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Gambler: Rogue Archetype

Bonus Proficiencies
Beginning 3rd level, you gain proficiency in all gaming sets.

Chance Die
Beginning at 3rd level, you gain four Chance Dice, which are d6s. You
gain two additional Chance Dice at 9th, 13th, and at 17th level. You regain any
spent Chance Dice at the end of a short or long rest.

Gambler’s Tricks
In your time spent observing the highs and lows that lady luck brings,
you’ve mastered certain techniques that can tip the odds in your favor, though
at the risk of great misfortune. At 3rd level, pick three Tricks from the list
below. You may replace an old Trick with a new one when you gain a level in
this class. Choose two additional Tricks at 9th, 13th, and 17th level.

Tilt the Odds

Your expertise in manipulating your luck has been perfected. At 9th
level, you gain two luck points. If you already have luck points from another
source, these are added to the total. You may spend luck points in the following
● You may spend a luck point when you expend any number of Chance
Dice, and you may choose the outcome of each roll. You may do this once
per long rest.
● When you hit a creature with an attack that is not a critical hit, you may
expend a luck point to make it a critical hit. Sneak Attack may not be used
with this attack. You may do this once per long rest.
● When you hit a creature with an attack that does not have Sneak Attack,
you may spend a luck point to add your Sneak Attack damage to the roll.
You may not use this ability if the attack is a critical hit or you have
already used Sneak Attack this turn. You may use this ability once per
long rest.
You regain all expended luck points at the end of a long rest.

Poker Face
You have learned to have a stoic expression on your face when under
pressure. At 13th level, when you use an action to make a Charisma (Deception)
or Charisma (Performance) check, you may expend a Chance Die to gain a
bonus to the roll equal to the number rolled on the die.

Read the Room

Your assessment of others becomes spot on. At 13th level, when you use
an action to make a Wisdom (Insight) check, you may expend a Chance Die to
gain a bonus to the roll equal to the number rolled on the die.

Lucky Numbers
You realized you have lucky numbers. At 17th level, choose two numbers
on a d20 other than 1 and 20. Your weapon attacks automatically score a critical
hit on those numbers, and any roll you make to determine an ability check or
saving throw is treated as a 20.


Aces Up Your Sleeves When you roll initiative and have no Chance Dice,
you regain two Chance Dice.

Beginner’s Luck If you were to make an ability check with a skill you are
not proficient in, you can gain advantage on that roll. However, you have
disadvantage on all future checks made using that skill until you finish a short
or long rest.

Catch Them Off-Guard Whenever you make a contesting ability check

against another creature, you may expend a Chance Die and add the number to
your roll.
Double or Nothing Before making an attack roll, you may choose odds or
evens. If the number rolled without modifiers is what you chose, the damage

dice is doubled if the attack hits. If the number rolled is not what you chose, the
attack misses and all damage is prevented.

Easy Money Whenever you roll a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or to use a

gaming set (up to DM discretion) you may expend a Chance Die and add the
number to your roll.

Even the Odds Whenever another creature within 60 feet of you makes
an attack roll, you may expend a Chance Die and add or subtract it to the
number rolled as a reaction.

Gambler’s High When you hit with an attack, you may expend a Chance
Die to gain temporary hit points equal to the number rolled + half your level,
rounded down. If that attack is a critical hit, you may expend any number of
Chance Dice and gain temporary hit points equal to the numbers rolled + your
level. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Constitution

modifier (minimum of 1) per long rest. All temporary hit points are lost at the
end of your next long rest.

Heads or Tails After you make a saving throw but before you know the
results, you may expend any number of Chance Dice and choose heads or tails
and flip a coin. If you won, add the total of the Chance Dice to the d20 total. If
you lost, subtract it instead.
Hot Streak When you score a critical hit, you may make an additional
attack as a part of the same action immediately after rolling damage. If the

additional attack is another critical hit, repeat this process.

Know When to Fold When you take the Disengage action, you may move
an additional 15 feet that turn.

Lucky Charm You have chosen a trinket that brings you luck. This trinket
must be displayed visibly in order to utilize the following abilities. Choose one
from the following list:
● Four-leaf clover Whenever you expend a Chance Die, you can choose to
treat the roll as a 4. You can do this a number of times equal to your
Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1)
● Rabbit’s Foot Whenever a creature hits you with an attack, you can
expend a Chance Die and add the number rolled to your AC against that
attack as a reaction, possibly causing the attack to miss.
● Horseshoe You may expend your Chance Dice whenever you deal Sneak
Attack damage, adding the total to the damage.

Lucky Strike When you make a weapon attack at disadvantage and you
hit, all damage dice for the weapon are rolled an additional two times. An

attack that uses Sneak Attack cannot use this ability.

Press Your Luck You may reroll any number of Chance Dice used for any
ability. You must use the new roll. You may only use this ability a number of
times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) per long rest.

Shared Luck When you score a critical hit, choose an ally within 60 feet
of you. That ally gains advantage on their next saving throw, ability check, or
attack roll before your next turn.
Slots If you were to roll Sneak Attack damage and three of the numbers
rolled are the same number, you can deal additional damage equal to the sum

of those numbers. You can only apply this to one trio of dice per Sneak Attack.

Sneaky Strike When an attack you make hits with Sneak Attack, you may
expend a Chance Die. All Sneak Attack damage dice rolled that are the same
number as the Chance Die are tripled.

Stroke of Luck Whenever you roll your Lucky Number, recover one
Chance Die. You may not exceed your maximum number of Chance Dice.

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