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Project submitted to

Dr. C.V. Raman University

Kota, Bilaspur (C.G.)
For the award of the degree





Enrolment No.: CV/1/SC/25909

July 2020-June 2022

©2022stutidewangan.All rights reserved.


Project submitted to

Dr. C.V. Raman University

Kota, Bilaspur (C.G.)
For the award of the degree




Under the Guidance of

July 2020-June 2022
©2022stutidewangan.All rights reserved.


Department Of Mathematics


I the undersigned solemnly declare that the report of the project work entitled “FUNDAMENTAL
THEOREM OF GALOIS THEORY” is based on my own work carried out during the
course of my study under the supervision of DR. S. K. TIWARI.

I assert that the statements made and conclusions drawn are an outcome of my project work. I
further certify that
i. The work contained in the project is original and has been done by me under the
general supervision of my supervisor.
ii. The work has not been submitted to any other Institute for any other
Degree/Diploma/Certificate in this University or any other University of India or
iii. I have followed the guideline provided by the University in writing the project.
iv. I have conformed to the norms and guidelines given in the concerned Ordinance of the
v. Whenever I have used materials (data, theoretical analysis, and text) from other
sources, I have given due credit to them by citing them in the text of the Project and giving
their details in the references.
vi. Whenever I have quoted written materials from other sources, I have put them under
quotation marks and given due credit to the sources by citing them and giving required
details in the references.

(Stuti Dewangan)

Enrolment No.

Department of Mathematics


This is to certify that the work incorporated in the project entitled “ FUNDAMENTAL

THEOREM OF GALOIS THEORY ” is a record of project work carried out by STUTI

DEWANGAN under my supervision for the award of degree Master of Science in the

Faculty of Mathematics of Dr. C.V. Raman University, Bilaspur (C.G.)-India.

To the best of my knowledge and belief the thesis:

i. Embodies the work of the candidate himself/herself,

ii. Has duly been completed.

iii. Fulfill the requirements of the Ordinance relating to the M.Sc. degree of the University,
iv. Is up to the desired standard both in respect of contents and language for being referred to
the examiners.



(Signature of the Head of the Department)

(Seal of Department)


It is a matter to immense pleasure to express the overwhelming sense of gratitude, devotion,

incontestable regards to my esteemed & learned guide DR. S. K. TIWARI professor, department of
mathematics, Dr. C.V. Raman University, Kota, Bilaspur (C.G.), who have striven to perfect my project
on “FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF GALOIS THEORY” as a part of curriculum for award of
“Master of Science (Mathematics)” of Dr. C.V. Raman University, Kota, Bilaspur (C.G.).
Finally, I express my indebtedness to all who have directly
or indirectly contributed to the successful completion of my research work.

(Stuti Dewangan)

Enrolment No.









We will prove the Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory. We will also define the “Galois group” of
an arbitrary field extension. The Fundamental Theorem allows us to translate problems involving
fields, polynomials, and extensions into group theoretical terms (again, showing the centrality of
groups in modern algebra). Quoting Hungerford: “It was Galois’ remarkable discovery that many
questions about fields (especially about the roots of polynomials over a field) are in fact equivalent to
certain group-theoretic questions in the automorphism group of the field.


Beginning with a polynomial f(x), there exists a finite extension of F which contains the roots of f(x).
Galois Theory aims to relate the group of permutations to the roots of f to the algebraic structure of
its splitting field. In a similar way to representation theory, we study an object by how it acts on
another. The pioneering work of Evariste Galois, who gave a criterion for deciding whether the roots
of a given polynomial can be expressed in terms of radicals of the coefficients of the polynomial.
This, in turn, would also prove the Abel-Ruffini theorem, which had been left incomplete by Paolo
Ruffini. Galois died very young, but became immortal with his profound theory, known as Galois
Theory today. His Fundamental Theorem finally established a necessary and sufficient condition for a
polynomial to be solvable by radicals. Here we state the Fundamental Theorem of Galois theory
(Galois’theorem) without proof, and explain how this theorem can be used to prove that there cannot
be a formula for obtaining the roots of certain fifth degree equations in terms of the radicals of the
coefficients of the polynomial.


Aparna Ramesh (2015) presented the project, which studies Galois theory and discuss some
applications. The theory of equations and the ancient Greek problems were the initial motivations for
the theory of Galois to come into being. However, in present-day mathematics Galois theory is
ubiquitous. Whether it is a coding theorist or a cryptographer working with finite fields or a geometer
working with Riemann surfaces or a number theorist interested in problems involving prime numbers,
they all employ Galois theory in a crucial manner.It begin by discussing the basic notions and results
in Galois theory. It discuss also in detail the Galois theory of polynomials of degrees up to 4 first,
where it recall how formulae similar to those arising in the solution of quadratic equations exist for
degrees 3 and 4 also. We describe the fundamental theorem of Galois theory and show how to draw
important consequences like: (i) the three Greek problems, (ii) the impossibility of such formulae for
roots to exist for general polynomials of degree 5 or more, (iii) constructability of regular polygons
by a straightedge and compasses, and (iv) the fundamental theorem of algebra. There are numerous
applications of Galois theory which are not so well known as to appear in any text books; we will
look at a couple of non-standard applications in the area of number theory which are solved using
Galois theory.

Jack Liang (2014) presented the paper which introduces basic Galois Theory, primarily over fields
with characteristic 0, beginning with polynomials and fields and ultimately relating the two with the
Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory. This paper then applies Galois Theory to prove Galois’s
Theorem, describing the relationship between the Galois groups of polynomials and their solvability
by radicals.

Omar Aceval (2020) presented it has been known since before the 9th century that the quadratic
equation now commonly taught before university level is such a solution to any polynomial of degree
2. Similar equations were later discovered for the third and fourth degree, which inspired the question
of which degree polynomials have such an equation. It was known from previous results that there in
fact does not exist a general solution to fifth order polynomials, namely polynomial counterexamples
could be obtained that are not solvable via a general equation. But Galois’ work instead found exact
conditions for when polynomials could be solved via the four basic operations and radicals, which
fruit a much deeper understanding as to why there is no general equation for fifth order and certain
above orders. The Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory (FTGT) is simple enough to understand,
at least without proof, and yet incredibly insightful about Galois’ ideas. In order to understand the
language of Galois Theory, I will first give a few definitions and explanations on the more basic
level. Unless otherwise stated, let F denote a field, and let E denote an extension of F, that is that E,F
are fields such that E ⊇ F. Also G will denote a group.
S. Revathi, R. Chandrakala (2020) presented that in [F] the theoretical Galois hypothesis, initially
created by Krasner for automorphism gatherings (and in this manner endomorphism monoids) of
social structures and afterward stretched out by others for not really finitary multi-contention tasks,
was inferred by a predictable utilization of the list changes under which the safeguarded relations are
invariant. The limited length of that communication blocked an express show of a last structure or a
correlation with different definitions inferred by different methods. It is proposed to make this up
here, inferring and examining the other surviving structures based on this one.

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In this section we will state the fundamental theorem of Galois Theory and its proof. We will also
discuss some supporting theorems and their proofs as well.



Let F be a field of characteristic 0 or a finite field .If E is the splitting field over F for some
polynomial in F[x], then the mapping from the set of subfields of E containing F to the set of
subgroup of Gal(E/F) given by K→ Gal(E/K) is a one- to -one correspondence. Furthermore
for any subfield K of E containing F.

1. [E: K] = |Gal (E/K)| and [K: F] =| Gal (E/F)|/ |Gal (E/K)|.

[The index of Gal (E/K) in Gal (E/F) equals the degree of K over F]

2. If K is the splitting field of some polynomial in F[x], then Gal (E/K) is normal subgroup of Gal
(E/F) and Gal (K/F) is isomorphic to Gal (E/F)/ Gal (E/K).

3. K= Gal (E/K). [The fixed field of Gal (E/K) is K]

4. If H is a subgroup of Gal (E/F) ,then H= Gal(E/ EH)[The automorphism group of E

fixing is H]


First we prove that there exists a one-one correspondence between the set of
subfields of E containing F to the set of subgroup of Gal (E/F) given by

K→ Gal (E/K).

Let K be any subfield of E containing F and Gal (E/K) be group of all

K-automorphism of E.

Since F⸦K⸦E, so that Gal (E/K) ⸦ Gal (E/F). Also Gal (E/K) and Gal (E/F) are the subgroups of
the group of all auto morphism of E; therefore Gal (E/K) is a subgroup of Gal (E/F).

Thus for each subfield K of E containing, we can find a subgroup Gal (E/K) of Gal (E/F).

~ 11 ~
Consider a mapping ψ of the set of all subfields of E containing F into the set of all
subgroups of Gal (E/F), defined by

Ψ (K) = Gal (E/K) for all subfield K of E containing F.

To prove ψ is one-one
Let k1 and k2 be any two subfields of E containing F and suppose that

Ψ (k1) = Ψ (k2)

⟹ Gal (E/k1) = Gal (E/k2)

T‫؞‬he fixed field of Gal (E/K1) the fixed field of Gal (E/K2)

=K2 ( E is a splitting over F

So E is a normal extension of F)

Now to prove ψ is onto:

Let H be an arbitrary subgroup of Gal (E/F), then the fixed field of H denoted by is

= {aєE : Ф (a)=a ∀ Ф ∊ H}

H= Gal (E/ EH).

This shows that each subgroup of Gal (E/F) is of the form Gal (E/ EH) such that
F E [EH is fixed field] and corresponding to this subgroup Gal (E/ EH) there exist a subfield
EH of E containing F such that ψ (EH)= Gal (E/ EH).

i) E is a normal extension of F and K is a subfield of E containing F such that

F K E then E is normal extension of K therefore we have
[E: F]= | Gal (E/F)| and

[E: K]= | Gal (E/K)|.


[E: F]= [E: K] [K: F]

⟹| Gal (E/F)|= | Gal (E/K)| [K: F].
⟹ [K: F] = | Gal (E/F)|/ | Gal (E/K)|.

2. K is the splitting field of some polynomial in F[x], means K is the normal extension of
F, to show Gal (E/K) is a normal subgroup of Gal (E/F).

~ 12 ~
For any σ ∊ Gal (E/F) and ψ ∊ Gal (E/K). To

show: ψ σ ∊ Gal (E/K)

Let α be any arbitrary element of K .Since K is a normal extension of F, so that the

splitting field of the minimal polynomial of α over F is contained in K and every conjugate

of α is therefore in K.

Since σ (α) is conjugate of for any σ ∊ Gal (E/F),

then σ (α) ∊ K . Thus for any automorphism ψ ∊ Gal (E/K), ψ ( σ (α)) = σ (α)

( ψ σ)( α) = [ψ ( σ (α))]

= (σ (α))

⟹ ψ σ ∊ Gal (E/K) ∀ σ ∊ Gal (E/F)

Ψ ∊ Gal (E/K).

Let K is the normal extension of F. Let σ be any element of G (E|F).Define a mapping

σ’of K into E be splitting σ’ (α) = σ (α) ∀α∊ K. Since σ is an F- automorphism of E and

K is a normal extension of F, so that K = F (α), therefore σ’ is F –automorphism of K

i.e., σ ’ ∊ G (K|F)

Thus σ (K) = σ ’ (K) =K.

Now consider a mapping

Ф: G (E|F) → G (K|F) by setting

Ф (α) = σ ’ ∀ σ є G (E|F)
This mapping Ф is a group homomorphism; for if and are any two elements of
G(E|F) and α∊ K, then

(Ф ( ))( α) = (( )’) (α) [By above define]

=( )(α)

= ( (α))

and (Ф ( ) ( )(α) = Ф ( ) (Ф ( )(α))

~ 13 ~
= (Ф ( ) )( (α))

=( Ф ( ) )( (α))
= ’ (α))

= ( ( α))

So, Ф )=Ф )( )

Consider any ψ ∊ Gal (K/F), then

Ψ (α) is conjugate of α over F, so there exists an F-automorphism σ of E

Such that σ (α) = Ψ (α) .

Also σ and Ψ are both identity of F and K and K =F(α),

So that σ (a) = Ψ (a) a ∊ F (α ) = K.

ψ = σ’= Ф (α )
Hence f is onto

Kernel Ф = { σ ∊ G (E|F) :( σ ) = I , the identity of Gal (K/F)}

= { σ ∊ G (E|F): σ ’= I }
= { σ ∊ G (E|F): σ ’ (α ) = I (α ) = α єK}
= { σ ∊ G (E|F) : σ ( α ) = α α єK}

= Gal (E/K)

Then by Fundamental theorem of homomorphism of groups

Gal (K/F) is isomorphic to Gal (E/F)/ Gal (E/K).

3. E is a normal extension of K (from above discussion)

So, by definition of normal extension the fixed field of G (E|K) is K.

4 ∵H is a subgroup of Gal (E/F) so that H Gal (E/F) Also is the fixed field of H, then we have

EH = {a ∊ E | σ (a) =a σ ∊H}

~ 14 ~
∵ EH is subfield of E.

Since E is a normal extension of F, so that E is a finite extension of F

Gal (E/ EH) |≤ [E: EH] …………………(i)

Now Gal (E/ EH) = { ∊A (K); (a) =a a∊ EH } ………………………(ii)

Let σ be any automorphism in H, then

σ ∊H⟹ σ (b) =b b∊ EH [using ii]

⟹ σ ∊ Gal (E/ EH) [using ii]

Therefore H Gal (E/ EH)

Therefore |H|≤| Gal (E/ EH)| …………………………. (iii)

From (i) and (iii)

|H|≤| Gal (E/ EH) |≤ [E: EH]

and |H|≤| Gal (E/ EH) |≤ |H|

⟹|H|=| Gal (E/ EH )|

Also H is a subgroup of Gal (E/EH) Hence H=Gal (E/EH).

~ 15 ~

We are ready to discuss the statement in more detail. The Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory.
Let E be a finite Galois Extension of F and let G be the Galois group Gal(E/F). 1. Then there is a one-
to-one correspondence between the intermediate fields E ⊇ B ⊇ F and the subgroups {1} ⊆ {GB} ⊆
{G} In particular, the correspondence is given by B = Fix(GB), where GB denotes a subgroup of G,
and B is the fixed field of that subgroup GB. 2. Furthermore, the intermediate fields B are normal
extensions if and only if GB is a normal subgroup of G. In fact, this is only the case whenever B is a
Galois extension of F, and we have the important isomorphism given by: Gal(B/F) ∼= G/GB 3. For
each subfield B, the degree [E/B] = |GB|, and likewise the index of GB in G is [B/F]. Some important
consequences are highlighted below. One-to-one mapping: More generally, a subgroup H of G can be
mapped to its corresponding field extension B by declaring B as the fixed field of H. A field
extension B is mapped to its corresponding subgroup H by finding the set of elements in G that are
the identity on B. We have that distinct subgroups H1, H2 of G map to distinct extensions of F, B1
and B2: Let B1= Fix(H1), B2= Fix(H2). If B1=B1, then every automorphism in H2 fixes B1 and so
H2 ⊆ H1, and vice versa, and so therefore H1 = H2. Then by the contrapositive there is exactly one
subgroup of G that corresponds to each field extension of F. Proving that there is exactly one
extension field that corresponds to each subgroup would require at least a page or two. The idea is
that because E is a Galois extension of F, then it must also be what is called the splitting field of some
separable polynomial. A separable polynomial is an irreducible in F[x] that splits into distinct linear
factors in E. Because each intermediate field B contains F, we have that this separable polynomial is
also an element in B[x], and so E must also be a Galois extension of B. So therefore B=
Fix(Gal(E/B)), where now the corresponding subgroup of G for the extension field B is Gal(E/B).
The correspondence between intermediate fields and subgroups is inclusion reversing. For example,
E, the largest field extension of F, always corresponds to the smallest group of automorphisms,
namely the identity automorphism {1}, because only the identity automorphism fixes all of E. In the
same sense, because E is a Galois extension, we have that the fixed field of G must be F, and so the
smallest field extension of F, itself, corresponds to the largest subgroup of G, also itself. A more
rigorous explanation is given below. If we let B1, B2 be intermediate fields such that E ⊇ B1 ⊇ B2 ⊇
F, then we see that the subgroup GB1 which corresponds to automorphisms that fix B1, also fixes all
of B2. Therefore the subgroup GB1 must be contained in GB2 , the set of automorphisms that fix B2.
Therefore though B1 contains B2, the corresponding subgroup G1 is contained in G2. Relation
between order of subgroups and extension fields: Let E be a Galois extension of F, with an
intermediate field B given by E ⊇ B ⊇ F, and let G be the Galois group of E/F. If the degree of E as
~ 16 ~
an F vector space, [E/F]= n, we can write every term in E using only n elements from E. It can be
shown that [B/F] divides [E/F], namely by [E/F] = ([E/B])([B/F]): If [E/B]= a, [B/F]= b, then we need
a elements from E to span E using coefficients in B, and for each of those we need b elements in B
using coefficients in F, so therefore n = ab. We have shown that [E/F] = [E/B][B/F]. By the FTGT,
we can conclude that the order of the Galois extension field E as a B vector space is equal to the order
of the corresponding subgroup GB. Therefore by definition the index of that subgroup is given by the
degree of B as an F vector space

~ 17 ~

The fundamental theorem of Galois Theory tells us that the structure of extensions of a field F is
exactly the same as the structure of subgroups of the group of auto morphisms of the field F. For
example: statement (2) given in the statement above tells us that an extension is normal only
whenever its corresponding subgroup is a normal subgroup of G. By examining the structure of this
group G, we can immediately determine the desired extension fields of F.



 Aparna Ramesh (2015). Galois Theory and Some Applications.

 Jack Lang (2014). Rudimentary Galois Theory.

 Omar Aceval (2020). DRP Presentation: The Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory.

 S. Revathi, R. Chandrakala (2020). A Study on Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory.

 Amit Kumar (2011). Field Theory and Galois Theory A Project Report submitted by in partial
fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of master of science in mathematics

 Pierre-Yves Gaillard (2013)The Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory (FTGT) University

of Lorraine

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