Shine On 3 Syllabus 1 Class Per Week

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Shine On!

3 – Syllabus: 1 class per week

Lesson Unit CB lesson and page number Vocabulary Structures Homework suggestions /
Extra work

1 Starter Unit, Lesson 1: pages 2, 3 Computer game, model, yo-yo, top. Do you like (models)? Vocabulary and Grammar
Welcome Lesson 2: page 4 Numbers 1-10. Yes, I do. Worksheet – Starter Unit,
Back! Hello, I’m… No, I don’t. Lesson 2

2 Starter Unit, Lesson 3: page 5 Fun, help, climb, help, candy. Do you like (dogs)? Starter Story Worksheet,
Welcome Yes, I do. Lesson 3
Back! No, I don’t.

I(He) can... / I(He) can’t…

3 Unit 1, My Lesson 1: pages 6, 7 Window, clock, bookshelf, closet, door, Where’s the (clock)? Vocabulary and Grammar
Bedroom Lesson 2: pages 8, 9 lamp. It’s (on) the (bookshelf). Worksheet – Unit 1, Lesson 1

On, in, under, next to It’s (on the left of) the
Value: We put away our things.

4 Unit 1, My Lesson 3: pages 10, 11 Rug, poster, toy chest, nightstand. Where’s Megabyte? Extra Practice, page 87
Bedroom He’s (under) the rug. Story Worksheet Unit 1,
See you later! Lesson 3
Have a nice day! Vocabulary and Grammar
Worksheet – Unit 1, Lesson 3

Notes: Worksheets and Tests are available in the Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM.

Shine On! 3 – Syllabus: 1 class per week

5 Unit 1, My Lesson 4: page 12 To the left of, to the right of, in front of, It’s (to the left of) the
Bedroom Review 1: page 13 behind. (closet).

Bedroom objects, prepositions. The (bed) is (next to) the


6 Unit 2, Wild Lesson 1: pages 14, 15 Lizard, alligator, owl, mouse, otter, It’s a (tortoise). Vocabulary and Grammar
Animals Lesson 2: pages 16, 17 tortoise. It’s an (alligator). Worksheet, Unit 2, Lesson 1
Extra Practice, page 88
Value: We play nicely.

7 Unit 2, Wild Lesson 3: pages 18, 19 Ant, bee, butterfly, spider. What is it? Extra Practice, page 89
Animals It’s an ant. Story Worksheet, Unit 2,
What is it? Lesson 3
I’m not sure. I like bees. Vocabulary and Grammar
I don’t like spiders. Worksheet, Unit 2, Lesson 3

8 Unit 2, Wild Lesson 4: page 20 Chameleon, octopus, stick bug, crab. It’s a (chameleon).
Animals Review 2: page 21 It’s an (octopus).
Lizard, alligator, owl, mouse, otter,
tortoise, ant, bee, butterfly, spider. What is it?
It’s a (butterfly).

9 Holidays, St. Pages: 78, 79 Ireland, parade, green costumes,

Patrick’s Day (Flexible lesson) shamrock.

10 Culture 1 Pages: 22, 23 Friend, games, snacks, pillow fight,

Sleepovers (Flexible lesson) sleepovers.

Notes: Worksheets and Tests are available in the Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM.

Shine On! 3 – Syllabus: 1 class per week

11 Units 1 & 2 Units 1 & 2 Tests Contents of Units 1 &2 Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM

12 Unit 3, Lesson 1: pages 24, 25 Lake, leaf, river, tree, rock, flower. Is it a (flower)? Vocabulary and Grammar
Nature Lesson 2: pages 26, 27 No, it isn’t. Worksheet, Unit 3, Lesson 1
Is it a (leaf)? Extra Practice, page 90
Yes, it is.

13 Unit 3, Lesson 3: pages 28, 29 Caterpillar, ladybug, snail, beetle. Is it a caterpillar? Extra Practice, page 91
Nature Yes, it is. Story Worksheet, Unit 3,
Can you help me? No, it isn’t. Lesson 3
Yes, of course. Vocabulary and Grammar
Worksheet, Unit 3, Lesson 3

14 Unit 3, Lesson 4: page 30 Ocean, mountain, valley, hill. This is a (mountain).

Nature Review 3: page 31 This is an (ocean).
Lake, leaf, river, tree, rock, flower,
caterpillar, ladybug, snail, beetle, ocean, What’s the weather like?
mountain, valley, hill. It’s (hot/cold/snowy).

Value: We work together. Is it a (flower)?

Yes, it is.
No, it isn’t.

15 Unit 4, Lesson 1: pages 32, 33 Pear, apple, pineapple, banana, orange, Can I have (two) Vocabulary and Grammar
Fabulous Lesson 2: pages 34, 35 peach. (apples/peaches), please? Worksheet, Unit 4,Lesson 1
Food Here you go. Extra Practice, page 92

Notes: Worksheets and Tests are available in the Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM.

Shine On! 3 – Syllabus: 1 class per week

16 Unit 4, Lesson 3: pages 36, 37 Hamburger, sandwich, pizza, milkshake. Can I have a hamburger, Extra Practice, page 93
Fabulous please? Story Worksheet, Unit 4,
Food Can I have (two) (milkshakes), please? Yes, you can. Lesson 3
Yes, of course. No, You can’t; Vocabulary and Grammar
Here you go. Worksheet, Unit 4, Lesson 3
Thank you.

17 Unit 4, Lesson 4: page 38 Juice, smoothie, soda, sugar. I like (juice).

Fabulous Review 4: page 39 Do you like (smoothies)?
Food Pear, apple, pineapple, banana, orange, I don’t like (soda).
peach, hamburger, sandwich, pizza,
milkshake. Can I have (two)
(milkshakes), please?
Value: We are patient.

18 Culture 2 Pages: 40, 41 Tent, fire, flashlight, stove.

Camping (Flexible lesson)

19 Units 3 & 4 Units3 & 4 Tests Contents of Units 3 &4 Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM

20 Unit 5, Is He Lesson 1: pages 42, 43 Doctor, teacher, pilot, chef, bus driver, Is she a pilot? Vocabulary and Grammar
a Chef? Lesson 2: pages 44, 45 firefighter. Yes, she is. Worksheet, Unit 5, Lesson 1
No, she isn’t. Extra Practice, page 94

21 Unit 5, Is He Lesson 3: pages 46, 47 Soccer player, singer, astronaut, vet. I want to be a (doctor). Extra Practice, page 95
a Chef? Story Worksheet, Unit 5,
Value: We pay attention. Is she a (doctor)? Lesson 3
Yes, she is. Vocabulary and Grammar
No, she isn’t. Worksheet, Unit 5, Lesson 3

Notes: Worksheets and Tests are available in the Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM.

Shine On! 3 – Syllabus: 1 class per week

22 Unit 5, Is He Lesson 4: page 48 Farmer, nurse, baker, soldier, now, then. Is (she/he) a baker?
a Chef? Review 5: page 49 Yes, (she/he) is.
Doctor, teacher, pilot, chef, bus driver, No, (she/he) isn’t.
He’s a pilot!

23 Unit 6, My Lesson 1: pages 50, 51 Library, supermarket, school, swimming What can you see? Vocabulary and Grammar
Town Lesson 2: pages 52, 53 pool, cafe, toy store. I can see a (school) Worksheet, Unit 6, Lesson 1
Extra Practice, page 96

24 Unit 6, My Lesson 3: pages 54, 55 Restaurant, bakery, playground, This is a … Extra Practice, page 97
Town bookstore. I can see… Story Worksheet, Unit 6,
Lesson 3
I’m hungry. How about you? Vocabulary and Grammar
Me, too! Worksheet, Unit 6, Lesson 3

25 Unit 6, My Lesson 4: page 56 North, south, east, west. The library is in the (north).
Town Review 6: page 57
Library, supermarket, school, swimming What can you see?
pool, cafe, toy store, restaurant, bakery, I can see a (school).
playground, bookstore.
Value: We listen carefully.

26 Culture 3 Pages: 58, 59 Statue, museum, building, park.

A Trip to (Flexible lesson)
New York

27 Units 5 & 6 Units 5 & 6 Test Contents of Units 5 & 6 Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM

Notes: Worksheets and Tests are available in the Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM.

Shine On! 3 – Syllabus: 1 class per week

28 Unit 7, Big or Lesson 1: pages 60, 61 Big, short, tall, small, old, young. That (bike) is (big). Vocabulary and Grammar
Small? Lesson 2: pages 62, 63 This (bike) is (small). Worksheet, Unit 7, Lesson 1
Value: We respect other people. Extra Practice, page 98

29 Unit 7, Big or Lesson 3: pages 64, 65 Heavy, light, dirty, clean. This backpack is (heavy). Extra Practice, page 99
Small? It’s (dirty). Story Worksheet, Unit 7,
Come on! Lesson 3
Wait for me! Vocabulary and Grammar
Worksheet, Unit 7, Lesson 3

30 Unit 7, Big or Lesson 4: page 66 Centimeter (cm), millimeter (mm). That tree is big!
Small? Review 7: page 57 And this tree is small.
Big, short, tall, small, old, young, heavy,
light, dirty, clean.

31 Unit 8, Our Lesson 1: pages 68, 69 Curly hair, straight hair, long hair, light She (He) has (short hair). Vocabulary and Grammar
Faces Lesson 2: pages 70, 71 hair, short hair, dark hair. Worksheet, Unit 8, Lesson 1
She (He) doesn’t have Extra Practice, page 100
(dark) hair.

32 Unit 8, Our Lesson 3: pages 72, 73 (Blue/brown) eyes, glasses, freckles, She (He) has (light) hair. Extra Practice, page 101
Faces braces.
She (He) doesn’t have Story Worksheet, Unit 8,
You look great! (dark) hair. Lesson 3
Thank you!
Vocabulary and Grammar
Worksheet, Unit 8, Lesson 3

Notes: Worksheets and Tests are available in the Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM.

Shine On! 3 – Syllabus: 1 class per week

33 Unit 8, Our Lesson 4: page 74 Drawing, painting, photograph, mosaic. She (He) has (light) hair.
Faces Review 8: page 75
Curly hair, straight hair, long hair, light She (He) doesn’t have
hair, short hair, dark hair, (blue) eyes, (glasses).
glasses, freckles, braces.

Value: We help each other.

34 Culture 4 Pages 76, 77 Sculpture, tourists, famous, photo.

Madame (Flexible lesson)

35 Holidays Pages 80,81 Turkey, sweet potatoes, corn, pumpkin

Thanksgiving (Flexible lesson) pie.

36 Units 7 & 8 Units 7 & 8 Test Contents of Units 7 & 8 Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM

Notes: Worksheets and Tests are available in the Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM.

Shine On! 3 – Syllabus: 1 class per week

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