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Case2: Liulishuo: AI English Teacher

Soubhagya Dash
Section A

1. What was the rationale for Wang to develop an AI teacher?

After deciding on a career path in China's healthcare, banking, and education sectors, Wang
began the storey. Wang was well-aware of the shortcomings of Chinese English instruction.
There is a general distribution of human teacher capabilities, which indicates that most of
them fall within the average teaching abilities. Additionally, the expense of recruiting and
training new teachers will rise in the years to come. Personalization in education can only be
done by an AI teacher that can collect the necessary data and develop curriculum that is
tailored to the needs of each individual student.
2. Using the info in this case study, how do you compare the 3 types of ML?
They briefly touched on three different kinds of ML in this case study, which we'll go
through now:
 Supervised Learning : Chinese speakers of English were recorded for more than 860
million minutes, resulting in more than 11.2 billion sentences. Liulishuo can now
deliver its free speech rating services with or without internet access, thanks to the
large amount of data and well-trained AI. According to the TOEIC Bridge Test, if
Educational Testing Services (ETS) their technologies after training might triple
learning efficiency.
 Unsupervised learning is the sole way to detect anomalies in a user's speech delivery,
for example.
 Using Reinforcement Learning, an AI English teacher was able to accurately predict
whether or not a user could successfully answer a specific question. Ai played against
itself as though the user were answering questions and estimated the benefits and
drawbacks of various learning paths without the user actually performing more tests
or learning.
3. How Liulishuo compared with other AI voice services?
 AI voice assistants such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant generally use technology
to recognise user voices and respond accordingly by collecting data from the internet,
whereas Liulishuo had significantly more function features like voice recognition,
progress analysis, speech rating, and so on.
 It's also worth noting that whereas Google, Siri, and other such services are trained to
find or interpret non-native speaker errors in English, Liulishuo was able to identify
errors in English spoken by Chinese speakers.
 Like other AI voice services, Liulishuo works on adaptive learning, which caters to
individual needs by providing feedback and even suggesting tailor-made programmes.

4. “We do not want to be too radical by depending totally on AI. The need to
apply the learnings from the AI teacher to actual practice with human
teacher gets stronger as users advance to higher levels,” Do you agree with
Although one can learn English through Liulishuo, they will still need to learn articulation
skills, body language, as well as how to conduct themselves in an interview and I believe
these abilities are impossible to achieve without the support of a physical teacher. Real-time
Q&A and problem resolution necessitate a human teacher on occasion, too. As a result, I feel
that human teachers are beneficial for all of the reasons outlined above.
5. The IELTS Liulishuo app experienced slower adoption than planned. How
do you address this?
As a result of this, many Chinese test-takers believed that memorising sample answers would
help them score higher. A Liulishuo team experiment showed that practising speaking for an
hour every day was more beneficial than memorising sample replies every day in response to
this problem. The following actions can also be taken to raise awareness among users:
 For the sake of user comparability, I feel we could have introduced a short crash
 As part of an awareness campaign, we may make it obvious that students will need
these abilities even if they go on to attend overseas universities.
 We can make it easier for people to understand the process rather than just
memorising it by rote if we incorporate more human touch into the process.
6. What do you think the future of Liulishuo Enterprise Learning Services?
They do have a lot of future promise, both domestically and abroad.
 Exhibit 3 shows that the number of Chinese people studying English would rise by
19.6 percent CAGR between 2017 and 2022.
 Enrolment in secondary school and college entrance tests is around four times higher
in China than in the United States, according to official government data.
 New products can be developed to meet the needs of a wide range of customers. In
addition to the IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, etc., there are many other tests. Due to a rise in
the number of students interested in further education, employment, and several other
 They can also think about expanding into other countries where the native tongue is
spoken rather than English, such as Japan, South Korea, and so on.
7. Would AI provide Liulishuo’s new products and services a competitive edge
over the incumbent traditional English tutoring competitors?
Yes, I feel that Liulishuo's new products and services have a competitive advantage over
traditional English tuition competitors because of the following reasons:
 User-specific learning experiences were created using artificial intelligence (AI) in
order to assist users, learn in accordance with their own tailored plans.
 The strain on parents' wallets was reduced as a result of AI's ability to minimise the
cost of creating value.
 AI ensured that every student received a top-notch educational experience.
8. What should be the focus for Wang and his partners in their growth
Wang and his partner should look upon following growth prospects:
 The product should be made available in numerous languages around the world,
starting with South Korea, through Joint Ventures. Cooperative ventures can make it
easier to deal with the issue of privacy policy formulation.
 The GRE, GMAT, and TOEFEL tests can also be used to target a wider range of
consumers and demographics, as well..

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