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The reason people commit crimes

When we talk about crime, actually many case that must be reviewed. Crime happen
when someone breaks the law with directly or indirectly or a form of neglect that can result in
punishment. In this legal perspective, criminal behavior seems active, humans commit
crimes. But actually "not behaving" can also be a form of crime, for example: child neglect or
not reporting to the authorities when they learn about acts of violence against children around
There are so many forms and kinds of crimes, it is interesting to know what causes
people to commit crimes. In fact, humans have always tried to explain why some people
become criminals. However, in the study of Forensic Psychology, there are several
theoretical approaches used to explain criminal behavior: Early criminology (Cesare
Lombroso) and Psychoanalysis (Sigmund Freud). Cesare Lombroso was an Italian
criminologist who in 1876 explained the theory of "anthropological determinism" which
states that criminality is an inherited characteristic or in other words a person can be born as a
"criminal". Criminal traits can be identified by a person's physical characteristics, for
example: large jaw, leaning chin, narrow forehead, high cheekbones, flat or wide inverted
nose, large chin, etc. He also concluded that most crimes are committed by men. Women who
commit crimes mean degeneration or setbacks
Sigmund Freud in the perspective of psychoanalysis has his own views on what
makes a criminal. The imbalance of the relationship between the Id, Ego and Superego makes
humans weak and as a result more likely to commit deviant behavior or crimes. People with
an excessive superego can feel guilt without reason and want to be punished; the way he did
to deal with guilt was by committing a crime. Freud also explained the evil from the
"pleasure" principle. Humans have a biological basis that is urgent and works to achieve
satisfaction (pleasure principle). According to this view, evil is not the result of a criminal
personality, but of ego weakness. The ego that is unable to bridge the needs of the superego
and the id will be weak and make humans vulnerable to deviations. From the perspective of
Social Learning, Albert Bandura explained that criminal behavior is the result of a
psychological learning process, the mechanism of which is obtained through exposure to
criminal behavior committed by people around him. then there is repeated exposure
accompanied by reinforcement or reward; thus increasingly supporting people to want to
imitate the evil behavior they see.
Crime takes different forms. Even the same criminal behavior can be based on
different reasons. The various explanations for the crime theory above can be used to
understand crime cases. Why and how criminal behavior can appear in a crime case, expertise
in sorting theoretical perspectives in explaining crime are needed in finding bright spots in a
crime case.

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