PGPRM Participant Manual Day 1 & 2

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Version 1.

0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

In collaboration with ICICI Bank Ltd.

Post Graduate Program


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

Day 1

Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

• Introduction to the Program

• Participant’s introduction with facilitator
• Discussion on program guidelines
• Session on I-Banker

c s
olu on of an in in ndia
il ston s in ndian an in st
portanc of ndian an in st
ns tu onal t up
ol of ndian an in st

Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

olu on of an in in ndia

il ston s in an in ndustr in
as d
nor s
Pri at an s n w Pri at for n w aunch of
na onali d an s or i n o rcial s
an s an s

irst o sit in ndia in n principl appro al for



Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

il ston s in lop nt of an in

Phas s of an in inancial


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

ns tu onal t up of an in
h lar an do inat d ndian inancial st has its founda ons in
th th c ntur
r th d cad s th an in structur in ndia has ol d to
co pl nt chan s in acro cono ic n iron nt polic ini a s
and r for asur s
h ourn an with th transfor a on of co rcial an s n a d
onl in nancin tradin ac i s to th Pr sid nc an s to p rial
an of ndia and su s u ntl into th tat an of ndia
a onali a on of an s in and rou ht a out pu lic
own rship and accounta ilit which transfor d th fac of an in in
r th ars th cono has o d towards r at r li rali a on
l adin to th ntr of pri at and for i n an s

portanc an in st
ndia is consid r d as an r in cono ic sup r
pow r of th world
ro ust an in s st is cri cal to this
d lop nt an in in ndia has a hu can as of
histor and has ol d o r s ral d cad s
h s st is la orat and has s r d th cr dit and
an in s r ic s n ds of th cono
h pr s nt ul la r d an in structur cat rs to
th sp ci c and ari d an in r uir nts of
d positors and orrow rs


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

ns tu onal t up of ndian an in
s st

s r an of ndia
is th ntral an of our countr and thus holds
th supr on tar and an in authorit to
control th an in s st in ndia t was
sta lish d on st pril und r th ct of

for ulat s th polic and th fra wor for

an s to op rat in ndia and issu s lic ns s to n w
an s
as th an r for th an s nd r of last
r sort
p rfor s arious d lop ntal and
pro o onal func ons such as th issu of an
not s
ana s an in n ds of th o rn nt
custodian of cash and for i n chan r s r s
controll r of cr dit ow


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

o rcial an s
o rcial an is a nancial ins tu on
which p rfor s th func ons of acc p n
d posits and i in loans to indi iduals and
usin ss s with th ai of arnin pro t
o rcial an s in ndia ar cat ori d into
roups as d on th ir own rship and or
th ir natur of op ra ons
tat an of ndia and its rstwhil ssociat
an s ar r co ni d as a s parat cat or of
ch dul d o rcial an s s caus
of th dis nct statut s ct and
u sidiar an s ct that o rn th

Pu lic ctor an s
h s ar an s wh r a orit sta is
h ld th o rn nt of ndia t
includ s and oth r na onali d an s
a pl s of pu lic s ctor an s ar
an of ndia anara an tc
a onali d an s and to th r for
th pu lic s ctor an s roup


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

Pri at ctor an s
Pri at s ctor an s includ th old
pri at s ctor an s and th n w
n ra on pri at s ctor an s
h s ar an s with a orit of
shar capital h ld pri at
indi iduals
h s an s ar r ist r d as
co pani s with li it d lia ilit
o of th popular pri at s ctor
an s ar an is an
an tc

or i n an s
h s an s ar r ist r d and
ha th ir h ad uart rs in a
for i n countr ut op rat th ir
ranch s in our countr
a pl s of for i n an s in ndia
ar i an tandard
hart r d an tc or i n an s
ar pr s nt in th countr ith r
throu h ranch su sidiar is or
throu h th ir r pr s nta
o c s


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

or i n an s
h s an s ar r ist r d and
ha th ir h ad uart rs in a
for i n countr ut op rat th ir
ranch s in our countr
a pl s of for i n an s in ndia
ar i an tandard
hart r d an tc or i n an s
ar pr s nt in th countr ith r
throu h ranch su sidiar is or
throu h th ir r pr s nta
o c s

Pa nts an s
Pa nts an s is a n w od l of an s
conc ptuali d th s r an of
ndia h s ar an s irt l Pa t
tc who ar clusi l in ol d in lia ilit
usin ss and pa nt s st s
h s an s can acc pt r strict d d posits
which is curr ntl li it d to la h p r
custo r h s an s cannot issu loans
and cr dit cards
Pa nts an s can pro id s r ic s li
cards d it cards n t an in and
o il an in har irt l s t up ndia s
rst li pa nts an


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

ional ural an s
ional ural an s w r sta lish d und r th
pro isions of an rdinanc pro ul at d on th th
pt r and th ct with an
o c to nsur su ci nt ins tu onal cr dit for
a ricultur and oth r rural s ctors
h ar a of op ra on of s is li it d to th ar a as
no d co rin on or or districts in th
s ar ointl own d o rn nt of ndia th
conc rn d tat o rn nt and ponsor an s
sch dul d co rcial an s and on tat oop ra
an th issu d capital of a is shar d th
own rs in th propor on of and
r sp c l
Pratha a an is th rst ional ural an in ndia
locat d in th cit orada ad in ar Prad sh

o op ra an s
o op ra an s w r s t up passin a coop ra ct
in h ar or ani d and ana d on th principal of
co op ra on and utual h lp in pro idin rural cr dit
h coop ra an s in ndia pla an i portant rol n
toda in rural co op ra nancin h nact nt of o
op ra r dit oci s ct how r a th r al
i p tus to th o nt
hoop ra r dit oci s ct was a nd d in
with a i w to road asin it to na l or ani a on of
non cr dit soci s
hr r structur s ist in th coop ra an in
ntral coop ra an s at th district l l
tat coop ra an at th ap l l
Pri ar coop ra an s and th as or local l l


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

r an oop ra an s
r an co op ra an s ha n
s t up und r th o op ra s ct
hil th can acc pt d posits fro
all ut th l ndin is con n d to
rs holdin shar s of th co
op ra
h ur an co op ra s ar
r ulat d th and ar also
su ct to th rul s and r ula ons
of th istrar of o op ra
oci s of th tat o of th
ur an co op ra an s ar
ul stat co op ra s

ocal r a an s
h ocal r a an s ar s all pri at
an s s t up as p r th sch announc d
in u ust
h s an s ha a urisdic on of two to thr
conn c n districts
h s an s pro id ci nt and co p
nancial int r dia on s r ic s in rural and
s i ur an ar as
ith a ini u capital r uir nt of s
cror th s an s ai to o ili rural sa in s
throu h local ins tu ons and a th
a aila l for in st nts in local ar as


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

ch dul d an
sch dul d an is a an that is list d und r
th s cond sch dul of th ct
o includ d und r this sch dul of th
ct an s ust ful ll c rtain condi ons such
as ha in a paid up capital and r s r s of at
l ast illion and sa sf in th s r
an that its a airs ar not in conduct d in
a ann r pr udicial to th int r sts of its
d positors
ch dul d an s ar furth r classi d into
co rcial and coop ra an s

on ch dul d an s
on sch dul d an s ar thos which ar not includ d in
th s cond sch dul of th ct
on sch dul d an s ar also su ct to th statutor cash
r s r r uir nt ut th ar not r uir d to p
th with th th a p th s alanc s with
th s l s
h ar not n tl d to orrow fro th for nor al
an in purpos s th a approach th for
acco oda on und r a nor al circu stanc s
o a pl s of on ch dul d r an oop ra an s
in ndia
hand nand o p ra an td
la i o p an td
arnath o op ra an td
od a ri aha ari an td
r li a ri aha ari an td


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual



Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

Day 2

Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual


i ana nt ills

ssion s o c

n this s ssion ou will l arn

hat is ana nt

n ts of ana nt

i ana nt plannin

hat to a oid in dail plannin


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

hat is ana nt
o ou r f l li th r s not nou h
in th da
all t th sa hours so wh do
so p opl s to achi or with
th ir than oth rs

ou a no c p opl around ou who

ana to t r thin on th ir plat
don and th n so with to spar
ow can th acco plish so uch in such
li l h answ r li s in
ana nt

i ana nt con nu s
i ana nt is th wa w or ani
and distri ut our tw n
ac i s with th r sult of a i i in
produc it and achi in oals

ood ana nt l ads to low r

l ls of str ss and hi h r l ls of o
p rfor anc and lif sa sfac on


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

n ts of ood ana nt
h n ou now how to ana our c l ou can unloc an n ts i

r at r produc it and ci nc
ss str ss
r prof ssionalr puta on
ncr as d chanc s of ad anc nt
or opportuni sto achi our lif and car r oals

rall ou start f lin or in control with th con d nc to choos how st to us


nd f lin happi r or r la d and r a l to thin ou r in a r at plac to

h lp oth rs r ach th ir oals too

i ana nt tools
i h achi rs ar not orn produc ath r
th l arn d and prac c d th s ills n d d to
t or don in l ss Produc it is not a
tal nt t s a l arn d s ill that r indi idual will
n d to d lop

t is possi l and as to d lop ood

ana nt s ills f ou ha plann d our da
w ll ou will a l to co pl t our tas s within
th lin s

t ou will nd f w ps of plannin our tas s for

th da onth


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

r at a audit
irst thin s rst start ndin out wh r ou r actuall sp ndin our n th r
is a discr panc tw n what ou thin is ta in up our and what actuall is his is
caus hu ans ar ad at nowin how lon tas s ta

a for a pl ou n d to writ a words ail ou a thin ri n an ail is

si pl t shouldn t ta or than inut s ow r it s li l ou r o r s a n
our sp d and und r s a n oth r s all r r lat d tas s ou n d to do to acco plish
our nd oal proof r adin onitorin lan ua choic and loca n ail addr ss s all
can add to th tas s ith thos addi ons that inut s ail could actuall ta
ou inut s or than ou ini all plann d

t achi a l oals and priori our tas s


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

Plan our w on unda

i in li l to our plan for w on unda will cr at a di r nc

a a f w inut s on unda to cr at a plan for our whol w ncr as our chanc s of

succ ss r a in down our w l oals into dail tas s hat wa ou ll a l to s
what ou n d to do r da at a lanc

t ours lf up for succ ss sch dulin low priorit tas s for s cond half and i h priorit
tas s for rst half of th da r our n r and cr a it l ls uctuat
throu hout th da w as w ll o pl t cr a and d andin tas s on onda
u sda and dn sda

s last da s of th w for low priorit tas s

r at to do list


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

r at a don list to our to do list

Put a lin on our tas s


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

on da arl

a th ost of wai n


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved
Version 1.0 (June 2022) PGPRM Participant Manual

loc out distrac on

n curr nt ra social dia has co a winn r nd also a caus of distrac on in
prof ssionallif
and p rsonal lif as w ll

r to a oid usin p rsonal chats with fri nds and fa il un l that r uir s an ur nc

s social dia tools onl for our wor r lat d tas s

s ful ps
t o of ad ha its a pl P opl wast th ir alua l wor du to s o in
h o in roups outsid th ranch ar a

oid ul tas in ni all wh n ou ar in l arnin sta of ana nt

his ust a oid d

o not wait for inspira on do it now

on t stri for p rf c on ut follow

p awa ours lf fro o c ossips

s o il cal ndar tool


Only for the purpose of training in the ICICI Bank PGPRM program. All rights reserved

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