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University of Business and Technology Relationship between brand health tracker

and market shares of evaporated milk

The relation between brand health tracker and market shares for
the main brands in Evaporated milk category in Jeddah- Alyaqoot
area for householders.

Spring 2021
Instructor: Khalid Alshohaib
MBA Program

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UBT. University of Business and Technology Relationship between brand health tracker
and market shares of evaporated milk


One of the main products consumers use in daily basis is evaporated milk.
This product used with team or coffee to enchase the mode and give the
drinks the creamy taste. Evaporated milk main competitors are Luna,
Rainbow, Bony and Al Marai.

The evaporated milk market has been quite static in terms of market
shares. In order for this study to understand and compare if the brands
effect the market share of the main competitors in the category.
AC Nilsen annual reports FMCG Saudi Arabia.

A growth in demand for evaporated/unsweetened condensed milk (EVAP)

reflects a growing health and wellness trend in KSA with a 17% increase
in imported EVAP between 2016 and 2018 .The demand for EVAP has
increased in GCC countries as evidenced by a growing demand for EVAP
– between 2016 and 2018, there was a 43% increase in EVAP exports
from KSA Government to support localize food production to ensure
sustainability of food availability and price resilience – two factors that are
vital for national security.

Localization of the investment opportunity scorecard in condensed milk by

Saudi investment.

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and market shares of evaporated milk


1. Brands health tracker.

2. Dairy brands in Saudi Arabia.
3. Brands evaluations steps.
4. How to compare between brands equity.
5. Evaporated milk in Saudi Arabia.
6. Evaporated milk market shares in Saudi Arabia.


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and market shares of evaporated milk

1. Abstract
2. Keywords
3. Introduction
4. Background of the study
5. Aim of the study
6. Statement of the study
7. Research questions
8. Literature Review
9. Methodology




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UBT. University of Business and Technology Relationship between brand health tracker
and market shares of evaporated milk

The biggest FMCG companies in Saudi Arabia producing Evaporated milk

and available in all the groceries outlets. The price on shelf almost same
with small difference.

Accordingly, a Brand Health Study focusing on each of the Evaporated

milk was conducted by group and compare it with market shares of the
main brand competing in this category.

What is brand tracking?

Brand tracking continuously measures your brand’s health, analyzing how

your consumers buy and use your products, and what they think and feel
about the brand itself. Good brand tracking will highlight which brand
initiatives work well, impacting sales positively, as well as identifying those
which don’t, so those can be targeted and improved.

Brand tracking – key metrics to consider

Measuring your brand health with a brand tracking study allows you to not
only understand the commercial value of your brand but also to record
changes and optimize your strategy to get the most from it.

You need to measure your brand regularly. This allows you to track key
metrics over time and learn what is driving any improvements. Many
companies run a brand tracking study quarterly, although if you are
running new advertising campaigns more regularly than this, it’s a good
idea to increase the frequency so you can see how they’re contributing to
your brand.

Key measures to track as part of your brand tracking studies include:

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and market shares of evaporated milk

Net promoter score (NPS): The classic metric, NPS gets right to the point
of what you need to know: On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to
recommend [brand] to your family and friends?

Brand loyalty: This metric provides a view of how likely a customer is to

continue to buy from, or interact with, your brand. It’s usually measured by
purchase intent and serves as a good marker for how strong your brand is.
If it’s strong, customers are much more likely to buy from you again in the
future. Elicit feedback from existing customers with the question:

How likely are you to purchase [product or service] from us again?

Brand awareness: This is made up of two measures – brand awareness

and brand recall. Brand awareness is a measure of consumers’ ability to
recognize your brand and can be measured as aided awareness (in
response to a prompt such as showing a product or brand logo) and
unaided awareness (with no prompt). Brand recall is the consumer’s ability
to remember the brand, whether after using a product or seeing a piece of
advertising. This is a good measure of how a piece of communication has
contributed to awareness of the brand in general.

Brand associations: Over time, consumers develop perceptions about your

brand, and it forms an image in their minds about who you are and what
you stand for. By measuring brand association, you can see whether how
you want to be seen matches how you are actually perceived. Be careful
to set achievable targets here – your brand tracker should measure what
makes you unique. After all, what brand wouldn’t want to be seen as
having good products and great customer service? Think about what

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and market shares of evaporated milk

makes your brand unique – you can look to your brand values if you have
any – and try to draw that out in your research. A good way to measure
brand associations is through open text feedback. These give consumers
the opportunity to leave verbatim feedback without prompting so you can
get an accurate view of how they really feel.

Book of Qualtrics BrandXM about brand health tracker.

Brand preference is an easily achievable metric that counts the number of

consumers who would rather buy your branded product over the same
product from a brand competitor. It can be measured simply by listing the
checkboxes of other brands, and the question: Select the product brand
you prefer to buy.

Brand usage will tell you how often consumers purchase your brand's
product or service. Using check boxes with your brands and competition,
ask the question: Please select the following brands that you buy or use
regularly Brand purchase will identify previous or existing customers, with
the question: Have you purchased [product] from [our brand] before?

Perceived brand quality:

Customers will have a variety of experiences and perceptions about the

reliability of performance, appearance and finish, and how the product fits
into its marketing. You can tailor the questions to reveal these

Romanyuk, JENNI, and Romanyuk, J. (2013). How healthy is your brand

of health tracker? Advertising Research Journal


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and market shares of evaporated milk

Acquiring a clear picture of the category in general and brands within in


This can be translated into understanding the brands perceptions and

loyalty to evaluate in its related with market shares scores or not.



The target consumers for this study are male and female who live in
Alyaqoot area householders with age between 25- 45.We will focus on
30% males and 70% females.


To measure brands health by conducting a brand health evaluation study

among Evaporated Milk category and compare it with the market shares of
the key brands and understand how its related to each other.


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and market shares of evaporated milk

1. Is the brand health tracker related to market shares for the key competition
in the Evaporated Milk category?
2. What motivate you when you pick the Evaporated Milk from the shelf?
3. Is the brand equity only lead to make the purchase decision?
4. How market share ranking the top brand in the category?


The main brands in this category have their own brands equity among the
consumers that somehow reflect to the market share of these brands.
Health of the brands can’t be the only factor to increase or decrease the
market share as of a lot of techniques can help the brands to increase
their market shares.

Brand equity is defined as “the set of associations and behaviors on the

part of a brand’s customers, channel members and the parent corporation
that permits the brand to earn greater volume or greater margins than it
could without the brand name, and that gives the brand a strong,
sustainable and differential advantage over competitors.

Brand equity is the additional brand value that a customer attaches to a

particular brand due to the perception and the experiences with the brand.
A positive experience will generate positive brand equity, while
dissatisfying expertise will result in negative brand equity.

In simple terms, brand Equity is the loyalty, perception, and awareness of

a customer towards a brand. Brand equity can be created over a period by

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and market shares of evaporated milk

offering products that give a memorable experience, excellent quality, and

highly reliable products to its customers.

Albert, N., Merunka, D., & Valette-Florence, P. (2008). When consumers

love their brands: Exploring the concept and its dimensions. Journal of
Business research, 61(10) 1062-1075.Brand Equity Advantages

Brand equity is important to increase the valuation of a brand. The value of

a strong brand translates into number of advantages:

1. Competitive Edge

Brand equity offers a competitive edge in the market. Customers identify a

brand and are loyal to a brand. This leads to improving the competitive
edge of the products. When there is higher brand recognition for a
company, there is higher brand equity, which automatically gives a
competitive edge with other well-known brands.

2. Increase in margin

A brand can charge higher than the market price when it has positive
brand equity as customers are ready to pay a premium for your brand. The
additional value that customers pay in the name of brand equity will boost
your profit margins.

3. Increases market share

Brand equity gives rise to brand loyalty, which makes a customer stick to a
particular brand, thereby increasing the market share.

4. Business expansion

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and market shares of evaporated milk

Brand equity gives the opportunity to a company to spread its business

into new products and new geographies by using the positive brand name
that already exists.

As per Marketing Science Institute 1988, cited in Chay 1991.

The most important step to any brand to lead the consumers to make
purchase decision.

Contrary to what many people believe, most salespeople want their

customers to make good decisions.

They want them satisfied, whether it’s buying shoes, home improvement,
a vacation package, a car, or an insurance policy.

Even so, salespeople accidentally lose sales. They leave customers

unsatisfied, not dissatisfied. Customers become dissatisfied after making a
purchase; if they are unsatisfied, they walk away before buying.

Intent on rattling off features and benefits, salespeople forget they must
understand the customer’s need to buy before the facts will make sense.
In doing so, they overwhelm customers.

Why do salespeople do this? They want customers to make informed

buying decisions. But this is the fallacy. It is not until after the sale that the
rational stuff makes sense to customers. What must come first is the inner
motivation for saying yes.

John Graham of GrahamComm .creator of “Magnet Marketing,” and

publishes a free monthly eBulletin, “No Nonsense Marketing & Sales

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and market shares of evaporated milk

To motivate the purchase decision is a salesperson’s most important task

here is the point: it is the wow that grabs attention and excites customers.
The salesperson’s task is figuring out what it is that motivates a customer.
Once that button is pushed, the facts serve to justify the purchase.

To enhance their status. There are certain things we want to buy because
they tell a story. “The beautiful objects that we prize are really signs to
others that they should prize us,Writes Matthew Willcox in The Business of

To make amends. We may view ourselves as independent and free from

past influences, but our purchases may tell a different story. A woman had
a rocky relationship with her mother, but the first car she bought was the
brand her mother always wanted.

To be defiant. Someone says, “That’s not a good idea. Is that something

you really need?” or “You can’t afford that.” Such words become
challenges, powerful forces driving us to “show them,” while pointing out
how easy it is for adults to demonstrate adolescent behavior.

Want to feel good. There is more than one type of self-medication. Close
to the top of the list may be buying stuff to make us feel better. A cup of
hot tea with Evaporated milk on a cold winter night.

To feel safe. Some things go beyond just feeling good; we also want to
feel safe. The old idea that “your home is your castle,” a place with thick
walls and a moat, is as current today as it was centuries ago. This may be
a reason why tourists flock to visit them. We buy everything from

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and market shares of evaporated milk

deadbolts to security systems to insurance policies and organizational

memberships to help us feel safe.

To reward ourselves. We reward ourselves to fit our finances, but never

get around to adding it all up.

Customers respond positively when they believe salespeople understand

them. When this doesn’t occur, they’re unsatisfied and they leave.
Something is missing and piling on reasons for saying yes is useless.
Information overload only makes it worse. Once an emotional need is met,
the facts make sense and the sale closes. Reference to Matthew Willcox
in The Business of Choice.


To quantitatively analyze the brand effect of evaporated milk; Online forms

will be submitted and research questions answered. A structured

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and market shares of evaporated milk

questionnaire will be developed to determine the information to be collected.

Potential respondents live in the Alyaqoot District and will be screened for
eligibility criteria according to the questionnaire. The research method will
include 100 participants who will be randomly selected as a sample. The
sample will consist of both male and female participants.

Awareness Usage Loyalty

Top of Mind, Spontaneous, Current Use, Preference, Brand Loyalty,

Aided, Awareness Gap, Lapsed Use, Reasons, Differentiation, Switching
Sources Dual Use, Awareness Motivators
Driving Usage,

Brand Health

Brand Progression, Association, Overall Brand Health Score

Positioning, Brand Perceptual Map on a 0-100 Scale

After that will compare it with market share of these brands.


We expect after conduct this study we will end up with answers of the brand
equity will not always affect the market shares in the FMCG market. Categories

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and market shares of evaporated milk

will be different form each other. the main players will be in a different position in
each category.


1. ACNielsen market shares reports for evaporated milk category in Jeddah.

Journal, 46(2), 97-104.
3. Albert, N., Merunka, D., & Valette-Florence, P. (2008). When consumers
love their brands: Exploring the concept and its dimensions. Journal of
Business research, 61(10) 1062-1075.
4. As per Marketing Science Institute 1988, cited in Chay 1991.
5. Book of Qualtrics BrandXM about brand health tracker.
6. De Pelsmaeker, S., Schouteten, J., & Gellynck, X. (2013). The
consumption of flavored milk among a children population. The influence
of beliefs and the association of brands with emotions. Appetite, 71, 279-
7. Edema, M. O., & Akingbade, O. A. (2007). Incidence of spore-forming
bacteria in unsweetened evaporated milk brands in Nigeria. Nigerian Food
Journal, 25(1), 138-145.

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and market shares of evaporated milk

8. Khalil, H. M., & Seliem, A. F. (2013). Determination of heavy metals (Pb,

Cd) and some trace elements in milk and milk products collected from
Najran region in KSA. Life science journal, 2(10), 648.
9. ROMANIuK, J. E. N. N. I., & Romaniuk, J. (2013). How Healthy is Your
Brand-Health Tracker? Journal of Advertising Research
10. Saudi Investment authority
11. Writes by Matthew Willcox in The Business of Choice.

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