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Reflective Journal

My teaching internship is done, but I would undoubtedly keep key lessons

learned from this experience with me. I am confident that all of the knowledge I have
received will be useful as I begin my future profession. This experience has been
quite illuminating for me. It made me wonder what kind of teacher I wanted to be in
the future. To be honest, I hadn't given it much attention until my first class
demonstration. I enjoy teaching my pupils because they are active and vocal. I can
easily discipline them, and I've never had any trouble directing them for my activities.
Additionally, I am grateful to our cooperating teacher, Ma'am Nonielyn
Quevido, for her constant support; she always ensures that we teach our students
correctly and provides feedback on which we may improve. The various concepts
and principles I've learnt from this on-the-job training have made me determine what
kind of teacher I want to be in the future. I want to be the sort of teacher that is not
just brilliant at imparting knowledge but also enjoyable and interactive. I want my
students to be more active in all activities and in their learning. I want them to
develop their critical thinking skills and they should know how to apply the concepts
that they have learned in real life. To be honest, I always feel that I don’t have an
inch of creativity on my body. But since I have learned in my experience the
importance of being a creative teacher I would try my best to practice it. I want to
create activities that are outside the box and fun to fully engage and motivate my
students in learning.
Furthermore, I would do my best to continue evolving and improving as a
teacher and learner. This experience is extremely beneficial, particularly for
prospective educators like as myself; I am humble and glad to have gained so much
during my internship at Tagum City National High School. This experience has
taught me that, in order to further understand content and pedagogy, teachers must
be prepared and equipped to work with diverse learners. As educators, we must
recognize and adapt our pupils' differences and similarities. This would assist us in
better knowing our students and developing better activities and teaching strategies.
This would also provide additional opportunity for all pupils to learn and develop
In addition, during my teaching internship, I realized how creativity could aid in
effective teaching. Creativity in teaching refers to the capacity to think creatively and
beyond the box while developing or upgrading classroom activities. A creative
teacher does not simply keep to what is traditional, but strives to improve it in order
to make learning more fascinating and enjoyable. Creativity assists kids in
developing skills and information that will help them become well-rounded individuals
and prepare them for life beyond the classroom. The most essential thing I have
taken away from this session is that being a teacher requires ongoing learning. It is
important that as an educator we improve and evolve to be able to catch up with the
fast changing generation. We need to adjust to be an effective teacher to all types of
Teaching internship is one of the challenging subjects of education students,
especially in the pandemic. For the sake of everyone's safety, the class
demonstrations that supposedly face-to-face shifted to online class by the help of the
online platforms that provides virtual classroom. We have no other choice but to
endure this kind of setup in teaching and learning to save lives and comply with our
requirements to graduate. Everyone experiences a loss of internet connection in the
middle of the class, and some are struggling because they don't have the devices to
use for the online class. Despite the hardships that I suffered during the entire class
demonstration journey, I can say that I learned a lot about teaching and learning. I
knew that selecting a specific teaching approach is critical to student learning.
Choosing appropriate materials and resources is also considered.
Truly, my experience is the best teacher; it taught me how to become an
effective teacher, dealing with students, using specific assessments, and so on. I
learned that as teachers, we must always be patient because learning is a process.
As a teacher, I must choose an appropriate assessment tool for my students. I also
realized that teaching requires passion and dedication. During my internship, I have
applied the principles and factors that will help me as a future educator use and
maintain effective teaching and other teaching methodologies suitable for diverse
Furthermore, teachers should acquire 21st-century skills to deal with the
students nowadays effectively. As a future educator, I will plan my lesson and
prepare the necessary materials ahead of time to avoid delay of the discussion. I can
enhance students’ knowledge using appropriate resources, designing instruction and
assessment, and setting instructional desired outcomes. I will ensure a conducive
environment safe for teaching and learning for successful knowledge transfer. I will
keep the classroom tidy, clean, and well-ventilated. I will also create classroom rules
that are attainable. I will improve my communication skills to students as well as to
parents. I will facilitate the class discussion with confidence and mastery of the topic.
I will use effective questioning skills during the discussion of my lesson. Also, I will
make sure students will engage themselves through experiential learning or learning
by doing. I will act professionally in and outside of the school. I will keep excellent
records. I will build a healthy relationship to the families of my students. I will attend
professional development seminars for my growth and development as a teacher. I
will give my best that I can be to be good role model to my students, to the school
and to the society.

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