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Further research revealed it to be a web-based program that instantly scores student essays.

The process was simple: students could write an essay based on a teacher's assignment, submit the essay to the system, and receive immediate feedback--basically, every improvement Ms. Darville was looking to implement in our writing department. That was April 2005. By August of that year, she had received training directly from the MY Access! technicians; learned how to retrieve and run the online programs; trained the Language Arts teachers on it; purchased 400 licenses; and installed the program in the school's computer lab and in her own classroom 'literacy lab,' which granted easy computer access to all students. At first, we, like many others who have heard of the benefits of online essay scoring technologies, were skeptical. How could a computer program, no matter how interactive, possibly have the same teaching effect as a living, breathing teacher, we asked. To ease our concerns, Ms. Darville got the language arts instructors together and hand-scored about 200 essays then compared our scores to those produced by MY Access! To our surprise, the program was just as accurate as our classroom full of professional teachers. As we soon came to find out, the MY Access! program analyzes multiple semantic, syntactic, and discourse characteristics. In a few seconds, students are scored on a 1 to 4 scale on focus and meaning, organization, content and development, language use and style, mechanics and conventions, and on overall writing proficiency--essentially, every element a teacher would need to examine. Even more appealing was that the program could be accessed from any computer with an internet connection. This feature let our students hit the site at school, at home, or at the library to see their essays and track their progress through the use of personal writing portfolios. The program's 'tutor' function showed them their errors, which they could then look up in MY Access!'s textbook for remediation. Our school's writing department adapted beautifully to this new system under Ms. Darville's direction. Instructors particularly enjoyed the customizable writing prompts that were easily aligned to Georgia's testing standards. This benefit went a long way toward fully preparing the students come test time, and even helped Ms. Darville predict the actual test scores (which she nailed, by the way). As it turned out, the simple fact that their essays were accessible online made students anxious to try it. Once they did, they were hooked by the web-based programming, and the new way of thinking about and processing the instructions. Moreover, the scoring process generated friendly competition among the students. Ms. Darville described a palpable buzz in the classroom as students compared their scores after each assignment. Not only did this development help the cooperative learning aspect of the program, but it enhanced the intrinsic motivation of the program, augmenting the school-sponsored motivational activities such as pizza parties and ice cream socials. Students finally realized that our writing exercises were not a waste of time, but a vital life skill. It heightened their level of concern, and opened their minds to the critical feedback. With this newfound acceptance, students finally began mastering the skills for the writing test.

Indeed, our work paid off this past testing period, as our school achieved an overall 93 percent passing rate on the GHSGWT--the third highest score in the Atlanta Public School District, up from very last place. We also made the program part of the school's special education curriculum, which helped those students improve their passing rate on the GHSGWT from 36 to 48 percent--a gain we once thought wasn't possible, and which proves that the system works for all students, not just the 'Average Joe'. Since our overall score ranking now exceeds the average ranking of Atlanta schools, we don't compare our students to the school system anymore; instead, we now compare our data on the state level to evaluate our true strengths, as well as areas for improvement or reinforcement. As you can imagine, our success with online learning has turned us from skeptics into believers. All of our sophomores, juniors, and seniors now use the program in the classroom, and we hope to have the freshmen on board soon. Perhaps we could have eventually improved our scores without the online program, instead relying strictly on Ms. Darville's leadership, and our capable and dedicated teaching staff. But I think our dramatic results speak for themselves. The MY Access! program excited students about writing, and that excitement motivated them sufficiently to help the school markedly improve our test scores, all within a few short years. Today we are confident that, by the time Therrell High School students reach 11th grade, most will be capable writers; it's a transformation made possible by a top-notch faculty, motivated students, newfound passions for writing, and a phenomenal learning tool. Algie Davis is Principal of Therrell High School in Atlanta. He can be reached at 7920 Norfolk Ave., Suite 900 Bethesda, MD 20814 (800) 394-0115 - Fax (301) 913-0119 Privacy Policy Manage your FREE eSchool News eMail subscriptions here Contents Copyright 2006 eSchool News. All rights reserved.

writing program, for example, she said funding the professional development was one of the more expensive components. To solve the problem, a small group of teachers attended an institute's training course and then shared that knowledge with the rest of the district. "Collaboration can be an extremely effective tool when you're trying to infuse technology into the classroom," said Ross. "The conversations that took place between those teachers who received the formal training, and the rest of the staff, went a long way in making sure everyone knew how to use the online program." Liz Dwyer has also seen her share of school districts attempting to keep up with technology while sticking to today's meager budgets. A former teacher who also worked for Teach for America, Dwyer serves as education ambassador for the Pepsi Refresh Project, which awards grants to groups that develop good ideas. Dwyer, who is based in Los Angeles, works with a number of schools that have been hit hard by California's budget crunch. "We've seen almost $2 billion cut from education over the last two years," said Dwyer. "That's affected low-income schools, wealthy schools, and everything in between." Those lower-income schools typically qualify for Title I funding, she added, but those in the "middle area" have had to get more creative about how they fund technology initiatives. "We're seeing a lot of parent-teacher organizations get involved and become pretty much full-time fundraisers for their schools," said Dwyer. Other options include sites like DonorsChoose, which bills itself as an "online charity connecting you to classrooms in need." Through such sites, Dwyer said the teacher that needs 20 iPod Touches for her science class can download an application and submit a proposal. "DonorsChoose will send that application out to local businesses and the community, asking people to fund the purchase of those items," said Dwyer. "It's an option that I see being used by more and more schools." Sometimes, said Ross, a successful school- or district-wide technology implementation can happen in spite of budgetary woes, thanks to the support of teachers, administrators and school board members. "When you can come together as a consortium and work as a group, it can be pretty powerful," said Ross. "Get your legislators' ears, and just keep working until you get where you need to be. I've seen with my own eyes how well this can succeed." About the Author Bridget McCrea is a business and technology writer in Clearwater, FL. She can be reached at

Spotlight on Success Parkland School District, PA

Writing Here in Allentown!

PA High School Students Continue to Improve Writing Scores using the MY Access! Instructional Writing Program

of Allentown, PA, aptly titled Allentown. Joel, who spent much of his early career playing Lehigh Valley venues, wrote the lyrics to depict the demise of the manufacturing industry after the close of Bethlehem Steel. Well, times have certainly changed! The city is undergoing yet another positive transitioncity officials are currently trying to attract business to the downtown district, primarily as a way to find new uses for existing structures. The citys infrastructure offers state-of-the-art technology, including a fiber-optic loop and uninterrupted electrical service, which play a role in attracting businesses to the downtown district. Playing right into the technology boom in Allentown are its area schools; specifically, Parkland High School, part of the Parkland School District, which encompasses three townships and has a current enrollment of close to 10,000

n 1981, Billy Joel recorded a famous song about the great city

students. Parkland High, with a total student body of 3,220, shows that more than 8% of its students are academically gifted. In addition, Internet connections exist in every classroom of this six-year-old facility, statistics any district would be proud to boast. However, after administering the 2002 PSSA Writing Test, administrators and educators identified that 22% of all 11th-grade students scored below proficient on this high-stakes test. To better identify students at risk of scoring poorly on the PSSA Writing Test, administrators at Parkland developed a comprehensive remediation plan to assist belowproficient students and improve their

writing skills. After much research, Parkland chose Vantage Learnings award-winning MY Access! instructional writing program. MY Access! is a Web-based writing assessment and instructional tool that improves students writing proficiency. MY Access! scores student essays instantly and provides individualized instruction to engage and motivate students to continually improve their writing skills. The robust reporting feature within the program provides up-to-the-minute information about student performance, enabling teachers to make timely, data-driven decisions for successful, differentiated instruction.

MY Access! has played a significant role with our students ability to be consistently scored at a standard that is essentially similar to the standards assessed by our classroom teachers.

Writing Here in Allentown!

A key function of MY Access! is domain scoring, which identifies each students strengths and weaknesses in five major areas: focus and meaning, organization, content and development, language use and style, and mechanics and conventions. Armed with this knowledge, teachers across all grades can follow assessment with targeted remedial instruction, focusing on specific dimensions of writing where students need further instruction. Following intervention, students revise and resubmit their essays for scoring, and view their progress. Eight years after integrating MY Access! as part of the plan to improve student writing, educators at Parkland High School continue to see meaningful improvements in their students writing proficiency levels. Since MY Access! is a Web-based program, at-risk students can access the online program not only in the classroom, but also at home,

where parent participation proves key to a students success. The consistent and stable application of scoring rubrics within MY Access! is lauded by administrators, teachers and students at Parkland. MY Access! has played a significant role with our students ability to be consistently scored at a standard that is essentially similar to the standards assessed by our classroom teachers. It offers immediate feedback and a coaching component, and with our teachers instruction, it has played a key role in our students ability to perform to such a high percentage on the PSSA writing component, states Randy Claroni, the Secondary Curriculum Coordinator for Parkland School District. Since incorporating MY Access! into our writing curriculum for the last eight years, 9092% of our students have earned proficient or higher scores on the PSSA Writing Test, said Claroni. Due to

the early success of the program at the High School, currently more than 600 students utilize MY Access! in the High School, Orefield Middle School and Springfield Middle School. Because of the significant increase in PSSA scores, Parkland views MY Access! as an essential component of their English/Language Arts curriculum, as teachers are clearly seeing good results. Claroni continued, Success on the PSSA Writing is more crucial than ever this year. We need our kids to be ready for the examsbut the great thing about MY Access! is [that] it makes students better writers overall, which goes a very long way in guaranteeing them success across the board.

Quick Facts
Who: Parkland High School What: Urban Fringe of Mid-Sized City Where: Allentown, PA When: MY Access! user since 2002 Why: To build better writers and better students and to improve PSSA Writing Test scores How Many: 638 students.

110 Terry Drive, Suite 100, Newtown, PA 18940 Phone: 800.230.2213 Fax: 215.579.8391 Copyright by Vantage Learning, 2008

Glenn Hudspeth English Teacher

March 29, 2011 To whom it may concern: I have been using Vantage Learnings MyAccess web-based writing tutorial program for five years and would like to say that I absolutely love the program. It has transformed my writing instruction from one of drudgery to one of pleasure for both teacher and student alike. Although MyAccess is a standalone solution to writing instruction, it can also be integrated with other programs or methods. Using the program, however, obviates the need for any other approach, and thats how I use it. One of the best things about MyAccess is its student-centered writing instruction. The program allows students to learn by doing which is infinitely more interesting than mere observation or listening. Through a constant process of guided revision, students learn the fundamentals of effective structured writing. MyAccess is also methodologically sound. It includes instruction in the entire writing process, from pre-writing through publishing. The number of resources available within the program to help both students and teachers with each of these steps is truly astounding and worth the price of the program alone. Finally, the best part for teachers is its Intellimetric Scoring feature. Teachers can select either a fourpoint or six-point rubric and instantly see scores of every submitted revision of student work. If the teacher, for any reason, doesnt agree with the assigned scores, she can change the scores to reflect her own professional judgement. To better understand what a time-saving potential this offers, imagine that you are an extraordinary teacher, able to grade each student essay in only one minute. For most middle and secondary teachers, this translates to about two extra hours of grading for each writing assignment. Unfortunately this scenario does not even approach reality, but it makes obvious the potential benefit of using automated scoring for student essays. After being fortunate enough to use this program for several years, I am a firm believer in this method of writing instruction. I dont know if I could ever go back to teaching writing the old way. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the specifics of my implementation of the MyAccess writing program. Sincerely, Glenn Hudspeth English Language Arts Teacher


16060 MESA ROBLES DR. HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 626.933.6000 FAX 626.855.3827
Amy Moss David Avila Assistant Principals

Frank Chang

February 1, 2011 Re: Mesa Robles MyAccess Account To Whom It May Concern: As the principal of Mesa Robles School, I am proud to write this letter to inform you of the resounding success our students have experienced in their STAR Writing Assessment scores. Over the course of the last three years, as teachers have expected students to regularly submit essays online to MyAccess, and as students have become more adept in using the program, we have seen our scores steadily increase. And last year, our scores in the 7th grade Writing Applications test soared to 97% Proficiency, up 25% from the previous year. Our teachers attribute a great deal of the amazing test results to the seamless integration of classroom instruction with technology, particularly the MyAccess program. Because students receive essentially instant feedback on their essays, based on a rubric that aligns to what our teachers also expect, teachers can require students to do multiple revisions and multiple submissions so that students can improve in the writing process and better understand how to improve their writing. In so doing, students learn more quickly the best way to accurately respond to prompts, how to better focus their essays and how to organize their thoughts into a cohesive structure. Several years ago, when our district first purchased MyAccess licensing, I was trained to support teachers in integrating the program within their daily practice and instruction. As a former English Language Arts teacher at the high school, I immediately saw the potential of this program. I saw how students could benefit from the tutorials and the immediate feedback, while teachers and administrators benefitted from the varied reports to help guide instruction and monitor student progress. Even though we, as most schools and districts, are confronted with budget cuts and limited funding to support supplementary materials and programs, Mesa Robles hopes to continue the relationship with Vantage Learning and the MyAccess program. We know it works and data supports our beliefs and findings. We thank you for your customer relations and support and we value the relationship we have been able to build and maintain with your company. In particular, Reza Asgari has been tremendously helpful in assisting us and finding ways in which we can continue this partnership. We hope our success and this letter can be seen as a testimony to the effectiveness of this program in raising student achievement. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at or 626.933.6002. Thank you. Sincerely, Frank Chang Principal, Mesa Robles School

The Hacienda La Puente Unified School District is a community committed to developing lifelong learners who value themselves and the diversity of all

people; apply decision-making skills leading to responsible actions; and use creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving in meeting the challenges of a changing society.


Vantage Accountability Solution

Enhanced Data Analysis: Identifying Opportunities for Intervention

The ability to manipulate and analyze data is crucial to an institutions ability to drive curriculum and instructional decisions to ensure continuous improvement. When measuring district or school performance, teacher effectiveness, or student achievement, you cannot afford limitations inherent in static reports that may not answer your questions and are not available to all stakeholders.

Rather than Static Reports, iSEEK Supercruncher

provides a more flexible way to link and analyze your disparate data sources. iSEEK generates countless Intervention Intelligent Agents which provide actionable intervention signals for students, teachers and administrators. Once identified, strategies and instructional resources matched to the students readiness level can easily and immediately be shared with all stakeholders.

Differentiated Instruction: Best Intervention in Real Time

The continuous delivery of measurable, authentic assessments and standards-aligned benchmarks are key components in identifying problem areas and implementing strategies for improvement. Constant accumulation of new data allows you to effectively allocate resources where they are needed most, improving outcomes and saving time and money.

Vantage Accountability Solution

The Vantage Accountability Solution provides districts and schools with a simple, customizable transparent management system to monitor school objectives, teacher effectiveness, and student progress. Districts have the ability to quickly identify an infinite number of opportunities for intervention, allowing them to share strategies with stakeholders, effectively allocate resources, drive curriculum through instructional decisions, deliver differentiated instruction, and link teacher effectiveness with student outcomes. The Vantage Accountability Solution is comprised of three primary components that improve school and student achievement through proven technology and professional development elements: 1. Enhanced data analysis 2. Differentiated instruction 3. Dynamic professional development

The Student Progress Monitoring System (SPMS)

is a Web-based application for conducting continuous cross-curricular student skill assessments, enabling real-time delivery of differentiated instructional resources. Aligned with state or common core standards, SPMS is an integrated, Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) enabled solution for creating, administering, scoring and reporting diagnostic assessments. SPMS enables teachers to distribute precisely targeted instructional resources at the learning objective level for each student. SPMS provides immediate test results, and with a direct connection to iSEEK, results are easily matched with any dataset for easy identification of your students unique needs, whether by school, teacher, sub-group or other criteria.

MY Access! School Edition

is a Web-based, cross-curricular instructional writing and assessment program that provides immediate feedback in focus, meaning, organization, content, development, language use, voice, style, mechanics and conventions. This immediate feedback motivates students to improve their writing proficiency, and enables all teachers to deliver individualized instruction in their content areas. The award-winning MY Access! program transforms writing instruction by applying superior artificial intelligence and linguistic technologies to the writing and assessment process. MY Access! has decidedly and independently been shown to improve test scores.

Differentiated, Data-Driven Instruction

Embedded within SPMS and MY Access!, iSEEK gives educators and students access to over 300,000 authoritative education resources, their own resources, and allows them to precisely target these resources at the objective level, linking assessment directly to instruction.

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Copyright by Vantage Learning.

Dynamic Professional Development

A well-structured, focused professional development program fosters improvement in student learning on a long-term basis. Vantage Learnings dynamic professional development provides teachers with opportunities for practice, observation, feedback, coaching and modeling of best practices, which are necessary elements leading to improved student achievement in every classroom. Sharing and applying best practices to data collection, assessment, and targeted instruction, while managing and monitoring professional growth plans, is vital in the successful implementation of the Vantage Accountability Solution. Fully customized to meet your specific requirements, and with the flexibility to adjust Real-Time changing needs, our Professional Professional Development with your Development offerings address your time management and institution needs: On-site seminars Customized coaching and mentoring Train the trainerstrain personnel to be experts in the program Web-delivered instruction Real-time professional support

Institution Benefits Flexibility

As your data changes, your needs will change. The Vantage Accountability Solutions components, from technology to professional development, are flexible by nature and can be customized to fit your budget, curriculum, and reporting needs. Whatever the challenge may be, our dynamically allocated solution provides you an avenue to answer your questions the way you want them answered, implements ongoing assessments that are aligned with your standards, and provides an enhanced learning environment surrounding your institutions improvement goals.

The costs associated with data warehouse, software maintenance, IT resources and staff time adds up quickly. Our solution significantly reduces these costs and eliminates the risks of wasted resources associated with knowledge deficits, which impede overall school improvement. The components included are efficient and simple to implement and use, saving your institution time and money while still achieving your institutions goals.

Whether your objectives are measuring teacher and student performance, financial expenditures, or fundingrelated measures, you need constant access to your most commonly requested data and continuous collection of new data. The Vantage Accountability Solution is designed to assist you in being compliant with any and all situations.

iSEEK Supercruncher

Data Interaction Through iSEEK

As the foundation of the Vantage Accountability Solution, iSEEK Supercruncher is an essential component of a sustainable, ongoing school improvement plan. Through a Web-based enhanced data analysis platform, iSEEK unifies disparate data sources allowing users to ask complex, multi-conditional questions against any combination of data to get simple, actionable answers. Rather than static reports, schools and districts gain the ability to interact with and analyze their data through the intuitive interface with infinite reporting scale. This unique approach to flexible data selection and drill-down capability guarantee the data to be actionable for the decision-making process.

Continuous Intervention Signals

iSEEK Supercruncher offers infinite scalability and makes every conceivable combination of inquiry related to performance management available. iSEEK generates countless Intervention Intelligent Assistants, which link students, teachers, and administrators with actionable intervention signals. For any given inquiry, users are free to add or subtract data fields and change the sequence of the fields, allowing them to view the results in any way they choose. Additionally, results can be displayed using a variety of graphing methods such as bar graphs, 3-D column graphs, and pie charts. As specific data sets you need to continuously monitor are identified, you can easily add them to your dashboard.

iSEEK Supercruncher
An institutions ability to transform data-driven administration into knowledge-driven solutions is crucial in driving curriculum and instructional decisions to ensure continuous school improvement. iSEEK Supercruncher allows teachers, school administrators, and district administrators to easily interact with their data, save, export and share results from any amount of data, and make sense of it in order to support differentiated instruction, make necessary curriculum changes, and effectively allocate resources.

Intuitive Interface
With a simple question-and-answer interface, this transparent and multi-layered data management platform provides several ways for users to filter large amounts of data through keyword searching, natural language understanding of questions, and manual filter management. The simple discovery functions allow the user to find exactly what they are looking for in seconds.

Share, Save, and Export Actionable Results

iSEEK Supercruncher allows teachers, school, and district administrators to easily and immediately share actionable results with all stakeholders. Data can be saved and exported to a .CSV or Excel file to be emailed to others, or simply shared through the iSEEK Supercruncher interface. When sharing results, selected filters can be locked, restricting access to only the data you want them to view.

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Copyright 2011 by Vantage Learning.

Natural Language Interface

Customizable Dashboards

Administrative Benefits

Customizable Dashboards

Custom Configurations

The dashboards in iSEEK Supercruncher illustrate the intervention signals you have selected as most important to monitor in simple, informative graphics that update in real time. This customizable dashboard can be configured to provide multiple snapshots based on any criteria chosen by the user whether it is AYP, district performance levels, teacher analysis, or student achievement. To further organize your dashboards, users can create tabs to partition their most important data into separate snapshots. All dashboards can be shared with any other user or stakeholder.

Significant Cost Benefits

Share Results

The costs associated with data warehousing, software maintenance, IT resources, and staff time add up quickly. iSEEK Supercruncher significantly reduces these costs and eliminates the risks of wasted resources associated with knowledge deficits. By allowing users to interact with their data and link differentiated instruction and curriculum adjustments to needs and desired outcomes, they can better allocate resources to where they are needed most.

Student Progress Monitoring System (SPMS)

Creating Assessments
SPMS provides flexible online and offline (scanner-ready) testing formats to accommodate the needs of every student. Teachers can assess students in reading/language arts, math, science, social studies, and writing. SPMS features a comprehensive bank of tens of thousands of test items aligned to strand-level categories, down to the objective level within each strand. SPMS is also aligned to state and common core standards, ensuring that high-quality questions are used consistently. Vantage Learning will assist in uploading your individual items and help develop assessments tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Individualized Assessment Through Three-Parameter IRT of CAT

SPMS fully supports the use of Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT). CAT enables targeted assessment by starting with grade-level test items and, based on a students response, increasing or decreasing difficulty accordingly to determine the students grade-level proficiency in each subject, strand, and objective. Additionally, the use of a Three-Parameter Item Response Theory means cheating strategies are minimized and statistical estimates of ability are more accurate than other methods of testing.

Student Progress Monitoring System (SPMS)

The Student Progress Monitoring System (SPMS) is a Web-based, Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) enabled application used for conducting continuous cross-curricular student skills assessments. SPMS supports the formative assessment process by providing a fundamental, systematic approach to educational improvement through the automated delivery of targeted and prescriptive resources, enabling real-time delivery of differentiated instruction. SPMS includes linear testing functionality used for summative and benchmark assessments.

Immediate Scoring
SPMS delivers immediate online and offline test results, allowing for multiple, real-time opportunities to redirect instruction to meet the needs of individual students. Additionally, through the use of IntelliMetric, the most accurate and reliable automated essay scoring system, teachers are provided with an objective second opinion of each students writing skills. Scoring of writing assessments includes using multi lingual MY Editor features to provide ELL and ESL students with the opportunity to improve their English writing proficiency in their native languages.

Individualized Learning Assignments for Remediation

As students complete assessments, the SPMS Predictive Intervention Module automatically delivers the best intervention prescription in real-time, creating Individualized Learning Assignments (ILAs) for every student. ILAs leverage adaptive intervention algorithms to create and deliver the best intervention prescription to each student. The resources delivered are unique to each student and can be differentiated based upon multiple indicators including grade performance level, ELL status, student interests, SRI, lexile level, and other indicators from within each students profile. This process is automatic, or educators and administrators can add their own content to be indexed for immediate delivery.

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Phone: 800.230.2213, option 3


Copyright 2011 by Vantage Learning.

Teacher - Assessment Setup

iSEEK Resources

Prescriptive Resources and Diagnostic Reporting Custom Response to Intervention Resources

SPMS Test Results

Embedded within SPMS, iSEEK, the advanced linguistic discovery tool, gives educators and students access to over 300,000 authoritative education resources. Additionally, by using vLibrary, the multi-file format instructional platform, teachers can deliver their own instructional resources to students. Both methods link assessment directly to instruction. Teachers can assign custom and ad hoc resources and pre- and post-test materials in a variety of formats, including audio and video, PDF, PowerPoint, Word, etc.

Diagnostic Assessment Intervention Signals

Comprehensive results in SPMS provide detailed, timely, and accurate information about progress at the student, classroom, school, district, and region levels. Teachers then gain the means to focus instruction where it is needed most. Teachers have the capabilities needed to maintain students online or offline assessment results in individual student portfolios, allowing them to view data and generate reports. With a direct connection to iSEEK Supercruncher, results are easily matched with any data set for easy data interaction and identification of your students unique needs, whether by school, teacher, sub-group, or other criteria.

Immediate Scoring

MY Access! School Edition

Enhanced Student Learning Experience

MY Access! enhances students learning experience with a fun, interactive interface equipped with more than 1,300 writing topics in math, science, language arts, and social studies that are aligned to state or common core standards. Additionally, teachers have the ability to create their own prompts matching specific curriculum needs. When students log in, they immediately see every assignment they have pending from each teacher and their progress to date. As the writing process begins, students are presented with a selection of prewriting tools including graphic organizers and printable resources to assist them in planning and building successful responses. Upon submitting their writing, MY Access! instantly presents the student with a holistic score, as well as scores in each of the standard domains of writing: Focus and Meaning

MY Access! School Edition

MY Access! School Edition is a Web-based, cross-curricular program that transforms writing instruction and assessment by applying superior artificial intelligence and linguistic technologies to the writing process. Educators can make timely, data-driven decisions for successful differentiated instruction, and motivate students to write more frequently by providing them with immediate feedback.

Content and Development Organization Language Use, Voice, and Style Mechanics and Conventions More importantly, students also receive immediate, detailed, and developmentally appropriate prescriptive feedback: MY Tutor provides prescriptive revision plans with examples to help students focus revision activities based on their strengths and weaknesses. MY Editor assists in identifying possible errors in grammar, style, mechanics, and usage and then provides recommendations for improvement. Multi-lingual support in both MY Tutor and MY Editor give ELL and ESL students the opportunity to improve their English writing proficiency by receiving feedback in their native languages. Additionally, as teachers review student submissions, they have the ability to provide individualized instruction, feedback, and comments to each student. Students can also communicate directly with teachers from within MY Access!, ensuring a continuous loop of one-to-one communication. Based upon the feedback received and various resources available within the application, the student is guided through the recursive writing process.

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Copyright by Vantage Learning.

Overall Student Progress Summary

Easy Access to All Pending Assignments

Real-Time Professional Development

Improving Teacher Effectiveness

Comprehensive instructional support for educators and unmatched accuracy in scoring writing assignments with IntelliMetric gives teachers additional time for curriculum planning and individualized instruction. Rather than spending excessive time grading papers, teachers are free to focus on teaching specific techniques, provide one-on-one assistance, and help students polish their writing skills. Extensive reporting options offer teachers and administrators a complete picture of student development and teacher effectiveness. By identifying at-risk students and measuring classroom performance, intervention steps can be taken quickly and efficiently. A cumulative student writing portfolio for each student provides critical historical data for teachers, administrators, and parents. And with a direct connection to iSEEK Supercruncher, this authentic assessment data can easily be matched with any other data set for easy identification of your students unique needs, whether by school, teacher, sub-group, or other criteria. Ongoing, dynamic professional development resources are available, all educators to tailor MY Access! to their specific curriculum. Through successful use of these programs, teachers can continually and effectively address students' needs for improvement and provide them with the means to succeed.

Integrated Instructional Resources

MY Editor Feedback

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