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Pachuca Obsidian Blades from the U.S.

Southwest: Implications for

Mesoamerican Connections and Coronado’s Mexican Indian Allies

Sean G. Dolan and M. Steven Shackley

The connection between people in the prehispanic U.S. Southwest / Northwest Mexico (SW/NW) and Mesoamerica is one of the
most debated research topics in American archaeology. SW/NW groups used objects from Mesoamerica, but did they also trade
for obsidian? Archaeologists have yet to find Mesoamerican obsidian from confirmed prehispanic SW/NW contexts, but here we
discuss four green obsidian prismatic blades from New Mexico and Arizona. Using EDXRF spectrometry, we demonstrate that
the blades are from the Pachuca source in Mesoamerica. The blades were found at four sites that the Spanish and their Mexican
Indian allies used or potentially visited beginning in AD 1540. Using lithic technological organization and historical narra-
tives, we assess the credibility of the different hypothesized models of prehispanic SW/NW-Mesoamerican interaction and
obsidian use by the Mexican Indian allies. We suggest that green Pachuca blades would have been traded into the SW/NW
if interaction with Mesoamerica had occurred more frequently. We also offer reasons why archaeologists have found so
few Mesoamerican obsidian blades at post-1540 sites. This research is relevant because it expands our knowledge about
SW/NW-Mesoamerican connections and the Mexican Indian allies of the Spanish, who are an underrepresented group in
the archaeological and historical records.

Keywords: U.S. Southwest, Mesoamerica, obsidian, XRF spectrometry, Coronado, lithic technology

La conexión entre las personas en el suroeste de los Estados Unidos prehispánico/noroeste de México (SW/NW) y Meso-
américa es uno de los temas de investigación más debatidos en la arqueología estadounidense. Los grupos SW/NW usaron
objetos de Mesoamérica, pero ¿también comerciaron por obsidiana? Los arqueólogos aún tienen que encontrar obsidiana
mesoamericana de contextos prehispánicos confirmados SW/NW, pero aquí discutimos cuatro hojas prismáticas de obsidiana
verde de Nuevo México y Arizona. Usando espectrometría EDXRF, demostramos que las palas son de la fuente Pachuca en
Mesoamérica. Las hojas fueron encontradas en cuatro sitios que los españoles y sus aliados indios mexicanos usaron o poten-
cialmente visitaron a partir de del año 1540. Usando organización tecnológica lítica y narrativas históricas, evaluamos la
credibilidad de los diferentes modelos hipotetizados de interacción prehispánica SW/NW-Mesoamericana y obsidiana. uso
por los aliados indios mexicanos. Sugerimos que las hojas verdes de Pachuca se habrían intercambiado con el SW/NW si
la interacción con Mesoamérica hubiera ocurrido con mayor frecuencia. También ofrecemos razones por las que los arqueó-
logos han encontrado tan pocas hojas de obsidiana mesoamericana en sitios posteriores a 1540. Esta investigación es rele-
vante ya que amplía nuestro conocimiento sobre las conexiones SW/NW-Mesoamérica y los aliados indios mexicanos de los
españoles, que son un grupo subrepresentado en los registros arqueológicos e históricos.

Palabras clave: Suroeste de los Estados Unidos, Mesoamerica, obsidiana, espectrometría XRF, Coronado, tecnología lítica

his year marks the quincentennial anni- Empire in AD 1521 (all dates are AD). One fall-
versary of when Hernán Cortés seized out of the Spanish invasion of Mesoamerica was
Tenochtitlan and conquered the Aztec the interaction and trade between disparate

Sean G. Dolan (, corresponding author) ▪ Environment, Safety and Health, N3B Los Alamos, 1200
Trinity Suite 150, Los Alamos, NM 87544, USA
M. Steven Shackley ▪ Geoarchaeological XRF Laboratory, 8100 Wyoming Boulevard NE, Suite M4-158, Albuquerque, NM
87113, USA; Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, 232 Kroeber Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-3710, USA
American Antiquity 86(4), 2021, pp. 773–793
Copyright © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the Society
for American Archaeology

774 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY Vol. 86, No. 4, 2021

groups on the North American continent that Whichever position one takes, one cannot ignore
may never have met before that time, including that maize agriculture and the Uto-Aztecan lan-
when people in what is now the U.S. Southwest guage spread from Mesoamerica into the SW/
and Northwest Mexico (SW/NW) encountered NW (Hill 2002; LeBlanc 2008) and that groups
the Spanish and their Mexican Indian allies in acquired objects of Mesoamerican origin. Nel-
1540. Even before Spanish arrival, however, son (2006; Nelson et al. 2017) refers to these as
SW/NW groups had an extensive interaction Mesoamerican interaction markers.
and trading network on the continent (Smith Mesoamerican interaction markers include
and Fauvelle 2015; Vokes and Gregory 2007). physical objects and raw materials such as cop-
Documenting the interaction and trade among per bells, cacao, marine shell, pyrite-encrusted
disparate groups that live large distances from mirrors, and scarlet macaws (Crown et al.
each other is significant for understanding 2015; Gallaga 2014; Vargas 1995; Vokes and
human behavior, and Lekson and Peregrine Gregory 2007). Ideology and iconography are
(2004; Peregrine and Lekson 2012) have focused also markers because people in the SW/NW
on identifying these long-distance connections and Mesoamerica revered horned and feathered
archaeologically. They recommend a continental serpent deities as well as masked dancers,
perspective for North American archaeology that and the Ancestral Pueblo and the Mimbres inte-
makes one acknowledge that people in the past grated aspects of the Flower World and the
were aware of other groups hundreds or some- Hero Twins saga into their material culture (Gil-
times thousands of kilometers away, and events man et al. 2014; Hays-Gilpin and Hill 1999;
happening in one region may have had an impact Mathiowetz 2018; McGuire 2011). Furthermore,
on events in another region. In other words, Mesoamerican-like public ritual architecture
physical distance does not necessarily determine exists in the form of I- and T-shaped ball courts,
the presence or absence of social relationships. platform effigy mounds, and colonnades at some
Several researchers have used a continental per- Hohokam, Chaco Canyon, and Casas Grandes
spective to document the long-distance move- sites (Di Peso et al. 1974; Wilcox 1991). The
ment of people, objects, and ideas across presence of Mesoamerican interaction markers
ancient North America (DeBoer 2004; Gilman implies long-distance connections. However,
et al. 2014; White and Weinstein 2008). people at Pueblo Bonito in Chaco Canyon and
One of the most enduring and debated Snaketown near Phoenix, for example, likely
research topics in American archaeology over integrated the Mesoamerican elements differ-
the past century has been the scope and scale ently from the traditional use of the objects and
of interaction and trade between the SW/NW ideas originally intended in Mesoamerica. In
and Mesoamerica (Mathien and McGuire 1986; other words, SW/NW groups often used these
McGuire 1980, 2011; Phillips 2002). Archaeolo- nonlocal objects and ideas to fit their own social,
gists generally fall into one of three positions on political, and ritual practices (McGuire 1980,
SW/NW-Mesoamerican connections. Some 2011; Nelson 2006; Nelson et al. 2017; Shepard
argue that Mesoamerican agents greatly influ- et al. 2021).
enced SW/NW cultural evolution as specialist If people in the prehispanic SW/NW acquired
long-distance merchant-spies—or pochteca— chocolate drinks, colorful feathers, and horned
infiltrated Chaco Canyon and Casas Grandes serpent deities from Mesoamerica, did they also
(Paquimé) to establish northern trading outposts acquire Mesoamerican obsidian? This incredibly
(Di Peso 1968; Kelley and Kelley 1975). Others sharp, easily knappable volcanic glass is an
challenge that position and maintain that each excellent lithic raw material to elucidate and
culture evolved independently because both track SW/NW-Mesoamerican connections
regions had their own unique in situ histories because each obsidian source on the landscape
(McGuire 1980; Whalen and Minnis 2003). has its own unique geochemical signature. Con-
Finally, some take a middle position and see sequently, characterizing the trace elemental
merit to both the imperialist and isolationist composition of obsidian artifacts using one of
stances but differ on the scale (Lekson 2015). the many analytical methods available can

reliably lead to the identification of individual is relatively uncommon in this region, and pre-
obsidian sources with confidence, ultimately hispanic groups did not manufacture prismatic
allowing archaeologists to connect people to blades. Therefore, these four obsidian artifacts
places to things on continental scales (Barker are an anomaly when viewed alongside typically
et al. 2002; Dillian et al. 2010; Dolan et al. 2018). chipped stone assemblages. It was essential to
Although people moved obsidian across determine whether the obsidian was from
diverse environmental and cultural regions of regional or nonlocal sources, and Shackley
North America for millennia, and although (2008, 2018) used energy-dispersive X-ray fluor-
archaeologists have analyzed tens of thousands escence (EDXRF) spectrometry to determine the
of obsidian artifacts from SW/NW sites, Meso- source. His analyses confirmed that the four
american obsidian from confirmed prehispanic blades match the geochemical signature of Sierra
SW/NW contexts has yet to be found and de Las Navajas—also known as the Pachuca
reported. Similarly, no obsidian from the SW/ source—in Hidalgo, Mexico (Figure 2).
NW has been reported in Mesoamerica. With Three of the four blades were first reported
few exceptions, SW/NW groups only used elsewhere with minimal discussion and without
obsidian from New Mexico, Arizona, Chihua- broader contextualization, and the blades are
hua, and Sonora (Arakawa et al. 2011; Dolan relatively unknown to most SW/NW and Meso-
et al. 2017; Duff et al. 2012; Mills et al. 2013; american archaeologists. We contextualize
Moore et al. 2020; Shackley 2005a). In this arti- them together because they are the only known
cle, however, we discuss the implications and Mesoamerican obsidian artifacts in the SW/
significance of four green obsidian prismatic NW, despite centuries of interaction and trade
blades and blade fragments from sites in New between these two regions. Instead of coming
Mexico and Arizona (Figure 1). Green obsidian from sites with numerous Mesoamerican inter-
action markers—such as Pueblo Bonito, Snake-
town, or Paquimé—the Pachuca blades were
found at four sites that the Spanish and their
Mexican Indian allies used or potentially visited
beginning with the Francisco Vázquez de Coro-
nado expedition of 1540–1542.
We begin this article with a brief introduction
of LA 54147, LA 80000, and Otowi (LA 169) in
New Mexico and Tumacácori in Arizona, where
the blades and blade fragments were found (Fig-
ure 2). Next, we briefly describe EDXRF spec-
trometry, because Shackley (2008, 2018) used
that method to determine from which source
the four blades derive, and then we present the
results. Using the EDXRF data, lithic techno-
logical organization, and historical narratives,
we assess the credibility and likelihood of the
different hypothesized models of prehispanic
SW/NW-Mesoamerican interaction, and obsid-
ian use by the Mexican Indian allies. We first
discuss why people in the SW/NW might have
valued Mesoamerican obsidian, mainly green
Pachuca blades. We also suggest why Meso-
american obsidian was not part of the suite of
Figure 1. The four green obsidian prismatic blades and
blade fragments from (a) LA 54147, (b) LA 80000, (c) Mesoamerican material culture that moved
Otowi, and (d) Tumacácori. Photo by Sean Dolan. north into the SW/NW. We then consider why
(Color online) the Mexican Indians may have brought the
776 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY Vol. 86, No. 4, 2021

Figure 2. Map of the four sites in New Mexico and Arizona, location of cultural groups in the SW/NW, regions discussed
in the text, and the Pachuca obsidian source in Hidalgo, Mexico. Map by Sean Dolan.

Pachuca blades into New Mexico and Arizona, complicated and long-distance relationship
and why archaeologists have found so few pieces between the prehispanic SW/NW and Meso-
of Mesoamerican obsidian at post-1540 sites. america by addressing interaction and trade and
Based on the available data, Mesoamerican the extent of Mesoamerican influence on SW/
obsidian is not a marker for prehispanic SW/ NW groups after 900. This study also provides
NW-Mesoamerican interaction. Instead, Pachuca new perspectives on the material culture of the
obsidian is a time marker for 1540 and later, Mexican Indian allies of the Spanish, who are a
and it provides evidence that Mexican Indians very much underrepresented group in the arch-
were likely present. This study contributes to the aeological and historical records (Flint 1997).

Sites and Artifacts Sampled LA 80000

LA 54147 LA 80000 is in downtown Santa Fe, New Mex-

ico, across from the Palace of the Governors,
As part of a New Mexico State Highway and which was built in 1610. During test excavations
Transportation Department project in 1986, and data recovery in 2004, archaeologists found
archaeologists excavated 15 temporary struc- intact cultural deposits from the late seventeenth
tures—or dugouts—at LA 54147 in Bernalillo, century, the nineteenth century, and the modern
New Mexico (Vierra 1989). Vierra (1989, era (Lentz 2004). Artifacts recovered include
1992; Vierra and Hordes 1997) makes a strong faunal remains, lithics, glass, metal, and ceram-
argument that members of the Coronado expe- ics. Impacted musket balls, gunflints, broken
dition camped at the site because the pottery stone arrow points, and a broken sword or knife
assemblage provides an approximate date of tip suggest conflict may have occurred at the
1525–1625, and metal artifacts and sheep bone location (Lentz 2004:63). Archaeologists recov-
were found. Three radiocarbon dates also support ered a date of 1660 ± 60 (RCY) from a pit fea-
a sixteenth-century occupation. ture, so the site may have been used during the
Approximately 300 lithic artifacts were recov- 1680 Pueblo Revolt.
ered during excavations, including a green obsid- The lithic assemblage includes approximately
ian blade fragment from Room 14a (specimen 300 artifacts of formal and informal manufac-
number 6918; Figure 1a). This room is a ture, but Lentz (2004:41) notes that it was diffi-
rectangular-shaped dugout with several artifact cult to discern lithics that originated from
types, and the fill contained the greatest concen- mixed proveniences, secondary deposition, his-
tration of metal artifacts at the site. Robert Sant- toric contexts, or prehispanic contexts. One arti-
ley visually identified the source material as fact is a green obsidian blade fragment that Lentz
Pachuca, and Bart Olinger used XRF spectrom- (2004:41) says is from the Pachuca source
etry to confirm (Vierra 1989:vii). Olinger did (specimen number 51673; Figure 1b). He does
not report the trace elemental proportions, but not, however, discuss or include whether the
Vierra (1992:170) states that the blade’s compo- blade was analyzed to confirm the Pachuca ori-
sition is nearly identical to Pachuca. The LA gin, the blade’s site provenience, measurements,
54147 blade fragment is likely the earliest iden- description, or an image. The LA 80000 artifact
tification of Mesoamerican obsidian in the is a medial blade fragment that is similar in
SW/NW. size and color to the LA 54147 fragment. There
The site report does not include measure- is wear on both edges, and the ripple patterns
ments or an image of the blade fragment, but on the ventral surface suggest a manufacturing
Flint (1997:Figure 4.4) provides a line draw- error. The blade was likely part of someone’s
ing. See Table 1 for length, width, thickness, personal gear rather than used as part of a
and mass for all four blade artifacts. Vierra weapon.
(1989:212) describes the artifact as the prox-
imal end of a blade with a flat, ground platform Otowi
that the knapper strengthened by removing Otowi, also known as Potsuwi’i, is an ancestral
flakes along the platform’s intersection and Tewa village on the Pajarito Plateau near Los
dorsal surface. Ground platforms on blades Alamos and White Rock, New Mexico. Dating
are a hallmark of blade manufacture during to the Rio Grande Classic period of 1325–
the Mesoamerican Postclassic period from 1600, Otowi has five multistoried pueblo room
900 to 1521 (Healan 2009). The dorsal surface blocks with an estimated combined total of 450
has a medial ridge with two lateral negative individual ground-floor rooms—or a potential
flake scars, and the ventral surface has a pro- total of 700 rooms—as well as an open plaza,
nounced bulb of percussion. Both blade edges water reservoir, and multiple kivas (Hewett
have damage, and one edge may have unidirec- 1906:18–20). Several projects have occurred at
tional retouch. Otowi over the years (Hewett 1906; Lister
778 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY Vol. 86, No. 4, 2021

Table 1. Metric Attributes of the Obsidian Blade Artifacts.

Specimen Number Site Length (cm) Width (cm) Thickness (cm) Mass (g)
6918 LA 54147 1.00 1.45 0.40 0.7
51673 LA 80000 1.00 0.95 0.30 0.4
1598 Otowi (LA 169) 6.38 1.81 0.45 6.3
3665 Tumacácori 5.49 0.85 0.17 1.2

1940; Wilson 1916, 1917, 1918), but details are part of leftovers at the end of the 1986 inventory
limited (Mathien 2004:84–85; Vierra 2006). (specimen number 3665; Figure 1d). Jeremy
A green obsidian prismatic blade was col- Moss, then at Tumacácori National Historical
lected at Otowi, but it is unknown if it came Park, sent Shackley (2008) the blade and 19
from surface or subsurface contexts (specimen other obsidian artifacts from multiple park exca-
number BAND 1958; Figure 1c). National Park vations to determine the source. The blade is
Service archaeologists likely collected it when from Pachuca, but the other artifacts were pro-
they managed Otowi from 1932 to 1963 because duced from Arizona, New Mexico, and Sonoran
it is on display at the Bandelier National Monu- sources. The Tumacácori blade is a proximal
ment visitor center. Using EDXRF spectrometry, fragment of a nearly whole thin blade with a
Ferguson and Skinner (2006) determined that the medial ridge along the entire dorsal surface and
Otowi blade is from the Pachuca source. This a transverse break at its distal end. The platform
artifact is the longest and widest of the four is somewhat flat and ground, and there is wear
blades, and it has a semi-translucent green- on both blade edges. Someone used it as a cutting
yellow hue on the blade edge. It is a medial tool, and it still has use left because it is not dull.
blade fragment with a ridge along the entire dor- Unlike the other blades discussed, the Tumacá-
sal surface. Both blade edges have wear, cori blade was one of the last blades off its
although the edges still have use left because core, based on its morphology.
they are not entirely dull. Someone could have
used the blade as an inset within a weapon or EDXRF Spectrometry
as part of their personal gear as a simple cutting
tool. The archaeological record indicates that where
obsidian was available by obtaining it either di-
Tumacácori rectly at the source or through trade, people pre-
Tumacácori National Historical Park in southern ferred this lithic raw material because of its
Arizona consists of three separate Spanish mission predictable conchoidal fracture, razor-sharp
units: San José de Tumacácori, San Cayetano de edge, and associations with spiritual and cosmic
Calabazas, and Los Santos Ángeles de Guevavi. forces (Pastrana and Athie 2014; Saunders
The Hohokam and O’odham used these lands for 2001). As a result, knowing which sources peo-
centuries before the Spanish arrived. Father Eusebio ple used can tell us a great deal about past
Francisco Kino established Mission San Cayetano human lifeways. Fortunately, most obsidian
de Tumacácori in 1691 on an existing sources in the SW/NW and Mesoamerica are
Sobaípuri-O’odham village near the Santa Cruz well known both geochemically and geograph-
River (Kessel 1970; Seymour 2007; Shenk 1976). ically (Cobean 2002; Glascock 2011; Glascock
Scholars debate the location of San Cayetano de et al. 1998, 2010; Shackley 2005a), and archae-
Tumacácori (cf. Seymour 2007), but the currently ologists have conducted countless obsidian
standing Mission San José de Tumacácori was sourcing studies (e.g., Clark 2003; Dolan et al.
built in the 1750s to replace the original mission. 2017; Duff et al. 2012).
A green obsidian prismatic blade was col- Several methods exist to determine which
lected at Tumacácori, but park archaeologists obsidian sources people used, including
know little about its context although it was EDXRF spectrometry, neutron activation

analysis (NAA), and visual identification. Deter- The trace elemental proportions of the LA
mining the source based on visual characteristics 54147 blade fragment were not reported in Vierra
is more cost effective than geochemical methods, (1989), and it is unknown if the LA 80000 blade
especially if researchers have to source thou- fragment had been previously analyzed. In addi-
sands of obsidian artifacts. Most obsidian is tion, although we do not question Ferguson and
black, but other colors—such as gray, mahogany, Skinner’s (2006) source assignment on the
rainbow, and green—exist throughout the world. Otowi blade, Dolan wanted all four obsidian arti-
In some cases, researchers can tell one source facts analyzed by the same analyst. Shackley
from another based on the color and the presence (2018) analyzed the LA 54147, LA 80000, and
or degree of banding, translucency, and opaque- Otowi artifacts using a benchtop Thermo Scien-
ness, as well as through petrographic studies of tific QUANT’X EDXRF spectrometer at the
the crystals and microcrystals (Braswell et al. Geoarchaeological XRF Laboratory in Albu-
2000; Pierce 2015). Pachuca obsidian is often querque, New Mexico. A decade earlier, he ana-
verified visually because of its distinctive trans- lyzed the Tumacácori blade using a benchtop
lucent green color, but other obsidians in Meso- Thermo Scientific ARL QUANT’X EDXRF
america are green. For example, there are several spectrometer at the Berkeley Archaeological
green-colored obsidians in West Mexico (Glas- XRF Laboratory at the University of California,
cock et al. 2010:Table 12.1), and Tulancingo Berkeley (Shackley 2008). The blades were ana-
obsidian, also from Hidalgo, can be green but lyzed for major oxide, minor oxide (except for
is distinguishable from Pachuca by its opacity the Tumacácori blade), and the trace elements
and coarser texture (Cobean 2002:47). chlorine (Cl), titanium (Ti), manganese (Mn),
Visual identification is not always recom- zinc (Zn), rubidium (Rb), strontium (Sr), yttrium
mended because the same obsidian source can (Y), zirconium (Zr), niobium (Nb), barium (Ba),
produce glass of varying colors while having lead (Pb), and thorium (Th). Shackley (2008,
the same geochemical signature. For example, 2018) used the trace elemental proportions of
in the SW/NW, Cerro del Medio obsidian is Rb, Y, Nb, and Zr in parts per million (ppm) to
often black, but there is a mahogany variety discriminate individual source groups using scat-
(LeTourneau and Steffen 2002). Also, Antelope ter plots to separate the obsidian sources visually.
Wells obsidian has been mistaken for Pachuca See Shackley (2005a, 2008, 2011, 2018) for
because both are peralkaline glasses and are EDXRF instrumentation, protocols, and settings
green when viewed with transmitted light (Fer- used for this analysis.
guson 2012:403; Shackley 2005a:57). Some of
the obsidian that Di Peso excavated from EDXRF Results
Paquimé is green, and he suggested it came Three subgroups of Pachuca obsidian exist
from sources in Mesoamerica (Di Peso et al. (Argote-Espino et al. 2012; Glascock 2011;
1974:8:189). Thus far, Mesoamerican obsidian Glascock et al. 1998:40–43; Ponomarenko
has not been reported from Paquimé or other 2004), and the trace elemental composition of
sites in the Casas Grandes region, but Antelope the New Mexico and Arizona blades compares
Wells obsidian is common at sites dating to well with laboratory reference samples of the
1200–1450 (Dolan et al. 2017). Therefore, ana- Pachuca-1 source from the Las Minas block
lyzing obsidian artifacts using geochemical and ash flow (Figure 3; Table 2). Researchers
methods is the only way researchers can reliably have investigated the geology and archaeology
validate the source provenance. EDXRF spec- of Pachuca obsidian, making it one of the world’s
trometry is one of the more popular and estab- most studied sources (Donato et al. 2018; Levine
lished methods because it is nondestructive to 2014; Pastrana 1998, 2002; Pastrana and Athie
the artifact because samples are analyzed whole 2014; Ponomarenko 2004; Spence 1981;
with little to no sample preparation, it is cost- Tenorio et al. 1998). In addition, because of sev-
effective, and the analyst can measure 10 to 20 eral Spanish priests who documented daily life
trace elements and obtain results within minutes after the Spanish invasion, researchers have a
(Glascock 2011:Table 8.1; Shackley 2011). unique glimpse into the mining, manufacture,
780 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY Vol. 86, No. 4, 2021

Figure 3. Bivariate plots comparing Nb/Y and Zr/Rb of the four obsidian blades, the three Glascock (2011) Pachuca
subgroups, and two Pachuca samples from Shackley’s Geoarchaeological XRF Laboratory. (Color online)

trade, ritual use, and function of obsidian tools, distinctive with generally high amounts of iron
including blades from the Pachuca source and zirconium. It is also phenotypically distinc-
(Durán 1967; Hernandez 1959; Sahagún 1959, tive because the color varies from translucent
1963; Torquemada 1975). Clark (1989) provides bottle green to green-black to a shimmering
an excellent summary of the sixteenth-century gold-green, and a brownish-red variety also
ethnohistoric documents. occurs at the source (Pastrana 2002:21–22; Pas-
The Pachuca source is 10 km from the modern trana and Carballo 2017:330; Ponomarenko
city of Pachuca, 100 km northeast of Mexico 2004:78–79). Blocks of Pachuca obsidian range
City, and approximately 1,900 linear km south in shape from laminar or tabular to rounded or
of Otowi, making the Otowi blade one of the subangular and can be up to 150 cm in diameter,
farthest-traveled obsidian artifacts in the North but nodules can be as small as 10 cm in diameter
American archaeological record. Pachuca obsid- (Pastrana 2002:21). The green Pachuca obsidian
ian is a peralkaline glass, and it is elementally had to be mined deep in the ground using
Dolan and Shackley
Table 2. Elemental Concentrations for the Archaeological Samples, USGS RGM-1 Rhyolite Standard, the Pachuca-1 Source Sample from the Geoarchaeological XRF Laboratory, and
Glascock’s (2011) NAA and XRF Values Combined for Pachuca-1.


Na2O MgO Al2O3 SiO2 P2O5 K2O CaO V2O5 Fe2O3 Σ
Specimen Number % % % % % % % % % %
6918 (LA 54147) 3.666 0 6.429 71.555 0.00 9.066 0.9870 0.0140 6.307 98.0240
51673 (LA 80000) 3.581 0 6.445 71.237 0.02 9.347 1.1860 0.0230 6.294 98.1330
BAND 1598 (Otowi) 4.780 0 10.577 77.080 0.00 4.435 0.1137 0.0068 2.284 98.9760
Pachuca-1 4.708 0 10.519 77.416 0.00 4.263 0.1180 0.0000 2.266 99.2900
RGM1-S4 4.180 0 12.988 73.770 0.00 4.875 1.4290 0.0007 2.213 99.4557
Cl Ti Mn Zn Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Ba Pb Th
ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm
6918 (LA 54147) 5,042 1,165 883 263 204 11 101 918 94 <1 28 17
51673 (LA 80000) 4,496 1,328 928 305 214 14 106 923 90 <1 32 17
BAND 1598 (Otowi) 1,909 1,120 789 216 199 10 104 906 93 <1 22 23
3665 (Tumacácori) nra 1,425 970 264 215 5 106 910 89 17 nra nra
Pachuca-1 1,888 1,170 773 212 201 13 102 903 95 <1 25 11
RGM1-S4 486 1,548 306 41 150 108 28 220 8 815 19 17
Glascock 2011 nra 801–1089 733–1148 188–266 186–195 6–14 89–128 848–1019 76–92 19–43 nra 18
Note: The data from Glascock (2011:180) are the range of mean values for both the NAA and XRF analyses reported. The analysis of the Geoarchaeological XRF Laboratory’s Pachuca-1
standard and the archaeological samples is closest due to inter-instrument variability (see Glascock 2011; Shackley 2011).
nr = not recorded.

782 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY Vol. 86, No. 4, 2021

extensive shaft and tunnel mines that required a arrival also elicits questions. Who brought the
significant investment (Charlton and Spence Pachuca blades into New Mexico and Arizona,
1982; Pastrana 2002:19–20). Obsidian blades and why are there so few examples? We address
dominate most Mesoamerican lithic assem- these questions below by using historical narra-
blages, and blades made from Pachuca obsidian tives and discussing how prehispanic SW/NW
played a significant role in the state-level econ- groups and the Mexican Indian allies organized
omies of Teotihuacan, Tula, and Tenochtitlan. their lithic technology.
In a world without metal tools, obsidian blades
were the most common and effective cutting Green Obsidian and SW/NW-Mesoamerican
implement for utilitarian purposes (such as cut- Interaction and Trade
ting hair) and ritual activities (such as autosacri- People in the SW/NW interacted with and
fice), and as insets within weapons (Clark acquired objects from Mesoamerica before the
1989:311–316). Skilled craft specialists manu- 900s (Vokes and Gregory 2007). There is more
factured the prismatic blades, and they preferred evidence, however, for interaction and trade
green Pachuca obsidian over other materials after 900 because this was when the SW/NW
(Andrews 2002:49). “snapped together with Mesoamerica” (Nelson
In addition to the Pachuca blades from New et al. 2015:47; see also McGuire 2011:33–39).
Mexico and Arizona, there are other Pachuca Consequently, we suggest that Mesoamerican
obsidian artifacts from sites in the United States. obsidian should have entered the SW/NW during
In Kansas, Hoard and colleagues (2008) report this time.
two Pachuca artifacts from the Sharps Creek Several cultural transformations occurred in
site (14MP408), two late-stage polyhedral blades both regions after 900. In the SW/NW from
from 14MP1, and a large core fragment from 900 to 1450, there were large-scale population
14SN4 (see Shackley 2005b). In Oklahoma,1 migrations (Hill et al. 2004); the Hohokam,
Barker and colleagues (2002) discuss a Pachuca Chaco Canyon, and Casas Grandes regional sys-
scraper from the prehispanic Mississippian site tems emerged and declined (Crown and Judge
of Spiro. Hester and colleagues (2017) discuss 1991; Whalen and Minnis 2001); and the circu-
Mesoamerican obsidian in Texas, including lation of painted pottery and obsidian expanded
Pachuca flakes from two sites in Willacy County. (Mills et al. 2013). This time is also contem-
Finally, Robert Jackson (personal communica- poraneous with the Mesoamerican Postclassic,
tion 2019) reports Pachuca blades in Napa and when there were heightened economic connec-
Mendocino Counties in California that likely tions (Berdan et al. 2003; Blanton et al. 2005;
come from sixteenth-century Spanish voyages Braswell 2003), the mining of Pachuca obsidian
along the Pacific. increased (Cobean 2002; Pastrana 1998, 2002),
and the efficiency of prismatic blade manufacture
Discussion improved (Healan 2009). As for the control of
the Pachuca obsidian mines, Spence and Parsons
Material and ideological evidence exists demon- (1972:29) offer that the Toltecs controlled the
strating that people in the SW/NW and Meso- source during the Early Postclassic (900–1200;
america were “undeniably and inextricably see also Sahagún 1963:227), and Pastrana and
linked” (Schaafsma 1999:165). The lack of colleagues (2019:31) propose that the Aztec Tri-
Mesoamerican obsidian at prehispanic SW/NW ple Alliance controlled the Pachuca and Otumba
sites, however, raises questions about the degree mines in the 1500s. Golitko and Feinman (2015),
of interaction and trade and the extent of Meso- however, argue that obsidian was not under
american influence on SW/NW groups. Would highly centralized control during the Postclassic,
green Pachuca blades have been valuable to and local groups and towns shared access rights
SW/NW elites, if available, and why was obsid- to the Pachuca source (Clark 1989:303–304).
ian not part of the suite of Mesoamerican mate- The raw material that people use impacts how
rial culture that moved north? The limited they organize their lithic technology because the
presence of Pachuca obsidian after Spanish material size, shape, and quality can structure the

reduction strategy (e.g., freehand hard-hammer significant minerals such as turquoise and jade,
core reduction versus bipolar percussion) they obsidian is often found in places that could be
use, and it impacts the size of tool produced dangerous, such as mountains or deep within
(Andrefsky 1994). We suggest that green the ground. SW/NW and Mesoamerican groups
Pachuca blades would have been valuable to po- revered mountains because they are the homes
litical and religious elites in SW/NW societies of ancestors, spirits, and caves, which are con-
because lithic practitioners there did not use nected to the underworld. According to Matos
obsidian resources and lithic technology in the Moctezuma (1988:129), three of the nine levels
same manner as those in Mesoamerica. People of the Aztec underworld were characterized by
in Mesoamerica rarely had limits on the size of obsidian. There was an obsidian mountain
tool they could manufacture given that obsidian where the dead walked over sharp cutting paths,
was available in mass volume and large boulder there was the place of obsidian bladed winds,
size. Consequently, they manufactured several and an obsidian place of the dead. Green Pachuca
types of objects from obsidian, such as prismatic obsidian was mined deep in the ground using
blades, arrow points, and ritual or stylized extensive shaft and tunnel mines that were dan-
objects such as scepters, earspools, mirrors, and gerous. The connection between the Aztec under-
anthropomorphic eccentrics (Clark 1989; Pas- world and obsidian was likely inspired by the
trana and Athie 2014; Taube 1991). deep, dark, and dangerous obsidian mines
Those in the SW/NW were not as fortunate (Clark 1989:299–300). In modern Pueblo myth-
when it came to the volume and size of regional ology, mountains are closer to deities who control
obsidian sources. Nodules from most sources are thunder, lightning, and rainfall, and lightning
approximately 10 cm in diameter or less, but they forms obsidian when it strikes the ground (Ford
were still a valuable source of tool stone raw 1992:122). For SW/NW elites, owning green
material (Shackley 2005a). We note, however, Pachuca blades could have acted as what Bradley
that Cerro del Medio and Government Mountain (2000:81–96) calls a “piece of place” that would
obsidian from the primary source outcrops can be have connected them to distant places in Meso-
up to 100 cm in diameter, but they are rarely that america. Along with the location of raw material
size (Shackley 2005a). SW/NW knappers often sources as important places, many groups valued
used the bipolar percussion method to obtain the color of lithic materials (Arthur 2021; Taçon
usable cutting edges on tools from small obsidian 1991). Green Pachuca blades would likely have
nodules, which hindered biface manufacture of been valuable to SW/NW elites because green-
larger-sized tools. Although they could have (or blue-green) colored objects were associated
used Cerro del Medio and Government Moun- with water, fertility, and directional symbolism
tain obsidian to make prismatic blades, there is (Darras 2014; Holeman 2013:62–70; Levine
little evidence for blade production of any kind 2014:176–177).
after Clovis blade technology (Collins 1999). In a prestige-goods economy, elites or emer-
Many lithic studies focus on the environmen- ging elites achieved and affirmed their status by
tal or geological factors that affected the organiza- controlling access to goods that could only be
tion of lithic technology (Andrefsky 1994). Often obtained through external exchange (McGuire
overlooked, but equally important, however, are 1986:251). Doyel (1991) argues that Hohokam
the cultural factors that influenced why people elites living atop platform mounds facilitated
used one tool stone material over another. Cul- control and redistribution of obsidian because it
tures worldwide valued the location of raw mate- was a highly valued resource (see Shackley
rial sources because they were powerful places on 2005a:134–136). If the local or relatively local
the landscape and important to people’s cosmol- obsidian the Hohokam sought were a valued
ogy and history (Dillian 2007; Taçon 1991). Con- resource, undoubtedly green Pachuca blades
sequently, Pachuca blades would have likely been would have garnered substantial value because
valuable to SW/NW elites because of both of its color, place of origin, and technology.
Pachuca obsidian’s unique, recognizable green People in the Hohokam and Mesa Verde
color and its place of origin. Like other culturally regions often embedded their obsidian
784 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY Vol. 86, No. 4, 2021

procurement in other activities such as shell- Archaeologists often consider West Mexico to
collection and scouting trips (Arakawa et al. be a peripheral region to Central Mexico, and
2011; Mitchell and Shackley 1995). SW/NW more work needs to be conducted on the relation-
elites could have made the long-distance journey ships between the SW/NW and West Mexico
to Central Mexico to acquire green Pachuca (Nelson et al. 2015). People in West Mexico,
blades while gaining esoteric ritual knowledge however, became “Mesoamericanized” around
from Mesoamerican elites. Gilman and col- 900, when the Aztatlán tradition developed (Fos-
leagues (2014) have discussed a similar scenario ter 1999; Kelley 2000; Riley 2005). This cultural
in which people from the Mimbres region may tradition was part of a prestige economy because
have made the long and dangerous trip to Mexi- elites traded obsidian blades, copper, ceramics,
co’s Gulf Coast to acquire scarlet macaws and and marine shell. Pachuca blades reached West
knowledge from the Hero Twins saga. The Mim- Mexico, particularly at the regional center of
bres could have acquired obsidian during these San Felipe Aztatán in Nayarit (Pierce 2015,
trips, but there is no demonstrated evidence for 2021), but the interaction between West Mexico
Mesoamerican obsidian in the Mimbres region.2 and Central Mexico was minimal. While copper
If people, objects, and ideas circulated more bells, cacao, and marine shell from West Mexico
freely throughout the SW/NW and Mesoamerica and the Gulf of California moved north into the
after 900, and if green Pachuca blades were likely SW/NW during the Mesoamerican Postclassic,
valuable to elites, then why was obsidian not part no obsidian from West Mexico has been found
of the suite of Mesoamerican material culture in the SW/NW even though there are several
that moved north? One potential reason is that high-quality sources (Glascock et al. 2010).
the SW/NW already had sufficient obsidian to To conclude this discussion, people in the
produce tools, and people there were only inter- SW/NW and Mesoamerica interacted to some
ested in acquiring copper bells, cacao, and scarlet degree. At the same time, however, contact and
macaws because these objects were not locally trade were variable both regionally and through
accessible. Also, green Pachuca blades were dis- time (McGuire 1980; Nelson et al. 2017). We
tributed through regional market systems in also agree with McGuire (2011:49), who states
Mesoamerica, but the pochteca also distributed that the SW/NW and Mesoamerica were both
them using long-distance trade networks (Saha- more connected and less connected than many
gún 1959:Plate 14). The pochteca may not have asserted. If Mesoamerica had had more po-
have traveled into the SW/NW, which McGuire litical and religious influence over the SW/NW,
(1980) has proposed, or they did not bring obsid- utilitarian items such as obsidian blades might
ian to trade if they interacted with SW/NW have entered because they are low-bulk goods
groups. Furthermore, SW/NW elites may not that are easy to transport over long distances.
have wanted obsidian blades because they were Elites at Chaco Canyon and Paquimé likely emu-
the most common cutting implement in Meso- lated Mesoamerican elites by drinking cacao
america and cost so little that they were often from special vessels, using colorful scarlet
discarded after one use (Clark 1989:311; Torque- macaw feathers on ritual paraphernalia, and con-
mada 1975). structing Mesoamerican-like architecture to con-
Ancient Mesoamerica encompassed a large solidate their power (Lekson 2009, 2015; Nelson
geographic region and was culturally heteroge- 2006). They did not need Mesoamerican obsid-
neous, much like the SW/NW. An important ian, however, because they had other, more
question regarding SW/NW-Mesoamerican con- iconic symbols of Mesoamerican culture.
nections is with which part(s) of Mesoamerica New research also questions the scope and
did the SW/NW interact after 900? Instead of scale of SW/NW-Mesoamerican interaction and
Central Mexico, where the Pachuca source is trade. First, George and colleagues (2018) dem-
located, most objects from Mesoamerica that onstrate that scarlet macaws were possibly bred
the SW/NW obtained came from West in the SW/NW before the 1200s, which is
Mexico (Mathiowetz 2019; McGuire 2011; Nel- when breeding occurred at Paquimé. This
son 2006; VanPool et al. 2008; Vargas 1995). means that Chaco and Mimbres groups may not

have needed to travel so far to acquire these col- O’odham in the seventeenth and eighteenth cen-
orful and talkative birds. Second, researchers turies at the missions they established. The blade
offer that SW/NW groups received Meso- could have been exchanged or discarded at any
american objects in exchange for SW/NW tur- time during this period. Obsidian hydration anal-
quoise (Weigand 2008). But isotopic analyses ysis to obtain a relative date for the Otowi and
on turquoise tiles from the Templo Mayor indi- Tumacácori blades was not permitted because
cate that they are not from the SW/NW, and Thi- this method requires that part of the artifact be
bodeau and colleagues (2018:6) offer that cut. The results may also not be conclusive
turquoise may not have been an important long- because there are inherent challenges with obsid-
distance trade item between the two regions. ian hydration dating (Ridings 1996). It is difficult
Last, if people in both regions interacted regu- to determine if a Tewa, Hohokam, or O’odham
larly, then we should expect gene flow to have person before Spanish arrival acquired the
occurred. Ancient DNA studies confirm that Pachuca blades through down-the-line exchange
most people in the SW/NW were not genetically or if they traveled to Mesoamerica themselves.
related to those in Mesoamerica, but a few Mim- However, we offer that the blades likely entered
bres individuals share haplotypes with popula- Otowi and Tumacácori by 1540 or later because
tions further south (Morales-Arce et al. 2017; there is evidence for Spanish visitation, and
Snow et al. 2011). Mesoamerican obsidian has not been found
within confirmed prehispanic contexts at those
Mexican Indian Allies, Lithic Technology, and sites.
Pachuca Obsidian It is important to discuss who the Mexican
Of the four Pachuca artifacts discussed in this Indian allies were because they most likely
article, only the LA 54147 and LA 80000 brought the four Pachuca blades into New Mex-
blade fragments derive from known excavated ico and Arizona. Unfortunately, there is little
contexts. The LA 54147 blade fragment is from archaeological evidence for them despite their
contexts associated with the Coronado exped- large presence on the Coronado expedition
ition (Vierra 1989, 1992; Vierra and Hordes (Flint 1997). What little is known comes from
1997), and the LA 80000 blade fragment derives Spanish documents reported by Richard
from later contexts possibly associated with the Flint and Shirley Cushing Flint (Flint 2009;
Pueblo Revolt approximately 140 years after Flint and Flint 2005, 2019). The expedition
Coronado (Lentz 2004). We suggest that these included approximately 350 people from several
Pachuca artifacts were brought into New Mexico European countries and North Africa, but it
by Mexican Indians because there could have would hardly have been possible without an esti-
been as many as 2,000 Mexican Indian allies mated 1,300–2,000 Mexican Indian allies—or
accompanying the Coronado expedition in 1540 indios amigos—from Central and West Mexico,
(Flint 2009), and Mexican Indians lived in Santa including Mexica, Tarascan, and Tlaxcalan soci-
Fe during the late 1600s at the Barrio de Analco eties (Flint 2009; Flint and Flint 2019). They
community (Oster 2019; Wroth 2010). were not coerced into joining the expedition
Unfortunately, less is known about the Otowi but enlisted freely as guides, translators, and
and Tumacácori blades, but there is evidence that warriors, and they also carried equipment,
the Spanish and their Mexican Indian allies guarded livestock, and cooked (Flint and Flint
visited those sites. For the Otowi blade, one of 2019:205–208). If as many as 2,000 Mexican
Coronado’s officers may have inspected Otowi, Indians entered the SW/NW and likely brought
Puye, Tsirege, and Sankawi’i (Barrett 2002:44). obsidian blades for personal gear or weapons,
Tewa groups used these four large pueblos into why have archaeologists only found four blades
the last few decades of the 1500s, so the Mexican and blade fragments? There are explanations as
Indians could have traded the blade to those at to the limited number, and the answer stems
Otowi. For the Tumacácori blade, the Coronado from how the indios amigos organized their
expedition passed O’odham villages in southern lithic technology—specifically their obsidian
Arizona, and the Spanish interacted with the resources.
786 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY Vol. 86, No. 4, 2021

Few, if any, of the arms, shields, and armor Mesoamerican obsidian blades from
used during the sixteenth century have survived post-1540 SW/NW contexts are so uncommon
the archaeological record because they were con- potentially because of how blades were made.
structed from wood, bamboo, leather, cloth, and Few Mexican Indian allies on the Coronado
feathers. Fortunately, several Spanish accounts expedition were probably trained in core-blade
describe what the Aztecs used for battle (Clark technology. Mesoamerican craft specialists who
1989:313–314; Hassig 1988; Sullivan 1972). manufactured blades were all male and known
The Mexican Indians were well-trained, fierce as navajeros. Along with a high degree of skill
warriors who used several weapons, including and motor control, the navajeros used a wooden
bows and arrows with stone points, wooden crutch to gain a mechanical advantage to detach
spears or lances (tepuztopilli) with an obsidian long blades from polyhedral cores through pres-
point, and—perhaps the most infamous—the sure (Clark 1982, 1989; Crabtree 1968; Titmus
obsidian-edged wooden broad sword, also and Clark 2003). The indios amigos would
known as the macuahuitl (Clark 1989:313–314; have needed to bring wooden crutches on the
Hassig 1988:75–94; Sullivan 1972). This expedition to make additional blades, but Span-
weapon was approximately 50–80 cm long and ish documents do not mention that they brought
fitted with four to eight obsidian blades on both them. It is also quite possible, then, that they
sides. Starting in the Postclassic period (Cervera brought few macuahuitl weapons because they
Obregón 2006; Taube 1991), warriors used the could not replace broken blades. Moreover, the
macuahuitl for close combat. This weapon cuts Mexican Indian allies may not have brought a
muscular tissue and fractures bone easily, but sufficient supply of chipped-stone raw materials
experimental studies show its limits. Obsidian from their homeland because they did not expect
is so brittle that the blades inserted into the the expedition to last as long as it did. Once they
macuahuitl fracture after striking the opponent ran out of their supply, they likely used the
once, so the warriors had to replace the blades locally available lithic materials in the SW/NW.
(Cervera Obregón 2006; Hernandez 1959:407). They could have acquired obsidian from several
According to Durán (1967), the Aztecs would sources as the expedition moved through Sonora,
flee from the enemy and repair their Arizona, and New Mexico. They would not have
obsidian-edged weapons before the next battle, been able to make prismatic blades due to the
and they would work the used and dull blades small size of obsidian nodules they encountered,
into arrow points (Clark 1989:313; Hernandez but they could have made arrow points and other
1959:407). Each Aztec warrior needed 10–20 tools.
blades to renew their weapons (Clark The Coronado expedition was a large and
1989:308). Consequently, if they brought the expensive endeavor that turned out to be rather
macuahuitl into the SW/NW, then they must unsuccessful. The expedition ended in 1542
have also brought additional finished blades when Coronado returned to Mexico City, but
and polyhedral cores to replenish their stock. some indios amigos stayed in the SW/NW
The Spanish also used the indigenous weapons (Flint and Flint 2005:166–167). After Coronado,
of Mesoamerica because European weapons Spanish expeditions were much smaller, had
were difficult to acquire on the Coronado expe- relatively less conflict with indigenous groups,
dition (Flint 2009:67). The Spanish could have and included fewer Mexican Indians (Mathers
deposited the Pachuca blades at the four sites, 2013). Flint (1997:53–54) contends that the use
but it is more likely that their indios amigos did of obsidian blades and obsidian-edged weapons
so because there were so many more of them. diminished given that steel weapons would
We are not certain that the four New Mexico have been adopted by the 1580s. However, sev-
and Arizona Pachuca blades were used as inserts eral decades after the Spanish invasion, stone
for weapons, but the Mexican Indians could have tools were still manufactured, even with the
brought them as personal gear for simple utilitar- adoption of metal tools. For example, with the
ian tools for cutting, scraping, and possibly even Spanish cut off from European raw materials,
ritual autosacrifice. priests commissioned navajeros to make

obsidian tools (Saunders 2001:226). In addition, that the Spanish and their Mexican Indian allies
during this time, stone tool manufacture with used or potentially visited beginning with the
Otumba obsidian increased when state- Coronado expedition in 1540. Archaeologists
sponsored production of prismatic blades and previously reported these artifacts, but most
Pachuca obsidian distribution declined (Pastrana were unaware that they represent the only
et al. 2019). Much earlier, however, craft special- known pieces of Mesoamerican obsidian in the
ists at Teotihuacan preferred Pachuca obsidian SW/NW. The Pachuca blades offered us a unique
for blade manufacture but used Otumba for opportunity to assess not only prehispanic SW/
bifaces (Andrews 2002:49). Arrow points and NW-Mesoamerican interaction and trade but
debitage of Otumba obsidian may be present in also the Mexican Indian allies’ lithic technology.
the SW/NW, but Otumba does not stand out Several archaeologists have discussed Meso-
the way green Pachuca obsidian does. Archaeol- american interaction markers in the SW/NW,
ogists may think that the obsidian is local but it is also equally important to discuss the
because of its black color and decide not to ana- Mesoamerican elements people chose not to
lyze such artifacts with geochemical methods. acquire, such as obsidian. We first presented evi-
Nevertheless, of the tens of thousands of obsid- dence for why SW/NW elites could have valued
ian artifacts analyzed from SW/NW sites, no green Pachuca blades, but we also offered rea-
Otumba—in fact no Mesoamerican obsidian sons why Mesoamerican obsidian did not enter
other than Pachuca—has ever been recovered the SW/NW before Coronado. We concluded
and reported. that SW/NW elites would have valued green
Finally, one way to assess the arguments Pachuca blades because (1) they did not have
made above would be to increase the sample prismatic blade technology, (2) green-colored
size of sourced obsidian artifacts from sites objects were ritually significant, and (3) owning
where warfare occurred between Pueblo groups Pachuca blades would have referenced powerful
in the SW/NW and the Spanish and their indios and faraway Mesoamerican polities. However,
amigos. For example, at Piedras Marcadas, we suggested that Mesoamerican obsidian was
archaeologists found dozens of Coronado-era not traded because people in the SW/NW already
crossbow boltheads, metal artifacts, Mexican- had access to obsidian, and obsidian blades were
style arrow points and slingstones, and numerous not necessarily high-status Mesoamerican items.
obsidian flakes that could be debris from macua- Investigating the earliest encounters between
huitl weapons (Schmader 2017:66–67). EDXRF SW/NW groups, the Spanish, and their Mexican
analysis of obsidian artifacts from subsurface and Indian allies is significant for understanding the
surface contexts at Piedras Marcadas demon- interaction and trade between disparate groups
strates that the obsidian is all from New Mexico on the North American continent. Regarding
(Shackley 2013, 2014). It is beneficial to analyze the limited presence of Pachuca blades in the
additional obsidian artifacts from this period, but SW/NW after 1540, we discussed who may
studies already show that Mesoamerican obsid- have brought the blades and why there are so
ian is not present at other post-1540 sites in few examples from this period. Based on the cur-
New Mexico and Arizona (Liebmann 2017; rent evidence, we suggested that the Mexican
Loendorf et al. 2013). Indians from the Coronado expedition and the
other Spanish-led expeditions brought the
Summary and Conclusions Pachuca obsidian because their weapons
required blades, and they used blades for utilitar-
We have discussed the implications and signifi- ian purposes. We also listed reasons why there
cance of four green obsidian prismatic blades are so few examples, such as the lack of skill
and blade fragments from LA 54147, LA and the tools required to make blades.
80000, Otowi in New Mexico, and Tumacácori Finally, despite the great geographic distance
in Arizona. EDXRF spectrometry confirmed and vast disparities in sociopolitical scale, people
that the blades are from the Pachuca source in in the SW/NW and Mesoamerica knew each
Central Mexico. The blades were found at sites other—or at least knew of each other. Some
788 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY Vol. 86, No. 4, 2021

Mesoamerican material culture moved north, but is of an obsidian core resembling Mesoamerican technology
that allegedly came from the floor of a Mimbres room. The
obsidian did not until 1540. Until archaeologists Mimbres site in question is unknown, and the location of
find Mesoamerican obsidian from confirmed pre- the core is unresolved.
hispanic SW/NW contexts, Pachuca obsidian is a
time marker for 1540 and later in this region. We References Cited
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for New Mexico Archaeology, Jamie Civitello at Bandelier Arthur, Kathryn Weedman
National Monument (research permit BAND-2018SCI- 2021 Material Scientists: Learning the Importance of Col-
0016), and Paige Hoskins at the Western Archaeological our and Brightness from Lithic Practitioners. Cambridge
and Conservation Center for access to the four obsidian arti- Archaeological Journal 31:293–304.
facts. We thank Patricia Gilman, Christopher Schwartz, Jer- Barker, Alex W., Craig E. Skinner, M. Steven Shackley,
emy Moss, Kaitlyn Davis, and Matthew Schmader for Michael D. Glascock, and J. Daniel Rogers
providing comments on earlier drafts. We also thank Debra 2002 Mesoamerican Origin for an Obsidian Scraper from
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vided constructive and valuable feedback. Barrett, Elinore M.
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The Center for New Mexico Archaeology in Santa Fe, New Baugh, Timothy G., and Charles W. Terrell
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1. Bell (1959) reports on an obsidian core from the pro- Mesoamerican World, edited by Michael E. Smith and
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2. According to Stephen Lekson (personal communica- formations. In Settlement, Subsistence, and Social Com-
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Silver City, New Mexico, during the 1960s. One photograph nia, Los Angeles.

Bradley, Richard Glass Mountain Obsidian. In Living under the Shadow:

2000 An Archaeology of Natural Places. Routledge, Cultural Impacts of Volcanic Eruptions, edited by
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Tiguex Province: An Archaeologist’s Perspective. In
Current Research in the Late Prehistory and Early His- Submitted January 26, 2021; Revised April 24, 2021;
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