Effects of Airflow Induction On Heat Transfer and Energy Consumption While Freezing Passion Fruit Pulp in Stacked Boxes

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Energy Efficiency

DOI 10.1007/s12053-014-9253-y


Effects of airflow induction on heat transfer and energy

consumption while freezing passion fruit pulp in stacked boxes
Natália Cristina Belchior & Tales Márcio de Oliveira Giarola &
Jaime Vilela de Resende

Received: 14 March 2013 / Accepted: 28 January 2014

# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014

Abstract The objectives of this work were to charac- the quality and operation of the electrical system. This
terize the energy consumption and the heat transfer practice was shown to be viable for small producers and
process by the determination of the convective heat agribusinesses that desire reductions in processing time
transfer coefficient (h) of passion fruit pulp contained and energy consumption and, consequently, the overall
in high-density polyethylene (HDPE) boxes and frozen cost of the final product.
in two conditions: without and with airflow induction,
which was achieved through the installation of obsta-
cles. To determine the convective heat transfer coeffi- Keywords Effective heat transfer coefficient . Energy
cients, HDPE boxes containing passion fruit pulp consumption . Air-blast freezing . Frozen fruit pulp .
(contained in polyethylene bags) were interspersed with Freezing time
boxes containing metal tanks filled with low freezing
point solutions. Three types of solutions were used: Nomenclature
A Heat transfer area (square meter)
ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, and ethanol. The
AD Active demand (kilowatt)
airflow induction under the stacks of passion fruit pulp
AE Active energy (kilowatt hour)
provided higher h values than without airflow induction.
AEM Active energy/month (kilowatt hour)
The calculated average values and standard deviation
AP Amount of product/batch (kilogram)
were 6.340±0.87 W/m2 °C, respectively, without air-
Bi Biot number
flow induction and 8.419±1.39 W/m2 °C with airflow
Bis Biot number=h2L/k
induction. The average reduction of the freezing time
CD With air induction
was 25 % for the boxes located at the top and 20 % in the
Cp Specific heat (kilojoule per kilogram per degree
base of the stack. This proved that directing the airflow
under the stacked product promoted more uniform and
CF Charge factor
efficient heat transfer. The analysis of the electrical
D Diameter (meter)
parameter measurements revealed an approximate de-
e Error (percent)
crease of 16.7 % in energy consumption due to the
E Equivalent heat transfer dimensionality
reduction of the freezing time, without compromising
h Convective heat transfer coefficient
(watt per square meter per degree Celsius)
N. C. Belchior : T. M. de Oliveira Giarola : k Thermal conductivity (watt per meter per
J. V. de Resende (*) degree Celsius)
Department of Food Science, Laboratory of Food
m Mass (kilogram)
Refrigeration, Federal University of Lavras,
P.O. Box 3037, 37200-000 Lavras, MG, Brazil MAD Maximum active demand (kilowatt)
e-mail: jvresende@dca.ufla.br NBM Number of batches/month
Energy Efficiency

PF Power factor north (5.35 %), midwest (3 %), and south (1.8 %) (IBGE
PPM Physical production/month (kilogram) 2010). It is estimated that over 60 % of the Brazilian
RE Reactive energy (kilovolt-ampere-reactive-hour) production of passion fruit are intended for fresh con-
SC Specific consumption (kilowatt hour per sumption, through fairs and supermarkets. The surplus
kilogram of pulp) is destined to the process industries and the juice is the
SD Without air induction main product. Passion fruit is valued due its nutritional
T Temperature (degree Celsius) characteristics, particular flavor, and an interesting
t Time (hour) source for the manufacture of beverages and fruit juices.
X Length in the coordinate system (meter) The economic importance of the passion fruit is the
Y Height in the coordinate system (meter) production of concentrate and natural juices or frozen
Z Width in the coordinate system (meter) pulp. The passion fruit pulp is used as a raw material for
Zn, Zm Roots of a transcendental equation of the type the preparation of sweets and other formulations, nec-
C=αtanα tars, soft drinks, concentrates for soft drinks, syrups,
Znm Defined by Eq. (12). jellies, and ice creams (Meleti 2011).
Research has been conducted on the markets for pas-
Greek symbols
sion fruits in Brazil, including information on sales vol-
umes, origins, and loss percentages. In the state of Minas
βi Ratio of dimension to characteristic dimension, i=1, 2
Gerais, there has been a large increase in the volume of
Δ Difference
fruits from this region where the index of sales varied with
∞ Air cooling
the time of year. The retail losses were 7.3 % on average;
Subscripts many of those fruits that were considered inappropriate for
in natura consumption could have been processed for the
Air Air production of preserves, juices, and frozen pulp (Andrade
AN Dimensionality analytically derived et al. 2003). The production is seasonal; mainly from
Eff Effective January to June. Production in the municipal district of
eq Equivalent Lavras alone reaches 500 tons/year, which, if processed,
etg Ethylene glycol would correspond to approximately 150 tons/year of pulp.
eth Ethanol Most of the passion fruit production is sold to other pro-
exp Experimental cessing industries at the price of USD 0.23/kg. When
f Freezing marketed in the form of frozen pulp, the product’s price
max Maximum exceeds USD 9.50/kg, and its shelf life increases from
pred Predicted´ 3 weeks for fresh passion fruit to 18 months.
prop Propylene glycol The freezing process is an important preserva-
slab Slab tion method for passion fruit. Freezing reduces
sol Solution fruit loss, increases product value, and makes qual-
tq Tank ity products available throughout the year. Further-
0 Unfrozen more, the cooling and freezing processes reduce
chemical and enzymatic reactions and microorgan-
ism growth, while the crystallization of free water
reduces the activity of the water, thus delaying
Introduction food deterioration (Ashrae 2002; Delgado and
Sun 2001; Salvadori and Mascheroni 1996). In
The latest data compiled by the Brazilian Institute of the case of passion fruit, the freezing process is
Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in 2010 showed that implemented typically in small agricultural instal-
the passion fruit production (Passiflora edulis f. lations where the energy consumption, which is
flavicarpa Deg.) was 920,158 tons, volume 29 % over related to the freezing time, is an important factor
the previous year. The northeast region is the largest in the overall production cost.
producer, responsible for 76 % of the national produc- In forced air cooling systems, airflow at low-
tion of the fruit, followed by the southeast (13.85 %), temperature air has been used as the cooling medium.
Energy Efficiency

Forced chilled air flows around the product, which is The objectives of this work were to characterize
usually packed in boxes to reduce the freezing time the heat transfer process and determine the con-
(Thompson 2004). The temperature and flow of the vective heat transfer coefficients during air-blast
air, and the layout and geometry of the product deter- freezing, with and without airflow induction, for
mine the freezing time in forced air cooling systems. passion fruit pulps contained in high-density poly-
Various works have shown (Reno et al. 2011; Resende ethylene (HDPE) boxes. In addition, the heat
et al. 2013) that the air velocity profiles in freezing transfer coefficients were validated by comparing
tunnels used for forced air cooling depend strongly on estimates of the freezing times with the experimen-
the amount of product and its distribution within the tal results. Furthermore, the effects of alterations
equipment. The air usually flows through preferential of the arrangement of the fruit on the freezing
paths, which may lead to errors in the determination of time and the energy consumption of the processes
heat transfer coefficients and freezing times of products. were evaluated. Studies on airflow induction to
In these systems, the heat transfer can be constant improve circulation around products and their ef-
through the surface of the product; however, the heat fects on convective heat transfer coefficients are
transfer coefficients can vary with the position and found in the literature (Barbin et al. 2010; Resende
distribution of the product inside the freezing tunnel. et al. 2013). Studies considering simultaneously
The convective heat transfer coefficient (h) relates the the induction effects of airflow on the heat transfer
amount of energy transferred from a cooling medium to coefficients, residence time of the product, physi-
the surface of a product when they are in direct contact. cal production, and energy consumption and oper-
Higher values of h indicate more efficient heat transfer ating quality of the refrigeration equipment are
between cooling fluids and products. Measurements of rarely found.
local heat transfer coefficients for complex geometries
are difficult and rare. The most common practical
methods for measuring effective coefficients are station- Materials and methods
ary state temperature, measure of the transient tempera-
ture during cooling and heat flow and the temperature Material
on surfaces (Lind 1988; Cleland 1992).
In the case of stacked boxes, the use of a metal test Yellow passion fruit (P. edulis f. flavicarpa Deg.) pulp
body is difficult due to the large sample dimensions. If was obtained from fruits that were acquired directly
the objective is to determine the average heat transfer from small agricultural producers of the Lavras-MG
coefficients throughout the stacks, a convenient alterna- region and produced by conventional cultivation in the
tive is the use of a physical model with relatively simple 2009/2010 harvest. The fruits were chosen at a uniform
heat transfer properties (Santos et al. 2007). In this case, maturation stage, i.e., their skins were yellow.
it is possible to use a body with a more well-known low The fruits were washed in running water to remove
thermal conductivity (Bi>0.1). This method can be used dirt and immersed in a 200 mg L−1 sodium hypochlorite
with test substances of uniform composition and prop- solution for 15 min. After sanitization, fruits that were
erties. During the experiment, the temperature distribu- inappropriate for use were discarded. The passion fruits
tion in the body is used to calculate the heat transfer were cut into pieces, the pulp with seeds was extracted
coefficient. Analytical solutions are available for some and the peel was discarded. An electric grinder
common geometry with defined boundary conditions (Macanuda®, Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil) was used
(Cleland et al. 1994). to separate the pulp from the seeds. Then, 0.5 g/100 g of
Promoting the airflow induction under the potassium sorbate was added to inhibit microorganism
stacked product is of practical interest because growth until the moment of the experimental assembly.
preferential airflow paths returning to the evapora-
tor can be avoided, which promotes more uniform Thermophysical properties of passion fruit pulp
and efficient heat transfer. This form of operation
alters the airflow control, which is a critical point The freezing point (Tf =−2.2 °C) of passion fruit pulp
because airflow control determines the efficiency was obtained from experimental measurements (Pereira
and uniformity of the product treatment. et al. 2013). The thermal conductivity of the pulp was
Energy Efficiency

obtained as a function of the freezing temperature using The specific heat for the solutions at these concentra-
Eq. (1) (Pereira et al. 2013). tions may be obtained as a function of the cooling tem-
perature using the following equations (ASHRAE 1997):
k passion ¼ 2:3831−1:8371e ð1Þ
Cpetg ¼ 0:0034T þ 3:401 ð2Þ
The density was calculated as a function of moisture,
protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and ash content (Ashrae 2002).
Cpeth ¼ 0:0049T þ 4:1658 ð3Þ
Freezing the pulp

Preparation of HDPE boxes containing passion fruit

pulp Cpprop ¼ 0:0028T þ 3:7505 ð4Þ

The pulp was maintained in a controlled temperature

Assembly of the stacks of boxes
environment of 20 °C for 48 h to reach thermal homo-
geneity. Then, samples of 15 kg of passion fruit pulp
The HDPE boxes containing the pulp were stacked inside
were weighed, placed in polyethylene bags, and distrib-
the freezing tunnel and interspersed with the boxes con-
uted in 26 boxes of high-density polyethylene. The
taining the metal tanks of antifreeze solution. The stack
dimensions of the polyethylene bags were 0.53 m
was assembled in the center of the tunnel maintaining
(length)×0.36 m (width)×0.086 m (height). The HDPE
equal lateral spacing in every case. Two configurations
box dimensions were 0.60 m (length)×0.40 m (width)×
were tested: with and without airflow induction. In both
0.17 m (height). These boxes were ventilated to allow
configurations, the stack consisted of five columns of
air to pass through and to come in contact with the
seven boxes. The stacks of boxes (including the metal
product: 12.40 % opening area on the width × length
tanks) on pallets, without and with airflow induction, are
dimensions, 26.55 % on the width × height dimensions,
shown in panels a and b of Fig. 1, respectively.
and 29.13 % on the width × length dimensions (bottom).
Airflow induction (Fig. 1b) was provided by
installing expanded polystyrene slabs (0.10 and 0.20 m
Preparation of tanks of test solutions thick) in the stacks to serve as airflow barriers and to
force the air to pass through the product before returning
For the experimental measurements of the effective local to the evaporator.
heat transfer coefficient (heff), galvanized steel tanks were
completely filled with antifreeze solutions (Santos et al.
2007). Galvanized steel tanks with the same geometry and Freezing the passion fruit pulp
dimensions as the HDPE boxes were made for this pur-
pose. The steel was chosen because it has high thermal The stack of boxes was batch cooled in a freezing
conductivity (k=43 W/m K to 27 °C) and was easy to tunnel, where a flow of forced air was directed on the
obtain and handle (Incropera and Dewitt 2003; Santos product. The operational temperature of the tunnel was
et al. 2007). The steel was galvanized with a fine zinc −25 °C, and the experiments were conducted with three
coating, with thermal conductivity of k=116 W/m K at replicates. Figure 1 shows the dimensions of the freez-
27 °C. The specific heat of the galvanized steel (Cptq) used ing tunnel and the system of rectangular coordinates that
in the calculation was 0.444 kJ/kg K. was used as a reference throughout the work. The freez-
Nine tanks were made from steel sheet (thickness of ing tunnel had a condensing unit (Danfoss, model
2 mm); their internal volume was 15 L. The nine tanks HCM064B50Q, France) operating with refrigerant
were weighed and identified, as depicted in Table 1. R-402B, refrigerating capacity 4,685 kcal/h, and power
These tanks were put inside the HDPE boxes, filled with consumption 3.8 kW at −25 °C (according to the equip-
the antifreeze solutions and weighed again to calculate ment manufacturer). The evaporator (Delta Frio, Brazil)
the mass of the solutions. Three solutions were used in the freezing tunnel had five fans with individual
(ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, and ethanol) at the induction engines, each rated at 70 W of power
concentrations shown in Table 1. consumption.
Energy Efficiency

Table 1 Characteristics of the

tanks used in this work Tank number Solution Mass of empty Mass of tank with
tank (kg) solution (kg)

1 Ethylene glycol (40 %) 3.285 18.720

2 Ethylene glycol (40 %) 3.290 18.735
3 Ethylene glycol (40 %) 3.310 18.855
4 Ethanol (30 %) 3.320 18.540
5 Ethanol (30 %) 3.280 18.465
6 Ethanol (30 %) 3.310 18.400
7 Propylene glycol (33.33 %) 3.295 18.410
8 Propylene glycol (33.33 %) 3.290 18.435
9 Propylene glycol (33.33 %) 3.290 18.450

Fig. 1 Stacks of the boxes (a)

and lateral view (b) without
airflow induction and with
airflow induction. The numbers
1–9 refer to the boxes that contain
the tanks, Table 2
Energy Efficiency

Monitoring the temperatures of the air, boxes of pulp, that energy balance, where A is the area of heat transfer;
and metal tanks mtq and msol are the weights of the empty tank and the
solution, respectively; Cptq and Cpsol are the specific
To obtain the temperature history, 28 type T thermocou- heats of the galvanized steel and the solution, respec-
ples (copper-constantan AWG-30) and 15 resistive ther- tively; and Tsol is the solution temperature. Thus,
mal devices (RTDs) were installed throughout the ex- treating the heat transfer process as a succession of
perimental configuration at locations chosen among the almost stationary processes leads to Eq. (6) for the
samples where they could monitor the transient heat determination of h values (Santos et al. 2007).
transfer behavior during the process. These thermocou- The effective temperature difference between the
ples and RTDs were connected to a signal conditioning tank surface (Ttq) and the air (T∞) during a time interval
system (National Instruments-Model SCXI - Hungary). Δt is given by Eq. (7).
Temperature measurements were taken at 2-min inter- 
dT tq dT sol
vals using Lab VIEW 8.5 software (National Instru- mtq Cptq þ msol Cpsol ¼ heff A T tq −T ∞ ð5Þ
dt dt
ments, Ireland). The temperature sensors were inserted
into the geometric centers of the bags of pulp, the ðmCpΔT Þtq þ ðmCpΔT Þsol
antifreeze solutions, and the galvanized steel tanks, in heff ¼  ð6Þ
A T tq −T ∞ Δt
order to measure the temperature variations.
Three sensors were used in each container in the metal  T tq ðtÞ þ T tq ðt þ ΔtÞ T ∞ ðtÞ þ T ∞ ðt þ ΔtÞ
T tq −T ∞ ¼ − ð7Þ
tanks. One sensor was installed in the geometric center of 2 2
the tank to measure the temperature of the solution during
The temperature data that were used to calculate h
cooling, another was installed on the external metal sur-
were measured after the freezing tunnel door was
face of the container, and the third was used to measure
closed. As the temperatures were registered every
the temperature of the surrounding air.
2 min, that time interval was the minimum value that
was used to calculate the effective difference in the
Air velocity measurements
temperature between the container surface and the air,
(Ttq −T∞). The duration of each experiment was limited
The air velocity measurements were made with a hot wire
by the cooling rate of the solutions, i.e., the time when
anemometer (TSI-model 9535-USA). The measurements
the solutions and the temperatures of the tanks
were taken at different heights (Y (m)=0.420, 0.845,
approached the air temperature (T∞).
1.270, 1.695, and 2.120), lengths (X (m)=0.000, 0.090,
0.180, 0.270, 0.360, 0.450, 0.540, 0.630, 0.720, 0.810,
0.900, 0.990, 1.080, 1.170, 1.260, 1.350, 1.440, 1.530, Experimental freezing time
1.610, 1.700, 1.790, 1.880, 1.970, 2.060, 2.150, 2.240,
and 2.330), and widths (Z (m)=0.135 and 1.195) in the The experimental freezing time was evaluated from the
freezing tunnel in the horizontal air circulation direction. readings of the thermocouples installed in the passion
fruit pulp. The end of the freezing process was
Determination of the convective heat transfer identified as the time when all of the thermocou-
coefficient (h) ples registered −18 °C for both situations (with
and without airflow induction).
The convective heat transfer coefficients were deter-
mined using the rectangular sheet metal tanks. For the Validation of the experimental values of h and freezing
heat transfer analysis, the surface temperature of the time estimates
containers built with galvanized steel plate was consid-
ered to be homogeneous over the entire surface and the Equation (8) was used to calculate the freezing time
thermophysical properties of the air were considered to from the form factor (E).
remain constant during the assays.
An energy balance of the system resulted in an equa-
tion that was used to determine the h values from the t f ;slab
t pred ¼ ð8Þ
experimental measurements. Equation (5) summarizes E
Energy Efficiency

The parameter E is defined as the ratio between the ified equation of Plank for the phase change was used
freezing times of a test body and the actual product with (Pham 1986).
the same dimensions, under the same conditions. To For the boxes, the geometric factor (E) was calculat-
calculate tf,slab (Cleland 1992), the process was divided ed with the methodology of the geometric factor (EAN)
into two phases, pre-cooling and freezing, and the mod- derived from the analytical solution of heat transfer
problems with phase changes (Hossain et al. 1992).
8 2 3
>  X
2 < 6 7

2 6 sinZ n 7
E AN ¼ 1þ 1þ −4 6    7 ð9Þ
Bis >
> Bi 4 2
sin Z n Zn 5
s n¼1
Zn 1 þ
sinhðZ n β1 Þ þ coshðZ n β1 Þ
Bis Bis

X∞ X∞   
Z nm 1
− 8 β 22 senZ n sinZ m coshðZ nm Þ þ sinhðZ nm Þ
n¼1 m¼1
Bis β 2
  −1 #)−1
1 1
Z n Z m Z 2nm 1 þ sin2 Z n 1þ sin2 Z m
Bis Bis β1

where the values of Zn and Zm are the roots of the Determination of energy consumption
The energy consumption, with and without airflow in-
Bis ¼ Z n tanZ n ð10Þ duction, was determined with a power meter and a
digital transducer (KRON-Model Mult-k 120-Brasil)
and coupled to the computer through a converter (KR-485/
USB). The data were analyzed with the software
Bis β1 ¼ Z m tanZ m ð11Þ RedeMB5-Version 5.19, RS-485 standard network,
Modbus protocol. The energy consumption was mea-
In addition, the values of Znm are obtained from sured from the time when the freezing tunnel started to
Eq. (12): operate until all of the sensors indicated −18 °C. The
active energy (AE), reactive energy (RE), active demand
β2 (AD), and maximum active demand (MAD) were mea-
Z 2nm ¼ Z 2n β22 þ Z 2m ð12Þ
β1 sured for each batch and analyzed.

The first six roots of Eqs. (10) and (11) are

defined in Carslaw and Jaeger (1959) as functions Results and discussions
of the values of Bis and Bis ×β1. Equations (9–12)
are chosen because they are valid for the extended Temperature histories
range of Biot and are applied specifically for rect-
angular bricks, despite complexity issues (Resende Figure 3 shows the temperature records obtained during
et al. 2013). The product inside the boxes was the freezing process, without and with airflow induction,
considered as an individual block (Fig. 2). The of passion fruit pulp contained in boxes at positions (X=
values of all inputs into Eqs. (9–12) are shown
in Table 2. To determine the error between the
experimental and predicted freezing time, Equation
(13) was used.

t pred −t exp
eð%Þ ¼ 100 ð13Þ
t exp
Fig. 2 The geometric configuration of the airflow pathways be-
tween boxes
Energy Efficiency

Table 2 Values of all the inputs into Eqs. (9–12)

Compact rectangular brick

Height (m) Length (m) Width (m) D (m) Volume (m3) Area (m2) V/A (m) β1a β2a
0.086 0.536 0.361 0.043 0.0167 0.541 0.031 4.19 6.23
β1 is the ratio width/height and β2 is the ratio length/height

1.565, Y=0.163), (X=1.565, Y=0.673), and (X=1.565, 500 min was chosen because above this value the
Y=1.183). Figure 3 shows that the temperature reduc- heat transfer coefficients measured feature values
tion was faster with airflow induction and in boxes that go through extreme variations and cannot be
located at the top of the stack. The cooling was slower deduced from measuring the cooling rate of anti-
at the base of the stack. freeze boxes. This is because heat is transferred
not just between air and antifreeze, but also be-
Air velocities tween antifreeze and fruit pulp. The antifreeze and
the fruit pulp will be at different temperatures
Figure 4 shows the average air velocity alteration in the because they have different thermal properties, es-
inside of the freezing tunnel caused by the installation of pecially around the freezing point. In this point
the barriers for directing the airflow in the stack of (above 500 min, Fig. 3), the fruit pulp undergoes
boxes. The installation of the barriers increased the air a freezing plateau while the antifreeze does not.
velocity by 46 % on average at the base of the stack, Other consideration is that the temperatures differ-
41 % in the central area, and 13 % close to the boxes ences are too low between the metal surface and
located at the top of the stack. Figure 4 also shows the the air to achieve valid results, as it can be seen in
standard deviation bars of the air velocity measurements Fig. 5.
in each row of the stack before and after airflow induc- According Santos et al. (2007), the experimental
tion. Considering the standard deviation bars, it is im- method used in this work is a suitable and reliable
portant point out that the increases in air velocity, indi- procedure for the determination of heat transfer
vidually, in the tanks located in the upper row (Y= coefficients inside industrial tunnels. The method
1.183 m) (tanks 1, 2, and 3) are not significant. In the is sensitive enough to determine spatial heteroge-
tanks located in at positions Y=0.673 m and Y=0.163 m, neities in the tunnel and is versatile with respect to
the average increase in air velocity is most influenced in the system geometry, characteristics which make it
front of the boxes located closer to the door. The coor- a useful and simple tool to carry out diagnostic
dinates shown in Fig. 4 refer to air velocity measure- tests in industrial plants.
ment points located exactly at positions in front of the The main issue when using the heat flow at surface
boxes that contained the tanks that were used to deter- and the surface temperature is that the measuring device
mine the effective heat transfer coefficients. will change the surface properties (Lind 1988). There-
fore, the heat transfer coefficients are evaluated from a
Effective heat transfer coefficients (h) highly simplified approach that can provide an indica-
tive heat transfer coefficients. However, the indicative
Figure 5 shows the curves of temperature versus time heat transfer coefficient can be used as a qualitative
obtained by the temperature sensors installed in tank 5, parameter to analyze and to compare the efficiency of
which was used as a test body for the determination of heat transfer process associated to the energy consump-
the effective heat transfer coefficients. The peaks shown tion. Figure 6 show the graphs of h values without and
in Fig. 5 refer to the rise of the air temperature caused by with airflow induction obtained during the freezing of
the defrosting at specific programmed time intervals boxes of passion fruit pulp located at stacking center
during the operation of the freezing tunnel. positions, respectively.
The average h values (hm) were obtained from the The dispersions observed in the h values are also
arithmetic mean of all of the h values as functions of the associated with air temperature fluctuations caused by
time in each of the nine metal containers. The time of the defrosting at specific programmed time intervals and
Energy Efficiency

Fig. 3 Cooling curve for freezing

a without induction (SD) and b
with induction (CD) of the airflow
for the passion fruit pulp packed
in boxes located in different
positions in the stack

the use of average temperature differences for heat Figure 7 provides a comparison of the effects caused
transfer by convection. Furthermore, macroscopic by the alteration of the airflow on the values of the
fluctuations are observed in the air circulation average effective heat transfer coefficients at different
temperature and air velocity in the freezing tunnel. positions in the stack. An average effective heat transfer
This result shows that the local convective heat coefficient value was calculated from the average
transfer coefficients vary with time, at any given values (hm) of all of the metal tanks. The calcu-
fixed position inside the tunnel. Thus, the compar- lated average values and standard deviation were
ison of the h values should be conducted through 6.340±0.87 W/m2 °C, respectively, without airflow
the average values (Fig. 6). Figure 6 also shows induction and 8.419±1.39 W/m2 °C with airflow induc-
that the h values did not change significantly in tion. These results show that the use of the barriers
the lower layer, but it starts oscillating in the around the stacks increased the average convective heat
middle and upper layers. In these figures, the high transfer coefficient by 32.79 %. The shorter process time
values of the standard deviation indicates turbu- necessary to freeze the passion fruit pulp and the higher
lence and the oscillations observed are characteris- overall hm average confirmed that the heat transfer was
tics of streams that follow preferential channels in more effective when the airflow was directed on the
the gaps between the containers. product.
Energy Efficiency

Fig. 4 Alteration of the air

velocities caused by routing the
airflow in the front positions of
the boxes with the test bodies

It is clear in Fig. 7 that most of the results are not the air circulation temperature and air velocity in the
significant, given the standard deviation bars in the freezing tunnel. Therefore, the use of average values are
graphs, although Fig. 4 shows that there is a difference indicated for the freezing time estimates.
in the air velocity measured at this point. Also, Fig. 7
shows that the tanks positioned in the middle of the Experimental freezing time
lower and middle layers (tank 5 and tank 8, respectively)
and also tank 3 were not influenced by the air induction This study supplies information on the accuracy of
system. As discussed previously, the heat transfer coef- freezing time estimates applied in complex situations,
ficients were evaluated from a highly simplified ap- such as in low-cost equipment feasible for small agro
proach where dispersions exist associated with air tem- industries. It does not take into account the uncertainty
perature fluctuations and macroscopic fluctuations in associated with estimates of thermophysical properties
Energy Efficiency

Fig. 5 Temperature history from

temperature sensors installed in
the box containing tank 5, which
was used as a test body

and surface heat transfer coefficients. Table 3

shows the experimental freezing times that were
obtained during the pulp freezing process without
and with airflow induction. These values were
obtained after the end of the process, when all of
the temperature sensors installed in the passion
fruit pulp registered −18 °C, for both cases. The
average reduction of the freezing time was 25 %
for the boxes located at the top and 20 % in the
base of the stack (Fig. 3).
Table 3 also shows the predicted values for the
freezing time and the errors between the predicted
and experimental values. The predicted freezing
times were obtained by applying average values
of convective heat transfer coefficients to rectan-
gular blocks. The results of the estimates of the
freezing times calculated using the experimental
data for h were in good agreement with the exper-
imental results. The average errors were 13 %
lower when the EAN form factor (Hossain et al.
1992) was tested without airflow induction, and
the average errors were under 2 % with airflow
induction. Table 3 shows that the airflow induction
on the stack of boxes reduced the freezing time.
The results are useful when choosing a process
configuration and take into consideration the fro-
zen passion fruit pulp quality, energy consumption,
aggregate values, and the final consumer for the
same cooling capacity of the system.

Energy consumption
Fig. 6 Average convective heat transfer coefficients without, SD
(a) and with, CD airflow induction (b) obtained during the freezing
of boxes of passion fruit pulp located at positions (X=1.565, Y= Table 4 shows the electrical parameter values that were
0.163), (X=1.565, Y=0.673), and (X=1.565, Y=1.183) in the stack measured during the pulp freezing process in the two
Energy Efficiency

Fig. 7 Effects of airflow

alteration on the average
convective heat transfer
coefficient values measured at
different stack positions without
and with induced airflow

situations (without and with airflow induction). The number of batches per month (NBM), the monthly
electrical parameters were obtained after the end of the active energy (MAE), the monthly physical production
process when all of the temperature sensors in the pas- (MPP), the specific consumption (SC), and the charge
sion fruit pulp registered −18 °C. Table 4 also shows the factor (CF).

Table 3 Comparison between

experimental and predicted freez- Process hm (W/m2 °C) texp (h) tpred (EAN) (h) e (EAN) (%)
ing times
Without induction 7.599 40.13 45.19 12.61
With induction 10.419 32.37 32.76 1.20
Energy Efficiency

Table 4 Electrical parameters measured during the freezing process with and without induced airflow over the stack

Process QBAT (kg) AE (kWh) RE (kVArh) AD (kW) MAD (kW) texp,max (h)
Without induction 525 176.516 123.078 3.536 5.674 40.13
With induction 525 147.099 100.721 3.586 5.602 32.37
NBM MAE (kWh) MPP (kg) SC (kWh/kg) CF PF
Without induction 18 3,177.288 9,450 0.3362 0.7671 0.820
With induction 22 3,236.178 11,550 0.2802 0.7913 0.825

QBAT the quantity of fruit pulp processed per batch, AE active energy, RE reactive energy, AD active demand, MAD maximum active
demand, texp,max experimental freezing time, NBM number of batches per month, MAE monthly active energy, MPP monthly physical
production, SC specific consumption, CF charge factor, PF power factor

The number of batches per month, used to evaluate the Table 4 shows that the variation of the charge factor
energy consumption during an interval of 30 days was not significant when the configuration was altered.
(730 hours), was calculated using Eq. (14) (Reno et al. The charge factor is the electrical parameter that repre-
2011). sents the maximum degree of active demand. Usually,
the active demand is inversely proportional to the active
NBM ¼ ð14Þ energy. However, in this case, the results showed that
t exp;max this relationship was not significant. In other words,
The MAE during the 30-day period was determined there was a reduction at the expense of the active energy
using Eq. (15). and the demand remained constant when the obstacles
were installed to direct the airflow on the product.
MAE ¼ NBMðEAÞ ð15Þ During the processing of passion fruit pulp, the power
factor was slightly higher with airflow induction than
The MPP during this period was determined using without induction.
Eq. (16) (RS-SENAI 2003). It can also be observed in Table 4 that the reactive
MPP ¼ NMBðQBATÞ ð16Þ energy for the configuration with induction was lower
than without induction. The power factor shows how
The SC was calculated using Eq. (17), and the CF much of the total supplied power (kilovolt-ampere) is
was calculated using Eq. (18) (RS-SENAI 2003). used as active energy (kilowatt), and it indicates the
efficiency of the electrical system. When passion fruit
SC ¼ ð17Þ pulp was processed without airflow induction, the high
MPP RE value indicated that the compressor motor operated
without a load longer than with airflow induction, where
the RE value was lower, and the cooling system operat-
ed more intensely to reduce the heat load. Therefore, the
CF ¼ ð18Þ airflow induction reduced the specific consumption by
approximately 16.67 % and increased the physical pro-
Table 4 shows that the highest energy consumption duction without compromising the quality and operation
occurred when the pulp was frozen in boxes without of the electrical system.
airflow induction on the stack (176.52 kWh), due to the
longer time necessary to completely freeze the samples.
The lowest energy consumption (147.10 kWh) occurred Conclusions
when the pulp was frozen in boxes with directed airflow.
Table 4 also shows that the SC without directed airflow In this work, a technique to measure heat transfer coef-
(0.3362 kWh/kg of pulp) was higher than with directed ficients based on the balance of transient energy in
airflow (0.2802 kWh/kg of pulp). Directed airflow re- boxes containing metal tanks filled with antifreeze so-
duced the specific consumption by approximately lutions (with known low-temperature thermal proper-
16.67 %. ties) was applied in a low-cost freezing tunnel that is
Energy Efficiency

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