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Log file created at: 2022-08-02 11-51-40

Device: Xiaomi>M2101K7BL>maltose API:31 ABI:[arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, armeabi]

App: Musicolet 6.3 build373
--------- beginning of system
08-02 08:42:07.176 13413 13413 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: initialize for
in.krosbits.musicolet , ForceDarkOrigin
08-02 11:06:56.218 2621 2621 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: initialize for
in.krosbits.musicolet , ForceDarkOrigin
08-02 11:06:56.298 2621 2621 D ViewScrollStubImpl: the value of
mScrollFrictionRes is: 0.015
08-02 11:06:56.329 2621 2621 D OpenMsyncAppList: loadTunerAppList +
08-02 11:06:56.331 2621 2621 D OpenMsyncAppList: loadTunerAppList -
08-02 11:06:57.057 2621 2621 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=498ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=85ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=3 (msgIndex=1 wall=88ms
seq=23 late=20ms w=1)
08-02 11:06:57.242 2621 2621 W Looper : PerfMonitor looperActivity :
package=in.krosbits.musicolet/.MusicActivity time=12ms latency=660ms running=0ms
procState=-1 historyMsgCount=56 (msgIndex=1 wall=498ms seq=26 late=85ms
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver) (msgIndex=46 wall=161ms
seq=71 late=521ms$H w=115)
08-02 11:06:57.243 2621 2621 W Looper : PerfMonitor looperActivity :
package=in.krosbits.musicolet/.MusicActivity time=1ms latency=667ms running=0ms
procState=-1 historyMsgCount=57 (msgIndex=1 wall=498ms seq=26 late=85ms
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver) (msgIndex=46 wall=161ms
seq=71 late=521ms$H w=115)
08-02 11:06:57.405 2621 2621 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=158ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=558ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=71 (msgIndex=1 wall=498ms
seq=26 late=85ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver) (msgIndex=46 wall=161ms
seq=71 late=521ms$H w=115)
08-02 11:06:58.414 2621 2938 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 580
ms,, code=9 oneway=false
--------- beginning of main
08-02 11:51:08.896 15983 15983 E colet:musicole: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
08-02 11:51:08.900 15983 15983 D ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam
detection failed: Invalid argument
08-02 11:51:08.931 15983 15983 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171979766; UID 10281; state: ENABLED
08-02 11:51:08.933 15983 15997 D AppScoutStateMachine: 15983-
08-02 11:51:08.966 15983 15983 W colet:musicole: Entry not found
08-02 11:51:08.967 15983 15983 W colet:musicole: Entry not found
08-02 11:51:08.967 15983 15983 W colet:musicole: Entry not found
08-02 11:51:08.969 15983 15983 W colet:musicole: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exist.
08-02 11:51:08.969 15983 15983 W colet:musicole: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exist.
08-02 11:51:08.969 15983 15983 W colet:musicole: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exist.
08-02 11:51:08.975 15983 15983 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE Developer option for
'in.krosbits.musicolet' set to: 'default'
08-02 11:51:08.976 15983 15983 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production
driver nor prerelease driver is supported.
08-02 11:51:08.977 15983 15983 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: initialize for
in.krosbits.musicolet , ForceDarkOrigin
08-02 11:51:08.979 15983 15983 D OpenGLRenderer: JNI_OnLoad success
08-02 11:51:08.979 15983 15983 I MiuiForceDarkConfig: setConfig density:2.750000,
mainRule:0, secondaryRule:0, tertiaryRule:0
08-02 11:51:08.981 15983 15983 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
08-02 11:51:08.981 15983 15983 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
08-02 11:51:08.982 15983 15983 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
08-02 11:51:08.982 15983 15983 I MultiDex: Installing application
08-02 11:51:08.982 15983 15983 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
08-02 11:51:08.989 15983 15983 D WM-WrkMgrInitializer: Initializing WorkManager
with default configuration.
08-02 11:51:09.006 15983 15983 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning
read-only value.
08-02 11:51:09.012 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: Production version.
08-02 11:51:09.012 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: Xiaomi>M2101K7BL>maltose API:31 ABI:
[arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, armeabi]
08-02 11:51:09.013 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: APP build:37300
08-02 11:51:09.015 15983 16004 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 160794467; UID 10281; state: ENABLED
08-02 11:51:09.027 15983 16027 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb400007a3ab11bc0
08-02 11:51:09.028 15983 16027 D libMEOW : meow reload base cfg path: na
08-02 11:51:09.028 15983 16027 D libMEOW : meow reload overlay cfg path: na
08-02 11:51:09.031 15983 16027 E QT : [QT]file does not exist
08-02 11:51:09.031 15983 15983 W colet:musicole: Accessing hidden field
Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->mutex:Ljava/lang/Object; (max-
target-o, reflection, denied)
08-02 11:51:09.031 15983 15983 W colet:musicole: Accessing hidden method
(max-target-o, reflection, denied)
08-02 11:51:09.031 15983 15983 W colet:musicole: Accessing hidden method
Collection;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (max-target-o, reflection, denied)
08-02 11:51:09.031 15983 16027 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for
08-02 11:51:09.031 15983 16027 D libMEOW : plugin 1: []:
08-02 11:51:09.032 15983 16027 D libMEOW : meow delete tls: 0xb400007a3ab11bc0
08-02 11:51:09.051 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSAOC:
08-02 11:51:09.051 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSACOCA:0
08-02 11:51:09.052 15983 15983 D ViewScrollStubImpl: the value of
mScrollFrictionRes is: 0.015
08-02 11:51:09.055 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: AI:U?35
08-02 11:51:09.055 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: SM>RL
08-02 11:51:09.055 15983 15983 D IS_CTS_MODE: false
08-02 11:51:09.055 15983 15983 D MULTI_WINDOW_SWITCH_ENABLED: false
08-02 11:51:09.056 15983 15983 D IS_CTS_MODE: false
08-02 11:51:09.056 15983 15983 D MULTI_WINDOW_SWITCH_ENABLED: false
08-02 11:51:09.058 15983 15983 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
08-02 11:51:09.058 15983 16012 W colet:musicole: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/os/storage/StorageVolume;->getPath()Ljava/lang/String; (max-target-q,test-
api, reflection, denied)
08-02 11:51:09.058 15983 16012 W colet:musicole: If this is a platform test
consider enabling VMRuntime.ALLOW_TEST_API_ACCESS change id for this package.
08-02 11:51:09.059 15983 16012 W System.err: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: []
08-02 11:51:09.059 15983 16012 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.059 15983 16012 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.059 15983 16012 W System.err: at g7.e1.v(Unknown Source:2)
08-02 11:51:09.059 15983 16012 W System.err: at g7.e1.o(Unknown Source:5)
08-02 11:51:09.059 15983 16012 W System.err: at b7.d6.doInBackground(Unknown
08-02 11:51:09.059 15983 16012 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.059 15983 16012 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.059 15983 16012 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.059 15983 16012 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.059 15983 16012 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.059 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: SV<i>: true, false, false, null,
Almacenamiento interno compartido, mounted, StorageVolume: Almacenamiento interno
compartido, null
08-02 11:51:09.059 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: SM>G_UTPM
08-02 11:51:09.073 16032 16032 W mount : type=1400 audit(0.0:312770): avc: denied
{ search } for name="vendor" dev="tmpfs" ino=13323
tcontext=u:object_r:mnt_vendor_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
08-02 11:51:09.073 16032 16032 W mount : type=1400 audit(0.0:312771): avc: denied
{ search } for name="vendor" dev="tmpfs" ino=13323
tcontext=u:object_r:mnt_vendor_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
08-02 11:51:09.073 16032 16032 W mount : type=1400 audit(0.0:312772): avc: denied
{ search } for name="vendor" dev="tmpfs" ino=13323
tcontext=u:object_r:mnt_vendor_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
08-02 11:51:09.073 16032 16032 W mount : type=1400 audit(0.0:312773): avc: denied
{ search } for name="vendor" dev="tmpfs" ino=13323
tcontext=u:object_r:mnt_vendor_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
08-02 11:51:09.073 16032 16032 W mount : type=1400 audit(0.0:312774): avc: denied
{ search } for name="vendor" dev="tmpfs" ino=13323
tcontext=u:object_r:mnt_vendor_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
08-02 11:51:09.079 15983 15983 I SurfaceFactory: [static] sSurfaceFactory =
08-02 11:51:09.080 15983 15983 I MsyncFactory: [static] sMsyncFactory =
08-02 11:51:09.080 15983 15983 D OpenMsyncAppList: loadTunerAppList +
08-02 11:51:09.081 15983 15983 D OpenMsyncAppList: loadTunerAppList -
08-02 11:51:09.082 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: SM>G_UTPM> primary-/storage/emulated/0
08-02 11:51:09.082 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: SV>GRP: /storage/emulated/0
08-02 11:51:09.082 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: SV>G_DRF: file:///storage/emulated/0
08-02 11:51:09.082 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: SV>DRF: file:///storage/emulated/0
08-02 11:51:09.084 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: SV>DRF>RWT: true,false
08-02 11:51:09.087 15983 15983 D ViewRootImpl[MusicActivity]: hardware acceleration
= true, sRendererEnabled = true, forceHwAccelerated = false
08-02 11:51:09.088 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: SV>SPSTU: null
08-02 11:51:09.088 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: SV>WRTU: false, false
08-02 11:51:09.088 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: SV>3: false, false, false
08-02 11:51:09.088 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: SV>C0
08-02 11:51:09.088 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: SV>4: 0, false
08-02 11:51:09.093 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: AI:t1
08-02 11:51:09.093 15983 15983 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb400007a3ad99640
08-02 11:51:09.093 15983 15983 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for
08-02 11:51:09.093 15983 15983 D libMEOW : plugin 1: []:
08-02 11:51:09.094 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: AI:t2
08-02 11:51:09.095 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: IP:rpvftfalse
08-02 11:51:09.096 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: AI:s?1;s?null
08-02 11:51:09.109 15983 15983 I BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e6f00000000,api:0,p:-
1,c:15983) connect: controlledByApp=false
08-02 11:51:09.110 15983 15983 I BLASTBufferQueue: [ViewRootImpl[MusicActivity]#0]
08-02 11:51:09.111 15983 16020 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb400007a3adc5300
08-02 11:51:09.111 15983 16020 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for
08-02 11:51:09.111 15983 16020 D libMEOW : plugin 1: []:
08-02 11:51:09.117 15983 16020 D hw-ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway
spam detection failed: Invalid argument
08-02 11:51:09.119 15983 16020 I GED : [GT]_get_procNameprocess pid(15983)
08-02 11:51:09.119 15983 16020 I GED : [GT]_getprocess
08-02 11:51:09.119 15983 16020 I colet:musicole: [GT] ret(1) gt_status(00000000)
aniso_debug_level(0) gt_aniso_max_level(16) ani so mask(00000001) tri
08-02 11:51:09.120 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: AI:t6
08-02 11:51:09.131 15983 16020 I BufferQueueProducer:
[ViewRootImpl[MusicActivity]#0(BLAST Consumer)0]
(id:3e6f00000000,api:1,p:15983,c:15983) connect: api=1 producerControlledByApp=true
08-02 11:51:09.131 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: NLB:11
08-02 11:51:09.131 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: NL>IRL
08-02 11:51:09.131 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: AI:t10
08-02 11:51:09.136 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: MA>UFWWA: e
08-02 11:51:09.137 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: AI:lb?82
08-02 11:51:09.137 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: PCS>U>1
08-02 11:51:09.138 15983 16057 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Invalid argument
08-02 11:51:09.138 15983 16020 D hw-ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway
spam detection failed: Invalid argument
08-02 11:51:09.138 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: PCS>U>6
08-02 11:51:09.144 15983 16012 I JSTMUSIC2: AI:pf?7
08-02 11:51:09.165 15983 16020 E OpenGLRenderer: fbcNotifyFrameComplete error:
undefined symbol: fbcNotifyFrameComplete
08-02 11:51:09.165 15983 16020 E OpenGLRenderer: fbcNotifyNoRender error: undefined
symbol: fbcNotifyNoRender
08-02 11:51:09.169 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSAASC:3
08-02 11:51:09.171 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: AI:s?3;s?null
08-02 11:51:09.189 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSAASC:4
08-02 11:51:09.189 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSAUAC:
08-02 11:51:09.189 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: ASAOC:2
08-02 11:51:09.190 15983 16084 I JSTMUSIC2: LIBU>U1:b7.i4@317ad8
08-02 11:51:09.190 15983 16084 I JSTMUSIC2: LIBU>U2:b7.i4@317ad8
08-02 11:51:09.200 15983 15983 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171228096; UID 10281; state: ENABLED
08-02 11:51:09.206 15983 16084 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-
08-02 11:51:09.206 15983 16084 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-
08-02 11:51:09.206 15983 16084 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-
08-02 11:51:09.206 15983 16084 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-
08-02 11:51:09.206 15983 16084 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/alac
08-02 11:51:09.206 15983 16084 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/alac
08-02 11:51:09.206 15983 16084 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/ape
08-02 11:51:09.206 15983 16084 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/ape
08-02 11:51:09.215 15983 16084 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime
08-02 11:51:09.215 15983 16084 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime
08-02 11:51:09.216 15983 16084 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime
08-02 11:51:09.216 15983 16084 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime
08-02 11:51:09.218 15983 16084 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv
08-02 11:51:09.218 15983 16084 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv
08-02 11:51:09.227 15983 16084 I JSTMUSIC2: SM>RL
08-02 11:51:09.233 15983 16084 W colet:musicole: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/os/storage/StorageVolume;->getPath()Ljava/lang/String; (max-target-q,test-
api, reflection, denied)
08-02 11:51:09.233 15983 16084 W colet:musicole: If this is a platform test
consider enabling VMRuntime.ALLOW_TEST_API_ACCESS change id for this package.
08-02 11:51:09.233 15983 16084 W System.err: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: []
08-02 11:51:09.233 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.233 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.233 15983 16084 W System.err: at g7.e1.v(Unknown Source:2)
08-02 11:51:09.233 15983 16084 W System.err: at g7.e1.o(Unknown Source:5)
08-02 11:51:09.234 15983 16084 W System.err: at b7.i4.p(Unknown Source:6)
08-02 11:51:09.234 15983 16084 W System.err: at b7.i4.w(Unknown Source:148)
08-02 11:51:09.234 15983 16084 W System.err: at b7.y9.doInBackground(Unknown
08-02 11:51:09.234 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.234 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.234 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.234 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.234 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.234 15983 16084 I JSTMUSIC2: SV<i>: true, false, false, null,
Almacenamiento interno compartido, mounted, StorageVolume: Almacenamiento interno
compartido, null
08-02 11:51:09.234 15983 16084 I JSTMUSIC2: SM>G_UTPM
08-02 11:51:09.255 15983 16084 I JSTMUSIC2: SM>G_UTPM> primary-/storage/emulated/0
08-02 11:51:09.255 15983 16084 I JSTMUSIC2: SV>GRP: /storage/emulated/0
08-02 11:51:09.255 15983 16084 I JSTMUSIC2: SV>G_DRF: file:///storage/emulated/0
08-02 11:51:09.255 15983 16084 I JSTMUSIC2: SV>DRF: file:///storage/emulated/0
08-02 11:51:09.259 15983 16084 I JSTMUSIC2: SV>DRF>RWT: true,false
08-02 11:51:09.259 15983 16084 I JSTMUSIC2: SV>SPSTU: null
08-02 11:51:09.259 15983 16084 I JSTMUSIC2: SV>WRTU: false, false
08-02 11:51:09.259 15983 16084 I JSTMUSIC2: SV>3: false, false, false
08-02 11:51:09.259 15983 16084 I JSTMUSIC2: SV>C0
08-02 11:51:09.259 15983 16084 I JSTMUSIC2: SV>4: 0, false
08-02 11:51:09.261 15983 16084 I JSTMUSIC2: LIBP>smc
08-02 11:51:09.269 15983 16084 V MediaStore: Examining volume emulated;0 with name
external_primary and state mounted
08-02 11:51:09.300 15983 16084 V MediaStore: Examining volume emulated;0 with name
external_primary and state mounted
08-02 11:51:09.307 15983 15983 D DecorView[]: onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus
08-02 11:51:09.345 15983 15983 V MediaRouter: Audio routes updated:
AudioRoutesInfo{ type=HEADSET }, a2dp=false
08-02 11:51:09.345 15983 15983 V MediaRouter: Selecting route:
RouteInfo{ name=Auriculares, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{
name=Sistema types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false },
presentationDisplay=null }
08-02 11:51:09.345 15983 15983 I MediaRouter: Skip setBluetoothA2dpOn(): types=1,
isPlaybackActive()=false, BT route=null
08-02 11:51:09.350 15983 15983 I MediaRouter: Found default route:
MediaRouter.RouteInfo{ uniqueId=android/i1.n1:DEFAULT_ROUTE, name=Auriculares,
description=null, iconUri=null, enabled=true, connectionState=0,
canDisconnect=false, playbackType=0, playbackStream=3, deviceType=0,
volumeHandling=1, volume=12, volumeMax=15, presentationDisplayId=-1, extras=null,
settingsIntent=null, providerPackageName=android }
08-02 11:51:09.350 15983 15983 I MediaRouter: Unselecting the current route because
it is no longer selectable: null
08-02 11:51:09.382 15983 16084 W System.err: java.lang.RuntimeException:
setDataSource failed: status = 0x80000000
08-02 11:51:09.383 15983 16084 W System.err: at Method)
08-02 11:51:09.383 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.383 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.383 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.383 15983 16084 W System.err: at b7.i4.t(Unknown Source:10)
08-02 11:51:09.383 15983 16084 W System.err: at b7.i4.r(Unknown Source:10)
08-02 11:51:09.383 15983 16084 W System.err: at b7.i4.w(Unknown Source:406)
08-02 11:51:09.383 15983 16084 W System.err: at b7.y9.doInBackground(Unknown
08-02 11:51:09.383 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.383 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.383 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.383 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.383 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.415 15983 16084 W System.err: Unable to read file because
it is too small to be valid audio file: musicolet://media-store?
08-02 11:51:09.415 15983 16084 W System.err: at Source:11)
08-02 11:51:09.415 15983 16084 W System.err: at Source:14)
08-02 11:51:09.415 15983 16084 W System.err: at Source:4)
08-02 11:51:09.415 15983 16084 W System.err: at b7.i4.t(Unknown Source:10)
08-02 11:51:09.415 15983 16084 W System.err: at b7.i4.r(Unknown Source:10)
08-02 11:51:09.415 15983 16084 W System.err: at b7.i4.w(Unknown Source:406)
08-02 11:51:09.415 15983 16084 W System.err: at b7.y9.doInBackground(Unknown
08-02 11:51:09.415 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.415 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.415 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.415 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.415 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.456 15983 16084 W System.err: java.lang.RuntimeException:
setDataSource failed: status = 0x80000000
08-02 11:51:09.456 15983 16084 W System.err: at Method)
08-02 11:51:09.456 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.456 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.456 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.456 15983 16084 W System.err: at b7.i4.t(Unknown Source:10)
08-02 11:51:09.456 15983 16084 W System.err: at b7.i4.r(Unknown Source:10)
08-02 11:51:09.456 15983 16084 W System.err: at b7.i4.w(Unknown Source:406)
08-02 11:51:09.456 15983 16084 W System.err: at b7.y9.doInBackground(Unknown
08-02 11:51:09.456 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.456 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.456 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.456 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.456 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.484 15983 15983 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
08-02 11:51:09.484 15983 15983 D DecorView[]: updateDecorCaptionStatus
displayWindowDecor is false
08-02 11:51:09.499 15983 16084 W System.err: No audio header found
08-02 11:51:09.499 15983 16084 W System.err: at<init>(Unknown Source:2)
08-02 11:51:09.499 15983 16084 W System.err: at<init>(Unknown Source:50)
08-02 11:51:09.499 15983 16084 W System.err: at Source:4)
08-02 11:51:09.499 15983 16084 W System.err: at Source:14)
08-02 11:51:09.499 15983 16084 W System.err: at Source:4)
08-02 11:51:09.499 15983 16084 W System.err: at b7.i4.t(Unknown Source:10)
08-02 11:51:09.499 15983 16084 W System.err: at b7.i4.r(Unknown Source:10)
08-02 11:51:09.499 15983 16084 W System.err: at b7.i4.w(Unknown Source:406)
08-02 11:51:09.499 15983 16084 W System.err: at b7.y9.doInBackground(Unknown
08-02 11:51:09.499 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.499 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.499 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.499 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.499 15983 16084 W System.err: at
08-02 11:51:09.518 15983 15983 W RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout
08-02 11:51:09.657 15983 16117 E MediaMetadataRetrieverJNI: getEmbeddedPicture:
Call to getEmbeddedPicture failed.
08-02 11:51:09.667 15983 15983 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=357ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=119ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=3 (msgIndex=1 wall=117ms
seq=23 late=19ms w=1)
08-02 11:51:09.672 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSSSC:Intent { act=ACTION_INIT
cmp=in.krosbits.musicolet/.MusicService }
08-02 11:51:09.673 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSSI:
08-02 11:51:09.707 15983 15983 D MediaController: sessionInfo is not set.
08-02 11:51:09.743 15983 15983 I ExoPlayerImpl: Init 3628577 [ExoPlayerLib/2.11.8]
[maltose, M2101K7BL, Xiaomi, 31]
08-02 11:51:09.770 15983 15983 I ExoPlayerImpl: Init 2f00213 [ExoPlayerLib/2.11.8]
[maltose, M2101K7BL, Xiaomi, 31]
08-02 11:51:09.776 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSCAP>2
08-02 11:51:09.778 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSSR:
08-02 11:51:09.779 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSSRP:musicolet://media-store?
08-02 11:51:09.787 15983 15983 I NATIVEX : <init>=0xb400007b623a83c0 0x184a,
08-02 11:51:09.787 15983 15983 I NATIVEX : fjw=0xb4000079fe521800
08-02 11:51:09.787 15983 15983 I NATIVEX : iang_mt
08-02 11:51:09.805 15983 15983 I NATIVEX : J_FDts ca: npr_dc1=-5476376622924687360,
08-02 11:51:09.806 15983 15983 I NATIVEX : F t=0xb4000079fe521800
08-02 11:51:09.806 15983 15983 I NATIVEX : F fc
08-02 11:51:09.806 15983 15983 I NATIVEX : F all!
08-02 11:51:09.806 15983 15983 I NATIVEX : J_FDts ca: npr_dc2=-5476376622924687360,
08-02 11:51:09.806 15983 16153 I NATIVEX : cp:mmp>musicolet://media-store?
08-02 11:51:09.821 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: PFU:null
08-02 11:51:09.821 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: PFU?musicolet://media-store?
08-02 11:51:09.824 15983 16168 I NATIVEX : <init>=0xb4000079fe662ac0 0x1926,
08-02 11:51:09.824 15983 16168 I NATIVEX : fjw=0xb4000079fe521f80
08-02 11:51:09.824 15983 16168 I NATIVEX : iang_mt
08-02 11:51:09.825 15983 16168 I NATIVEX : afoi=0
08-02 11:51:09.829 15983 16168 I NATIVEX : affsi=0
08-02 11:51:09.829 15983 16168 I NATIVEX : afbs=0
08-02 11:51:09.829 15983 16168 I NATIVEX : pCod=0x7a36f54600
08-02 11:51:09.829 15983 16168 I NATIVEX : aprtc=0
08-02 11:51:09.829 15983 16168 I NATIVEX : ao2=0
08-02 11:51:09.829 15983 16168 I NATIVEX : pg.
08-02 11:51:09.829 15983 16168 I NATIVEX : pg ab 1 14112000 48000 8 9069 3
08-02 11:51:09.829 15983 16168 I NATIVEX : a-rslnq
08-02 11:51:09.829 15983 16168 I NATIVEX : rp rq
08-02 11:51:09.829 15983 16168 I NATIVEX : afl: 1 9074
08-02 11:51:09.829 15983 16168 I NATIVEX : sk
08-02 11:51:09.829 15983 15983 V MediaRouter: Selecting route:
RouteInfo{ name=Auriculares, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{
name=Sistema types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false },
presentationDisplay=null }
08-02 11:51:09.832 15983 16118 E MediaMetadataRetrieverJNI: getEmbeddedPicture:
Call to getEmbeddedPicture failed.
08-02 11:51:09.843 15983 16168 I NATIVEX : cd: 0 mp3float
08-02 11:51:09.843 15983 16168 I NATIVEX : of=s16
08-02 11:51:09.843 15983 16168 I NATIVEX : mt a: b=320000 f=1152 c=2 s=48000 d=180
b_p_s=2 1,48000 t=0xb4000079fe521f80
08-02 11:51:09.843 15983 16168 I NATIVEX : cp:mmpi:p
08-02 11:51:09.843 15983 16153 I NATIVEX : cp:mmpi>p>f
08-02 11:51:09.847 15983 16153 I NATIVEX : st:mmp.1>[n3.j@9a55d828], [false],
[null], [false]
08-02 11:51:09.847 15983 16153 I NATIVEX : st:mmp.2>[n3.j@9a55d828], [false],
[f6.j0@bd167c4], [true]
08-02 11:51:09.847 15983 16153 I NATIVEX : MAR.opR
08-02 11:51:09.848 15983 16153 I NATIVEX : MAR.rd>if==n>r=RFR [0,0]
08-02 11:51:09.848 15983 16153 I NATIVEX : MAR.atc=1 [0,0]
08-02 11:51:09.848 15983 16153 I NATIVEX : MAR.rd> [0,0]
08-02 11:51:09.850 15983 16153 D AudioTrack: INSP:
08-02 11:51:09.850 15983 16153 D AudioTrack: INSP:
08-02 11:51:09.850 15983 16153 D AudioTrack: set(sessionID=4294169)
08-02 11:51:09.850 15983 16153 D AudioTrack: set(): Building AudioTrack with
attributes: usage = 1, content = 2, flags = 0xa00, tags = []
08-02 11:51:09.851 15983 16153 D AudioTrack: set(): 0xb4000079fe4fd700, Create
AudioTrackThread, tid = 16183
08-02 11:51:09.851 15983 16153 E colet:musicole: open /proc/0/cmdline error
08-02 11:51:09.857 15983 16153 D AudioTrack: createTrack_l(279):
0xb4000079fe4fd700, mCblk = 0x7a9a206000, mLatency = 536, mAfLatency = 128,
frameCount = 19584, mSampleRate = 48000, mFlags = 0x8, mReqFrameCount = 19584,
mNotificationFramesAct = 9792
08-02 11:51:09.859 15983 16153 D AudioTrack: PackageName[in.krosbits.musicolet],
08-02 11:51:09.859 15983 16153 E colet:musicole: open /proc/0/cmdline error
08-02 11:51:09.862 15983 16153 D AudioTrack: setVolume(279): 0xb4000079fe4fd700,
left = 1.000000, right = 1.000000
08-02 11:51:09.904 15983 16119 E MediaMetadataRetrieverJNI: getEmbeddedPicture:
Call to getEmbeddedPicture failed.
08-02 11:51:09.960 15983 15983 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=127ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=443ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=66 (msgIndex=1 wall=357ms
seq=26 late=119ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver) (msgIndex=46 wall=155ms
seq=71 late=366ms$H w=115)
08-02 11:51:09.962 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSECR>Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.HEADSET_PLUG flg=0x40000010 (has extras) }
08-02 11:51:09.979 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: bpp>ip:b7.g2@bdbfa57
08-02 11:51:09.979 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSSP:musicolet://media-store?
08-02 11:51:09.981 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSCAP>3
08-02 11:51:09.982 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSOAPC>3
08-02 11:51:09.983 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: PFU:null
08-02 11:51:09.983 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: PFU?musicolet://media-store?
08-02 11:51:09.990 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: bpp>ip?1:b7.g2@bdbfa57
08-02 11:51:10.051 15983 16118 E MediaMetadataRetrieverJNI: getEmbeddedPicture:
Call to getEmbeddedPicture failed.
08-02 11:51:10.208 15983 16197 I JSTMUSIC2: BCW:bsf>0>0
08-02 11:51:10.208 15983 16197 I JSTMUSIC2: BCW:bsf>IPs
08-02 11:51:10.209 15983 16222 I JSTMUSIC2: BCW:cpl>0
08-02 11:51:10.211 15983 16223 I JSTMUSIC2: BCW:cpl>qP0
08-02 11:51:10.211 15983 16223 I JSTMUSIC2: BCW:cpl>qP>0
08-02 11:51:10.211 15983 16223 I JSTMUSIC2: BCW:cpl>recP
08-02 11:51:10.211 15983 16223 I JSTMUSIC2: BCW:frc1>1
08-02 11:51:10.211 15983 16223 I JSTMUSIC2: BCW:mca>false>1
08-02 11:51:10.231 15983 16119 E MediaMetadataRetrieverJNI: getEmbeddedPicture:
Call to getEmbeddedPicture failed.
08-02 11:51:10.246 15983 16224 W BillingClient: getPurchaseHistory() failed.
Response code: 2
08-02 11:51:10.246 15983 16224 I JSTMUSIC2: BCW:frcl>1>2>0
08-02 11:51:10.246 15983 16224 I JSTMUSIC2: BCW:mca>false>0
08-02 11:51:10.250 15983 16084 I JSTMUSIC2: LIBU>ca.
08-02 11:51:10.251 15983 16084 V MediaStore: Examining volume emulated;0 with name
external_primary and state mounted
08-02 11:51:10.256 15983 16224 I JSTMUSIC2: BCW:mca>s
08-02 11:51:10.256 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: LIBU_PO:UI
08-02 11:51:10.256 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: PFU:null
08-02 11:51:10.256 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: PFU?musicolet://media-store?
08-02 11:51:10.262 15983 16117 E MediaMetadataRetrieverJNI: getEmbeddedPicture:
Call to getEmbeddedPicture failed.
08-02 11:51:10.266 15983 16118 E MediaMetadataRetrieverJNI: getEmbeddedPicture:
Call to getEmbeddedPicture failed.
08-02 11:51:10.380 15983 16119 E MediaMetadataRetrieverJNI: getEmbeddedPicture:
Call to getEmbeddedPicture failed.
08-02 11:51:10.408 15983 16117 E MediaMetadataRetrieverJNI: getEmbeddedPicture:
Call to getEmbeddedPicture failed.
08-02 11:51:10.419 15983 16118 E MediaMetadataRetrieverJNI: getEmbeddedPicture:
Call to getEmbeddedPicture failed.
08-02 11:51:10.533 15983 16119 E MediaMetadataRetrieverJNI: getEmbeddedPicture:
Call to getEmbeddedPicture failed.
08-02 11:51:10.588 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: mS>rpS?1
08-02 11:51:10.639 15983 16119 E MediaMetadataRetrieverJNI: getEmbeddedPicture:
Call to getEmbeddedPicture failed.
08-02 11:51:11.588 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: epw:ant>b7.g2@bdbfa57
08-02 11:51:11.588 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: epw:ant>b7.g2@bdbfa57 ->
%20Audio&p_dn=Regalame%20una%20Noche(MP3_320K).mp3&p_id=5781&p_mt=1 -> 1
08-02 11:51:21.818 15983 15983 W Choreographer: Frame time is 0.100235 now =
546897924913285 timestampNanos = 546897925013520 ms in the future! Check that
graphics HAL is generating vsync timestamps using the correct timebase.
08-02 11:51:21.882 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSOAPC>3
08-02 11:51:21.882 15983 16153 D AudioTrack: start(279): 0xb4000079fe4fd700, prior
08-02 11:51:21.904 15983 15983 D MediaRouter: onRestoreRoute() :
route=RouteInfo{ name=Auriculares, description=null, status=null,
category=RouteCategory{ name=Sistema types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO
ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO
ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
08-02 11:51:21.904 15983 15983 V MediaRouter: Selecting route:
RouteInfo{ name=Auriculares, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{
name=Sistema types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false },
presentationDisplay=null }
08-02 11:51:21.922 15983 16153 I NATIVEX : mmp:mstr>rd:pcds
08-02 11:51:21.922 15983 16153 I NATIVEX : mmp:mstr>rd:pcds1
08-02 11:51:21.922 15983 16153 I NATIVEX : mmp:mstr>rd:pcds2
08-02 11:51:24.216 15983 15983 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, scanCode=114, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=546900170, downTime=546900170, deviceId=2,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
08-02 11:51:24.230 15983 16020 W RenderInspector: DequeueBuffer time out on
in.krosbits.musicolet/in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity, count=4, avg=17 ms,
max=28 ms.
08-02 11:51:24.260 15983 15983 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, scanCode=114, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=546900364, downTime=546900170, deviceId=2,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
08-02 11:51:24.554 15983 15983 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, scanCode=114, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=546900509, downTime=546900509, deviceId=2,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
08-02 11:51:24.563 15983 15983 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, scanCode=114, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=546900667, downTime=546900509, deviceId=2,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
08-02 11:51:24.838 15983 15983 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, scanCode=114, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=546900793, downTime=546900793, deviceId=2,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
08-02 11:51:24.847 15983 15983 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, scanCode=114, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=546900952, downTime=546900793, deviceId=2,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
08-02 11:51:25.231 15983 15983 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, scanCode=114, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=546901186, downTime=546901186, deviceId=2,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
08-02 11:51:25.236 15983 15983 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, scanCode=114, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=546901313, downTime=546901186, deviceId=2,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
08-02 11:51:25.266 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSCAP>3
08-02 11:51:25.589 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSCAP>3
08-02 11:51:25.877 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSCAP>3
08-02 11:51:26.250 15983 15983 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, scanCode=114, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=546902206, downTime=546902206, deviceId=2,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
08-02 11:51:26.272 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSCAP>3
08-02 11:51:26.289 15983 15983 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, scanCode=114, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=546902394, downTime=546902206, deviceId=2,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
08-02 11:51:26.328 15983 15983 W Choreographer: Frame time is 0.073358 now =
546902435210747 timestampNanos = 546902435284105 ms in the future! Check that
graphics HAL is generating vsync timestamps using the correct timebase.
08-02 11:51:26.547 15983 15983 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, scanCode=114, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=546902503, downTime=546902503, deviceId=2,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
08-02 11:51:26.551 15983 15983 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, scanCode=114, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=546902637, downTime=546902503, deviceId=2,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
08-02 11:51:26.854 15983 15983 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, scanCode=114, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=546902809, downTime=546902809, deviceId=2,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
08-02 11:51:26.871 15983 15983 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, scanCode=114, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=546902975, downTime=546902809, deviceId=2,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
08-02 11:51:27.192 15983 15983 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, scanCode=114, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=546903148, downTime=546903148, deviceId=2,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
08-02 11:51:27.195 15983 15983 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, scanCode=114, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=546903298, downTime=546903148, deviceId=2,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
08-02 11:51:27.276 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSCAP>3
08-02 11:51:27.588 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSCAP>3
08-02 11:51:27.889 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSCAP>3
08-02 11:51:28.225 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSCAP>3
08-02 11:51:29.616 15983 15983 W Choreographer: Frame time is 0.038707 now =
546905723099978 timestampNanos = 546905723138685 ms in the future! Check that
graphics HAL is generating vsync timestamps using the correct timebase.
08-02 11:51:29.768 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSCAP>3
08-02 11:51:30.091 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSCAP>3
08-02 11:51:30.379 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSCAP>3
08-02 11:51:30.775 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSCAP>3
08-02 11:51:31.778 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSCAP>3
08-02 11:51:32.090 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSCAP>3
08-02 11:51:32.392 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSCAP>3
08-02 11:51:32.727 15983 15983 I JSTMUSIC2: MSCAP>3

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