central Peru, (1) Growth strata from the Neuquén Basin
the Incaic phase of deformation resulted in folds (Cobbold & Rossello 2003) and the Atacama
and reverse faults, which are overlain in regional Basin (Arriagada et al. 2002, 2006; Mpodozis
unconformity by well-dated Eocene strata and et al. 2005) point clearly to a context of shorten-
volcanic rocks (Steinmann 1929; Noble et al. ing and thickening. In both basins, transitional
1979, 1990). evaporites and continental redbeds overlie
(3) Reverse faults of Palaeogene age were marine strata that accumulated in a rift setting
active in the Oriente Basin of Ecuador during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous.
(Christophoul et al. 2002), in the Eastern (2) In what is now the Coastal Range of cen-
Cordillera of Colombia (Julivert 1963; De Freitas tral Chile, ductile shortening occurred during the
et al. 1997; Gómez 2003), and in the adjacent mid-Cretaceous (Arancibia 2004).
Magdalena Valley (Schamel 1991; Laumonier (3) In the Magallanes Basin, the earliest phase
et al. 1996; Gómez et al. 2003). of uplift, erosion and formation of a foreland
(4) In Patagonia, there was thrusting and basin was of mid-Cretaceous age (Winslow 1982;
strike-slip faulting in the foothills of the Neuquén Diraison et al. 2000).
Basin (Cobbold & Rossello 2003) and in the (4) In the San Julián Basin, offshore southern
Magallanes foreland basin (Ramos 1989; Patagonia, an Early Cretaceous rift basin became
Alvarez-Marrón et al. 1993; Diraison et al. 2000; strongly inverted, folded and faulted under
Ghiglione & Ramos 2005). Aptian transpression (Homovc & Constantini
(5) In SE Brazil, older structures underwent 2001).
transpressional reactivation in the Palaeogene (5) The same can be said for SE and NE
(Cobbold et al. 2001). Brazil, where compressional reactivation of the
continental margin started shortly after the
Late Cretaceous (Fig. 7) formation of an Aptian break-up unconformity
(Cobbold et al. 2001; Meisling et al. 2001).
(1) In the Central Andes, reverse faults of Late (6) The Amazon Basin, which formed in a rift
Cretaceous age controlled subsidence of a setting during the Palaeozoic, went through a
foreland basin, now the Atacama Basin in the phase of strong wrenching (Szatmari 1983),
forearc of northern Chile (Arriagada et al. 2002, sometime between the Early Jurassic and the
2006; Mpodozis et al. 2005). Reverse faults also Cenomanian, but most probably in the mid-
appeared in the Copiapó area, inverting earlier Cretaceous. Right-lateral wrenching acted along
Mesozoic rifts (Mpodozis & Allmendinger 1993). the Amazon Basin (Caputo 1991), while, in the
(2) Reverse faults were active in the Oriente nascent Equatorial Atlantic, Africa was pulling
Basin of Ecuador (Baby et al. 1999). away in a right-lateral sense from South
(3) In the Neuquén Basin of northern America. The wrenching was responsible for
Patagonia, thrusting led to regional subsidence strike-slip faults, reverse faults, and large folds,
in a continental foreland basin, where redbeds which uplifted the Precambrian basement.
accumulated (Cobbold & Rossello 2003). The Redbeds of Albian to Cenomanian age are
same association occurs further south, in the unconformable upon it.
Chubut Basin.
(4) In the southernmost Andes, thrust tecton- Summary
ics caused regional subsidence in the Magallanes
foreland basin and simultaneous uplift of meta- The amount of available data decreases accord-
morphic rocks in Cordillera Darwin (Dalziel & ing to its geological age, but otherwise the four
Palmer 1979; Nelson et al. 1980; Winslow 1982; fault maps are broadly similar.
Klepeis 1994; Coutand et al. 1999a; Diraison (1) All show reverse faulting in the Central
et al. 2000; Ghiglione & Ramos 2005). Andes.
(5) In SE Brazil, the coastal ranges underwent (2) All show reverse faulting in Patagonia.
uplift and exhumation (Cobbold et al. 2001). (3) All show compressional or transpressional
(6) On the Atlantic margin of NE Brazil, there reactivation in SE Brazil.
were phases of transpressional deformation in (4) All show strike-slip faulting in the south-
the Piauí Basin (Zalán et al. 1985) and in the ernmost Andes.
Potiguar Basin. (5) Two of them show strike-slip faulting in
the northernmost Andes.
Mid-Cretaceous (Fig. 8) (6) Two of them show strike-slip reactivation
of the Amazon rift.
Although for many years the mid-Cretaceous (7) Two of them show compressional reactiva-
was seen as a period of rifting or passive tion in NE Brazil.

The most obvious differences are as follows. that they provide some insights into potential
(1) Neogene deformation is strongest in the mechanisms of deformation at continental scale.
Central Andes. The model materials were (1) heavy sand
(2) Palaeogene deformation is prevalent in the (quartz sand from Fontainebleau, France), for
Northern, Central and Southern Andes. the brittle oceanic crust; (2) light sand (a mixture
(3) Cretaceous deformation appears to be of quartz sand and ethyl cellulose), for the brittle
prevalent in southern, eastern and central South continental crust; (3) light silicone putty (Gomme
America (as far north as Ecuador). GS1R, manufactured by Rhône-Poulenc), for
The last statement should be qualified, the ductile continental crust; (4) heavy silicone (a
because it may reflect the availability of data. mixture of light silicone and powdered galena),
Otherwise, one is struck by the almost ubiquitous for the mantle lithosphere; (5) clear honey for the
nature of compressional deformation through- asthenosphere (Table 1). The models were prop-
out South America since the mid-Cretaceous. erly scaled for gravitational forces (Table 2). The
This makes sense, in that the mid-Cretaceous was model ratio of length was 107. For further details
a period of plate reorganization, following the of scaling and of the experimental technique, the
opening of the South Atlantic (Nürnberg & reader may consult earlier publications (Davy &
Müller 1991). Ever since then, one would expect Cobbold 1988, 1991; Pinet & Cobbold 1992;
ridge push to have been active in the South Pubellier & Cobbold 1996).
Atlantic, as well as in the Pacific, keeping South The models were constructed and deformed
America in a state of generalized compression. within a square box, 110 cm wide and 30 cm
Because the four fault maps are for periods deep. First, the box was filled with honey. Next, a
when faulting appears to have been unusually layer of heavy silicone was floated onto it. Then,
active, the intervening periods remain somewhat a patch of light silicone was added, to represent
of a mystery. One such period is the Oligocene. It ductile continental crust. Finally, a layer of light
has been suggested that the Oligocene was a time or heavy sand completed the layering. A travel-
of normal faulting in SW South America (Jordan ling trough poured the sand in thin layers of
et al. 2001; Pananont et al. 2004). This is a subject uniform thickness and a mask was used to obtain
of intense interest and debate. the required shape of the model continent.
That compression caused shortening and To obtain transform boundaries within
thickening in the Andes is understandable, if a oceanic crust, the sand was siphoned off along
high heat flow was responsible for softening, but narrow strips, so that the heavy silicone rose to
why did deformation occur repeatedly in other the surface along them. To initiate subduction
areas, such as SE Brazil or the Amazon Basin? zones, thin strips of powdered bismuth sulphide
Was it simply that these areas were crustal weak- were added at the surface.
nesses, prone to reactivation, or did they respond Deformation was imposed by one or more
to stress concentrations, resulting from condi- mobile plates, which travelled horizontally at
tions at the irregular boundaries of South steady preset speeds, without touching the
America? bottom of the box.

Experiment 1 (Fig. 9)
Physical models
The objectives of this experiment were two.
To obtain some insights into the mechanics of Would rapid subduction of oceanic lithosphere
deformation at the scale of South America, 10 cause shortening of an adjacent continent?
experiments on physical models were carried out Would initial weaknesses within the continent
at Géosciences-Rennes in 1992 and 1994. They lead to heterogeneous shortening?
followed earlier work during which limited sub- For simplicity, the continent was initially
duction of oceanic lithosphere had been observed rectangular and homogeneous, except for an
in physical models (Pinet & Cobbold 1992; initial zone of weakness, oblique to the margin,
Pubellier & Cobbold 1996) and they served as where sand was thinner (1 mm). The zone of
a template for experiments on subduction that weakness was meant to represent a pre-existing
were performed later at Géosciences-Rennes structure, such as one of the Mesozoic rifts of
(Faccenna et al. 1996). However, the work on South America.
South America was not published at the time, To encourage subduction, a thin strip of
because it seemed premature. Here two of the powdered bismuth sulphide was added to the free
experiments are described (Figs 9 and 10). We do upper surface, at the edge of the oceanic lithos-
not pretend that they reproduce faithfully what phere. Being heavy, the bismuth sulphide
has occurred in South America, but we believe mimicked in a simple way the increase in weight

Fig. 9. Physical model of subduction and oroclinal bending. Photographs show the upper surface of the model,
before deformation (a), after 2 h (b), and after 21.5 h (c). Initial spacing of grid lines (dark) was 5 cm. The
continent (pale) was initially rectangular and homogeneous, except for an oblique zone of weakness (darker,
dashed outline). Subduction of oceanic lithosphere (grey) was stimulated by adding a heavy strip of powdered
bismuth sulphide (black) at the western edge of the continent. A single piston (right), advancing at 5 mm h−1,
caused compression and rapid subduction. Close-up views (d)–(f) of rectangular boxes shown in (a)–(c) show
progressive deformation of the initial weakness and consequent oroclinal bending of the continental margin. The
heavy strip underwent variable amount of subduction. The experiment was performed at Géosciences-Rennes on
10 June 1992 by E.A.R. and P.R.C.

Fig. 10. Physical model of plate tectonics around South America. Photographs show upper surface of model,
before deformation (a), after 6 h of deformation (b), and after 14 h (c). Initial spacing of grid lines (dark) was
5 cm. Reinforced markers (dashed lines) are for better interpretation. The continent (bottom centre) had the
shape of South America (SAm) and was homogeneous, except for an initial weakness (dotted outline).
Subduction of oceanic lithosphere was stimulated by adding heavy strips of powdered bismuth sulphide (black) at
the western edge of continent and along the Antilles arc (a). Initial faults were made by siphoning off sand. One
piston (top left), advancing at 5 mm h−1, pushed the Nazca–Caribbean Plate (Nz-Ca) and North American Plate
(NAm) eastward, but not the Antarctic Plate (An). A second piston (right) pushed all plates westward at
2.5 mm h−1. Subducting Nazca Plate reached 7 cm under South America (continuous-line arrow, c). The edge of
the continent became eroded (about 5 cm) by subduction (a). Transform motions accumulated on initial faults.
Close-up (d) of the rectangular box in (c) shows details of deformation. Northern and southern parts of
continental South America rotated clockwise and counter-clockwise, respectively. The experiment was performed
at Géosciences-Rennes on 24 June 1994 by C.L., E.A.R. and P.R.C.

Table 1. Physical properties of model materials

Material Density Viscosity Cohesion Internal friction Thickness of Thickness of

(g cm−3) (Pa s) (Pa) (deg.) continent (mm) ocean (mm)

Light sand 1.2 0 45 2 0

Heavy sand 1.5 50 45 0 3
Light silicone 1.16 10000 2 0
Heavy silicone 1.35 50000 4 4
Honey 1.37 100 200 200

Table 2. Characteristic values and scaling

System Length Thickness Density Stress Viscosity Strain rate Time Velocity
(m) (m) (kg m−3) (Pa) (Pa s) (s−1) (s) (m s−1)

Nature 750E+04 300E+02 300E+01 900E+06 100E+20 900E-16 111E+11 270E-11

(7500 km) (30 km) (900 MPa) (0.35 Ma) (8.5 cm a−1)
Model 750E-03 300E-05 150E+01 450E-01 100E+02 450E-05 222E-00 135E-07
(75 cm) (3 mm) (45 Pa) (3.7 min) (5 mm h−1)
Ratio 100E+05 100E+05 200E-02 200E+05 100E+16 200E-13 500E+08 200E-06

that results from cooling and ageing of an In conclusion, subduction initiated at the
oceanic lithosphere in nature. margin between continental and oceanic lithos-
Compression was applied at the eastern side pheres, even though the greatest compression
of the continent (right, Fig. 9) by a plate sliding was on the other side of the continent. Rapid
horizontally at 5 mm h−1. Because of friction at subduction resulted in deformation next to the
lateral boundaries, the compressive stress was convergent margin. The pattern of deformation
almost certainly greatest next to the piston. The reflected the mechanical heterogeneity of the
plate velocity was much greater than the rate of continent. Large blocks rotated by slipping on
rollback of the slab under its own weight. The the subduction zone, and the margin became
experiment lasted 21.5 h (equivalent to 122 Ma in asymmetrically curved.
In the first stages of deformation, a thrust Experiment 2 (Fig. 10)
fault formed at the continental margin and the
oceanic lithosphere started to subduct. However, The objective of this experiment was to investi-
gate how a more realistic plate configuration
after 2 h, subduction became irregular and the
might influence the pattern of continental
continent deformed (Fig. 9b). In particular,
the initial weakness shortened and thickened
Initially, the continent had the true current
(Fig. 9e). Another zone of deformation, marked shape of South America and it was homoge-
by en echelon folds and thrusts, formed across neous, except for an initial zone of weakness,
the NW corner of the continent. Where the conti- oblique to the margin, where the sand was
nent shortened, the oceanic plate subducted less. thinner (1 mm). As in the previous experiment,
To north and south of the continent, subduction this zone of weakness was designed to represent
zones formed within the oceanic lithosphere. a pre-existing structure, such as one of the
As deformation accumulated in the zone of Mesozoic rifts of South America. The surround-
initial weakness, a large block to the south of it ing oceanic lithosphere was divided into plates.
rotated clockwise, whereas areas to the north The boundaries between them were created
of it bent in oroclinal fashion (Fig. 9e and f). The artificially.
final result was an asymmetrically sinuous mar- To nucleate subduction, two thin strips of
gin, much like the west coast of South America. powdered bismuth sulphide were added to the
All this time, the adjacent oceanic lithosphere free upper surface, (1) at the edge of the oceanic
subducted, but did not deform internally, except lithosphere, next to the western margin of the
by bending. continent, and (2) across the oceanic lithosphere,

to the north of the continent. The latter repre- boundary. The relative rotation between conti-
sented the convergent boundary (Antilles sub- nental and oceanic parts of South America
duction zone) between the Caribbean and South resulted in deformation along the continental
American plates. margins. In particular, there was shortening and
Two other faults were created within the thickening along the SE margin, and rifting at
oceanic lithosphere by siphoning off the sand, so the western margin next to the triple junction
that the underlying silicone rose to the surface. (Fig. 10d).
The faults represented the boundaries between Horizontal compression was responsible for
(1) the Caribbean and North American plates more generalized deformation at the continental
and (2) the Nazca and Antarctic plates. The margins. Because the eastern margins were
Nazca and Caribbean plates initially formed a oblique to the greatest stress, they took up strike-
single plate. slip motion, right-lateral at the SE margin, and
A rigid western sidewall pushed the Nazca– left-lateral at the NW margin. The wrenching
Caribbean Plate, and the strip to the north of it, resulted in en echelon folds and reverse faults.
at a velocity of 5 mm h−1 (equivalent to 8.5 cm a−1 Between zones of wrenching, the two eastern
in nature). The direction of motion was at about apices of the continent thrust over the adjacent
80° to the continental margin (as occurs in South oceanic lithosphere. At the western margin, next
America today). This action simulated ridge to the subduction zone, the zone of initial weak-
push from the East Pacific Rise. Simultaneously, ness took up some shortening, although less so
a rigid eastern sidewall pushed all the plates west- than in the previous experiment. Elsewhere, the
ward at a velocity of 2.5 mm h−1, simulating ridge continent suffered little internal deformation.
push from the Mid-Atlantic Rise. The experi-
ment lasted 14 h (equivalent to 80 Ma in nature).
As in the previous experiment, the plate velocities Discussion
were greater than the rate of rollback of the
slab under its own weight. Because of low shear The fault maps presented here show that
strength, the artificial faults behaved as trans- compressional deformation in continental South
form boundaries. Between them, compressive America has accumulated primarily in the
stress was probably almost uniform across the Andes, but also at other locations around the
moving Nazca–Caribbean Plate. margins, especially SE Brazil and Patagonia.
In the first stages of deformation, thrust faults Moreover, deformation has been recurrent in
formed at the western margin of the continent these areas. This is not surprising, because the
and to the north of it. Immediately, the advanc- plate configuration and general directions of
ing oceanic lithosphere subducted. Bridging the motion around continental South America have
gap between subduction zones, a transcurrent not changed greatly since the mid-Cretaceous.
fault formed at the northern margin of the Mechanically speaking, the boundary conditions
continent. After 2 h, a zone of thrusting and have remained relatively stable. Minor changes
high topography, resembling Central America, in the direction and speed of plate motions can
appeared spontaneously within the moving oce- account for variations in the rate of deformation
anic plates. Subduction continued in the Antilles and in structural style (the phases of Steinmann
zone, but at about half the rate of subduction 1929).
at the main convergent margin. By the end of Experiment 2, which had stable boundary
the experiment, the Nazca Plate had subducted conditions, also showed recurrent deformation
about 7 cm (arrow, Fig. 10d), or 700 km in along certain segments of the continental margin.
nature. To this should be added about 5 cm In particular, it showed (1) strike-slip deforma-
(500 km in nature) of subduction-erosion at the tion at the northern and southern margins of the
edge of the continent. continent, as well as the SE and NW margins,
The grids show that the northern and central and (2) thrusting around the eastern coastal
parts of the continent rotated clockwise by about promontories of Brazil and southern Patagonia.
10° with respect to the surrounding oceanic The former is easily understood in terms of east–
plates. In contrast, the southern part (Patagonia) west compression and lateral friction. In con-
rotated counter-clockwise. The clockwise rota- trast, the latter results from wholesale rotation of
tion of the northern and southern parts probably northern and southern parts of the continent.
resulted from (1) rapid advance of the Nazca and Such a complex motion has not been suggested
Caribbean plates, relative to the Antarctic Plate, before for the real South America, but it might
and (2) frictional drag at the northern boundary. explain the shortening and topography of the
The counter-clockwise rotation of the southern coastal mountains of SE Brazil and the Maurice
part may have been due to drag at its southern Ewing Bank (south of the Falkland Islands).

In Experiment 1, where the boundary condi- blocks and generating curvature of the margin.
tions were highly simplified, an internal weakness Such a process may help to explain the develop-
led to a sinuous margin, involving large rotations ment of the Bolivian orocline.
of crustal blocks. This provides an explanation (7) In another experiment, where the model
for the Bolivian orocline, where rotations have continent had a broadly triangular shape, resem-
accumulated since the Cretaceous, in a large bling South America, the oblique NE and SW
Palaeozoic foreland basin, next to a Mesozoic rift margins deformed in strike-slip mode, the eastern
in the south. apices of the continent thrust over the adjacent
Thus the main cause of oroclinal bending and oceanic lithosphere, and large parts of the conti-
other variations in structural style along the nent rotated, causing reverse faulting at the SE
Andes may be mechanical heterogeneity within margin. Such motions may explain the complexi-
the continent, rather than variations in the sub- ties of deformation at the scale of South America.
ducting slab. Indeed, the importance of palaeo-
geography and pre-existing faults has been
emphasized before, for example for NW Argen- P.R.C. first gave a talk on this subject in 1996, at a meet-
tina (Allmendinger et al. 1983; Grier et al. 1991; ing in St. Malo. M. Coward encouraged us to publish
Kley et al. 2005), Bolivia (Baby et al. 1996), Peru the results. South America was among his many inter-
ests. In 1969, he and P.R.C. took part in a memorable
(Gil Rodríguez et al. 2001), and the Andes in
9 month field campaign to the Andes (Imperial College
general (Cobbold et al. 1996; Kley et al. 1999; Andean Volcanoes Project). Over the following years,
Jacques 2003). Probably, the subject deserves we had many enthusiastic discussions about South
more widespread recognition and further study. America. We thank O. Heidbach of the World Stress
Typically, a continent is more heterogeneous Map project for useful remarks and for permission to
than an oceanic lithosphere. The former is older publish Figure 2. The constructive comments of the
and has inherited weaknesses, whereas the latter reviewers, A. Tankard and P. Baby, resulted in a better
is younger and more uniform, as a result of manuscript.
consolidation at mid-oceanic ridges.
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